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authorJose Pedro Magalhaes <>2013-03-08 10:42:39 +0000
committerJose Pedro Magalhaes <>2013-03-08 10:43:46 +0000
commit2154b82e97632abef64e73cc0f6c5cd13ab8e71c (patch)
parent25234646e96922e3f39e85134521da8552da42ad (diff)
Do not generate duplicate instances with AutoDeriveTypeable
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index c52be427df..1244acadfc 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -313,14 +313,7 @@ tcDeriving tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls
is_boot <- tcIsHsBoot
; traceTc "tcDeriving" (ppr is_boot)
- -- If -XAutoDeriveTypeable is on, add Typeable instances for each
- -- datatype and class defined in this module
- ; isAutoDeriveTypeable <- xoptM Opt_AutoDeriveTypeable
- ; let deriv_decls' = deriv_decls ++ if isAutoDeriveTypeable
- then deriveTypeable tycl_decls
- else []
- ; early_specs <- makeDerivSpecs is_boot tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls'
+ ; early_specs <- makeDerivSpecs is_boot tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls
; traceTc "tcDeriving 1" (ppr early_specs)
-- for each type, determine the auxliary declarations that are common
@@ -376,12 +369,6 @@ tcDeriving tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls
hangP s x = text "" $$ hang (ptext (sLit s)) 2 x
- deriveTypeable :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [LDerivDecl Name]
- deriveTypeable tys =
- [ L l (DerivDecl (L l (HsAppTy (noLoc (HsTyVar typeableClassName))
- (L l (HsTyVar (tcdName t))))))
- | L l t <- tys, not (isSynDecl t), not (isTypeFamilyDecl t) ]
-- Prints the representable type family instance
pprRepTy :: FamInst Unbranched -> SDoc
pprRepTy fi@(FamInst { fi_branches = FirstBranch (FamInstBranch { fib_lhs = lhs
@@ -492,17 +479,38 @@ makeDerivSpecs is_boot tycl_decls inst_decls deriv_decls
; eqns2 <- concatMapM (recoverM (return []) . deriveInstDecl) inst_decls
; eqns3 <- mapAndRecoverM deriveStandalone deriv_decls
; let eqns = eqns1 ++ eqns2 ++ eqns3
+ -- If AutoDeriveTypeable is set, we automatically add Typeable instances
+ -- for every data type and type class declared in the module
+ ; isAutoTypeable <- xoptM Opt_AutoDeriveTypeable
+ ; let eqns4 = if isAutoTypeable then deriveTypeable tycl_decls eqns else []
+ ; eqns4' <- mapAndRecoverM deriveStandalone eqns4
+ ; let eqns' = eqns ++ eqns4'
; if is_boot then -- No 'deriving' at all in hs-boot files
- do { unless (null eqns) (add_deriv_err (head eqns))
+ do { unless (null eqns') (add_deriv_err (head eqns'))
; return [] }
- else return eqns }
+ else return eqns' }
+ deriveTypeable :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [EarlyDerivSpec] -> [LDerivDecl Name]
+ deriveTypeable tys dss =
+ [ L l (DerivDecl (L l (HsAppTy (noLoc (HsTyVar typeableClassName))
+ (L l (HsTyVar (tcdName t))))))
+ | L l t <- tys
+ -- Don't add Typeable instances for type synonyms and type families
+ , not (isSynDecl t), not (isTypeFamilyDecl t)
+ -- ... nor if the user has already given a deriving clause
+ , not (hasInstance (tcdName t) dss) ]
+ -- Check if an automatically generated DS for deriving Typeable should be
+ -- ommitted because the user had manually requested for an instance
+ hasInstance :: Name -> [EarlyDerivSpec] -> Bool
+ hasInstance n = any (\ds -> n == tyConName (either ds_tc ds_tc ds))
add_deriv_err eqn
- = setSrcSpan loc $
+ = setSrcSpan (either ds_loc ds_loc eqn) $
addErr (hang (ptext (sLit "Deriving not permitted in hs-boot file"))
2 (ptext (sLit "Use an instance declaration instead")))
- where
- loc = case eqn of { Left ds -> ds_loc ds; Right ds -> ds_loc ds }
deriveTyDecl :: LTyClDecl Name -> TcM [EarlyDerivSpec]