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authorSebastian Graf <>2022-01-19 10:49:41 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-01-24 21:29:00 -0500
commita5c9409232d8b3bfc4f10812f97c26e743f041e2 (patch)
parent5262b1e541c8f67e249074eef5e0567e6603ccd9 (diff)
Write Note [Strict State monad] to explain what G.U.M.State.Strict does
As requested by Simon after review of !7342. I also took liberty to define the `Functor` instance by hand, as the derived one subverts the invariants maintained by the pattern synonym (as already stated in `Note [The one-shot state monad trick]`).
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad/State/Strict.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad/State/Strict.hs
index d5298955a5..b7cafb7f52 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad/State/Strict.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad/State/Strict.hs
@@ -21,9 +21,45 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Exts (oneShot)
--- | A state monad which is strict in the state.
+{- Note [Strict State monad]
+A State monad can be strict in many ways. Which kind of strictness do we mean?
+First of, since we represent the result pair as an unboxed pair, this State
+monad is strict in the sense of "Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict": The
+computations and the sequencing there-of (through 'Applicative and 'Monad'
+instances) are forced strictly.
+Beyond the manual unboxing of one level (which CPR could achieve similarly,
+yet perhaps a bit less reliably), our 'State' is even stricter than the
+transformers version:
+It's also strict in the state `s` (but still lazy in the value `a`). What this
+means is that whenever callers examine the state component (perhaps through
+'runState'), they will find that the `s` has already been evaluated.
+This additional strictness maintained in a single place, by the ubiquitous
+'State' pattern synonym, by forcing the state component *after* any state action
+has been run. The INVARIANT is:
+> Any `s` that makes it into the unboxed pair representation is evaluated.
+This invariant has another nice effect: Because the evaluatedness is quite
+apparent, Nested CPR will try to unbox the state component `s` nestedly if
+feasible. Detecting evaluatedness of nested components is a necessary
+condition for Nested CPR to trigger; see the user's guide entry on that:
+Note that this doesn't have any effects on whether Nested CPR will unbox the `a`
+component (which is still lazy by default). The user still has to use the
+`return $!` idiom from the user's guide to encourage Nested CPR to unbox the `a`
+result of a stateful computation.
+-- | A state monad which is strict in the state `s`, but lazy in the value `a`.
+-- See Note [Strict State monad] for the particular notion of strictness and
+-- implementation details.
newtype State s a = State' { runState' :: s -> (# a, s #) }
- deriving (Functor)
pattern State :: (s -> (# a, s #))
-> State s a
@@ -32,47 +68,51 @@ pattern State :: (s -> (# a, s #))
-- which as a very beneficial effect on compiler performance
-- See #18202.
-- See Note [The one-shot state monad trick] in GHC.Utils.Monad
+-- It also implements the particular notion of strictness of this monad;
+-- see Note [Strict State monad].
pattern State m <- State' m
- State m = State' (oneShot $ \s -> m s)
+ State m = State' (oneShot $ \s -> forceState (m s))
+-- | Forces the state component of the unboxed representation pair of 'State'.
+-- See Note [Strict State monad]. This is The Place doing the forcing!
+forceState :: (# a, s #) -> (# a, s #)
+forceState (# a, !s #) = (# a, s #)
+instance Functor (State s) where
+ fmap f m = State $ \s -> case runState' m s of (# x, s' #) -> (# f x, s' #)
instance Applicative (State s) where
- pure x = State $ \(!s) -> (# x, s #)
- m <*> n = State $ \s -> case runState' m s of
- (# f, !s' #) -> case runState' n s' of
- (# x, !s'' #) -> (# f x, s'' #)
+ pure x = State $ \s -> (# x, s #)
+ m <*> n = State $ \s ->
+ case runState' m s of { (# f, s' #) ->
+ case runState' n s' of { (# x, s'' #) ->
+ (# f x, s'' #) }}
instance Monad (State s) where
- m >>= n = State $ \s -> case runState' m s of
- (# r, !s' #) -> runState' (n r) s'
+ m >>= n = State $ \s -> case runState' m s of
+ (# r, !s' #) -> runState' (n r) s'
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a
-state f = State $ \s -> case f s of
- (r, !s') -> (# r, s' #)
+state f = State $ \s -> case f s of (r, s') -> (# r, s' #)
get :: State s s
-get = State $ \(!s) -> (# s, s #)
+get = State $ \s -> (# s, s #)
gets :: (s -> a) -> State s a
-gets f = State $ \(!s) -> (# f s, s #)
+gets f = State $ \s -> (# f s, s #)
put :: s -> State s ()
-put !s' = State $ \_ -> (# (), s' #)
+put s' = State $ \_ -> (# (), s' #)
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
-modify f = State $ \s -> let !s' = f s in (# (), s' #)
+modify f = State $ \s -> (# (), f s #)
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
-evalState s i = case runState' s i of
- (# a, _ #) -> a
+evalState s i = case runState' s i of (# a, _ #) -> a
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
-execState s i = case runState' s i of
- (# _, s' #) -> s'
+execState s i = case runState' s i of (# _, s' #) -> s'
runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)
-runState s i = case runState' s i of
- (# a, !s' #) -> (a, s')
+runState s i = case runState' s i of (# a, !s' #) -> (a, s')