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authorBartosz Nitka <>2015-11-21 15:49:14 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2015-11-21 15:49:14 +0100
commit6664ab8356f00ef0b2186f30a0d29a9c0228c045 (patch)
parent192dd068890701a7692890677d4cbf9f2abdb64a (diff)
Add DVarSet - a deterministic set of Vars
This implements `DVarSet`, a deterministic set of Vars, with an interface very similar to `VarSet` with a couple of functions missing. I will need this in changes that follow, one of them will be about changing the type of the set of Vars that `RuleInfo` holds to make the free variable computation deterministic. Test Plan: ./validate I can add new tests if anyone wants me to. Reviewers: simonpj, simonmar, austin, bgamari Reviewed By: simonmar, bgamari Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #4012
5 files changed, 313 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
index f5ea6edf19..e340117893 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,20 @@ module VarSet (
minusVarSet, foldVarSet, filterVarSet,
transCloVarSet, fixVarSet,
lookupVarSet, mapVarSet, sizeVarSet, seqVarSet,
- elemVarSetByKey, partitionVarSet
+ elemVarSetByKey, partitionVarSet,
+ -- * Deterministic Var set types
+ DVarSet, DIdSet, DTyVarSet,
+ -- ** Manipulating these sets
+ emptyDVarSet, unitDVarSet, mkDVarSet,
+ extendDVarSet,
+ elemDVarSet, dVarSetElems, subDVarSet,
+ unionDVarSet, unionDVarSets, mapUnionDVarSet,
+ intersectDVarSet,
+ isEmptyDVarSet, delDVarSet,
+ minusDVarSet, foldDVarSet, filterDVarSet,
+ sizeDVarSet, seqDVarSet,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -27,6 +40,7 @@ module VarSet (
import Var ( Var, TyVar, CoVar, Id )
import Unique
import UniqSet
+import UniqDSet
import UniqFM( disjointUFM )
@@ -113,7 +127,7 @@ subVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyVarSet (s1 `minusVarSet` s2)
fixVarSet :: (VarSet -> VarSet) -- Map the current set to a new set
-> VarSet -> VarSet
--- (fixVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to the set s,
+-- (fixVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to the set s,
-- until it reaches a fixed point.
fixVarSet fn vars
| new_vars `subVarSet` vars = vars
@@ -149,3 +163,66 @@ transCloVarSet fn seeds
seqVarSet :: VarSet -> ()
seqVarSet s = sizeVarSet s `seq` ()
+-- Deterministic VarSet
+-- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for explanation why we need
+-- DVarSet.
+type DVarSet = UniqDSet Var
+type DIdSet = UniqDSet Id
+type DTyVarSet = UniqDSet TyVar
+emptyDVarSet :: DVarSet
+emptyDVarSet = emptyUniqDSet
+unitDVarSet :: Var -> DVarSet
+unitDVarSet = unitUniqDSet
+mkDVarSet :: [Var] -> DVarSet
+mkDVarSet = mkUniqDSet
+extendDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Var -> DVarSet
+extendDVarSet = addOneToUniqDSet
+elemDVarSet :: Var -> DVarSet -> Bool
+elemDVarSet = elementOfUniqDSet
+dVarSetElems :: DVarSet -> [Var]
+dVarSetElems = uniqDSetToList
+subDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> Bool
+subDVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyDVarSet (s1 `minusDVarSet` s2)
+unionDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
+unionDVarSet = unionUniqDSets
+unionDVarSets :: [DVarSet] -> DVarSet
+unionDVarSets = unionManyUniqDSets
+-- | Map the function over the list, and union the results
+mapUnionDVarSet :: (a -> DVarSet) -> [a] -> DVarSet
+mapUnionDVarSet get_set xs = foldr (unionDVarSet . get_set) emptyDVarSet xs
+intersectDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
+intersectDVarSet = intersectUniqDSets
+isEmptyDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Bool
+isEmptyDVarSet = isEmptyUniqDSet
+delDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Var -> DVarSet
+delDVarSet = delOneFromUniqDSet
+minusDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
+minusDVarSet = minusUniqDSet
+foldDVarSet :: (Var -> a -> a) -> a -> DVarSet -> a
+foldDVarSet = foldUniqDSet
+filterDVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
+filterDVarSet = filterUniqDSet
+sizeDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Int
+sizeDVarSet = sizeUniqDSet
+seqDVarSet :: DVarSet -> ()
+seqDVarSet s = sizeDVarSet s `seq` ()
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 4c740f1002..b78c2b89e9 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -468,8 +468,9 @@ Library
- UniqFM
+ UniqDSet
+ UniqFM
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 6fde5c0301..e3f824e5f3 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -595,8 +595,9 @@ compiler_stage2_dll0_MODULES = \
TysPrim \
TysWiredIn \
Unify \
- UniqFM \
UniqDFM \
+ UniqDSet \
+ UniqFM \
UniqSet \
UniqSupply \
Unique \
diff --git a/compiler/utils/UniqDFM.hs b/compiler/utils/UniqDFM.hs
index 5f6554ed6c..3f2830ab1f 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/UniqDFM.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/UniqDFM.hs
@@ -25,11 +25,23 @@ module UniqDFM (
-- ** Manipulating those mappings
+ unitUDFM,
+ delFromUDFM,
+ plusUDFM,
+ elemUDFM,
+ filterUDFM,
+ isNullUDFM,
+ sizeUDFM,
+ intersectUDFM,
+ minusUDFM,
+ udfmToUfm,
+ alwaysUnsafeUfmToUdfm,
) where
import FastString
@@ -41,16 +53,32 @@ import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
+import UniqFM (UniqFM, listToUFM_Directly, ufmToList)
-- Note [Deterministic UniqFM]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- A @UniqDFM@ is just like @UniqFM@ with the following additional
+-- property: the function `udfmToList` returns the elements in some
+-- deterministic order not depending on the Unique key for those elements.
+-- If the client of the map performs operations on the map in deterministic
+-- order then `udfmToList` returns them in deterministic order.
+-- There is an implementation cost: each element is given a serial number
+-- as it is added, and `udfmToList` sorts it's result by this serial
+-- number. So you should only use `UniqDFM` if you need the deterministic
+-- property.
+-- `foldUDFM` also preserves determinism.
-- Normal @UniqFM@ when you turn it into a list will use
-- Data.IntMap.toList function that returns the elements in the order of
-- the keys. The keys in @UniqFM@ are always @Uniques@, so you end up with
-- with a list ordered by @Uniques@.
-- The order of @Uniques@ is known to be not stable across rebuilds.
-- See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique.
-- There's more than one way to implement this. The implementation here tags
-- every value with the insertion time that can later be used to sort the
-- values when asked to convert to a list.
@@ -61,12 +89,15 @@ import Data.Function (on)
-- where the list determines the order. This makes deletion tricky as we'd
-- only accumulate elements in that list, but makes merging easier as you
--- don't have to renumber everything.
--- I've tested both approaches by replacing UniqFM and the cost was about
--- the same for both. We don't need merging nor deletion yet, but when we
--- do it might be worth to reevaluate the trade-offs here.
-data TaggedVal val = TaggedVal val {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+-- can just merge both structures independently.
+-- Deletion can probably be done in amortized fashion when the size of the
+-- list is twice the size of the set.
+-- | A type of values tagged with insertion time
+data TaggedVal val =
+ TaggedVal
+ val
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ insertion time
deriving (Data, Typeable)
taggedFst :: TaggedVal val -> val
@@ -81,19 +112,88 @@ instance Eq val => Eq (TaggedVal val) where
instance Functor TaggedVal where
fmap f (TaggedVal val i) = TaggedVal (f val) i
-data UniqDFM ele = UDFM !(M.IntMap (TaggedVal ele)) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+-- | Type of unique deterministic finite maps
+data UniqDFM ele =
+ !(M.IntMap (TaggedVal ele)) -- A map where keys are Unique's values and
+ -- values are tagged with insertion time.
+ -- The invariant is that all the tags will
+ -- be distinct within a single map
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- Upper bound on the values' insertion
+ -- time. See Note [Overflow on plusUDFM]
deriving (Data, Typeable, Functor)
emptyUDFM :: UniqDFM elt
emptyUDFM = UDFM M.empty 0
+unitUDFM :: Uniquable key => key -> elt -> UniqDFM elt
+unitUDFM k v = UDFM (M.singleton (getKey $ getUnique k) (TaggedVal v 0)) 1
addToUDFM :: Uniquable key => UniqDFM elt -> key -> elt -> UniqDFM elt
addToUDFM (UDFM m i) k v =
UDFM (M.insert (getKey $ getUnique k) (TaggedVal v i) m) (i + 1)
+addToUDFM_Directly :: UniqDFM elt -> Unique -> elt -> UniqDFM elt
+addToUDFM_Directly (UDFM m i) u v =
+ UDFM (M.insert (getKey u) (TaggedVal v i) m) (i + 1)
+addListToUDFM_Directly :: UniqDFM elt -> [(Unique,elt)] -> UniqDFM elt
+addListToUDFM_Directly = foldl (\m (k, v) -> addToUDFM_Directly m k v)
+delFromUDFM :: Uniquable key => UniqDFM elt -> key -> UniqDFM elt
+delFromUDFM (UDFM m i) k = UDFM (M.delete (getKey $ getUnique k) m) i
+-- Note [Overflow on plusUDFM]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- There are multiple ways of implementing plusUDFM.
+-- The main problem that needs to be solved is overlap on times of
+-- insertion between different keys in two maps.
+-- Consider:
+-- A = fromList [(a, (x, 1))]
+-- B = fromList [(b, (y, 1))]
+-- If you merge them naively you end up with:
+-- C = fromList [(a, (x, 1)), (b, (y, 1))]
+-- Which loses information about ordering and brings us back into
+-- non-deterministic world.
+-- The solution I considered before would increment the tags on one of the
+-- sets by the upper bound of the other set. The problem with this approach
+-- is that you'll run out of tags for some merge patterns.
+-- Say you start with A with upper bound 1, you merge A with A to get A' and
+-- the upper bound becomes 2. You merge A' with A' and the upper bound
+-- doubles again. After 64 merges you overflow.
+-- This solution would have the same time complexity as plusUFM, namely O(n+m).
+-- The solution I ended up with has time complexity of
+-- O(m log m + m * min (n+m, W)) where m is the smaller set.
+-- It simply inserts the elements of the smaller set into the larger
+-- set in the order that they were inserted into the smaller set. That's
+-- O(m log m) for extracting the elements from the smaller set in the
+-- insertion order and O(m * min(n+m, W)) to insert them into the bigger
+-- set.
+plusUDFM :: UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt
+plusUDFM udfml@(UDFM _ i) udfmr@(UDFM _ j)
+ -- we will use the upper bound on the tag as a proxy for the set size,
+ -- to insert the smaller one into the bigger one
+ | i > j = insertUDFMIntoLeft udfml udfmr
+ | otherwise = insertUDFMIntoLeft udfmr udfml
+insertUDFMIntoLeft :: UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt
+insertUDFMIntoLeft udfml udfmr = addListToUDFM_Directly udfml $ udfmToList udfmr
lookupUDFM :: Uniquable key => UniqDFM elt -> key -> Maybe elt
lookupUDFM (UDFM m _i) k = taggedFst `fmap` M.lookup (getKey $ getUnique k) m
+elemUDFM :: Uniquable key => key -> UniqDFM elt -> Bool
+elemUDFM k (UDFM m _i) = M.member (getKey $ getUnique k) m
+-- | Performs a deterministic fold over the UniqDFM.
+-- It's O(n log n) while the corresponding function on `UniqFM` is O(n).
foldUDFM :: (elt -> a -> a) -> a -> UniqDFM elt -> a
foldUDFM k z m = foldr k z (eltsUDFM m)
@@ -101,11 +201,45 @@ eltsUDFM :: UniqDFM elt -> [elt]
eltsUDFM (UDFM m _i) =
map taggedFst $ sortBy (compare `on` taggedSnd) $ M.elems m
+filterUDFM :: (elt -> Bool) -> UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt
+filterUDFM p (UDFM m i) = UDFM (M.filter (\(TaggedVal v _) -> p v) m) i
+-- | Converts `UniqDFM` to a list, with elements in deterministic order.
+-- It's O(n log n) while the corresponding function on `UniqFM` is O(n).
udfmToList :: UniqDFM elt -> [(Unique, elt)]
udfmToList (UDFM m _i) =
[ (getUnique k, taggedFst v)
| (k, v) <- sortBy (compare `on` (taggedSnd . snd)) $ M.toList m ]
+isNullUDFM :: UniqDFM elt -> Bool
+isNullUDFM (UDFM m _) = M.null m
+sizeUDFM :: UniqDFM elt -> Int
+sizeUDFM (UDFM m _i) = M.size m
+intersectUDFM :: UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt -> UniqDFM elt
+intersectUDFM (UDFM x i) (UDFM y _j) = UDFM (M.intersection x y) i
+ -- M.intersection is left biased, that means the result will only have
+ -- a subset of elements from the left set, so `i` is a good upper bound.
+minusUDFM :: UniqDFM elt1 -> UniqDFM elt2 -> UniqDFM elt1
+minusUDFM (UDFM x i) (UDFM y _j) = UDFM (M.difference x y) i
+ -- M.difference returns a subset of a left set, so `i` is a good upper
+ -- bound.
+-- | This allows for lossy conversion from UniqDFM to UniqFM
+udfmToUfm :: UniqDFM elt -> UniqFM elt
+udfmToUfm (UDFM m _i) =
+ listToUFM_Directly [(getUnique k, taggedFst tv) | (k, tv) <- M.toList m]
+listToUDFM_Directly :: [(Unique, elt)] -> UniqDFM elt
+listToUDFM_Directly = foldl (\m (u, v) -> addToUDFM_Directly m u v) emptyUDFM
+-- This should not be used in commited code, provided for convenience to
+-- make ad-hoc conversions when developing
+alwaysUnsafeUfmToUdfm :: UniqFM elt -> UniqDFM elt
+alwaysUnsafeUfmToUdfm = listToUDFM_Directly . ufmToList
-- Output-ery
instance Outputable a => Outputable (UniqDFM a) where
diff --git a/compiler/utils/UniqDSet.hs b/compiler/utils/UniqDSet.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf9f7a301c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/UniqDSet.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+-- (c) Bartosz Nitka, Facebook, 2015
+-- |
+-- Specialised deterministic sets, for things with @Uniques@
+-- Based on @UniqDFMs@ (as you would expect).
+-- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for explanation why we need it.
+-- Basically, the things need to be in class @Uniquable@.
+module UniqDSet (
+ -- * Unique set type
+ UniqDSet, -- type synonym for UniqFM a
+ -- ** Manipulating these sets
+ delOneFromUniqDSet,
+ emptyUniqDSet,
+ unitUniqDSet,
+ mkUniqDSet,
+ addOneToUniqDSet, addListToUniqDSet,
+ unionUniqDSets, unionManyUniqDSets,
+ minusUniqDSet,
+ intersectUniqDSets,
+ foldUniqDSet,
+ elementOfUniqDSet,
+ filterUniqDSet,
+ sizeUniqDSet,
+ isEmptyUniqDSet,
+ lookupUniqDSet,
+ uniqDSetToList,
+ ) where
+import UniqDFM
+import Unique
+type UniqDSet a = UniqDFM a
+emptyUniqDSet :: UniqDSet a
+emptyUniqDSet = emptyUDFM
+unitUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqDSet a
+unitUniqDSet x = unitUDFM x x
+mkUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => [a] -> UniqDSet a
+mkUniqDSet = foldl addOneToUniqDSet emptyUniqDSet
+addOneToUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => UniqDSet a -> a -> UniqDSet a
+addOneToUniqDSet set x = addToUDFM set x x
+addListToUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => UniqDSet a -> [a] -> UniqDSet a
+addListToUniqDSet = foldl addOneToUniqDSet
+delOneFromUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => UniqDSet a -> a -> UniqDSet a
+delOneFromUniqDSet = delFromUDFM
+unionUniqDSets :: UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a
+unionUniqDSets = plusUDFM
+unionManyUniqDSets :: [UniqDSet a] -> UniqDSet a
+unionManyUniqDSets [] = emptyUniqDSet
+unionManyUniqDSets sets = foldr1 unionUniqDSets sets
+minusUniqDSet :: UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a
+minusUniqDSet = minusUDFM
+intersectUniqDSets :: UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a
+intersectUniqDSets = intersectUDFM
+foldUniqDSet :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> UniqDSet a -> b
+foldUniqDSet = foldUDFM
+elementOfUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqDSet a -> Bool
+elementOfUniqDSet = elemUDFM
+filterUniqDSet :: (a -> Bool) -> UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet a
+filterUniqDSet = filterUDFM
+sizeUniqDSet :: UniqDSet a -> Int
+sizeUniqDSet = sizeUDFM
+isEmptyUniqDSet :: UniqDSet a -> Bool
+isEmptyUniqDSet = isNullUDFM
+lookupUniqDSet :: Uniquable a => UniqDSet a -> a -> Maybe a
+lookupUniqDSet = lookupUDFM
+uniqDSetToList :: UniqDSet a -> [a]
+uniqDSetToList = eltsUDFM