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authorBen Gamari <>2021-12-09 12:39:08 -0500
committerBen Gamari <>2021-12-09 12:40:49 -0500
commite47e62af5aea15fe30a94780c817c89ef1013699 (patch)
parentd6177cb5dac357ff15ae048556f03039dd6987d2 (diff)
docs: Drop old release noteswip/T20786
Closes #20786
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 929 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/9.0.1-notes.rst b/docs/users_guide/9.0.1-notes.rst
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--- a/docs/users_guide/9.0.1-notes.rst
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-.. _release-9-0-1:
-Version 9.0.1
-The significant changes to the various parts of the compiler are listed in the
-following sections.
-The :ghc-flag:`LLVM backend <-fllvm>` of this release is to be used with LLVM 9.
-* The :extension:`LinearTypes` extension enables linear function syntax
- ``a %1 -> b``, as described in the `Linear Types GHC proposal
- <>`__.
- The GADT syntax can be used to define data types with linear and nonlinear fields.
- This extension is considered experimental: it doesn't implement the full proposal yet and the details
- are subject to change.
-* NCG
- - The linear register allocator saw improvements reducing the number
- of redundant move instructions. Rare edge cases can see double
- digit improvements in runtime for inner loops.
- In the mean this improved runtime by about 0.8%. For details
- see ticket :ghc-ticket:`17823`.
-* Pattern-Match Coverage Checking
- - The revamp of the pattern-match coverage checker that started in 8.10 concludes with this release and implements the
- novel `*Lower Your Guards* <>`_ algorithm.
- - Compared to 8.10, end users might notice improvements to "long-distance information": ::
- f True = 1
- f x = ... case x of { False -> 2; True -> 3 } ...
- GHC is now able to detect the case alternative returning ``3`` as redundant.
- - Some more performance improvements in edge cases.
-* Windows: Use the large address-space allocator.
- This improves runtime but causes increased memory usage on Windows versions
- older than Win 8.1/Server 2012.
-* Windows: New IO Manager.
- A new I/O manager (WinIO) is now available as a community technical preview which is designed to allow experimentation and
- bootstrapping of third-party packages such as Network. The new I/O manager is off by default and can be enabled with the
- RTS flag ``--io-manager=native``. Currently the I/O manager is *unoptimized* and is focused more on correctness. There is also
- no support for pipes and sockets. These will be added in the next release. `*see more* <>`__.
-* Big-number support
- - GHC now relies on a new ``ghc-bignum`` package to provide Integer/Natural
- implementations. This package supports the following backends:
- - gmp: adapted from integer-gmp package that was used before
- - native: new Haskell implementation, faster than ``integer-simple`` which is
- not used anymore
- - All backends now use the same representation for big numbers (the one that
- was previously used only by ``integer-gmp``). It led to several compiler
- simplifications, performance improvements and bug fixes (e.g.
- :ghc-ticket:`15262`, :ghc-ticket:`15286`).
- - All backends must provide exactly the same set of functions with
- deterministic results so that they can be tested one against the other (they
- can only differ in performance). As a consequence, some functions that were
- only provided by integer-gmp (prime test, secure powmod, etc.) are no longer
- provided by ghc-bignum. Note that other packages (e.g. ``hgmp``) provide these
- functions.
- - For now GHC still doesn't allow dynamic selection of the ``ghc-bignum`` backend
- to use.
-* Breaking change: Template Haskell splices now act as separation points
- between constraint solving passes. It is no longer possible to use
- an instance of a class before a splice and define that instance after a splice.
- For example, this code now reports a missing instance for ``C Bool``: ::
- class C a where foo :: a
- bar :: Bool
- bar = foo
- $(return [])
- instance C Bool where foo = True
- * Support for 32-bit Windows has officially been dropped as Microsoft has
- formally discontinued new 32-bit Windows 10 releases in 2020. See
- :ghc-ticket:`18487` for details.
-Full details
-* Record field selectors are now given type signatures that preserve the
- user-written order of quantified type variables. Moreover, field selector
- type signatures no longer make inferred type variables available for explicit
- type application. See :ref:`field-selectors-and-type-applications` for more
- details.
- In certain situations, this will constitute a breaking change as this can
- affect :extension:`TypeApplications`. For instance, given the following
- definitions: ::
- {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
- newtype P a = MkP { unP :: Proxy a }
- newtype N :: Type -> Type -> Type where
- MkN :: forall b a. { unN :: Either a b } -> N a b
- Previous versions of GHC would give the following types to ``unP`` and
- ``unN``: ::
- unP :: forall k (a :: k). P a -> Proxy a
- unN :: forall a b. N a b -> Either a b
- GHC will now give them the following types instead: ::
- unP :: forall {k} (a :: k). P a -> Proxy a
- unN :: forall b a. N a b -> Either a b
-* In obscure scenarios, GHC now rejects programs it previously accepted, but
- with unhelpful types. For example, if (with ``-XPartialTypeSignatures``) you
- were to write ``x :: forall (f :: forall a (b :: a -> Type). b _). f _``, GHC previously
- would have accepted ``x``, but its type would have involved the mysterious ``Any``
- internal type family. Now, GHC rejects, explaining the situation.
-* GHC now more faithfully implements the instance-lookup scheme described with
- :extension:`QuantifiedConstraints`. Previous bugs meant that programs like this
- were accepted::
- data T (c :: Type -> Constraint)
- instance (forall h. c h => Functor h) => Functor (T c)
- instance (forall h. c h => Applicative h) => Applicative (T c)
- Note that in the instance declaration for ``Applicative (T c)``, we cannot prove
- ``Functor (T c)``, because the quantified constraint shadows the global instance.
- There is an easy workaround, though: just include ``Functor (T c)`` as an assumption. ::
- instance (forall h. c h => Applicative h, Functor (T c)) => Applicative (T c)
- There is a chance we will tweak the lookup scheme in the future, to make this
- workaround unnecessary.
-* GHC now consistently does eager instantiation during type inference.
- As a consequence, visible type application (VTA) now only works when
- the head of the application is:
- * A variable
- * An expression with a type signature
- For example ``(let x = blah in id) @Bool True`` no longer typechecks.
- You should write ``let x = blah in id @Bool True`` instead.
- This change prepares the way for `Quick Look impredicativity
- <>`_.
-* GHC now implements simplified subsumption, as described in `GHC Proposal #287 <>`__.
- This change simplifies the type system, and prevents the possibility of GHC
- silently changing the semantics of user programs, but it does mean that some libraries
- may need eta-expansion to typecheck. More info here: :ref:`simple-subsumption`.
- This change also prepares the way for Quick Look impredicativity.
-* GHC now allows users to manually define the specificity of type variable
- binders. By marking a variable with braces ``{tyvar}`` or ``{tyvar :: kind}``,
- it becomes inferred despite appearing in a type signature. This feature
- effectively allows users to choose which variables can or can't be
- instantiated through visible type application. More information can be found
- here: :ref:`Manually-defining-inferred-variables`.
-* GADT constructor types now properly adhere to :ref:`forall-or-nothing`. As
- a result, GHC will now reject some GADT constructors that previous versions
- of GHC would accept, such as the following: ::
- data T where
- MkT1 :: (forall a. a -> b -> T)
- MkT2 :: (forall a. a -> T)
- ``MkT1`` and ``MkT2`` are rejected because the lack of an outermost
- ``forall`` triggers implicit quantification, making the explicit ``forall``\ s
- nested. Furthermore, GADT constructors do not permit the use of nested
- ``forall``\ s, as explained in :ref:`formal-gadt-syntax`.
- In addition to rejecting nested ``forall``\ s, GHC is now more stringent about
- rejecting uses of nested *contexts* in GADT constructors. For example, the
- following example, which previous versions of GHC would accept, is now
- rejected: ::
- data U a where
- MkU :: (Show a => U a)
-* GHC more strictly enforces the rule that the type in the top of an instance
- declaration is not permitted to contain nested ``forall``\ s or contexts, as
- documented in :ref:`formal-instance-syntax`. For example, the following
- examples, which previous versions of GHC would accept, are now rejected: ::
- instance (forall a. C a) where ...
- instance (Show a => C a) where ...
- In addition, GHC now enforces the rule that the types in ``deriving`` clauses
- and ``via`` types (for instances derived with :extension:`DerivingVia`)
- cannot contain nested ``forall``\ s or contexts. For example, the following
- examples, which previous versions of GHC would accept, are now rejected: ::
- data T = MkT deriving (C1, (forall x. C2 x))
- deriving via (forall x. V x) instance C (S x)
-* A new language extension :extension:`QualifiedDo` is implemented, allowing
- to qualify a do block to control which operations to use for desugaring do
- syntax. ::
- {-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
- import qualified SomeModule as M
- f x = -- desugars to:
- y <- M.return x -- M.return x M.>>= \y ->
- M.return y -- M.return y M.>>
- M.return y -- M.return y
- See :ref:`qualified-do-notation` for more details.
-* :extension:`LexicalNegation` is a new extension that detects whether the
- minus sign stands for negation during lexical analysis by checking for the
- surrounding whitespace: ::
- a = x - y -- subtraction
- b = f -x -- negation
- f = (- x) -- operator section
- c = (-x) -- negation
-* The behavior of :extension:`NegativeLiterals` changed, and now we require
- that a negative literal must not be preceded by a closing token (see
- `GHC Proposal #229 <>`_)
- for the definition of a closing token). In other words, we parse ``f -123``
- as ``f (-123)``, but ``x-123`` as ``(-) x 123``. Before this amendment,
- :extension:`NegativeLiterals` caused ``x-123`` to be parsed as ``x(-123)``.
-* GHC is now more sensitive to whitespace between infix operators and their arguments,
- requiring it in some cases where it was not previously necessary as the result of the
- `whitespace-sensitive operator parsing proposal <>`_.
- It also affects the usage of ``!``,``~`` and ``@`` as BangPatterns, irrefutable patterns
- and type applications respectively.
- This means that expressions that were parsed as visible type applications
- in previous versions when the ``@`` was surrounded by whitespace will now
- be parsed as an operator application.
- For more details see the `migration guide on the wiki <>`_.
-- A new flag :ghc-flag:`-flink-rts` to enable linking the RTS when linking
- shared libraries.
-- The :ghc-flag:`-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances` and
- :ghc-flag:`-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances` warnings are now enabled by
- default, as proposed in `GHC proposal #314
- <>`_
-- The ``-funfolding-keeness-factor`` flag has been deprecated as its scaling
- strategy resulted in unreasonably large discounts in some cases (see
- :ghc-ticket:`15304`). Users who previously used this flag to suggest
- more aggressive inlining are advised to look at
- :ghc-flag:`-funfolding-use-threshold=⟨n⟩` or use :pragma:`INLINE` pragmas to
- more precisely force inlining.
-- GHCi prompt no longer lists loaded modules.
- The previous behavior can be restored with ``:set prompt "%s> "``
- and ``:set prompt-cont "%s| "``.
-- The ``:script`` command now allows for file names that contain spaces to
- passed as arguments: either by enclosing the file names in double quotes or by
- escaping spaces in file names with a backslash. (:ghc-ticket:`18027`)
-- The GHCi debugger syntax ``:break <>`` now allows to set
- breakpoints on all functions. The restrictions ``top-Level`` and ``exported``
- have been removed. Hence it's now possible to use this syntax to set
- breakpoints on functions defined in nested ``where`` or ``let`` clauses.
-Runtime system
-- :rts-flag:`-N` without a count now tries to respect the number of processors
- in the process's affinity mask, making GHC's behavior more predictable in
- containerized settings (:ghc-ticket:`14781`).
-- Support for Windows Vista has been dropped. GHC-compiled programs now require
- Windows 7 or later.
-- Windows now uses the large address space allocator by default.
- In extreme cases we saw improvements by up to 3% decreased runtime.
- The downside is that haskell apps run on older (Pre Win-8.1/Server 2012)
- systems will have higher memory footprints.
-Template Haskell
-- Implement the `Overloaded Quotations proposal (#246) <>`_.
- The type of all quotation forms have now been generalised in terms of a
- minimal interface necessary (the ``Quote`` type class) for the
- implementation rather than the overapproximation of the ``Q`` monad.
-- Template Haskell quotes now handle fixity declarations in ``let`` and
- ``where`` bindings properly. Previously, such fixity declarations would
- be dropped when quoted due to a Template Haskell bug.
-- The ``-XTemplateHaskellQuotes`` extension now allows nested splices as nested
- splices do not lead directly to compile-time evaluation. (Merge request
- `!2288 <>`_)
-Arrow notation
-- When combined with :extension:`Arrows`, the :extension:`LambdaCase` extension
- now additionally allows ``\case`` syntax to be used as a command in ``proc``
- notation.
-- When combined with :extension:`Arrows`, the effects of the
- :extension:`BlockArguments` extension now also apply to applications of
- arrow control operators in ``(|`` banana brackets ``|)``: ::
- (| untilA (increment -< x + y) do
- within 0.5 -< x
- ... |)
-- Parsing is now more robust to insufficiently indented Haddock comments::
- class C a where
- f :: a -> a
- -- ^ This comment used to trigger a parse error
- g :: a -> a
-- :ghc-flag:`-Winvalid-haddock` is a new warning that reports discarded Haddock
- comments that cannot be associated with AST elements::
- myValue =
- -- | Invalid (discarded) comment in an expression
- 2 + 2
-- When faced with several comments for a data constructor or a data constructor
- field, Haddock now picks the first one instead of the last one. The
- extraneous comment is reported as invalid when :ghc-flag:`-Winvalid-haddock`
- is enabled::
- data T
- -- | First comment
- = MkT
- -- ^ Second comment (rejected)
-- Haddock is now more relaxed about the placement of comments in types relative
- to the function arrow ``->``, allowing more formatting styles::
- f :: Int -> -- ^ comment on Int (no longer a parse error)
- Bool -- ^ comment on Bool
-- Haddock can now parse the documentation comment for the first declaration in
- a module without a module header (:ghc-ticket:`17561`)::
- -- | This comment used to trigger a parse error
- main = putStrLn "Hello"
-``base`` library
-- ``Foreign.ForeignPtr.withForeignPtr`` is now less aggressively optimised,
- avoiding the unsoundness issue reported in
- :ghc-ticket:`17760` in exchange for a small amount of additional allocation.
- If your application is impacted significantly by this change and the
- continuation given to ``withForeignPtr`` will not *provably* diverge (via
- throwing of an exception or looping) then the previous optimisation behavior
- can be recovered by instead using ``GHC.ForeignPtr.unsafeWithForeignPtr``.
-``ghc-prim`` library
-- Add a known-key ``cstringLength#`` to ``GHC.CString`` that is eligible
- for constant folding by a built-in rule.
-- A new primop, ``keepAlive#``, has been introduced to replace ``touch#`` in
- controlling object lifetime without the soundness issues affecting the latter
- (see :ghc-ticket:`17760`)
-``ghc`` library
-- The type of the ``getAnnotations`` function has changed to better reflect
- the fact that it returns two different kinds of annotations, those on
- names and those on modules: ::
- getAnnotations :: Typeable a
- => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts
- -> CoreM (ModuleEnv [a], NameEnv [a])
-- The meaning of the ``hs_fixds`` field of ``HsGroup`` has changed slightly.
- It now only contains fixity signatures defined for top-level declarations
- and class methods defined *outside* of the class itself. Previously,
- ``hs_fixds`` would also contain fixity signatures for class methods defined
- *inside* the class, such as the fixity signature for ``m`` in the following
- example: ::
- class C a where
- infixl 4 `m`
- m :: a -> a -> a
- If you wish to attain the previous behavior of ``hs_fixds``, use the new
- ``hsGroupTopLevelFixitySigs`` function, which collects all top-level fixity
- signatures, including those for class methods defined inside classes.
-- The ``Exception`` module was boiled down acknowledging the existence of
- the ``exceptions`` dependency. In particular, the ``ExceptionMonad``
- class is not a proper class anymore, but a mere synonym for ``MonadThrow``,
- ``MonadCatch``, ``MonadMask`` (all from ``exceptions``) and ``MonadIO``.
- All of ``g*``-functions from the module (``gtry``, ``gcatch``, etc.) are
- erased, and their ``exceptions``-alternatives are meant to be used in the
- GHC code instead.
-- ``parseModule`` is now the only parser entry point that deals with Haddock
- comments. The other entry points (``parseDeclaration``, ``parseExpression``,
- etc) do not insert the Haddock comments into the AST.
-``base`` library
-- ``ForeignPtrContents`` has a new nullary data constructor ``FinalPtr``.
- ``FinalPtr`` is intended for turning a primitive string literal into a
- ``ForeignPtr``. Unlike ``PlainForeignPtr``, ``FinalPtr`` does not have
- a finalizer. Replacing ``PlainForeignPtr`` that has ``NoFinalizers`` with
- ``FinalPtr`` reduces allocations, reduces the size of compiled binaries,
- and unlocks important Core-to-Core optimizations. ``FinalPtr`` will be used
- in an upcoming ``bytestring`` release to improve the performance of
- ``ByteString`` literals created with ``OverloadedStrings``.
-Build system
-Bootstrapping requirements
-- GHC now requires a C compiler which supports
- ``__atomic_op_n`` builtins. This raises the requirement for GCC to 4.7.
-Included libraries
-The package database provided with this distribution also contains a number of
-packages other than GHC itself. See the changelogs provided with these packages
-for further change information.
-.. ghc-package-list::
- libraries/array/array.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/base/base.cabal: Core library
- libraries/binary/binary.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/bytestring/bytestring.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Cabal.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc-pkg`` utility
- libraries/containers/containers/containers.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/deepseq/deepseq.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/directory/directory.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/exceptions/exceptions.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` and ``haskeline`` library
- libraries/filepath/filepath.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- compiler/ghc.cabal: The compiler itself
- libraries/ghci/ghci.cabal: The REPL interface
- libraries/ghc-boot/ghc-boot.cabal: Internal compiler library
- libraries/ghc-boot-th/ghc-boot-th.cabal: Internal compiler library
- libraries/ghc-compact/ghc-compact.cabal: Core library
- libraries/ghc-heap/ghc-heap.cabal: GHC heap-walking library
- libraries/ghc-prim/ghc-prim.cabal: Core library
- libraries/haskeline/haskeline.cabal: Dependency of ``ghci`` executable
- libraries/hpc/hpc.cabal: Dependency of ``hpc`` executable
- libraries/integer-gmp/integer-gmp.cabal: Core library
- libraries/libiserv/libiserv.cabal: Internal compiler library
- libraries/mtl/mtl.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
- libraries/parsec/parsec.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
- libraries/pretty/pretty.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/process/process.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/stm/stm.cabal: Dependency of ``haskeline`` library
- libraries/template-haskell/template-haskell.cabal: Core library
- libraries/terminfo/terminfo.cabal: Dependency of ``haskeline`` library
- libraries/text/text.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
- libraries/time/time.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/transformers/transformers.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/unix/unix.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/Win32/Win32.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
- libraries/xhtml/xhtml.cabal: Dependency of ``haddock`` executable
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-.. _release-9-2-1:
-Version 9.2.1
-* :extension:`ImpredicativeTypes`: Finally, polymorphic types have become first class!
- GHC 9.2 includes a full implementation of the Quick Look approach to type inference for
- impredicative types, as described in in the paper
- `A quick look at impredicativity
- <>`__
- (Serrano et al, ICFP 2020). More information here: :ref:`impredicative-polymorphism`.
- This replaces the old (undefined, flaky) behaviour of the :extension:`ImpredicativeTypes` extension.
-* The first stage of the `Pointer Rep Proposal`_ has been implemented. All
- boxed types, both lifted and unlifted, now have representation kinds of
- the shape ``BoxedRep r``. Code that references ``LiftedRep`` and ``UnliftedRep``
- will need to be updated.
-.. _Pointer Rep Proposal:
-* :extension:`UnliftedDatatypes`: The `Unlifted Datatypes Proposal`_ has been
- implemented. That means GHC Haskell now offers a way to define algebraic
- data types with strict semantics like in OCaml or Idris! The distinction to
- ordinary lifted data types is made in the kind system: Unlifted data types
- live in kind ``TYPE (BoxedRep Unlifted)``. :extension:`UnliftedDatatypes`
- allows giving data declarations such result kinds, such as in the following
- example with the help of :extension:`StandaloneKindSignatures`: ::
- type IntSet :: UnliftedType -- type UnliftedType = TYPE (BoxedRep Unlifted)
- data IntSet = Branch IntSet !Int IntSet | Leaf
- See :extension:`UnliftedDatatypes` for what other declarations are
- possible. Slight caveat: Most functions in ``base`` (including ``$``)
- are not levity-polymorphic (yet) and hence won't work with unlifted
- data types.
-.. _Unlifted Datatypes Proposal:
-* Kind inference for data/newtype instance declarations is slightly more restrictive than before.
- In particular, GHC now requires that the kind of a data family instance be fully determined
- by the header of the instance, without looking at the definition of the constructor.
- This means that data families that dispatched on an invisible parameter might now require this parameter
- to be made explicit, as in the following example: ::
- data family DF :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). TYPE r
- newtype instance DF @IntRep = MkDF2 Int#
- newtype instance DF @FloatRep = MkDF1 Float#
- See the user manual :ref:`kind-inference-data-family-instances`.
-* GHC is stricter about checking for out-of-scope type variables on the
- right-hand sides of associated type family instances that are not bound on
- the left-hand side. As a result, some programs that were accidentally
- accepted in previous versions of GHC will now be rejected, such as this
- example: ::
- class Funct f where
- type Codomain f
- instance Funct ('KProxy :: KProxy o) where
- type Codomain 'KProxy = NatTr (Proxy :: o -> Type)
- Where: ::
- data Proxy (a :: k) = Proxy
- data KProxy (t :: Type) = KProxy
- data NatTr (c :: o -> Type)
- GHC will now reject the ``o`` on the right-hand side of the ``Codomain``
- instance as being out of scope, as it does not meet the requirements for
- being explicitly bound (as it is not mentioned on the left-hand side) nor
- implicitly bound (as it is not mentioned in an *outermost* kind signature,
- as required by :ref:`scoping-class-params`). This program can be repaired in
- a backwards-compatible way by mentioning ``o`` on the left-hand side: ::
- instance Funct ('KProxy :: KProxy o) where
- type Codomain ('KProxy @o) = NatTr (Proxy :: o -> Type)
- -- Alternatively,
- -- type Codomain ('KProxy :: KProxy o) = NatTr (Proxy :: o -> Type)
-* Previously, ``-XUndecidableInstances`` accidentally implied ``-XFlexibleContexts``.
- This is now fixed, but it means that some programs will newly require
- ``-XFlexibleContexts``.
-* The :extension:`GHC2021` language is supported now. It builds on top of
- Haskell2010, adding several stable and conservative extensions, and removing
- deprecated ones. It is now also the “default” language set that is active
- when no other language set, such as :extension:`Haskell98` or
- :extension:`Haskell2010`, is explicitly loaded (e.g via Cabal’s
- ``default-language``).
- Because :extension:`GHC2021` includes
- :extension:`GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving`, which is not safe for Safe Haskell,
- users of Safe Haskell are advised to use :extension:`Haskell2010` explicitly.
- The default mode of GHC until 9.0 included
- :extension:`NondecreasingIndentation`, but :extension:`GHC2021` does not.
- This may break code implicitly using this extension.
-* The `Record Dot Syntax Proposal`_ has been implemented:
- - A new extension :extension:`OverloadedRecordDot` provides record ``.`` syntax e.g. ````
- - A new extension :extension:`OverloadedRecordUpdate` provides record ``.``
- syntax in record updates e.g. ``x{ = 1}``. *The design of this
- extension may well change in the future.*
-.. _Record Dot Syntax Proposal:
-* Various records-related extensions have been improved:
- - A new extension :extension:`NoFieldSelectors` hides record field selector
- functions, so it is possible to define top-level bindings with the same names.
- - The :extension:`DisambiguateRecordFields` extension now works for updates.
- An update ``expr { field = value }`` will be accepted if there is a single
- field called ``field`` in scope, regardless of whether there are non-fields
- in scope with the same name.
- - The :extension:`DuplicateRecordFields` extension now applies to fields in
- record pattern synonyms. In particular, it is possible for a single module
- to define multiple pattern synonyms using the same field names.
-* Because of simplifications to the way that GHC typechecks operator sections,
- operators with nested ``forall``\ s or contexts in their type signatures might
- not typecheck when used in a section. For instance, the ``g`` function below,
- which was accepted in previous GHC releases, will no longer typecheck: ::
- f :: a -> forall b. b -> a
- f x _ = x
- g :: a -> a
- g = (`f` "hello")
- ``g`` can be made to typecheck once more by eta expanding it to
- ``\x -> x `f` "hello"``. For more information, see
- :ref:`simple-subsumption`.
-* :extension:`LinearTypes` can now infer multiplicity for ``case``
- expressions. Previously, the scrutinee of a ``case`` (the bit between ``case``
- and ``of``) was always assumed to have a multiplicity of ``Many``. Now, GHC
- will allow the scrutinee to have a multiplicity of ``One``, using its best-effort
- inference algorithm.
-* Support for matching on GADT constructors in arrow notation has been removed,
- as the current implementation of :extension:`Arrows` doesn't handle GADT
- evidence correctly.
- One possible workaround, for the time being, is to perform GADT matches
- inside let bindings: ::
- data G a where
- MkG :: Show a => a -> G a
- foo :: G a -> String
- foo = proc x -> do
- let res = case x of { MkG a -> show a }
- returnA -< res
-- Performance of the compiler in :ghc-flag:`--make` mode with :ghc-flag:`-j[⟨n⟩]`
- is significantly improved by improvements to the parallel
- garbage collector noted below.
- Benchmarks show a 20% decrease in wall clock time, and a 40% decrease in cpu
- time, when compiling Cabal with ``-j4`` on linux. Improvements are more dramatic
- with higher parallelism, and we no longer see significant degradation in wall
- clock time as parallelism increases above 4.
-- New :ghc-flag:`-Wredundant-bang-patterns` flag that enables checks for "dead" bangs.
- For instance, given this program: ::
- f :: Bool -> Bool
- f True = False
- f !x = x
- GHC would report that the bang on ``x`` is redundant and can be removed
- since the argument was already forced in the first equation. For more
- details see :ghc-flag:`-Wredundant-bang-patterns`.
-- New :ghc-flag:`-Wimplicit-lift` flag which warns when a Template Haskell quote
- implicitly uses ``lift``.
-- New :ghc-flag:`-finline-generics` and
- :ghc-flag:`-finline-generics-aggressively` flags for improving performance of
- generics-based algorithms.
- For more details see :ghc-flag:`-finline-generics` and
- :ghc-flag:`-finline-generics-aggressively`.
-- GHC now supports a flag, :ghc-flag:`-fprof-callers=⟨name⟩`, for requesting
- that the compiler automatically insert cost-centres on all call-sites of
- the named function.
-- The heap profiler can now be controlled from within a Haskell program using
- functions in ``GHC.Profiling``. Profiling can be started and stopped or a heap
- census requested at a specific point in the program.
- There is a new RTS flag :rts-flag:`--no-automatic-heap-samples` which can be
- used to stop heap profiling starting when a program starts.
-- A new debugging facility, :ghc-flag:`-finfo-table-map`, which embeds a mapping
- from the address of an info table to information about that info table, including
- an approximate source position. :ghc-flag:`-fdistinct-constructor-tables` is
- also useful with this flag to give each usage of a data constructor its own
- unique info table so they can be distinguished in gdb and heap profiles.
-- GHCi's ``:kind!`` command now expands through type synonyms in addition to
- type families. See :ghci-cmd:`:kind`.
-- GHCi's :ghci-cmd:`:edit` command now looks for an editor in
- the :envvar:`VISUAL` environment variable before
- :envvar:`EDITOR`, following UNIX convention.
- (:ghc-ticket:`19030`)
-- GHC now follows by default the XDG Base Directory Specification. If
- ``$HOME/.ghc`` is found it will fallback to the old paths to give you
- time to migrate. This fallback will be removed in three releases.
-- New debugger command :ghci-cmd:`:ignore` to set an ``ignore count`` for a
- specified breakpoint. The next ``ignore count`` times the program hits this
- breakpoint, the breakpoint is ignored, and the program doesn't stop.
-- New optional parameter added to the command :ghci-cmd:`:continue` to set the
- ``ignore count`` for the current breakpoint.
-Runtime system
-- The parallel garbage collector is now significantly more performant. Heavily
- contended spinlocks have been replaced with mutexes and condition variables.
- For most programs compiled with the threaded runtime, and run with more than
- four capabilities, we expect minor GC pauses and GC cpu time both to be reduced.
- For very short running programs (in the order of 10s of milliseconds), we have seen
- some performance regressions. We recommend programs affected by this to either
- compile with the single threaded runtime, or otherwise to disable the parallel
- garbage collector with :rts-flag:`-qg ⟨gen⟩`.
- We don't expect any other performance regressions, however only limited
- benchmarking has been done. We have only benchmarked GHC and nofib and only on
- linux.
- Users are advised to reconsider the rts flags that programs are run with. If
- you have been mitigating poor parallel GC performance by: using large
- nurseries (:rts-flag:`-A <-A ⟨size⟩>`), disabling load balancing (:rts-flag:`-qb ⟨gen⟩`), or
- limiting parallel GC to older generations (:rts-flag:`-qg ⟨gen⟩`); then you may
- find these mitigations are no longer necessary.
-- The heap profiler now has proper treatment of pinned ``ByteArray#``\ s. Such
- heap objects will now be correctly attributed to their appropriate cost
- centre instead of merely being lumped into the ``PINNED`` category.
- Moreover, we now correctly account for the size of the array, meaning that
- space lost to fragmentation is no longer counted as live data.
-- The ``-xt`` RTS flag has been removed. Now STACK and TSO closures are always
- included in heap profiles. Tooling can choose to filter out these closure types
- if necessary.
-- A new heap profiling mode, :rts-flag:`-hi`, profile by info table allows for
- fine-grain banding by the info table address of a closure. The profiling
- mode is intended to be used with :ghc-flag:`-finfo-table-map` and can best
- be consumed with ``eventlog2html``. This profiling mode does not require a
- profiling build.
-- The RTS will now gradually return unused memory back to the OS rather than
- retaining a large amount (up to 4 * live) indefinitely. The rate at which memory
- is returned is controlled by the :rts-flag:`-Fd ⟨factor⟩`. Memory return
- is triggered by consecutive idle collections.
-- The default nursery size, :rts-flag:`-A <-A ⟨size⟩>`, has been increased from
- 1mb to 4mb.
-Template Haskell
-- There are two new functions ``putDoc`` and ``getDoc``, which allow Haddock
- documentation to be attached and read from module headers, declarations,
- function arguments, class instances and family instances.
- These functions are quite low level, so the ``withDecDoc`` function provides
- a more ergonomic interface for this. Similarly ``funD_doc``, ``dataD_doc``
- and friends provide an easy way to document functions and constructors
- alongside their arguments simultaneously. ::
- $(withDecsDoc "This does good things" [d| foo x = 42 |])
-``ghc-prim`` library
-- ``Void#`` is now a type synonym for the unboxed tuple ``(# #)``.
- Code using ``Void#`` now has to enable :extension:`UnboxedTuples`.
-- Two new events, :event-type:`BLOCKS_SIZE` tells you about the total size of
- all allocated blocks and :event-type:`MEM_RETURN` gives statistics about why
- the OS is returning and retaining megablocks.
-``ghc`` library
-- There is a significant refactoring in the solver; any type-checker plugins
- will have to be updated, as GHC no longer uses flattening skolems or
- flattening metavariables.
-- Type checker plugins which work with the natural numbers now
- should use ``naturalTy`` kind instead of ``typeNatKind``, which has been removed.
-- The ``con_args`` field of ``ConDeclGADT`` has been renamed to ``con_g_args``.
- This is because the type of ``con_g_args`` is now different from the type of
- the ``con_args`` field in ``ConDeclH98``: ::
- data ConDecl pass
- = ConDeclGADT
- { ...
- , con_g_args :: HsConDeclGADTDetails pass -- ^ Arguments; never infix
- , ...
- }
- | ConDeclH98
- { ...
- , con_args :: HsConDeclH98Details pass -- ^ Arguments; can be infix
- , ...
- }
- Where: ::
- -- Introduced in GHC 9.2; was called `HsConDeclDetails` in previous versions of GHC
- type HsConDeclH98Details pass
- = HsConDetails (HsScaled pass (LBangType pass)) (XRec pass [LConDeclField pass])
- -- Introduced in GHC 9.2
- data HsConDeclGADTDetails pass
- = PrefixConGADT [HsScaled pass (LBangType pass)]
- | RecConGADT (XRec pass [LConDeclField pass])
- Unlike Haskell98-style constructors, GADT constructors cannot be declared
- using infix syntax, which is why ``HsConDeclGADTDetails`` lacks an
- ``InfixConGADT`` constructor.
- As a result of all this, the ``con_args`` field is now partial, so using
- ``con_args`` as a top-level field selector is discouraged.
-``base`` library
-- Character set metadata bumped to Unicode 13.0.0.
-- It's possible now to promote the ``Natural`` type: ::
- data Coordinate = Mk2D Natural Natural
- type MyCoordinate = Mk2D 1 10
- The separate kind ``Nat`` is removed and now it is just a type synonym for
- ``Natural``. As a consequence, one must enable ``TypeSynonymInstances``
- in order to define instances for ``Nat``.
- The ``Numeric`` module receives ``showBin`` and ``readBin`` to show and
- read integer numbers in binary.
-- ``Char`` gets type-level support by analogy with strings and natural numbers.
- We extend the ``GHC.TypeLits`` module with these built-in type-families: ::
- type family CmpChar (a :: Char) (b :: Char) :: Ordering
- type family ConsSymbol (a :: Char) (b :: Symbol) :: Symbol
- type family UnconsSymbol (a :: Symbol) :: Maybe (Char, Symbol)
- type family CharToNat (c :: Char) :: Natural
- type family NatToChar (n :: Natural) :: Char
- and with the type class ``KnownChar`` (and such additional functions as ``charVal`` and ``charVal'``): ::
- class KnownChar (n :: Char)
- charVal :: forall n proxy. KnownChar n => proxy n -> Char
- charVal' :: forall n. KnownChar n => Proxy# n -> Char
-- A new kind-polymorphic ``Compare`` type family was added in ``Data.Type.Ord``
- and has type instances for ``Nat``, ``Symbol``, and ``Char``. Furthermore,
- the ``(<=?)`` type (and ``(<=)``) from ``GHC.TypeNats`` is now governed by
- this type family (as well as new comparison type operators that are exported
- by ``Data.Type.Ord``). This has two important repercussions. First, GHC can
- no longer deduce that all natural numbers are greater than or equal to zero.
- For instance, ::
- test1 :: Proxy (0 <=? x) -> Proxy True
- test1 = id
- which previously type checked will now result in a type error. Second, when
- these comparison type operators are used very generically, a kind may need to
- be provided. For example, ::
- test2 :: Proxy (x <=? x) -> Proxy True
- test2 = id
- will now generate a type error because GHC does not know the kind of ``x``.
- To fix this, one must provide an explicit kind, perhaps by changing the type
- to: ::
- test2 :: forall (x :: Nat). Proxy (x <=? x) -> Proxy True
-- On POSIX, ``System.IO.openFile`` can no longer leak a file descriptor if it
- is interrupted by an asynchronous exception (:ghc-ticket:`19114`, :ghc-ticket:`19115`).
-- There's a new binding ``GHC.Exts.considerAccessible``. It's equivalent to
- ``True`` and allows the programmer to turn off pattern-match redundancy
- warnings for particular clauses, like the third one here ::
- g :: Bool -> Int
- g x = case (x, x) of
- (True, True) -> 1
- (False, False) -> 2
- (True, False) | considerAccessible -> 3 -- No warning!
-- A new ``GHC.TypeError`` module is created which exposes functionality related
- to custom type errors. ``TypeError`` is re-exported from ``GHC.TypeLits`` for
- backwards compatibility.
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/release-notes.rst b/docs/users_guide/release-notes.rst
index 8b1313d8fe..a9cb88d078 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/release-notes.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,4 @@ Release notes
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
- 9.0.1-notes
- 9.2.1-notes