diff options
authorchak <unknown>2002-11-13 09:57:02 +0000
committerchak <unknown>2002-11-13 09:57:02 +0000
commit3212d689cc0a66e3c9e1f9bd745f20160df90642 (patch)
parent12a5d42572bca07acb52704de590f476d75fcd58 (diff)
[project @ 2002-11-13 09:57:02 by chak]
Added forall's to the representation of type terms
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
index 3f00e7fb68..f263059739 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ import HsSyn ( Pat(..), HsExpr(..), Stmt(..), HsLit(..), HsOverLit(..),
-import PrelNames ( mETA_META_Name, rationalTyConName, negateName )
+import PrelNames ( mETA_META_Name, rationalTyConName, negateName,
+ parrTyConName )
import MkIface ( ifaceTyThing )
import Name ( Name, nameOccName, nameModule )
import OccName ( isDataOcc, isTvOcc, occNameUserString )
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ import TysWiredIn ( stringTy )
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils ( exprType )
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
-import Maybe ( catMaybes )
+import Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe )
import Panic ( panic )
import Unique ( mkPreludeTyConUnique, mkPreludeMiscIdUnique )
import BasicTypes ( NewOrData(..), StrictnessMark(..), isBoxed )
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ repTyClD (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdName = cls,
= do { cls1 <- lookupOcc cls ; -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
tvs1 <- repTvs tvs ;
- cxt1 <- repCtxt cxt ;
+ cxt1 <- repContext cxt ;
sigs1 <- rep_sigs sigs ;
binds1 <- rep_monobind binds ;
decls1 <- coreList declTyConName (sigs1 ++ binds1) ;
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ repTyClD d = do { addDsWarn (hang msg 4 (ppr d)) ;
repInstD (InstDecl ty binds _ _ loc)
-- Ignore user pragmas for now
- = do { cxt1 <- repCtxt cxt ;
+ = do { cxt1 <- repContext cxt ;
inst_ty1 <- repPred (HsClassP cls tys) ;
binds1 <- rep_monobind binds ;
decls1 <- coreList declTyConName binds1 ;
@@ -294,45 +295,87 @@ rep_proto nm ty = do { nm1 <- lookupBinder nm ;
-- Types
+-- represent a list of type variables in a usage position that does not need
+-- gensym'ing
repTvs :: [HsTyVarBndr Name] -> DsM (Core [String])
repTvs tvs = do { tvs1 <- mapM (localVar . hsTyVarName) tvs ;
return (coreList' stringTy tvs1) }
-repCtxt :: HsContext Name -> DsM (Core M.Ctxt)
-repCtxt ctxt = do { preds <- mapM repPred ctxt;
- coreList typeTyConName preds }
+-- represent a type context
+repContext :: HsContext Name -> DsM (Core M.Ctxt)
+repContext ctxt = do
+ preds <- mapM repPred ctxt
+ predList <- coreList typeTyConName preds
+ repCtxt predList
+-- represent a type predicate
repPred :: HsPred Name -> DsM (Core M.Type)
-repPred (HsClassP cls tys)
- = do { tc1 <- lookupOcc cls; tcon <- repNamedTyCon tc1;
- tys1 <- repTys tys; repTapps tcon tys1 }
-repPred (HsIParam _ _) = panic "No implicit parameters yet"
+repPred (HsClassP cls tys) = do
+ tcon <- repTy (HsTyVar cls)
+ tys1 <- repTys tys
+ repTapps tcon tys1
+repPred (HsIParam _ _) =
+ panic "DsMeta.repTy: Can't represent predicates with implicit parameters"
+-- yield the representation of a list of types
repTys :: [HsType Name] -> DsM [Core M.Type]
repTys tys = mapM repTy tys
+-- represent a type
repTy :: HsType Name -> DsM (Core M.Type)
+repTy (HsForAllTy bndrs ctxt ty) =
+ do
+ let names = map hsTyVarName (fromMaybe [] bndrs)
+ freshNames <- mkGenSyms names
+ forallTy <- addBinds freshNames $ do
+ bndrs' <- mapM lookupBinder names
+ ctxt' <- repContext ctxt
+ ty' <- repTy ty
+ repTForall (coreList' stringTy bndrs') ctxt' ty'
+ wrapGenSyns typTyConName freshNames forallTy
repTy (HsTyVar n)
- | isTvOcc (nameOccName n) = do { tv1 <- localVar n ; repTvar tv1 }
- | otherwise = do { tc1 <- lookupOcc n; repNamedTyCon tc1 }
-repTy (HsAppTy f a) = do { f1 <- repTy f ; a1 <- repTy a ; repTapp f1 a1 }
-repTy (HsFunTy f a) = do { f1 <- repTy f ; a1 <- repTy a ;
- tcon <- repArrowTyCon ; repTapps tcon [f1,a1] }
-repTy (HsListTy t) = do { t1 <- repTy t ; tcon <- repListTyCon ; repTapp tcon t1 }
-repTy (HsTupleTy tc tys) = do { tys1 <- repTys tys;
- tcon <- repTupleTyCon (length tys);
- repTapps tcon tys1 }
+ | isTvOcc (nameOccName n) = do
+ tv1 <- lookupBinder n
+ repTvar tv1
+ | otherwise = do
+ tc1 <- lookupOcc n
+ repNamedTyCon tc1
+repTy (HsAppTy f a) = do
+ f1 <- repTy f
+ a1 <- repTy a
+ repTapp f1 a1
+repTy (HsFunTy f a) = do
+ f1 <- repTy f
+ a1 <- repTy a
+ tcon <- repArrowTyCon
+ repTapps tcon [f1, a1]
+repTy (HsListTy t) = do
+ t1 <- repTy t
+ tcon <- repListTyCon
+ repTapp tcon t1
+repTy (HsPArrTy t) = do
+ t1 <- repTy t
+ tcon <- repTy (HsTyVar parrTyConName)
+ repTapp tcon t1
+repTy (HsTupleTy tc tys) = do
+ tys1 <- repTys tys
+ tcon <- repTupleTyCon (length tys)
+ repTapps tcon tys1
repTy (HsOpTy ty1 HsArrow ty2) = repTy (HsFunTy ty1 ty2)
-repTy (HsOpTy ty1 (HsTyOp n) ty2) = repTy ((HsTyVar n `HsAppTy` ty1) `HsAppTy` ty2)
+repTy (HsOpTy ty1 (HsTyOp n) ty2) = repTy ((HsTyVar n `HsAppTy` ty1)
+ `HsAppTy` ty2)
repTy (HsParTy t) = repTy t
-repTy (HsPredTy (HsClassP c tys)) = repTy (foldl HsAppTy (HsTyVar c) tys)
+repTy (HsNumTy i) =
+ panic "DsMeta.repTy: Can't represent number types (for generics)"
+repTy (HsPredTy pred) = repPred pred
+repTy (HsKindSig ty kind) =
+ panic "DsMeta.repTy: Can't represent explicit kind signatures yet"
-repTy other_ty = pprPanic "repTy" (ppr other_ty) -- HsForAllTy, HsKindSig
-- Expressions
@@ -672,19 +715,31 @@ repListPat (p:ps) = do { p2 <- repP p
-- The meta-environment
+-- A name/identifier association for fresh names of locally bound entities
type GenSymBind = (Name, Id) -- Gensym the string and bind it to the Id
-- I.e. (x, x_id) means
-- let x_id = gensym "x" in ...
-addBinds :: [GenSymBind] -> DsM a -> DsM a
-addBinds bs m = dsExtendMetaEnv (mkNameEnv [(n,Bound id) | (n,id) <- bs]) m
+-- Generate a fresh name for a locally bound entity
mkGenSym :: Name -> DsM GenSymBind
mkGenSym nm = do { id <- newUniqueId nm stringTy; return (nm,id) }
+-- Ditto for a list of names
mkGenSyms :: [Name] -> DsM [GenSymBind]
mkGenSyms ns = mapM mkGenSym ns
+-- Add a list of fresh names for locally bound entities to the meta
+-- environment (which is part of the state carried around by the desugarer
+-- monad)
+addBinds :: [GenSymBind] -> DsM a -> DsM a
+addBinds bs m = dsExtendMetaEnv (mkNameEnv [(n,Bound id) | (n,id) <- bs]) m
+-- Look up a locally bound name
lookupBinder :: Name -> DsM (Core String)
lookupBinder n
= do { mb_val <- dsLookupMetaEnv n;
@@ -692,6 +747,11 @@ lookupBinder n
Just (Bound x) -> return (coreVar x)
other -> pprPanic "Failed binder lookup:" (ppr n) }
+-- Look up a name that is either locally bound or a global name
+-- * If it is a global name, generate the "original name" representation (ie,
+-- the <module>:<name> form) for the associated entity
lookupOcc :: Name -> DsM (Core String)
-- Lookup an occurrence; it can't be a splice.
-- Use the in-scope bindings if they exist
@@ -913,11 +973,17 @@ repClass (MkC cxt) (MkC cls) (MkC tvs) (MkC ds) = rep2 classDName [cxt, cls, tvs
repProto :: Core String -> Core M.Type -> DsM (Core M.Decl)
repProto (MkC s) (MkC ty) = rep2 protoName [s, ty]
+repCtxt :: Core [M.Type] -> DsM (Core M.Ctxt)
+repCtxt (MkC tys) = rep2 ctxtName [tys]
repConstr :: Core String -> Core [M.Type] -> DsM (Core M.Cons)
-repConstr (MkC con) (MkC tys) = rep2 constrName [con,tys]
+repConstr (MkC con) (MkC tys) = rep2 constrName [con, tys]
------------ Types -------------------
+repTForall :: Core [String] -> Core M.Ctxt -> Core M.Type -> DsM (Core M.Type)
+repTForall (MkC tvars) (MkC ctxt) (MkC ty) = rep2 tforallName [tvars, ctxt, ty]
repTvar :: Core String -> DsM (Core M.Type)
repTvar (MkC s) = rep2 tvarName [s]
@@ -1043,9 +1109,9 @@ templateHaskellNames
funName, valName, liftName,
gensymName, returnQName, bindQName, sequenceQName,
matchName, clauseName, funName, valName, dataDName, classDName,
- instName, protoName, tvarName, tconName, tappName,
+ instName, protoName, tforallName, tvarName, tconName, tappName,
arrowTyConName, tupleTyConName, listTyConName, namedTyConName,
- constrName,
+ ctxtName, constrName,
exprTyConName, declTyConName, pattTyConName, mtchTyConName,
clseTyConName, stmtTyConName, consTyConName, typeTyConName,
qTyConName, expTyConName, matTyConName, clsTyConName,
@@ -1121,15 +1187,19 @@ instName = varQual FSLIT("inst") instIdKey
protoName = varQual FSLIT("proto") protoIdKey
-- data Typ = ...
+tforallName = varQual FSLIT("tforall") tforallIdKey
tvarName = varQual FSLIT("tvar") tvarIdKey
tconName = varQual FSLIT("tcon") tconIdKey
tappName = varQual FSLIT("tapp") tappIdKey
-- data Tag = ...
-arrowTyConName = varQual FSLIT("arrowTyCon") arrowIdKey
-tupleTyConName = varQual FSLIT("tupleTyCon") tupleIdKey
-listTyConName = varQual FSLIT("listTyCon") listIdKey
-namedTyConName = varQual FSLIT("namedTyCon") namedTyConIdKey
+arrowTyConName = varQual FSLIT("arrowTyCon") arrowIdKey
+tupleTyConName = varQual FSLIT("tupleTyCon") tupleIdKey
+listTyConName = varQual FSLIT("listTyCon") listIdKey
+namedTyConName = varQual FSLIT("namedTyCon") namedTyConIdKey
+-- type Ctxt = ...
+ctxtName = varQual FSLIT("ctxt") ctxtIdKey
-- data Con = ...
constrName = varQual FSLIT("constr") constrIdKey
@@ -1225,21 +1295,24 @@ letStIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 248
noBindStIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 249
parStIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 250
-tvarIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 251
-tconIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 252
-tappIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 253
+tforallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 251
+tvarIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 252
+tconIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 253
+tappIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 254
+arrowIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 255
+tupleIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 256
+listIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 257
+namedTyConIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 258
-arrowIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 254
-tupleIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 255
-listIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 256
-namedTyConIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 257
+ctxtIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 259
-constrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 258
+constrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 260
-stringLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 259
-rationalLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 260
+stringLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 261
+rationalLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 262
-sigExpIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 261
+sigExpIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 263