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authorPeter Wortmann <>2014-12-10 12:00:49 +0100
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-12-16 18:34:08 -0600
commitedd6d676847b94648c18b7f3790852ab4043759d (patch)
parentcc481ec8657e0b91e2f8f9a9eeb3f9ee030635ae (diff)
Generate DWARF unwind information
This tells debuggers such as GDB how to "unwind" a program state, which allows them to walk the stack up. Notes: * The code is quite general, perhaps unnecessarily so. Unless we get more unwind information, only the first case of pprSetUnwind will get used - and pprUnwindExpr and pprUndefUnwind will never be called. It just so happens that this is a point where we can get a lot of features cheaply, even if we don't use them. * When determining what location to show for a return address, most debuggers check the map for "rip-1", assuming that's where the "call" instruction is. For tables-next-to-code, that happens to always be the end of an info table. We therefore cheat a bit here by shifting .debug_frame information so it covers the end of the info table, as well as generating a .loc directive for the info table data. Debuggers will still show the wrong label for the return address, though. Haven't found a way around that one yet. (From Phabricator D396)
4 files changed, 347 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
index 9420424080..4f9bdb64af 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Dwarf (
) where
import CLabel
+import CmmExpr ( GlobalReg(..) )
import Config ( cProjectName, cProjectVersion )
import CoreSyn ( Tickish(..) )
import Debug
@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ import Dwarf.Constants
import Dwarf.Types
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List ( sortBy )
+import Data.Ord ( comparing )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory )
@@ -62,7 +66,13 @@ dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
let lineSct = dwarfLineSection $$
ptext dwarfLineLabel <> colon
- return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct, us')
+ -- .debug_frame section: Information about the layout of the GHC stack
+ let (framesU, us'') = takeUniqFromSupply us'
+ frameSct = dwarfFrameSection $$
+ ptext dwarfFrameLabel <> colon $$
+ pprDwarfFrame (debugFrame framesU procs)
+ return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct, us'')
-- | Header for a compilation unit, establishing global format
-- parameters
@@ -118,3 +128,36 @@ blockToDwarf blk dws
, dwLabel = dblCLabel blk
, dwMarker = mkAsmTempLabel (dblLabel blk)
+-- | Generates the data for the debug frame section, which encodes the
+-- desired stack unwind behaviour for the debugger
+debugFrame :: Unique -> [DebugBlock] -> DwarfFrame
+debugFrame u procs
+ = DwarfFrame { dwCieLabel = mkAsmTempLabel u
+ , dwCieInit = initUws
+ , dwCieProcs = map (procToFrame initUws) procs
+ }
+ where initUws = Map.fromList [(Sp, UwReg Sp 0)]
+-- | Generates unwind information for a procedure debug block
+procToFrame :: UnwindTable -> DebugBlock -> DwarfFrameProc
+procToFrame initUws blk
+ = DwarfFrameProc { dwFdeProc = dblCLabel blk
+ , dwFdeHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk
+ , dwFdeBlocks = map (uncurry blockToFrame) blockUws
+ }
+ where blockUws :: [(DebugBlock, UnwindTable)]
+ blockUws = map snd $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ flatten initUws blk
+ flatten uws0 b@DebugBlock{ dblPosition=pos, dblUnwind=uws,
+ dblBlocks=blocks }
+ | Just p <- pos = (p, (b, uws')):nested
+ | otherwise = nested -- block was optimized out
+ where uws' = uws `Map.union` uws0
+ nested = concatMap (flatten uws') blocks
+blockToFrame :: DebugBlock -> UnwindTable -> DwarfFrameBlock
+blockToFrame blk uws
+ = DwarfFrameBlock { dwFdeBlock = mkAsmTempLabel $ dblLabel blk
+ , dwFdeBlkHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk
+ , dwFdeUnwind = uws
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
index b6a688d657..a5bbeac477 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import FastString
import Platform
import Outputable
+import Reg
+import X86.Regs
import Data.Word
-- | Language ID used for Haskell.
@@ -126,7 +129,66 @@ dwarfSection name = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
".section .debug_" ++ name ++ ",\"\",@progbits"
-- | Dwarf section labels
-dwarfInfoLabel, dwarfAbbrevLabel, dwarfLineLabel :: LitString
+dwarfInfoLabel, dwarfAbbrevLabel, dwarfLineLabel, dwarfFrameLabel :: LitString
dwarfInfoLabel = sLit ".Lsection_info"
dwarfAbbrevLabel = sLit ".Lsection_abbrev"
dwarfLineLabel = sLit ".Lsection_line"
+dwarfFrameLabel = sLit ".Lsection_frame"
+-- | Mapping of registers to DWARF register numbers
+dwarfRegNo :: Platform -> Reg -> Word8
+dwarfRegNo p r = case platformArch p of
+ ArchX86
+ | r == eax -> 0
+ | r == ecx -> 1 -- yes, no typo
+ | r == edx -> 2
+ | r == ebx -> 3
+ | r == esp -> 4
+ | r == ebp -> 5
+ | r == esi -> 6
+ | r == edi -> 7
+ ArchX86_64
+ | r == rax -> 0
+ | r == rdx -> 1 -- this neither. The order GCC allocates registers in?
+ | r == rcx -> 2
+ | r == rbx -> 3
+ | r == rsi -> 4
+ | r == rdi -> 5
+ | r == rbp -> 6
+ | r == rsp -> 7
+ | r == r8 -> 8
+ | r == r9 -> 9
+ | r == r10 -> 10
+ | r == r11 -> 11
+ | r == r12 -> 12
+ | r == r13 -> 13
+ | r == r14 -> 14
+ | r == r15 -> 15
+ | r == xmm0 -> 17
+ | r == xmm1 -> 18
+ | r == xmm2 -> 19
+ | r == xmm3 -> 20
+ | r == xmm4 -> 21
+ | r == xmm5 -> 22
+ | r == xmm6 -> 23
+ | r == xmm7 -> 24
+ | r == xmm8 -> 25
+ | r == xmm9 -> 26
+ | r == xmm10 -> 27
+ | r == xmm11 -> 28
+ | r == xmm12 -> 29
+ | r == xmm13 -> 30
+ | r == xmm14 -> 31
+ | r == xmm15 -> 32
+ _other -> error "dwarfRegNo: Unsupported platform or unknown register!"
+-- | Virtual register number to use for return address.
+dwarfReturnRegNo :: Platform -> Word8
+dwarfReturnRegNo p
+ -- We "overwrite" IP with our pseudo register - that makes sense, as
+ -- when using this mechanism gdb already knows the IP anyway. Clang
+ -- does this too, so it must be safe.
+ = case platformArch p of
+ ArchX86 -> 8 -- eip
+ ArchX86_64 -> 16 -- rip
+ _other -> error "dwarfReturnRegNo: Unsupported platform!"
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
index 1d564f30c0..96fea0ab90 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
@@ -1,26 +1,40 @@
module Dwarf.Types
- ( DwarfInfo(..)
+ ( -- * Dwarf information
+ DwarfInfo(..)
, pprDwarfInfo
, pprAbbrevDecls
+ -- * Dwarf frame
+ , DwarfFrame(..), DwarfFrameProc(..), DwarfFrameBlock(..)
+ , pprDwarfFrame
+ -- * Utilities
, pprByte
- , pprWord
+ , pprData4'
, pprDwWord
+ , pprWord
, pprLEBWord
, pprLEBInt
+ , wordAlign
+import Debug
import CLabel
+import CmmExpr ( GlobalReg(..) )
import FastString
import Outputable
import Platform
+import Reg
import Dwarf.Constants
import Data.Bits
+import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
+import CodeGen.Platform
-- | Individual dwarf records. Each one will be encoded as an entry in
-- the .debug_info section.
data DwarfInfo
@@ -74,6 +88,7 @@ pprAbbrevDecls haveDebugLine =
, (dW_AT_external, dW_FORM_flag)
, (dW_AT_low_pc, dW_FORM_addr)
, (dW_AT_high_pc, dW_FORM_addr)
+ , (dW_AT_frame_base, dW_FORM_block1)
] $$
mkAbbrev DwAbbrBlock dW_TAG_lexical_block dW_CHILDREN_yes
[ (dW_AT_name, dW_FORM_string)
@@ -107,6 +122,8 @@ pprDwarfInfoOpen _ (DwarfSubprogram _ name label) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \df ->
$$ pprFlag (externallyVisibleCLabel label)
$$ pprWord (ppr label)
$$ pprWord (ppr $ mkAsmTempEndLabel label)
+ $$ pprByte 1
+ $$ pprByte dW_OP_call_frame_cfa
pprDwarfInfoOpen _ (DwarfBlock _ label marker) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \df ->
pprAbbrev DwAbbrBlock
$$ pprString (renderWithStyle df (ppr label) (mkCodeStyle CStyle))
@@ -117,6 +134,221 @@ pprDwarfInfoOpen _ (DwarfBlock _ label marker) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \df ->
pprDwarfInfoClose :: SDoc
pprDwarfInfoClose = pprAbbrev DwAbbrNull
+-- | Information about unwind instructions for a procedure. This
+-- corresponds to a "Common Information Entry" (CIE) in DWARF.
+data DwarfFrame
+ = DwarfFrame
+ { dwCieLabel :: CLabel
+ , dwCieInit :: UnwindTable
+ , dwCieProcs :: [DwarfFrameProc]
+ }
+-- | Unwind instructions for an individual procedure. Corresponds to a
+-- "Frame Description Entry" (FDE) in DWARF.
+data DwarfFrameProc
+ = DwarfFrameProc
+ { dwFdeProc :: CLabel
+ , dwFdeHasInfo :: Bool
+ , dwFdeBlocks :: [DwarfFrameBlock]
+ -- ^ List of blocks. Order must match asm!
+ }
+-- | Unwind instructions for a block. Will become part of the
+-- containing FDE.
+data DwarfFrameBlock
+ = DwarfFrameBlock
+ { dwFdeBlock :: CLabel
+ , dwFdeBlkHasInfo :: Bool
+ , dwFdeUnwind :: UnwindTable
+ }
+-- | Header for the .debug_frame section. Here we emit the "Common
+-- Information Entry" record that etablishes general call frame
+-- parameters and the default stack layout.
+pprDwarfFrame :: DwarfFrame -> SDoc
+pprDwarfFrame DwarfFrame{dwCieLabel=cieLabel,dwCieInit=cieInit,dwCieProcs=procs}
+ = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ let cieStartLabel= mkAsmTempDerivedLabel cieLabel (fsLit "_start")
+ cieEndLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel cieLabel
+ length = ppr cieEndLabel <> char '-' <> ppr cieStartLabel
+ spReg = dwarfGlobalRegNo plat Sp
+ retReg = dwarfReturnRegNo plat
+ wordSize = platformWordSize plat
+ pprInit (g, uw) = pprSetUnwind plat g (Nothing, uw)
+ in vcat [ ppr cieLabel <> colon
+ , pprData4' length -- Length of CIE
+ , ppr cieStartLabel <> colon
+ , pprData4' (ptext (sLit "-1"))
+ -- Common Information Entry marker (-1 = 0xf..f)
+ , pprByte 3 -- CIE version (we require DWARF 3)
+ , pprByte 0 -- Augmentation (none)
+ , pprByte 1 -- Code offset multiplicator
+ , pprByte (128-fromIntegral wordSize)
+ -- Data offset multiplicator
+ -- (stacks grow down => "-w" in signed LEB128)
+ , pprByte retReg -- virtual register holding return address
+ ] $$
+ -- Initial unwind table
+ vcat (map pprInit $ Map.toList cieInit) $$
+ vcat [ -- RET = *CFA
+ pprByte (dW_CFA_offset+retReg)
+ , pprByte 0
+ -- Sp' = CFA
+ -- (we need to set this manually as our Sp register is
+ -- often not the architecture's default stack register)
+ , pprByte dW_CFA_val_offset
+ , pprLEBWord (fromIntegral spReg)
+ , pprLEBWord 0
+ ] $$
+ wordAlign $$
+ ppr cieEndLabel <> colon $$
+ -- Procedure unwind tables
+ vcat (map (pprFrameProc cieLabel cieInit) procs)
+-- | Writes a "Frame Description Entry" for a procedure. This consists
+-- mainly of referencing the CIE and writing state machine
+-- instructions to describe how the frame base (CFA) changes.
+pprFrameProc :: CLabel -> UnwindTable -> DwarfFrameProc -> SDoc
+pprFrameProc frameLbl initUw (DwarfFrameProc procLbl hasInfo blocks)
+ = let fdeLabel = mkAsmTempDerivedLabel procLbl (fsLit "_fde")
+ fdeEndLabel = mkAsmTempDerivedLabel procLbl (fsLit "_fde_end")
+ procEnd = mkAsmTempEndLabel procLbl
+ ifInfo str = if hasInfo then text str else empty
+ -- see [Note: Info Offset]
+ in vcat [ pprData4' (ppr fdeEndLabel <> char '-' <> ppr fdeLabel)
+ , ppr fdeLabel <> colon
+ , pprData4' (ppr frameLbl <> char '-' <>
+ ptext dwarfFrameLabel) -- Reference to CIE
+ , pprWord (ppr procLbl <> ifInfo "-1") -- Code pointer
+ , pprWord (ppr procEnd <> char '-' <>
+ ppr procLbl <> ifInfo "+1") -- Block byte length
+ ] $$
+ vcat (snd $ mapAccumL pprFrameBlock initUw blocks) $$
+ wordAlign $$
+ ppr fdeEndLabel <> colon
+-- | Generates unwind information for a block. We only generate
+-- instructions where unwind information actually changes. This small
+-- optimisations saves a lot of space, as subsequent blocks often have
+-- the same unwind information.
+pprFrameBlock :: UnwindTable -> DwarfFrameBlock -> (UnwindTable, SDoc)
+pprFrameBlock oldUws (DwarfFrameBlock blockLbl hasInfo uws)
+ | uws == oldUws
+ = (oldUws, empty)
+ | otherwise
+ = (,) uws $ sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ let lbl = ppr blockLbl <> if hasInfo then text "-1" else empty
+ -- see [Note: Info Offset]
+ isChanged g v | old == Just v = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (old, v)
+ where old = Map.lookup g oldUws
+ changed = Map.toList $ Map.mapMaybeWithKey isChanged uws
+ died = Map.toList $ Map.difference oldUws uws
+ in pprByte dW_CFA_set_loc $$ pprWord lbl $$
+ vcat (map (uncurry $ pprSetUnwind plat) changed) $$
+ vcat (map (pprUndefUnwind plat . fst) died)
+-- [Note: Info Offset]
+-- GDB was pretty much written with C-like programs in mind, and as a
+-- result they assume that once you have a return address, it is a
+-- good idea to look at (PC-1) to unwind further - as that's where the
+-- "call" instruction is supposed to be.
+-- Now on one hand, code generated by GHC looks nothing like what GDB
+-- expects, and in fact going up from a return pointer is guaranteed
+-- to land us inside an info table! On the other hand, that actually
+-- gives us some wiggle room, as we expect IP to never *actually* end
+-- up inside the info table, so we can "cheat" by putting whatever GDB
+-- expects to see there. This is probably pretty safe, as GDB cannot
+-- assume (PC-1) to be a valid code pointer in the first place - and I
+-- have seen no code trying to correct this.
+-- Note that this will not prevent GDB from failing to look-up the
+-- correct function name for the frame, as that uses the symbol table,
+-- which we can not manipulate as easily.
+-- | Get DWARF register ID for a given GlobalReg
+dwarfGlobalRegNo :: Platform -> GlobalReg -> Word8
+dwarfGlobalRegNo p = maybe 0 (dwarfRegNo p . RegReal) . globalRegMaybe p
+-- | Generate code for setting the unwind information for a register,
+-- optimized using its known old value in the table. Note that "Sp" is
+-- special: We see it as synonym for the CFA.
+pprSetUnwind :: Platform -> GlobalReg -> (Maybe UnwindExpr, UnwindExpr) -> SDoc
+pprSetUnwind _ Sp (Just (UwReg s _), UwReg s' o') | s == s'
+ = if o' >= 0
+ then pprByte dW_CFA_def_cfa_offset $$ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral o')
+ else pprByte dW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf $$ pprLEBInt o'
+pprSetUnwind plat Sp (_, UwReg s' o')
+ = if o' >= 0
+ then pprByte dW_CFA_def_cfa $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral $ dwarfGlobalRegNo plat s') $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral o')
+ else pprByte dW_CFA_def_cfa_sf $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral $ dwarfGlobalRegNo plat s') $$
+ pprLEBInt o'
+pprSetUnwind _ Sp (_, uw)
+ = pprByte dW_CFA_def_cfa_expression $$ pprUnwindExpr False uw
+pprSetUnwind plat g (_, UwDeref (UwReg Sp o))
+ | o < 0 && ((-o) `mod` platformWordSize plat) == 0 -- expected case
+ = pprByte (dW_CFA_offset + dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g) $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral ((-o) `div` platformWordSize plat))
+ | otherwise
+ = pprByte dW_CFA_offset_extended_sf $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral (dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g)) $$
+ pprLEBInt o
+pprSetUnwind plat g (_, UwDeref uw)
+ = pprByte dW_CFA_expression $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral (dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g)) $$
+ pprUnwindExpr True uw
+pprSetUnwind plat g (_, uw)
+ = pprByte dW_CFA_val_expression $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral (dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g)) $$
+ pprUnwindExpr True uw
+-- | Generates a DWARF expression for the given unwind expression. If
+-- @spIsCFA@ is true, we see @Sp@ as the frame base CFA where it gets
+-- mentioned.
+pprUnwindExpr :: Bool -> UnwindExpr -> SDoc
+pprUnwindExpr spIsCFA expr
+ = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ let ppr (UwConst i)
+ | i >= 0 && i < 32 = pprByte (dW_OP_lit0 + fromIntegral i)
+ | otherwise = pprByte dW_OP_consts $$ pprLEBInt i -- lazy...
+ ppr (UwReg Sp i) | spIsCFA
+ = if i == 0
+ then pprByte dW_OP_call_frame_cfa
+ else ppr (UwPlus (UwReg Sp 0) (UwConst i))
+ ppr (UwReg g i) = pprByte (dW_OP_breg0+dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g) $$
+ pprLEBInt i
+ ppr (UwDeref u) = ppr u $$ pprByte dW_OP_deref
+ ppr (UwPlus u1 u2) = ppr u1 $$ ppr u2 $$ pprByte dW_OP_plus
+ ppr (UwMinus u1 u2) = ppr u1 $$ ppr u2 $$ pprByte dW_OP_minus
+ ppr (UwTimes u1 u2) = ppr u1 $$ ppr u2 $$ pprByte dW_OP_mul
+ in ptext (sLit "\t.byte 1f-.-1") $$
+ ppr expr $$
+ ptext (sLit "1:")
+-- | Generate code for re-setting the unwind information for a
+-- register to "undefined"
+pprUndefUnwind :: Platform -> GlobalReg -> SDoc
+pprUndefUnwind _ Sp = panic "pprUndefUnwind Sp" -- should never happen
+pprUndefUnwind plat g = pprByte dW_CFA_undefined $$
+ pprLEBWord (fromIntegral $ dwarfGlobalRegNo plat g)
+-- | Align assembly at (machine) word boundary
+wordAlign :: SDoc
+wordAlign = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ ptext (sLit "\t.align ") <> case platformOS plat of
+ OSDarwin -> case platformWordSize plat of
+ 8 -> text "3"
+ 4 -> text "2"
+ _other -> error "wordAlign: Unsupported word size!"
+ _other -> ppr (platformWordSize plat)
-- | Assembly for a single byte of constant DWARF data
pprByte :: Word8 -> SDoc
pprByte x = ptext (sLit "\t.byte ") <> ppr (fromIntegral x :: Word)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
index 982f79a561..7022e59647 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
@@ -114,8 +114,14 @@ pprBasicBlock info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
Nothing -> empty
Just (Statics info_lbl info) ->
pprSectionHeader Text $$
+ infoTableLoc $$
vcat (map pprData info) $$
pprLabel info_lbl
+ -- Make sure the info table has the right .loc for the block
+ -- coming right after it. See [Note: Info Offset]
+ infoTableLoc = case instrs of
+ (l@LOCATION{} : _) -> pprInstr l
+ _other -> empty
pprDatas :: (Alignment, CmmStatics) -> SDoc
pprDatas (align, (Statics lbl dats))