diff options
authorRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-07 05:24:29 +0000
committerRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-07 05:24:29 +0000
commit63c02b8d3596f4fec9a65abc35fa9d588245a0ac (patch)
parenta2b8c86fd7594a14b141f2e69b274f99e7407406 (diff)
Move code
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs b/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
index 7bc4cd244c..3e6fa2d4e4 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
@@ -195,95 +195,6 @@ vectDataCon dc
rep_arg_tys = dataConRepArgTys dc
tycon = dataConTyCon dc
-vectDataConWorkers :: PAInstance -> VM [(Var, CoreExpr)]
-vectDataConWorkers (PAInstance { painstOrigTyCon = orig_tc
- , painstVectTyCon = vect_tc
- , painstArrTyCon = arr_tc
- })
- = do
- shape <- tyConShape vect_tc
- sequence_ (zipWith3 (vectDataConWorker shape vect_tc arr_tc arr_dc)
- num_dcs
- (inits repr_tys)
- (tails repr_tys))
- takeHoisted
- where
- orig_dcs = tyConDataCons orig_tc
- vect_dcs = tyConDataCons vect_tc
- [arr_dc] = tyConDataCons arr_tc
- num_dcs = zip3 orig_dcs vect_dcs [0..]
- repr_tys = map dataConRepArgTys vect_dcs
-vectDataConWorker :: Shape -> TyCon -> TyCon -> DataCon
- -> (DataCon, DataCon, Int) -> [[Type]] -> [[Type]]
- -> VM ()
-vectDataConWorker shape vect_tc arr_tc arr_dc (orig_dc, vect_dc, dc_num) pre (dc_tys : post)
- = do
- clo <- closedV
- . inBind orig_worker
- . polyAbstract tvs $ \abstract ->
- liftM (abstract . vectorised)
- $ buildClosures tvs [] dc_tys res_ty (liftM2 (,) mk_vect mk_lift)
- worker <- cloneId mkVectOcc orig_worker (exprType clo)
- hoistBinding worker clo
- defGlobalVar orig_worker worker
- return ()
- where
- tvs = tyConTyVars vect_tc
- arg_tys = mkTyVarTys tvs
- res_ty = mkTyConApp vect_tc arg_tys
- orig_worker = dataConWorkId orig_dc
- mk_vect = return . mkConApp vect_dc $ map Type arg_tys
- mk_lift = do
- len <- newLocalVar FSLIT("n") intPrimTy
- arr_tys <- mapM mkPArrayType dc_tys
- args <- mapM (newLocalVar FSLIT("xs")) arr_tys
- shapes <- shapeReplicate shape (Var len) (mkIntLitInt dc_num)
- empty_pre <- mapM emptyPA (concat pre)
- empty_post <- mapM emptyPA (concat post)
- return . mkLams (len : args)
- . wrapFamInstBody arr_tc arg_tys
- . mkConApp arr_dc
- $ map Type arg_tys ++ shapes
- ++ empty_pre
- ++ map Var args
- ++ empty_post
-data Shape = Shape {
- shapeReprTys :: [Type]
- , shapeStrictness :: [StrictnessMark]
- , shapeLength :: [CoreExpr] -> VM CoreExpr
- , shapeReplicate :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> VM [CoreExpr]
- }
-tyConShape :: TyCon -> VM Shape
-tyConShape vect_tc
- | isProductTyCon vect_tc
- = return $ Shape {
- shapeReprTys = [intPrimTy]
- , shapeStrictness = [NotMarkedStrict]
- , shapeLength = \[len] -> return len
- , shapeReplicate = \len _ -> return [len]
- }
- | otherwise
- = do
- repr_ty <- mkPArrayType intTy -- FIXME: we want to unbox this
- return $ Shape {
- shapeReprTys = [repr_ty]
- , shapeStrictness = [MarkedStrict]
- , shapeLength = \[sel] -> lengthPA sel
- , shapeReplicate = \len n -> do
- e <- replicatePA len n
- return [e]
- }
buildPArrayTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> VM TyCon
buildPArrayTyCon orig_tc vect_tc = fixV $ \repr_tc ->
@@ -364,6 +275,95 @@ mkPADFun :: TyCon -> VM Var
mkPADFun vect_tc
= newExportedVar (mkPADFunOcc $ getOccName vect_tc) =<< paDFunType vect_tc
+data Shape = Shape {
+ shapeReprTys :: [Type]
+ , shapeStrictness :: [StrictnessMark]
+ , shapeLength :: [CoreExpr] -> VM CoreExpr
+ , shapeReplicate :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> VM [CoreExpr]
+ }
+tyConShape :: TyCon -> VM Shape
+tyConShape vect_tc
+ | isProductTyCon vect_tc
+ = return $ Shape {
+ shapeReprTys = [intPrimTy]
+ , shapeStrictness = [NotMarkedStrict]
+ , shapeLength = \[len] -> return len
+ , shapeReplicate = \len _ -> return [len]
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ repr_ty <- mkPArrayType intTy -- FIXME: we want to unbox this
+ return $ Shape {
+ shapeReprTys = [repr_ty]
+ , shapeStrictness = [MarkedStrict]
+ , shapeLength = \[sel] -> lengthPA sel
+ , shapeReplicate = \len n -> do
+ e <- replicatePA len n
+ return [e]
+ }
+vectDataConWorkers :: PAInstance -> VM [(Var, CoreExpr)]
+vectDataConWorkers (PAInstance { painstOrigTyCon = orig_tc
+ , painstVectTyCon = vect_tc
+ , painstArrTyCon = arr_tc
+ })
+ = do
+ shape <- tyConShape vect_tc
+ sequence_ (zipWith3 (vectDataConWorker shape vect_tc arr_tc arr_dc)
+ num_dcs
+ (inits repr_tys)
+ (tails repr_tys))
+ takeHoisted
+ where
+ orig_dcs = tyConDataCons orig_tc
+ vect_dcs = tyConDataCons vect_tc
+ [arr_dc] = tyConDataCons arr_tc
+ num_dcs = zip3 orig_dcs vect_dcs [0..]
+ repr_tys = map dataConRepArgTys vect_dcs
+vectDataConWorker :: Shape -> TyCon -> TyCon -> DataCon
+ -> (DataCon, DataCon, Int) -> [[Type]] -> [[Type]]
+ -> VM ()
+vectDataConWorker shape vect_tc arr_tc arr_dc (orig_dc, vect_dc, dc_num) pre (dc_tys : post)
+ = do
+ clo <- closedV
+ . inBind orig_worker
+ . polyAbstract tvs $ \abstract ->
+ liftM (abstract . vectorised)
+ $ buildClosures tvs [] dc_tys res_ty (liftM2 (,) mk_vect mk_lift)
+ worker <- cloneId mkVectOcc orig_worker (exprType clo)
+ hoistBinding worker clo
+ defGlobalVar orig_worker worker
+ return ()
+ where
+ tvs = tyConTyVars vect_tc
+ arg_tys = mkTyVarTys tvs
+ res_ty = mkTyConApp vect_tc arg_tys
+ orig_worker = dataConWorkId orig_dc
+ mk_vect = return . mkConApp vect_dc $ map Type arg_tys
+ mk_lift = do
+ len <- newLocalVar FSLIT("n") intPrimTy
+ arr_tys <- mapM mkPArrayType dc_tys
+ args <- mapM (newLocalVar FSLIT("xs")) arr_tys
+ shapes <- shapeReplicate shape (Var len) (mkIntLitInt dc_num)
+ empty_pre <- mapM emptyPA (concat pre)
+ empty_post <- mapM emptyPA (concat post)
+ return . mkLams (len : args)
+ . wrapFamInstBody arr_tc arg_tys
+ . mkConApp arr_dc
+ $ map Type arg_tys ++ shapes
+ ++ empty_pre
+ ++ map Var args
+ ++ empty_post
buildPADict :: PAInstance -> VM [(Var, CoreExpr)]
buildPADict (PAInstance {
painstDFun = dfun