diff options
authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2011-03-05 12:36:25 +0000
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2011-03-05 12:36:25 +0000
commit2db562c779b7796922e0ae9cd8533b120b53a9d2 (patch)
parentfdcb0ced3ff1628edf8dac16adbbdf7b10ed9052 (diff)
Completed the implementation of VECTORISE SCALAR
- The pragma {-# VECTORISE SCALAR foo #-} marks 'foo' as a scalar function for for vectorisation and generates a vectorised version by applying 'scalar_map' and friends. - The set of scalar functions is not yet emitted into interface files. This will be added in a subsequent patch via 'VectInfo'.
3 files changed, 174 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index 72cca6e1c6..ca6766ad29 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Vectorise ( vectorise )
@@ -121,44 +121,53 @@ vectModule guts@(ModGuts { mg_types = types
vectTopBind :: CoreBind -> VM CoreBind
vectTopBind b@(NonRec var expr)
- = do
- (inline, _, expr') <- vectTopRhs [] var expr
- var' <- vectTopBinder var inline expr'
+ = do { -- Vectorise the right-hand side, create an appropriate top-level binding and add it to
+ -- the vectorisation map.
+ ; (inline, isScalar, expr') <- vectTopRhs [] var expr
+ ; var' <- vectTopBinder var inline expr'
+ ; when isScalar $
+ addGlobalScalar var
- -- Vectorising the body may create other top-level bindings.
- hs <- takeHoisted
- -- To get the same functionality as the original body we project
- -- out its vectorised version from the closure.
- cexpr <- tryConvert var var' expr
- return . Rec $ (var, cexpr) : (var', expr') : hs
+ -- We replace the original top-level binding by a value projected from the vectorised
+ -- closure and add any newly created hoisted top-level bindings.
+ ; cexpr <- tryConvert var var' expr
+ ; hs <- takeHoisted
+ ; return . Rec $ (var, cexpr) : (var', expr') : hs
+ }
return b
vectTopBind b@(Rec bs)
- = do
- (vars', _, exprs')
- <- fixV $ \ ~(_, inlines, rhss) ->
- do vars' <- sequence [vectTopBinder var inline rhs
- | (var, ~(inline, rhs)) <- zipLazy vars (zip inlines rhss)]
- (inlines', areScalars', exprs')
- <- mapAndUnzip3M (uncurry $ vectTopRhs vars) bs
- if (and areScalars') || (length bs <= 1)
- then do
- return (vars', inlines', exprs')
- else do
- _ <- mapM deleteGlobalScalar vars
- (inlines'', _, exprs'') <- mapAndUnzip3M (uncurry $ vectTopRhs []) bs
- return (vars', inlines'', exprs'')
+ = let (vars, exprs) = unzip bs
+ in
+ do { (vars', _, exprs', hs) <- fixV $
+ \ ~(_, inlines, rhss, _) ->
+ do { -- Vectorise the right-hand sides, create an appropriate top-level bindings and
+ -- add them to the vectorisation map.
+ ; vars' <- sequence [vectTopBinder var inline rhs
+ | (var, ~(inline, rhs)) <- zipLazy vars (zip inlines rhss)]
+ ; (inlines, areScalars, exprs') <- mapAndUnzip3M (uncurry $ vectTopRhs vars) bs
+ ; hs <- takeHoisted
+ ; if and areScalars
+ then -- (1) Entire recursive group is scalar
+ -- => add all variables to the global set of scalars
+ do { mapM addGlobalScalar vars
+ ; return (vars', inlines, exprs', hs)
+ }
+ else -- (2) At least one binding is not scalar
+ -- => vectorise again with empty set of local scalars
+ do { (inlines, _, exprs') <- mapAndUnzip3M (uncurry $ vectTopRhs []) bs
+ ; hs <- takeHoisted
+ ; return (vars', inlines, exprs', hs)
+ }
+ }
- hs <- takeHoisted
- cexprs <- sequence $ zipWith3 tryConvert vars vars' exprs
- return . Rec $ zip vars cexprs ++ zip vars' exprs' ++ hs
+ -- Replace the original top-level bindings by a values projected from the vectorised
+ -- closures and add any newly created hoisted top-level bindings to the group.
+ ; cexprs <- sequence $ zipWith3 tryConvert vars vars' exprs
+ ; return . Rec $ zip vars cexprs ++ zip vars' exprs' ++ hs
+ }
- return b
- where
- (vars, exprs) = unzip bs
+ return b
-- | Make the vectorised version of this top level binder, and add the mapping
-- between it and the original to the state. For some binder @foo@ the vectorised
@@ -233,22 +242,16 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
rhs _globalScalar (Just (_, expr')) -- Case (1)
= return (inlineMe, False, expr')
- rhs True _vectDecl -- Case (2)
- = return (inlineMe, True, scalarRHS)
- -- FIXME: that True is not enough to register scalarness
- rhs False _vectDecl -- Case (3)
+ rhs True Nothing -- Case (2)
+ = do { expr' <- vectScalarFun True recFs expr
+ ; return (inlineMe, True, vectorised expr')
+ }
+ rhs False Nothing -- Case (3)
= do { let fvs = freeVars expr
; (inline, isScalar, vexpr) <- inBind var $
vectPolyExpr (isLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo var) recFs fvs
- ; if isScalar
- then addGlobalScalar var
- else deleteGlobalScalar var
; return (inline, isScalar, vectorised vexpr)
- -- For scalar right-hand sides, we know that the original binding will remain unaltered
- -- (hence, we can refer to it without risk of cycles) - cf, 'tryConvert'.
- scalarRHS = panic "Vectorise.scalarRHS: not implemented yet"
-- | Project out the vectorised version of a binding from some closure,
-- or return the original body if that doesn't work or the binding is scalar.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
index 9a1fd4431a..5014fd6272 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ emptyLocalEnv = LocalEnv {
-- These are things the exist at top-level.
data GlobalEnv
= GlobalEnv {
- -- | Mapping from global variables to their vectorised versions.
+ -- | Mapping from global variables to their vectorised versions — aka the /vectorisation
+ -- map/.
global_vars :: VarEnv Var
-- | Mapping from global variables that have a vectorisation declaration to the right-hand
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index 569057e5e8..dbdf6e1c8d 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
-- | Vectorisation of expressions.
-module Vectorise.Exp
- (vectPolyExpr)
-import Vectorise.Utils
+module Vectorise.Exp (
+ -- Vectorise a polymorphic expression
+ vectPolyExpr,
+ -- Vectorise a scalar expression of functional type
+ vectScalarFun
+) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
import Vectorise.Type.Type
import Vectorise.Var
import Vectorise.Vect
import Vectorise.Env
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
+import Vectorise.Utils
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
@@ -148,134 +156,141 @@ vectExpr e = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectExpr)" (ppr $ deAnno
-- | Vectorise an expression with an outer lambda abstraction.
-vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ When the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should be inlined.
- -> Bool -- ^ Whether the binding is a loop breaker.
- -> [Var]
- -> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Expression to vectorise. Must have an outer `AnnLam`.
+vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ If we process the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should
+ -- be inlined
+ -> Bool -- ^ Whether the binding is a loop breaker
+ -> [Var] -- ^ Names of function in same recursive binding group
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Expression to vectorise; must have an outer `AnnLam`
-> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
-vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns e@(fvs, AnnLam bndr _)
- | isId bndr = onlyIfV True -- (isEmptyVarSet fvs) -- we check for free variables later. TODO: clean up
- (mark DontInline True . vectScalarLam bs recFns $ deAnnotate body)
- `orElseV` mark inlineMe False (vectLam inline loop_breaker fvs bs body)
- where
- (bs,body) = collectAnnValBinders e
+vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns expr@(_fvs, AnnLam bndr _)
+ | isId bndr = mark DontInline True (vectScalarFun False recFns (deAnnotate expr))
+ `orElseV`
+ mark inlineMe False (vectLam inline loop_breaker expr)
vectFnExpr _ _ _ e = mark DontInline False $ vectExpr e
mark :: Inline -> Bool -> VM a -> VM (Inline, Bool, a)
mark b isScalarFn p = do { x <- p; return (b, isScalarFn, x) }
--- | Vectorise a function where are the args have scalar type,
--- that is Int, Float, Double etc.
- :: [Var] -- ^ Bound variables of function
- -> [Var]
- -> CoreExpr -- ^ Function body.
- -> VM VExpr
-vectScalarLam args recFns body
- = do scalars' <- globalScalars
- let scalars = unionVarSet (mkVarSet recFns) scalars'
- onlyIfV (all is_prim_ty arg_tys
- && is_prim_ty res_ty
- && is_scalar (extendVarSetList scalars args) body
- && uses scalars body)
- $ do
- fn_var <- hoistExpr (fsLit "fn") (mkLams args body) DontInline
- zipf <- zipScalars arg_tys res_ty
- clo <- scalarClosure arg_tys res_ty (Var fn_var)
- (zipf `App` Var fn_var)
- clo_var <- hoistExpr (fsLit "clo") clo DontInline
- lclo <- liftPD (Var clo_var)
- return (Var clo_var, lclo)
+-- |Vectorise an expression of functional type, where all arguments and the result are of scalar
+-- type (i.e., 'Int', 'Float', 'Double' etc.) and which does not contain any subcomputations that
+-- involve parallel arrays. Such functionals do not requires the full blown vectorisation
+-- transformation; instead, they can be lifted by application of a member of the zipWith family
+-- (i.e., 'map', 'zipWith', zipWith3', etc.)
+vectScalarFun :: Bool -- ^ Was the function marked as scalar by the user?
+ -> [Var] -- ^ Functions names in same recursive binding group
+ -> CoreExpr -- ^ Expression to be vectorised
+ -> VM VExpr
+vectScalarFun forceScalar recFns expr
+ = do { gscalars <- globalScalars
+ ; let scalars = gscalars `extendVarSetList` recFns
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
+ ; MASSERT( not $ null arg_tys )
+ ; onlyIfV (forceScalar -- user asserts the functions is scalar
+ ||
+ all is_prim_ty arg_tys -- check whether the function is scalar
+ && is_prim_ty res_ty
+ && is_scalar scalars expr
+ && uses scalars expr)
+ $ mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
+ }
- arg_tys = map idType args
- res_ty = exprType body
+ -- FIXME: This is woefully insufficient!!! We need a scalar pragma for types!!!
is_prim_ty ty
| Just (tycon, []) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
= tycon == intTyCon
|| tycon == floatTyCon
|| tycon == doubleTyCon
| otherwise = False
- cantbe_parr_expr expr = not $ maybe_parr_ty $ exprType expr
- maybe_parr_ty ty = maybe_parr_ty' [] ty
- maybe_parr_ty' _ ty | Nothing <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = False -- TODO: is this really what we want to do with polym. types?
- maybe_parr_ty' alreadySeen ty
- | isPArrTyCon tycon = True
- | isPrimTyCon tycon = False
- | isAbstractTyCon tycon = True
- | isFunTyCon tycon || isProductTyCon tycon || isTupleTyCon tycon = any (maybe_parr_ty' alreadySeen) args
- | isDataTyCon tycon = any (maybe_parr_ty' alreadySeen) args ||
- hasParrDataCon alreadySeen tycon
- | otherwise = True
- where
- Just (tycon, args) = splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- hasParrDataCon alreadySeen tycon
- | tycon `elem` alreadySeen = False
- | otherwise =
- any (maybe_parr_ty' $ tycon : alreadySeen) $ concat $ map dataConOrigArgTys $ tyConDataCons tycon
- -- checks to make sure expression can't contain a non-scalar subexpression. Might err on the side of caution whenever
- -- an external (non data constructor) variable is used, or anonymous data constructor
- is_scalar vs e@(Var v)
- | Just _ <- isDataConId_maybe v = cantbe_parr_expr e
- | otherwise = cantbe_parr_expr e && (v `elemVarSet` vs)
- is_scalar _ e@(Lit _) = cantbe_parr_expr e
- is_scalar vs e@(App e1 e2) = cantbe_parr_expr e &&
- is_scalar vs e1 && is_scalar vs e2
- is_scalar vs e@(Let (NonRec b letExpr) body)
- = cantbe_parr_expr e &&
- is_scalar vs letExpr && is_scalar (extendVarSet vs b) body
- is_scalar vs e@(Let (Rec bnds) body)
- = let vs' = extendVarSetList vs (map fst bnds)
- in cantbe_parr_expr e &&
- all (is_scalar vs') (map snd bnds) && is_scalar vs' body
- is_scalar vs e@(Case eC eId ty alts)
- = let vs' = extendVarSet vs eId
- in cantbe_parr_expr e &&
- is_prim_ty ty &&
- is_scalar vs' eC &&
- (all (is_scalar_alt vs') alts)
- is_scalar _ _ = False
- is_scalar_alt vs (_, bs, e)
- = is_scalar (extendVarSetList vs bs) e
+ -- Checks whether an expression contain a non-scalar subexpression.
+ --
+ -- Precodition: The variables in the first argument are scalar.
+ --
+ -- In case of a recursive binding group, we /assume/ that all bindings are scalar (by adding
+ -- them to the list of scalar variables) and then check them. If one of them turns out not to
+ -- be scalar, the entire group is regarded as not being scalar.
+ --
+ -- FIXME: Currently, doesn't regard external (non-data constructor) variable and anonymous
+ -- data constructor as scalar. Should be changed once scalar types are passed
+ -- through VectInfo.
+ --
+ is_scalar :: VarSet -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+ is_scalar scalars (Var v) = v `elemVarSet` scalars
+ is_scalar _scalars (Lit _) = True
+ is_scalar scalars e@(App e1 e2)
+ | maybe_parr_ty (exprType e) = False
+ | otherwise = is_scalar scalars e1 && is_scalar scalars e2
+ is_scalar scalars (Lam var body)
+ | maybe_parr_ty (varType var) = False
+ | otherwise = is_scalar (scalars `extendVarSet` var) body
+ is_scalar scalars (Let bind body) = bindsAreScalar && is_scalar scalars' body
+ where
+ (bindsAreScalar, scalars') = is_scalar_bind scalars bind
+ is_scalar scalars (Case e var ty alts)
+ | is_prim_ty ty = is_scalar scalars' e && all (is_scalar_alt scalars') alts
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ scalars' = scalars `extendVarSet` var
+ is_scalar scalars (Cast e _coe) = is_scalar scalars e
+ is_scalar scalars (Note _ e ) = is_scalar scalars e
+ is_scalar _scalars (Type _) = True
+ -- Result: (<is this binding group scalar>, scalars ++ variables bound in this group)
+ is_scalar_bind scalars (NonRec var e) = (is_scalar scalars e, scalars `extendVarSet` var)
+ is_scalar_bind scalars (Rec bnds) = (all (is_scalar scalars') es, scalars')
+ where
+ (vars, es) = unzip bnds
+ scalars' = scalars `extendVarSetList` vars
+ is_scalar_alt scalars (_, vars, e) = is_scalar (scalars `extendVarSetList ` vars) e
+ -- Checks whether the type might be a parallel array type. In particular, if the outermost
+ -- constructor is a type family, we conservatively assume that it may be a parallel array type.
+ maybe_parr_ty :: Type -> Bool
+ maybe_parr_ty ty
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty = maybe_parr_ty ty'
+ | Just (tyCon, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = isPArrTyCon tyCon || isSynFamilyTyCon tyCon
+ maybe_parr_ty _ = False
+ -- FIXME: I'm not convinced that this reasoning is (always) sound. If the identify functions
+ -- is called by some other function that is otherwise scalar, it would be very bad
+ -- that just this call to the identity makes it not be scalar.
-- A scalar function has to actually compute something. Without the check,
-- we would treat (\(x :: Int) -> x) as a scalar function and lift it to
-- (map (\x -> x)) which is very bad. Normal lifting transforms it to
-- (\n# x -> x) which is what we want.
- uses funs (Var v) = v `elemVarSet` funs
- uses funs (App e1 e2) = uses funs e1 || uses funs e2
+ uses funs (Var v) = v `elemVarSet` funs
+ uses funs (App e1 e2) = uses funs e1 || uses funs e2
+ uses funs (Lam b body) = uses (funs `extendVarSet` b) body
uses funs (Let (NonRec _b letExpr) body)
- = uses funs letExpr || uses funs body
+ = uses funs letExpr || uses funs body
uses funs (Case e _eId _ty alts)
- = uses funs e || any (uses_alt funs) alts
- uses _ _ = False
+ = uses funs e || any (uses_alt funs) alts
+ uses _ _ = False
- uses_alt funs (_, _bs, e)
- = uses funs e
+ uses_alt funs (_, _bs, e) = uses funs e
+mkScalarFun :: [Type] -> Type -> CoreExpr -> VM VExpr
+mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
+ = do { fn_var <- hoistExpr (fsLit "fn") expr DontInline
+ ; zipf <- zipScalars arg_tys res_ty
+ ; clo <- scalarClosure arg_tys res_ty (Var fn_var) (zipf `App` Var fn_var)
+ ; clo_var <- hoistExpr (fsLit "clo") clo DontInline
+ ; lclo <- liftPD (Var clo_var)
+ ; return (Var clo_var, lclo)
+ }
-- | Vectorise a lambda abstraction.
- :: Bool -- ^ When the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should be inlined.
- -> Bool -- ^ Whether the binding is a loop breaker.
- -> VarSet -- ^ The free variables in the body.
- -> [Var] -- ^ Binding variables.
- -> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Body of abstraction.
- -> VM VExpr
-vectLam inline loop_breaker fvs bs body
- = do tyvars <- localTyVars
+vectLam :: Bool -- ^ When the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should be inlined.
+ -> Bool -- ^ Whether the binding is a loop breaker.
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Body of abstraction.
+ -> VM VExpr
+vectLam inline loop_breaker expr@(fvs, AnnLam _ _)
+ = do let (bs, body) = collectAnnValBinders expr
+ tyvars <- localTyVars
(vs, vvs) <- readLEnv $ \env ->
unzip [(var, vv) | var <- varSetElems fvs
, Just vv <- [lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) var]]
@@ -305,6 +320,7 @@ vectLam inline loop_breaker fvs bs body
(LitAlt (mkMachInt 0), [], empty)])
| otherwise = return (ve, le)
+vectLam _ _ _ = panic "vectLam"
vectTyAppExpr :: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Type] -> VM VExpr