diff options
authorCheng Shao <>2022-10-24 14:20:31 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2022-11-11 00:26:55 -0500
commit36340328a6a26529b1eb4ca0413dc87eb91fe700 (patch)
parenta8adc71e80734c6dc2e119596368f84e39fd1172 (diff)
compiler: wasm32 NCG
This patch adds the wasm32 NCG.
7 files changed, 2722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
index 9fed66053a..37d77900ba 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude hiding (head)
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86 as X86
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC as PPC
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64 as AArch64
+import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm as Wasm32
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Liveness
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear as Linear
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ nativeCodeGen logger config modLoc h us cmms
ArchRISCV64 -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for RISCV64"
ArchUnknown -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for unknown arch"
ArchJavaScript-> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for JavaScript"
+ ArchWasm32 -> Wasm32.ncgWasm platform us modLoc h cmms
-- | Data accumulated during code generation. Mostly about statistics,
-- but also collects debug data for DWARF generation.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ea3244db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm (ncgWasm) where
+import Data.ByteString.Builder
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Semigroup
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Asm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
+import GHC.Data.Stream (Stream, StreamS (..), runStream)
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Unit
+import System.IO
+ncgWasm ::
+ Platform ->
+ UniqSupply ->
+ ModLocation ->
+ Handle ->
+ Stream IO RawCmmGroup a ->
+ IO a
+ncgWasm platform us loc h cmms = do
+ (r, s) <- streamCmmGroups platform us cmms
+ hPutBuilder h $ "# " <> string7 (fromJust $ ml_hs_file loc) <> "\n\n"
+ hPutBuilder h $ execWasmAsmM $ asmTellEverything TagI32 s
+ pure r
+streamCmmGroups ::
+ Platform ->
+ UniqSupply ->
+ Stream IO RawCmmGroup a ->
+ IO (a, WasmCodeGenState 'I32)
+streamCmmGroups platform us cmms =
+ go (initialWasmCodeGenState platform us) $
+ runStream cmms
+ where
+ go s (Done r) = pure (r, s)
+ go s (Effect m) = m >>= go s
+ go s (Yield cmm k) = go (wasmExecM (onCmmGroup cmm) s) k
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Asm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Asm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cc08a58b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Asm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Asm (asmTellEverything, execWasmAsmM) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.ByteString.Builder
+import Data.Coerce
+import Data.Foldable
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Semigroup
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Utils
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Float
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
+import GHC.Utils.Panic (panic)
+-- | Reads current indentation, appends result to state
+newtype WasmAsmM a = WasmAsmM (Builder -> State Builder a)
+ deriving
+ ( Functor,
+ Applicative,
+ Monad
+ )
+ via (ReaderT Builder (State Builder))
+instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (WasmAsmM a) where
+ (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
+instance Monoid a => Monoid (WasmAsmM a) where
+ mempty = pure mempty
+-- | Default indent level is none
+execWasmAsmM :: WasmAsmM a -> Builder
+execWasmAsmM (WasmAsmM m) = execState (m mempty) mempty
+-- | Increase indent level by a tab
+asmWithTab :: WasmAsmM a -> WasmAsmM a
+asmWithTab (WasmAsmM m) = WasmAsmM $ \t -> m $! char7 '\t' <> t
+-- | Writes a single line starting with the current indent
+asmTellLine :: Builder -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellLine b = WasmAsmM $ \t -> modify $ \acc -> acc <> t <> b <> char7 '\n'
+-- | Writes a single line break
+asmTellLF :: WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellLF = WasmAsmM $ \_ -> modify $ \acc -> acc <> char7 '\n'
+-- | Writes a line starting with a single tab, ignoring current indent
+-- level
+asmTellTabLine :: Builder -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellTabLine b =
+ WasmAsmM $ \_ -> modify $ \acc -> acc <> char7 '\t' <> b <> char7 '\n'
+asmFromWasmType :: WasmTypeTag t -> Builder
+asmFromWasmType ty = case ty of
+ TagI32 -> "i32"
+ TagI64 -> "i64"
+ TagF32 -> "f32"
+ TagF64 -> "f64"
+asmFromSomeWasmType :: SomeWasmType -> Builder
+asmFromSomeWasmType (SomeWasmType t) = asmFromWasmType t
+asmFromSomeWasmTypes :: [SomeWasmType] -> Builder
+asmFromSomeWasmTypes ts = "(" <> builderCommas asmFromSomeWasmType ts <> ")"
+asmFromFuncType :: [SomeWasmType] -> [SomeWasmType] -> Builder
+asmFromFuncType arg_tys ret_tys =
+ asmFromSomeWasmTypes arg_tys <> " -> " <> asmFromSomeWasmTypes ret_tys
+asmTellFuncType ::
+ SymName -> ([SomeWasmType], [SomeWasmType]) -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellFuncType sym (arg_tys, ret_tys) =
+ asmTellTabLine $
+ ".functype "
+ <> asmFromSymName sym
+ <> " "
+ <> asmFromFuncType arg_tys ret_tys
+asmTellLocals :: [SomeWasmType] -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellLocals [] = mempty
+asmTellLocals local_tys =
+ asmTellTabLine $ ".local " <> builderCommas asmFromSomeWasmType local_tys
+asmFromSymName :: SymName -> Builder
+asmFromSymName = shortByteString . coerce fastStringToShortByteString
+asmTellDefSym :: SymName -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellDefSym sym = do
+ asmTellTabLine $ ".hidden " <> asm_sym
+ asmTellTabLine $ ".globl " <> asm_sym
+ where
+ asm_sym = asmFromSymName sym
+asmTellDataSectionContent :: WasmTypeTag w -> DataSectionContent -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellDataSectionContent ty_word c = asmTellTabLine $ case c of
+ DataI8 i -> ".int8 " <> integerDec i
+ DataI16 i -> ".int16 " <> integerDec i
+ DataI32 i -> ".int32 " <> integerDec i
+ DataI64 i -> ".int64 " <> integerDec i
+ DataF32 f -> ".int32 0x" <> word32Hex (castFloatToWord32 f)
+ DataF64 d -> ".int64 0x" <> word64Hex (castDoubleToWord64 d)
+ DataSym sym o ->
+ ( case ty_word of
+ TagI32 -> ".int32 "
+ TagI64 -> ".int64 "
+ _ -> panic "asmTellDataSectionContent: unreachable"
+ )
+ <> asmFromSymName sym
+ <> ( case compare o 0 of
+ EQ -> mempty
+ GT -> "+" <> intDec o
+ LT -> intDec o
+ )
+ DataSkip i -> ".skip " <> intDec i
+ DataASCII s
+ | not (BS.null s) && BS.last s == 0 ->
+ ".asciz \""
+ <> string7
+ (showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext $ pprASCII $ BS.init s)
+ <> "\""
+ | otherwise ->
+ ".ascii \""
+ <> string7
+ (showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext $ pprASCII s)
+ <> "\""
+ DataIncBin f _ ->
+ ".incbin "
+ <> string7
+ (showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext $ pprFilePathString f)
+dataSectionContentSize :: WasmTypeTag w -> DataSectionContent -> Int
+dataSectionContentSize ty_word c = case c of
+ DataI8 {} -> 1
+ DataI16 {} -> 2
+ DataI32 {} -> 4
+ DataI64 {} -> 8
+ DataF32 {} -> 4
+ DataF64 {} -> 8
+ DataSym {} -> alignmentBytes $ alignmentFromWordType ty_word
+ DataSkip i -> i
+ DataASCII s -> BS.length s
+ DataIncBin _ l -> l
+dataSectionSize :: WasmTypeTag w -> [DataSectionContent] -> Int
+dataSectionSize ty_word =
+ coerce
+ . foldMap'
+ (Sum . dataSectionContentSize ty_word)
+asmTellAlign :: Alignment -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellAlign a = case alignmentBytes a of
+ 1 -> mempty
+ i -> asmTellTabLine $ ".p2align " <> intDec (countTrailingZeros i)
+asmTellSectionHeader :: Builder -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellSectionHeader k = asmTellTabLine $ ".section " <> k <> ",\"\",@"
+asmTellDataSection ::
+ WasmTypeTag w -> IS.IntSet -> SymName -> DataSection -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellDataSection ty_word def_syms sym DataSection {..} = do
+ when (getKey (getUnique sym) `IS.member` def_syms) $ asmTellDefSym sym
+ asmTellSectionHeader sec_name
+ asmTellAlign dataSectionAlignment
+ asmTellTabLine asm_size
+ asmTellLine $ asm_sym <> ":"
+ for_ dataSectionContents $ asmTellDataSectionContent ty_word
+ asmTellLF
+ where
+ asm_sym = asmFromSymName sym
+ sec_name =
+ ( case dataSectionKind of
+ SectionData -> ".data."
+ SectionROData -> ".rodata."
+ )
+ <> asm_sym
+ asm_size =
+ ".size "
+ <> asm_sym
+ <> ", "
+ <> intDec
+ (dataSectionSize ty_word dataSectionContents)
+asmFromWasmBlockType :: WasmTypeTag w -> WasmFunctionType pre post -> Builder
+ _
+ (WasmFunctionType {ft_pops = TypeListNil, ft_pushes = TypeListNil}) =
+ mempty
+ TagI32
+ ( WasmFunctionType
+ { ft_pops = TypeListNil,
+ ft_pushes = TypeListCons TagI32 TypeListNil
+ }
+ ) =
+ " i32"
+ TagI64
+ ( WasmFunctionType
+ { ft_pops = TypeListNil,
+ ft_pushes = TypeListCons TagI64 TypeListNil
+ }
+ ) =
+ " i64"
+asmFromWasmBlockType _ _ = panic "asmFromWasmBlockType: invalid block type"
+asmFromAlignmentSpec :: AlignmentSpec -> Builder
+asmFromAlignmentSpec NaturallyAligned = mempty
+asmFromAlignmentSpec Unaligned = ":p2align=0"
+asmTellWasmInstr :: WasmTypeTag w -> WasmInstr w pre post -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellWasmInstr ty_word instr = case instr of
+ WasmComment c -> asmTellLine $ stringUtf8 $ "# " <> c
+ WasmNop -> mempty
+ WasmDrop -> asmTellLine "drop"
+ WasmUnreachable -> asmTellLine "unreachable"
+ WasmConst TagI32 i -> asmTellLine $ "i32.const " <> integerDec i
+ WasmConst TagI64 i -> asmTellLine $ "i64.const " <> integerDec i
+ WasmConst {} -> panic "asmTellWasmInstr: unreachable"
+ WasmSymConst sym ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ ( case ty_word of
+ TagI32 -> "i32.const "
+ TagI64 -> "i64.const "
+ _ -> panic "asmTellWasmInstr: unreachable"
+ )
+ <> asmFromSymName sym
+ WasmLoad ty (Just w) s o align ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType ty
+ <> ".load"
+ <> intDec w
+ <> ( case s of
+ Signed -> "_s"
+ Unsigned -> "_u"
+ )
+ <> " "
+ <> intDec o
+ <> asmFromAlignmentSpec align
+ WasmLoad ty Nothing _ o align ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType ty
+ <> ".load"
+ <> " "
+ <> intDec o
+ <> asmFromAlignmentSpec align
+ WasmStore ty (Just w) o align ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType ty
+ <> ".store"
+ <> intDec w
+ <> " "
+ <> intDec o
+ <> asmFromAlignmentSpec align
+ WasmStore ty Nothing o align ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType ty
+ <> ".store"
+ <> " "
+ <> intDec o
+ <> asmFromAlignmentSpec align
+ WasmGlobalGet _ sym -> asmTellLine $ "global.get " <> asmFromSymName sym
+ WasmGlobalSet _ sym -> asmTellLine $ "global.set " <> asmFromSymName sym
+ WasmLocalGet _ i -> asmTellLine $ "local.get " <> intDec i
+ WasmLocalSet _ i -> asmTellLine $ "local.set " <> intDec i
+ WasmLocalTee _ i -> asmTellLine $ "local.tee " <> intDec i
+ WasmCCall sym -> asmTellLine $ "call " <> asmFromSymName sym
+ WasmCCallIndirect arg_tys ret_tys ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ "call_indirect "
+ <> asmFromFuncType
+ (someWasmTypesFromTypeList arg_tys)
+ (someWasmTypesFromTypeList ret_tys)
+ WasmConcat instr0 instr1 -> do
+ asmTellWasmInstr ty_word instr0
+ asmTellWasmInstr ty_word instr1
+ WasmReinterpret t0 t1 ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType t1 <> ".reinterpret_" <> asmFromWasmType t0
+ WasmTruncSat Signed t0 t1 ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType t1 <> ".trunc_sat_" <> asmFromWasmType t0 <> "_s"
+ WasmTruncSat Unsigned t0 t1 ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType t1 <> ".trunc_sat_" <> asmFromWasmType t0 <> "_u"
+ WasmConvert Signed t0 t1 ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType t1 <> ".convert_" <> asmFromWasmType t0 <> "_s"
+ WasmConvert Unsigned t0 t1 ->
+ asmTellLine $
+ asmFromWasmType t1 <> ".convert_" <> asmFromWasmType t0 <> "_u"
+ WasmClz ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".clz"
+ WasmCtz ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".ctz"
+ WasmPopcnt ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".popcnt"
+ WasmAdd ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".add"
+ WasmSub ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".sub"
+ WasmMul ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".mul"
+ WasmDiv _ TagF32 -> asmTellLine "f32.div"
+ WasmDiv _ TagF64 -> asmTellLine "f64.div"
+ WasmDiv Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".div_s"
+ WasmDiv Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".div_u"
+ WasmRem Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".rem_s"
+ WasmRem Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".rem_u"
+ WasmAnd ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".and"
+ WasmOr ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".or"
+ WasmXor ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".xor"
+ WasmEq ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".eq"
+ WasmNe ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".ne"
+ WasmLt _ TagF32 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmLt _ TagF64 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmLt Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".lt_s"
+ WasmLt Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".lt_u"
+ WasmGt _ TagF32 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmGt _ TagF64 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmGt Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".gt_s"
+ WasmGt Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".gt_u"
+ WasmLe _ TagF32 -> asmTellLine "f32.le"
+ WasmLe _ TagF64 -> asmTellLine "f64.le"
+ WasmLe Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".le_s"
+ WasmLe Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".le_u"
+ WasmGe _ TagF32 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmGe _ TagF64 -> asmTellLine ""
+ WasmGe Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".ge_s"
+ WasmGe Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".ge_u"
+ WasmShl ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".shl"
+ WasmShr Signed ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".shr_s"
+ WasmShr Unsigned ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".shr_u"
+ WasmI32Extend8S -> asmTellLine "i32.extend8_s"
+ WasmI32Extend16S -> asmTellLine "i32.extend16_s"
+ WasmI64Extend8S -> asmTellLine "i64.extend8_s"
+ WasmI64Extend16S -> asmTellLine "i64.extend16_s"
+ WasmI64Extend32S -> asmTellLine "i64.extend32_s"
+ WasmI64ExtendI32 Signed -> asmTellLine "i64.extend_i32_s"
+ WasmI64ExtendI32 Unsigned -> asmTellLine "i64.extend_i32_u"
+ WasmI32WrapI64 -> asmTellLine "i32.wrap_i64"
+ WasmF32DemoteF64 -> asmTellLine "f32.demote_f64"
+ WasmF64PromoteF32 -> asmTellLine "f64.promote_f32"
+ WasmAbs ty -> asmTellLine $ asmFromWasmType ty <> ".abs"
+ WasmCond t -> do
+ asmTellLine "if"
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmInstr ty_word t
+ asmTellLine "end_if"
+asmTellWasmControl ::
+ WasmTypeTag w ->
+ WasmControl
+ (WasmStatements w)
+ (WasmExpr w a)
+ pre
+ post ->
+ WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellWasmControl ty_word c = case c of
+ WasmPush _ (WasmExpr e) -> asmTellWasmInstr ty_word e
+ WasmBlock bt c -> do
+ asmTellLine $ "block" <> asmFromWasmBlockType ty_word bt
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmControl ty_word c
+ asmTellLine "end_block"
+ WasmLoop bt c -> do
+ asmTellLine $ "loop" <> asmFromWasmBlockType ty_word bt
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmControl ty_word c
+ -- asmTellLine "br 0"
+ asmTellLine "end_loop"
+ WasmIfTop bt t f -> do
+ asmTellLine $ "if" <> asmFromWasmBlockType ty_word bt
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmControl ty_word t
+ asmTellLine "else"
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmControl ty_word f
+ asmTellLine "end_if"
+ WasmBr i -> asmTellLine $ "br " <> intDec i
+ WasmFallthrough -> mempty
+ WasmBrTable (WasmExpr e) _ ts t -> do
+ asmTellWasmInstr ty_word e
+ asmTellLine $ "br_table {" <> builderCommas intDec (ts <> [t]) <> "}"
+ WasmReturnTop _ -> asmTellLine "return"
+ WasmActions (WasmStatements a) -> asmTellWasmInstr ty_word a
+ WasmSeq c0 c1 -> do
+ asmTellWasmControl ty_word c0
+ asmTellWasmControl ty_word c1
+asmTellFunc ::
+ WasmTypeTag w ->
+ IS.IntSet ->
+ SymName ->
+ (([SomeWasmType], [SomeWasmType]), FuncBody w) ->
+ WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellFunc ty_word def_syms sym (func_ty, FuncBody {..}) = do
+ when (getKey (getUnique sym) `IS.member` def_syms) $ asmTellDefSym sym
+ asmTellSectionHeader $ ".text." <> asm_sym
+ asmTellLine $ asm_sym <> ":"
+ asmTellFuncType sym func_ty
+ asmTellLocals funcLocals
+ asmWithTab $ asmTellWasmControl ty_word funcBody
+ asmTellTabLine "end_function"
+ asmTellLF
+ where
+ asm_sym = asmFromSymName sym
+asmTellGlobals :: WasmTypeTag w -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellGlobals ty_word = do
+ for_ supportedCmmGlobalRegs $ \reg ->
+ let (sym, ty) = fromJust $ globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg ty_word reg
+ in asmTellTabLine $
+ ".globaltype "
+ <> asmFromSymName sym
+ <> ", "
+ <> asmFromSomeWasmType ty
+ asmTellLF
+asmTellCtors :: WasmTypeTag w -> [SymName] -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellCtors _ [] = mempty
+asmTellCtors ty_word syms = do
+ asmTellSectionHeader ".init_array"
+ asmTellAlign $ alignmentFromWordType ty_word
+ for_ syms $ \sym ->
+ asmTellTabLine $
+ ( case ty_word of
+ TagI32 -> ".int32 "
+ TagI64 -> ".int64 "
+ _ -> panic "asmTellCtors: unreachable"
+ )
+ <> asmFromSymName sym
+ asmTellLF
+asmTellBS :: ByteString -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellBS s = do
+ asmTellTabLine $ ".int8 " <> intDec (BS.length s)
+ asmTellTabLine $
+ ".ascii \""
+ <> string7
+ (showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext $ pprASCII s)
+ <> "\""
+asmTellVec :: [WasmAsmM ()] -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellVec xs = do
+ asmTellTabLine $ ".int8 " <> intDec (length xs)
+ sequence_ xs
+asmTellProducers :: WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellProducers = do
+ asmTellSectionHeader ".custom_section.producers"
+ asmTellVec
+ [ do
+ asmTellBS "processed-by"
+ asmTellVec
+ [ do
+ asmTellBS "ghc"
+ asmTellBS "9.6"
+ ]
+ ]
+asmTellTargetFeatures :: WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellTargetFeatures = do
+ asmTellSectionHeader ".custom_section.target_features"
+ asmTellVec
+ [ do
+ asmTellTabLine ".int8 0x2b"
+ asmTellBS feature
+ | feature <-
+ [ "bulk-memory",
+ "mutable-globals",
+ "nontrapping-fptoint",
+ "reference-types",
+ "sign-ext"
+ ]
+ ]
+asmTellEverything :: WasmTypeTag w -> WasmCodeGenState w -> WasmAsmM ()
+asmTellEverything ty_word WasmCodeGenState {..} = do
+ asmTellGlobals ty_word
+ asm_functypes
+ asm_funcs
+ asm_data_secs
+ asm_ctors
+ asmTellProducers
+ asmTellTargetFeatures
+ where
+ asm_functypes = do
+ for_
+ (detEltsUniqMap $ funcTypes `minusUniqMap` funcBodies)
+ (uncurry asmTellFuncType)
+ asmTellLF
+ asm_funcs = do
+ for_
+ (detEltsUniqMap $ intersectUniqMap_C (,) funcTypes funcBodies)
+ (uncurry $ asmTellFunc ty_word defaultSyms)
+ asmTellLF
+ asm_data_secs = do
+ for_
+ (detEltsUniqMap dataSections)
+ (uncurry (asmTellDataSection ty_word defaultSyms))
+ asmTellLF
+ asm_ctors = asmTellCtors ty_word ctors
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/FromCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/FromCmm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..034a75aea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/FromCmm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1666 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
+{-# HLINT ignore "Use camelCase" #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm where
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Functor
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+import Data.Semigroup
+import Data.String
+import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.InitFini
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Utils
+import GHC.Float
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+-- | Calculate the wasm representation type from a 'CmmType'. This is
+-- a lossy conversion, and sometimes we need to pass the original
+-- 'CmmType' or at least its 'Width' around, so to properly add
+-- subword truncation or extension logic.
+someWasmTypeFromCmmType :: CmmType -> SomeWasmType
+someWasmTypeFromCmmType t
+ | isWord32 t = SomeWasmType TagI32
+ | isWord64 t = SomeWasmType TagI64
+ | t `cmmEqType` b16 = SomeWasmType TagI32
+ | t `cmmEqType` b8 = SomeWasmType TagI32
+ | isFloat64 t = SomeWasmType TagF64
+ | isFloat32 t = SomeWasmType TagF32
+ | otherwise =
+ panic $
+ "someWasmTypeFromCmmType: unsupported CmmType "
+ <> showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext (ppr t)
+-- | Calculate the optional memory narrowing of a 'CmmLoad' or
+-- 'CmmStore'.
+wasmMemoryNarrowing :: WasmTypeTag t -> CmmType -> Maybe Int
+wasmMemoryNarrowing ty ty_cmm = case (# ty, typeWidth ty_cmm #) of
+ (# TagI32, W8 #) -> Just 8
+ (# TagI32, W16 #) -> Just 16
+ (# TagI32, W32 #) -> Nothing
+ (# TagI64, W8 #) -> Just 8
+ (# TagI64, W16 #) -> Just 16
+ (# TagI64, W32 #) -> Just 32
+ (# TagI64, W64 #) -> Nothing
+ (# TagF32, W32 #) -> Nothing
+ (# TagF64, W64 #) -> Nothing
+ _ -> panic "wasmMemoryNarrowing: unreachable"
+-- | Despite this is used by the WebAssembly native codegen, we use
+-- 'pprCLabel' instead of 'pprAsmLabel' when emitting the textual
+-- symbol name. Either one would work, but 'pprCLabel' makes the
+-- output assembly code looks closer to the unregisterised codegen
+-- output, which can be handy when using the unregisterised codegen as
+-- a source of truth when debugging the native codegen.
+symNameFromCLabel :: CLabel -> SymName
+symNameFromCLabel lbl =
+ fromString $
+ showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext {sdocStyle = PprCode} $
+ pprCLabel genericPlatform lbl
+-- | Calculate a symbol's visibility.
+symVisibilityFromCLabel :: CLabel -> SymVisibility
+symVisibilityFromCLabel lbl
+ | externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = SymDefault
+ | otherwise = SymStatic
+-- | Calculate a symbol's kind, see haddock docs of 'SymKind' for more
+-- explanation.
+symKindFromCLabel :: CLabel -> SymKind
+symKindFromCLabel lbl
+ | isCFunctionLabel lbl = SymFunc
+ | otherwise = SymData
+-- | Calculate a data section's kind, see haddock docs of
+-- 'DataSectionKind' for more explanation.
+dataSectionKindFromCmmSection :: Section -> DataSectionKind
+dataSectionKindFromCmmSection s = case sectionProtection s of
+ ReadWriteSection -> SectionData
+ _ -> SectionROData
+-- | Calculate the natural alignment size given the platform word
+-- type.
+alignmentFromWordType :: WasmTypeTag w -> Alignment
+alignmentFromWordType TagI32 = mkAlignment 4
+alignmentFromWordType TagI64 = mkAlignment 8
+alignmentFromWordType _ = panic "alignmentFromWordType: unreachable"
+-- | Calculate a data section's alignment. Closures needs to be
+-- naturally aligned; info tables need to align to 2, so to get 1 tag
+-- bit as forwarding pointer marker. The rest have no alignment
+-- requirements.
+alignmentFromCmmSection :: WasmTypeTag w -> CLabel -> Alignment
+alignmentFromCmmSection t lbl
+ | isStaticClosureLabel lbl = alignmentFromWordType t
+ | isInfoTableLabel lbl = mkAlignment 2
+ | otherwise = mkAlignment 1
+-- | Lower a 'CmmStatic'.
+lower_CmmStatic :: CmmStatic -> WasmCodeGenM w DataSectionContent
+lower_CmmStatic s = case s of
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W8) -> pure $ DataI8 $ naturalNarrowing W8 i
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W16) -> pure $ DataI16 $ naturalNarrowing W16 i
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W32) -> pure $ DataI32 $ naturalNarrowing W32 i
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W64) -> pure $ DataI64 $ naturalNarrowing W64 i
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32) -> pure $ DataF32 $ fromRational f
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat d W64) -> pure $ DataF64 $ fromRational d
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lbl) ->
+ onAnySym lbl
+ $> DataSym
+ (symNameFromCLabel lbl)
+ 0
+ CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelOff lbl o) ->
+ onAnySym lbl
+ $> DataSym
+ (symNameFromCLabel lbl)
+ o
+ CmmUninitialised i -> pure $ DataSkip i
+ CmmString b -> pure $ DataASCII b
+ CmmFileEmbed f l -> pure $ DataIncBin f l
+ _ -> panic "lower_CmmStatic: unreachable"
+Note [Register mapping on WebAssembly]
+Unlike typical ISAs, WebAssembly doesn't expose a fixed set of
+registers. For now, we map each Cmm LocalReg to a wasm local, and each
+Cmm GlobalReg to a wasm global. The wasm globals are defined in
+rts/wasm/Wasm.S, and must be kept in sync with
+'globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg' and 'supportedCmmGlobalRegs' here.
+There are some other Cmm GlobalRegs which are still represented by
+StgRegTable fields instead of wasm globals (e.g. HpAlloc). It's cheap
+to add wasm globals, but other parts of rts logic only work with the
+StgRegTable fields, so we also need to instrument StgRun/StgReturn to
+sync the wasm globals with the StgRegTable. It's not really worth the
+globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg :: WasmTypeTag w -> GlobalReg -> Maybe GlobalInfo
+globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg t reg = case reg of
+ VanillaReg i _
+ | i >= 1 && i <= 10 -> Just (fromString $ "__R" <> show i, ty_word)
+ FloatReg i
+ | i >= 1 && i <= 6 ->
+ Just (fromString $ "__F" <> show i, SomeWasmType TagF32)
+ DoubleReg i
+ | i >= 1 && i <= 6 ->
+ Just (fromString $ "__D" <> show i, SomeWasmType TagF64)
+ LongReg i
+ | i == 1 -> Just (fromString $ "__L" <> show i, SomeWasmType TagI64)
+ Sp -> Just ("__Sp", ty_word)
+ SpLim -> Just ("__SpLim", ty_word)
+ Hp -> Just ("__Hp", ty_word)
+ HpLim -> Just ("__HpLim", ty_word)
+ CCCS -> Just ("__CCCS", ty_word)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ ty_word = SomeWasmType t
+supportedCmmGlobalRegs :: [GlobalReg]
+supportedCmmGlobalRegs =
+ [VanillaReg i VGcPtr | i <- [1 .. 10]]
+ <> [FloatReg i | i <- [1 .. 6]]
+ <> [DoubleReg i | i <- [1 .. 6]]
+ <> [LongReg i | i <- [1 .. 1]]
+ <> [Sp, SpLim, Hp, HpLim, CCCS]
+-- | Allocate a fresh symbol for an internal data section.
+allocDataSection :: DataSection -> WasmCodeGenM w SymName
+allocDataSection sec = do
+ u <- wasmUniq
+ let sym = fromString $ ".L" <> show u
+ wasmModifyM $ \s ->
+ s
+ { dataSections =
+ addToUniqMap (dataSections s) sym sec
+ }
+ pure sym
+-- | Print a debug message to stderr by calling @fputs()@. We don't
+-- bother to check @fputs()@ return value.
+wasmDebugMsg :: String -> WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+wasmDebugMsg msg = do
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ sym_buf <-
+ allocDataSection
+ DataSection
+ { dataSectionKind =
+ SectionROData,
+ dataSectionAlignment =
+ mkAlignment 1,
+ dataSectionContents =
+ [DataASCII $ fromString $ msg <> "\NUL"]
+ }
+ onFuncSym "fputs" [ty_word_cmm, ty_word_cmm] [b32]
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ WasmSymConst sym_buf
+ `WasmConcat` WasmSymConst "__stderr_FILE"
+ `WasmConcat` WasmCCall "fputs"
+ `WasmConcat` WasmDrop
+-- | Truncate a subword.
+truncSubword :: Width -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmExpr w t -> WasmExpr w t
+truncSubword W8 ty (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmConst ty 0xFF `WasmConcat` WasmAnd ty
+truncSubword W16 ty (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmConst ty 0xFFFF `WasmConcat` WasmAnd ty
+truncSubword _ _ expr = expr
+-- | Sign-extend a subword.
+extendSubword :: Width -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmExpr w t -> WasmExpr w t
+extendSubword W8 TagI32 (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmI32Extend8S
+extendSubword W16 TagI32 (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmI32Extend16S
+extendSubword W8 TagI64 (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64Extend8S
+extendSubword W16 TagI64 (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64Extend16S
+extendSubword W32 TagI64 (WasmExpr instr) =
+ WasmExpr $ instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64Extend32S
+extendSubword _ _ expr = expr
+-- | Lower a binary homogeneous operation. Homogeneous: result type is
+-- the same with operand types.
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo ::
+ ( forall pre t.
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t : t : pre)
+ (t : pre)
+ ) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmType ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo op lbl t0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType t0 of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` op ty
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Bin_Homo: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a binary homogeneous operation, and truncate the result if
+-- it's a subword.
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc ::
+ (forall pre t. WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc op lbl w0 [x, y] =
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ truncSubword w0 ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` op ty
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a binary homogeneous operation, first sign extending the
+-- operands, then truncating the result.
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc ::
+ (forall pre t. WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc op lbl w0 [x, y] =
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <-
+ extendSubword w0 ty <$> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <-
+ extendSubword w0 ty <$> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ truncSubword w0 ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` op ty
+lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc _ _ _ _ =
+ panic "lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a relational binary operation, first sign extending the
+-- operands. Relational: result type is a boolean (word type).
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext ::
+ (forall pre t. WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext op lbl w0 [x, y] =
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <-
+ extendSubword w0 ty <$> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <-
+ extendSubword w0 ty <$> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` op ty
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a relational binary operation.
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel ::
+ ( forall pre t.
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t : t : pre)
+ (w : pre)
+ ) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmType ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel op lbl t0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType t0 of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` op ty
+lower_MO_Bin_Rel _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Bin_Rel: unreachable"
+-- | Cast a shiftL/shiftR RHS to the same type as LHS. Because we may
+-- have a 64-bit LHS and 32-bit RHS, but wasm shift operators are
+-- homogeneous.
+shiftRHSCast ::
+ CLabel ->
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (WasmExpr w t)
+shiftRHSCast lbl t1 x = do
+ SomeWasmExpr t0 (WasmExpr x_instr) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ if
+ | Just Refl <- t0 `testEquality` t1 -> pure $ WasmExpr x_instr
+ | TagI32 <- t0,
+ TagI64 <- t1 ->
+ pure $ WasmExpr $ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64ExtendI32 Unsigned
+ | otherwise -> panic "shiftRHSCast: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_Shl' operation, truncating the result.
+lower_MO_Shl ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Shl lbl w0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- shiftRHSCast lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ truncSubword w0 ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` WasmShl ty
+lower_MO_Shl _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Shl: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_U_Shr' operation.
+lower_MO_U_Shr ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_U_Shr lbl w0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- shiftRHSCast lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` WasmShr Unsigned ty
+lower_MO_U_Shr _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_U_Shr: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_S_Shr' operation, first sign-extending the LHS, then
+-- truncating the result.
+lower_MO_S_Shr ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_S_Shr lbl w0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w0) of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- extendSubword w0 ty <$> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- shiftRHSCast lbl ty y
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ truncSubword w0 ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` WasmShr Signed ty
+lower_MO_S_Shr _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_S_Shr: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_MulMayOflo' operation. It's translated to a ccall to
+-- one of the @hs_mulIntMayOflo@ functions in rts/wasm/Ops.c,
+-- otherwise it's quite non-trivial to implement as inline assembly.
+lower_MO_MulMayOflo ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_MulMayOflo lbl w0 [x, y] = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType ty_cmm of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ onFuncSym f [ty_cmm, ty_cmm] [ty_cmm]
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` y_instr `WasmConcat` WasmCCall f
+ where
+ f = fromString $ "hs_mulIntMayOflo" <> show (widthInBits w0)
+ ty_cmm = cmmBits w0
+lower_MO_MulMayOflo _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_MulMayOflo: unreachable"
+-- | Lower an unary conversion operation.
+lower_MO_Un_Conv ::
+ ( forall pre t0 t1.
+ WasmTypeTag t0 ->
+ WasmTypeTag t1 ->
+ WasmInstr w (t0 : pre) (t1 : pre)
+ ) ->
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmType ->
+ CmmType ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_Un_Conv op lbl t0 t1 [x] =
+ case (# someWasmTypeFromCmmType t0, someWasmTypeFromCmmType t1 #) of
+ (# SomeWasmType ty0, SomeWasmType ty1 #) -> do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty0 x
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty1 $ WasmExpr $ x_instr `WasmConcat` op ty0 ty1
+lower_MO_Un_Conv _ _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Un_Conv: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_SS_Conv' operation.
+lower_MO_SS_Conv ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 w1 [x]
+ | w0 == w1 = lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 w1 [CmmLoad ptr _ align]
+ | w0 < w1,
+ w1 <= W32 = do
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $
+ truncSubword w1 TagI32 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLoad
+ TagI32
+ (wasmMemoryNarrowing TagI32 (cmmBits w0))
+ Signed
+ o
+ align
+ | w0 > w1 =
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI32
+ <$> lower_CmmLoad_Typed
+ lbl
+ ptr
+ TagI32
+ (cmmBits w1)
+ align
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 W64 [CmmLoad ptr _ align] = do
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLoad
+ TagI64
+ (wasmMemoryNarrowing TagI64 (cmmBits w0))
+ Signed
+ o
+ align
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 w1 [x]
+ | w0 < w1,
+ w1 <= W32 = do
+ x_expr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $
+ truncSubword w1 TagI32 $
+ extendSubword w0 TagI32 x_expr
+ | W32 >= w0,
+ w0 > w1 = do
+ x_expr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $ truncSubword w1 TagI32 x_expr
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl W32 W64 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64ExtendI32 Signed
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 W64 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI64 $
+ extendSubword w0 TagI64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64ExtendI32 Unsigned
+lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl W64 w1 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI64 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $
+ truncSubword w1 TagI32 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI32WrapI64
+lower_MO_SS_Conv _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_SS_Conv: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_UU_Conv' operation.
+lower_MO_UU_Conv ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl w0 w1 [CmmLoad ptr _ align] =
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w1) of
+ SomeWasmType ty ->
+ SomeWasmExpr ty
+ <$> lower_CmmLoad_Typed
+ lbl
+ ptr
+ ty
+ (cmmBits (min w0 w1))
+ align
+lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl w0 w1 [x]
+ | w0 == w1 = lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ | w0 < w1, w1 <= W32 = lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ | W32 >= w0,
+ w0 > w1 = do
+ x_expr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $ truncSubword w1 TagI32 x_expr
+lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl _ W64 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI32 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI64ExtendI32 Unsigned
+lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl W64 w1 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagI64 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagI32 $
+ truncSubword w1 TagI32 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmI32WrapI64
+lower_MO_UU_Conv _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_UU_Conv: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_FF_Conv' operation.
+lower_MO_FF_Conv ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_MO_FF_Conv lbl W32 W64 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagF32 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagF64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmF64PromoteF32
+lower_MO_FF_Conv lbl W64 W32 [x] = do
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl TagF64 x
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagF32 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmF32DemoteF64
+lower_MO_FF_Conv _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_FF_Conv: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CmmMachOp'.
+lower_CmmMachOp ::
+ CLabel ->
+ MachOp ->
+ [CmmExpr] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Add w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc WasmAdd lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Sub w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc WasmSub lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Eq w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Rel WasmEq lbl (cmmBits w0) xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Ne w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Rel WasmNe lbl (cmmBits w0) xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Mul w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Trunc WasmMul lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_MulMayOflo w0) xs = lower_MO_MulMayOflo lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Quot w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc
+ (WasmDiv Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Rem w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo_Ext_Trunc
+ (WasmRem Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Neg w0) [x] =
+ lower_CmmMachOp
+ lbl
+ (MO_Sub w0)
+ [CmmLit $ CmmInt 0 w0, x]
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_MulMayOflo w0) xs = lower_MO_MulMayOflo lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Quot w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ (WasmDiv Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Rem w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ (WasmRem Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Ge w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext
+ (WasmGe Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Le w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext
+ (WasmLe Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Gt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext
+ (WasmGt Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Lt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel_Ext
+ (WasmLt Signed)
+ lbl
+ w0
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Ge w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmGe Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Le w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmLe Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Gt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmGt Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Lt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmLt Unsigned)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Add w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ WasmAdd
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Sub w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ WasmSub
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Neg w0) [x] =
+ lower_CmmMachOp
+ lbl
+ (MO_F_Sub w0)
+ [CmmLit $ CmmFloat 0 w0, x]
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Mul w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ WasmMul
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Quot w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ (WasmDiv Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Eq w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ WasmEq
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Ne w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ WasmNe
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Ge w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmGe Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Le w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmLe Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Gt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmGt Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_F_Lt w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Rel
+ (WasmLt Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_And w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ WasmAnd
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Or w0) xs = lower_MO_Bin_Homo WasmOr lbl (cmmBits w0) xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Xor w0) xs =
+ lower_MO_Bin_Homo
+ WasmXor
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Not w0) [x] =
+ lower_CmmMachOp
+ lbl
+ (MO_Xor w0)
+ [x, CmmLit $ CmmInt (widthMax w0) w0]
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_Shl w0) xs = lower_MO_Shl lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_U_Shr w0) xs = lower_MO_U_Shr lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_S_Shr w0) xs = lower_MO_S_Shr lbl w0 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_SF_Conv w0 w1) xs =
+ lower_MO_Un_Conv
+ (WasmConvert Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ (cmmFloat w1)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_FS_Conv w0 w1) xs =
+ lower_MO_Un_Conv
+ (WasmTruncSat Signed)
+ lbl
+ (cmmFloat w0)
+ (cmmBits w1)
+ xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_SS_Conv w0 w1) xs = lower_MO_SS_Conv lbl w0 w1 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_UU_Conv w0 w1) xs = lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl w0 w1 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_XX_Conv w0 w1) xs = lower_MO_UU_Conv lbl w0 w1 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp lbl (MO_FF_Conv w0 w1) xs = lower_MO_FF_Conv lbl w0 w1 xs
+lower_CmmMachOp _ _ _ = panic "lower_CmmMachOp: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CmmLit'. Note that we don't emit 'f32.const' or
+-- 'f64.const' for the time being, and instead emit their relative bit
+-- pattern as int literals, then use an reinterpret cast. This is
+-- simpler than dealing with textual representation of floating point
+-- values.
+lower_CmmLit :: CmmLit -> WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmLit lit = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ case lit of
+ CmmInt i w -> case someWasmTypeFromCmmType (cmmBits w) of
+ SomeWasmType ty ->
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ WasmConst ty $
+ naturalNarrowing w i
+ CmmFloat f W32 ->
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagF32 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ WasmConst
+ TagI32
+ (toInteger $ castFloatToWord32 $ fromRational f)
+ `WasmConcat` WasmReinterpret TagI32 TagF32
+ CmmFloat f W64 ->
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr TagF64 $
+ WasmExpr $
+ WasmConst
+ TagI64
+ (toInteger $ castDoubleToWord64 $ fromRational f)
+ `WasmConcat` WasmReinterpret TagI64 TagF64
+ CmmLabel lbl' -> do
+ onAnySym lbl'
+ let sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl'
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $ WasmExpr $ WasmSymConst sym
+ CmmLabelOff lbl' o -> do
+ onAnySym lbl'
+ let sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl'
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $
+ WasmExpr $
+ WasmSymConst sym
+ `WasmConcat` WasmConst ty_word (toInteger o)
+ `WasmConcat` WasmAdd ty_word
+ _ -> panic "lower_CmmLit: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CmmReg'. Some of the logic here wouldn't be needed if
+-- we have run 'fixStgRegisters' on the wasm NCG's input Cmm, but we
+-- haven't run it yet for certain reasons.
+lower_CmmReg :: CLabel -> CmmReg -> WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmReg _ (CmmLocal reg) = do
+ (reg_i, SomeWasmType ty) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty $ WasmExpr $ WasmLocalGet ty reg_i
+lower_CmmReg _ (CmmGlobal EagerBlackholeInfo) = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $
+ WasmExpr $
+ WasmSymConst "stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info"
+lower_CmmReg _ (CmmGlobal GCEnter1) = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ onFuncSym "__stg_gc_enter_1" [] [ty_word_cmm]
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $ WasmExpr $ WasmSymConst "__stg_gc_enter_1"
+lower_CmmReg _ (CmmGlobal GCFun) = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ onFuncSym "__stg_gc_fun" [] [ty_word_cmm]
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty_word $ WasmExpr $ WasmSymConst "__stg_gc_fun"
+lower_CmmReg lbl (CmmGlobal BaseReg) = do
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ lower_CmmExpr lbl $ regTableOffset platform 0
+lower_CmmReg lbl (CmmGlobal reg) = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ if
+ | Just (sym_global, SomeWasmType ty) <-
+ globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg ty_word reg ->
+ pure $ SomeWasmExpr ty $ WasmExpr $ WasmGlobalGet ty sym_global
+ | otherwise -> do
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType $ globalRegType platform reg of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <-
+ lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl $
+ get_GlobalReg_addr platform reg
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLoad
+ ty
+ Nothing
+ Unsigned
+ o
+ NaturallyAligned
+-- | Lower a 'CmmRegOff'.
+lower_CmmRegOff :: CLabel -> CmmReg -> Int -> WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmRegOff lbl reg 0 = lower_CmmReg lbl reg
+lower_CmmRegOff lbl reg o = do
+ SomeWasmExpr ty (WasmExpr reg_instr) <- lower_CmmReg lbl reg
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmExpr ty $
+ WasmExpr $
+ reg_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmConst
+ ty
+ (toInteger o)
+ `WasmConcat` WasmAdd ty
+-- | Lower a 'CmmLoad', passing in the expected wasm representation
+-- type, and also the Cmm type (which contains width info needed for
+-- memory narrowing).
+-- The Cmm type system doesn't track signedness, so all 'CmmLoad's are
+-- unsigned loads. However, as an optimization, we do emit signed
+-- loads when a 'CmmLoad' result is immediately used as a 'MO_SS_Conv'
+-- operand.
+lower_CmmLoad_Typed ::
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ CmmType ->
+ AlignmentSpec ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmExpr w t)
+lower_CmmLoad_Typed lbl ptr_expr ty ty_cmm align = do
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr_expr
+ pure $
+ WasmExpr $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLoad
+ ty
+ (wasmMemoryNarrowing ty ty_cmm)
+ Unsigned
+ o
+ align
+-- | Lower a 'CmmLoad'.
+lower_CmmLoad ::
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ CmmType ->
+ AlignmentSpec ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmLoad lbl ptr_expr ty_cmm align = case someWasmTypeFromCmmType ty_cmm of
+ SomeWasmType ty ->
+ SomeWasmExpr ty <$> lower_CmmLoad_Typed lbl ptr_expr ty ty_cmm align
+-- | Lower a 'CmmExpr'.
+lower_CmmExpr :: CLabel -> CmmExpr -> WasmCodeGenM w (SomeWasmExpr w)
+lower_CmmExpr lbl expr = case expr of
+ CmmLit lit -> lower_CmmLit lit
+ CmmLoad ptr_expr ty_cmm align -> lower_CmmLoad lbl ptr_expr ty_cmm align
+ CmmReg reg -> lower_CmmReg lbl reg
+ CmmRegOff reg o -> lower_CmmRegOff lbl reg o
+ CmmMachOp op xs -> lower_CmmMachOp lbl op xs
+ _ -> panic "lower_CmmExpr: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CmmExpr', passing in the expected wasm representation
+-- type.
+lower_CmmExpr_Typed ::
+ CLabel ->
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (WasmExpr w t)
+lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty expr = do
+ SomeWasmExpr ty' r <- lower_CmmExpr lbl expr
+ if
+ | Just Refl <- ty' `testEquality` ty -> pure r
+ | otherwise -> panic "lower_CmmExpr_Typed: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CmmExpr' as a pointer, returning the pair of base
+-- pointer and non-negative offset.
+lower_CmmExpr_Ptr :: CLabel -> CmmExpr -> WasmCodeGenM w (WasmExpr w w, Int)
+lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ case ptr of
+ CmmLit (CmmLabelOff lbl o)
+ | o >= 0 -> do
+ instrs <-
+ lower_CmmExpr_Typed
+ lbl
+ ty_word
+ (CmmLit $ CmmLabel lbl)
+ pure (instrs, o)
+ CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [base, CmmLit (CmmInt o _)]
+ | o >= 0 -> do
+ instrs <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty_word base
+ pure (instrs, fromInteger o)
+ _ -> do
+ instrs <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty_word ptr
+ pure (instrs, 0)
+-- | Push a series of values onto the wasm value stack, returning the
+-- result stack type.
+type family
+ WasmPushes (ts :: [WasmType]) (pre :: [WasmType]) ::
+ [WasmType]
+ where
+ WasmPushes '[] pre = pre
+ WasmPushes (t : ts) pre = WasmPushes ts (t : pre)
+-- | Push the arguments onto the wasm value stack before a ccall.
+data SomeWasmPreCCall w where
+ SomeWasmPreCCall ::
+ TypeList ts ->
+ (forall pre. WasmInstr w pre (WasmPushes ts pre)) ->
+ SomeWasmPreCCall w
+-- | Pop the results into locals after a ccall.
+data SomeWasmPostCCall w where
+ SomeWasmPostCCall ::
+ TypeList ts ->
+ (forall post. WasmInstr w (WasmPushes ts post) post) ->
+ SomeWasmPostCCall w
+-- | Lower an unary homogeneous 'CallishMachOp' to a ccall.
+lower_CMO_Un_Homo ::
+ CLabel ->
+ SymName ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl op [reg] [x] = do
+ (ri, SomeWasmType ty) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ let ty_cmm = localRegType reg
+ onFuncSym op [ty_cmm] [ty_cmm]
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` WasmCCall op `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty ri
+lower_CMO_Un_Homo _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_CMO_Un_Homo: unreachable"
+-- | Lower an unary homogeneous 'CallishMachOp' to inline assembly.
+lower_CMO_Un_Prim ::
+ CLabel ->
+ (forall pre t. WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)) ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CMO_Un_Prim lbl op [reg] [x] = do
+ (ri, SomeWasmType ty) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_x (WasmExpr x_instr) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ if
+ | Just Refl <- ty `testEquality` ty_x ->
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr `WasmConcat` op ty_x `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty ri
+ | TagI32 <- ty,
+ TagI64 <-
+ ty_x ->
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr
+ `WasmConcat` op ty_x
+ `WasmConcat` WasmI32WrapI64
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty ri
+ | otherwise -> panic "lower_CMO_Un_Prim: unreachable"
+lower_CMO_Un_Prim _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_CMO_Un_Prim: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a binary homogeneous 'CallishMachOp' to a ccall.
+lower_CMO_Bin_Homo ::
+ CLabel ->
+ SymName ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CMO_Bin_Homo lbl op [reg] [x, y] = do
+ (ri, SomeWasmType ty) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ WasmExpr x_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty x
+ WasmExpr y_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty y
+ let ty_cmm = localRegType reg
+ onFuncSym op [ty_cmm, ty_cmm] [ty_cmm]
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr
+ `WasmConcat` y_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmCCall op
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty ri
+lower_CMO_Bin_Homo _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_CMO_Bin_Homo: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_UF_Conv' operation.
+lower_MO_UF_Conv ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_MO_UF_Conv lbl W32 [reg] [x] = do
+ ri <- onCmmLocalReg_Typed TagF32 reg
+ SomeWasmExpr ty0 (WasmExpr x_instr) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmConvert Unsigned ty0 TagF32
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet TagF32 ri
+lower_MO_UF_Conv lbl W64 [reg] [x] = do
+ ri <- onCmmLocalReg_Typed TagF64 reg
+ SomeWasmExpr ty0 (WasmExpr x_instr) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl x
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ x_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmConvert Unsigned ty0 TagF64
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet TagF64 ri
+lower_MO_UF_Conv _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_UF_Conv: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'MO_Cmpxchg' operation to inline assembly. Currently we
+-- target wasm without atomics and threads, so it's just lowered to
+-- regular memory loads and stores.
+lower_MO_Cmpxchg ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Width ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_MO_Cmpxchg lbl w0 [reg] [ptr, expected, new] =
+ case someWasmTypeFromCmmType ty_cmm of
+ SomeWasmType ty -> do
+ reg_i <- onCmmLocalReg_Typed ty reg
+ let narrowing = wasmMemoryNarrowing ty ty_cmm
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr
+ WasmExpr expected_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty expected
+ WasmExpr new_instr <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty new
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLoad ty narrowing Unsigned o NaturallyAligned
+ `WasmConcat` WasmLocalTee ty reg_i
+ `WasmConcat` expected_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmEq ty
+ `WasmConcat` WasmCond
+ ( ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` new_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmStore ty narrowing o NaturallyAligned
+ )
+ where
+ ty_cmm = cmmBits w0
+lower_MO_Cmpxchg _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_MO_Cmpxchg: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a 'CallishMachOp'.
+lower_CallishMachOp ::
+ CLabel ->
+ CallishMachOp ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Pwr rs xs = lower_CMO_Bin_Homo lbl "pow" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Sin rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sin" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Cos rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "cos" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Tan rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "tan" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Sinh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sinh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Cosh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "cosh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Tanh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "tanh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Asin rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "asin" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Acos rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "acos" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Atan rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "atan" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Asinh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "asinh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Acosh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "acosh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Atanh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "atanh" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Log rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "log" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Log1P rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "log1p" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Exp rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "exp" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_ExpM1 rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "expm1" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Fabs rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "fabs" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F64_Sqrt rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sqrt" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Pwr rs xs = lower_CMO_Bin_Homo lbl "powf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Sin rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sinf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Cos rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "cosf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Tan rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "tanf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Sinh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sinhf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Cosh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "coshf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Tanh rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "tanhf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Asin rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "asinf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Acos rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "acosf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Atan rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "atanf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Asinh rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "asinhf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Acosh rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "acoshf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Atanh rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "atanhf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Log rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "logf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Log1P rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "log1pf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Exp rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "expf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_ExpM1 rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "expm1f" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Fabs rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "fabsf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_F32_Sqrt rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Homo lbl "sqrtf" rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_UF_Conv w0) rs xs = lower_MO_UF_Conv lbl w0 rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_ReadBarrier _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_WriteBarrier _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+lower_CallishMachOp _ MO_Touch _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+lower_CallishMachOp _ (MO_Prefetch_Data {}) _ _ = pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Memcpy {}) [] xs = do
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall_Drop lbl "memcpy" ty_word_cmm xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Memset {}) [] xs = do
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall_Drop lbl "memset" ty_word_cmm xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Memmove {}) [] xs = do
+ ty_word_cmm <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall_Drop lbl "memmove" ty_word_cmm xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Memcmp {}) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left "memcmp")
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_PopCnt {}) rs xs =
+ lower_CMO_Un_Prim lbl WasmPopcnt rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Pdep w0) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ fromString $ "hs_pdep" <> show (widthInBits w0))
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Pext w0) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ fromString $ "hs_pext" <> show (widthInBits w0))
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Clz {}) rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Prim lbl WasmClz rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Ctz {}) rs xs = lower_CMO_Un_Prim lbl WasmCtz rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_BSwap w0) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ fromString $ "hs_bswap" <> show (widthInBits w0))
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_BRev w0) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ fromString $ "hs_bitrev" <> show (widthInBits w0))
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_AtomicRMW w0 op) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ ( Left $
+ fromString $
+ ( case op of
+ AMO_Add -> "hs_atomic_add"
+ AMO_Sub -> "hs_atomic_sub"
+ AMO_And -> "hs_atomic_and"
+ AMO_Nand -> "hs_atomic_nand"
+ AMO_Or -> "hs_atomic_or"
+ AMO_Xor -> "hs_atomic_xor"
+ )
+ <> show (widthInBits w0)
+ )
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_AtomicRead w0) [reg] [ptr] = do
+ SomeWasmExpr ty (WasmExpr ret_instr) <-
+ lower_CmmLoad
+ lbl
+ ptr
+ (cmmBits w0)
+ NaturallyAligned
+ ri <- onCmmLocalReg_Typed ty reg
+ pure $ WasmStatements $ ret_instr `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty ri
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_AtomicWrite _) [] [ptr, val] =
+ lower_CmmStore lbl ptr val NaturallyAligned
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Cmpxchg w0) rs xs = lower_MO_Cmpxchg lbl w0 rs xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl (MO_Xchg w0) rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ fromString $ "hs_xchg" <> show (widthInBits w0))
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_SuspendThread rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left "suspendThread")
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp lbl MO_ResumeThread rs xs =
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left "resumeThread")
+ CmmMayReturn
+ rs
+ xs
+lower_CallishMachOp _ _ _ _ = panic "lower_CallishMachOp: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a ccall, but drop the result by assigning it to an unused
+-- local. This is only used for lowering 'MO_Memcpy' and such, where
+-- the libc functions do have a return value, but the corresponding
+-- 'CallishMachOp' does not expect one.
+lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall_Drop ::
+ CLabel ->
+ SymName ->
+ CmmType ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall_Drop lbl sym_callee ret_cmm_ty arg_exprs = do
+ ret_uniq <- wasmUniq
+ let ret_local = LocalReg ret_uniq ret_cmm_ty
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left sym_callee)
+ CmmMayReturn
+ [ret_local]
+ arg_exprs
+-- | Lower a 'CmmUnsafeForeignCall'. The target is 'Either' a symbol,
+-- which translates to a direct @call@, or an expression, which
+-- translates to a @call_indirect@. The callee function signature is
+-- inferred from the passed in arguments here.
+lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall ::
+ CLabel ->
+ (Either SymName CmmExpr) ->
+ CmmReturnInfo ->
+ [CmmFormal] ->
+ [CmmActual] ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall lbl target ret_info ret_locals arg_exprs = do
+ SomeWasmPreCCall arg_tys args_instr <-
+ foldrM
+ ( \arg_expr (SomeWasmPreCCall acc_tys acc_instr) -> do
+ SomeWasmExpr arg_ty (WasmExpr arg_instr) <-
+ lower_CmmExpr lbl arg_expr
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmPreCCall (arg_ty `TypeListCons` acc_tys) $
+ arg_instr `WasmConcat` acc_instr
+ )
+ (SomeWasmPreCCall TypeListNil WasmNop)
+ arg_exprs
+ SomeWasmPostCCall ret_tys ret_instr <-
+ foldrM
+ ( \reg (SomeWasmPostCCall acc_tys acc_instr) -> do
+ (reg_i, SomeWasmType reg_ty) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ pure $
+ SomeWasmPostCCall (reg_ty `TypeListCons` acc_tys) $
+ acc_instr `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet reg_ty reg_i
+ )
+ (SomeWasmPostCCall TypeListNil WasmNop)
+ ret_locals
+ case target of
+ Left sym_callee -> do
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ let arg_cmm_tys = map (cmmExprType platform) arg_exprs
+ ret_cmm_tys = map localRegType ret_locals
+ onFuncSym sym_callee arg_cmm_tys ret_cmm_tys
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ args_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmCCall sym_callee
+ `WasmConcat` ( case ret_info of
+ CmmMayReturn -> ret_instr
+ CmmNeverReturns -> WasmUnreachable
+ )
+ Right fptr_callee -> do
+ (WasmExpr instr_callee, _) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl fptr_callee
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ args_instr
+ `WasmConcat` instr_callee
+ `WasmConcat` WasmCCallIndirect arg_tys ret_tys
+ `WasmConcat` ( case ret_info of
+ CmmMayReturn -> ret_instr
+ CmmNeverReturns -> WasmUnreachable
+ )
+-- | Lower a 'CmmStore'.
+lower_CmmStore ::
+ CLabel ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ CmmExpr ->
+ AlignmentSpec ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CmmStore lbl ptr val align = do
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <- lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl ptr
+ let ty_cmm = cmmExprType platform val
+ SomeWasmExpr ty (WasmExpr val_instr) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl val
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` val_instr
+ `WasmConcat` WasmStore ty (wasmMemoryNarrowing ty ty_cmm) o align
+-- | Lower a single Cmm action.
+lower_CmmAction :: CLabel -> CmmNode O O -> WasmCodeGenM w (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CmmAction lbl act = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ case act of
+ CmmComment {} -> pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+ CmmTick {} -> pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+ CmmUnwind {} -> pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) e -> do
+ (i, SomeWasmType ty_reg) <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ WasmExpr instrs <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty_reg e
+ pure $ WasmStatements $ instrs `WasmConcat` WasmLocalSet ty_reg i
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal reg) e
+ | BaseReg <- reg -> pure $ WasmStatements WasmNop
+ | Just (sym_global, SomeWasmType ty_reg) <-
+ globalInfoFromCmmGlobalReg ty_word reg -> do
+ WasmExpr instrs <- lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty_reg e
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ instrs `WasmConcat` WasmGlobalSet ty_reg sym_global
+ | otherwise -> do
+ (WasmExpr ptr_instr, o) <-
+ lower_CmmExpr_Ptr lbl $ get_GlobalReg_addr platform reg
+ SomeWasmExpr ty_e (WasmExpr instrs) <- lower_CmmExpr lbl e
+ pure $
+ WasmStatements $
+ ptr_instr
+ `WasmConcat` instrs
+ `WasmConcat` WasmStore ty_e Nothing o NaturallyAligned
+ CmmStore ptr val align -> lower_CmmStore lbl ptr val align
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ ( ForeignTarget
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl_callee))
+ (ForeignConvention conv _ _ ret_info)
+ )
+ ret_locals
+ arg_exprs
+ | conv `elem` [CCallConv, CApiConv] ->
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Left $ symNameFromCLabel lbl_callee)
+ ret_info
+ ret_locals
+ arg_exprs
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ (ForeignTarget target_expr (ForeignConvention conv _ _ ret_info))
+ ret_locals
+ arg_exprs
+ | conv `elem` [CCallConv, CApiConv] ->
+ lower_CmmUnsafeForeignCall
+ lbl
+ (Right target_expr)
+ ret_info
+ ret_locals
+ arg_exprs
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget op) ret_locals arg_exprs ->
+ lower_CallishMachOp lbl op ret_locals arg_exprs
+ _ -> panic "lower_CmmAction: unreachable"
+-- | Lower a block of Cmm actions.
+lower_CmmActions ::
+ CLabel ->
+ Label ->
+ Block CmmNode O O ->
+ WasmCodeGenM
+ w
+ (WasmStatements w)
+lower_CmmActions lbl _ blk =
+ foldlM
+ ( \(WasmStatements acc) act ->
+ (\(WasmStatements stmts) -> WasmStatements $ acc `WasmConcat` stmts)
+ <$> lower_CmmAction lbl act
+ )
+ (WasmStatements WasmNop)
+ acts
+ where
+ acts = blockToList blk
+-- | Lower a 'CmmGraph'.
+lower_CmmGraph :: CLabel -> CmmGraph -> WasmCodeGenM w (FuncBody w)
+lower_CmmGraph lbl g = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ platform <- wasmPlatformM
+ body <-
+ structuredControl
+ platform
+ (\_ -> lower_CmmExpr_Typed lbl ty_word)
+ (lower_CmmActions lbl)
+ g
+ locals <- wasmStateM $ \s ->
+ (#
+ map snd $ detEltsUFM $ localRegs s,
+ s {localRegs = emptyUFM, localRegsCount = 0}
+ #)
+ pure FuncBody {funcLocals = locals, funcBody = wasmControlCast $ body}
+-- | Invoked once for each 'CLabel' which indexes a 'CmmData' or
+-- 'CmmProc'.
+onTopSym :: CLabel -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onTopSym lbl = case sym_vis of
+ SymDefault -> wasmModifyM $ \s ->
+ s
+ { defaultSyms =
+ IS.insert
+ (getKey $ getUnique sym)
+ $ defaultSyms s
+ }
+ _ -> pure ()
+ where
+ sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl
+ sym_vis = symVisibilityFromCLabel lbl
+-- | Invoked for each function 'CLabel' with known type (e.g. a
+-- 'CmmProc', or callee of 'CmmUnsafeForeignCall').
+onFuncSym :: SymName -> [CmmType] -> [CmmType] -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onFuncSym sym arg_tys ret_tys = wasmModifyM $
+ \s@WasmCodeGenState {..} ->
+ s
+ { funcTypes =
+ addToUniqMap
+ funcTypes
+ sym
+ ( map someWasmTypeFromCmmType arg_tys,
+ map someWasmTypeFromCmmType ret_tys
+ )
+ }
+-- | Invoked for all other 'CLabel's along the way, e.g. in
+-- 'CmmStatic's or 'CmmExpr's.
+onAnySym :: CLabel -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onAnySym lbl = case sym_kind of
+ SymFunc -> wasmModifyM $ \s@WasmCodeGenState {..} ->
+ s {funcTypes = addToUniqMap_C const funcTypes sym ([], [])}
+ _ -> pure ()
+ where
+ sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl
+ sym_kind = symKindFromCLabel lbl
+-- | Invoked for each 'LocalReg', returning its wasm local id and
+-- representation type.
+onCmmLocalReg :: LocalReg -> WasmCodeGenM w LocalInfo
+onCmmLocalReg reg = wasmStateM $ \s@WasmCodeGenState {..} ->
+ let reg_info =
+ (localRegsCount, someWasmTypeFromCmmType $ localRegType reg)
+ in case addToUFM_L (\_ i _ -> i) reg reg_info localRegs of
+ (Just i, _) -> (# i, s #)
+ (_, localRegs') ->
+ (#
+ reg_info,
+ s
+ { localRegs = localRegs',
+ localRegsCount =
+ localRegsCount + 1
+ }
+ #)
+-- | Invoked for each 'LocalReg' with expected representation type,
+-- only returning its wasm local id.
+onCmmLocalReg_Typed :: WasmTypeTag t -> LocalReg -> WasmCodeGenM w Int
+onCmmLocalReg_Typed ty reg = do
+ (i, SomeWasmType ty') <- onCmmLocalReg reg
+ if
+ | Just Refl <- ty' `testEquality` ty -> pure i
+ | otherwise -> panic "onCmmLocalReg_Typed: unreachable"
+-- | Invoked for dtors. We don't bother to implement dtors yet;
+-- there's no native @.fini_array@ support for wasm, and the way
+-- @clang@ handles dtors is generating a ctor that calls @atexit()@
+-- for dtors. Which makes some sense, but we don't need to do the same
+-- thing yet.
+onFini :: [SymName] -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onFini syms = do
+ let n_finis = length syms
+ when (n_finis /= 0) $ panic "dtors unsupported by wasm32 NCG"
+-- | Invoked for ctors and dtors.
+onCmmInitFini :: InitOrFini -> [CLabel] -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onCmmInitFini iof lbls = do
+ for_ lbls $ \lbl -> onFuncSym (symNameFromCLabel lbl) [] []
+ case iof of
+ IsInitArray -> wasmModifyM $ \s -> s {ctors = syms <> ctors s}
+ IsFiniArray -> onFini syms
+ where
+ syms = map symNameFromCLabel lbls
+-- | Invoked for each data section.
+onCmmData :: CLabel -> Section -> [CmmStatic] -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onCmmData lbl s statics = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordTypeM
+ onTopSym lbl
+ cs <- for statics lower_CmmStatic
+ let sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl
+ sec =
+ DataSection
+ { dataSectionKind =
+ dataSectionKindFromCmmSection s,
+ dataSectionAlignment =
+ alignmentFromCmmSection ty_word lbl,
+ dataSectionContents =
+ case cs of
+ [DataASCII buf] -> [DataASCII $ buf `BS.snoc` 0]
+ [DataIncBin p l] -> [DataIncBin p l, DataI8 0]
+ _ -> cs
+ }
+ wasmModifyM $ \s ->
+ s
+ { dataSections =
+ addToUniqMap (dataSections s) sym sec
+ }
+-- | Invoked for each 'CmmProc'.
+onCmmProc :: CLabel -> CmmGraph -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onCmmProc lbl g = do
+ ty_word <- wasmWordCmmTypeM
+ onTopSym lbl
+ onFuncSym sym [] [ty_word]
+ body <- lower_CmmGraph lbl g
+ wasmModifyM $ \s -> s {funcBodies = addToUniqMap (funcBodies s) sym body}
+ where
+ sym = symNameFromCLabel lbl
+-- | Invoked for each 'RawCmmDecl'.
+onCmmDecl :: RawCmmDecl -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onCmmDecl decl
+ | Just (iof, lbls) <- isInitOrFiniArray decl = onCmmInitFini iof lbls
+onCmmDecl (CmmData s (CmmStaticsRaw lbl statics)) = onCmmData lbl s statics
+onCmmDecl (CmmProc _ lbl _ g) = onCmmProc lbl g
+-- | Invoked for each 'RawCmmGroup'.
+onCmmGroup :: RawCmmGroup -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+onCmmGroup cmms = wasmStateM $ \s0 ->
+ (# (), foldl' (\s cmm -> wasmExecM (onCmmDecl cmm) s) s0 cmms #)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab052dc353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
+ ( WasmType (..),
+ WasmTypeTag (..),
+ SomeWasmType (..),
+ TypeList (..),
+ someWasmTypesFromTypeList,
+ WasmFunctionType (..),
+ SymName (..),
+ SymVisibility (..),
+ SymKind (..),
+ DataSectionKind (..),
+ DataSectionContent (..),
+ DataSection (..),
+ GlobalInfo,
+ LocalInfo,
+ FuncBody (..),
+ Signage (..),
+ WasmInstr (..),
+ WasmExpr (..),
+ SomeWasmExpr (..),
+ WasmStatements (..),
+ WasmControl (..),
+ BrTableInterval (..),
+ wasmControlCast,
+ WasmCodeGenState (..),
+ initialWasmCodeGenState,
+ WasmCodeGenM (..),
+ wasmGetsM,
+ wasmPlatformM,
+ wasmWordTypeM,
+ wasmWordCmmTypeM,
+ wasmStateM,
+ wasmModifyM,
+ wasmExecM,
+ wasmUniq,
+ )
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Coerce
+import Data.Functor
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.String
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Float
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
+import Unsafe.Coerce
+-- | WebAssembly type of a WebAssembly value that WebAssembly code
+-- could either expect on the evaluation stack or leave on the
+-- evaluation stack.
+data WasmType = I32 | I64 | F32 | F64
+-- | Singleton type useful for programming with `WasmType` at the type
+-- level.
+data WasmTypeTag :: WasmType -> Type where
+ TagI32 :: WasmTypeTag 'I32
+ TagI64 :: WasmTypeTag 'I64
+ TagF32 :: WasmTypeTag 'F32
+ TagF64 :: WasmTypeTag 'F64
+deriving instance Show (WasmTypeTag t)
+instance TestEquality WasmTypeTag where
+ TagI32 `testEquality` TagI32 = Just Refl
+ TagI64 `testEquality` TagI64 = Just Refl
+ TagF32 `testEquality` TagF32 = Just Refl
+ TagF64 `testEquality` TagF64 = Just Refl
+ _ `testEquality` _ = Nothing
+data SomeWasmType where
+ SomeWasmType :: WasmTypeTag t -> SomeWasmType
+instance Eq SomeWasmType where
+ SomeWasmType ty0 == SomeWasmType ty1
+ | Just Refl <- ty0 `testEquality` ty1 = True
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | List of WebAssembly types used to describe the sequence of
+-- WebAssembly values that a block of code may expect on the stack or
+-- leave on the stack.
+data TypeList :: [WasmType] -> Type where
+ TypeListNil :: TypeList '[]
+ TypeListCons :: WasmTypeTag t -> TypeList ts -> TypeList (t : ts)
+someWasmTypesFromTypeList :: TypeList ts -> [SomeWasmType]
+someWasmTypesFromTypeList TypeListNil = []
+someWasmTypesFromTypeList (ty `TypeListCons` tys) =
+ SomeWasmType ty : someWasmTypesFromTypeList tys
+-- | The type of a WebAssembly function, loop, block, or conditional.
+-- This type says what values the code expects to pop off the stack
+-- and what values it promises to push. The WebAssembly standard
+-- requires that this type appear explicitly in the code.
+data WasmFunctionType pre post = WasmFunctionType {ft_pops :: TypeList pre, ft_pushes :: TypeList post}
+-- | For simplicity, we record other metadata in 'WasmCodeGenState' by
+-- need, instead of carrying them along with 'SymName'.
+newtype SymName = SymName FastString
+ deriving (Eq, IsString, Show, Uniquable) via FastString
+ deriving (Ord) via LexicalFastString
+data SymVisibility
+ = -- | Not defined in the current compilation unit.
+ --
+ -- @[ undefined binding=global vis=default ]@
+ SymUndefined
+ | -- | Defined, not visible to other compilation units.
+ --
+ -- @[ binding=local vis=default ]@
+ SymStatic
+ | -- | Defined, visible to other compilation units.
+ --
+ -- Adds @.hidden@ & @.globl@ directives in the output assembly.
+ --
+ -- @[ binding=global vis=hidden ]@
+ SymDefault
+-- | Represents whether a symbol is a data symbol or a function
+-- symbol. Unlike linkers for other targets, @wasm-ld@ does panic at
+-- link-time if it finds symbol kind inconsistency between the
+-- definition site and other use sites.
+-- Currently we solely rely on 'isCFunctionLabel' to determine a
+-- symbol's kind, but it does take extra effort to make it work. The
+-- main source of inconsistency arises from hand-written Cmm sources,
+-- where it's possible to refer to external entities like @xxx_info@
+-- and @xxx_closure@ without explicit @import CLOSURE@ declarations.
+-- The Cmm parser will implicitly assume those are foreign function
+-- labels, and then this will break the WebAssembly backend. #22368
+-- provides more context on this issue.
+-- tl;dr for any GHC contributor that accidentally triggers @wasm-ld@
+-- errors when hacking Cmm: whatever data symbols are used in new
+-- code, just add the corresponding @import CLOSURE@ declarations at
+-- the top of that Cmm file.
+data SymKind = SymData | SymFunc
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | WebAssembly doesn't really have proper read-only memory regions
+-- yet. Neverthless we add the .rodata logic here, wasm-ld will
+-- aggregate all .rodata sections into a single one, which adds
+-- possibility for runtime checks later, either via a customized
+-- runtime, or via code instrumentation. See
+-- <>
+data DataSectionKind = SectionData | SectionROData
+-- | Neither Cmm or Wasm type system takes integer signedness into
+-- account, therefore we always round up a 'CmmLit' to the right width
+-- and handle it as an untyped integer.
+data DataSectionContent
+ = DataI8 Integer
+ | DataI16 Integer
+ | DataI32 Integer
+ | DataI64 Integer
+ | DataF32 Float
+ | DataF64 Double
+ | DataSym SymName Int
+ | DataSkip Int
+ | DataASCII ByteString
+ | DataIncBin FilePath Int
+data DataSection = DataSection
+ { dataSectionKind :: DataSectionKind,
+ dataSectionAlignment ::
+ Alignment,
+ dataSectionContents :: [DataSectionContent]
+ }
+-- | We need to remember the symbols. Determinism is achieved by
+-- sorting symbols before writing the assembly.
+type SymMap = UniqMap SymName
+-- | No need to remember the symbols.
+type SymSet = IS.IntSet
+type GlobalInfo = (SymName, SomeWasmType)
+type LocalInfo = (Int, SomeWasmType)
+data FuncBody w = FuncBody
+ { funcLocals :: [SomeWasmType],
+ -- | Most are Cmm functions, but may also contain synthesized
+ -- function of other types, sigh.
+ funcBody :: WasmControl (WasmStatements w) (WasmExpr w w) '[] '[w]
+ }
+data Signage = Signed | Unsigned
+-- | The @w@ type variable in the Wasm IR stands for "platform word
+-- type", so 'TagI32' on wasm32, and 'TagI64' on wasm64. This way, we
+-- can make the codegen logic work on both wasm32/wasm64 in a
+-- type-safe manner.
+data WasmInstr :: WasmType -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
+ WasmComment :: String -> WasmInstr w pre pre
+ WasmNop :: WasmInstr w pre pre
+ WasmDrop :: WasmInstr w (t : pre) pre
+ WasmUnreachable :: WasmInstr w pre post
+ WasmConst :: WasmTypeTag t -> Integer -> WasmInstr w pre (t : pre)
+ WasmSymConst :: SymName -> WasmInstr w pre (w : pre)
+ WasmLoad ::
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ Maybe Int ->
+ Signage ->
+ Int ->
+ AlignmentSpec ->
+ WasmInstr w (w : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmStore ::
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ Maybe Int ->
+ Int ->
+ AlignmentSpec ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t : w : pre)
+ pre
+ WasmGlobalGet :: WasmTypeTag t -> SymName -> WasmInstr w pre (t : pre)
+ WasmGlobalSet :: WasmTypeTag t -> SymName -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) pre
+ WasmLocalGet :: WasmTypeTag t -> Int -> WasmInstr w pre (t : pre)
+ WasmLocalSet :: WasmTypeTag t -> Int -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) pre
+ WasmLocalTee :: WasmTypeTag t -> Int -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmCCall :: SymName -> WasmInstr w pre post
+ WasmCCallIndirect ::
+ TypeList arg_tys ->
+ TypeList ret_tys ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (w : pre)
+ post
+ WasmConcat ::
+ WasmInstr w pre mid ->
+ WasmInstr w mid post ->
+ WasmInstr w pre post
+ WasmReinterpret ::
+ WasmTypeTag t0 ->
+ WasmTypeTag t1 ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t0 : pre)
+ (t1 : pre)
+ WasmTruncSat ::
+ Signage ->
+ WasmTypeTag t0 ->
+ WasmTypeTag t1 ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t0 : pre)
+ (t1 : pre)
+ WasmConvert ::
+ Signage ->
+ WasmTypeTag t0 ->
+ WasmTypeTag t1 ->
+ WasmInstr
+ w
+ (t0 : pre)
+ (t1 : pre)
+ WasmClz :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmCtz :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmPopcnt :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmAdd :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmSub :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmMul :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmDiv :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmRem :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmAnd :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmOr :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmXor :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmEq :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmNe :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmLt :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmGt :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmLe :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmGe :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (w : pre)
+ WasmShl :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmShr :: Signage -> WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmI32Extend8S :: WasmInstr w ('I32 : pre) ('I32 : pre)
+ WasmI32Extend16S :: WasmInstr w ('I32 : pre) ('I32 : pre)
+ WasmI64Extend8S :: WasmInstr w ('I64 : pre) ('I64 : pre)
+ WasmI64Extend16S :: WasmInstr w ('I64 : pre) ('I64 : pre)
+ WasmI64Extend32S :: WasmInstr w ('I64 : pre) ('I64 : pre)
+ WasmI64ExtendI32 :: Signage -> WasmInstr w ('I32 : pre) ('I64 : pre)
+ WasmI32WrapI64 :: WasmInstr w ('I64 : pre) ('I32 : pre)
+ WasmF32DemoteF64 :: WasmInstr w ('F64 : pre) ('F32 : pre)
+ WasmF64PromoteF32 :: WasmInstr w ('F32 : pre) ('F64 : pre)
+ WasmAbs :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmInstr w (t : pre) (t : pre)
+ WasmCond :: WasmInstr w pre pre -> WasmInstr w (w : pre) pre
+newtype WasmExpr w t = WasmExpr (forall pre. WasmInstr w pre (t : pre))
+data SomeWasmExpr w where
+ SomeWasmExpr :: WasmTypeTag t -> WasmExpr w t -> SomeWasmExpr w
+newtype WasmStatements w = WasmStatements (forall pre. WasmInstr w pre pre)
+-- | Representation of WebAssembly control flow.
+-- Normally written as
+-- @
+-- WasmControl s e pre post
+-- @
+-- Type parameter `s` is the type of (unspecified) statements.
+-- It might be instantiated with an open Cmm block or with a sequence
+-- of Wasm instructions.
+-- Parameter `e` is the type of expressions.
+-- Parameter `pre` represents the values that are expected on the
+-- WebAssembly stack when the code runs, and `post` represents
+-- the state of the stack on completion.
+data WasmControl :: Type -> Type -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
+ WasmPush :: WasmTypeTag t -> e -> WasmControl s e stack (t : stack)
+ WasmBlock ::
+ WasmFunctionType pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post
+ WasmLoop ::
+ WasmFunctionType pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post
+ WasmIfTop ::
+ WasmFunctionType pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post ->
+ WasmControl s e ('I32 : pre) post
+ WasmBr :: Int -> WasmControl s e dropped destination -- not typechecked
+ WasmFallthrough :: WasmControl s e dropped destination
+ -- generates no code, but has the same type as a branch
+ WasmBrTable ::
+ e ->
+ BrTableInterval -> -- for testing
+ [Int] -> -- targets
+ Int -> -- default target
+ WasmControl s e dropped destination
+ -- invariant: the table interval is contained
+ -- within [0 .. pred (length targets)]
+ WasmReturnTop ::
+ WasmTypeTag t ->
+ WasmControl s e (t : t1star) t2star -- as per type system
+ WasmActions ::
+ s ->
+ WasmControl s e stack stack -- basic block: one entry, one exit
+ WasmSeq ::
+ WasmControl s e pre mid ->
+ WasmControl s e mid post ->
+ WasmControl s e pre post
+data BrTableInterval = BrTableInterval {bti_lo :: Integer, bti_count :: Integer}
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Outputable BrTableInterval where
+ ppr range =
+ brackets $
+ hcat
+ [integer (bti_lo range), text "..", integer hi]
+ where
+ hi = bti_lo range + bti_count range - 1
+wasmControlCast :: WasmControl s e pre post -> WasmControl s e pre' post'
+wasmControlCast = unsafeCoerce
+data WasmCodeGenState w = WasmCodeGenState
+ { -- | Target platform
+ wasmPlatform :: Platform,
+ -- | Defined symbols with 'SymDefault' visibility.
+ defaultSyms :: SymSet,
+ -- | Function types, defined or not. There may exist a function
+ -- whose type is unknown (e.g. as a function pointer), in that
+ -- case we fall back to () -> (), it's imperfect but works with
+ -- wasm-ld.
+ funcTypes :: SymMap ([SomeWasmType], [SomeWasmType]),
+ -- | Defined function bodies.
+ funcBodies :: SymMap (FuncBody w),
+ -- | Defined data sections.
+ dataSections :: SymMap DataSection,
+ -- | ctors in the current compilation unit.
+ ctors :: [SymName],
+ localRegs ::
+ UniqFM LocalReg LocalInfo,
+ localRegsCount ::
+ Int,
+ wasmUniqSupply :: UniqSupply
+ }
+initialWasmCodeGenState :: Platform -> UniqSupply -> WasmCodeGenState w
+initialWasmCodeGenState platform us =
+ WasmCodeGenState
+ { wasmPlatform =
+ platform,
+ defaultSyms = IS.empty,
+ funcTypes = emptyUniqMap,
+ funcBodies =
+ emptyUniqMap,
+ dataSections = emptyUniqMap,
+ ctors =
+ [],
+ localRegs = emptyUFM,
+ localRegsCount = 0,
+ wasmUniqSupply = us
+ }
+newtype WasmCodeGenM w a = WasmCodeGenM (State (WasmCodeGenState w) a)
+ deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+wasmGetsM :: (WasmCodeGenState w -> a) -> WasmCodeGenM w a
+wasmGetsM = coerce . gets
+wasmPlatformM :: WasmCodeGenM w Platform
+wasmPlatformM = wasmGetsM wasmPlatform
+wasmWordTypeM :: WasmCodeGenM w (WasmTypeTag w)
+wasmWordTypeM = wasmGetsM $ \s ->
+ if target32Bit $ wasmPlatform s
+ then unsafeCoerce TagI32
+ else unsafeCoerce TagI64
+wasmWordCmmTypeM :: WasmCodeGenM w CmmType
+wasmWordCmmTypeM = wasmGetsM (bWord . wasmPlatform)
+wasmStateM ::
+ (WasmCodeGenState w -> (# a, WasmCodeGenState w #)) ->
+ WasmCodeGenM w a
+wasmStateM = coerce . State
+wasmModifyM :: (WasmCodeGenState w -> WasmCodeGenState w) -> WasmCodeGenM w ()
+wasmModifyM = coerce . modify
+wasmExecM :: WasmCodeGenM w a -> WasmCodeGenState w -> WasmCodeGenState w
+wasmExecM (WasmCodeGenM s) = execState s
+wasmUniq :: WasmCodeGenM w Unique
+wasmUniq = wasmStateM $
+ \s@WasmCodeGenState {..} -> case takeUniqFromSupply wasmUniqSupply of
+ (u, us) -> (# u, s {wasmUniqSupply = us} #)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b794c7f5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Wasm/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Utils
+ ( naturalNarrowing,
+ widthMax,
+ detEltsUFM,
+ detEltsUniqMap,
+ builderCommas,
+ )
+import Data.ByteString.Builder
+import Data.List (intersperse, sortOn)
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+naturalNarrowing :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+naturalNarrowing w i
+ | i < 0 = narrowS w i
+ | otherwise = narrowU w i
+widthMax :: Width -> Integer
+widthMax w = (1 `shiftL` widthInBits w) - 1
+detEltsUFM :: Ord k => UniqFM k0 (k, a) -> [(k, a)]
+detEltsUFM = sortOn fst . nonDetEltsUFM
+detEltsUniqMap :: Ord k => UniqMap k a -> [(k, a)]
+detEltsUniqMap = sortOn fst . nonDetEltsUniqMap
+builderCommas :: (a -> Builder) -> [a] -> Builder
+builderCommas f xs = mconcat (intersperse ", " (map f xs))
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index b7ff590a11..de013e5d32 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -816,6 +816,11 @@ Library
+ GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm
+ GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Asm
+ GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.FromCmm
+ GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Types
+ GHC.CmmToAsm.Wasm.Utils