diff options
authorLuite Stegeman <>2023-02-20 15:54:20 +0900
committerMarge Bot <>2023-03-09 09:52:09 -0500
commitf97c7f6d96c58579d630bc883929afc3d45d5c2b (patch)
parent7c813d0688f03c782d3c3a93a8369a48b7e74c8d (diff)
Delete created temporary subdirectories at end of session.
This patch adds temporary subdirectories to the list of paths do clean up at the end of the GHC session. This fixes warnings about non-empty temporary directories. Fixes #22952
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Linker/Static.hs b/compiler/GHC/Linker/Static.hs
index 99495d33fb..aa51a2b7d6 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Linker/Static.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Linker/Static.hs
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ linkBinary' staticLink logger tmpfs dflags unit_env o_files dep_units = do
if gopt Opt_SingleLibFolder dflags
then do
libs <- getLibs namever ways_ unit_env dep_units
- tmpDir <- newTempDir logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags)
+ tmpDir <- newTempSubDir logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags)
sequence_ [ copyFile lib (tmpDir </> basename)
| (lib, basename) <- libs]
return [ "-L" ++ tmpDir ]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/TmpFs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/TmpFs.hs
index 68284097d1..e8280c90b8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/TmpFs.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/TmpFs.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ module GHC.Utils.TmpFs
, initTmpFs
, forkTmpFsFrom
, mergeTmpFsInto
- , FilesToClean(..)
- , emptyFilesToClean
+ , PathsToClean(..)
+ , emptyPathsToClean
, TempFileLifetime(..)
, TempDir (..)
, cleanTempDirs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.TmpFs
, changeTempFilesLifetime
, newTempName
, newTempLibName
- , newTempDir
+ , newTempSubDir
, withSystemTempDirectory
, withTempDirectory
@@ -63,25 +63,29 @@ data TmpFs = TmpFs
-- Shared with forked TmpFs.
- , tmp_files_to_clean :: IORef FilesToClean
+ , tmp_files_to_clean :: IORef PathsToClean
-- ^ Files to clean (per session or per module)
-- Not shared with forked TmpFs.
+ , tmp_subdirs_to_clean :: IORef PathsToClean
+ -- ^ Subdirs to clean (per session or per module)
+ --
+ -- Not shared with forked TmpFs.
--- | A collection of files that must be deleted before ghc exits.
-data FilesToClean = FilesToClean
- { ftcGhcSession :: !(Set FilePath)
- -- ^ Files that will be deleted at the end of runGhc(T)
+-- | A collection of paths that must be deleted before ghc exits.
+data PathsToClean = PathsToClean
+ { ptcGhcSession :: !(Set FilePath)
+ -- ^ Paths that will be deleted at the end of runGhc(T)
- , ftcCurrentModule :: !(Set FilePath)
- -- ^ Files that will be deleted the next time
+ , ptcCurrentModule :: !(Set FilePath)
+ -- ^ Paths that will be deleted the next time
-- 'cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles' is called, or otherwise at the end of
-- the session.
-- | Used when a temp file is created. This determines which component Set of
--- FilesToClean will get the temp file
+-- PathsToClean will get the temp file
data TempFileLifetime
= TFL_CurrentModule
-- ^ A file with lifetime TFL_CurrentModule will be cleaned up at the
@@ -93,38 +97,45 @@ data TempFileLifetime
newtype TempDir = TempDir FilePath
--- | An empty FilesToClean
-emptyFilesToClean :: FilesToClean
-emptyFilesToClean = FilesToClean Set.empty Set.empty
+-- | An empty PathsToClean
+emptyPathsToClean :: PathsToClean
+emptyPathsToClean = PathsToClean Set.empty Set.empty
--- | Merge two FilesToClean
-mergeFilesToClean :: FilesToClean -> FilesToClean -> FilesToClean
-mergeFilesToClean x y = FilesToClean
- { ftcGhcSession = Set.union (ftcGhcSession x) (ftcGhcSession y)
- , ftcCurrentModule = Set.union (ftcCurrentModule x) (ftcCurrentModule y)
+-- | Merge two PathsToClean
+mergePathsToClean :: PathsToClean -> PathsToClean -> PathsToClean
+mergePathsToClean x y = PathsToClean
+ { ptcGhcSession = Set.union (ptcGhcSession x) (ptcGhcSession y)
+ , ptcCurrentModule = Set.union (ptcCurrentModule x) (ptcCurrentModule y)
-- | Initialise an empty TmpFs
initTmpFs :: IO TmpFs
initTmpFs = do
- files <- newIORef emptyFilesToClean
- dirs <- newIORef Map.empty
- next <- newIORef 0
+ files <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
+ subdirs <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
+ dirs <- newIORef Map.empty
+ next <- newIORef 0
return $ TmpFs
- { tmp_files_to_clean = files
- , tmp_dirs_to_clean = dirs
- , tmp_next_suffix = next
+ { tmp_files_to_clean = files
+ , tmp_subdirs_to_clean = subdirs
+ , tmp_dirs_to_clean = dirs
+ , tmp_next_suffix = next
-- | Initialise an empty TmpFs sharing unique numbers and per-process temporary
-- directories with the given TmpFs
+-- It's not safe to use the subdirs created by the original TmpFs with the
+-- forked one. Use @newTempSubDir@ to create new subdirs instead.
forkTmpFsFrom :: TmpFs -> IO TmpFs
forkTmpFsFrom old = do
- files <- newIORef emptyFilesToClean
+ files <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
+ subdirs <- newIORef emptyPathsToClean
return $ TmpFs
- { tmp_files_to_clean = files
- , tmp_dirs_to_clean = tmp_dirs_to_clean old
- , tmp_next_suffix = tmp_next_suffix old
+ { tmp_files_to_clean = files
+ , tmp_subdirs_to_clean = subdirs
+ , tmp_dirs_to_clean = tmp_dirs_to_clean old
+ , tmp_next_suffix = tmp_next_suffix old
-- | Merge the first TmpFs into the second.
@@ -132,8 +143,11 @@ forkTmpFsFrom old = do
-- The first TmpFs is returned emptied.
mergeTmpFsInto :: TmpFs -> TmpFs -> IO ()
mergeTmpFsInto src dst = do
- src_files <- atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_files_to_clean src) (\s -> (emptyFilesToClean, s))
- atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_files_to_clean dst) (\s -> (mergeFilesToClean src_files s, ()))
+ src_files <- atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_files_to_clean src) (\s -> (emptyPathsToClean, s))
+ src_subdirs <- atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_subdirs_to_clean src) (\s -> (emptyPathsToClean, s))
+ atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_files_to_clean dst) (\s -> (mergePathsToClean src_files s, ()))
+ atomicModifyIORef' (tmp_subdirs_to_clean dst) (\s -> (mergePathsToClean src_subdirs s, ()))
cleanTempDirs :: Logger -> TmpFs -> IO ()
cleanTempDirs logger tmpfs
@@ -142,64 +156,78 @@ cleanTempDirs logger tmpfs
ds <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \ds -> (Map.empty, ds)
removeTmpDirs logger (Map.elems ds)
--- | Delete all files in @tmp_files_to_clean@.
+-- | Delete all paths in @tmp_files_to_clean@ and @tmp_subdirs_to_clean@.
cleanTempFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> IO ()
cleanTempFiles logger tmpfs
= mask_
- $ do let ref = tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs
- to_delete <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $
- \FilesToClean
- { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files
- , ftcGhcSession = gs_files
- } -> ( emptyFilesToClean
- , Set.toList cm_files ++ Set.toList gs_files)
- removeTmpFiles logger to_delete
--- | Delete all files in @tmp_files_to_clean@. That have lifetime
--- TFL_CurrentModule.
+ $ do removeWith (removeTmpFiles logger) (tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs)
+ removeWith (removeTmpSubdirs logger) (tmp_subdirs_to_clean tmpfs)
+ where
+ removeWith remove ref = do
+ to_delete <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $
+ \PathsToClean
+ { ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths
+ , ptcGhcSession = gs_paths
+ } -> ( emptyPathsToClean
+ , Set.toList cm_paths ++ Set.toList gs_paths)
+ remove to_delete
+-- | Delete all paths in @tmp_files_to_clean@ and @tmp_subdirs_to_clean@
+-- That have lifetime TFL_CurrentModule.
-- If a file must be cleaned eventually, but must survive a
-- cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles, ensure it has lifetime TFL_GhcSession.
cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> IO ()
cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles logger tmpfs
= mask_
- $ do let ref = tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs
+ $ do removeWith (removeTmpFiles logger) (tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs)
+ removeWith (removeTmpSubdirs logger) (tmp_subdirs_to_clean tmpfs)
+ where
+ removeWith remove ref = do
to_delete <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $
- \ftc@FilesToClean{ftcCurrentModule = cm_files} ->
- (ftc {ftcCurrentModule = Set.empty}, Set.toList cm_files)
- removeTmpFiles logger to_delete
+ \ptc@PathsToClean{ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths} ->
+ (ptc {ptcCurrentModule = Set.empty}, Set.toList cm_paths)
+ remove to_delete
-- | Ensure that new_files are cleaned on the next call of
-- 'cleanTempFiles' or 'cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles', depending on lifetime.
-- If any of new_files are already tracked, they will have their lifetime
-- updated.
addFilesToClean :: TmpFs -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-addFilesToClean tmpfs lifetime new_files = modifyIORef' (tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs) $
- \FilesToClean
- { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files
- , ftcGhcSession = gs_files
+addFilesToClean tmpfs lifetime new_files =
+ addToClean (tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs) lifetime new_files
+addSubdirsToClean :: TmpFs -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+addSubdirsToClean tmpfs lifetime new_subdirs =
+ addToClean (tmp_subdirs_to_clean tmpfs) lifetime new_subdirs
+addToClean :: IORef PathsToClean -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+addToClean ref lifetime new_filepaths = modifyIORef' ref $
+ \PathsToClean
+ { ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths
+ , ptcGhcSession = gs_paths
} -> case lifetime of
- TFL_CurrentModule -> FilesToClean
- { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files `Set.union` new_files_set
- , ftcGhcSession = gs_files `Set.difference` new_files_set
+ TFL_CurrentModule -> PathsToClean
+ { ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths `Set.union` new_filepaths_set
+ , ptcGhcSession = gs_paths `Set.difference` new_filepaths_set
- TFL_GhcSession -> FilesToClean
- { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files `Set.difference` new_files_set
- , ftcGhcSession = gs_files `Set.union` new_files_set
+ TFL_GhcSession -> PathsToClean
+ { ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths `Set.difference` new_filepaths_set
+ , ptcGhcSession = gs_paths `Set.union` new_filepaths_set
- new_files_set = Set.fromList new_files
+ new_filepaths_set = Set.fromList new_filepaths
-- | Update the lifetime of files already being tracked. If any files are
-- not being tracked they will be discarded.
changeTempFilesLifetime :: TmpFs -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
changeTempFilesLifetime tmpfs lifetime files = do
- FilesToClean
- { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files
- , ftcGhcSession = gs_files
+ PathsToClean
+ { ptcCurrentModule = cm_paths
+ , ptcGhcSession = gs_paths
} <- readIORef (tmp_files_to_clean tmpfs)
let old_set = case lifetime of
- TFL_CurrentModule -> gs_files
- TFL_GhcSession -> cm_files
+ TFL_CurrentModule -> gs_paths
+ TFL_GhcSession -> cm_paths
existing_files = [f | f <- files, f `Set.member` old_set]
addFilesToClean tmpfs lifetime existing_files
@@ -224,20 +252,32 @@ newTempName logger tmpfs tmp_dir lifetime extn
addFilesToClean tmpfs lifetime [filename]
return filename
-newTempDir :: Logger -> TmpFs -> TempDir -> IO FilePath
-newTempDir logger tmpfs tmp_dir
+-- | Create a new temporary subdirectory that doesn't already exist
+-- The temporary subdirectory is automatically removed at the end of the
+-- GHC session, but its contents aren't. Make sure to leave the directory
+-- empty before the end of the session, either by removing content
+-- directly or by using @addFilesToClean@.
+-- If the created subdirectory is not empty, it will not be removed (along
+-- with its parent temporary directory) and a warning message will be
+-- printed at verbosity 2 and higher.
+newTempSubDir :: Logger -> TmpFs -> TempDir -> IO FilePath
+newTempSubDir logger tmpfs tmp_dir
= do d <- getTempDir logger tmpfs tmp_dir
findTempDir (d </> "ghc_")
findTempDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
findTempDir prefix
= do n <- newTempSuffix tmpfs
- let filename = prefix ++ show n
- b <- doesDirectoryExist filename
+ let name = prefix ++ show n
+ b <- doesDirectoryExist name
if b then findTempDir prefix
- else do createDirectory filename
- -- see mkTempDir below; this is wrong: -> consIORef (tmp_dirs_to_clean tmpfs) filename
- return filename
+ else (do
+ createDirectory name
+ addSubdirsToClean tmpfs TFL_GhcSession [name]
+ return name)
+ `Exception.catchIO` \e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e
+ then findTempDir prefix else ioError e
newTempLibName :: Logger -> TmpFs -> TempDir -> TempFileLifetime -> Suffix
-> IO (FilePath, FilePath, String)
@@ -338,6 +378,12 @@ removeTmpFiles logger fs
(non_deletees, deletees) = partition isHaskellUserSrcFilename fs
+removeTmpSubdirs :: Logger -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+removeTmpSubdirs logger fs
+ = traceCmd logger "Deleting temp subdirs"
+ ("Deleting: " ++ unwords fs)
+ (mapM_ (removeWith logger removeDirectory) fs)
removeWith :: Logger -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeWith logger remover f = remover f `Exception.catchIO`
(\e ->