diff options
authorHerbert Valerio Riedel <>2014-11-18 16:52:02 +0100
committerHerbert Valerio Riedel <>2014-11-19 11:02:09 +0100
commit42244668af6d8c1dd6a2d64af90ed57d8ecd8d88 (patch)
parent7c748d9fcf12bd16e0de56187fa6fcf3d6dbf39a (diff)
Reimplement im/export primitives for integer-gmp2
The import/export operations were available in `integer-gmp-0.5.1` already, but need to be reimplemented from scratch for the `integer-gmp-1.0.0` rewrite. This also adds a few more operations than were previously available for use w/ the `BigNat` type (which will be useful for implementing serialisation for the upcoming `Natural` type) Specifically, the following operations are (re)added (albeit with slightly different type-signatures): - `sizeInBaseBigNat` - `sizeInBaseInteger` - `sizeInBaseWord#` - `exportBigNatToAddr` - `exportIntegerToAddr` - `exportWordToAddr` - `exportBigNatToMutableByteArray` - `exportIntegerToMutableByteArray` - `exportWordToMutableByteArray` - `importBigNatFromAddr` - `importIntegerFromAddr` - `importBigNatFromByteArray` - `importIntegerFromByteArray` NOTE: The `integerGmpInternals` test-case is updated but not yet re-enabled as it contains tests for other primitives which aren't yet reimplemented. This addresses #9281 Reviewed By: austin, duncan Differential Revision:
4 files changed, 431 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp2/cbits/wrappers.c b/libraries/integer-gmp2/cbits/wrappers.c
index 930f5b8508..9aac390493 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp2/cbits/wrappers.c
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp2/cbits/wrappers.c
@@ -288,3 +288,164 @@ integer_gmp_mpn_tdiv_r (mp_limb_t r[],
mpn_tdiv_qr(q, r, 0, n, nn, d, dn);
+/* Wraps GMP's 'mpz_sizeinbase()' function */
+integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase(const mp_limb_t s[], const mp_size_t sn,
+ const HsInt base)
+ assert (2 <= base && base <= 256);
+ if (!sn) return 1;
+ const mpz_t zs = {{
+ ._mp_alloc = sn,
+ ._mp_size = sn,
+ ._mp_d = (mp_limb_t*)s
+ }};
+ return mpz_sizeinbase(zs, base);
+/* Single-limb version of 'integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase()' */
+integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase1(const mp_limb_t s, const HsInt base)
+ return s ? integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase(&s, 1, base) : 1;
+/* Wrapper around GMP's 'mpz_export()' function */
+integer_gmp_mpn_export(const mp_limb_t s[], const mp_size_t sn,
+ void *destptr, HsInt destofs, HsInt msbf)
+ /* TODO: implement w/o GMP, c.f. 'integer_gmp_mpn_import()' */
+ assert (msbf == 0 || msbf == 1);
+ if (!sn || (sn == 1 && !s[0]))
+ return 0;
+ const mpz_t zs = {{
+ ._mp_alloc = sn,
+ ._mp_size = sn,
+ ._mp_d = (mp_limb_t*)s
+ }};
+ size_t written = 0;
+ // mpz_export (void *rop, size_t *countp, int order, size_t size, int endian,
+ // size_t nails, const mpz_t op)
+ (void) mpz_export(((char *)destptr)+destofs, &written, !msbf ? -1 : 1,
+ /* size */ 1, /* endian */ 0, /* nails */ 0, zs);
+ return written;
+/* Single-limb version of 'integer_gmp_mpn_export()' */
+integer_gmp_mpn_export1(const mp_limb_t s,
+ void *destptr, const HsInt destofs, const HsInt msbf)
+ /* TODO: implement w/o GMP */
+ return integer_gmp_mpn_export(&s, 1, destptr, destofs, msbf);
+/* Import single limb from memory location
+ *
+ * We can't use GMP's 'mpz_import()'
+ */
+inline HsWord
+integer_gmp_mpn_import1(const uint8_t *srcptr, const HsWord srcofs,
+ const HsWord srclen, const HsInt msbf)
+ assert (msbf == 0 || msbf == 1);
+ assert (srclen <= SIZEOF_HSWORD);
+ srcptr += srcofs;
+ HsWord result = 0;
+ if (msbf)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < srclen; ++i)
+ result |= (HsWord)srcptr[i] << ((srclen-i-1)*8);
+ else // lsbf
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < srclen; ++i)
+ result |= (HsWord)srcptr[i] << (i*8);
+ return result;
+/* import into mp_limb_t[] from memory location */
+integer_gmp_mpn_import(mp_limb_t * restrict r, const uint8_t * restrict srcptr,
+ const HsWord srcofs, const HsWord srclen,
+ const HsInt msbf)
+ assert (msbf == 0 || msbf == 1);
+ srcptr += srcofs;
+ const unsigned limb_cnt_rem = srclen % SIZEOF_HSWORD;
+ const mp_size_t limb_cnt = srclen / SIZEOF_HSWORD;
+ if (msbf) {
+ if (limb_cnt_rem) { // partial limb
+ r[limb_cnt] = integer_gmp_mpn_import1(srcptr, 0, limb_cnt_rem, 1);
+ srcptr += limb_cnt_rem;
+ }
+ for (unsigned ri = 0; ri < limb_cnt; ++ri) {
+ r[limb_cnt-ri-1] = integer_gmp_mpn_import1(srcptr, 0, SIZEOF_HSWORD, 1);
+ srcptr += SIZEOF_HSWORD;
+ }
+ } else { // lsbf
+ for (unsigned ri = 0; ri < limb_cnt; ++ri) {
+ r[ri] = integer_gmp_mpn_import1(srcptr, 0, SIZEOF_HSWORD, 0);
+ srcptr += SIZEOF_HSWORD;
+ }
+ if (limb_cnt_rem) // partial limb
+ r[limb_cnt] = integer_gmp_mpn_import1(srcptr, 0, limb_cnt_rem, 0);
+ }
+/* Scan for first non-zero byte starting at srcptr[srcofs], ending at
+ * srcptr[srcofs+srclen-1];
+ *
+ * If no non-zero byte found, returns srcofs+srclen; otherwise returns
+ * index of srcptr where first non-zero byte was found.
+ */
+integer_gmp_scan_nzbyte(const uint8_t *srcptr,
+ const HsWord srcofs, const HsWord srclen)
+ // TODO: consider implementing this function in Haskell-land
+ srcptr += srcofs;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < srclen; ++i)
+ if (srcptr[i])
+ return srcofs+i;
+ return srcofs+srclen;
+/* Reverse scan for non-zero byte
+ * starting at srcptr[srcofs+srclen-1], ending at srcptr[srcofs].
+ *
+ * Returns new length srclen1 such that srcptr[srcofs+i] == 0 for
+ * srclen1 <= i < srclen.
+ */
+integer_gmp_rscan_nzbyte(const uint8_t *srcptr,
+ const HsWord srcofs, const HsWord srclen)
+ // TODO: consider implementing this function in Haskell-land
+ srcptr += srcofs;
+ for (unsigned i = srclen; i > 0; --i)
+ if (srcptr[i-1])
+ return i;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs b/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
index d119adb9f8..1f9c4b7ec8 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
@@ -118,9 +118,163 @@ module GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
-- * Miscellaneous GMP-provided operations
, gcdInt
+ -- * Import/export functions
+ -- ** Compute size of serialisation
+ , sizeInBaseBigNat
+ , sizeInBaseInteger
+ , sizeInBaseWord#
+ -- ** Export
+ , exportBigNatToAddr
+ , exportIntegerToAddr
+ , exportWordToAddr
+ , exportBigNatToMutableByteArray
+ , exportIntegerToMutableByteArray
+ , exportWordToMutableByteArray
+ -- ** Import
+ , importBigNatFromAddr
+ , importIntegerFromAddr
+ , importBigNatFromByteArray
+ , importIntegerFromByteArray
) where
import GHC.Integer.Type
import GHC.Integer
+import GHC.Prim
+import GHC.Types
default ()
+-- | Compute number of digits (without sign) in given @/base/@.
+-- This function wraps @mpz_sizeinbase()@ which has some
+-- implementation pecularities to take into account:
+-- * \"@'sizeInBaseInteger' 0 /base/ = 1@\"
+-- (see also comment in 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray').
+-- * This function is only defined if @/base/ >= 2#@ and @/base/ <= 256#@
+-- (Note: the documentation claims that only @/base/ <= 62#@ is
+-- supported, however the actual implementation supports up to base 256).
+-- * If @/base/@ is a power of 2, the result will be exact. In other
+-- cases (e.g. for @/base/ = 10#@), the result /may/ be 1 digit too large
+-- sometimes.
+-- * \"@'sizeInBaseInteger' /i/ 2#@\" can be used to determine the most
+-- significant bit of @/i/@.
+-- /Since:
+sizeInBaseInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Word#
+sizeInBaseInteger (S# i#) = sizeInBaseWord# (int2Word# (absI# i#))
+sizeInBaseInteger (Jp# bn) = sizeInBaseBigNat bn
+sizeInBaseInteger (Jn# bn) = sizeInBaseBigNat bn
+-- | Version of 'sizeInBaseInteger' operating on 'BigNat'
+-- /Since:
+sizeInBaseBigNat :: BigNat -> Int# -> Word#
+sizeInBaseBigNat bn@(BN# ba#) = c_mpn_sizeinbase# ba# (sizeofBigNat# bn)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase"
+ c_mpn_sizeinbase# :: ByteArray# -> GmpSize# -> Int# -> Word#
+-- | Version of 'sizeInBaseInteger' operating on 'Word#'
+-- /Since:
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_sizeinbase1"
+ sizeInBaseWord# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+-- | Dump 'Integer' (without sign) to @/addr/@ in base-256 representation.
+-- @'exportIntegerToAddr' /i/ /addr/ /e/@
+-- See description of 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' for more details.
+-- /Since:
+exportIntegerToAddr :: Integer -> Addr# -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportIntegerToAddr (S# i#) = exportWordToAddr (W# (int2Word# (absI# i#)))
+exportIntegerToAddr (Jp# bn) = exportBigNatToAddr bn
+exportIntegerToAddr (Jn# bn) = exportBigNatToAddr bn
+-- | Version of 'exportIntegerToAddr' operating on 'BigNat's.
+exportBigNatToAddr :: BigNat -> Addr# -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportBigNatToAddr bn@(BN# ba#) addr e
+ = c_mpn_exportToAddr# ba# (sizeofBigNat# bn) addr 0# e
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_export"
+ c_mpn_exportToAddr# :: ByteArray# -> GmpSize# -> Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ -> IO Word
+-- | Version of 'exportIntegerToAddr' operating on 'Word's.
+exportWordToAddr :: Word -> Addr# -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportWordToAddr (W# w#) addr
+ = c_mpn_export1ToAddr# w# addr 0# -- TODO: we don't calling GMP for that
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_export1"
+ c_mpn_export1ToAddr# :: GmpLimb# -> Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ -> IO Word
+-- | Dump 'Integer' (without sign) to mutable byte-array in base-256
+-- representation.
+-- The call
+-- @'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' /i/ /mba/ /offset/ /msbf/@
+-- writes
+-- * the 'Integer' @/i/@
+-- * into the 'MutableByteArray#' @/mba/@ starting at @/offset/@
+-- * with most significant byte first if @msbf@ is @1#@ or least
+-- significant byte first if @msbf@ is @0#@, and
+-- * returns number of bytes written.
+-- Use \"@'sizeInBaseInteger' /i/ 256#@\" to compute the exact number of
+-- bytes written in advance for @/i/ /= 0@. In case of @/i/ == 0@,
+-- 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' will write and report zero bytes
+-- written, whereas 'sizeInBaseInteger' report one byte.
+-- It's recommended to avoid calling 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' for small
+-- integers as this function would currently convert those to big
+-- integers in msbf to call @mpz_export()@.
+-- /Since:
+exportIntegerToMutableByteArray :: Integer -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld
+ -> Word# -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportIntegerToMutableByteArray (S# i#)
+ = exportWordToMutableByteArray (W# (int2Word# (absI# i#)))
+exportIntegerToMutableByteArray (Jp# bn) = exportBigNatToMutableByteArray bn
+exportIntegerToMutableByteArray (Jn# bn) = exportBigNatToMutableByteArray bn
+-- | Version of 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' operating on 'BigNat's.
+-- /Since:
+exportBigNatToMutableByteArray :: BigNat -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Word#
+ -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportBigNatToMutableByteArray bn@(BN# ba#)
+ = c_mpn_exportToMutableByteArray# ba# (sizeofBigNat# bn)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_export"
+ c_mpn_exportToMutableByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> GmpSize#
+ -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Word#
+ -> Int# -> IO Word
+-- | Version of 'exportIntegerToMutableByteArray' operating on 'Word's.
+-- /Since:
+exportWordToMutableByteArray :: Word -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Word#
+ -> Int# -> IO Word
+exportWordToMutableByteArray (W# w#) = c_mpn_export1ToMutableByteArray# w#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_export1"
+ c_mpn_export1ToMutableByteArray# :: GmpLimb# -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld
+ -> Word# -> Int# -> IO Word
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs b/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
index a143160b6b..a36d756aea 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp2/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
@@ -1559,6 +1559,105 @@ byteArrayToBigNat# ba# n0#
| isTrue# (neWord# (indexWordArray# ba# i#) 0##) = i# +# 1#
| True = fmssl (i# -# 1#)
+-- | Read 'Integer' (without sign) from memory location at @/addr/@ in
+-- base-256 representation.
+-- @'importIntegerFromAddr' /addr/ /size/ /msbf/@
+-- See description of 'importIntegerFromByteArray' for more details.
+-- /Since:
+importIntegerFromAddr :: Addr# -> Word# -> Int# -> IO Integer
+importIntegerFromAddr addr len msbf = IO $ do
+ bn <- liftIO (importBigNatFromAddr addr len msbf)
+ return (bigNatToInteger bn)
+-- | Version of 'importIntegerFromAddr' constructing a 'BigNat'
+importBigNatFromAddr :: Addr# -> Word# -> Int# -> IO BigNat
+importBigNatFromAddr _ 0## _ = IO (\s -> (# s, zeroBigNat #))
+importBigNatFromAddr addr len0 1# = IO $ do -- MSBF
+ W# ofs <- liftIO (c_scan_nzbyte_addr addr 0## len0)
+ let len = len0 `minusWord#` ofs
+ addr' = addr `plusAddr#` (word2Int# ofs)
+ importBigNatFromAddr# addr' len 1#
+importBigNatFromAddr addr len0 _ = IO $ do -- LSBF
+ W# len <- liftIO (c_rscan_nzbyte_addr addr 0## len0)
+ importBigNatFromAddr# addr len 0#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_scan_nzbyte"
+ c_scan_nzbyte_addr :: Addr# -> Word# -> Word# -> IO Word
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_rscan_nzbyte"
+ c_rscan_nzbyte_addr :: Addr# -> Word# -> Word# -> IO Word
+-- | Helper for 'importBigNatFromAddr'
+importBigNatFromAddr# :: Addr# -> Word# -> Int# -> S RealWorld BigNat
+importBigNatFromAddr# _ 0## _ = return zeroBigNat
+importBigNatFromAddr# addr len msbf = do
+ mbn@(MBN# mba#) <- newBigNat# n#
+ () <- liftIO (c_mpn_import_addr mba# addr 0## len msbf)
+ unsafeFreezeBigNat# mbn
+ where
+ -- n = ceiling(len / SIZEOF_HSWORD), i.e. number of limbs required
+ n# = (word2Int# len +# (SIZEOF_HSWORD# -# 1#)) `quotInt#` SIZEOF_HSWORD#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_import"
+ c_mpn_import_addr :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Addr# -> Word# -> Word#
+ -> Int# -> IO ()
+-- | Read 'Integer' (without sign) from byte-array in base-256 representation.
+-- The call
+-- @'importIntegerFromByteArray' /ba/ /offset/ /size/ /msbf/@
+-- reads
+-- * @/size/@ bytes from the 'ByteArray#' @/ba/@ starting at @/offset/@
+-- * with most significant byte first if @/msbf/@ is @1#@ or least
+-- significant byte first if @/msbf/@ is @0#@, and
+-- * returns a new 'Integer'
+-- /Since:
+importIntegerFromByteArray :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> Int# -> Integer
+importIntegerFromByteArray ba ofs len msbf
+ = bigNatToInteger (importBigNatFromByteArray ba ofs len msbf)
+-- | Version of 'importIntegerFromByteArray' constructing a 'BigNat'
+importBigNatFromByteArray :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> Int# -> BigNat
+importBigNatFromByteArray _ _ 0## _ = zeroBigNat
+importBigNatFromByteArray ba ofs0 len0 1# = runS $ do -- MSBF
+ W# ofs <- liftIO (c_scan_nzbyte_bytearray ba ofs0 len0)
+ let len = (len0 `plusWord#` ofs0) `minusWord#` ofs
+ importBigNatFromByteArray# ba ofs len 1#
+importBigNatFromByteArray ba ofs len0 _ = runS $ do -- LSBF
+ W# len <- liftIO (c_rscan_nzbyte_bytearray ba ofs len0)
+ importBigNatFromByteArray# ba ofs len 0#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_scan_nzbyte"
+ c_scan_nzbyte_bytearray :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> IO Word
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_rscan_nzbyte"
+ c_rscan_nzbyte_bytearray :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> IO Word
+-- | Helper for 'importBigNatFromByteArray'
+importBigNatFromByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+ -> S RealWorld BigNat
+importBigNatFromByteArray# _ _ 0## _ = return zeroBigNat
+importBigNatFromByteArray# ba ofs len msbf = do
+ mbn@(MBN# mba#) <- newBigNat# n#
+ () <- liftIO (c_mpn_import_bytearray mba# ba ofs len msbf)
+ unsafeFreezeBigNat# mbn
+ where
+ -- n = ceiling(len / SIZEOF_HSWORD), i.e. number of limbs required
+ n# = (word2Int# len +# (SIZEOF_HSWORD# -# 1#)) `quotInt#` SIZEOF_HSWORD#
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_mpn_import"
+ c_mpn_import_bytearray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> ByteArray# -> Word#
+ -> Word# -> Int# -> IO ()
-- | Test whether all internal invariants are satisfied by 'BigNat' value
-- Returns @1#@ if valid, @0#@ otherwise.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
index 3abb14031a..c709a22cee 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Base
-import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (Integer(S#,J#))
+import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (Integer(S#,Jp#,Jn#))
import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals as I
gcdExtInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
@@ -19,18 +19,16 @@ powInteger :: Integer -> Word -> Integer
powInteger b (W# w#) = I.powInteger b w#
exportInteger :: Integer -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Word# -> Int# -> IO Word
-exportInteger i mba o e = IO $ \s -> case I.exportIntegerToMutableByteArray i mba o e s of
- (# s', l #) -> (# s', W# l #)
+exportInteger = I.exportIntegerToMutableByteArray
exportIntegerAddr :: Integer -> Addr# -> Int# -> IO Word
-exportIntegerAddr i a e = IO $ \s -> case I.exportIntegerToAddr i a e s of
- (# s', l #) -> (# s', W# l #)
+exportIntegerAddr = I.exportIntegerToAddr
+importInteger :: ByteArray# -> Word# -> Word# -> Int# -> Integer
importInteger = I.importIntegerFromByteArray
importIntegerAddr :: Addr# -> Word# -> Int# -> IO Integer
-importIntegerAddr a l e = IO $ \s -> case I.importIntegerFromAddr a l e s of
- (# s', i #) -> (# s', i #)
+importIntegerAddr a l e = I.importIntegerFromAddr a l e
{- Reference implementation for 'powModInteger'
@@ -109,41 +107,41 @@ main = do
let a = byteArrayContents# (unsafeCoerce# mba)
print =<< importIntegerAddr a 0## 1#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr a 0## -1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr a 0## 0#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 22#) 1## 1#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 97#) 1## -1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 22#) 1## 1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 97#) 1## 0#
print =<< importIntegerAddr a 23## 1#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr a 23## -1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr a 23## 0#
-- no-op
print =<< exportIntegerAddr 0 (plusAddr# a 0#) 1#
-- write into array
- print =<< exportIntegerAddr b (plusAddr# a 5#) 1#
- print =<< exportIntegerAddr e (plusAddr# a 50#) -1#
+ print =<< exportIntegerAddr b (plusAddr# a 5#) 1#
+ print =<< exportIntegerAddr e (plusAddr# a 50#) 0#
print =<< exportInteger m mba 85## 1#
- print =<< exportInteger m mba 105## -1#
+ print =<< exportInteger m mba 105## 0#
print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 85#) 17## 1#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 105#) 17## -1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr (plusAddr# a 105#) 17## 0#
-- read back full array
print =<< importIntegerAddr a 128## 1#
- print =<< importIntegerAddr a 128## -1#
+ print =<< importIntegerAddr a 128## 0#
freezeByteArray mba
print $ importInteger ba 0## 0## 1#
- print $ importInteger ba 0## 0## -1#
+ print $ importInteger ba 0## 0## 0#
print $ importInteger ba 5## 29## 1#
- print $ importInteger ba 50## 29## -1#
+ print $ importInteger ba 50## 29## 0#
print $ importInteger ba 0## 128## 1#
- print $ importInteger ba 0## 128## -1#
+ print $ importInteger ba 0## 128## 0#
return ()