diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2008-09-17 19:21:55 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2008-09-17 19:21:55 +0000
commit37b4749847aa928188f61f6d5c180d7b2e07d424 (patch)
parent6091f224f4f0a2921ca62739b3c6c5540d27269c (diff)
ghc-pkg needs to make package.conf with sensible permissions
It was calling openTempFile which uses a 600 permissions mask.
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index 4294ff7350..7dcc0d4806 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Bits
import Data.Char ( isSpace, toLower )
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents,
@@ -46,15 +47,17 @@ import System.IO.Error (try)
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent
+import Foreign.C
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Foreign
-import Foreign.C.String
import GHC.ConsoleHandler
-import System.Posix
+import System.Posix hiding (fdToHandle)
import IO ( isPermissionError )
+import System.Posix.Internals
+import GHC.Handle (fdToHandle)
#if defined(GLOB)
import System.Process(runInteractiveCommand)
@@ -1161,7 +1164,7 @@ catchError io handler = io `Exception.catch` handler'
handler' e = Exception.throw e
-onException :: IO a -> IO () -> IO a
+onException :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
onException = Exception.onException
@@ -1174,26 +1177,26 @@ onException io what = io `Exception.catch` \e -> do what
-- to use text files here, rather than binary files.
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeFileAtomic targetFile content = do
- (tmpFile, tmpHandle) <- openTempFile targetDir template
- do hPutStr tmpHandle content
- hClose tmpHandle
+ (newFile, newHandle) <- openNewFile targetDir template
+ do hPutStr newHandle content
+ hClose newHandle
#if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS
- renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ renameFile newFile targetFile
-- If the targetFile exists then renameFile will fail
`catchIO` \err -> do
exists <- doesFileExist targetFile
if exists
then do removeFile targetFile
-- Big fat hairy race condition
- renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ renameFile newFile targetFile
-- If the removeFile succeeds and the renameFile fails
-- then we've lost the atomic property.
else throwIOIO err
- renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ renameFile newFile targetFile
- `onException` do hClose tmpHandle
- removeFile tmpFile
+ `onException` do hClose newHandle
+ removeFile newFile
template = targetName <.> "tmp"
targetDir | null targetDir_ = "."
@@ -1202,6 +1205,57 @@ writeFileAtomic targetFile content = do
-- to always return a valid dir
(targetDir_,targetName) = splitFileName targetFile
+-- Ugh, this is a copy/paste of code from the base library, but
+-- if uses 666 rather than 600 for the permissions.
+openNewFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
+openNewFile dir template = do
+ pid <- c_getpid
+ findTempName pid
+ where
+ -- We split off the last extension, so we can use .foo.ext files
+ -- for temporary files (hidden on Unix OSes). Unfortunately we're
+ -- below filepath in the hierarchy here.
+ (prefix,suffix) =
+ case break (== '.') $ reverse template of
+ -- First case: template contains no '.'s. Just re-reverse it.
+ (rev_suffix, "") -> (reverse rev_suffix, "")
+ -- Second case: template contains at least one '.'. Strip the
+ -- dot from the prefix and prepend it to the suffix (if we don't
+ -- do this, the unique number will get added after the '.' and
+ -- thus be part of the extension, which is wrong.)
+ (rev_suffix, '.':rest) -> (reverse rest, '.':reverse rev_suffix)
+ -- Otherwise, something is wrong, because (break (== '.')) should
+ -- always return a pair with either the empty string or a string
+ -- beginning with '.' as the second component.
+ _ -> error "bug in System.IO.openTempFile"
+ oflags = rw_flags .|. o_EXCL
+ findTempName x = do
+ fd <- withCString filepath $ \ f ->
+ c_open f oflags 0o666
+ if fd < 0
+ then do
+ errno <- getErrno
+ if errno == eEXIST
+ then findTempName (x+1)
+ else ioError (errnoToIOError "openNewBinaryFile" errno Nothing (Just dir))
+ else do
+ -- XXX We want to tell fdToHandle what the filepath is,
+ -- as any exceptions etc will only be able to report the
+ -- fd currently
+ h <- fdToHandle fd `onException` c_close fd
+ return (filepath, h)
+ where
+ filename = prefix ++ show x ++ suffix
+ filepath = dir `combine` filename
+-- XXX Copied from GHC.Handle
+std_flags, output_flags, rw_flags :: CInt
+std_flags = o_NONBLOCK .|. o_NOCTTY
+output_flags = std_flags .|. o_CREAT
+rw_flags = output_flags .|. o_RDWR
-- | The function splits the given string to substrings
-- using 'isSearchPathSeparator'.
parseSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]