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authorIsaac Dupree <>2007-05-26 23:00:45 +0000
committerIsaac Dupree <>2007-05-26 23:00:45 +0000
commit78d145815572a7b28d6fb9169a5567a604e38846 (patch)
parenta9c123b7ae2620627037ca974b9908b1eead827e (diff)
#1318: lex negative unboxed literals
I reorganized the lexing of numeric literals a bit so the code didn't get too ugly, after trying a few ways, and also considering possible plans to be able to conditionally lex negative _boxed_ literals.
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Lexer.x b/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
index de025de730..db48dbe7c6 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
+++ b/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ $docsym = [\| \^ \* \$]
@floating_point = @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @decimal @exponent
+-- normal signed numerical literals can only be explicitly negative,
+-- not explicitly positive (contrast @exponent)
+@negative = \-
+@signed = @negative ?
haskell :-
-- everywhere: skip whitespace and comments
@@ -353,22 +358,35 @@ $tab+ { warn Opt_WarnTabs (text "Tab character") }
@consym { consym }
+-- For the normal boxed literals we need to be careful
+-- when trying to be close to Haskell98
<0,glaexts> {
- @decimal { tok_decimal }
- 0[oO] @octal { tok_octal }
- 0[xX] @hexadecimal { tok_hexadecimal }
+ -- Normal integral literals (:: Num a => a, from Integer)
+ @decimal { tok_num positive 0 0 decimal }
+ 0[oO] @octal { tok_num positive 2 2 octal }
+ 0[xX] @hexadecimal { tok_num positive 2 2 hexadecimal }
+ -- Normal rational literals (:: Fractional a => a, from Rational)
+ @floating_point { strtoken tok_float }
<glaexts> {
- @decimal \# { prim_decimal }
- 0[oO] @octal \# { prim_octal }
- 0[xX] @hexadecimal \# { prim_hexadecimal }
+ -- Unboxed ints (:: Int#)
+ -- It's simpler (and faster?) to give separate cases to the negatives,
+ -- especially considering octal/hexadecimal prefixes.
+ @decimal \# { tok_primint positive 0 1 decimal }
+ 0[oO] @octal \# { tok_primint positive 2 3 octal }
+ 0[xX] @hexadecimal \# { tok_primint positive 2 3 hexadecimal }
+ @negative @decimal \# { tok_primint negative 1 2 decimal }
+ @negative 0[oO] @octal \# { tok_primint negative 3 4 octal }
+ @negative 0[xX] @hexadecimal \# { tok_primint negative 3 4 hexadecimal }
+ -- Unboxed floats and doubles (:: Float#, :: Double#)
+ -- prim_{float,double} work with signed literals
+ @signed @floating_point \# { init_strtoken 1 tok_primfloat }
+ @signed @floating_point \# \# { init_strtoken 2 tok_primdouble }
-<0,glaexts> @floating_point { strtoken tok_float }
-<glaexts> @floating_point \# { init_strtoken 1 prim_float }
-<glaexts> @floating_point \# \# { init_strtoken 2 prim_double }
-- Strings and chars are lexed by hand-written code. The reason is
-- that even if we recognise the string or char here in the regex
-- lexer, we would still have to parse the string afterward in order
@@ -934,27 +952,29 @@ sym con span buf len =
fs = lexemeToFastString buf len
-tok_decimal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITinteger $! parseUnsignedInteger buf len 10 octDecDigit))
-tok_octal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITinteger $! parseUnsignedInteger (offsetBytes 2 buf) (len-2) 8 octDecDigit))
-tok_hexadecimal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITinteger $! parseUnsignedInteger (offsetBytes 2 buf) (len-2) 16 hexDigit))
-prim_decimal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITprimint $! parseUnsignedInteger buf (len-1) 10 octDecDigit))
-prim_octal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITprimint $! parseUnsignedInteger (offsetBytes 2 buf) (len-3) 8 octDecDigit))
-prim_hexadecimal span buf len
- = return (L span (ITprimint $! parseUnsignedInteger (offsetBytes 2 buf) (len-3) 16 hexDigit))
+-- Variations on the integral numeric literal.
+tok_integral :: (Integer -> Token)
+ -> (Integer -> Integer)
+ -- -> (StringBuffer -> StringBuffer) -> (Int -> Int)
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> (Integer, (Char->Int)) -> Action
+tok_integral itint transint transbuf translen (radix,char_to_int) span buf len =
+ return $ L span $ itint $! transint $ parseUnsignedInteger
+ (offsetBytes transbuf buf) (subtract translen len) radix char_to_int
+-- some conveniences for use with tok_integral
+tok_num = tok_integral ITinteger
+tok_primint = tok_integral ITprimint
+positive = id
+negative = negate
+decimal = (10,octDecDigit)
+octal = (8,octDecDigit)
+hexadecimal = (16,hexDigit)
+-- readRational can understand negative rationals, exponents, everything.
tok_float str = ITrational $! readRational str
-prim_float str = ITprimfloat $! readRational str
-prim_double str = ITprimdouble $! readRational str
+tok_primfloat str = ITprimfloat $! readRational str
+tok_primdouble str = ITprimdouble $! readRational str
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-- Layout processing