diff options
authorAlan Zimmerman <>2021-06-14 22:24:42 +0100
committerAlan Zimmerman <>2021-06-22 23:20:02 +0100
commite9ac323228575248477abd63e8f1f68c470d9275 (patch)
parent62d720db4f6a53014400a608baf5c56555258eee (diff)
EPA: Bringing over tests and updates from ghc-exactprintwip/az/exactprint-align-repos
32 files changed, 1269 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile
index e8bbe7c079..e2081aee9c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile
@@ -608,3 +608,123 @@ Test19840:
$(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) Test19850.hs
$(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) Test19850.hs
+.PHONY: PprCommentsOnly
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprCommentsOnly.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprCommentsOnly.hs
+.PHONY: PprSemis
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprSemis.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprSemis.hs
+.PHONY: PprForeignDecl
+ # $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprForeignDecl.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprForeignDecl.hs
+.PHONY: PprRoles
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprRoles.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprRoles.hs
+.PHONY: PprTypeSynParens
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprTypeSynParens.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprTypeSynParens.hs
+.PHONY: PprEmptyMostlyInst
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprEmptyMostlyInst.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprEmptyMostlyInst.hs
+.PHONY: PprParenFunBind
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprParenFunBind.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprParenFunBind.hs
+.PHONY: PprRecordSemi
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprRecordSemi.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprRecordSemi.hs
+.PHONY: PprCompleteSig
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprCompleteSig.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprCompleteSig.hs
+.PHONY: PprOverloadedLabels
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprOverloadedLabels.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprOverloadedLabels.hs
+.PHONY: PprArrows
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprArrows.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprArrows.hs
+.PHONY: PprOverloadedRecords
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprOverloadedRecords.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprOverloadedRecords.hs
+.PHONY: PprArrowLambdaCase
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprArrowLambdaCase.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprArrowLambdaCase.hs
+.PHONY: PprRecursiveDo
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprRecursiveDo.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprRecursiveDo.hs
+.PHONY: PprTypeBrackets
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprTypeBrackets.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprTypeBrackets.hs
+.PHONY: PprDynamic
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprDynamic.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprDynamic.hs
+.PHONY: PprEmptyMostly
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprEmptyMostly.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprEmptyMostly.hs
+.PHONY: PprClassParens
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprClassParens.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprClassParens.hs
+.PHONY: PprThAbstractFamily
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprThAbstractFamily.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprThAbstractFamily.hs
+.PHONY: PprClassTypeFamily
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprClassTypeFamily.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprClassTypeFamily.hs
+.PHONY: PprT13747
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprT13747.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprT13747.hs
+.PHONY: PprBracesSemiDataDecl
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprBracesSemiDataDecl.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprBracesSemiDataDecl.hs
+.PHONY: PprUnicodeSyntax
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprUnicodeSyntax.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprUnicodeSyntax.hs
+.PHONY: PprCommentPlacement2
+ $(CHECK_PPR) $(LIBDIR) PprCommentPlacement2.hs
+ $(CHECK_EXACT) $(LIBDIR) PprCommentPlacement2.hs
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrowLambdaCase.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrowLambdaCase.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c678339890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrowLambdaCase.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, LambdaCase #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Arrow
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ putStrLn $ foo (Just 42)
+ putStrLn $ foo (Just 500)
+ putStrLn $ foo Nothing
+foo :: ArrowChoice p => p (Maybe Int) String
+foo = proc x ->
+ (| id (\case
+ Just x | x > 100 -> returnA -< "big " ++ show x
+ | otherwise -> returnA -< "small " ++ show x
+ Nothing -> returnA -< "none")
+ |) x
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrows.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrows.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a98e0689ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprArrows.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+module Arrow where
+import Control.Arrow
+import qualified Control.Category as Cat
+addA :: Arrow a => a b Int -> a b Int -> a b Int
+addA f g = proc x -> do
+ y <- f -< x
+ z <- g -< x
+ returnA -< y + z
+newtype Circuit a b = Circuit { unCircuit :: a -> (Circuit a b, b) }
+instance Cat.Category Circuit where
+ id = Circuit $ \a -> (, a)
+ (.) = dot
+ where
+ (Circuit cir2) `dot` (Circuit cir1) = Circuit $ \a ->
+ let (cir1', b) = cir1 a
+ (cir2', c) = cir2 b
+ in (cir2' `dot` cir1', c)
+instance Arrow Circuit where
+ arr f = Circuit $ \a -> (arr f, f a)
+ first (Circuit cir) = Circuit $ \(b, d) ->
+ let (cir', c) = cir b
+ in (first cir', (c, d))
+-- | Accumulator that outputs a value determined by the supplied function.
+accum :: acc -> (a -> acc -> (b, acc)) -> Circuit a b
+accum acc f = Circuit $ \input ->
+ let (output, acc') = input `f` acc
+ in (accum acc' f, output)
+-- | Accumulator that outputs the accumulator value.
+accum' :: b -> (a -> b -> b) -> Circuit a b
+accum' acc f = accum acc (\a b -> let b' = a `f` b in (b', b'))
+total :: Num a => Circuit a a
+total = accum' 0 (+)
+mean3 :: Fractional a => Circuit a a
+mean3 = proc value -> do
+ (t, n) <- (| (&&&) (total -< value) (total -< 1) |)
+ returnA -< t / n
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprBracesSemiDataDecl.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprBracesSemiDataDecl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..825ba4257d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprBracesSemiDataDecl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+data Nat (t :: NatKind) where
+ ZeroNat :: Nat Zero;
+ SuccNat :: Nat t -> Nat (Succ t);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassParens.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassParens.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..344ce63174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassParens.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module PprClassParens where
+class (f `Compose` g) x
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassTypeFamily.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassTypeFamily.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27473a8082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprClassTypeFamily.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Class where
+-- | @IsAuth a ctx v@ indicates that @a@ is an auth type that expects all
+-- elements of @ctx@ to be the in the Context and whose authentication check
+-- returns an @AuthCheck v@.
+class IsAuth a v where
+ type family AuthArgs a :: [*]
+ runAuth :: proxy a -> proxy v -> Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentPlacement2.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentPlacement2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..245f12c9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentPlacement2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module PprCommentPlacement2 where
+c04 = do
+ let result = do
+ acceptStr <- y
+ where
+ aa = bb
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentsOnly.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentsOnly.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a03c1cb598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCommentsOnly.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Nothing but comments. Make sure they actually get exact printed
+-- Another one
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCompleteSig.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCompleteSig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a5fbaed66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprCompleteSig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+module Simple where
+pattern Foo :: ()
+pattern Foo = ()
+a :: () -> ()
+a Foo = ()
+data A = B | C | D
+{-# COMPLETE Foo #-}
+{-# COMPLETE B,C #-}
+{-# COMPLETE B #-}
+b :: A -> A
+b B = B
+b C = C
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprDynamic.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprDynamic.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5134d8b067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprDynamic.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+{- This is the code extracted from "A reflection on types", by Simon PJ,
+Stephanie Weirich, Richard Eisenberg, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis, 2016. -}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, PolyKinds, TypeOperators,
+ ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, FlexibleInstances,
+ UndecidableInstances, RebindableSyntax,
+ DataKinds, MagicHash, AutoDeriveTypeable, TypeInType #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
+module Dynamic where
+import Data.Map ( Map )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
+import Control.Monad ( (<=<) )
+import Prelude hiding ( lookup, fromInteger, replicate )
+import qualified Prelude
+import qualified Data.Typeable
+import qualified Data.Data
+import Data.Kind
+lookupMap = Map.lookup
+insertMap = Map.insert
+-- let's ignore overloaded numbers
+fromInteger :: Integer -> Int
+fromInteger = Prelude.fromInteger
+insertStore = undefined
+schema = undefined
+withTypeable = undefined
+throw# = undefined
+toDynamicST = undefined
+fromDynamicST = undefined
+extendStore :: Typeable a => STRef s a -> a -> Store -> Store
+lookupStore :: Typeable a => STRef s a -> Store -> Maybe a
+type Key = Int
+data STRef s a = STR Key
+type Store = Map Key Dynamic
+extendStore (STR k) v s = insertMap k (toDynamicST v) s
+lookupStore (STR k) s = case lookupMap k s of
+ Just d -> fromDynamicST d
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+toDynamicST :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic
+fromDynamicST :: Typeable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
+eval = undefined
+data Term
+data DynamicSilly = DIntSilly Int
+ | DBoolSilly Bool
+ | DCharSilly Char
+ | DPairSilly DynamicSilly DynamicSilly
+toDynInt :: Int -> DynamicSilly
+toDynInt = DIntSilly
+fromDynInt :: DynamicSilly -> Maybe Int
+fromDynInt (DIntSilly n) = Just n
+fromDynInt _ = Nothing
+toDynPair :: DynamicSilly -> DynamicSilly -> DynamicSilly
+toDynPair = DPairSilly
+dynFstSilly :: DynamicSilly -> Maybe DynamicSilly
+dynFstSilly (DPairSilly x1 x2) = Just x1
+dynFstSilly _ = Nothing
+eval :: Term -> DynamicSilly
+eqT = undefined
+instance Typeable (->)
+instance Typeable Maybe
+instance Typeable Bool
+instance Typeable Int
+instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (a b)
+instance Typeable (,)
+instance Eq TypeRepX
+data Dynamic where
+ Dyn :: TypeRep a -> a -> Dynamic
+toDynamic :: Typeable a => a -> Dynamic
+toDynamic x = Dyn typeRep x
+eqTNoKind = undefined
+eqTNoKind :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (a :***: b)
+ -- Primitive; implemented by compiler
+data a :***: b where
+ ReflNoKind :: a :***: a
+fromDynamic :: forall d. Typeable d => Dynamic -> Maybe d
+fromDynamic (Dyn (ra :: TypeRep a) (x :: a))
+ = case eqT ra (typeRep :: TypeRep d) of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just Refl -> Just x
+fromDynamicMonad :: forall d. Typeable d => Dynamic -> Maybe d
+fromDynamicMonad (Dyn ra x)
+ = do Refl <- eqT ra (typeRep :: TypeRep d)
+ return x
+cast :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
+cast x = do Refl <- eqT (typeRep :: TypeRep a)
+ (typeRep :: TypeRep b)
+ return x
+gcast :: forall a b c. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => c a -> Maybe (c b)
+gcast x = do Refl <- eqT (typeRep :: TypeRep a)
+ (typeRep :: TypeRep b)
+ return x
+data SameKind :: k -> k -> Type
+type CheckAppResult = SameKind AppResult AppResultNoKind
+ -- not the most thorough check
+foo :: AppResult x -> AppResultNoKind x
+foo (App y z) = AppNoKind y z
+splitApp :: TypeRep a -> Maybe (AppResult a)
+splitApp = undefined
+splitAppNoKind = undefined
+splitAppNoKind :: TypeRep a -> Maybe (AppResultNoKind a)
+ -- Primitive; implemented by compiler
+data AppResultNoKind t where
+ AppNoKind :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> AppResultNoKind (a b)
+dynFstNoKind :: Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic
+dynFstNoKind (Dyn rpab x)
+ = do AppNoKind rpa rb <- splitAppNoKind rpab
+ AppNoKind rp ra <- splitAppNoKind rpa
+ Refl <- eqT rp (typeRep :: TypeRep (,))
+ return (Dyn ra (fst x))
+dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic
+dynApply (Dyn rf f) (Dyn rx x) = do
+ App ra rt2 <- splitApp rf
+ App rtc rt1 <- splitApp ra
+ Refl <- eqT rtc (typeRep :: TypeRep (->))
+ Refl <- eqT rt1 rx
+ return (Dyn rt2 (f x))
+data TypeRepAbstract (a :: k) -- primitive, indexed by type and kind
+class Typeable (a :: k) where
+ typeRep :: TypeRep a
+data AppResult (t :: k) where
+ App :: forall k1 k (a :: k1 -> k) (b :: k1).
+ TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> AppResult (a b)
+dynFst :: Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic
+dynFst (Dyn (rpab :: TypeRep pab) (x :: pab))
+ = do App (rpa :: TypeRep pa ) (rb :: TypeRep b) <- splitApp rpab
+ -- introduces kind |k2|, and types |pa :: k2 -> *|, |b :: k2|
+ App (rp :: TypeRep p ) (ra :: TypeRep a) <- splitApp rpa
+ -- introduces kind |k1|, and types |p :: k1 -> k2 -> *|, |a :: k1|
+ Refl <- eqT rp (typeRep :: TypeRep (,))
+ -- introduces |p ~ (,)| and |(k1 -> k2 -> Type) ~ (Type -> Type -> Type)|
+ return (Dyn ra (fst x))
+eqT :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1) (b :: k2). TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
+data (a :: k1) :~: (b :: k2) where
+ Refl :: forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
+castDance :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
+castDance = castR typeRep typeRep
+withTypeable :: TypeRep a -> (Typeable a => r) -> r
+castR :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> a -> Maybe b
+castR ta tb = withTypeable ta (withTypeable tb castDance)
+cmpT = undefined
+compareTypeRep = undefined
+data TypeRepX where
+ TypeRepX :: TypeRep a -> TypeRepX
+type TyMapLessTyped = Map TypeRepX Dynamic
+insertLessTyped :: forall a. Typeable a => a -> TyMapLessTyped -> TyMapLessTyped
+insertLessTyped x = Map.insert (TypeRepX (typeRep :: TypeRep a)) (toDynamic x)
+lookupLessTyped :: forall a. Typeable a => TyMapLessTyped -> Maybe a
+lookupLessTyped = fromDynamic <=< Map.lookup (TypeRepX (typeRep :: TypeRep a))
+instance Ord TypeRepX where
+ compare (TypeRepX tr1) (TypeRepX tr2) = compareTypeRep tr1 tr2
+compareTypeRep :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Ordering -- primitive
+data TyMap = Empty | Node Dynamic TyMap TyMap
+lookup :: TypeRep a -> TyMap -> Maybe a
+lookup tr1 (Node (Dyn tr2 v) left right) =
+ case compareTypeRep tr1 tr2 of
+ LT -> lookup tr1 left
+ EQ -> castR tr2 tr1 v -- know this cast will succeed
+ GT -> lookup tr1 right
+lookup tr1 Empty = Nothing
+cmpT :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> OrderingT a b
+ -- definition is primitive
+data OrderingT a b where
+ LTT :: OrderingT a b
+ EQT :: OrderingT t t
+ GTT :: OrderingT a b
+data TypeRep (a :: k) where
+ TrApp :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a b)
+ TrTyCon :: TyCon -> TypeRep k -> TypeRep (a :: k)
+data TyCon = TyCon { tc_module :: Module, tc_name :: String }
+data Module = Module { mod_pkg :: String, mod_name :: String }
+tcMaybe :: TyCon
+tcMaybe = TyCon { tc_module = Module { mod_pkg = "base"
+ , mod_name = "Data.Maybe" }
+ , tc_name = "Maybe" }
+rt = undefined
+delta1 :: Dynamic -> Dynamic
+delta1 dn = case fromDynamic dn of
+ Just f -> f dn
+ Nothing -> dn
+loop1 = delta1 (toDynamic delta1)
+data Rid = MkT (forall a. TypeRep a -> a -> a)
+rt :: TypeRep Rid
+delta :: forall a. TypeRep a -> a -> a
+delta ra x = case (eqT ra rt) of
+ Just Refl -> case x of MkT y -> y rt x
+ Nothing -> x
+loop = delta rt (MkT delta)
+throw# :: SomeException -> a
+data SomeException where
+ SomeException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
+class (Typeable e, Show e) => Exception e where { }
+data Company
+data Salary
+incS :: Float -> Salary -> Salary
+incS = undefined
+-- some impedance matching with SYB
+instance Data.Data.Data Company
+instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} Data.Typeable.Typeable a => Typeable a
+mkT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (b -> b) -> a -> a
+mkT f x = case (cast f) of
+ Just g -> g x
+ Nothing -> x
+data Expr a
+frontEnd = undefined
+data DynExp where
+ DE :: TypeRep a -> Expr a -> DynExp
+frontEnd :: String -> DynExp
+data TyConOld
+typeOf = undefined
+eqTOld = undefined
+funTcOld = undefined :: TyConOld
+splitTyConApp = undefined
+mkTyCon3 = undefined
+boolTcOld = undefined
+tupleTc = undefined
+mkTyConApp = undefined
+instance Eq TypeRepOld
+instance Eq TyConOld
+data TypeRepOld -- Abstract
+class TypeableOld a where
+ typeRepOld :: proxy a -> TypeRepOld
+data DynamicOld where
+ DynOld :: TypeRepOld -> a -> DynamicOld
+data Proxy a = Proxy
+fromDynamicOld :: forall d. TypeableOld d => DynamicOld -> Maybe d
+fromDynamicOld (DynOld trx x)
+ | typeRepOld (Proxy :: Proxy d) == trx = Just (unsafeCoerce x)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+dynApplyOld :: DynamicOld -> DynamicOld -> Maybe DynamicOld
+dynApplyOld (DynOld trf f) (DynOld trx x) =
+ case splitTyConApp trf of
+ (tc, [t1,t2]) | tc == funTcOld && t1 == trx ->
+ Just (DynOld t2 ((unsafeCoerce f) x))
+ _ -> Nothing
+data DynamicClosed where
+ DynClosed :: TypeRepClosed a -> a -> DynamicClosed
+data TypeRepClosed (a :: Type) where
+ TBool :: TypeRepClosed Bool
+ TFun :: TypeRepClosed a -> TypeRepClosed b -> TypeRepClosed (a -> b)
+ TProd :: TypeRepClosed a -> TypeRepClosed b -> TypeRepClosed (a, b)
+lookupPil = undefined
+lookupPil :: Typeable a => [Dynamic] -> Maybe a
+data Dyn1 = Dyn1 Int
+ | DynFun (Dyn1 -> Dyn1)
+ | DynPair (Dyn1, Dyn1)
+data TypeEnum = IntType | FloatType | BoolType | DateType | StringType
+data Schema = Object [Schema] |
+ Field TypeEnum |
+ Array Schema
+schema :: Typeable a => a -> Schema
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostly.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostly.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccbade7bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostly.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module EmptyMostly where
+ { ;;;
+ ;;x=let{;;;;;y=2;;z=3;;;;}in y;
+ -- ;;;;
+ class Foo a where {;;;;;;
+ (--<>--) :: a -> a -> Int ;
+ infixl 5 --<>-- ;
+ (--<>--) _ _ = 2 ; -- empty decl at the end.
+-- ;;;;;;;;;;;;
+-- foo = a where {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a=1;;;;;;;;}
+-- ;;
+ }
+-- really trailing
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostlyInst.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostlyInst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dbe3c1273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostlyInst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module EmptyMostlyInst where
+ {
+instance Eq (Int,Integer) where {;;;;;;;;;
+;;;;;;; a == b = False;;;;;;;;;;;
+ }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprForeignDecl.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprForeignDecl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21c35029ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprForeignDecl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnliftedFFITypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+-- Based on ghc/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_compile contents
+module PprForeignDecl where
+import Foreign
+import GHC.Exts
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Word
+-- simple functions
+foreign import ccall unsafe "a" a :: IO Int
+foreign import ccall unsafe "b" b :: Int -> IO Int
+foreign import ccall unsafe "c"
+ c :: Int -> Char -> Float -> Double -> IO Float
+-- simple monadic code
+d = a >>= \ x ->
+ b x >>= \ y ->
+ c y 'f' 1.0 2.0
+-- We can't import the same function using both stdcall and ccall
+-- calling conventions in the same file when compiling via C (this is a
+-- restriction in the C backend caused by the need to emit a prototype
+-- for stdcall functions).
+foreign import stdcall "p" m_stdcall :: StablePtr a -> IO (StablePtr b)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "q" m_ccall :: ByteArray# -> IO Int
+-- We can't redefine the calling conventions of certain functions (those from
+-- math.h).
+foreign import stdcall "my_sin" my_sin :: Double -> IO Double
+foreign import stdcall "my_cos" my_cos :: Double -> IO Double
+foreign import stdcall "m1" m8 :: IO Int8
+foreign import stdcall "m2" m16 :: IO Int16
+foreign import stdcall "m3" m32 :: IO Int32
+foreign import stdcall "m4" m64 :: IO Int64
+foreign import stdcall "dynamic" d8 :: FunPtr (IO Int8) -> IO Int8
+foreign import stdcall "dynamic" d16 :: FunPtr (IO Int16) -> IO Int16
+foreign import stdcall "dynamic" d32 :: FunPtr (IO Int32) -> IO Int32
+foreign import stdcall "dynamic" d64 :: FunPtr (IO Int64) -> IO Int64
+foreign import ccall unsafe "safe_qd.h safe_qd_add" c_qd_add :: Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ();
+foreign import ccall unsafe "kitchen"
+ sink :: Ptr a
+ -> ByteArray#
+ -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld
+ -> Int
+ -> Int8
+ -> Int16
+ -> Int32
+ -> Int64
+ -> Word8
+ -> Word16
+ -> Word32
+ -> Word64
+ -> Float
+ -> Double
+ -> IO ()
+type Sink2 b = Ptr b
+ -> ByteArray#
+ -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld
+ -> Int
+ -> Int8
+ -> Int16
+ -> Int32
+ -> Word8
+ -> Word16
+ -> Word32
+ -> Float
+ -> Double
+ -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "dynamic"
+ sink2 :: Ptr (Sink2 b) -> Sink2 b
+-- exports
+foreign export ccall "plusInt" (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int
+listToJSArray :: ToJSRef a => [a] -> IO (JSArray a)
+listToJSArray = toJSArray deconstr
+ where deconstr (x : xs) = Just (x, xs)
+ deconstr [] = Nothing
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = new Float32Array($1);"
+ float32Array :: JSArray Float -> IO Float32Array
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = new Int32Array($1);"
+ int32Array :: JSArray Int32 -> IO Int32Array
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = new Uint16Array($1);"
+ uint16Array :: JSArray Word16 -> IO Uint16Array
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = new Uint8Array($1);"
+ uint8Array :: JSArray Word8 -> IO Uint8Array
+foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = $1.getContext(\"webgl\");"
+ getCtx :: JSRef a -> IO Ctx
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedLabels.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedLabels.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..361da45086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedLabels.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts #-}
+import GHC.OverloadedLabels
+-- No instance for (OverloadedLabel "x" t0)
+a = #x
+-- No instance for (OverloadedLabel "x" (t0 -> t1), OverloadedLabel "y" t0)
+b = #x #y
+-- Could not deduce (OverloadedLabel "y" t) from (OverloadedLabel "x" t)
+c :: IsLabel "x" t => t
+c = #y
+main = return ()
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedRecords.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedRecords.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49d8c2041d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprOverloadedRecords.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- Test that DuplicateRecordFields works with NamedFieldPuns and
+-- RecordWildCards
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards #-}
+data S = MkS { foo :: Int }
+ deriving Show
+data T = MkT { foo :: Int }
+ deriving Show
+f MkS{foo} = MkT{foo}
+g MkT{..} = MkS{..}
+h e = let foo = 6 in e { foo } :: S
+main = do print a
+ print b
+ print c
+ print d
+ where
+ foo = 42
+ a = MkS{foo}
+ b = f a
+ c = g b
+ d = h c
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprParenFunBind.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprParenFunBind.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6312cdcaee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprParenFunBind.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module ParenFunBind where
+(foo x) y = x + y
+((bar x)) y = x + y
+((baz x)) (y) = x + y
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecordSemi.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecordSemi.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e06c049722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecordSemi.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-- | Generate a generate statement for the builtin function "fst"
+genFst :: BuiltinBuilder
+genFst = genNoInsts genFst'
+genFst' :: (Either CoreSyn.CoreBndr AST.VHDLName) -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> [(Either CoreSyn.CoreExpr AST.Expr, Type.Type)] -> TranslatorSession [AST.ConcSm]
+genFst' res f args@[(arg,argType)] = do {
+ ; arg_htype <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mkHType "\nGenerate.genFst: Invalid argument type" argType
+ ; [AST.PrimName argExpr] <- argsToVHDLExprs [arg]
+ ; let {
+ ; labels = getFieldLabels arg_htype 0
+ ; argexprA = vhdlNameToVHDLExpr $ mkSelectedName argExpr (labels!!0)
+ ; assign = mkUncondAssign res argexprA
+ } ;
+ -- Return the generate functions
+ ; return [assign]
+ }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecursiveDo.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecursiveDo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..174cc9ecf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRecursiveDo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
+-- From
+import Control.Monad.Fix
+data RoseTree a = RoseTree a [RoseTree a]
+ deriving (Show)
+exampleTree :: RoseTree Int
+exampleTree = RoseTree 5 [RoseTree 4 [], RoseTree 6 []]
+pureMax :: Ord a => RoseTree a -> RoseTree (a, a)
+pureMax tree =
+ let (t, largest) = go largest tree
+ in t
+ where
+ go :: Ord a => a -> RoseTree a -> (RoseTree (a, a), a)
+ go biggest (RoseTree x []) = (RoseTree (x, biggest) [], x)
+ go biggest (RoseTree x xs) =
+ let sub = map (go biggest) xs
+ (xs', largests) = unzip sub
+ in (RoseTree (x, biggest) xs', max x (maximum largests))
+t = pureMax exampleTree
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+impureMin :: (MonadFix m, Ord b) => (a -> m b) -> RoseTree a -> m (RoseTree (a, b))
+impureMin f tree = do
+ rec (t, largest) <- go largest tree
+ return t
+ where
+ go smallest (RoseTree x []) = do
+ b <- f x
+ return (RoseTree (x, smallest) [], b)
+ go smallest (RoseTree x xs) = do
+ sub <- mapM (go smallest) xs
+ b <- f x
+ let (xs', bs) = unzip sub
+ return (RoseTree (x, smallest) xs', min b (minimum bs))
+budget :: String -> IO Int
+budget "Ada" = return 10 -- A struggling startup programmer
+budget "Curry" = return 50 -- A big-earner in finance
+budget "Dijkstra" = return 20 -- Teaching is the real reward
+budget "Howard" = return 5 -- An frugile undergraduate!
+inviteTree = RoseTree "Ada" [ RoseTree "Dijkstra" []
+ , RoseTree "Curry" [ RoseTree "Howard" []]
+ ]
+ti = impureMin budget inviteTree
+simplemdo = mdo
+ return 5
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRoles.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRoles.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abdc222868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprRoles.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations, PolyKinds #-}
+module Roles where
+data T1 a = K1 a
+data T2 a = K2 a
+data T3 (a :: k) = K3
+data T4 (a :: * -> *) b = K4 (a b)
+data T5 a = K5 a
+data T6 a = K6
+data T7 a b = K7 b
+type role T1 nominal
+type role T2 representational
+type role T3 phantom
+type role T4 nominal _
+type role T5 _
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprSemis.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprSemis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9faf3c51c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprSemis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Semis where
+-- Make sure we get all the semicolons in statements
+foo :: IO ()
+foo = do
+ do { ;;;; a }
+ a
+bar :: IO ()
+bar = do
+ { ;
+ a ;;
+ b
+ }
+baz :: IO ()
+baz = do { ;; s ; s ; ; s ;; }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprT13747.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprT13747.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..749d8d2fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprT13747.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module T13747 where
+class C a where
+ type family TC a :: *
+class D a where
+ data family TD a :: *
+instance C Int where
+ type instance TC Int = Int
+instance D Double where
+ data instance TD Double = TDDouble
+instance D Int where
+ newtype instance TD Int = TDInt Int
+instance D Char where
+ data instance TD Char where
+ C1 :: TD Char
+ C2 :: TD Char
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprThAbstractFamily.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprThAbstractFamily.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a76b00b602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprThAbstractFamily.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
+module TH_abstractFamily where
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+-- Empty closed type families are okay...
+ds1 :: Q [Dec]
+ds1 = [d| type family F a where |]
+-- ...but abstract ones should result in a type error
+ds2 :: Q [Dec]
+ds2 = [d| type family G a where .. |]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeBrackets.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeBrackets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb343d176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeBrackets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies #-}
+foo (f :: (Maybe t -> Int)) =
+ undefined
+type (((f `ObjectsFUnder` a))) = ConstF f a :/\: f
+type (f `ObjectsFOver` a) = f :/\: ConstF f a
+type (c `ObjectsUnder` a) = Id c `ObjectsFUnder` a
+type (c `ObjectsOver` a) = Id c `ObjectsFOver` a
+type family ((a :: Bool) || (b :: Bool)) :: Bool
+type instance 'True || a = 'True
+type instance a || 'True = 'True
+type instance 'False || a = a
+type instance a || 'False = a
+-- | The style and color attributes can either be the terminal defaults. Or be equivalent to the
+-- previously applied style. Or be a specific value.
+data MaybeDefault v where
+ Default :: MaybeDefault v
+ KeepCurrent :: MaybeDefault v
+ SetTo :: forall v . ( Eq v, Show v ) => !v -> MaybeDefault v
+ SetTo2 :: (Eq a) => forall v . ( Eq v, Show v ) => !v -> a -> MaybeDefault v
+bar :: forall v . (( Eq v, Show v ) => v -> MaybeDefault v -> a -> [a])
+baz :: (Eq a) => forall v . ( Eq v, Show v ) => !v -> a -> MaybeDefault v
+instance Dsp (S n) where
+ data (ASig (S n)) = S_A CVar
+ data ((KSig (S n))) = S_K CVar
+ data (((INum (S n)))) = S_I CVar
+ getSr = fst <$> ask
+ getKsmps = snd <$> ask
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeSynParens.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeSynParens.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b77c01de2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprTypeSynParens.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+class Compilable a where
+ type CompileResult a :: *
+instance Compilable a => Compilable [a] where
+ type CompileResult [a] = [CompileResult a]
+instance Compilable a => Compilable (Maybe a) where
+ type CompileResult (Maybe a) = Maybe (CompileResult a)
+instance Compilable InterpreterStmt where
+ type CompileResult InterpreterStmt = [Hask.Stmt]
+instance Compilable ModuleSpan where
+ type ((CompileResult ModuleSpan)) = Hask.Module
+instance Compilable StatementSpan where
+ type (CompileResult StatementSpan) = [Stmt]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/PprUnicodeSyntax.hs b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprUnicodeSyntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40d06a5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/PprUnicodeSyntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+foo x = addToEnv (∀)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/printer/all.T b/testsuite/tests/printer/all.T
index e936cdc64e..1de996cb9c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/printer/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/printer/all.T
@@ -142,3 +142,31 @@ test('Test19834', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['Test19834'])
test('Test19839', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['Test19839'])
test('Test19840', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['Test19840'])
test('Test19850', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['Test19850'])
+test('PprCommentsOnly', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprCommentsOnly'])
+test('PprSemis', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprSemis'])
+# Normal ppr does not reproduce all foreign decls, commented out
+# in the Makefile for this test.
+test('PprForeignDecl', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprForeignDecl'])
+test('PprRoles', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprRoles'])
+test('PprTypeSynParens', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprTypeSynParens'])
+test('PprEmptyMostlyInst', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprEmptyMostlyInst'])
+test('PprParenFunBind', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprParenFunBind'])
+test('PprRecordSemi', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprRecordSemi'])
+test('PprCompleteSig', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprCompleteSig'])
+test('PprOverloadedLabels', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprOverloadedLabels'])
+test('PprArrows', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprArrows'])
+test('PprOverloadedRecords', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprOverloadedRecords'])
+test('PprArrowLambdaCase', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprArrowLambdaCase'])
+test('PprRecursiveDo', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprRecursiveDo'])
+test('PprTypeBrackets', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprTypeBrackets'])
+test('PprDynamic', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprDynamic'])
+test('PprEmptyMostly', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprEmptyMostly'])
+test('PprClassParens', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprClassParens'])
+test('PprThAbstractFamily', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprThAbstractFamily'])
+test('PprClassTypeFamily', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprClassTypeFamily'])
+test('PprT13747', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprT13747'])
+test('PprBracesSemiDataDecl', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprBracesSemiDataDecl'])
+test('PprUnicodeSyntax', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprUnicodeSyntax'])
+test('PprCommentPlacement2', ignore_stderr, makefile_test, ['PprCommentPlacement2'])
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs b/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
index fc45e8f9e4..e4f689bbbb 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For the (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs))) ExactPrint instance
module ExactPrint
@@ -74,10 +75,10 @@ xx = id
defaultEPState :: EPState
defaultEPState = EPState
- { epPos = (1,1)
- , dLHS = 1
+ { epPos = (1,1)
+ , dLHS = 0
, pMarkLayout = False
- , pLHS = 1
+ , pLHS = 0
, dMarkLayout = False
, dPriorEndPosition = (1,1)
, uAnchorSpan = badRealSrcSpan
@@ -275,9 +276,6 @@ enterAnn (Entry anchor' cs) a = do
addCommentsA :: [LEpaComment] -> EPP ()
addCommentsA csNew = addComments (map tokComment csNew)
- -- cs <- getUnallocatedComments
- -- -- AZ:TODO: sortedlist?
- -- putUnallocatedComments (sort $ (map tokComment csNew) ++ cs)
addComments :: [Comment] -> EPP ()
addComments csNew = do
@@ -290,6 +288,17 @@ addComments csNew = do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Just before we print out the EOF comments, flush the remaining
+-- ones in the state.
+flushComments :: EPP ()
+flushComments = do
+ cs <- getUnallocatedComments
+ -- Must compare without span filenames, for CPP injected comments with fake filename
+ let cmp (Comment _ l1 _) (Comment _ l2 _) = compare (ss2pos $ anchor l1) (ss2pos $ anchor l2)
+ mapM_ printOneComment (sortBy cmp cs)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |In order to interleave annotations into the stream, we turn them into
-- comments.
annotationsToComments :: [AddEpAnn] -> [AnnKeywordId] -> EPP ()
@@ -308,6 +317,9 @@ annotationsToComments ans kws = do
newComments <- mapM doOne kws
addComments (concat newComments)
+annotationsToCommentsA :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [AnnKeywordId] -> EPP ()
+annotationsToCommentsA EpAnnNotUsed _ = return ()
+annotationsToCommentsA an kws = annotationsToComments (anns an) kws
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -379,13 +391,13 @@ instance ExactPrint HsModule where
debugM $ "HsModule.AnnWhere coming"
setLayoutTopLevelP $ markEpAnn' an am_main AnnWhere
markAnnList' False (am_decls $ anns an) $ do
markTopLevelList imports
markTopLevelList decls
+ -- In the weird case of an empty file with comments, make sure
+ -- they print
+ flushComments
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -570,6 +582,11 @@ markEpAnnAll (EpAnn _ a _) f kw = mapM_ markKw (sort anns)
anns = filter (\(AddEpAnn ka _) -> ka == kw) (f a)
+markAnnAll :: [AddEpAnn] -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
+markAnnAll a kw = mapM_ markKw (sort anns)
+ where
+ anns = filter (\(AddEpAnn ka _) -> ka == kw) a
mark :: [AddEpAnn] -> AnnKeywordId -> EPP ()
mark anns kw = do
case find (\(AddEpAnn k _) -> k == kw) anns of
@@ -613,14 +630,12 @@ markAnnList' reallyTrail ann action = do
debugM $ "markAnnList : " ++ showPprUnsafe (p, ann)
mapM_ markAddEpAnn (al_open ann)
unless reallyTrail $ markTrailing (al_trailing ann) -- Only makes sense for HsModule.
- mark (sort $ al_rest ann) AnnSemi
+ markAnnAll (sort $ al_rest ann) AnnSemi
- debugM $ "markAnnList: calling markAddEpAnn on:" ++ showPprUnsafe (al_close ann)
mapM_ markAddEpAnn (al_close ann)
debugM $ "markAnnList: calling markTrailing with:" ++ showPprUnsafe (al_trailing ann)
when reallyTrail $ markTrailing (al_trailing ann) -- normal case
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
printComments :: RealSrcSpan -> EPP ()
@@ -644,18 +659,12 @@ printOneComment c@(Comment _str loc _mo) = do
dp'' <- adjustDeltaForOffsetM dp
mep <- getExtraDP
dp' <- case mep of
- Nothing -> return dp''
Just (Anchor _ (MovedAnchor edp)) -> do
- -- setExtraDP Nothing
debugM $ "printOneComment:edp=" ++ show edp
return edp
- Just (Anchor r _) -> do
- pe <- getPriorEndD
- let dp' = ss2delta pe r
- debugM $ "printOneComment:extraDP(dp,pe,anchor loc)=" ++ showGhc (dp',pe,ss2pos r)
- return dp
+ _ -> return dp''
LayoutStartCol dOff <- gets dLHS
- debugM $ "printOneComment:(dp,dp',dOff)=" ++ showGhc (dp,dp',dOff)
+ debugM $ "printOneComment:(dp,dp',dp'',dOff)=" ++ showGhc (dp,dp',dp'',dOff)
setPriorEndD (ss2posEnd (anchor loc))
printQueuedComment (anchor loc) c dp'
@@ -885,24 +894,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (ForeignDecl GhcPs) where
markAnnotated n
markEpAnn an AnnDcolon
markAnnotated ty
- exact x = error $ "ForDecl: exact for " ++ showAst x
- markAST _ (GHC.ForeignImport _ ln (GHC.HsIB _ typ)
- (GHC.CImport cconv safety@(GHC.L ll _) _mh _imp (GHC.L ls src))) = do
- mark GHC.AnnForeign
- mark GHC.AnnImport
- markLocated cconv
- unless (ll == GHC.noSrcSpan) $ markLocated safety
- markExternalSourceText ls src ""
- markLocated ln
- mark GHC.AnnDcolon
- markLocated typ
- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (ForeignExport an n ty fexport) = do
+ markEpAnn an AnnForeign
+ markEpAnn an AnnExport
+ markAnnotated fexport
+ markAnnotated n
+ markEpAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated ty
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -915,6 +914,23 @@ instance ExactPrint ForeignImport where
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint ForeignExport where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (CExport spec (L ls src)) = do
+ debugM $ "CExport starting"
+ markAnnotated spec
+ unless (ls == noSrcSpan) $ markExternalSourceText ls src ""
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance ExactPrint CExportSpec where
+ getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
+ exact (CExportStatic _st _lbl cconv) = do
+ debugM $ "CExportStatic starting"
+ markAnnotated cconv
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance ExactPrint Safety where
getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
exact = withPpr
@@ -1066,7 +1082,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (RoleAnnotDecl GhcPs) where
markEpAnn an AnnType
markEpAnn an AnnRole
markAnnotated ltycon
- markAnnotated roles
+ let markRole (L l (Just r)) = markAnnotated (L l r)
+ markRole (L l Nothing) = printStringAtSs l "_"
+ mapM_ markRole roles
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1152,8 +1170,10 @@ exactHsFamInstLHS an thing bndrs typats fixity mb_ctxt = do
mapM_ markAnnotated pats
exact_pats pats = do
+ markAnnAll (epAnnAnns an) AnnOpenP
markAnnotated thing
markAnnotated pats
+ markAnnAll (epAnnAnns an) AnnCloseP
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1190,6 +1210,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (ClsInstDecl GhcPs) where
markEpAnn an AnnWhere
markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
+ markEpAnnAll an id AnnSemi
-- = vcat [ top_matter <+> text "where"
-- , nest 2 $ pprDeclList $
-- map (pprTyFamInstDecl NotTopLevel . unLoc) ats ++
@@ -1335,7 +1356,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (RecordPatSynField GhcPs) where
instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
- exact match@(Match EpAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
+ -- exact match@(Match EpAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
@@ -1344,7 +1365,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
instance ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
getAnnotationEntry (Match ann _ _ _) = fromAnn ann
- exact match@(Match EpAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
+ -- exact match@(Match EpAnnNotUsed _ _ _) = withPpr match
exact (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss)
-- -- Based on Expr.pprMatch
@@ -1402,6 +1423,7 @@ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
_ -> pure ()
case fixity of
Prefix -> do
+ annotationsToCommentsA an [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
markAnnotated fun
markAnnotated pats
Infix ->
@@ -1463,7 +1485,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsLocalBinds GhcPs) where
when (not $ isEmptyValBinds valbinds) $ setExtraDP (Just anc)
_ -> return ()
- markAnnList True an $ markAnnotatedWithLayout valbinds
+ markAnnList False an $ markAnnotatedWithLayout valbinds
exact (HsIPBinds an bs)
= markAnnList True an (markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnWhere >> markAnnotated bs)
@@ -1508,26 +1530,8 @@ instance ExactPrint HsIPName where
exact (HsIPName fs) = printStringAdvance ("?" ++ (unpackFS fs))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- instance ExactPrint (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs) where
--- getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
--- exact (ValBinds sortKey binds sigs) = do
--- -- printStringAdvance "ValBinds"
--- setLayoutBoth $ withSortKey sortKey
--- (prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList binds)
--- ++ prepareListAnnotationA sigs
--- )
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Managing lists which have been separated, e.g. Sigs and Binds
--- AZ:TODO: generalise this, and the next one
--- prepareListAnnotationFamilyD :: [LFamilyDecl GhcPs] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
--- prepareListAnnotationFamilyD ls
--- = map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b,exactFamilyDecl NotTopLevel (unLoc b))) ls
prepareListAnnotationF :: (a -> EPP ()) -> [LocatedAn an a] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
prepareListAnnotationF f ls
= map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b, f (unLoc b))) ls
@@ -1536,10 +1540,6 @@ prepareListAnnotationA :: ExactPrint (LocatedAn an a)
=> [LocatedAn an a] -> [(RealSrcSpan,EPP ())]
prepareListAnnotationA ls = map (\b -> (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b,markAnnotated b)) ls
--- applyListAnnotations :: [(RealSrcSpan, EPP ())] -> EPP ()
--- applyListAnnotations ls = withSortKey ls
withSortKey :: AnnSortKey -> [(RealSrcSpan, EPP ())] -> EPP ()
withSortKey annSortKey xs = do
debugM $ "withSortKey:annSortKey=" ++ showAst annSortKey
@@ -1650,16 +1650,15 @@ instance ExactPrint (Sig GhcPs) where
markAnnotated ml
markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
--- markAST _ (CompleteMatchSig _ src (L _ ns) mlns) = do
--- markAnnOpen src "{-# COMPLETE"
--- markListIntercalate ns
--- case mlns of
--- Nothing -> return ()
--- Just _ -> do
--- mark AnnDcolon
--- markMaybe mlns
--- markWithString AnnClose "#-}" -- '#-}'
--- markTrailingSemi
+ exact (CompleteMatchSig an src cs mty) = do
+ markAnnOpen an src "{-# COMPLETE"
+ markAnnotated cs
+ case mty of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ty -> do
+ markEpAnn an AnnDcolon
+ markAnnotated ty
+ markLocatedAALS an id AnnClose (Just "#-}")
exact x = error $ "exact Sig for:" ++ showAst x
@@ -1848,7 +1847,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
printStringAtAA l "_"
printStringAtAA cb "`"
-- exact x@(HsRecSel{}) = withPpr x
- -- exact x@(HsOverLabel ann _ _) = withPpr x
+ exact x@(HsOverLabel _ _) = withPpr x
exact (HsIPVar _ (HsIPName n))
= printStringAdvance ("?" ++ unpackFS n)
@@ -1888,9 +1888,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
printStringAtSs ss "@"
markAnnotated arg
exact (OpApp _an e1 e2 e3) = do
- exact e1
- exact e2
- exact e3
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markAnnotated e2
+ markAnnotated e3
exact (NegApp an e _) = do
markEpAnn an AnnMinus
@@ -1903,10 +1903,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
markToken rpar
debugM $ "HsPar done"
- -- exact (SectionL an expr op) = do
+ exact (SectionL _an expr op) = do
+ markAnnotated expr
+ markAnnotated op
exact (SectionR _an op expr) = do
markAnnotated op
markAnnotated expr
exact (ExplicitTuple an args b) = do
if b == Boxed then markEpAnn an AnnOpenP
else markEpAnn an AnnOpenPH
@@ -2230,8 +2234,8 @@ instance (ExactPrint body)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- instance ExactPrint (HsRecUpdField GhcPs ) where
-instance (ExactPrint body)
- => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)) body) where
+instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
+ => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)) (LocatedA body)) where
-- instance (ExactPrint body)
-- => ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs) body) where
getAnnotationEntry x = fromAnn (hfbAnn x)
@@ -2240,27 +2244,10 @@ instance (ExactPrint body)
markAnnotated f
if isPun then return ()
else markEpAnn an AnnEqual
- markAnnotated arg
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- instance (ExactPrint body)
--- => ExactPrint (Either (HsFieldBind (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)) body)
--- (HsFieldBind (Located (FieldOcc GhcPs)) body)) where
--- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
--- exact (Left rbinds) = markAnnotated rbinds
--- exact (Right pbinds) = markAnnotated pbinds
+ unless ((locA $ getLoc arg) == noSrcSpan ) $ markAnnotated arg
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- instance (ExactPrint body)
--- => ExactPrint
--- (Either [LocatedA (HsFieldBind (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcPs)) body)]
--- [LocatedA (HsFieldBind (Located (FieldOcc GhcPs)) body)]) where
--- getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
--- exact (Left rbinds) = markAnnotated rbinds
--- exact (Right pbinds) = markAnnotated pbinds
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-instance -- (ExactPrint body)
(ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (Located (a GhcPs)) body),
ExactPrint (HsFieldBind (Located (b GhcPs)) body))
=> ExactPrint
@@ -2317,14 +2304,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
getAnnotationEntry (HsCmdDo an _) = fromAnn an
--- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp True)
--- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowt, ppr_lexpr arg]
--- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsFirstOrderApp False)
--- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
--- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp True)
--- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arrow, larrowtt, ppr_lexpr arg]
--- ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrApp _ arrow arg HsHigherOrderApp False)
--- = hsep [ppr_lexpr arg, arrowtt, ppr_lexpr arrow]
exact (HsCmdArrApp an arr arg _o isRightToLeft) = do
if isRightToLeft
@@ -2336,60 +2315,25 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
markAnnotated arg
markKw (anns an)
markAnnotated arr
--- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdArrApp _ e1 e2 o isRightToLeft) = do
--- -- isRightToLeft True => right-to-left (f -< arg)
--- -- False => left-to-right (arg >- f)
--- if isRightToLeft
--- then do
--- markLocated e1
--- case o of
--- GHC.HsFirstOrderApp -> mark GHC.Annlarrowtail
--- GHC.HsHigherOrderApp -> mark GHC.AnnLarrowtail
--- else do
--- markLocated e2
--- case o of
--- GHC.HsFirstOrderApp -> mark GHC.Annrarrowtail
--- GHC.HsHigherOrderApp -> mark GHC.AnnRarrowtail
--- if isRightToLeft
--- then markLocated e2
--- else markLocated e1
- exact (HsCmdArrForm an e fixity _mf [arg1,arg2]) = do
+ exact (HsCmdArrForm an e fixity _mf cs) = do
markLocatedMAA an al_open
- case fixity of
- Infix -> do
+ case (fixity, cs) of
+ (Infix, (arg1:argrest)) -> do
markAnnotated arg1
markAnnotated e
- markAnnotated arg2
- Prefix -> do
+ markAnnotated argrest
+ (Prefix, _) -> do
markAnnotated e
- markAnnotated arg1
- markAnnotated arg2
+ markAnnotated cs
+ (Infix, []) -> error "Not possible"
markLocatedMAA an al_close
--- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdArrForm _ e fixity _mf cs) = do
--- -- The AnnOpen should be marked for a prefix usage, not for a postfix one,
--- -- due to the way checkCmd maps both HsArrForm and OpApp to HsCmdArrForm
--- let isPrefixOp = case fixity of
--- GHC.Infix -> False
--- GHC.Prefix -> True
--- when isPrefixOp $ mark GHC.AnnOpenB -- "(|"
--- -- This may be an infix operation
--- applyListAnnotationsContexts (LC (Set.singleton PrefixOp) (Set.singleton PrefixOp)
--- (Set.singleton InfixOp) (Set.singleton InfixOp))
--- (prepareListAnnotation [e]
--- ++ prepareListAnnotation cs)
--- when isPrefixOp $ mark GHC.AnnCloseB -- "|)"
--- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdApp _ e1 e2) = do
--- markLocated e1
--- markLocated e2
+ exact (HsCmdApp _an e1 e2) = do
+ markAnnotated e1
+ markAnnotated e2
exact (HsCmdLam _ match) = markAnnotated match
--- markAST l (GHC.HsCmdLam _ match) = do
--- setContext (Set.singleton LambdaExpr) $ do markMatchGroup l match
exact (HsCmdPar _an lpar e rpar) = do
markToken lpar
@@ -2404,31 +2348,11 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
markEpAnnAll an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnSemi
markAnnotated alts
markEpAnn' an hsCaseAnnsRest AnnCloseC
- -- markEpAnn an AnnCase
- -- markAnnotated e1
- -- markEpAnn an AnnOf
- -- markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
- -- markAnnotated matches
- -- markEpAnn an AnnCloseC
--- markAST l (GHC.HsCmdCase _ e1 matches) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnCase
--- markLocated e1
--- mark GHC.AnnOf
--- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC
--- setContext (Set.singleton CaseAlt) $ do
--- markMatchGroup l matches
--- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC
--- markAST _ (GHC.HsCmdIf _ _ e1 e2 e3) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnIf
--- markLocated e1
--- markOffset GHC.AnnSemi 0
--- mark GHC.AnnThen
--- markLocated e2
--- markOffset GHC.AnnSemi 1
--- mark GHC.AnnElse
--- markLocated e3
+ exact (HsCmdLamCase an matches) = do
+ markEpAnn an AnnLam
+ markEpAnn an AnnCase
+ markAnnotated matches
exact (HsCmdIf an _ e1 e2 e3) = do
markAnnKw an aiIf AnnIf
@@ -2474,10 +2398,12 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- instance ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LHsCmd GhcPs)) where
-instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
- => ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA body)) where
--- instance ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
+instance (
+ ExactPrint (LocatedA (body GhcPs)),
+ Anno (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs))) ~ SrcSpanAnnA,
+ Anno [GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs)))] ~ SrcSpanAnnL,
+ (ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs)))])))
+ => ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (body GhcPs))) where
getAnnotationEntry (LastStmt _ _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
getAnnotationEntry (BindStmt an _ _) = fromAnn an
getAnnotationEntry (ApplicativeStmt _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
@@ -2579,10 +2505,10 @@ instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
-- inContext (Set.singleton Intercalate) $ mark GHC.AnnComma
-- markTrailingSemi
- exact (RecStmt _ _stmts _ _ _ _ _) = do
- -- TODO: implement RecStmt
+ exact (RecStmt an stmts _ _ _ _ _) = do
debugM $ "RecStmt"
- error $ "need to test RecStmt"
+ markLocatedAAL an al_rest AnnRec
+ markAnnList True an (markAnnotated stmts)
-- markAST _ (GHC.RecStmt _ stmts _ _ _ _ _) = do
-- mark GHC.AnnRec
@@ -2643,11 +2569,11 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
-- There may be arbitrary parens around parts of the constructor that are
-- infix.
-- Turn these into comments so that they feed into the right place automatically
- -- annotationsToComments [GHC.AnnOpenP,GHC.AnnCloseP]
+ annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
markEpAnn an AnnType
-- markTyClass Nothing fixity ln tyvars
- exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
+ exactVanillaDeclHead ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
markEpAnn an AnnEqual
markAnnotated rhs
@@ -2680,7 +2606,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
exact (DataDecl { tcdDExt = an, tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars
, tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn }) =
- exactDataDefn an (exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity) defn
+ exactDataDefn an (exactVanillaDeclHead ltycon tyvars fixity) defn
-- -----------------------------------
@@ -2693,13 +2619,16 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
tcdDocs = _docs})
-- TODO: add a test that demonstrates tcdDocs
| null sigs && isEmptyBag methods && null ats && null at_defs -- No "where" part
- = top_matter
+ = do
+ top_matter
+ markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
+ markEpAnn an AnnCloseC
| otherwise -- Laid out
= do
- -- markEpAnn an AnnWhere
markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
+ markEpAnnAll an id AnnSemi
withSortKey sortKey
(prepareListAnnotationA sigs
++ prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList methods)
@@ -2710,71 +2639,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
markEpAnn an AnnCloseC
top_matter = do
+ annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
markEpAnn an AnnClass
- exactVanillaDeclHead an lclas tyvars fixity context
+ exactVanillaDeclHead lclas tyvars fixity context
unless (null fds) $ do
markEpAnn an AnnVbar
markAnnotated fds
markEpAnn an AnnWhere
--- -- -----------------------------------
--- markAST _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ ctx ln (GHC.HsQTvs _ tyVars) fixity fds
--- sigs meths ats atdefs docs) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnClass
--- markLocated ctx
--- markTyClass Nothing fixity ln tyVars
--- unless (null fds) $ do
--- mark GHC.AnnVbar
--- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 fds
--- mark GHC.AnnWhere
--- markOptional GHC.AnnOpenC -- '{'
--- markInside GHC.AnnSemi
--- -- AZ:TODO: we end up with both the tyVars and the following body of the
--- -- class defn in annSortKey for the class. This could cause problems when
--- -- changing things.
--- setContext (Set.singleton InClassDecl) $
--- applyListAnnotationsLayout
--- (prepareListAnnotation sigs
--- ++ prepareListAnnotation (GHC.bagToList meths)
--- ++ prepareListAnnotation ats
--- ++ prepareListAnnotation atdefs
--- ++ prepareListAnnotation docs
--- )
--- markOptional GHC.AnnCloseC -- '}'
--- markTrailingSemi
--- {-
--- | ClassDecl { tcdCExt :: XClassDecl pass, -- ^ Post renamer, FVs
--- tcdCtxt :: LHsContext pass, -- ^ Context...
--- tcdLName :: Located (IdP pass), -- ^ Name of the class
--- tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars pass, -- ^ Class type variables
--- tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity, -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
--- tcdFDs :: [Located (FunDep (Located (IdP pass)))],
--- -- ^ Functional deps
--- tcdSigs :: [LSig pass], -- ^ Methods' signatures
--- tcdMeths :: LHsBinds pass, -- ^ Default methods
--- tcdATs :: [LFamilyDecl pass], -- ^ Associated types;
--- tcdATDefs :: [LTyFamDefltEqn pass],
--- -- ^ Associated type defaults
--- tcdDocs :: [LDocDecl] -- ^ Haddock docs
--- }
--- -}
--- markAST _ (GHC.SynDecl _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)
--- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
--- markAST _ (GHC.DataDecl _ _ (GHC.HsQTvs _ _) _ (GHC.XHsDataDefn _))
--- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
--- markAST _ (GHC.DataDecl _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)
--- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
--- markAST _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ _ _ (GHC.XLHsQTyVars _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
--- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
--- markAST _ (GHC.XTyClDecl _)
--- = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
- -- exact x = error $ "exact TyClDecl for:" ++ showAst x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance ExactPrint (FunDep GhcPs) where
@@ -2804,7 +2676,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
-- , nest 2 $ pp_eqns ]
exactFlavour an info
- exactVanillaDeclHead an ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
+ annotationsToCommentsA an [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
+ exactVanillaDeclHead ltycon tyvars fixity Nothing
case mb_inj of
Nothing -> return ()
@@ -2816,14 +2689,19 @@ instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
markEpAnn an AnnWhere
markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
case mb_eqns of
- Nothing -> printStringAdvance ".."
+ Nothing -> markEpAnn an AnnDotdot
Just eqns -> markAnnotated eqns
markEpAnn an AnnCloseC
_ -> return ()
exact_top_level = case top_level of
TopLevel -> markEpAnn an AnnFamily
- NotTopLevel -> return ()
+ NotTopLevel -> do
+ -- It seems that in some kind of legacy
+ -- mode the 'family' keyword is still
+ -- accepted.
+ markEpAnn an AnnFamily
+ return ()
exact_kind = case result of
NoSig _ -> return ()
@@ -2861,10 +2739,11 @@ exactDataDefn an exactHdr
, dd_cType = mb_ct
, dd_kindSig = mb_sig
, dd_cons = condecls, dd_derivs = derivings }) = do
- -- annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
+ annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP]
if new_or_data == DataType
then markEpAnn an AnnData
else markEpAnn an AnnNewtype
+ markEpAnn an AnnInstance -- optional
mapM_ markAnnotated mb_ct
exactHdr context
case mb_sig of
@@ -2873,17 +2752,18 @@ exactDataDefn an exactHdr
markEpAnn an AnnDcolon
markAnnotated kind
when (isGadt condecls) $ markEpAnn an AnnWhere
+ markEpAnn an AnnOpenC
exact_condecls an condecls
+ markEpAnn an AnnCloseC
mapM_ markAnnotated derivings
return ()
-exactVanillaDeclHead :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
- -> LocatedN RdrName
+exactVanillaDeclHead :: LocatedN RdrName
-> LHsQTyVars GhcPs
-> LexicalFixity
-> Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs)
-> EPP ()
-exactVanillaDeclHead an thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context = do
+exactVanillaDeclHead thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context = do
exact_tyvars :: [LHsTyVarBndr () GhcPs] -> EPP ()
exact_tyvars (varl:varsr)
@@ -2891,7 +2771,6 @@ exactVanillaDeclHead an thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context
-- = hsep [char '(',ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
-- , (ppr.unLoc) (head varsr), char ')'
-- , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) (tail vaprsr))]
- annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
markAnnotated varl
markAnnotated thing
markAnnotated (head varsr)
@@ -2900,7 +2779,6 @@ exactVanillaDeclHead an thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context
| fixity == Infix = do
-- = hsep [ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
-- , hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) varsr)]
- annotationsToComments (epAnnAnns an) [AnnOpenP,AnnCloseP]
markAnnotated varl
markAnnotated thing
markAnnotated varsr
@@ -3046,9 +2924,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
then printStringAdvance "\x2605" -- Unicode star
else printStringAdvance "*"
exact (HsKindSig an ty k) = do
- exact ty
+ markAnnotated ty
markEpAnn an AnnDcolon
- exact k
+ markAnnotated k
exact (HsSpliceTy _ splice) = do
markAnnotated splice
-- exact x@(HsDocTy an _ _) = withPpr x
@@ -3191,7 +3069,11 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) where
exact (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) n) = do
p <- getPosP
debugM $ "LocatedN RdrName:NOANN: (p,l,str)=" ++ show (p,ss2range l, showPprUnsafe n)
- printStringAtSs l (showPprUnsafe n)
+ let str = case (showPprUnsafe n) of
+ -- TODO: unicode support?
+ "forall" -> if spanLength (realSrcSpan l) == 1 then "∀" else "forall"
+ s -> s
+ printStringAtSs l str
exact (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn _anchor ann _cs) _ll) n) = do
case ann of
NameAnn a o l c t -> do
@@ -3451,19 +3333,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedP CType) where
markLocatedAALS an apr_rest AnnVal (Just (toSourceTextWithSuffix stct (unpackFS ct) ""))
markAnnCloseP an
--- instance Annotate GHC.CType where
--- markAST _ (GHC.CType src mh f) = do
--- -- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen src
--- markAnnOpen src ""
--- case mh of
--- Nothing -> return ()
--- Just (GHC.Header srcH _h) ->
--- -- markWithString GHC.AnnHeader srcH
--- markWithString GHC.AnnHeader (toSourceTextWithSuffix srcH "" "")
--- -- markWithString GHC.AnnVal (fst f)
--- markSourceText (fst f) (GHC.unpackFS $ snd f)
--- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#-}"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance ExactPrint (SourceText, RuleName) where
@@ -3503,6 +3372,20 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (IE GhcPs)]) where
debugM $ "LocatedL [LIE:p=" ++ showPprUnsafe p
markAnnList True ann (markAnnotated ies)
+-- instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body), (ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA body)))) => ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA body))]) where
+instance (ExactPrint (Match GhcPs (LocatedA body)))
+ => ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA body))]) where
+ getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
+ exact (L la a) = do
+ debugM $ "LocatedL [LMatch"
+ -- TODO: markAnnList?
+ markEpAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnWhere
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_open
+ markEpAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnSemi
+ markAnnotated a
+ markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_close
-- AZ:TODO: combine with next instance
instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]) where
getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
@@ -3525,6 +3408,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs)))])
markEpAnnAll (ann la) al_rest AnnSemi
markAnnotated a
markLocatedMAA (ann la) al_close
-- instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [ExprLStmt GhcPs]) where
instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]) where
@@ -3697,12 +3581,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
markAnnotated pat
markAnnKwAll an sumPatVbarsAfter AnnVbar
markLocatedAAL an sumPatParens AnnClosePH
- -- markPat _ (GHC.SumPat _ pat alt arity) = do
- -- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
- -- replicateM_ (alt - 1) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
- -- markLocated pat
- -- replicateM_ (arity - alt) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
- -- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
-- | ConPat an con args)
exact (ConPat an con details) = exactUserCon an con details
@@ -3724,95 +3602,6 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
-- exact x = withPpr x
exact x = error $ "missing match for Pat:" ++ showAst x
--- instance Annotate (GHC.Pat GHC.GhcPs) where
--- markAST loc typ = do
--- markPat loc typ
--- inContext (Set.fromList [Intercalate]) $ mark GHC.AnnComma `debug` ("AnnComma in Pat")
--- where
--- markPat l (GHC.WildPat _) = markExternal l GHC.AnnVal "_"
--- markPat l (GHC.VarPat _ n) = do
--- -- The parser inserts a placeholder value for a record pun rhs. This must be
--- -- filtered out until is
--- -- resolved, particularly for pretty printing where annotations are added.
--- let pun_RDR = "pun-right-hand-side"
--- when (showPprUnsafe n /= pun_RDR) $
--- unsetContext Intercalate $ setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markAST l (GHC.unLoc n)
--- -- unsetContext Intercalate $ setContext (Set.singleton PrefixOp) $ markLocated n
--- markPat _ (GHC.LazyPat _ p) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnTilde
--- markLocated p
--- markPat _ (GHC.AsPat _ ln p) = do
--- markLocated ln
--- mark GHC.AnnAt
--- markLocated p
--- markPat _ (GHC.ParPat _ p) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnOpenP
--- markLocated p
--- mark GHC.AnnCloseP
--- markPat _ (GHC.BangPat _ p) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnBang
--- markLocated p
--- markPat _ (GHC.ListPat _ ps) = do
--- mark GHC.AnnOpenS
--- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 ps
--- mark GHC.AnnCloseS
--- markPat _ (GHC.TuplePat _ pats b) = do
--- if b == GHC.Boxed then mark GHC.AnnOpenP
--- else markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
--- markListIntercalateWithFunLevel markLocated 2 pats
--- if b == GHC.Boxed then mark GHC.AnnCloseP
--- else markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
--- markPat _ (GHC.SumPat _ pat alt arity) = do
--- markWithString GHC.AnnOpen "(#"
--- replicateM_ (alt - 1) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
--- markLocated pat
--- replicateM_ (arity - alt) $ mark GHC.AnnVbar
--- markWithString GHC.AnnClose "#)"
--- markPat _ (GHC.ConPatIn n dets) = do
--- markHsConPatDetails n dets
--- markPat _ GHC.ConPatOut {} =
--- traceM "warning: ConPatOut Introduced after renaming"
--- markPat _ (GHC.ViewPat _ e pat) = do
--- markLocated e
--- mark GHC.AnnRarrow
--- markLocated pat
--- markPat l (GHC.SplicePat _ s) = do
--- markAST l s
--- markPat l (GHC.LitPat _ lp) = markAST l lp
--- markPat _ (GHC.NPat _ ol mn _) = do
--- when (isJust mn) $ mark GHC.AnnMinus
--- markLocated ol
--- markPat _ (GHC.NPlusKPat _ ln ol _ _ _) = do
--- markLocated ln
--- markWithString GHC.AnnVal "+" -- "+"
--- markLocated ol
--- markPat _ (GHC.SigPat _ pat ty) = do
--- markLocated pat
--- mark GHC.AnnDcolon
--- markLHsSigWcType ty
--- markPat _ GHC.CoPat {} =
--- traceM "warning: CoPat introduced after renaming"
--- markPat _ (GHC.XPat (GHC.L l p)) = markPat l p
--- -- markPat _ (GHC.XPat x) = error $ "got XPat for:" ++ showPprUnsafe x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance ExactPrint (HsPatSigType GhcPs) where
@@ -3977,7 +3766,7 @@ setLayoutTopLevelP k = do
debugM $ "setLayoutTopLevelP entered"
oldAnchorOffset <- getLayoutOffsetP
modify (\a -> a { pMarkLayout = False
- , pLHS = 1} )
+ , pLHS = 0} )
debugM $ "setLayoutTopLevelP:resetting"
setLayoutOffsetP oldAnchorOffset
@@ -4108,10 +3897,6 @@ adjustDeltaForOffsetM dp = do
colOffset <- gets dLHS
return (adjustDeltaForOffset 0 colOffset dp)
--- adjustDeltaForOffset :: Int -> LayoutStartCol -> DeltaPos -> DeltaPos
--- adjustDeltaForOffset _ _colOffset dp@(DP (0,_)) = dp -- same line
--- adjustDeltaForOffset d (LayoutStartCol colOffset) (DP (l,c)) = DP (l,c - colOffset - d)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Printing functions
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Main.hs b/utils/check-exact/Main.hs
index b67efa2039..2034808362 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Main.hs
@@ -2,22 +2,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
-import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Data
-import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
-import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
-import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.List (intercalate)
import GHC hiding (moduleName)
+import GHC.Data.Bag
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
import GHC.Driver.Ppr
-import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Driver.Make
import GHC.Hs.Dump
-import GHC.Data.Bag
+import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import System.Environment( getArgs )
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ import ExactPrint
import Transform
import Parsers
-import GHC.Parser.Lexer
+import GHC.Parser.Lexer hiding (getMessages)
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
@@ -195,7 +196,9 @@ _tt = testOneFile changers "/home/alanz/mysrc/
-- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test19834.hs" Nothing
-- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test19840.hs" Nothing
-- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Test19850.hs" Nothing
- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/PprLinearArrow.hs" Nothing
+ -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/PprLinearArrow.hs" Nothing
+ -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/PprSemis.hs" Nothing
+ "../../testsuite/tests/printer/PprEmptyMostly.hs" Nothing
-- cloneT does not need a test, function can be retired
@@ -284,8 +287,8 @@ testOneFile _ libdir fileName mchanger = do
(p,_toks) <- parseOneFile libdir fileName
-- putStrLn $ "\n\ngot p" ++ showAst (take 4 $ reverse _toks)
- origAst = ppAst (pm_parsed_source p)
- pped = exactPrint (pm_parsed_source p)
+ origAst = ppAst p
+ pped = exactPrint p
newFile = dropExtension fileName <.> "ppr" <.> takeExtension fileName
newFileChanged = dropExtension fileName <.> "changed" <.> takeExtension fileName
@@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ testOneFile _ libdir fileName mchanger = do
(changedSourceOk, expectedSource, changedSource) <- case mchanger of
Just changer -> do
- (pped', ast') <- exactprintWithChange libdir changer (pm_parsed_source p)
+ (pped', ast') <- exactprintWithChange libdir changer p
writeBinFile changedAstFile (ppAst ast')
writeBinFile newFileChanged pped'
@@ -311,7 +314,7 @@ testOneFile _ libdir fileName mchanger = do
(p',_) <- parseOneFile libdir newFile
let newAstStr :: String
- newAstStr = ppAst (pm_parsed_source p')
+ newAstStr = ppAst p'
writeBinFile newAstFile newAstStr
let origAstOk = origAst == newAstStr
@@ -340,21 +343,23 @@ testOneFile _ libdir fileName mchanger = do
ppAst :: Data a => a -> String
ppAst ast = showSDocUnsafe $ showAstData BlankSrcSpanFile NoBlankEpAnnotations ast
-parseOneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (ParsedModule, [Located Token])
-parseOneFile libdir fileName =
- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
- dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
- let dflags2 = dflags `gopt_set` Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
- _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags2
- hsc_env <- getSession
- emodSum <- liftIO $ summariseFile hsc_env [] fileName Nothing Nothing
- case emsModSummary <$> emodSum of
- Left _err -> error "parseOneFile"
- Right modSum -> do
- pm <- GHC.parseModule modSum
- toks <- liftIO $ getTokenStream modSum
- return (pm, toks)
+parseOneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (ParsedSource, [Located Token])
+parseOneFile libdir fileName = do
+ res <- parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp libdir defaultCppOptions fileName
+ case res of
+ Left m -> error (showErrorMessages m)
+ Right (injectedComments, _dflags, pmod) -> do
+ let !pmodWithComments = insertCppComments pmod injectedComments
+ return (pmodWithComments, [])
+showErrorMessages :: Messages GhcMessage -> String
+showErrorMessages msgs =
+ renderWithContext defaultSDocContext
+ $ vcat
+ $ pprMsgEnvelopeBagWithLoc
+ $ getMessages
+ $ msgs
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -507,7 +512,7 @@ changeLocalDecls libdir (L l p) = do
os' = setEntryDP' os (DifferentLine 2 0)
let sortKey = captureOrder decls
let (EpAnn anc (AnnList (Just (Anchor anc2 _)) a b c dd) cs) = van
- let van' = (EpAnn anc (AnnList (Just (Anchor anc2 (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 4)))) a b c dd) cs)
+ let van' = (EpAnn anc (AnnList (Just (Anchor anc2 (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 5)))) a b c dd) cs)
let binds' = (HsValBinds van'
(ValBinds sortKey (listToBag $ decl':oldBinds)
@@ -531,8 +536,8 @@ changeLocalDecls2 libdir (L l p) = do
-> Transform (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
replaceLocalBinds (L lm (Match ma mln pats (GRHSs _ rhs EmptyLocalBinds{}))) = do
newSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT
- let anc = (Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 2)))
- let anc2 = (Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 4)))
+ let anc = (Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 3)))
+ let anc2 = (Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 5)))
let an = EpAnn anc
(AnnList (Just anc2) Nothing Nothing
[(undeltaSpan (rs newSpan) AnnWhere (SameLine 0))] [])
@@ -579,7 +584,7 @@ changeWhereIn3b _libdir (L l p) = do
addLocaLDecl1 :: Changer
addLocaLDecl1 libdir lp = do
Right (L ld (ValD _ decl)) <- withDynFlags libdir (\df -> parseDecl df "decl" "nn = 2")
- let decl' = setEntryDP' (L ld decl) (DifferentLine 1 4)
+ let decl' = setEntryDP' (L ld decl) (DifferentLine 1 5)
doAddLocal = do
(de1:d2:d3:_) <- hsDecls lp
(de1'',d2') <- balanceComments de1 d2
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Parsers.hs b/utils/check-exact/Parsers.hs
index cb6af2ad94..a42bba42cd 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Parsers.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Parsers.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Parsers (
, withDynFlags
, CppOptions(..)
, defaultCppOptions
+ , LibDir
-- * Module Parsers
, parseModule
@@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ module Parsers (
) where
import Preprocess
-import Types
import Control.Monad.RWS
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ parseFile = runParser GHC.parseModule
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+type LibDir = FilePath
type ParseResult a = Either GHC.ErrorMessages a
type Parser a = GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> String
@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ parsePattern df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parsePattern
-- @
-- Note: 'GHC.ParsedSource' is a synonym for 'GHC.Located' ('GHC.HsModule' 'GhcPs')
-parseModule :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource)
+parseModule :: LibDir -> FilePath -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource)
parseModule libdir file = parseModuleWithCpp libdir defaultCppOptions file
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp
-> IO
( Either
- ([Comment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
+ ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp libdir cppOptions file = ghcWrapper libdir $ do
dflags <- initDynFlags file
@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal
-> m
( Either
- ([Comment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
+ ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal cppOptions dflags file = do
let useCpp = GHC.xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags
@@ -258,16 +260,40 @@ parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal cppOptions dflags file = do
GHC.PFailed pst
-> Left (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> GHC.getErrorMessages pst)
GHC.POk _ pmod
- -> Right $ (injectedComments, dflags', pmod)
+ -> Right $ (injectedComments, dflags', fixModuleTrailingComments pmod)
-- | Internal function. Exposed if you want to muck with DynFlags
-- before parsing. Or after parsing.
- :: Either a ([Comment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
+ :: Either a ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource)
-> Either a (GHC.ParsedSource)
postParseTransform parseRes = fmap mkAnns parseRes
- mkAnns (_cs, _, m) = m
+ -- TODO:AZ perhaps inject the comments into the parsedsource here already
+ mkAnns (_cs, _, m) = fixModuleTrailingComments m
+fixModuleTrailingComments :: GHC.ParsedSource -> GHC.ParsedSource
+fixModuleTrailingComments (GHC.L l p) = GHC.L l p'
+ where
+ an' = case GHC.hsmodAnn p of
+ (GHC.EpAnn a an ocs) -> GHC.EpAnn a an (rebalance (GHC.am_decls an) ocs)
+ unused -> unused
+ p' = p { GHC.hsmodAnn = an' }
+ -- p' = error $ "fixModuleTrailingComments: an'=" ++ showAst an'
+ rebalance :: GHC.AnnList -> GHC.EpAnnComments -> GHC.EpAnnComments
+ rebalance al cs = cs'
+ where
+ cs' = case GHC.al_close al of
+ Just (GHC.AddEpAnn _ (GHC.EpaSpan ss)) ->
+ let
+ pc = GHC.priorComments cs
+ fc = GHC.getFollowingComments cs
+ bf (GHC.L anc _) = GHC.anchor anc > ss
+ (prior,f) = break bf fc
+ cs'' = GHC.EpaCommentsBalanced (pc <> prior) f
+ in cs''
+ _ -> cs
-- | Internal function. Initializes DynFlags value for parsing.
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Preprocess.hs b/utils/check-exact/Preprocess.hs
index a085648f36..9d7e883aad 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Preprocess.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Preprocess.hs
@@ -59,29 +59,29 @@ defaultCppOptions = CppOptions [] [] []
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Remove GHC style line pragams (@{-# LINE .. #-}@) and convert them into comments.
-stripLinePragmas :: String -> (String, [Comment])
+stripLinePragmas :: String -> (String, [GHC.LEpaComment])
stripLinePragmas = unlines' . unzip . findLines . lines
unlines' (a, b) = (unlines a, catMaybes b)
-findLines :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe Comment)]
+findLines :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe GHC.LEpaComment)]
findLines = zipWith checkLine [1..]
-checkLine :: Int -> String -> (String, Maybe Comment)
+checkLine :: Int -> String -> (String, Maybe GHC.LEpaComment)
checkLine line s
| "{-# LINE" `isPrefixOf` s =
let (pragma, res) = getPragma s
size = length pragma
mSrcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "LINE")
ss = mkSrcSpan (mSrcLoc line 1) (mSrcLoc line (size+1))
- in (res, Just $ mkComment pragma (GHC.spanAsAnchor ss))
+ in (res, Just $ mkLEpaComment pragma (GHC.spanAsAnchor ss))
-- Deal with shebang/cpp directives too
-- x | "#" `isPrefixOf` s = ("",Just $ Comment ((line, 1), (line, length s)) s)
| "#!" `isPrefixOf` s =
let mSrcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "SHEBANG")
ss = mkSrcSpan (mSrcLoc line 1) (mSrcLoc line (length s))
- ("",Just $ mkComment s (GHC.spanAsAnchor ss))
+ ("",Just $ mkLEpaComment s (GHC.spanAsAnchor ss))
| otherwise = (s, Nothing)
getPragma :: String -> (String, String)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ getPragma s@(x:xs)
getCppTokensAsComments :: GHC.GhcMonad m
=> CppOptions -- ^ Preprocessor Options
-> FilePath -- ^ Path to source file
- -> m [Comment]
+ -> m [GHC.LEpaComment]
getCppTokensAsComments cppOptions sourceFile = do
source <- GHC.liftIO $ GHC.hGetStringBuffer sourceFile
let startLoc = GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString sourceFile) 1 1
@@ -116,12 +116,16 @@ getCppTokensAsComments cppOptions sourceFile = do
let toks = GHC.addSourceToTokens startLoc source ts
cppCommentToks = getCppTokens directiveToks nonDirectiveToks toks
return $ filter goodComment
- $ map (tokComment . GHC.commentToAnnotation . toRealLocated . fst) cppCommentToks
+ $ map (GHC.commentToAnnotation . toRealLocated . fst) cppCommentToks
GHC.PFailed pst -> parseError pst
-goodComment :: Comment -> Bool
-goodComment (Comment "" _ _) = False
-goodComment _ = True
+goodComment :: GHC.LEpaComment -> Bool
+goodComment c = isGoodComment (tokComment c)
+ where
+ isGoodComment :: Comment -> Bool
+ isGoodComment (Comment "" _ _) = False
+ isGoodComment _ = True
toRealLocated :: GHC.Located a -> GHC.RealLocated a
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Transform.hs b/utils/check-exact/Transform.hs
index 0e40a14d39..b9e400613f 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Transform.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Transform.hs
@@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ getEntryDPT ast = do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |'Transform' monad version of 'getEntryDP'
-setEntryDPT :: (Data a,Monad m) => LocatedA a -> DeltaPos -> TransformT m ()
+setEntryDPT :: (Monad m) => LocatedA a -> DeltaPos -> TransformT m ()
setEntryDPT ast dp = do
modifyAnnsT (setEntryDP ast dp)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |'Transform' monad version of 'transferEntryDP'
-transferEntryDPT :: (Data a,Data b,Monad m) => LocatedA a -> LocatedA b -> TransformT m (LocatedA b)
+transferEntryDPT :: (Monad m) => LocatedA a -> LocatedA b -> TransformT m (LocatedA b)
transferEntryDPT _a b = do
return b
-- modifyAnnsT (transferEntryDP a b)
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ setPrecedingLinesDeclT ld n c =
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |'Transform' monad version of 'setPrecedingLines'
-setPrecedingLinesT :: (Data a,Monad m) => LocatedA a -> Int -> Int -> TransformT m ()
+setPrecedingLinesT :: (Monad m) => LocatedA a -> Int -> Int -> TransformT m ()
setPrecedingLinesT ld n c =
modifyAnnsT (setPrecedingLines ld n c)
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ setPrecedingLinesDecl ld n c ans = setPrecedingLines ld n c ans
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Adjust the entry annotations to provide an `n` line preceding gap
-setPrecedingLines :: (Data a) => LocatedA a -> Int -> Int -> Anns -> Anns
+setPrecedingLines :: LocatedA a -> Int -> Int -> Anns -> Anns
setPrecedingLines ast n c anne = setEntryDP ast (deltaPos n c) anne
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -489,12 +489,12 @@ setEntryDP' (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r _) an cs) l) a) dp
col = deltaColumn delta
-- TODO: this adjustment by 1 happens all over the place. Generalise it
edp' = if line == 0 then SameLine col
- else DifferentLine line (col - 1)
+ else DifferentLine line col
edp = edp' `debug` ("setEntryDP' :" ++ showGhc (edp', (ss2pos $ anchor $ getLoc lc), r))
-- |Set the true entry 'DeltaPos' from the annotation for a given AST
-- element. This is the 'DeltaPos' ignoring any comments.
-setEntryDP :: (Data a) => LocatedA a -> DeltaPos -> Anns -> Anns
+setEntryDP :: LocatedA a -> DeltaPos -> Anns -> Anns
setEntryDP _ast _dp anns = anns
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc1 _an1 cs1) _l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpA
-- TODO: what happens if the receiving side already has comments?
(L anc _:_) -> do
logDataWithAnnsTr "transferEntryDP':priorComments anc=" anc
- return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (kludgeAnchor anc) an2 cs2) l2) b)
+ return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc an2 cs2) l2) b)
transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc2 an2 cs2) l2) b) = do
logTr $ "transferEntryDP': EpAnnNotUsed,EpAnn"
return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc2' an2 cs2) l2) b)
@@ -550,15 +550,6 @@ transferEntryDP' la lb = do
(L l2 b) <- transferEntryDP la lb
return (L l2 (pushDeclDP b (SameLine 0)))
--- There is an off-by-one in DPs. I *think* it has to do wether we
--- calculate the final position when applying it against the stored
--- final pos or against another RealSrcSpan. Must get to the bottom
--- of it and come up with a canonical DP. This function adjusts a
--- "comment space" DP to a "enterAnn" space one
-kludgeAnchor :: Anchor -> Anchor
-kludgeAnchor a@(Anchor _ (MovedAnchor (SameLine _))) = a
-kludgeAnchor (Anchor a (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine r c))) = (Anchor a (MovedAnchor (deltaPos r (c - 1))))
-kludgeAnchor a = a
pushDeclDP :: HsDecl GhcPs -> DeltaPos -> HsDecl GhcPs
pushDeclDP (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms ) e) f)) dp
@@ -631,7 +622,7 @@ balanceComments first second = do
-- |Once 'balanceComments' has been called to move trailing comments to a
-- 'FunBind', these need to be pushed down from the top level to the last
-- 'Match' if that 'Match' needs to be manipulated.
-balanceCommentsFB :: (Data b,Monad m)
+balanceCommentsFB :: (Monad m)
=> LHsBind GhcPs -> LocatedA b -> TransformT m (LHsBind GhcPs, LocatedA b)
balanceCommentsFB (L lf (FunBind x n (MG mx (L lm matches) o) t)) second = do
logTr $ "balanceCommentsFB entered: " ++ showGhc (ss2range $ locA lf)
@@ -799,23 +790,7 @@ splitComments p (EpaCommentsBalanced cs ts) = EpaCommentsBalanced cs' ts'
-- original locations.
commentOrigDeltas :: [LEpaComment] -> [LEpaComment]
commentOrigDeltas [] = []
-commentOrigDeltas lcs@(L _ (GHC.EpaComment _ pt):_) = go pt lcs
- -- TODO:AZ: we now have deltas wrt *all* tokens, not just preceding
- -- non-comment. Simplify this.
- where
- go :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [LEpaComment]
- go _ [] = []
- go p (L (Anchor la _) (GHC.EpaComment t pp):ls)
- = L (Anchor la op) (GHC.EpaComment t pp) : go p' ls
- where
- p' = p
- (r,c) = ss2posEnd pp
- op' = if r == 0
- then MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c+1) la)
- else MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c) la)
- op = if t == EpaEofComment && op' == MovedAnchor (SameLine 0)
- then MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 0)
- else op'
+commentOrigDeltas lcs = map commentOrigDelta lcs
addCommentOrigDeltas :: EpAnnComments -> EpAnnComments
addCommentOrigDeltas (EpaComments cs) = EpaComments (commentOrigDeltas cs)
@@ -834,6 +809,23 @@ anchorFromLocatedA (L (SrcSpanAnn an loc) _)
EpAnnNotUsed -> realSrcSpan loc
(EpAnn anc _ _) -> anchor anc
+-- | A GHC comment includes the span of the preceding token. Take an
+-- original comment, and convert the 'Anchor to have a have a
+-- `MovedAnchor` operation based on the original location, only if it
+-- does not already have one.
+commentOrigDelta :: LEpaComment -> LEpaComment
+-- commentOrigDelta c@(L (GHC.Anchor _ (GHC.MovedAnchor _)) _) = c
+commentOrigDelta (L (GHC.Anchor la _) (GHC.EpaComment t pp))
+ = (L (GHC.Anchor la op) (GHC.EpaComment t pp))
+ where
+ (r,c) = ss2posEnd pp
+ op' = if r == 0
+ then MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c+1) la)
+ else MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c) la)
+ op = if t == EpaEofComment && op' == MovedAnchor (SameLine 0)
+ then MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 0)
+ else op'
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
balanceSameLineComments :: (Monad m)
@@ -1428,8 +1420,8 @@ oldWhereAnnotation (EpAnn anc an cs) ww _oldSpan = do
newWhereAnnotation :: (Monad m) => WithWhere -> TransformT m (EpAnn AnnList)
newWhereAnnotation ww = do
newSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT
- let anc = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 2))
- let anc2 = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 4))
+ let anc = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 3))
+ let anc2 = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 5))
let w = case ww of
WithWhere -> [AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaDelta (SameLine 0))]
WithoutWhere -> []
diff --git a/utils/check-exact/Utils.hs b/utils/check-exact/Utils.hs
index e92ce96638..5739df9dd3 100644
--- a/utils/check-exact/Utils.hs
+++ b/utils/check-exact/Utils.hs
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ debugEnabledFlag = False
-- |Global switch to enable debug tracing in ghc-exactprint Pretty
debugPEnabledFlag :: Bool
-debugPEnabledFlag = True
--- debugPEnabledFlag = False
+-- debugPEnabledFlag = True
+debugPEnabledFlag = False
-- |Provide a version of trace that comes at the end of the line, so it can
-- easily be commented out when debugging different things.
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ ss2deltaStart rrs ss = ss2delta ref ss
(r,c) = ss2pos rrs
ref = if r == 0
- -- then (r,c+1)
then (r,c)
else (r,c)
@@ -237,6 +236,17 @@ isExactName = False `mkQ` isExact
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+insertCppComments :: ParsedSource -> [LEpaComment] -> ParsedSource
+insertCppComments (L l p) cs = L l p'
+ where
+ ncs = EpaComments cs
+ an' = case GHC.hsmodAnn p of
+ (EpAnn a an ocs) -> EpAnn a an (ocs <> ncs)
+ unused -> unused
+ p' = p { GHC.hsmodAnn = an' }
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ghcCommentText :: LEpaComment -> String
ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaDocCommentNext s) _)) = s
ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaDocCommentPrev s) _)) = s
@@ -250,6 +260,10 @@ ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaEofComment) _)) = ""
tokComment :: LEpaComment -> Comment
tokComment t@(L lt _) = mkComment (normaliseCommentText $ ghcCommentText t) lt
+mkLEpaComment :: String -> Anchor -> LEpaComment
+-- Note: fudging the ac_prior_tok value, hope it does not cause a problem
+mkLEpaComment s anc = (L anc (GHC.EpaComment (EpaLineComment s) (anchor anc)))
mkComment :: String -> Anchor -> Comment
mkComment c anc = Comment c anc Nothing
@@ -272,7 +286,6 @@ comment2dp = first AnnComment
sortAnchorLocated :: [GenLocated Anchor a] -> [GenLocated Anchor a]
sortAnchorLocated = sortBy (compare `on` (anchor . getLoc))
getAnnotationEP :: (Data a) => Located a -> Anns -> Maybe Annotation
getAnnotationEP la as =
Map.lookup (mkAnnKey la) as