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authorVladislav Zavialov <>2020-07-22 16:24:28 +0300
committerMarge Bot <>2020-08-06 13:34:05 -0400
commit686e06c59c3aa6b66895e8a501c7afb019b09e36 (patch)
parentfbcb886d503dd7aaebc4c40e59615068b3fd0bd7 (diff)
Grammar for types and data/newtype constructors
Before this patch, we parsed types into a reversed sequence of operators and operands. For example, (F x y + G a b * X) would be parsed as [X, *, b, a, G, +, y, x, F], using a simple grammar: tyapps : tyapp | tyapps tyapp tyapp : atype | PREFIX_AT atype | tyop | unpackedness Then we used a hand-written state machine to assemble this either into a type, using 'mergeOps', or into a constructor, using 'mergeDataCon'. This is due to a syntactic ambiguity: data T1 a = MkT1 a data T2 a = Ord a => MkT2 a In T1, what follows after the = sign is a data/newtype constructor declaration. However, in T2, what follows is a type (of kind Constraint). We don't know which of the two we are parsing until we encounter =>, and we cannot check for => without unlimited lookahead. This poses a few issues when it comes to e.g. infix operators: data I1 = Int :+ Bool :+ Char -- bad data I2 = Int :+ Bool :+ Char => MkI2 -- fine By this issue alone we are forced into parsing into an intermediate representation and doing a separate validation pass. However, should that intermediate representation be as low-level as a flat sequence of operators and operands? Before GHC Proposal #229, the answer was Yes, due to some particularly nasty corner cases: data T = ! A :+ ! B -- used to be fine, hard to parse data T = ! A :+ ! B => MkT -- bad However, now the answer is No, as this corner case is gone: data T = ! A :+ ! B -- bad data T = ! A :+ ! B => MkT -- bad This means we can write a proper grammar for types, overloading it in the DisambECP style, see Note [Ambiguous syntactic categories]. With this patch, we introduce a new class, DisambTD. Just like DisambECP is used to disambiguate between expressions, commands, and patterns, DisambTD is used to disambiguate between types and data/newtype constructors. This way, we get a proper, declarative grammar for constructors and types: infixtype : ftype | ftype tyop infixtype | unpackedness infixtype ftype : atype | tyop | ftype tyarg | ftype PREFIX_AT tyarg tyarg : atype | unpackedness atype And having a grammar for types means we are a step closer to using a single grammar for types and expressions.
8 files changed, 201 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Parser.y b/compiler/GHC/Parser.y
index 2afed04506..7133414bcb 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Parser.y
@@ -1966,22 +1966,28 @@ type :: { LHsType GhcPs }
mult :: { LHsType GhcPs }
: btype { $1 }
btype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
- : tyapps {% mergeOps (unLoc $1) }
-tyapps :: { Located [Located TyEl] } -- NB: This list is reversed
- : tyapp { sL1 $1 [$1] }
- | tyapps tyapp { sLL $1 $> $ $2 : unLoc $1 }
-tyapp :: { Located TyEl }
- : atype { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpd (unLoc $1) }
- -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer
- | PREFIX_AT atype { sLL $1 $> $ (TyElKindApp (comb2 $1 $2) $2) }
- | tyop { mapLoc TyElOpr $1 }
- | unpackedness { sL1 $1 $ TyElUnpackedness (unLoc $1) }
+ : infixtype {% runPV $1 }
+infixtype :: { forall b. DisambTD b => PV (Located b) }
+ : ftype { $1 }
+ | ftype tyop infixtype { $1 >>= \ $1 ->
+ $3 >>= \ $3 ->
+ mkHsOpTyPV $1 $2 $3 }
+ | unpackedness infixtype { $2 >>= \ $2 ->
+ mkUnpackednessPV $1 $2 }
+ftype :: { forall b. DisambTD b => PV (Located b) }
+ : atype { mkHsAppTyHeadPV $1 }
+ | tyop { failOpFewArgs $1 }
+ | ftype tyarg { $1 >>= \ $1 ->
+ mkHsAppTyPV $1 $2 }
+ | ftype PREFIX_AT tyarg { $1 >>= \ $1 ->
+ mkHsAppKindTyPV $1 (getLoc $2) $3 }
+tyarg :: { LHsType GhcPs }
+ : atype { $1 }
+ | unpackedness atype {% addUnpackednessP $1 $2 }
tyop :: { Located RdrName }
: qtyconop { $1 }
@@ -2222,8 +2228,9 @@ forall :: { Located ([AddAnn], Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcPs]) }
| {- empty -} { noLoc ([], Nothing) }
constr_stuff :: { Located (Located RdrName, HsConDeclDetails GhcPs) }
- : tyapps {% do { c <- mergeDataCon (unLoc $1)
- ; return $ sL1 $1 c } }
+ : infixtype {% fmap (mapLoc (\b -> (dataConBuilderCon b,
+ dataConBuilderDetails b)))
+ (runPV $1) }
fielddecls :: { [LConDeclField GhcPs] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs b/compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
index 6fa3d5316b..52916b19e6 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ module GHC.Parser.PostProcess (
addFatalError, hintBangPat,
- TyEl(..), mergeOps, mergeDataCon,
@@ -102,7 +101,14 @@ module GHC.Parser.PostProcess (
- PatBuilder
+ PatBuilder,
+ -- Type/datacon ambiguity resolution
+ DisambTD(..),
+ addUnpackednessP,
+ DataConBuilder(),
+ dataConBuilderCon,
+ dataConBuilderDetails,
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -126,20 +132,20 @@ import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
import GHC.Builtin.Names ( allNameStrings )
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique ( hasKey )
-import GHC.Data.OrdList ( OrdList, fromOL )
+import GHC.Data.OrdList
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Parser.Annotation
import Data.List
+import Data.Foldable
import GHC.Driver.Session ( WarningFlag(..), DynFlags )
import GHC.Utils.Error ( Messages )
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as ReadP
import Data.Char
-import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Data ( dataTypeOf, fromConstr, dataTypeConstrs )
import Data.Kind ( Type )
@@ -559,30 +565,6 @@ context, so (C t1 t2) is a constraint and 'C' is a type constructor.
As the result, in order to determine whether (C t1 t2) declares a data
constructor, a type, or a context, we would need unlimited lookahead which
'happy' is not so happy with.
-The solution that accounts for all of these issues is to initially parse data
-declarations and types as a reversed list of TyEl:
- data TyEl = TyElOpr RdrName
- | TyElOpd (HsType GhcPs)
- | ...
-For example, both occurrences of (C ! D) in the following example are parsed
-into equal lists of TyEl:
- data T = C ! D => C ! D results in [ TyElOpd (HsTyVar "D")
- , TyElOpr "!"
- , TyElOpd (HsTyVar "C") ]
-Note that elements are in reverse order. Also, 'C' is parsed as a type
-constructor (HsTyVar) even when it is a data constructor. We fix this in
-By the time the list of TyEl is assembled, we have looked ahead enough to
-decide whether to reduce using `mergeOps` (for types) or `mergeDataCon` (for
-data constructors). These functions are where the actual job of parsing is
-- | Reinterpret a type constructor, including type operators, as a data
@@ -798,7 +780,7 @@ to make setRdrNameSpace partial, so we just make an Unqual name instead. It
really doesn't matter!
-eitherToP :: Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) a -> P a
+eitherToP :: MonadP m => Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) a -> m a
-- Adapts the Either monad to the P monad
eitherToP (Left (loc, doc)) = addFatalError loc doc
eitherToP (Right thing) = return thing
@@ -1309,323 +1291,31 @@ isFunLhs e = go e [] []
_ -> return Nothing }
go _ _ _ = return Nothing
--- | Either an operator or an operand.
-data TyEl = TyElOpr RdrName | TyElOpd (HsType GhcPs)
- | TyElKindApp SrcSpan (LHsType GhcPs)
- -- See Note [TyElKindApp SrcSpan interpretation]
- | TyElUnpackedness UnpackednessPragma
-{- Note [TyElKindApp SrcSpan interpretation]
-A TyElKindApp captures type application written in haskell as
- @ Foo
-where Foo is some type.
-The SrcSpan reflects both elements, and there are AnnAt and AnnVal API
-Annotations attached to this SrcSpan for the specific locations of
-each within it.
-instance Outputable TyEl where
- ppr (TyElOpr name) = ppr name
- ppr (TyElOpd ty) = ppr ty
- ppr (TyElKindApp _ ki) = text "@" <> ppr ki
- ppr (TyElUnpackedness (UnpackednessPragma _ _ unpk)) = ppr unpk
--- | Extract a strictness/unpackedness annotation from the front of a reversed
--- 'TyEl' list.
- :: [Located TyEl] -- reversed TyEl
- -> Maybe (SrcSpan, UnpackednessPragma,
- [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
-pUnpackedness (L l x1 : xs) | TyElUnpackedness up <- x1 = Just (l, up, xs)
-pUnpackedness _ = Nothing
- :: LHsType GhcPs -- a type to be wrapped inside HsBangTy
- -> [Located TyEl] -- reversed TyEl
- -> ( Bool {- has a strict mark been consumed? -}
- , LHsType GhcPs {- the resulting BangTy -}
- , P () {- add annotations -}
- , [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
-pBangTy lt@(L l1 _) xs =
- case pUnpackedness xs of
- Nothing -> (False, lt, pure (), xs)
- Just (l2, UnpackednessPragma anns prag unpk, xs') ->
- let bl = combineSrcSpans l1 l2
- bt = addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) lt
- in (True, L bl bt, addAnnsAt bl anns, xs')
mkBangTy :: SrcStrictness -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
mkBangTy strictness =
HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness)
--- Result of parsing {-# UNPACK #-} or {-# NOUNPACK #-}
+-- | Result of parsing @{-\# UNPACK \#-}@ or @{-\# NOUNPACK \#-}@.
data UnpackednessPragma =
UnpackednessPragma [AddAnn] SourceText SrcUnpackedness
-addUnpackedness :: (SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
-addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) (L _ (HsBangTy x bang t))
- | HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness <- bang
- = HsBangTy x (HsSrcBang prag unpk strictness) t
-addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) t
- = HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict) t
--- | Merge a /reversed/ and /non-empty/ soup of operators and operands
--- into a type.
--- User input: @F x y + G a b * X@
--- Input to 'mergeOps': [X, *, b, a, G, +, y, x, F]
--- Output corresponds to what the user wrote assuming all operators are of the
--- same fixity and right-associative.
--- It's a bit silly that we're doing it at all, as the renamer will have to
--- rearrange this, and it'd be easier to keep things separate.
--- See Note [Parsing data constructors is hard]
-mergeOps :: [Located TyEl] -> P (LHsType GhcPs)
-mergeOps ((L l1 (TyElOpd t)) : xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l1 t) xs
- , null xs' -- We accept a BangTy only when there are no preceding TyEl.
- = addAnns >> return t'
-mergeOps all_xs = go (0 :: Int) [] id all_xs
- where
- -- NB. When modifying clauses in 'go', make sure that the reasoning in
- -- Note [Non-empty 'acc' in mergeOps clause [end]] is still correct.
- -- clause [unpk]:
- -- handle (NO)UNPACK pragmas
- go k acc ops_acc ((L l (TyElUnpackedness (UnpackednessPragma anns unpkSrc unpk))):xs) =
- if not (null acc) && null xs
- then do { acc' <- eitherToP $ mergeOpsAcc acc
- ; let a = ops_acc acc'
- strictMark = HsSrcBang unpkSrc unpk NoSrcStrict
- bl = combineSrcSpans l (getLoc a)
- bt = HsBangTy noExtField strictMark a
- ; addAnnsAt bl anns
- ; return (L bl bt) }
- else addFatalError l unpkError
- where
- unpkSDoc = case unpkSrc of
- NoSourceText -> ppr unpk
- SourceText str -> text str <> text " #-}"
- unpkError
- | not (null xs) = unpkSDoc <+> text "cannot appear inside a type."
- | null acc && k == 0 = unpkSDoc <+> text "must be applied to a type."
- | otherwise =
- -- See Note [Impossible case in mergeOps clause [unpk]]
- panic "mergeOps.UNPACK: impossible position"
- -- clause [opr]:
- -- when we encounter an operator, we must have accumulated
- -- something for its rhs, and there must be something left
- -- to build its lhs.
- go k acc ops_acc ((L l (TyElOpr op)):xs) =
- if null acc || null (filter isTyElOpd xs)
- then failOpFewArgs (L l op)
- else do { acc' <- eitherToP (mergeOpsAcc acc)
- ; go (k + 1) [] (\c -> mkLHsOpTy c (L l op) (ops_acc acc')) xs }
- where
- isTyElOpd (L _ (TyElOpd _)) = True
- isTyElOpd _ = False
- -- clause [opd]:
- -- whenever an operand is encountered, it is added to the accumulator
- go k acc ops_acc ((L l (TyElOpd a)):xs) = go k (HsValArg (L l a):acc) ops_acc xs
- -- clause [tyapp]:
- -- whenever a type application is encountered, it is added to the accumulator
- go k acc ops_acc ((L _ (TyElKindApp l a)):xs) = go k (HsTypeArg l a:acc) ops_acc xs
- -- clause [end]
- -- See Note [Non-empty 'acc' in mergeOps clause [end]]
- go _ acc ops_acc [] = do { acc' <- eitherToP (mergeOpsAcc acc)
- ; return (ops_acc acc') }
-mergeOpsAcc :: [HsArg (LHsType GhcPs) (LHsKind GhcPs)]
- -> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LHsType GhcPs)
-mergeOpsAcc [] = panic "mergeOpsAcc: empty input"
-mergeOpsAcc (HsTypeArg _ (L loc ki):_)
- = Left (loc, text "Unexpected type application:" <+> ppr ki)
-mergeOpsAcc (HsValArg ty : xs) = go1 ty xs
- where
- go1 :: LHsType GhcPs
- -> [HsArg (LHsType GhcPs) (LHsKind GhcPs)]
- -> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LHsType GhcPs)
- go1 lhs [] = Right lhs
- go1 lhs (x:xs) = case x of
- HsValArg ty -> go1 (mkHsAppTy lhs ty) xs
- HsTypeArg loc ki -> let ty = mkHsAppKindTy loc lhs ki
- in go1 ty xs
- HsArgPar _ -> go1 lhs xs
-mergeOpsAcc (HsArgPar _: xs) = mergeOpsAcc xs
-{- Note [Impossible case in mergeOps clause [unpk]]
-This case should never occur. Let us consider all possible
-variations of 'acc', 'xs', and 'k':
- acc xs k
- null | null 0 -- "must be applied to a type"
- null | not null 0 -- "must be applied to a type"
-not null | null 0 -- successful parse
-not null | not null 0 -- "cannot appear inside a type"
- null | null >0 -- handled in clause [opr]
- null | not null >0 -- "cannot appear inside a type"
-not null | null >0 -- successful parse
-not null | not null >0 -- "cannot appear inside a type"
-The (null acc && null xs && k>0) case is handled in clause [opr]
-by the following check:
- if ... || null (filter isTyElOpd xs)
- then failOpFewArgs (L l op)
-We know that this check has been performed because k>0, and by
-the time we reach the end of the list (null xs), the only way
-for (null acc) to hold is that there was not a single TyElOpd
-between the operator and the end of the list. But this case is
-caught by the check and reported as 'failOpFewArgs'.
-{- Note [Non-empty 'acc' in mergeOps clause [end]]
-In clause [end] we need to know that 'acc' is non-empty to call 'mergeAcc'
-without a check.
-Running 'mergeOps' with an empty input list is forbidden, so we do not consider
-this possibility. This means we'll hit at least one other clause before we
-reach clause [end].
-* Clauses [unpk] and [doc] do not call 'go' recursively, so we cannot hit
- clause [end] from there.
-* Clause [opd] makes 'acc' non-empty, so if we hit clause [end] after it, 'acc'
- will be non-empty.
-* Clause [opr] checks that (filter isTyElOpd xs) is not null - so we are going
- to hit clause [opd] at least once before we reach clause [end], making 'acc'
- non-empty.
-* There are no other clauses.
-Therefore, it is safe to omit a check for non-emptiness of 'acc' in clause
-pInfixSide :: [Located TyEl] -> Maybe (LHsType GhcPs, P (), [Located TyEl])
-pInfixSide ((L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
- | (True, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
- = Just (t', addAnns, xs')
-pInfixSide (el:xs1)
- | Just t1 <- pLHsTypeArg el
- = go [t1] xs1
- where
- go :: [HsArg (LHsType GhcPs) (LHsKind GhcPs)]
- -> [Located TyEl] -> Maybe (LHsType GhcPs, P (), [Located TyEl])
- go acc (el:xs)
- | Just t <- pLHsTypeArg el
- = go (t:acc) xs
- go acc xs = case mergeOpsAcc acc of
- Left _ -> Nothing
- Right acc' -> Just (acc', pure (), xs)
-pInfixSide _ = Nothing
-pLHsTypeArg :: Located TyEl -> Maybe (HsArg (LHsType GhcPs) (LHsKind GhcPs))
-pLHsTypeArg (L l (TyElOpd a)) = Just (HsValArg (L l a))
-pLHsTypeArg (L _ (TyElKindApp l a)) = Just (HsTypeArg l a)
-pLHsTypeArg _ = Nothing
-orErr :: Maybe a -> b -> Either b a
-orErr (Just a) _ = Right a
-orErr Nothing b = Left b
--- | Merge a /reversed/ and /non-empty/ soup of operators and operands
--- into a data constructor.
--- User input: @C !A B -- ^ doc@
--- Input to 'mergeDataCon': ["doc", B, !A, C]
--- Output: (C, PrefixCon [!A, B], "doc")
--- See Note [Parsing data constructors is hard]
- :: [Located TyEl]
- -> P ( Located RdrName -- constructor name
- , HsConDeclDetails GhcPs -- constructor field information
- )
-mergeDataCon all_xs =
- do { (addAnns, a) <- eitherToP res
- ; addAnns
- ; return a }
+-- | Annotate a type with either an @{-\# UNPACK \#-}@ or a @{-\# NOUNPACK \#-}@ pragma.
+addUnpackednessP :: MonadP m => Located UnpackednessPragma -> LHsType GhcPs -> m (LHsType GhcPs)
+addUnpackednessP (L lprag (UnpackednessPragma anns prag unpk)) ty = do
+ let l' = combineSrcSpans lprag (getLoc ty)
+ t' = addUnpackedness ty
+ addAnnsAt l' anns
+ return (L l' t')
- -- The result of merging the list of reversed TyEl into a
- -- data constructor, along with [AddAnn].
- res = goFirst all_xs
- goFirst [ L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ]
- = do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
- ; return (pure (), (data_con, PrefixCon [])) }
- goFirst ((L l (TyElOpd (HsRecTy _ fields))):xs)
- | [ L l' (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ] <- xs
- = do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l' tc
- ; return (pure (), (data_con, RecCon (L l fields))) }
- goFirst [L l (TyElOpd (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts))]
- = return ( pure ()
- , ( L l (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed (length ts)))
- , PrefixCon (map hsLinear ts) ) )
- goFirst ((L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
- = go addAnns [t'] xs'
- goFirst (L l (TyElKindApp _ _):_)
- = goInfix Monoid.<> Left (l, kindAppErr)
- goFirst xs
- = go (pure ()) [] xs
- go addAnns ts [ L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ]
- = do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
- ; return (addAnns, (data_con, PrefixCon (map hsLinear ts))) }
- go addAnns ts ((L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns', xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
- = go (addAnns >> addAnns') (t':ts) xs'
- go _ _ ((L _ (TyElOpr _)):_) =
- -- Encountered an operator: backtrack to the beginning and attempt
- -- to parse as an infix definition.
- goInfix
- go _ _ (L l (TyElKindApp _ _):_) = goInfix Monoid.<> Left (l, kindAppErr)
- go _ _ _ = Left malformedErr
- where
- malformedErr =
- ( foldr combineSrcSpans noSrcSpan (map getLoc all_xs)
- , text "Cannot parse data constructor" <+>
- text "in a data/newtype declaration:" $$
- nest 2 (hsep . reverse $ map ppr all_xs))
- goInfix =
- do { let xs0 = all_xs
- ; (rhs, rhs_addAnns, xs1) <- pInfixSide xs0 `orErr` malformedErr
- ; (op, xs3) <- case xs1 of
- (L l (TyElOpr op)) : xs3 ->
- do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l op
- ; return (data_con, xs3) }
- _ -> Left malformedErr
- ; (lhs, lhs_addAnns, xs5) <- pInfixSide xs3 `orErr` malformedErr
- ; unless (null xs5) (Left malformedErr)
- ; let addAnns = lhs_addAnns >> rhs_addAnns
- ; return (addAnns, (op, InfixCon (hsLinear lhs) (hsLinear rhs))) }
- where
- malformedErr =
- ( foldr combineSrcSpans noSrcSpan (map getLoc all_xs)
- , text "Cannot parse an infix data constructor" <+>
- text "in a data/newtype declaration:" $$
- nest 2 (hsep . reverse $ map ppr all_xs))
- kindAppErr =
- text "Unexpected kind application" <+>
- text "in a data/newtype declaration:" $$
- nest 2 (hsep . reverse $ map ppr all_xs)
+ -- If we have a HsBangTy that only has a strictness annotation,
+ -- such as ~T or !T, then add the pragma to the existing HsBangTy.
+ --
+ -- Otherwise, wrap the type in a new HsBangTy constructor.
+ addUnpackedness (L _ (HsBangTy x bang t))
+ | HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness <- bang
+ = HsBangTy x (HsSrcBang prag unpk strictness) t
+ addUnpackedness t
+ = HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict) t
-- | Check for monad comprehensions
@@ -2053,6 +1743,143 @@ mkPatRec (unLoc -> PatBuilderVar c) (HsRecFields fs dd)
mkPatRec p _ =
addFatalError (getLoc p) $ text "Not a record constructor:" <+> ppr p
+-- | Disambiguate constructs that may appear when we do not know
+-- ahead of time whether we are parsing a type or a newtype/data constructor.
+-- See Note [Ambiguous syntactic categories] for the general idea.
+-- See Note [Parsing data constructors is hard] for the specific issue this
+-- particular class is solving.
+class DisambTD b where
+ -- | Process the head of a type-level function/constructor application,
+ -- i.e. the @H@ in @H a b c@.
+ mkHsAppTyHeadPV :: LHsType GhcPs -> PV (Located b)
+ -- | Disambiguate @f x@ (function application or prefix data constructor).
+ mkHsAppTyPV :: Located b -> LHsType GhcPs -> PV (Located b)
+ -- | Disambiguate @f \@t@ (visible kind application)
+ mkHsAppKindTyPV :: Located b -> SrcSpan -> LHsType GhcPs -> PV (Located b)
+ -- | Disambiguate @f \# x@ (infix operator)
+ mkHsOpTyPV :: LHsType GhcPs -> Located RdrName -> LHsType GhcPs -> PV (Located b)
+ -- | Disambiguate @{-\# UNPACK \#-} t@ (unpack/nounpack pragma)
+ mkUnpackednessPV :: Located UnpackednessPragma -> Located b -> PV (Located b)
+instance DisambTD (HsType GhcPs) where
+ mkHsAppTyHeadPV = return
+ mkHsAppTyPV t1 t2 = return (mkHsAppTy t1 t2)
+ mkHsAppKindTyPV t l_at ki = return (mkHsAppKindTy l' t ki)
+ where l' = combineSrcSpans l_at (getLoc ki)
+ mkHsOpTyPV t1 op t2 = return (mkLHsOpTy t1 op t2)
+ mkUnpackednessPV = addUnpackednessP
+-- | An accumulator to build a prefix data constructor,
+-- e.g. when parsing @MkT A B C@, the accumulator will evolve as follows:
+-- @
+-- 1. PrefixDataConBuilder [] MkT
+-- 2. PrefixDataConBuilder [A] MkT
+-- 3. PrefixDataConBuilder [A, B] MkT
+-- 4. PrefixDataConBuilder [A, B, C] MkT
+-- @
+-- There are two reasons we have a separate builder type instead of using
+-- @HsConDeclDetails GhcPs@ directly:
+-- 1. It's faster, because 'OrdList' gives us constant-time snoc.
+-- 2. Having a separate type helps ensure that we don't forget to finalize a
+-- 'RecTy' into a 'RecCon' (we do that in 'dataConBuilderDetails').
+-- See Note [PatBuilder] for another builder type used in the parser.
+-- Here the technique is similar, but the motivation is different.
+data DataConBuilder
+ = PrefixDataConBuilder
+ (OrdList (LHsType GhcPs)) -- Data constructor fields
+ (Located RdrName) -- Data constructor name
+ | InfixDataConBuilder
+ (LHsType GhcPs) -- LHS field
+ (Located RdrName) -- Data constructor name
+ (LHsType GhcPs) -- RHS field
+dataConBuilderCon :: DataConBuilder -> Located RdrName
+dataConBuilderCon (PrefixDataConBuilder _ dc) = dc
+dataConBuilderCon (InfixDataConBuilder _ dc _) = dc
+dataConBuilderDetails :: DataConBuilder -> HsConDeclDetails GhcPs
+-- Detect when the record syntax is used:
+-- data T = MkT { ... }
+dataConBuilderDetails (PrefixDataConBuilder flds _)
+ | [L l_t (HsRecTy _ fields)] <- toList flds
+ = RecCon (L l_t fields)
+-- Normal prefix constructor, e.g. data T = MkT A B C
+dataConBuilderDetails (PrefixDataConBuilder flds _)
+ = PrefixCon (map hsLinear (toList flds))
+-- Infix constructor, e.g. data T = Int :! Bool
+dataConBuilderDetails (InfixDataConBuilder lhs _ rhs)
+ = InfixCon (hsLinear lhs) (hsLinear rhs)
+instance Outputable DataConBuilder where
+ ppr (PrefixDataConBuilder flds data_con) =
+ hang (ppr data_con) 2 (sep (map ppr (toList flds)))
+ ppr (InfixDataConBuilder lhs data_con rhs) =
+ ppr lhs <+> ppr data_con <+> ppr rhs
+instance DisambTD DataConBuilder where
+ mkHsAppTyHeadPV = tyToDataConBuilder
+ mkHsAppTyPV (L l (PrefixDataConBuilder flds fn)) t =
+ return $
+ L (combineSrcSpans l (getLoc t))
+ (PrefixDataConBuilder (flds `snocOL` t) fn)
+ mkHsAppTyPV (L _ InfixDataConBuilder{}) _ =
+ -- This case is impossible because of the way
+ -- the grammar in Parser.y is written (see infixtype/ftype).
+ panic "mkHsAppTyPV: InfixDataConBuilder"
+ mkHsAppKindTyPV lhs l_at ki =
+ addFatalError l_at $
+ hang (text "Unexpected kind application in a data/newtype declaration:") 2
+ (ppr lhs <+> text "@" <> ppr ki)
+ mkHsOpTyPV lhs (L l_tc tc) rhs = do
+ check_no_ops (unLoc rhs) -- check the RHS because parsing type operators is right-associative
+ data_con <- eitherToP $ tyConToDataCon l_tc tc
+ return $ L l (InfixDataConBuilder lhs data_con rhs)
+ where
+ l = combineLocs lhs rhs
+ check_no_ops (HsBangTy _ _ t) = check_no_ops (unLoc t)
+ check_no_ops (HsOpTy{}) =
+ addError l $
+ hang (text "Cannot parse an infix data constructor in a data/newtype declaration:")
+ 2 (ppr lhs <+> ppr tc <+> ppr rhs)
+ check_no_ops _ = return ()
+ mkUnpackednessPV unpk constr_stuff
+ | L _ (InfixDataConBuilder lhs data_con rhs) <- constr_stuff
+ = -- When the user writes data T = {-# UNPACK #-} Int :+ Bool
+ -- we apply {-# UNPACK #-} to the LHS
+ do lhs' <- addUnpackednessP unpk lhs
+ let l = combineLocs unpk constr_stuff
+ return $ L l (InfixDataConBuilder lhs' data_con rhs)
+ | otherwise =
+ do addError (getLoc unpk) $
+ text "{-# UNPACK #-} cannot be applied to a data constructor."
+ return constr_stuff
+tyToDataConBuilder :: LHsType GhcPs -> PV (Located DataConBuilder)
+tyToDataConBuilder (L l (HsTyVar _ NotPromoted (L _ v))) = do
+ data_con <- eitherToP $ tyConToDataCon l v
+ return $ L l (PrefixDataConBuilder nilOL data_con)
+tyToDataConBuilder (L l (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts)) = do
+ let data_con = L l (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed (length ts)))
+ return $ L l (PrefixDataConBuilder (toOL ts) data_con)
+tyToDataConBuilder t =
+ addFatalError (getLoc t) $
+ hang (text "Cannot parse data constructor in a data/newtype declaration:")
+ 2 (ppr t)
{- Note [Ambiguous syntactic categories]
@@ -2809,7 +2636,7 @@ warnStarBndr span = addWarning Opt_WarnStarBinder span msg
<+> text "modules with StarIsType,"
$$ text " including the definition module, you must qualify it."
-failOpFewArgs :: Located RdrName -> P a
+failOpFewArgs :: MonadP m => Located RdrName -> m a
failOpFewArgs (L loc op) =
do { star_is_type <- getBit StarIsTypeBit
; let msg = too_few $$ starInfo star_is_type op
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T12045d.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T12045d.stderr
index 128cf58d86..a731352f10 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T12045d.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T12045d.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
T12045d.hs:11:16: error:
- Unexpected kind application in a data/newtype declaration:
- MkD @Nat Bool
+ Unexpected kind application in a data/newtype declaration: MkD @Nat
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/strictnessDataCon_B.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/strictnessDataCon_B.stderr
index 47f85eae8c..04ea0c8b18 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/strictnessDataCon_B.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/strictnessDataCon_B.stderr
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-strictnessDataCon_B.hs:1:27: error:
- {-# UNPACK #-} cannot appear inside a type.
+strictnessDataCon_B.hs:1:42: error: parse error on input ‘}’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_A.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_A.stderr
index 69f7aac6be..8558729f2f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_A.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_A.stderr
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-typeops_A.hs:1:12: error: Operator applied to too few arguments: +
+typeops_A.hs:2:1: error:
+ parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_C.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_C.stderr
index 280323bb67..75372a8a2a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_C.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/typeops_C.stderr
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-typeops_C.hs:1:12: error: Operator applied to too few arguments: +
+typeops_C.hs:1:14: error: Operator applied to too few arguments: +
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_empty_type.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_empty_type.stderr
index fe520c9317..dbc73c87ff 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_empty_type.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_empty_type.stderr
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-unpack_empty_type.hs:3:19: error:
- {-# UNPACK #-} must be applied to a type.
+unpack_empty_type.hs:3:34: error: parse error on input ‘}’
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_inside_type.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_inside_type.stderr
index 0c09e63b71..60d7ba87a3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_inside_type.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/unpack_inside_type.stderr
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
unpack_inside_type.hs:3:25: error:
- {-# UNPACK #-} cannot appear inside a type.
+ • Unexpected UNPACK annotation: {-# UNPACK #-}Int
+ UNPACK annotation cannot appear nested inside a type
+ • In the first argument of ‘Maybe’, namely ‘({-# UNPACK #-}Int)’
+ In the type ‘Maybe ({-# UNPACK #-}Int)’
+ In the definition of data constructor ‘T’