diff options
authorPepe Iborra <>2006-12-10 23:15:51 +0000
committerPepe Iborra <>2006-12-10 23:15:51 +0000
commit8bc615fdb45b8e3f2f3ef2167bbb379bf619aab2 (patch)
parent8099fc7e9c54b24dc50c2cd1b9bfdc59e2d218b1 (diff)
Dynamic breakpoints in GHCi
This patch adds dynamic breakpoints to GHCi There is a new ':breakpoint' command to manage breakpoints. GHCi simply uses the breakpoint api functions in ghc-api to install itself as a client. The mechanism used by GHCi to keep track of enabled breakpoints is a simple table. When a breakpoint is hit, a new interactive session is launched and the bindings in the breakpoint are injected. Some commands are disabled in this sub session
4 files changed, 500 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdab651b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+-- GHCi Interactive debugging commands
+-- Pepe Iborra (supported by Google SoC) 2006
+module Debugger where
+import Linker
+import Breakpoints
+import RtClosureInspect
+import PrelNames
+import HscTypes
+import IdInfo
+--import Id
+import Var hiding ( varName )
+import VarSet
+import VarEnv
+import Name
+import NameEnv
+import RdrName
+import Module
+import Finder
+import UniqSupply
+import Type
+import TyCon
+import DataCon
+import TcGadt
+import GHC
+import GhciMonad
+import PackageConfig
+import Outputable
+import ErrUtils
+import FastString
+import SrcLoc
+import Util
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Array.Unboxed
+import Data.Traversable ( traverse )
+import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO
+import GHC.Exts
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- | The :breakpoint command
+bkptOptions :: String -> GHCi ()
+bkptOptions cmd = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ bt <- getBkptTable
+ bkptOptions' (words cmd) bt
+ where
+ bkptOptions' ["list"] bt = do
+ let msgs = [ ppr mod <+> colon <+> ppr coords
+ | (mod,site) <- btList bt
+ , let coords = getSiteCoords bt mod site]
+ num_msgs = [parens (int n) <+> msg | (n,msg) <- zip [1..] msgs]
+ msg <- showForUser$ if null num_msgs
+ then text "There are no enabled breakpoints"
+ else vcat num_msgs
+ io$ putStrLn msg
+ bkptOptions' ["stop"] bt = do
+ inside_break <- liftM not isTopLevel
+ when inside_break $ throwDyn StopChildSession
+ bkptOptions' ("add":cmds) bt
+ | [mod_name,line]<- cmds
+ , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
+ = handleAdd mod_name $ (\mod->addBkptByLine mod lineNum)
+ | [mod_name,line,col] <- cmds
+ = handleAdd mod_name $ (\mod->addBkptByCoord mod (read line, read col))
+ | otherwise = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
+ "syntax: :breakpoint add Module line [col]"
+ where
+ handleAdd mod_name f = do
+ sess <- getSession
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mod <- io$ GHC.findModule sess (GHC.mkModuleName mod_name) Nothing
+ ghciHandleDyn (handleBkptEx mod) $
+ case f mod bt of
+ (newTable, site) -> do
+ setBkptTable newTable
+ io (putStrLn ("Breakpoint set at " ++
+ show (getSiteCoords newTable mod site)))
+ bkptOptions' ("del":cmds) bt
+ | [i'] <- cmds
+ , [(i,[])] <- reads i'
+ , bkpts <- btList bt
+ = if i > length bkpts
+ then throwDyn $ CmdLineError
+ "Not a valid breakpoint #. Use :breakpoint list to see the current breakpoints."
+ else
+ let (mod, site) = bkpts !! (i-1)
+ in handleDel mod $ delBkptBySite mod site
+ | [fn,line] <- cmds
+ , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
+ , mod <- GHC.mkModule mainPackageId (GHC.mkModuleName fn)
+ = handleDel mod $ delBkptByLine mod lineNum
+ | [fn,line,col] <- cmds
+ , [(lineNum,[])] <- reads line
+ , [(colNum,[])] <- reads col
+ , mod <- GHC.mkModule mainPackageId (GHC.mkModuleName fn)
+ = handleDel mod $ delBkptByCoord mod (lineNum, colNum)
+ | otherwise = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
+ "syntax: :breakpoint del (breakpoint # | Module line [col])"
+ where delMsg = "Breakpoint deleted"
+ handleDel mod f = ghciHandleDyn (handleBkptEx mod) $ do
+ modifyBkptTable f
+ newTable <- getBkptTable
+ sess <- getSession
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ io$ putStrLn delMsg
+ bkptOptions' _ _ = throwDyn $ CmdLineError $
+ "syntax: :breakpoint (list|stop|add|del)"
+ handleBkptEx :: Module -> Debugger.BkptException -> a
+ handleBkptEx _ NoBkptFound = error "No suitable breakpoint site found" --TODO Automatically add to the next suitable line
+ handleBkptEx _ NotNeeded = error "Nothing to do"
+ handleBkptEx m NotHandled = error$ "Module " ++ showSDoc (ppr m) ++ " was not loaded under debugging mode. Enable debugging mode and reload it"
+-- Breakpoint Tables
+data BkptTable a = BkptTable {
+ -- | An array of breaks, indexed by site number
+ breakpoints :: Map.Map a (UArray Int Bool)
+ -- | A list of lines, each line can have zero or more sites, which are annotated with a column number
+ , sites :: Map.Map a [[(SiteNumber, Int)]]
+ }
+sitesOf :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> a -> Maybe [[(SiteNumber, Int)]]
+sitesOf bt fn = Map.lookup fn (sites bt)
+bkptsOf bt fn = Map.lookup fn (breakpoints bt)
+-- The functions for manipulating BkptTables do throw exceptions
+data BkptException =
+ NotHandled
+ | NoBkptFound
+ | NotNeeded -- Used when a breakpoint was already enabled
+ deriving Typeable
+emptyBkptTable :: Ord a => BkptTable a
+addModule :: Ord a => a -> [(SiteNumber,Coord)] -> BkptTable a -> BkptTable a
+-- | Lines start at index 1
+addBkptByLine :: Ord a => a -> Int -> BkptTable a -> (BkptTable a, SiteNumber)
+addBkptByCoord :: Ord a => a -> Coord -> BkptTable a -> (BkptTable a, SiteNumber)
+delBkptByLine :: Ord a => a -> Int -> BkptTable a -> BkptTable a
+delBkptBySite :: Ord a => a -> SiteNumber -> BkptTable a -> BkptTable a
+delBkptByCoord :: Ord a => a -> Coord -> BkptTable a -> BkptTable a
+isBkptEnabled :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> BkptLocation a -> Bool
+btElems :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [(a, [SiteNumber])]
+btList :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [BkptLocation a]
+sitesList :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> [(a, [Coord])]
+getSiteCoords :: Ord a => BkptTable a -> a -> SiteNumber -> Coord
+emptyBkptTable = BkptTable Map.empty Map.empty
+addBkptByLine a i bt
+ | Just lines <- sitesOf bt a
+ , Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
+ , i < length lines
+ = case lines!!i of
+ [] -> throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ (x:_) -> let (siteNum,col) = x
+ wasAlreadyOn = bkptsArr ! siteNum
+ newArr = bkptsArr // [(siteNum, True)]
+ newTable = Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
+ in if wasAlreadyOn
+ then throwDyn NotNeeded
+ else (bt{breakpoints=newTable}, siteNum)
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ = throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled
+addBkptByCoord a (r,c) bt
+ | Just lines <- sitesOf bt a
+ , Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
+ , r < length lines
+ = case [ (sn,col) | (sn,col)<-lines!!r, col>=c] of
+ [] -> throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ (x:_) -> let (siteNum, col) = x
+ wasAlreadyOn = bkptsArr ! siteNum
+ newArr = bkptsArr // [(siteNum, True)]
+ newTable = Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
+ in if wasAlreadyOn
+ then throwDyn NotNeeded
+ else (bt{breakpoints=newTable}, siteNum)
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ = throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled
+delBkptBySite a i bt
+ | Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
+ , not (inRange (bounds bkptsArr) i)
+ = throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ | Just bkptsArr <- bkptsOf bt a
+ , bkptsArr ! i -- Check that there was a enabled bkpt here
+ , newArr <- bkptsArr // [(i,False)]
+ , newTable <- Map.insert a newArr (breakpoints bt)
+ = bt {breakpoints=newTable}
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ = throwDyn NotNeeded
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled
+delBkptByLine a l bt
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ , (site:_) <- [s | (s,c') <- sites !! l]
+ = delBkptBySite a site bt
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ = throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled
+delBkptByCoord a (r,c) bt
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ , (site:_) <- [s | (s,c') <- sites !! r, c>=c', isBkptEnabled bt (a,s)]
+ = delBkptBySite a site bt
+ | Just sites <- sitesOf bt a
+ = throwDyn NoBkptFound
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled
+btElems bt = [ (a, [i | (i,True) <- assocs siteArr])
+ | (a, siteArr) <- Map.assocs (breakpoints bt) ]
+btList bt = [(a,site) | (a, sites) <- btElems bt, site <- sites]
+sitesList bt = [ (a, sitesCoords sitesCols) | (a, sitesCols) <- Map.assocs (sites bt) ]
+ where sitesCoords sitesCols =
+ [ (row,col)
+ | (row, cols) <- zip [0..] sitesCols, (_,col) <- cols ]
+getSiteCoords bt a site
+ | Just rows <- sitesOf bt a
+ = head [ (r,c) | (r,row) <- zip [0..] rows
+ , (s,c) <- row
+ , s == site ]
+-- addModule is dumb and inefficient, but it does the job
+--addModule fn siteCoords _ | trace ("addModule: " ++ moduleString (unsafeCoerce# fn) ++ " - " ++ show siteCoords) False = undefined
+addModule a [] bt = bt
+addModule a siteCoords bt
+ | nrows <- maximum$ [i | (_,(i,j)) <- siteCoords ]
+ , sitesByRow <- [ [(s,c) | (s,(r,c)) <- siteCoords, r==i]
+ | i <- [0..nrows] ]
+ , nsites <- length siteCoords
+ , initialBkpts <- listArray (1, nsites) (repeat False)
+ = bt{ sites = Map.insert a sitesByRow (sites bt)
+ , breakpoints = Map.insert a initialBkpts (breakpoints bt) }
+isBkptEnabled bt (a,site)
+ | Just bkpts <- bkptsOf bt a
+ , inRange (bounds bkpts) site
+ = bkpts ! site
+ | otherwise = throwDyn NotHandled -- This is an error
+-- Other stuff
+refreshBkptTable :: [ModSummary] -> GHCi ()
+refreshBkptTable [] = return ()
+refreshBkptTable (ms:mod_sums) = do
+ sess <- getSession
+ when (Opt_Debugging `elem` flags (GHC.ms_hspp_opts ms)) $ do
+ old_table <- getBkptTable
+ new_table <- addModuleGHC sess old_table (GHC.ms_mod ms)
+ setBkptTable new_table
+ refreshBkptTable mod_sums
+ where addModuleGHC sess bt mod = do
+ Just mod_info <- io$ GHC.getModuleInfo sess mod
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let sites = GHC.modInfoBkptSites mod_info
+ io$ debugTraceMsg dflags 2
+ (ppr mod <> text ": inserted " <> int (length sites) <>
+ text " breakpoints")
+ return$ addModule mod sites bt
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs-boot b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d310308683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Debugger where
+import Breakpoints
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Array.Unboxed
+data BkptTable a = BkptTable {
+ -- | An array of breaks, indexed by site number
+ breakpoints :: Map.Map a (UArray Int Bool)
+ -- | A list of lines, each line can have zero or more sites, which are annotated with a column number
+ , sites :: Map.Map a [[(SiteNumber, Int)]]
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/GhciMonad.hs b/compiler/ghci/GhciMonad.hs
index cf578a7f71..04c5ffa736 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/GhciMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/GhciMonad.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ data GHCiState = GHCiState
editor :: String,
session :: GHC.Session,
options :: [GHCiOption],
- prelude :: GHC.Module
+ prelude :: GHC.Module,
+ bkptTable :: IORef (BkptTable GHC.Module),
+ topLevel :: Bool
data GHCiOption
@@ -92,6 +94,24 @@ unsetOption opt
io :: IO a -> GHCi a
io m = GHCi { unGHCi = \s -> m >>= return }
+isTopLevel :: GHCi Bool
+isTopLevel = getGHCiState >>= return . topLevel
+getBkptTable :: GHCi (BkptTable GHC.Module)
+getBkptTable = do table_ref <- getGHCiState >>= return . bkptTable
+ io$ readIORef table_ref
+setBkptTable :: BkptTable GHC.Module -> GHCi ()
+setBkptTable new_table = do
+ table_ref <- getGHCiState >>= return . bkptTable
+ io$ writeIORef table_ref new_table
+modifyBkptTable :: (BkptTable GHC.Module -> BkptTable GHC.Module) -> GHCi ()
+modifyBkptTable f = do
+ bt <- getBkptTable
+ new_bt <- io . evaluate$ f bt
+ setBkptTable new_bt
showForUser :: SDoc -> GHCi String
showForUser doc = do
session <- getSession
@@ -101,6 +121,11 @@ showForUser doc = do
-- User code exception handling
+-- This hierarchy of exceptions is used to signal interruption of a child session
+data BkptException = StopChildSession -- A child debugging session requests to be stopped
+ | ChildSessionStopped String
+ deriving Typeable
-- This is the exception handler for exceptions generated by the
-- user's code and exceptions coming from children sessions;
-- it normally just prints out the exception. The
@@ -111,6 +136,18 @@ showForUser doc = do
-- raising another exception. We therefore don't put the recursive
-- handler arond the flushing operation, so if stderr is closed
-- GHCi will just die gracefully rather than going into an infinite loop.
+handler :: Exception -> GHCi Bool
+handler (DynException dyn)
+ | Just StopChildSession <- fromDynamic dyn
+ -- propagate to the parent session
+ = ASSERTM (liftM not isTopLevel) >> throwDyn StopChildSession
+ | Just (ChildSessionStopped msg) <- fromDynamic dyn
+ -- Revert CAFs and display some message
+ = ASSERTM (isTopLevel) >>
+ io (revertCAFs >> putStrLn msg) >>
+ return False
handler exception = do
io installSignalHandlers
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs b/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
index e7a5a37edb..298d697702 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -13,19 +13,7 @@ module InteractiveUI (
#include "HsVersions.h"
-#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
-import GHC.Exts ( Int(..), Ptr(..), int2Addr# )
-import Foreign.StablePtr ( deRefStablePtr, castPtrToStablePtr )
-import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
-import Var
-import HscTypes
-import RdrName
-import NameEnv
-import TcType
-import qualified Id
-import IdInfo
-import PrelNames
+import GhciMonad
-- The GHC interface
import qualified GHC
@@ -45,13 +33,26 @@ import SrcLoc
-- Other random utilities
import Digraph
-import BasicTypes
-import Panic hiding (showException)
+import BasicTypes hiding (isTopLevel)
+import Panic hiding (showException)
import Config
import StaticFlags
import Linker
import Util
+-- The debugger
+import Breakpoints
+import Debugger hiding ( addModule )
+import HscTypes
+import Id
+import Var ( globaliseId )
+import IdInfo
+import NameEnv
+import RdrName
+import Module
+import Type
+import TcType
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 504
@@ -110,9 +111,9 @@ GLOBAL_VAR(commands, builtin_commands, [Command])
builtin_commands :: [Command]
builtin_commands = [
- ("add", keepGoingPaths addModule, False, completeFilename),
+ ("add", tlC$ keepGoingPaths addModule, False, completeFilename),
("browse", keepGoing browseCmd, False, completeModule),
- ("cd", keepGoing changeDirectory, False, completeFilename),
+ ("cd", keepGoing changeDirectory, False, completeFilename),
("def", keepGoing defineMacro, False, completeIdentifier),
("e", keepGoing editFile, False, completeFilename),
-- Hugs users are accustomed to :e, so make sure it doesn't overlap
@@ -120,16 +121,19 @@ builtin_commands = [
("help", keepGoing help, False, completeNone),
("?", keepGoing help, False, completeNone),
("info", keepGoing info, False, completeIdentifier),
- ("load", keepGoingPaths loadModule_, False, completeHomeModuleOrFile),
+ ("load", tlC$ keepGoingPaths loadModule_,False, completeHomeModuleOrFile),
("module", keepGoing setContext, False, completeModule),
- ("main", keepGoing runMain, False, completeIdentifier),
- ("reload", keepGoing reloadModule, False, completeNone),
+ ("main", tlC$ keepGoing runMain, False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("reload", tlC$ keepGoing reloadModule, False, completeNone),
("check", keepGoing checkModule, False, completeHomeModule),
("set", keepGoing setCmd, True, completeSetOptions),
("show", keepGoing showCmd, False, completeNone),
("etags", keepGoing createETagsFileCmd, False, completeFilename),
("ctags", keepGoing createCTagsFileCmd, False, completeFilename),
("type", keepGoing typeOfExpr, False, completeIdentifier),
+#if defined(GHCI)
+ ("breakpoint",keepGoing bkptOptions, False, completeBkpt),
("kind", keepGoing kindOfType, False, completeIdentifier),
("unset", keepGoing unsetOptions, True, completeSetOptions),
("undef", keepGoing undefineMacro, False, completeMacro),
@@ -139,6 +143,14 @@ builtin_commands = [
keepGoing :: (String -> GHCi ()) -> (String -> GHCi Bool)
keepGoing a str = a str >> return False
+-- tlC: Top Level Command
+tlC :: (String -> GHCi Bool) -> (String -> GHCi Bool)
+tlC a str = do
+ top_level <- isTopLevel
+ if not top_level
+ then throwDyn (CmdLineError "Command only allowed at Top Level")
+ else a str
keepGoingPaths :: ([FilePath] -> GHCi ()) -> (String -> GHCi Bool)
keepGoingPaths a str = a (toArgs str) >> return False
@@ -150,6 +162,7 @@ helpText =
"\n" ++
" <stmt> evaluate/run <stmt>\n" ++
" :add <filename> ... add module(s) to the current target set\n" ++
+ " :breakpoint <option> commands for the GHCi debugger\n" ++
" :browse [*]<module> display the names defined by <module>\n" ++
" :cd <dir> change directory to <dir>\n" ++
" :def <cmd> <expr> define a command :<cmd>\n" ++
@@ -186,73 +199,14 @@ helpText =
" +s print timing/memory stats after each evaluation\n" ++
" +t print type after evaluation\n" ++
" -<flags> most GHC command line flags can also be set here\n" ++
- " (eg. -v2, -fglasgow-exts, etc.)\n"
-#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
-globaliseAndTidy :: Id -> Id
-globaliseAndTidy id
--- Give the Id a Global Name, and tidy its type
- = Id.setIdType (globaliseId VanillaGlobal id) tidy_type
- where
- tidy_type = tidyTopType (idType id)
-printScopeMsg :: Session -> String -> [Id] -> IO ()
-printScopeMsg session location ids
- = GHC.getPrintUnqual session >>= \unqual ->
- printForUser stdout unqual $
- text "Local bindings in scope:" $$
- nest 2 (pprWithCommas showId ids)
- where showId id = ppr (idName id) <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)
-jumpCondFunction :: Session -> Int -> [HValue] -> String -> Bool -> b -> b
-jumpCondFunction session ptr hValues location True b = b
-jumpCondFunction session ptr hValues location False b
- = jumpFunction session ptr hValues location b
-jumpFunction :: Session -> Int -> [HValue] -> String -> b -> b
-jumpFunction session@(Session ref) (I# idsPtr) hValues location b
- = unsafePerformIO $
- do ids <- deRefStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr (Ptr (int2Addr# idsPtr)))
- let names = map idName ids
- ASSERT (length names == length hValues) return ()
- printScopeMsg session location ids
- hsc_env <- readIORef ref
- let ictxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
- global_ids = map globaliseAndTidy ids
- rn_env = ic_rn_local_env ictxt
- type_env = ic_type_env ictxt
- bound_names = map idName global_ids
- new_rn_env = extendLocalRdrEnv rn_env bound_names
- -- Remove any shadowed bindings from the type_env;
- -- they are inaccessible but might, I suppose, cause
- -- a space leak if we leave them there
- shadowed = [ n | name <- bound_names,
- let rdr_name = mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName name),
- Just n <- [lookupLocalRdrEnv rn_env rdr_name] ]
- filtered_type_env = delListFromNameEnv type_env shadowed
- new_type_env = extendTypeEnvWithIds filtered_type_env global_ids
- new_ic = ictxt { ic_rn_local_env = new_rn_env,
- ic_type_env = new_type_env }
- writeIORef ref (hsc_env { hsc_IC = new_ic })
- is_tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
- prel_mod <- GHC.findModule session prel_name Nothing
- default_editor <- findEditor
- withExtendedLinkEnv (zip names hValues) $
- startGHCi (interactiveLoop is_tty True)
- GHCiState{ progname = "<interactive>",
- args = [],
- prompt = location++"> ",
- editor = default_editor,
- session = session,
- options = [],
- prelude = prel_mod }
- writeIORef ref hsc_env
- putStrLn $ "Returning to normal execution..."
- return b
+ " (eg. -v2, -fglasgow-exts, etc.)\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ " Options for ':breakpoint':\n" ++
+ " list list the current breakpoints\n" ++
+ " add Module line [col] add a new breakpoint\n" ++
+ " del (breakpoint# | Module line [col]) delete a breakpoint\n" ++
+ " stop Stop a computation and return to the top level\n" ++
+ " step [count] Step by step execution (DISABLED)\n"
findEditor = do
getEnv "EDITOR"
@@ -266,11 +220,6 @@ findEditor = do
interactiveUI :: Session -> [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> Maybe String -> IO ()
interactiveUI session srcs maybe_expr = do
-#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
- initDynLinker =<< GHC.getSessionDynFlags session
- extendLinkEnv [(breakpointJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpFunction session))
- ,(breakpointCondJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpCondFunction session))]
-- HACK! If we happen to get into an infinite loop (eg the user
-- types 'let x=x in x' at the prompt), then the thread will block
-- on a blackhole, and become unreachable during GC. The GC will
@@ -315,6 +264,8 @@ interactiveUI session srcs maybe_expr = do
Readline.setCompleterWordBreakCharacters word_break_chars
+ bkptTable <- newIORef emptyBkptTable
+ GHC.setBreakpointHandler session (instrumentationBkptHandler bkptTable)
default_editor <- findEditor
startGHCi (runGHCi srcs maybe_expr)
@@ -324,7 +275,10 @@ interactiveUI session srcs maybe_expr = do
editor = default_editor,
session = session,
options = [],
- prelude = prel_mod }
+ prelude = prel_mod,
+ bkptTable = bkptTable,
+ topLevel = True
+ }
Readline.resetTerminal Nothing
@@ -812,11 +766,8 @@ afterLoad ok session = do
graph <- io (GHC.getModuleGraph session)
graph' <- filterM (io . GHC.isLoaded session . GHC.ms_mod_name) graph
setContextAfterLoad session graph'
+ refreshBkptTable graph'
modulesLoadedMsg ok (map GHC.ms_mod_name graph')
-#if defined(GHCI) && defined(BREAKPOINT)
- io (extendLinkEnv [(breakpointJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpFunction session))
- ,(breakpointCondJumpName,unsafeCoerce# (jumpCondFunction session))])
setContextAfterLoad session [] = do
prel_mod <- getPrelude
@@ -1248,6 +1199,7 @@ showCmd str =
["modules" ] -> showModules
["bindings"] -> showBindings
["linker"] -> io showLinkerState
+ ["breakpoints"] -> showBkptTable
_ -> throwDyn (CmdLineError "syntax: :show [modules|bindings]")
showModules = do
@@ -1278,6 +1230,14 @@ cleanType ty = do
then return ty
else return $! GHC.dropForAlls ty
+showBkptTable :: GHCi ()
+showBkptTable = do
+ bt <- getBkptTable
+ msg <- showForUser . vcat $
+ [ ppr mod <> colon <+> fcat
+ [ parens(int row <> comma <> int col) | (row,col) <- sites]
+ | (mod, sites) <- sitesList bt ]
+ io (putStrLn msg)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Completion
@@ -1349,6 +1309,12 @@ completeSetOptions w = do
return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) options)
where options = "args":"prog":allFlags
+completeBkpt = unionComplete completeModule completeBkptCmds
+completeBkptCmds w = do
+ return (filter (w `isPrefixOf`) options)
+ where options = ["add","del","list","stop"]
completeFilename = Readline.filenameCompletionFunction
completeHomeModuleOrFile = unionComplete completeHomeModule completeFilename
@@ -1392,6 +1358,7 @@ completeHomeModule = completeNone
completeSetOptions = completeNone
completeFilename = completeNone
+completeBkpt = completeNone
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1429,3 +1396,82 @@ setUpConsole = do
setConsoleOutputCP 28591 -- ISO Latin-1
return ()
+instrumentationBkptHandler :: IORef (BkptTable Module) -> BkptHandler Module
+instrumentationBkptHandler ref_bkptTable = BkptHandler {
+ isAutoBkptEnabled = \sess bkptLoc -> do
+ bktpTable <- readIORef ref_bkptTable
+ return$ isBkptEnabled bktpTable bkptLoc
+ , handleBreakpoint = doBreakpoint ref_bkptTable
+ }
+doBreakpoint :: IORef (BkptTable Module)-> Session -> [(Id,HValue)] -> BkptLocation Module -> String -> b -> IO b
+doBreakpoint ref_bkptTable s@(Session ref) values _ locMsg b = do
+ let (ids, hValues) = unzip values
+ names = map idName ids
+ ASSERT (length names == length hValues) return ()
+ let global_ids = map globaliseAndTidy ids
+ printScopeMsg locMsg global_ids
+ typed_ids <- mapM instantiateIdType global_ids
+ hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ let ictxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ rn_env = ic_rn_local_env ictxt
+ type_env = ic_type_env ictxt
+ bound_names = map idName typed_ids
+ new_rn_env = extendLocalRdrEnv rn_env bound_names
+ -- Remove any shadowed bindings from the type_env;
+ -- they are inaccessible but might, I suppose, cause
+ -- a space leak if we leave them there
+ shadowed = [ n | name <- bound_names,
+ let rdr_name = mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName name),
+ Just n <- [lookupLocalRdrEnv rn_env rdr_name] ]
+ filtered_type_env = delListFromNameEnv type_env shadowed
+ new_type_env = extendTypeEnvWithIds filtered_type_env (typed_ids)
+ new_ic = ictxt { ic_rn_local_env = new_rn_env,
+ ic_type_env = new_type_env }
+ writeIORef ref (hsc_env { hsc_IC = new_ic })
+ is_tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
+ prel_mod <- GHC.findModule s prel_name Nothing
+ withExtendedLinkEnv (zip names hValues) $
+ startGHCi (interactiveLoop is_tty True) GHCiState{
+ progname = "<interactive>",
+ args = [],
+ prompt = locMsg ++ "> ",
+ session = s,
+ options = [],
+ bkptTable= ref_bkptTable,
+ prelude = prel_mod,
+ topLevel = False }
+ `catchDyn` (
+ \StopChildSession -> evaluate$
+ throwDyn (ChildSessionStopped "You may need to reload your modules")
+ ) `finally` do
+ writeIORef ref hsc_env
+ putStrLn $ "Returning to normal execution..."
+ return b
+ where
+ printScopeMsg :: String -> [Id] -> IO ()
+ printScopeMsg location ids = do
+ unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual s
+ printForUser stdout unqual $
+ text "Local bindings in scope:" $$
+ nest 2 (pprWithCommas showId ids)
+ where
+ showId id =
+ ppr (idName id) <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)
+-- | Give the Id a Global Name, and tidy its type
+ globaliseAndTidy :: Id -> Id
+ globaliseAndTidy id
+ = let tidied_type = tidyTopType$ idType id
+ in setIdType (globaliseId VanillaGlobal id) tidied_type
+-- | Instantiate the tyVars with GHC.Base.Unknown
+ instantiateIdType :: Id -> IO Id
+ instantiateIdType id = do
+ instantiatedType <- instantiateTyVarsToUnknown s (idType id)
+ return$ setIdType id instantiatedType