diff options
authorEdward Z. Yang <>2014-08-02 13:50:00 +0100
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2014-08-05 03:13:40 -0700
commit207875293fea07aa90efe215369629b657d1875a (patch)
parent4accf60184dba550ef0cbdf70fa8e708a4007370 (diff)
Thinning and renaming modules from packages on the command line.
Summary: This patch set adds support for extra syntax on -package and related arguments which allow you to thin and rename modules from a package. For example, this argument: -package "base (Data.Bool as Bam, Data.List)" adds two more modules into scope, Bam and Data.List, without adding any of base's other modules to scope. These flags are additive: so, for example, saying: -hide-all-packages -package base -package "base (Data.Bool as Bam)" will provide both the normal bindings for modules in base, as well as the module Bam. There is also a new debug flag -ddump-mod-map which prints the state of the module mapping database. H = hidden, E = exposed (so for example EH says the module in question is exported, but in a hidden package.) Module suggestions have been minorly overhauled to work better with reexports: if you have -package "base (Data.Bool as Bam)" and mispell Bam, GHC will suggest "Did you mean Bam (defined via package flags to be base:Data.Bool)"; and generally you will get more accurate information. Also, fix a bug where we suggest the -package flag when we really need the -package-key flag. NB: The renaming afforded here does *not* affect what wired in symbols GHC generates. (But it does affect implicit prelude!) ToDo: add 'hiding' functionality, to make it easier to support the alternative prelude use-case. ToDo: Cabal support Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <> Test Plan: new tests and validate Reviewers: simonpj, simonmar, hvr, austin Subscribers: simonmar, relrod, ezyang, carter Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #9375
29 files changed, 720 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index d527e89dc9..74bd1397b8 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module DynFlags (
GhcMode(..), isOneShot,
GhcLink(..), isNoLink,
- PackageFlag(..), PackageArg(..),
+ PackageFlag(..), PackageArg(..), ModRenaming,
Option(..), showOpt,
@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ import Data.Word
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (char)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as R
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ data DumpFlag
| Opt_D_dump_hi
| Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
| Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles
+ | Opt_D_dump_mod_map
| Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning
| Opt_D_verbose_core2core
@@ -1025,8 +1028,10 @@ data PackageArg = PackageArg String
| PackageKeyArg String
deriving (Eq, Show)
+type ModRenaming = Maybe [(String, String)]
data PackageFlag
- = ExposePackage PackageArg
+ = ExposePackage PackageArg ModRenaming
| HidePackage String
| IgnorePackage String
| TrustPackage String
@@ -1633,6 +1638,7 @@ dopt f dflags = (fromEnum f `IntSet.member` dumpFlags dflags)
enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_ticked = False
enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning = False
enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_mod_map = False
enableIfVerbose _ = True
-- | Set a 'DumpFlag'
@@ -2377,6 +2383,7 @@ dynamic_flags = [
, Flag "ddump-hpc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ticked) -- back compat
, Flag "ddump-ticked" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ticked)
, Flag "ddump-mod-cycles" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles)
+ , Flag "ddump-mod-map" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_map)
, Flag "ddump-view-pattern-commoning" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning)
, Flag "ddump-to-file" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DumpToFile))
, Flag "ddump-hi-diffs" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs)
@@ -3349,7 +3356,26 @@ clearPkgConf = upd $ \s -> s { extraPkgConfs = const [] }
parsePackageFlag :: (String -> PackageArg) -- type of argument
-> String -- string to parse
-> PackageFlag
-parsePackageFlag constr str = ExposePackage (constr str)
+parsePackageFlag constr str = case filter ((=="").snd) (readP_to_S parse str) of
+ [(r, "")] -> r
+ _ -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError ("Can't parse package flag: " ++ str)
+ where parse = do
+ pkg <- munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ":-_.")
+ (do _ <- tok $ R.char '('
+ rns <- tok $ sepBy parseItem (tok $ R.char ',')
+ _ <- tok $ R.char ')'
+ return (ExposePackage (constr pkg) (Just rns))
+ +++
+ return (ExposePackage (constr pkg) Nothing))
+ parseMod = munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ".")
+ parseItem = do
+ orig <- tok $ parseMod
+ (do _ <- tok $ string "as"
+ new <- tok $ parseMod
+ return (orig, new)
+ +++
+ return (orig, orig))
+ tok m = skipSpaces >> m
exposePackage, exposePackageId, exposePackageKey, hidePackage, ignorePackage,
trustPackage, distrustPackage :: String -> DynP ()
diff --git a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
index 11d5b6f96d..f9c7e2eee0 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ import Data.IORef ( IORef, writeIORef, readIORef, atomicModifyIORef )
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
-import Data.List ( partition )
import Data.Time
+import Data.List ( foldl' )
type FileExt = String -- Filename extension
@@ -193,17 +193,17 @@ findExposedPackageModule hsc_env mod_name mb_pkg
LookupFound m pkg_conf ->
findPackageModule_ hsc_env m pkg_conf
LookupMultiple rs ->
- return (FoundMultiple (map (packageConfigId . snd) rs))
+ return (FoundMultiple rs)
LookupHidden pkg_hiddens mod_hiddens ->
- return (NotFound { fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
- , fr_pkgs_hidden = map (packageConfigId.snd) pkg_hiddens
- , fr_mods_hidden = map (packageConfigId.snd) mod_hiddens
- , fr_suggestions = [] })
+ return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = map (modulePackageKey.fst) pkg_hiddens
+ , fr_mods_hidden = map (modulePackageKey.fst) mod_hiddens
+ , fr_suggestions = [] })
LookupNotFound suggest ->
- return (NotFound { fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
- , fr_pkgs_hidden = []
- , fr_mods_hidden = []
- , fr_suggestions = suggest })
+ return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = []
+ , fr_mods_hidden = []
+ , fr_suggestions = suggest })
modLocationCache :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO FindResult -> IO FindResult
modLocationCache hsc_env mod do_this = do
@@ -280,8 +280,16 @@ findPackageModule hsc_env mod = do
Nothing -> return (NoPackage pkg_id)
Just pkg_conf -> findPackageModule_ hsc_env mod pkg_conf
+-- | Look up the interface file associated with module @mod@. This function
+-- requires a few invariants to be upheld: (1) the 'Module' in question must
+-- be the module identifier of the *original* implementation of a module,
+-- not a reexport (this invariant is upheld by @Packages.lhs@) and (2)
+-- the 'PackageConfig' must be consistent with the package key in the 'Module'.
+-- The redundancy is to avoid an extra lookup in the package state
+-- for the appropriate config.
findPackageModule_ :: HscEnv -> Module -> PackageConfig -> IO FindResult
findPackageModule_ hsc_env mod pkg_conf =
+ ASSERT( modulePackageKey mod == packageConfigId pkg_conf )
modLocationCache hsc_env mod $
-- special case for GHC.Prim; we won't find it in the filesystem.
@@ -526,11 +534,34 @@ cannotFindInterface = cantFindErr (sLit "Failed to load interface for")
cantFindErr :: LitString -> LitString -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FindResult
-> SDoc
-cantFindErr _ multiple_found _ mod_name (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+cantFindErr _ multiple_found _ mod_name (FoundMultiple mods)
+ | Just pkgs <- unambiguousPackages
= hang (ptext multiple_found <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
sep [ptext (sLit "it was found in multiple packages:"),
- hsep (map ppr pkgs)]
+ hsep (map ppr pkgs) ]
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (ptext multiple_found <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
+ vcat (map pprMod mods)
+ )
+ where
+ unambiguousPackages = foldl' unambiguousPackage (Just []) mods
+ unambiguousPackage (Just xs) (m, ModOrigin (Just _) _ _ _)
+ = Just (modulePackageKey m : xs)
+ unambiguousPackage _ _ = Nothing
+ pprMod (m, o) = ptext (sLit "it is bound as") <+> ppr m <+>
+ ptext (sLit "by") <+> pprOrigin m o
+ pprOrigin _ ModHidden = panic "cantFindErr: bound by mod hidden"
+ pprOrigin m (ModOrigin e res _ f) = sep $ punctuate comma (
+ if e == Just True
+ then [ptext (sLit "package") <+> ppr (modulePackageKey m)]
+ else [] ++
+ map ((ptext (sLit "a reexport in package") <+>)
+ .ppr.packageConfigId) res ++
+ if f then [ptext (sLit "a package flag")] else []
+ )
cantFindErr cannot_find _ dflags mod_name find_result
= ptext cannot_find <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
$$ more_info
@@ -601,22 +632,40 @@ cantFindErr cannot_find _ dflags mod_name find_result
mod_hidden pkg =
ptext (sLit "it is a hidden module in the package") <+> quotes (ppr pkg)
- pp_suggestions :: [Module] -> SDoc
+ pp_suggestions :: [ModuleSuggestion] -> SDoc
pp_suggestions sugs
| null sugs = empty
| otherwise = hang (ptext (sLit "Perhaps you meant"))
- 2 (vcat [ vcat (map pp_exp exposed_sugs)
- , vcat (map pp_hid hidden_sugs) ])
- where
- (exposed_sugs, hidden_sugs) = partition from_exposed_pkg sugs
- from_exposed_pkg m = case lookupPackage dflags (modulePackageKey m) of
- Just pkg_config -> exposed pkg_config
- Nothing -> WARN( True, ppr m ) -- Should not happen
- False
- pp_exp mod = ppr (moduleName mod)
- <+> parens (ptext (sLit "from") <+> ppr (modulePackageKey mod))
- pp_hid mod = ppr (moduleName mod)
- <+> parens (ptext (sLit "needs flag -package") <+> ppr (modulePackageKey mod))
+ 2 (vcat (map pp_sugg sugs))
+ -- NB: Prefer the *original* location, and then reexports, and then
+ -- package flags when making suggestions. ToDo: if the original package
+ -- also has a reexport, prefer that one
+ pp_sugg (SuggestVisible m mod o) = ppr m <+> provenance o
+ where provenance ModHidden = empty
+ provenance (ModOrigin{ fromOrigPackage = e,
+ fromExposedReexport = res,
+ fromPackageFlag = f })
+ | Just True <- e
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "from") <+> ppr (modulePackageKey mod))
+ | f && moduleName mod == m
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "from") <+> ppr (modulePackageKey mod))
+ | (pkg:_) <- res
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "from") <+> ppr (packageConfigId pkg)
+ <> comma <+> ptext (sLit "reexporting") <+> ppr mod)
+ | f
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "defined via package flags to be")
+ <+> ppr mod)
+ | otherwise = empty
+ pp_sugg (SuggestHidden m mod o) = ppr m <+> provenance o
+ where provenance ModHidden = empty
+ provenance (ModOrigin{ fromOrigPackage = e,
+ fromHiddenReexport = rhs })
+ | Just False <- e
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "needs flag -package-key")
+ <+> ppr (modulePackageKey mod))
+ | (pkg:_) <- rhs
+ = parens (ptext (sLit "needs flag -package-key")
+ <+> ppr (packageConfigId pkg))
+ | otherwise = empty
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index 89c84f6596..15d67fc882 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -891,13 +891,6 @@ hscGetSafe hsc_env m l = runHsc hsc_env $ do
| otherwise = pkgs
return (good, pkgs')
--- | A function which only qualifies package names if necessary; but
--- qualifies all other identifiers.
-pkgQual :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified
-pkgQual dflags = alwaysQualify {
- queryQualifyPackage = mkQualPackage dflags
- }
-- | Is a module trusted? If not, throw or log errors depending on the type.
-- Return (regardless of trusted or not) if the trust type requires the modules
-- own package be trusted and a list of other packages required to be trusted
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
index 83f43d1da2..123b0777fc 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module HscTypes (
setInteractivePrintName, icInteractiveModule,
InteractiveImport(..), setInteractivePackage,
mkPrintUnqualified, pprModulePrefix,
- mkQualPackage, mkQualModule,
+ mkQualPackage, mkQualModule, pkgQual,
-- * Interfaces
ModIface(..), mkIfaceWarnCache, mkIfaceHashCache, mkIfaceFixCache,
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ data FindResult
-- ^ The module was found
| NoPackage PackageKey
-- ^ The requested package was not found
- | FoundMultiple [PackageKey]
+ | FoundMultiple [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
-- ^ _Error_: both in multiple packages
-- | Not found
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ data FindResult
, fr_pkgs_hidden :: [PackageKey] -- Module is in these packages,
-- but the *package* is hidden
- , fr_suggestions :: [Module] -- Possible mis-spelled modules
+ , fr_suggestions :: [ModuleSuggestion] -- Possible mis-spelled modules
-- | Cache that remembers where we found a particular module. Contains both
@@ -1499,6 +1499,13 @@ mkQualPackage dflags pkg_key
(lookupPackage dflags pkg_key)
pkgid = sourcePackageId pkg
+-- | A function which only qualifies package names if necessary; but
+-- qualifies all other identifiers.
+pkgQual :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified
+pkgQual dflags = alwaysQualify {
+ queryQualifyPackage = mkQualPackage dflags
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
index 122919bb7b..78c8059046 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2006
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Package manipulation
module Packages (
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ module Packages (
+ ModuleSuggestion(..),
+ ModuleOrigin(..),
-- * Inspecting the set of packages in scope
@@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ module Packages (
-- * Utils
+ pprFlag,
+ pprModuleMap,
@@ -64,6 +68,7 @@ import Distribution.ModuleExport
import FastString
import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, putMsg, MsgDoc )
import Exception
+import Unique
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath as FilePath
@@ -72,6 +77,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified FiniteMap as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@@ -125,46 +131,117 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- in a different DLL, by setting the DLL flag.
-- | Given a module name, there may be multiple ways it came into scope,
--- possibly simultaneously (which could lead to ambiguity.)
+-- possibly simultaneously. This data type tracks all the possible ways
+-- it could have come into scope. Warning: don't use the record functions,
+-- they're partial!
data ModuleOrigin =
- -- | This module name was in the exposed-modules list of a package
- FromExposedModules PackageConfig
- -- | This module name was in the hidden-modules list of a package
- | FromHiddenModules PackageConfig
- -- | This module name was in the reexported-modules list of a package
- | FromReexportedModules {
- theReexporter :: PackageConfig,
- theOriginal :: PackageConfig
- }
- -- FromFlagRenaming
+ -- | Module is hidden, and thus never will be available for import.
+ -- (But maybe the user didn't realize), so we'll still keep track
+ -- of these modules.)
+ ModHidden
+ -- | Module is public, and could have come from some places.
+ | ModOrigin {
+ -- | @Just False@ means that this module is in
+ -- someone's @exported-modules@ list, but that package is hidden;
+ -- @Just True@ means that it is available; @Nothing@ means neither
+ -- applies.
+ fromOrigPackage :: Maybe Bool
+ -- | Is the module available from a reexport of an exposed package?
+ -- There could be multiple.
+ , fromExposedReexport :: [PackageConfig]
+ -- | Is the module available from a reexport of a hidden package?
+ , fromHiddenReexport :: [PackageConfig]
+ -- | Did the module export come from a package flag? (ToDo: track
+ -- more information.
+ , fromPackageFlag :: Bool
+ }
+instance Outputable ModuleOrigin where
+ ppr ModHidden = text "hidden module"
+ ppr (ModOrigin e res rhs f) = sep (punctuate comma (
+ (case e of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just False -> [text "hidden package"]
+ Just True -> [text "exposed package"]) ++
+ (if null res
+ then []
+ else [text "reexport by" <+>
+ sep (map (ppr . packageConfigId) res)]) ++
+ (if null rhs
+ then []
+ else [text "hidden reexport by" <+>
+ sep (map (ppr . packageConfigId) res)]) ++
+ (if f then [text "package flag"] else [])
+ ))
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which is in @exposed-modules@. Takes
+-- as an argument whether or not the defining package is exposed.
+fromExposedModules :: Bool -> ModuleOrigin
+fromExposedModules e = ModOrigin (Just e) [] [] False
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which is in @reexported-modules@. Takes
+-- as an argument whether or not the reexporting package is expsed, and
+-- also its 'PackageConfig'.
+fromReexportedModules :: Bool -> PackageConfig -> ModuleOrigin
+fromReexportedModules True pkg = ModOrigin Nothing [pkg] [] False
+fromReexportedModules False pkg = ModOrigin Nothing [] [pkg] False
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which was bound by a package flag.
+fromFlag :: ModuleOrigin
+fromFlag = ModOrigin Nothing [] [] True
+instance Monoid ModuleOrigin where
+ mempty = ModOrigin Nothing [] [] False
+ mappend (ModOrigin e res rhs f) (ModOrigin e' res' rhs' f') =
+ ModOrigin (g e e') (res ++ res') (rhs ++ rhs') (f || f')
+ where g (Just b) (Just b')
+ | b == b' = Just b
+ | otherwise = panic "ModOrigin: package both exposed/hidden"
+ g Nothing x = x
+ g x Nothing = x
+ mappend _ _ = panic "ModOrigin: hidden module redefined"
-- | Is the name from the import actually visible? (i.e. does it cause
-- ambiguity, or is it only relevant when we're making suggestions?)
-originVisible :: ModuleOrigin -> Maybe PackageConfig
-originVisible (FromHiddenModules _) = Nothing
-originVisible (FromExposedModules pkg)
- | exposed pkg = Just pkg
- | otherwise = Nothing
-originVisible (FromReexportedModules{ theReexporter = pkg })
- | exposed pkg = Just pkg
- | otherwise = Nothing
+originVisible :: ModuleOrigin -> Bool
+originVisible ModHidden = False
+originVisible (ModOrigin b res _ f) = b == Just True || not (null res) || f
+-- | Are there actually no providers for this module? This will never occur
+-- except when we're filtering based on package imports.
+originEmpty :: ModuleOrigin -> Bool
+originEmpty (ModOrigin Nothing [] [] False) = True
+originEmpty _ = False
-- | When we do a plain lookup (e.g. for an import), initially, all we want
-- to know is if we can find it or not (and if we do and it's a reexport,
-- what the real name is). If the find fails, we'll want to investigate more
-- to give a good error message.
data SimpleModuleConf =
- SModConf Module PackageConfig [ModuleOrigin]
+ SModConf Module PackageConfig ModuleOrigin
| SModConfAmbiguous
--- | Map from 'ModuleName'
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'ModuleName'
type ModuleNameMap = UniqFM
--- | Map from 'PackageKey'
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'PackageKey'
type PackageKeyMap = UniqFM
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'PackageKey' to 'PackageConfig'
type PackageConfigMap = PackageKeyMap PackageConfig
-type ModuleToPkgConfAll = Map ModuleName (Map Module [ModuleOrigin])
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'PackageKey' to (1) whether or not all modules which
+-- are exposed should be dumped into scope, (2) any custom renamings that
+-- should also be apply, and (3) what package name is associated with the
+-- key, if it might be hidden
+type VisibilityMap =
+ PackageKeyMap (Bool, [(ModuleName, ModuleName)], FastString)
+-- | Map from 'ModuleName' to 'Module' to all the origins of the bindings
+-- in scope. The 'PackageConf' is not cached, mostly for convenience reasons
+-- (since this is the slow path, we'll just look it up again).
+type ModuleToPkgConfAll =
+ Map ModuleName (Map Module ModuleOrigin)
data PackageState = PackageState {
-- | A mapping of 'PackageKey' to 'PackageConfig'. This list is adjusted
@@ -196,6 +273,7 @@ data PackageState = PackageState {
type InstalledPackageIdMap = Map InstalledPackageId PackageKey
type InstalledPackageIndex = Map InstalledPackageId PackageConfig
+-- | Empty package configuration map
emptyPackageConfigMap :: PackageConfigMap
emptyPackageConfigMap = emptyUFM
@@ -229,6 +307,7 @@ getPackageDetails dflags pid =
listPackageConfigMap :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig]
listPackageConfigMap dflags = eltsUFM (pkgIdMap (pkgState dflags))
+-- | Looks up a 'PackageKey' given an 'InstalledPackageId'
resolveInstalledPackageId :: DynFlags -> InstalledPackageId -> PackageKey
resolveInstalledPackageId dflags ipid =
expectJust "resolveInstalledPackageId"
@@ -332,17 +411,12 @@ readPackageConfig dflags conf_file = do
return pkg_configs2
setBatchPackageFlags :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
-setBatchPackageFlags dflags pkgs = (maybeDistrustAll . maybeHideAll) pkgs
+setBatchPackageFlags dflags pkgs = maybeDistrustAll pkgs
- maybeHideAll pkgs'
- | gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = map hide pkgs'
- | otherwise = pkgs'
maybeDistrustAll pkgs'
| gopt Opt_DistrustAllPackages dflags = map distrust pkgs'
| otherwise = pkgs'
- hide pkg = pkg{ exposed = False }
distrust pkg = pkg{ trusted = False }
-- TODO: This code is duplicated in utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -399,70 +473,88 @@ mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
-- Modify our copy of the package database based on a package flag
-- (-package, -hide-package, -ignore-package).
+-- | A horrible hack, the problem is the package key we'll turn
+-- up here is going to get edited when we select the wired in
+-- packages, so preemptively pick up the right one. Also, this elem
+-- test is slow. The alternative is to change wired in packages first, but
+-- then we are no longer able to match against package keys e.g. from when
+-- a user passes in a package flag.
+calcKey :: PackageConfig -> PackageKey
+calcKey p | pk <- display (pkgName (sourcePackageId p))
+ , pk `elem` wired_in_pkgids
+ = stringToPackageKey pk
+ | otherwise = packageConfigId p
:: DynFlags
-> UnusablePackages
- -> [PackageConfig] -- Initial database
+ -> ([PackageConfig], VisibilityMap) -- Initial database
-> PackageFlag -- flag to apply
- -> IO [PackageConfig] -- new database
+ -> IO ([PackageConfig], VisibilityMap) -- new database
-applyPackageFlag dflags unusable pkgs flag =
+-- ToDo: Unfortunately, we still have to plumb the package config through,
+-- because Safe Haskell trust is still implemented by modifying the database.
+-- Eventually, track that separately and then axe @[PackageConfig]@ from
+-- this fold entirely
+applyPackageFlag dflags unusable (pkgs, vm) flag =
case flag of
- ExposePackage arg ->
+ ExposePackage arg m_rns ->
case selectPackages (matching arg) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
- Right (p:ps,qs) -> return (p':ps')
- where p' = p {exposed=True}
- ps' = hideAll (pkgName (sourcePackageId p)) (ps++qs)
+ Right (p:_,_) -> return (pkgs, vm')
+ where
+ n = fsPackageName p
+ vm' = addToUFM_C edit vm_cleared (calcKey p)
+ (case m_rns of
+ Nothing -> (True, [], n)
+ Just rns' -> (False, map convRn rns', n))
+ edit (b, rns, n) (b', rns', _) = (b || b', rns ++ rns', n)
+ convRn (a,b) = (mkModuleName a, mkModuleName b)
+ -- ToDo: ATM, -hide-all-packages implicitly triggers change in
+ -- behavior, maybe eventually make it toggleable with a separate
+ -- flag
+ vm_cleared | gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = vm
+ -- NB: -package foo-0.1 (Foo as Foo1) does NOT hide
+ -- other versions of foo. Presence of renaming means
+ -- user probably wanted both.
+ | Just _ <- m_rns = vm
+ | otherwise = filterUFM_Directly
+ (\k (_,_,n') -> k == getUnique (calcKey p)
+ || n /= n') vm
_ -> panic "applyPackageFlag"
HidePackage str ->
case selectPackages (matchingStr str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
- Right (ps,qs) -> return (map hide ps ++ qs)
- where hide p = p {exposed=False}
+ Right (ps,_) -> return (pkgs, vm')
+ where vm' = delListFromUFM vm (map calcKey ps)
-- we trust all matching packages. Maybe should only trust first one?
-- and leave others the same or set them untrusted
TrustPackage str ->
case selectPackages (matchingStr str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
- Right (ps,qs) -> return (map trust ps ++ qs)
+ Right (ps,qs) -> return (map trust ps ++ qs, vm)
where trust p = p {trusted=True}
DistrustPackage str ->
case selectPackages (matchingStr str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
- Right (ps,qs) -> return (map distrust ps ++ qs)
+ Right (ps,qs) -> return (map distrust ps ++ qs, vm)
where distrust p = p {trusted=False}
IgnorePackage _ -> panic "applyPackageFlag: IgnorePackage"
- where
- -- When a package is requested to be exposed, we hide all other
- -- packages with the same name if -hide-all-packages was not specified.
- -- If it was specified, we expect users to not try to expose a package
- -- multiple times, so don't hide things.
- hideAll name ps = map maybe_hide ps
- where maybe_hide p
- | gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = p
- | pkgName (sourcePackageId p) == name = p {exposed=False}
- | otherwise = p
selectPackages :: (PackageConfig -> Bool) -> [PackageConfig]
-> UnusablePackages
-> Either [(PackageConfig, UnusablePackageReason)]
([PackageConfig], [PackageConfig])
selectPackages matches pkgs unusable
- = let
- (ps,rest) = partition matches pkgs
- reasons = [ (p, Map.lookup (installedPackageId p) unusable)
- | p <- ps ]
- in
- if all (isJust.snd) reasons
- then Left [ (p, reason) | (p,Just reason) <- reasons ]
- else Right (sortByVersion [ p | (p,Nothing) <- reasons ], rest)
+ = let (ps,rest) = partition matches pkgs
+ in if null ps
+ then Left (filter (matches.fst) (Map.elems unusable))
+ else Right (sortByVersion ps, rest)
-- A package named on the command line can either include the
-- version, or just the name if it is unambiguous.
@@ -495,7 +587,8 @@ packageFlagErr :: DynFlags
-- for missing DPH package we emit a more helpful error message, because
-- this may be the result of using -fdph-par or -fdph-seq.
-packageFlagErr dflags (ExposePackage (PackageArg pkg)) [] | is_dph_package pkg
+packageFlagErr dflags (ExposePackage (PackageArg pkg) _) []
+ | is_dph_package pkg
= throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags $ dph_err))
where dph_err = text "the " <> text pkg <> text " package is not installed."
$$ text "To install it: \"cabal install dph\"."
@@ -503,56 +596,37 @@ packageFlagErr dflags (ExposePackage (PackageArg pkg)) [] | is_dph_package pkg
packageFlagErr dflags flag reasons
= throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags $ err))
- where err = text "cannot satisfy " <> ppr_flag <>
+ where err = text "cannot satisfy " <> pprFlag flag <>
(if null reasons then empty else text ": ") $$
nest 4 (ppr_reasons $$
-- ToDo: this admonition seems a bit dodgy
text "(use -v for more information)")
- ppr_flag = case flag of
- IgnorePackage p -> text "-ignore-package " <> text p
- HidePackage p -> text "-hide-package " <> text p
- ExposePackage a -> ppr_arg a
- TrustPackage p -> text "-trust " <> text p
- DistrustPackage p -> text "-distrust " <> text p
- ppr_arg arg = case arg of
- PackageArg p -> text "-package " <> text p
- PackageIdArg p -> text "-package-id " <> text p
- PackageKeyArg p -> text "-package-key " <> text p
ppr_reasons = vcat (map ppr_reason reasons)
ppr_reason (p, reason) = pprReason (pprIPkg p <+> text "is") reason
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Hide old versions of packages
--- hide all packages for which there is also a later version
--- that is already exposed. This just makes it non-fatal to have two
--- versions of a package exposed, which can happen if you install a
--- later version of a package in the user database, for example.
--- However, don't do this if @-hide-all-packages@ was passed.
-hideOldPackages :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig] -> IO [PackageConfig]
-hideOldPackages dflags pkgs = mapM maybe_hide pkgs
- where maybe_hide p
- | gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags = return p
- | not (exposed p) = return p
- | (p' : _) <- later_versions = do
- debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
- (ptext (sLit "hiding package") <+> pprSPkg p <+>
- ptext (sLit "to avoid conflict with later version") <+>
- pprSPkg p')
- return (p {exposed=False})
- | otherwise = return p
- where myname = pkgName (sourcePackageId p)
- myversion = pkgVersion (sourcePackageId p)
- later_versions = [ p | p <- pkgs, exposed p,
- let pkg = sourcePackageId p,
- pkgName pkg == myname,
- pkgVersion pkg > myversion ]
+pprFlag :: PackageFlag -> SDoc
+pprFlag flag = case flag of
+ IgnorePackage p -> text "-ignore-package " <> text p
+ HidePackage p -> text "-hide-package " <> text p
+ ExposePackage a rns -> ppr_arg a <> ppr_rns rns
+ TrustPackage p -> text "-trust " <> text p
+ DistrustPackage p -> text "-distrust " <> text p
+ where ppr_arg arg = case arg of
+ PackageArg p -> text "-package " <> text p
+ PackageIdArg p -> text "-package-id " <> text p
+ PackageKeyArg p -> text "-package-key " <> text p
+ ppr_rns Nothing = empty
+ ppr_rns (Just rns) = char '(' <> hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_rn rns))
+ <> char ')'
+ ppr_rn (orig, new) | orig == new = text orig
+ | otherwise = text orig <+> text "as" <+> text new
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Wired-in packages
+wired_in_pkgids :: [String]
+wired_in_pkgids = map packageKeyString wiredInPackageKeys
:: DynFlags
-> [PackageConfig] -- database
@@ -564,9 +638,6 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs = do
-- their canonical names (eg. base-1.0 ==> base).
- wired_in_pkgids :: [String]
- wired_in_pkgids = map packageKeyString wiredInPackageKeys
matches :: PackageConfig -> String -> Bool
pc `matches` pid = display (pkgName (sourcePackageId pc)) == pid
@@ -576,9 +647,10 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs = do
-- one.
-- When choosing which package to map to a wired-in package
- -- name, we prefer exposed packages, and pick the latest
- -- version. To override the default choice, -hide-package
- -- could be used to hide newer versions.
+ -- name, we pick the latest version (modern Cabal makes it difficult
+ -- to install multiple versions of wired-in packages, however!)
+ -- To override the default choice, -ignore-package could be used to
+ -- hide newer versions.
findWiredInPackage :: [PackageConfig] -> String
-> IO (Maybe InstalledPackageId)
@@ -640,7 +712,8 @@ data UnusablePackageReason
| MissingDependencies [InstalledPackageId]
| ShadowedBy InstalledPackageId
-type UnusablePackages = Map InstalledPackageId UnusablePackageReason
+type UnusablePackages = Map InstalledPackageId
+ (PackageConfig, UnusablePackageReason)
pprReason :: SDoc -> UnusablePackageReason -> SDoc
pprReason pref reason = case reason of
@@ -656,7 +729,7 @@ pprReason pref reason = case reason of
reportUnusable :: DynFlags -> UnusablePackages -> IO ()
reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
- report (ipid, reason) =
+ report (ipid, (_, reason)) =
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
(ptext (sLit "package") <+>
@@ -676,7 +749,7 @@ findBroken pkgs = go [] Map.empty pkgs
go avail ipids not_avail =
case partitionWith (depsAvailable ipids) not_avail of
([], not_avail) ->
- Map.fromList [ (installedPackageId p, MissingDependencies deps)
+ Map.fromList [ (installedPackageId p, (p, MissingDependencies deps))
| (p,deps) <- not_avail ]
(new_avail, not_avail) ->
go (new_avail ++ avail) new_ipids (map fst not_avail)
@@ -712,8 +785,8 @@ shadowPackages pkgs preferred
, ipid_old /= ipid_new
= if ipid_old `elem` preferred
- then ( (ipid_new, ShadowedBy ipid_old) : shadowed, pkgmap )
- else ( (ipid_old, ShadowedBy ipid_new) : shadowed, pkgmap' )
+ then ((ipid_new, (pkg, ShadowedBy ipid_old)) : shadowed, pkgmap)
+ else ((ipid_old, (oldpkg, ShadowedBy ipid_new)) : shadowed, pkgmap')
| otherwise
= (shadowed, pkgmap')
@@ -727,7 +800,7 @@ ignorePackages flags pkgs = Map.fromList (concatMap doit flags)
doit (IgnorePackage str) =
case partition (matchingStr str) pkgs of
- (ps, _) -> [ (installedPackageId p, IgnoredWithFlag)
+ (ps, _) -> [ (installedPackageId p, (p, IgnoredWithFlag))
| p <- ps ]
-- missing package is not an error for -ignore-package,
-- because a common usage is to -ignore-package P as
@@ -825,29 +898,62 @@ mkPackageState dflags pkgs0 preload0 this_package = do
ipid_selected = depClosure ipid_map
[ InstalledPackageId i
- | ExposePackage (PackageIdArg i) <- flags ]
+ | ExposePackage (PackageIdArg i) _ <- flags ]
(ignore_flags, other_flags) = partition is_ignore flags
is_ignore IgnorePackage{} = True
is_ignore _ = False
shadowed = shadowPackages pkgs0_unique ipid_selected
ignored = ignorePackages ignore_flags pkgs0_unique
- pkgs0' = filter (not . (`Map.member` (Map.union shadowed ignored)) . installedPackageId) pkgs0_unique
+ isBroken = (`Map.member` (Map.union shadowed ignored)).installedPackageId
+ pkgs0' = filter (not . isBroken) pkgs0_unique
broken = findBroken pkgs0'
unusable = shadowed `Map.union` ignored `Map.union` broken
+ pkgs1 = filter (not . (`Map.member` unusable) . installedPackageId) pkgs0'
reportUnusable dflags unusable
+ -- Calculate the initial set of packages, prior to any package flags.
+ -- This set contains the latest version of all valid (not unusable) packages,
+ -- or is empty if we have -hide-all-packages
+ --
+ let preferLater pkg pkg' =
+ case comparing (pkgVersion.sourcePackageId) pkg pkg' of
+ GT -> pkg
+ _ -> pkg'
+ calcInitial m pkg = addToUFM_C preferLater m (fsPackageName pkg) pkg
+ initial = if gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags
+ then emptyUFM
+ else foldl' calcInitial emptyUFM pkgs1
+ vis_map0 = foldUFM (\p vm ->
+ if exposed p
+ then addToUFM vm (calcKey p)
+ (True, [], fsPackageName p)
+ else vm)
+ emptyUFM initial
+ --
-- Modify the package database according to the command-line flags
-- (-package, -hide-package, -ignore-package, -hide-all-packages).
+ -- This needs to know about the unusable packages, since if a user tries
+ -- to enable an unusable package, we should let them know.
- pkgs1 <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags unusable) pkgs0_unique other_flags
- let pkgs2 = filter (not . (`Map.member` unusable) . installedPackageId) pkgs1
+ (pkgs2, vis_map) <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags unusable)
+ (pkgs1, vis_map0) other_flags
+ --
+ -- Sort out which packages are wired in. This has to be done last, since
+ -- it modifies the package keys of wired in packages, but when we process
+ -- package arguments we need to key against the old versions.
+ --
+ pkgs3 <- findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs2
+ --
-- Here we build up a set of the packages mentioned in -package
-- flags on the command line; these are called the "preload"
-- packages. we link these packages in eagerly. The preload set
@@ -856,21 +962,15 @@ mkPackageState dflags pkgs0 preload0 this_package = do
let preload1 = [ installedPackageId p | f <- flags, p <- get_exposed f ]
- get_exposed (ExposePackage a) = take 1 . sortByVersion
- . filter (matching a)
- $ pkgs2
+ get_exposed (ExposePackage a _) = take 1 . sortByVersion
+ . filter (matching a)
+ $ pkgs2
get_exposed _ = []
- -- hide packages that are subsumed by later versions
- pkgs3 <- hideOldPackages dflags pkgs2
- -- sort out which packages are wired in
- pkgs4 <- findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs3
- let pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs4
+ let pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs3
ipid_map = Map.fromList [ (installedPackageId p, packageConfigId p)
- | p <- pkgs4 ]
+ | p <- pkgs3 ]
lookupIPID ipid@(InstalledPackageId str)
| Just pid <- Map.lookup ipid ipid_map = return pid
@@ -898,82 +998,115 @@ mkPackageState dflags pkgs0 preload0 this_package = do
let pstate = PackageState{
preloadPackages = dep_preload,
pkgIdMap = pkg_db,
- moduleToPkgConf = mkModuleToPkgConf pkg_db ipid_map,
- moduleToPkgConfAll = mkModuleToPkgConfAll pkg_db ipid_map, -- lazy!
+ moduleToPkgConf = mkModuleToPkgConf dflags pkg_db ipid_map vis_map,
+ moduleToPkgConfAll = mkModuleToPkgConfAll dflags pkg_db ipid_map vis_map,
installedPackageIdMap = ipid_map
return (pstate, new_dep_preload, this_package)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Makes the mapping from module to package info
--- | Creates the minimal lookup, which is sufficient if we don't need to
--- report errors.
- :: PackageConfigMap
+-- | This function is generic; we instantiate it
+ :: forall m e.
+ -- Empty map, e.g. the initial state of the output
+ m e
+ -- How to create an entry in the map based on the calculated information
+ -> (PackageKey -> ModuleName -> PackageConfig -> ModuleOrigin -> e)
+ -- How to override the origin of an entry (used for renaming)
+ -> (e -> ModuleOrigin -> e)
+ -- How to incorporate a list of entries into the map
+ -> (m e -> [(ModuleName, e)] -> m e)
+ -- The proper arguments
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> PackageConfigMap
-> InstalledPackageIdMap
- -> ModuleNameMap SimpleModuleConf
-mkModuleToPkgConf pkg_db ipid_map =
- foldl' extend_modmap emptyUFM (eltsUFM pkg_db)
- where
- extend_modmap modmap pkg
- | exposed pkg = addListToUFM_C merge modmap es
- | otherwise = modmap
- where merge (SModConf m pkg o) (SModConf m' _ o')
- | m == m' = SModConf m pkg (o ++ o')
- | otherwise = SModConfAmbiguous
- merge _ _ = SModConfAmbiguous
- es = [ (m, SModConf (mkModule pk m ) pkg [FromExposedModules pkg])
- | m <- exposed_mods] ++
- [ (m, SModConf (mkModule pk' m') pkg' [FromReexportedModules{
- theReexporter = pkg,
- theOriginal = pkg'
- }])
- | ModuleExport{ exportName = m
- , exportCachedTrueOrig = Just (ipid', m')}
- <- reexported_mods
- , Just pk' <- [Map.lookup ipid' ipid_map]
- , let pkg' = pkg_lookup pk' ]
- pk = packageConfigId pkg
- pkg_lookup = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConf" . lookupPackage' pkg_db
- exposed_mods = exposedModules pkg
- reexported_mods = reexportedModules pkg
--- | Creates the full lookup, which contains all information we know about
--- modules. Calculate this lazily! (Note: this will get forced if you use
--- package imports.
- :: PackageConfigMap
- -> InstalledPackageIdMap
- -> ModuleToPkgConfAll
-mkModuleToPkgConfAll pkg_db ipid_map =
- -- Uses a Map instead of a UniqFM so we don't have to also put
- -- the keys in the values.
- foldl' extend_modmap Map.empty (eltsUFM pkg_db)
+ -> VisibilityMap
+ -> m e
+mkModuleToPkgConfGeneric emptyMap sing setOrigins addListTo
+ dflags pkg_db ipid_map vis_map =
+ foldl' extend_modmap emptyMap (eltsUFM pkg_db)
- extend_modmap m pkg = foldl' merge m es
+ extend_modmap modmap pkg = addListTo modmap theBindings
- merge m' (k, v) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) k v m'
- sing = Map.singleton
- es =
- [(m, sing (mkModule pk m) [FromExposedModules pkg]) | m <- exposed_mods] ++
- [(m, sing (mkModule pk m) [FromHiddenModules pkg]) | m <- hidden_mods] ++
- [(m, sing (mkModule pk' m') [FromReexportedModules{ theReexporter = pkg
- , theOriginal = pkg'}])
+ theBindings :: [(ModuleName, e)]
+ theBindings | Just (b,rns,_) <- lookupUFM vis_map (packageConfigId pkg)
+ = newBindings b rns
+ | otherwise = newBindings False []
+ newBindings :: Bool -> [(ModuleName, ModuleName)] -> [(ModuleName, e)]
+ newBindings e rns = es e ++ hiddens ++ map rnBinding rns
+ rnBinding :: (ModuleName, ModuleName) -> (ModuleName, e)
+ rnBinding (orig, new) = (new, setOrigins origEntry fromFlag)
+ where origEntry = case lookupUFM esmap orig of
+ Just r -> r
+ Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags
+ (text "package flag: could not find module name" <+>
+ ppr orig <+> text "in package" <+> ppr pk)))
+ es :: Bool -> [(ModuleName, e)]
+ es e =
+ [(m, sing pk m pkg (fromExposedModules e)) | m <- exposed_mods] ++
+ [(m, sing pk' m' pkg' (fromReexportedModules e pkg))
| ModuleExport{ exportName = m
, exportCachedTrueOrig = Just (ipid', m')} <- reexported_mods
- , let pk' = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConfAll/i" (Map.lookup ipid' ipid_map)
+ , let pk' = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConf" (Map.lookup ipid' ipid_map)
pkg' = pkg_lookup pk' ]
+ esmap :: UniqFM e
+ esmap = listToUFM (es False) -- parameter here doesn't matter, orig will
+ -- be overwritten
+ hiddens = [(m, sing pk m pkg ModHidden) | m <- hidden_mods]
pk = packageConfigId pkg
- pkg_lookup = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConfAll" . lookupPackage' pkg_db
+ pkg_lookup = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConf" . lookupPackage' pkg_db
exposed_mods = exposedModules pkg
reexported_mods = reexportedModules pkg
- hidden_mods = hiddenModules pkg
+ hidden_mods = hiddenModules pkg
-pprSPkg :: PackageConfig -> SDoc
-pprSPkg p = text (display (sourcePackageId p))
+-- | This is a quick and efficient module map, which only contains an entry
+-- if it is specified unambiguously.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> PackageConfigMap
+ -> InstalledPackageIdMap
+ -> VisibilityMap
+ -> ModuleNameMap SimpleModuleConf
+mkModuleToPkgConf =
+ mkModuleToPkgConfGeneric emptyMap sing setOrigins addListTo
+ where emptyMap = emptyUFM
+ sing pk m pkg = SModConf (mkModule pk m) pkg
+ -- NB: don't put hidden entries in the map, they're not valid!
+ addListTo m xs = addListToUFM_C merge m (filter isVisible xs)
+ isVisible (_, SModConf _ _ o) = originVisible o
+ isVisible (_, SModConfAmbiguous) = False
+ merge (SModConf m pkg o) (SModConf m' _ o')
+ | m == m' = SModConf m pkg (o `mappend` o')
+ | otherwise = SModConfAmbiguous
+ merge _ _ = SModConfAmbiguous
+ setOrigins (SModConf m pkg _) os = SModConf m pkg os
+ setOrigins SModConfAmbiguous _ = SModConfAmbiguous
+-- | This is a slow and complete map, which includes information about
+-- everything, including hidden modules
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> PackageConfigMap
+ -> InstalledPackageIdMap
+ -> VisibilityMap
+ -> ModuleToPkgConfAll
+mkModuleToPkgConfAll =
+ mkModuleToPkgConfGeneric emptyMap sing setOrigins addListTo
+ where emptyMap = Map.empty
+ sing pk m _ = Map.singleton (mkModule pk m)
+ addListTo = foldl' merge
+ merge m (k, v) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith mappend) k v m
+ setOrigins m os = fmap (const os) m
pprIPkg :: PackageConfig -> SDoc
pprIPkg p = text (display (installedPackageId p))
@@ -1083,7 +1216,9 @@ lookupModuleInAllPackages :: DynFlags
lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags m
= case lookupModuleWithSuggestions dflags m Nothing of
LookupFound a b -> [(a,b)]
- LookupMultiple rs -> rs
+ LookupMultiple rs -> map f rs
+ where f (m,_) = (m, expectJust "lookupModule" (lookupPackage dflags
+ (modulePackageKey m)))
_ -> []
-- | The result of performing a lookup
@@ -1091,13 +1226,16 @@ data LookupResult =
-- | Found the module uniquely, nothing else to do
LookupFound Module PackageConfig
-- | Multiple modules with the same name in scope
- | LookupMultiple [(Module, PackageConfig)]
+ | LookupMultiple [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
-- | No modules found, but there were some hidden ones with
-- an exact name match. First is due to package hidden, second
-- is due to module being hidden
- | LookupHidden [(Module, PackageConfig)] [(Module, PackageConfig)]
+ | LookupHidden [(Module, ModuleOrigin)] [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
-- | Nothing found, here are some suggested different names
- | LookupNotFound [Module] -- suggestions
+ | LookupNotFound [ModuleSuggestion] -- suggestions
+data ModuleSuggestion = SuggestVisible ModuleName Module ModuleOrigin
+ | SuggestHidden ModuleName Module ModuleOrigin
lookupModuleWithSuggestions :: DynFlags
-> ModuleName
@@ -1105,55 +1243,71 @@ lookupModuleWithSuggestions :: DynFlags
-> LookupResult
lookupModuleWithSuggestions dflags m mb_pn
= case lookupUFM (moduleToPkgConf pkg_state) m of
- Just (SModConf m pkg os) | any (matches mb_pn) os -> LookupFound m pkg
+ Just (SModConf m pkg o) | matches mb_pn pkg o ->
+ ASSERT( originVisible o ) LookupFound m pkg
_ -> case Map.lookup m (moduleToPkgConfAll pkg_state) of
Nothing -> LookupNotFound suggestions
- Just xs0 ->
- let xs = filter (any (matches mb_pn)) (Map.elems xs0)
- in case concatMap (selectVisible m) xs of
- [] -> case [ (mkModule (packageConfigId pkg) m, pkg)
- | origin <- concat xs
- , mb_pn `matches` origin
- , let pkg = extractPackage origin ] of
- [] -> LookupNotFound suggestions
- rs -> uncurry LookupHidden $ partition (exposed.snd) rs
- [_] -> panic "lookupModuleWithSuggestions"
- rs -> LookupMultiple rs
+ Just xs ->
+ case foldl' classify ([],[],[]) (Map.toList xs) of
+ ([], [], []) -> LookupNotFound suggestions
+ -- NB: Yes, we have to check this case too, since package qualified
+ -- imports could cause the main lookup to fail due to ambiguity,
+ -- but the second lookup to succeed.
+ (_, _, [(m, _)]) -> LookupFound m (mod_pkg m)
+ (_, _, exposed@(_:_)) -> LookupMultiple exposed
+ (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, []) -> LookupHidden hidden_pkg hidden_mod
- -- ToDo: this will be wrong when we add flag renaming
+ classify (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, exposed) (m, origin0) =
+ let origin = filterOrigin mb_pn (mod_pkg m) origin0
+ x = (m, origin)
+ in case origin of
+ ModHidden -> (hidden_pkg, x:hidden_mod, exposed)
+ _ | originEmpty origin -> (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, exposed)
+ | originVisible origin -> (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, x:exposed)
+ | otherwise -> (x:hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, exposed)
+ pkg_lookup = expectJust "lookupModuleWithSuggestions" . lookupPackage dflags
+ pkg_state = pkgState dflags
+ mod_pkg = pkg_lookup . modulePackageKey
- -- NB: ignore the original module; we care about what's user-visible
- selectVisible mod_nm origins =
- [ (mkModule (packageConfigId pkg) mod_nm, pkg)
- | origin <- origins
- , mb_pn `matches` origin
- , Just pkg <- [originVisible origin] ]
+ matches Nothing _ _ = True -- shortcut for efficiency
+ matches mb_pn pkg o = originVisible (filterOrigin mb_pn pkg o)
- pkg_state = pkgState dflags
+ -- Filters out origins which are not associated with the given package
+ -- qualifier. No-op if there is no package qualifier. Test if this
+ -- excluded all origins with 'originEmpty'.
+ filterOrigin :: Maybe FastString
+ -> PackageConfig
+ -> ModuleOrigin
+ -> ModuleOrigin
+ filterOrigin Nothing _ o = o
+ filterOrigin (Just pn) pkg o =
+ case o of
+ ModHidden -> if go pkg then ModHidden else mempty
+ ModOrigin { fromOrigPackage = e, fromExposedReexport = res,
+ fromHiddenReexport = rhs }
+ -> ModOrigin {
+ fromOrigPackage = if go pkg then e else Nothing
+ , fromExposedReexport = filter go res
+ , fromHiddenReexport = filter go rhs
+ , fromPackageFlag = False -- always excluded
+ }
+ where go pkg = pn == fsPackageName pkg
| gopt Opt_HelpfulErrors dflags =
fuzzyLookup (moduleNameString m) all_mods
| otherwise = []
- all_mods :: [(String, Module)] -- All modules
- all_mods =
- [ (moduleNameString mod_nm, from_mod)
- | (mod_nm, modmap) <- Map.toList (moduleToPkgConfAll (pkgState dflags))
- -- NB: ignore the original module; we care about what's user-visible
- , (_, origins) <- Map.toList modmap
- -- NB: do *not* filter on mb_pn; user might have passed an incorrect
- -- package name
- , from_mod <- map (flip mkModule mod_nm
- . packageConfigId . extractPackage) origins ]
- extractPackage (FromExposedModules pkg) = pkg
- extractPackage (FromHiddenModules pkg) = pkg
- extractPackage (FromReexportedModules{ theReexporter = pkg }) = pkg
- Nothing `matches` _ = True
- Just pn `matches` origin = case packageName (extractPackage origin) of
- PackageName pn' -> fsLit pn' == pn
+ all_mods :: [(String, ModuleSuggestion)] -- All modules
+ all_mods = sortBy (comparing fst) $
+ [ (moduleNameString m, suggestion)
+ | (m, e) <- Map.toList (moduleToPkgConfAll (pkgState dflags))
+ , suggestion <- map (getSuggestion m) (Map.toList e)
+ ]
+ getSuggestion name (mod, origin) =
+ (if originVisible origin then SuggestVisible else SuggestHidden)
+ name mod origin
listVisibleModuleNames :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
listVisibleModuleNames dflags =
@@ -1296,4 +1450,18 @@ simpleDumpPackages = dumpPackages' showIPI
t = if trusted ipi then "T" else " "
in e ++ t ++ " " ++ i
+-- | Show the mapping of modules to where they come from.
+pprModuleMap :: DynFlags -> SDoc
+pprModuleMap dflags =
+ vcat (map pprLine (Map.toList (moduleToPkgConfAll (pkgState dflags))))
+ where
+ pprLine (m,e) = ppr m $$ nest 50 (vcat (map (pprEntry m) (Map.toList e)))
+ pprEntry m (m',o)
+ | m == moduleName m' = ppr (modulePackageKey m') <+> parens (ppr o)
+ | otherwise = ppr m' <+> parens (ppr o)
+fsPackageName :: PackageConfig -> FastString
+fsPackageName pkg = case packageName (sourcePackageId pkg) of
+ PackageName n -> mkFastString n
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
index 3d2e634c51..00f43153eb 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
@@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ warns if you hide something that the imported module does not export.
- <title>Package-qualified imports</title>
+ <title id="package-qualified-imports">Package-qualified imports</title>
<para>With the <option>-XPackageImports</option> flag, GHC allows
import declarations to be qualified by the package name that the
@@ -2484,7 +2484,9 @@ import "network" Network.Socket
added mainly so that we can build backwards-compatible versions of
packages when APIs change. It can lead to fragile dependencies in
the common case: modules occasionally move from one package to
- another, rendering any package-qualified imports broken.</para>
+ another, rendering any package-qualified imports broken.
+ See also <xref linkend="package-thinning-and-renaming" /> for
+ an alternative way of disambiguating between module names.</para>
<sect3 id="safe-imports-ext">
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/packages.xml b/docs/users_guide/packages.xml
index 50549b409c..ee29cb1c2f 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/packages.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/packages.xml
@@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ $ ghc-pkg list
to expose a hidden package or hide an exposed one. Only modules
from exposed packages may be imported by your Haskell code; if
you try to import a module from a hidden package, GHC will emit
- an error message.
+ an error message. If there are a multiple exposed versions of a package,
+ GHC will prefer the latest one. Additionally, some packages may be
+ broken: that is, they are missing from the package database, or one of
+ their dependencies are broken; in this case; these packages are excluded
+ from the default set of packages.
@@ -137,8 +141,11 @@ exposed-modules: Network.BSD,
(e.g. <literal>network-1.0</literal>) or the version
number can be omitted if there is only one version of the
package installed. If there are multiple versions
- of <replaceable>P</replaceable> installed, then all other
- versions will become hidden.</para>
+ of <replaceable>P</replaceable> installed and
+ <option>-hide-all-packages</option> was not specified, then all
+ other versions will become hidden. <option>-package</option>
+ supports thinning and renaming described in <xref
+ linkend="package-thinning-and-renaming" />.</para>
<para>The <option>-package <replaceable>P</replaceable></option>
option also causes package <replaceable>P</replaceable> to
@@ -187,6 +194,8 @@ exposed-modules: Network.BSD,
more robust way to name packages, and can be used to
select packages that would otherwise be shadowed. Cabal
passes <option>-package-id</option> flags to GHC.
+ <option>-package-id</option> supports thinning and renaming
+ described in <xref linkend="package-thinning-and-renaming" />.
@@ -363,6 +372,52 @@ _ZCMain_main_closure
+ <sect2 id="package-thinning-and-renaming">
+ <title>Thinning and renaming modules</title>
+ <para>When incorporating packages from multiple sources, you may end up
+ in a situation where multiple packages publish modules with the same name.
+ Previously, the only way to distinguish between these modules was to
+ use <xref linkend="package-qualified-imports" />. However, since GHC 7.10,
+ the <option>-package</option> flags (and their variants) have been extended
+ to allow a user to explicitly control what modules a package brings into
+ scope, by analogy to the import lists that users can attach to module imports.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The basic syntax is that instead of specifying a package name P to the package
+ flag <literal>-package</literal>, instead we specify both a package name and a
+ parenthesized, comma-separated list of module names to import. For example,
+ <literal>-package "base (Data.List, Data.Bool)"</literal> makes only
+ <literal>Data.List</literal> and <literal>Data.Bool</literal> visible from
+ package <literal>base</literal>.
+ We also support renaming of modules, in case you need to refer to both modules
+ simultaneously; this is supporting by writing <literal>OldModName as
+ NewModName</literal>, e.g. <literal>-package "base (Data.Bool as
+ Bool)</literal>. It's important to specify quotes
+ so that your shell passes the package name and thinning/renaming list as a
+ single argument to GHC.</para>
+ <para>Package imports with thinning/renaming do not hide other versions of the
+ package: e.g. if containers-0.9 is already exposed, <literal>-package
+ "containers-0.8 (Data.List as ListV8)"</literal> will only add an additional
+ binding to the environment. Similarly, <literal>-package "base (Data.Bool as
+ Bool)" -package "base (Data.List as List)"</literal> is equivalent to
+ <literal>-package "base (Data.Bool as Bool, Data.List as List)"</literal>.
+ Literal names must refer to modules defined by the original package, so for
+ example <literal>-package "base (Data.Bool as Bool, Bool as Baz)"</literal> is
+ invalid unless there was a <literal>Bool</literal> module defined in the
+ original package. Hiding a package also clears all of its renamings. </para>
+ <para>
+ You can use renaming to provide an alternate prelude, e.g.
+ <literal>-hide-all-packages -package "basic-prelude (BasicPrelude as
+ Prelude)"</literal>, in lieu of the <xref
+ linkend="rebindable-syntax">NoImplicitPrelude</xref> extension.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
<sect2 id="package-databases">
<title>Package Databases</title>
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index f42d47a51d..386d4df17d 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import HscTypes ( tyThingParent_maybe, handleFlagWarnings, getSafeMode, hsc_IC,
setInteractivePrintName )
import Module
import Name
-import Packages ( trusted, getPackageDetails, listVisibleModuleNames )
+import Packages ( trusted, getPackageDetails, listVisibleModuleNames, pprFlag )
import PprTyThing
import RdrName ( getGRE_NameQualifier_maybes )
import SrcLoc
@@ -2333,15 +2333,7 @@ showPackages = do
let pkg_flags = packageFlags dflags
liftIO $ putStrLn $ showSDoc dflags $ vcat $
text ("active package flags:"++if null pkg_flags then " none" else "")
- : map showFlag pkg_flags
- where showFlag (ExposePackage a) = text $ showArg a
- showFlag (HidePackage p) = text $ " -hide-package " ++ p
- showFlag (IgnorePackage p) = text $ " -ignore-package " ++ p
- showFlag (TrustPackage p) = text $ " -trust " ++ p
- showFlag (DistrustPackage p) = text $ " -distrust " ++ p
- showArg (PackageArg p) = " -package " ++ p
- showArg (PackageIdArg p) = " -package-id " ++ p
- showArg (PackageKeyArg p) = " -package-key " ++ p
+ : map pprFlag pkg_flags
showPaths :: GHCi ()
showPaths = do
diff --git a/ghc/Main.hs b/ghc/Main.hs
index 2bb156c5b9..70dde39824 100644
--- a/ghc/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/Main.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import InteractiveUI ( interactiveUI, ghciWelcomeMsg, defaultGhciSettings )
import Config
import Constants
import HscTypes
-import Packages ( dumpPackages, simpleDumpPackages )
+import Packages ( dumpPackages, simpleDumpPackages, pprModuleMap )
import DriverPhases
import BasicTypes ( failed )
import StaticFlags
@@ -217,6 +217,11 @@ main' postLoadMode dflags0 args flagWarnings = do
when (verbosity dflags6 >= 3) $ do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Hsc static flags: " ++ unwords staticFlags)
+ when (dopt Opt_D_dump_mod_map dflags6) . liftIO $
+ printInfoForUser (dflags6 { pprCols = 200 })
+ (pkgQual dflags6) (pprModuleMap dflags6)
---------------- Final sanity checking -----------
liftIO $ checkOptions postLoadMode dflags6 srcs objs
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T5979.stderr b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T5979.stderr
index fe6e012603..bbdba12305 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T5979.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T5979.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<no location info>:
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Trans.State’
- It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
+ Perhaps you meant
+ Control.Monad.Trans.State (from transformers-
+ Control.Monad.Trans.Class (from transformers-
+ Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (from transformers-
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/package/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a36a1c5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/all.T b/testsuite/tests/package/all.T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb30949124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/all.T
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+hide_all = '-hide-all-packages -XNoImplicitPrelude '
+incr_containers = '-package "containers (Data.Map as Map, Data.Set)" '
+inc_containers = '-package containers '
+incr_ghc = '-package "ghc (HsTypes as MyHsTypes, HsUtils)" '
+inc_ghc = '-package ghc '
+hide_ghc = '-hide-package ghc '
+test('package01', normal, compile, [hide_all + incr_containers])
+test('package01e', normal, compile_fail, [hide_all + incr_containers])
+test('package02', normal, compile, [hide_all + inc_containers + incr_containers])
+test('package03', normal, compile, [hide_all + incr_containers + inc_containers])
+test('package04', normal, compile, [incr_containers])
+test('package05', normal, compile, [incr_ghc + inc_ghc])
+test('package06', normal, compile, [incr_ghc])
+test('package06e', normal, compile_fail, [incr_ghc])
+test('package07e', normal, compile_fail, [incr_ghc + inc_ghc + hide_ghc])
+test('package08e', normal, compile_fail, [incr_ghc + hide_ghc])
+test('package09e', normal, compile_fail, ['-package "containers (Data.Map as M, Data.Set as M)"'])
+test('package10', normal, compile, ['-hide-all-packages -package "ghc (UniqFM as Prelude)" '])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package01.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package01.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fdd41146f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package01.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Package01 where
+import Map
+import Data.Set
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..946d400f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Package01e where
+import Data.Map
+import Data.IntMap
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.stderr b/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..232ec6ce2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package01e.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Failed to load interface for ‘Data.Map’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘Data.IntMap’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘containers-’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package02.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package02.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea06404935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package02.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Package02 where
+import Data.Map
+import Map
+import Data.Set
+import Data.IntMap
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package03.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package03.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d81dc3e037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package03.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Package03 where
+import Data.Map
+import Map
+import Data.Set
+import Data.IntMap
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package04.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package04.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85c2cae05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package04.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Package04 where
+import Data.Map
+import Map
+import Data.Set
+import Data.IntMap
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package05.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package05.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0069c5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package05.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Package05 where
+import HsTypes
+import MyHsTypes
+import HsUtils
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package06.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package06.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..096b81b7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package06.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Package06 where
+import MyHsTypes
+import HsUtils
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6feaebda62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Package06e where
+import HsTypes
+import UniqFM
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.stderr b/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d4945549e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package06e.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Failed to load interface for ‘HsTypes’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘UniqFM’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85bb723989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Package07e where
+import MyHsTypes
+import HsTypes
+import HsUtils
+import UniqFM
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.stderr b/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a72a2e89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package07e.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Failed to load interface for ‘MyHsTypes’
+ Perhaps you meant HsTypes (needs flag -package-key ghc)
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘HsTypes’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘HsUtils’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘UniqFM’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40f814449a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Package08e where
+import MyHsTypes
+import HsTypes
+import HsUtils
+import UniqFM
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.stderr b/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7e8433f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package08e.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Failed to load interface for ‘MyHsTypes’
+ Perhaps you meant HsTypes (needs flag -package-key ghc)
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘HsTypes’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘HsUtils’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
+ Failed to load interface for ‘UniqFM’
+ It is a member of the hidden package ‘ghc’.
+ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f08bbd5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Package09e where
+import M
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.stderr b/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cd00a2930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package09e.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ Ambiguous interface for ‘M’:
+ it is bound as Data.Set by a package flag
+ it is bound as Data.Map by a package flag
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/package/package10.hs b/testsuite/tests/package/package10.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6db31da664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/package/package10.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Package10 where
+x = emptyUFM