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authorEdward Z. Yang <>2016-05-06 16:34:50 -0700
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2016-05-09 21:29:31 -0700
commitdd3e84701db7d05a6664aa5826732da3ee8ce265 (patch)
parent8e5776b8ec98b1b9f55c938b818b0a2fd0eb9928 (diff)
Documentation for simplifyDeriv.
Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <> Test Plan: docs only Reviewers: simonpj, austin, goldfire, bgamari Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision:
3 files changed, 35 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
index 57a4037622..06f87a37d2 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ type DerivContext = Maybe ThetaType
-- Nothing <=> Vanilla deriving; infer the context of the instance decl
-- Just theta <=> Standalone deriving: context supplied by programmer
+-- | A 'PredType' annotated with the origin of the constraint 'CtOrigin',
+-- and whether or the constraint deals in types or kinds.
data PredOrigin = PredOrigin PredType CtOrigin TypeOrKind
type ThetaOrigin = [PredOrigin]
@@ -1950,13 +1952,14 @@ extendLocalInstEnv dfuns thing_inside
-simplifyDeriv :: PredType
- -> [TyVar]
- -> ThetaOrigin -- Wanted
- -> TcM ThetaType -- Needed
--- Given instance (wanted) => C inst_ty
--- Simplify 'wanted' as much as possibles
--- Fail if not possible
+-- | Given @instance (wanted) => C inst_ty@, simplify 'wanted' as much
+-- as possible. Fail if not possible.
+simplifyDeriv :: PredType -- ^ @C inst_ty@, head of the instance we are
+ -- deriving. Only used for SkolemInfo.
+ -> [TyVar] -- ^ The tyvars bound by @inst_ty@.
+ -> ThetaOrigin -- ^ @wanted@ constraints, i.e. @['PredOrigin']@.
+ -> TcM ThetaType -- ^ Needed constraints (after simplification),
+ -- i.e. @['PredType']@.
simplifyDeriv pred tvs theta
= do { (skol_subst, tvs_skols) <- tcInstSkolTyVars tvs -- Skolemize
-- The constraint solving machinery
@@ -1970,31 +1973,38 @@ simplifyDeriv pred tvs theta
mk_ct (PredOrigin t o t_or_k)
= newWanted o (Just t_or_k) (substTy skol_subst t)
+ -- Generate the wanted constraints with the skolemized variables
; (wanted, tclvl) <- pushTcLevelM (mapM mk_ct theta)
- ; traceTc "simplifyDeriv" $
+ ; traceTc "simplifyDeriv inputs" $
vcat [ pprTvBndrs tvs $$ ppr theta $$ ppr wanted, doc ]
+ -- Simplify the constraints
; residual_wanted <- simplifyWantedsTcM wanted
-- Result is zonked
+ -- Split the resulting constraints into bad and good constraints,
+ -- building an @unsolved :: WantedConstraints@ representing all
+ -- the constraints we can't just shunt to the predicates.
+ -- See Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
; let residual_simple = wc_simple residual_wanted
- (good, bad) = partitionBagWith get_good residual_simple
+ (bad, good) = partitionBagWith get_good residual_simple
unsolved = residual_wanted { wc_simple = bad }
-- See Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
- get_good :: Ct -> Either PredType Ct
+ get_good :: Ct -> Either Ct PredType
get_good ct | validDerivPred skol_set p
, isWantedCt ct
- = Left p
- -- NB: residual_wanted may contain unsolved
- -- Derived and we stick them into the bad set
- -- so that reportUnsolved may decide what to do with them
+ = Right p
+ -- NB re 'isWantedCt': residual_wanted may contain
+ -- unsolved CtDerived and we stick them into the
+ -- bad set so that reportUnsolved may decide what
+ -- to do with them
| otherwise
- = Right ct
+ = Left ct
where p = ctPred ct
- ; traceTc "simplifyDeriv 2" $
+ ; traceTc "simplifyDeriv outputs" $
vcat [ ppr tvs_skols, ppr residual_simple, ppr good, ppr bad ]
-- If we are deferring type errors, simply ignore any insoluble
@@ -2005,9 +2015,11 @@ simplifyDeriv pred tvs theta
-- The buildImplicationFor is just to bind the skolems,
-- in case they are mentioned in error messages
-- See Trac #11347
+ -- Report the (bad) unsolved constraints
; unless defer (reportAllUnsolved (mkImplicWC implic))
+ -- Return the good unsolved constraints (unskolemizing on the way out.)
; let min_theta = mkMinimalBySCs (bagToList good)
subst_skol = zipTvSubst tvs_skols $ mkTyVarTys tvs
-- The reverse substitution (sigh)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
index 861fa10ce7..71bf8610b9 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
@@ -471,6 +471,12 @@ tcSuperSkolTyVar subst tv
tcInstSkolTyVarsLoc :: SrcSpan -> [TyVar] -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (TCvSubst, [TcTyVar])
tcInstSkolTyVarsLoc loc = instSkolTyCoVars (mkTcSkolTyVar loc False)
+-- | Given a list of @['TyVar']@, skolemize the type variables,
+-- returning a substitution mapping the original tyvars to the
+-- skolems, and the list of newly bound skolems. See also
+-- tcInstSkolTyVars' for a precondition. The resulting
+-- skolems are non-overlappable; see Note [Overlap and deriving]
+-- for an example where this matters.
tcInstSkolTyVars :: [TyVar] -> TcM (TCvSubst, [TcTyVar])
tcInstSkolTyVars = tcInstSkolTyVars' False emptyTCvSubst
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
index 91a6a57d47..2691c82638 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
@@ -1303,6 +1303,7 @@ pushTcLevelM_ :: TcM a -> TcM a
pushTcLevelM_ x = updLclEnv (\ env -> env { tcl_tclvl = pushTcLevel (tcl_tclvl env) }) x
pushTcLevelM :: TcM a -> TcM (a, TcLevel)
+-- See Note [TcLevel assignment]
pushTcLevelM thing_inside
= do { env <- getLclEnv
; let tclvl' = pushTcLevel (tcl_tclvl env)