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authoralexbiehl <>2017-07-11 13:57:51 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2017-07-11 14:34:09 -0400
commitabda03be6794ffd9bbc2c4f77d7f9d534a202b21 (patch)
parent81de42cb589540666a365808318589211924f9cd (diff)
Optimize TimerManager
After discussion with Kazu Yamamoto we decided to try two things: - replace current finger tree based priority queue through a radix tree based one (code is based on IntPSQ from the psqueues package) - after editing the timer queue: don't wake up the timer manager if the next scheduled time didn't change Benchmark results (number of TimerManager-Operations measured over 20 seconds, 5 runs each, higher is better) ``` -- baseline (timermanager action commented out) 28817088 28754681 27230541 27267441 28828815 -- ghc-8.3 with wake opt and new timer queue 18085502 17892831 18005256 18791301 17912456 -- ghc-8.3 with old timer queue 6982155 7003572 6834625 6979634 6664339 ``` Here is the benchmark code: ``` {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Main where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.Foldable import GHC.Event import System.Random import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Data.IORef main :: IO () main = do let seed = 12345 :: Int nthreads = 1 :: Int benchTime = 20 :: Int -- in seconds timerManager <- getSystemTimerManager :: IO TimerManager let {- worker loop depending on the random generator it either * registers a new timeout * updates existing timeout * or cancels an existing timeout Additionally it keeps track of a counter tracking how often a timermanager was being modified. -} loop :: IORef Int -> [TimeoutKey] -> StdGen -> IO a loop !i !timeouts !rng = do let (rand0, rng') = next rng (rand1, rng'') = next rng' case rand0 `mod` 3 of 0 -> do timeout <- registerTimeout timerManager (rand1) (return ()) modifyIORef' i (+1) loop i (timeout:timeouts) rng'' 1 | (timeout:_) <- timeouts -> do updateTimeout timerManager timeout (rand1) modifyIORef' i (+1) loop i timeouts rng'' | otherwise -> loop i timeouts rng' 2 | (timeout:timeouts') <- timeouts -> do unregisterTimeout timerManager timeout modifyIORef' i (+1) loop i timeouts' rng' | otherwise -> loop i timeouts rng' _ -> loop i timeouts rng' let -- run a computation which can produce new -- random generators on demand withRng m = evalStateT m (mkStdGen seed) -- split a new random generator newRng = do (rng1, rng2) <- split <$> get put rng1 return rng2 counters <- withRng $ do replicateM nthreads $ do rng <- newRng ref <- liftIO (newIORef 0) liftIO $ forkIO (loop ref [] rng) return ref threadDelay (1000000 * benchTime) for_ counters $ \ref -> do n <- readIORef ref putStrLn (show n) ``` Reviewers: austin, hvr, bgamari Reviewed By: bgamari Subscribers: Phyx, rwbarton, thomie Differential Revision:
2 files changed, 404 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/PSQ.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/PSQ.hs
index 26ab5313cf..976ffe16b3 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/PSQ.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/PSQ.hs
@@ -1,58 +1,17 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- Copyright (c) 2008, Ralf Hinze
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
--- are met:
--- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer.
--- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
--- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
--- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
--- provided with the distribution.
--- * The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or
--- promote products derived from this software without specific
--- prior written permission.
--- | A /priority search queue/ (henceforth /queue/) efficiently
--- supports the operations of both a search tree and a priority queue.
--- An 'Elem'ent is a product of a key, a priority, and a
--- value. Elements can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried in
--- logarithmic time, and the element with the least priority can be
--- retrieved in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of
--- elements, sorted by keys, in linear time.
--- This implementation is due to Ralf Hinze with some modifications by
--- Scott Dillard and Johan Tibell.
--- * Hinze, R., /A Simple Implementation Technique for Priority Search
--- Queues/, ICFP 2001, pp. 110-121
--- <>
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
module GHC.Event.PSQ
-- * Binding Type
- Elem(..)
+ Elem(..)
, Key
, Prio
@@ -77,8 +36,6 @@ module GHC.Event.PSQ
-- * Conversion
, toList
- , toAscList
- , toDescList
, fromList
-- * Min
@@ -88,399 +45,410 @@ module GHC.Event.PSQ
, atMost
) where
-import GHC.Base hiding (empty)
+import GHC.Base hiding (Nat, empty)
+import GHC.Event.Unique
import GHC.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Num (Num(..))
-import GHC.Show (Show(showsPrec))
-import GHC.Event.Unique (Unique)
+import GHC.Real (fromIntegral)
+import GHC.Types (Int)
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+-- TODO (SM): get rid of bang patterns
+-- Use macros to define strictness of functions.
+-- STRICT_x_OF_y denotes an y-ary function strict in the x-th parameter.
+-- We do not use BangPatterns, because they are not in any standard and we
+-- want the compilers to be compiled by as many compilers as possible.
+#define STRICT_1_OF_2(fn) fn arg _ | arg `seq` False = undefined
+-- Types
+type Prio = Word64
+type Nat = Word
+type Key = Unique
+-- | We store masks as the index of the bit that determines the branching.
+type Mask = Int
+type PSQ a = IntPSQ a
-- | @E k p@ binds the key @k@ with the priority @p@.
data Elem a = E
{ key :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Key
, prio :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Prio
, value :: a
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
+ }
--- | A mapping from keys @k@ to priorites @p@.
+-- | A priority search queue with @Int@ keys and priorities of type @p@ and
+-- values of type @v@. It is strict in keys, priorities and values.
+data IntPSQ v
+ = Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Key {-# UNPACK #-} !Prio !v {-# UNPACK #-} !Mask !(IntPSQ v) !(IntPSQ v)
+ | Tip {-# UNPACK #-} !Key {-# UNPACK #-} !Prio !v
+ | Nil
-type Prio = Word64
-type Key = Unique
+-- bit twiddling
+(.&.) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+(.&.) (W# w1) (W# w2) = W# (w1 `and#` w2)
+{-# INLINE (.&.) #-}
+xor :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+xor (W# w1) (W# w2) = W# (w1 `xor#` w2)
+{-# INLINE xor #-}
-data PSQ a = Void
- | Winner {-# UNPACK #-} !(Elem a)
- !(LTree a)
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Key -- max key
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+complement :: Nat -> Nat
+complement (W# w) = W# (w `xor#` mb)
+ where
+#if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
+ mb = 0xFFFFFFFF##
+#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
+#error Unhandled value for WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
+{-# INLINE complement #-}
+{-# INLINE natFromInt #-}
+natFromInt :: Int -> Nat
+natFromInt = fromIntegral
+{-# INLINE intFromNat #-}
+intFromNat :: Nat -> Int
+intFromNat = fromIntegral
+{-# INLINE zero #-}
+zero :: Key -> Mask -> Bool
+zero i m
+ = (natFromInt (asInt i)) .&. (natFromInt m) == 0
+{-# INLINE nomatch #-}
+nomatch :: Key -> Key -> Mask -> Bool
+nomatch k1 k2 m =
+ natFromInt (asInt k1) .&. m' /= natFromInt (asInt k2) .&. m'
+ where
+ m' = maskW (natFromInt m)
+{-# INLINE maskW #-}
+maskW :: Nat -> Nat
+maskW m = complement (m-1) `xor` m
+{-# INLINE branchMask #-}
+branchMask :: Key -> Key -> Mask
+branchMask k1' k2' =
+ intFromNat (highestBitMask (natFromInt k1 `xor` natFromInt k2))
+ where
+ k1 = asInt k1'
+ k2 = asInt k2'
--- | /O(1)/ The number of elements in a queue.
-size :: PSQ a -> Int
-size Void = 0
-size (Winner _ lt _) = 1 + size' lt
+highestBitMask :: Nat -> Nat
+highestBitMask (W# x) =
+ W# (uncheckedShiftL# 1## (word2Int# (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS## `minusWord#` 1## `minusWord#` clz# x)))
+{-# INLINE highestBitMask #-}
+-- Query
-- | /O(1)/ True if the queue is empty.
-null :: PSQ a -> Bool
-null Void = True
-null (Winner _ _ _) = False
--- | /O(log n)/ The priority and value of a given key, or Nothing if
--- the key is not bound.
-lookup :: Key -> PSQ a -> Maybe (Prio, a)
-lookup k q = case tourView q of
- Null -> Nothing
- Single (E k' p v)
- | k == k' -> Just (p, v)
- | otherwise -> Nothing
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> lookup k tl
- | otherwise -> lookup k tr
--- Construction
-empty :: PSQ a
-empty = Void
+null :: IntPSQ v -> Bool
+null Nil = True
+null _ = False
+-- | /O(n)/ The number of elements stored in the queue.
+size :: IntPSQ v -> Int
+size Nil = 0
+size (Tip _ _ _) = 1
+size (Bin _ _ _ _ l r) = 1 + size l + size r
+-- TODO (SM): benchmark this against a tail-recursive variant
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ The priority and value of a given key, or 'Nothing' if the
+-- key is not bound.
+lookup :: Key -> IntPSQ v -> Maybe (Prio, v)
+lookup k = go
+ where
+ go t = case t of
+ Nil -> Nothing
+ Tip k' p' x'
+ | k == k' -> Just (p', x')
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ Bin k' p' x' m l r
+ | nomatch k k' m -> Nothing
+ | k == k' -> Just (p', x')
+ | zero k m -> go l
+ | otherwise -> go r
+-- | /O(1)/ The element with the lowest priority.
+findMin :: IntPSQ v -> Maybe (Elem v)
+findMin t = case t of
+ Nil -> Nothing
+ Tip k p x -> Just (E k p x)
+ Bin k p x _ _ _ -> Just (E k p x)
+--- Construction
+-- | /O(1)/ The empty queue.
+empty :: IntPSQ v
+empty = Nil
-- | /O(1)/ Build a queue with one element.
-singleton :: Key -> Prio -> a -> PSQ a
-singleton k p v = Winner (E k p v) Start k
+singleton :: Key -> Prio -> v -> IntPSQ v
+singleton = Tip
--- Insertion
--- | /O(log n)/ Insert a new key, priority and value in the queue. If
--- the key is already present in the queue, the associated priority
--- and value are replaced with the supplied priority and value.
-insert :: Key -> Prio -> a -> PSQ a -> PSQ a
-insert k p v q = case q of
- Void -> singleton k p v
- Winner (E k' p' v') Start _ -> case compare k k' of
- LT -> singleton k p v `play` singleton k' p' v'
- EQ -> singleton k p v
- GT -> singleton k' p' v' `play` singleton k p v
- Winner e (RLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> insert k p v (Winner e tl m) `play` (Winner e' tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e tl m) `play` insert k p v (Winner e' tr m')
- Winner e (LLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> insert k p v (Winner e' tl m) `play` (Winner e tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e' tl m) `play` insert k p v (Winner e tr m')
--- Delete/Update
--- | /O(log n)/ Delete a key and its priority and value from the
--- queue. When the key is not a member of the queue, the original
--- queue is returned.
-delete :: Key -> PSQ a -> PSQ a
-delete k q = case q of
- Void -> empty
- Winner (E k' p v) Start _
- | k == k' -> empty
- | otherwise -> singleton k' p v
- Winner e (RLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> delete k (Winner e tl m) `play` (Winner e' tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e tl m) `play` delete k (Winner e' tr m')
- Winner e (LLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> delete k (Winner e' tl m) `play` (Winner e tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e' tl m) `play` delete k (Winner e tr m')
--- | /O(log n)/ Update a priority at a specific key with the result
--- of the provided function. When the key is not a member of the
--- queue, the original queue is returned.
-adjust :: (Prio -> Prio) -> Key -> PSQ a -> PSQ a
-adjust f k q0 = go q0
+-- Insertion
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ Insert a new key, priority and value into the queue. If the key
+-- is already present in the queue, the associated priority and value are
+-- replaced with the supplied priority and value.
+insert :: Key -> Prio -> v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+insert k p x t0 = unsafeInsertNew k p x (delete k t0)
+-- | Internal function to insert a key that is *not* present in the priority
+-- queue.
+{-# INLINABLE unsafeInsertNew #-}
+unsafeInsertNew :: Key -> Prio -> v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+unsafeInsertNew k p x = go
- go q = case q of
- Void -> empty
- Winner (E k' p v) Start _
- | k == k' -> singleton k' (f p) v
- | otherwise -> singleton k' p v
- Winner e (RLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> go (Winner e tl m) `unsafePlay` (Winner e' tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e tl m) `unsafePlay` go (Winner e' tr m')
- Winner e (LLoser _ e' tl m tr) m'
- | k <= m -> go (Winner e' tl m) `unsafePlay` (Winner e tr m')
- | otherwise -> (Winner e' tl m) `unsafePlay` go (Winner e tr m')
-{-# INLINE adjust #-}
--- Conversion
+ go t = case t of
+ Nil -> Tip k p x
+ Tip k' p' x'
+ | (p, k) < (p', k') -> link k p x k' t Nil
+ | otherwise -> link k' p' x' k (Tip k p x) Nil
+ Bin k' p' x' m l r
+ | nomatch k k' m ->
+ if (p, k) < (p', k')
+ then link k p x k' t Nil
+ else link k' p' x' k (Tip k p x) (merge m l r)
+ | otherwise ->
+ if (p, k) < (p', k')
+ then
+ if zero k' m
+ then Bin k p x m (unsafeInsertNew k' p' x' l) r
+ else Bin k p x m l (unsafeInsertNew k' p' x' r)
+ else
+ if zero k m
+ then Bin k' p' x' m (unsafeInsertNew k p x l) r
+ else Bin k' p' x' m l (unsafeInsertNew k p x r)
+-- | Link
+link :: Key -> Prio -> v -> Key -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+link k p x k' k't otherTree
+ | zero (Unique m) (asInt k') = Bin k p x m k't otherTree
+ | otherwise = Bin k p x m otherTree k't
+ where
+ m = branchMask k k'
--- | /O(n*log n)/ Build a queue from a list of key/priority/value
--- tuples. If the list contains more than one priority and value for
--- the same key, the last priority and value for the key is retained.
-fromList :: [Elem a] -> PSQ a
-fromList = foldr (\(E k p v) q -> insert k p v q) empty
--- | /O(n)/ Convert to a list of key/priority/value tuples.
-toList :: PSQ a -> [Elem a]
-toList = toAscList
+-- Delete/Alter
--- | /O(n)/ Convert to an ascending list.
-toAscList :: PSQ a -> [Elem a]
-toAscList q = seqToList (toAscLists q)
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ Delete a key and its priority and value from the queue. When
+-- the key is not a member of the queue, the original queue is returned.
+{-# INLINABLE delete #-}
+delete :: Key -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+delete k = go
+ where
+ go t = case t of
+ Nil -> Nil
+ Tip k' _ _
+ | k == k' -> Nil
+ | otherwise -> t
+ Bin k' p' x' m l r
+ | nomatch k k' m -> t
+ | k == k' -> merge m l r
+ | zero k m -> binShrinkL k' p' x' m (go l) r
+ | otherwise -> binShrinkR k' p' x' m l (go r)
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ Delete the binding with the least priority, and return the
+-- rest of the queue stripped of that binding. In case the queue is empty, the
+-- empty queue is returned again.
+{-# INLINE deleteMin #-}
+deleteMin :: IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+deleteMin t = case minView t of
+ Nothing -> t
+ Just (_, t') -> t'
+ :: (Prio -> Prio)
+ -> Key
+ -> PSQ a
+ -> PSQ a
+adjust f k q = case alter g k q of (_, q') -> q'
+ where g (Just (p, v)) = ((), Just ((f p), v))
+ g Nothing = ((), Nothing)
-toAscLists :: PSQ a -> Sequ (Elem a)
-toAscLists q = case tourView q of
- Null -> emptySequ
- Single e -> singleSequ e
- tl `Play` tr -> toAscLists tl <> toAscLists tr
+{-# INLINE adjust #-}
--- | /O(n)/ Convert to a descending list.
-toDescList :: PSQ a -> [ Elem a ]
-toDescList q = seqToList (toDescLists q)
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ The expression @alter f k queue@ alters the value @x@ at @k@,
+-- or absence thereof. 'alter' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value
+-- in a queue. It also allows you to calculate an additional value @b@.
+{-# INLINE alter #-}
+ :: (Maybe (Prio, v) -> (b, Maybe (Prio, v)))
+ -> Key
+ -> IntPSQ v
+ -> (b, IntPSQ v)
+alter f = \k t0 ->
+ let (t, mbX) = case deleteView k t0 of
+ Nothing -> (t0, Nothing)
+ Just (p, v, t0') -> (t0', Just (p, v))
+ in case f mbX of
+ (b, mbX') ->
+ (b, maybe t (\(p, v) -> unsafeInsertNew k p v t) mbX')
+ where
+ maybe _ g (Just x) = g x
+ maybe def _ Nothing = def
+-- | Smart constructor for a 'Bin' node whose left subtree could have become
+-- 'Nil'.
+{-# INLINE binShrinkL #-}
+binShrinkL :: Key -> Prio -> v -> Mask -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+binShrinkL k p x m Nil r = case r of Nil -> Tip k p x; _ -> Bin k p x m Nil r
+binShrinkL k p x m l r = Bin k p x m l r
+-- | Smart constructor for a 'Bin' node whose right subtree could have become
+-- 'Nil'.
+{-# INLINE binShrinkR #-}
+binShrinkR :: Key -> Prio -> v -> Mask -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+binShrinkR k p x m l Nil = case l of Nil -> Tip k p x; _ -> Bin k p x m l Nil
+binShrinkR k p x m l r = Bin k p x m l r
+-- Lists
+-- | /O(n*min(n,W))/ Build a queue from a list of (key, priority, value) tuples.
+-- If the list contains more than one priority and value for the same key, the
+-- last priority and value for the key is retained.
+{-# INLINABLE fromList #-}
+fromList :: [Elem v] -> IntPSQ v
+fromList = foldr (\(E k p x) im -> insert k p x im) empty
+-- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list of (key, priority, value) tuples. The
+-- order of the list is not specified.
+toList :: IntPSQ v -> [Elem v]
+toList =
+ go []
+ where
+ go acc Nil = acc
+ go acc (Tip k' p' x') = (E k' p' x') : acc
+ go acc (Bin k' p' x' _m l r) = (E k' p' x') : go (go acc r) l
+-- Views
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ Delete a key and its priority and value from the queue. If
+-- the key was present, the associated priority and value are returned in
+-- addition to the updated queue.
+{-# INLINABLE deleteView #-}
+deleteView :: Key -> IntPSQ v -> Maybe (Prio, v, IntPSQ v)
+deleteView k t0 =
+ case delFrom t0 of
+ (# _, Nothing #) -> Nothing
+ (# t, Just (p, x) #) -> Just (p, x, t)
+ where
+ delFrom t = case t of
+ Nil -> (# Nil, Nothing #)
-toDescLists :: PSQ a -> Sequ (Elem a)
-toDescLists q = case tourView q of
- Null -> emptySequ
- Single e -> singleSequ e
- tl `Play` tr -> toDescLists tr <> toDescLists tl
+ Tip k' p' x'
+ | k == k' -> (# Nil, Just (p', x') #)
+ | otherwise -> (# t, Nothing #)
--- Min
+ Bin k' p' x' m l r
+ | nomatch k k' m -> (# t, Nothing #)
+ | k == k' -> let t' = merge m l r
+ in t' `seq` (# t', Just (p', x') #)
--- | /O(1)/ The element with the lowest priority.
-findMin :: PSQ a -> Maybe (Elem a)
-findMin Void = Nothing
-findMin (Winner e _ _) = Just e
+ | zero k m -> case delFrom l of
+ (# l', mbPX #) -> let t' = binShrinkL k' p' x' m l' r
+ in t' `seq` (# t', mbPX #)
--- | /O(log n)/ Delete the element with the lowest priority. Returns
--- an empty queue if the queue is empty.
-deleteMin :: PSQ a -> PSQ a
-deleteMin Void = Void
-deleteMin (Winner _ t m) = secondBest t m
+ | otherwise -> case delFrom r of
+ (# r', mbPX #) -> let t' = binShrinkR k' p' x' m l r'
+ in t' `seq` (# t', mbPX #)
--- | /O(log n)/ Retrieve the binding with the least priority, and the
+-- | /O(min(n,W))/ Retrieve the binding with the least priority, and the
-- rest of the queue stripped of that binding.
-minView :: PSQ a -> Maybe (Elem a, PSQ a)
-minView Void = Nothing
-minView (Winner e t m) = Just (e, secondBest t m)
-secondBest :: LTree a -> Key -> PSQ a
-secondBest Start _ = Void
-secondBest (LLoser _ e tl m tr) m' = Winner e tl m `play` secondBest tr m'
-secondBest (RLoser _ e tl m tr) m' = secondBest tl m `play` Winner e tr m'
--- | /O(r*(log n - log r))/ Return a list of elements ordered by
--- key whose priorities are at most @pt@.
-atMost :: Prio -> PSQ a -> ([Elem a], PSQ a)
-atMost pt q = let (sequ, q') = atMosts pt q
- in (seqToList sequ, q')
-atMosts :: Prio -> PSQ a -> (Sequ (Elem a), PSQ a)
-atMosts !pt q = case q of
- (Winner e _ _)
- | prio e > pt -> (emptySequ, q)
- Void -> (emptySequ, Void)
- Winner e Start _ -> (singleSequ e, Void)
- Winner e (RLoser _ e' tl m tr) m' ->
- let (sequ, q') = atMosts pt (Winner e tl m)
- (sequ', q'') = atMosts pt (Winner e' tr m')
- in (sequ <> sequ', q' `play` q'')
- Winner e (LLoser _ e' tl m tr) m' ->
- let (sequ, q') = atMosts pt (Winner e' tl m)
- (sequ', q'') = atMosts pt (Winner e tr m')
- in (sequ <> sequ', q' `play` q'')
--- Loser tree
-type Size = Int
-data LTree a = Start
- | LLoser {-# UNPACK #-} !Size
- {-# UNPACK #-} !(Elem a)
- !(LTree a)
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Key -- split key
- !(LTree a)
- | RLoser {-# UNPACK #-} !Size
- {-# UNPACK #-} !(Elem a)
- !(LTree a)
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Key -- split key
- !(LTree a)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-size' :: LTree a -> Size
-size' Start = 0
-size' (LLoser s _ _ _ _) = s
-size' (RLoser s _ _ _ _) = s
-left, right :: LTree a -> LTree a
-left Start = moduleError "left" "empty loser tree"
-left (LLoser _ _ tl _ _ ) = tl
-left (RLoser _ _ tl _ _ ) = tl
-right Start = moduleError "right" "empty loser tree"
-right (LLoser _ _ _ _ tr) = tr
-right (RLoser _ _ _ _ tr) = tr
-maxKey :: PSQ a -> Key
-maxKey Void = moduleError "maxKey" "empty queue"
-maxKey (Winner _ _ m) = m
-lloser, rloser :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lloser k p v tl m tr = LLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) (E k p v) tl m tr
-rloser k p v tl m tr = RLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) (E k p v) tl m tr
--- Balancing
--- | Balance factor
-omega :: Int
-omega = 4
-lbalance, rbalance :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lbalance k p v l m r
- | size' l + size' r < 2 = lloser k p v l m r
- | size' r > omega * size' l = lbalanceLeft k p v l m r
- | size' l > omega * size' r = lbalanceRight k p v l m r
- | otherwise = lloser k p v l m r
-rbalance k p v l m r
- | size' l + size' r < 2 = rloser k p v l m r
- | size' r > omega * size' l = rbalanceLeft k p v l m r
- | size' l > omega * size' r = rbalanceRight k p v l m r
- | otherwise = rloser k p v l m r
-lbalanceLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lbalanceLeft k p v l m r
- | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = lsingleLeft k p v l m r
- | otherwise = ldoubleLeft k p v l m r
-lbalanceRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lbalanceRight k p v l m r
- | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = lsingleRight k p v l m r
- | otherwise = ldoubleRight k p v l m r
-rbalanceLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rbalanceLeft k p v l m r
- | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = rsingleLeft k p v l m r
- | otherwise = rdoubleLeft k p v l m r
-rbalanceRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rbalanceRight k p v l m r
- | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = rsingleRight k p v l m r
- | otherwise = rdoubleRight k p v l m r
-lsingleLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3)
- | p1 <= p2 = lloser k1 p1 v1 (rloser k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- | otherwise = lloser k2 p2 v2 (lloser k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-lsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k2 p2 v2 (lloser k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-lsingleLeft _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "lsingleLeft" "malformed tree"
-rsingleLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k1 p1 v1 (rloser k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-rsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k2 p2 v2 (rloser k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-rsingleLeft _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "rsingleLeft" "malformed tree"
-lsingleRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-lsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 (lloser k1 p1 v1 t2 m2 t3)
-lsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
-lsingleRight _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "lsingleRight" "malformed tree"
-rsingleRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 v1 t2 m2 t3)
-rsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- | p1 <= p2 = rloser k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
- | otherwise = rloser k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 v1 t2 m2 t3)
-rsingleRight _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "rsingleRight" "malformed tree"
-ldoubleLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-ldoubleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
-ldoubleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
-ldoubleLeft _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "ldoubleLeft" "malformed tree"
-ldoubleRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-ldoubleRight k1 p1 v1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-ldoubleRight k1 p1 v1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-ldoubleRight _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "ldoubleRight" "malformed tree"
-rdoubleLeft :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rdoubleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
-rdoubleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t2 m2 t3) =
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 v1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 v2 t2 m2 t3)
-rdoubleLeft _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "rdoubleLeft" "malformed tree"
-rdoubleRight :: Key -> Prio -> a -> LTree a -> Key -> LTree a -> LTree a
-rdoubleRight k1 p1 v1 (LLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- rsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-rdoubleRight k1 p1 v1 (RLoser _ (E k2 p2 v2) t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- rsingleRight k1 p1 v1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 v2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
-rdoubleRight _ _ _ _ _ _ = moduleError "rdoubleRight" "malformed tree"
--- | Take two pennants and returns a new pennant that is the union of
--- the two with the precondition that the keys in the first tree are
--- strictly smaller than the keys in the second tree.
-play :: PSQ a -> PSQ a -> PSQ a
-Void `play` t' = t'
-t `play` Void = t
-Winner e@(E k p v) t m `play` Winner e'@(E k' p' v') t' m'
- | p <= p' = Winner e (rbalance k' p' v' t m t') m'
- | otherwise = Winner e' (lbalance k p v t m t') m'
-{-# INLINE play #-}
--- | A version of 'play' that can be used if the shape of the tree has
--- not changed or if the tree is known to be balanced.
-unsafePlay :: PSQ a -> PSQ a -> PSQ a
-Void `unsafePlay` t' = t'
-t `unsafePlay` Void = t
-Winner e@(E k p v) t m `unsafePlay` Winner e'@(E k' p' v') t' m'
- | p <= p' = Winner e (rloser k' p' v' t m t') m'
- | otherwise = Winner e' (lloser k p v t m t') m'
-{-# INLINE unsafePlay #-}
-data TourView a = Null
- | Single {-# UNPACK #-} !(Elem a)
- | (PSQ a) `Play` (PSQ a)
-tourView :: PSQ a -> TourView a
-tourView Void = Null
-tourView (Winner e Start _) = Single e
-tourView (Winner e (RLoser _ e' tl m tr) m') =
- Winner e tl m `Play` Winner e' tr m'
-tourView (Winner e (LLoser _ e' tl m tr) m') =
- Winner e' tl m `Play` Winner e tr m'
--- Utility functions
-moduleError :: String -> String -> a
-moduleError fun msg = errorWithoutStackTrace ("GHC.Event.PSQ." ++ fun ++ ':' : ' ' : msg)
-{-# NOINLINE moduleError #-}
--- Hughes's efficient sequence type
-newtype Sequ a = Sequ ([a] -> [a])
-emptySequ :: Sequ a
-emptySequ = Sequ (\as -> as)
-singleSequ :: a -> Sequ a
-singleSequ a = Sequ (\as -> a : as)
-(<>) :: Sequ a -> Sequ a -> Sequ a
-Sequ x1 <> Sequ x2 = Sequ (\as -> x1 (x2 as))
-infixr 5 <>
-seqToList :: Sequ a -> [a]
-seqToList (Sequ x) = x []
--- | @since
-instance Show a => Show (Sequ a) where
- showsPrec d a = showsPrec d (seqToList a)
+{-# INLINE minView #-}
+minView :: IntPSQ v -> Maybe (Elem v, IntPSQ v)
+minView t = case t of
+ Nil -> Nothing
+ Tip k p x -> Just (E k p x, Nil)
+ Bin k p x m l r -> Just (E k p x, merge m l r)
+-- | Return a list of elements ordered by key whose priorities are at most @pt@,
+-- and the rest of the queue stripped of these elements. The returned list of
+-- elements can be in any order: no guarantees there.
+{-# INLINABLE atMost #-}
+atMost :: Prio -> IntPSQ v -> ([Elem v], IntPSQ v)
+atMost pt t0 = go [] t0
+ where
+ go acc t = case t of
+ Nil -> (acc, t)
+ Tip k p x
+ | p > pt -> (acc, t)
+ | otherwise -> ((E k p x) : acc, Nil)
+ Bin k p x m l r
+ | p > pt -> (acc, t)
+ | otherwise ->
+ let (acc', l') = go acc l
+ (acc'', r') = go acc' r
+ in ((E k p x) : acc'', merge m l' r')
+-- Traversal
+-- | Internal function that merges two *disjoint* 'IntPSQ's that share the
+-- same prefix mask.
+{-# INLINABLE merge #-}
+merge :: Mask -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v -> IntPSQ v
+merge m l r = case l of
+ Nil -> r
+ Tip lk lp lx ->
+ case r of
+ Nil -> l
+ Tip rk rp rx
+ | (lp, lk) < (rp, rk) -> Bin lk lp lx m Nil r
+ | otherwise -> Bin rk rp rx m l Nil
+ Bin rk rp rx rm rl rr
+ | (lp, lk) < (rp, rk) -> Bin lk lp lx m Nil r
+ | otherwise -> Bin rk rp rx m l (merge rm rl rr)
+ Bin lk lp lx lm ll lr ->
+ case r of
+ Nil -> l
+ Tip rk rp rx
+ | (lp, lk) < (rp, rk) -> Bin lk lp lx m (merge lm ll lr) r
+ | otherwise -> Bin rk rp rx m l Nil
+ Bin rk rp rx rm rl rr
+ | (lp, lk) < (rp, rk) -> Bin lk lp lx m (merge lm ll lr) r
+ | otherwise -> Bin rk rp rx m l (merge rm rl rr)
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/TimerManager.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/TimerManager.hs
index 10baa3b3b2..f3dbb21686 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Event/TimerManager.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Event/TimerManager.hs
@@ -219,14 +219,12 @@ registerTimeout mgr us cb = do
let expTime = fromIntegral us * 1000 + now
editTimeouts mgr (Q.insert key expTime cb)
- wakeManager mgr
return $ TK key
-- | Unregister an active timeout.
unregisterTimeout :: TimerManager -> TimeoutKey -> IO ()
unregisterTimeout mgr (TK key) = do
editTimeouts mgr (Q.delete key)
- wakeManager mgr
-- | Update an active timeout to fire in the given number of
-- microseconds.
@@ -236,8 +234,21 @@ updateTimeout mgr (TK key) us = do
let expTime = fromIntegral us * 1000 + now
editTimeouts mgr (Q.adjust (const expTime) key)
- wakeManager mgr
editTimeouts :: TimerManager -> TimeoutEdit -> IO ()
-editTimeouts mgr g = atomicModifyIORef' (emTimeouts mgr) $ \tq -> (g tq, ())
+editTimeouts mgr g = do
+ wake <- atomicModifyIORef' (emTimeouts mgr) f
+ when wake (wakeManager mgr)
+ where
+ f q = (q', wake)
+ where
+ q' = g q
+ wake = case Q.minView q of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just (Q.E _ t0 _, _) ->
+ case Q.minView q' of
+ Just (Q.E _ t1 _, _) ->
+ -- don't wake the manager if the
+ -- minimum element didn't change.
+ t0 /= t1
+ _ -> True