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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2016-04-01 12:24:50 +0200
committerJoachim Breitner <>2016-04-06 14:52:57 +0200
commit1e80a5947a652a22a62a0d4d485104a59d0a69b0 (patch)
parent6ea42c72dc924eddba3f2ee22fa4e514084fa5cc (diff)
CSE code cleanup and improvementwip/cse-code-desmelling
Triggered by an observation by Joachim, Simon felt the urge to clean up the CSE code a bit. This is the result. (Code by Simon, commit message and other leg-work by Joachim) Differential Revision:
3 files changed, 207 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.hs b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.hs
index b4e6e14991..0f87e82f53 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.hs
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ module CSE (cseProgram) where
import CoreSubst
import Var ( Var )
-import Id ( Id, idType, idInlineActivation, zapIdOccInfo, zapIdUsageInfo )
+import Id ( Id, idType, idUnfolding, idInlineActivation
+ , zapIdOccInfo, zapIdUsageInfo )
import CoreUtils ( mkAltExpr
- , exprIsTrivial
- , stripTicksE, stripTicksT, stripTicksTopE, mkTick, mkTicks )
-import Type ( tyConAppArgs )
+ , exprIsTrivial, exprOkForSpeculation
+ , stripTicksE, stripTicksT, mkTicks )
+import Type ( Type, tyConAppArgs, isUnliftedType )
import CoreSyn
import Outputable
import BasicTypes ( isAlwaysActive )
@@ -59,34 +60,78 @@ Here we must *not* do CSE on the inner x+x! The simplifier used to guarantee no
shadowing, but it doesn't any more (it proved too hard), so we clone as we go.
We can simply add clones to the substitution already described.
-Note [Case binders 1]
- f = \x -> case x of wild {
- (a:as) -> case a of wild1 {
- (p,q) -> ...(wild1:as)...
+Note [CSE for bindings]
+Let-bindings have two cases, implemnted by cseRhs.
+* Trivial RHS:
+ let x = y in ...(h x)....
+ Here we want to extend the /substitution/ with x -> y, so that the
+ (h x) in the body might CSE with an enclosing (let v = h y in ...).
+ NB: the substitution maps InIds, so we extend the substitution with
+ a biding for the original InId 'x'
+ How can we have a trivial RHS? Doens't the simplifier inline them?
+ - First, the original RHS might have been (g z) which has CSE'd
+ with an enclosing (let y = g z in ...). This is super-important.
+ See Trac #5996:
+ x1 = C a b
+ x2 = C x1 b
+ y1 = C a b
+ y2 = C y1 b
+ Here we CSE y1's rhs to 'x1', and then we must add (y1->x1) to
+ the substitution so that we can CSE the binding for y2.
+ - Second, we use cseRHS for case expression scrutinees too;
+ see Note [CSE for case expressions]
-Here, (wild1:as) is morally the same as (a:as) and hence equal to wild.
-But that's not quite obvious. In general we want to keep it as (wild1:as),
-but for CSE purpose that's a bad idea.
+* Non-trivial RHS
+ let x = h y in ...(h y)...
-So we add the binding (wild1 -> a) to the extra var->var mapping.
-Notice this is exactly backwards to what the simplifier does, which is
-to try to replaces uses of 'a' with uses of 'wild1'
+ Here we want to extend the /reverse mapping (cs_map)/ so that
+ we CSE the (h y) call to x.
-Note [Case binders 2]
+Notice that
+ - the trivial-RHS situation extends the substitution (cs_subst)
+ - the non-trivial-RHS situation extends the reverse mapping (cs_map)
+Note [CSE for case expressions]
- case (h x) of y -> ...(h x)...
+ case scrut_expr of x { ...alts... }
+This is very like a strict let-binding
+ let !x = scrut_expr in ...
+So we use (cseRhs x scrut_expr) to process scrut_expr and x, and as a
+result all the stuff under Note [CSE for bindings] applies directly.
+For example:
+* Trivial scrutinee
+ f = \x -> case x of wild {
+ (a:as) -> case a of wild1 {
+ (p,q) -> ...(wild1:as)...
-We'd like to replace (h x) in the alternative, by y. But because of
-the preceding [Note: case binders 1], we only want to add the mapping
- scrutinee -> case binder
-to the reverse CSE mapping if the scrutinee is a non-trivial expression.
-(If the scrutinee is a simple variable we want to add the mapping
- case binder -> scrutinee
-to the substitution
+ Here, (wild1:as) is morally the same as (a:as) and hence equal to
+ wild. But that's not quite obvious. In the rest of the compiler we
+ want to keep it as (wild1:as), but for CSE purpose that's a bad
+ idea.
+ By using cseRhs we add the binding (wild1 -> a) to the substitution,
+ which does exactly the right thing.
+ (Notice this is exactly backwards to what the simplifier does, which
+ is to try to replaces uses of 'a' with uses of 'wild1'.)
+ This is the main reason that cseRHs is called with a trivial rhs.
+* Non-trivial scrutinee
+ case (f x) of y { pat -> ...let y = f x in ... }
+ By using cseRhs we'll add (f x :-> y) to the cs_map, and
+ thereby CSE the inner (f x) to y.
@@ -138,13 +183,50 @@ an Id, even if is a 'stable' unfolding. That means that when an
unfolding happens, it is always faithful to what the stable unfolding
originally was.
-Note [CSE for case expressions]
+Note [CSE for stable unfoldings]
- case f x of y { pat -> ...let y = f x in ... }
-Then we can CSE the inner (f x) to y. In fact 'case' is like a strict
-let-binding, and we can use cseRhs for dealing with the scrutinee.
+ {-# Unf = Stable (\pq. build blah) #-}
+ foo = x
+Here 'foo' has a stable unfolding, but its (optimised) RHS is trivial.
+(Turns out that this actually happens for the enumFromTo method of
+the Integer instance of Enum in GHC.Enum.) Then we obviously do NOT
+want to extend the substitution with (foo->x)! See similar
+SimplUtils Note [Stable unfoldings and postInlineUnconditionally].
+Nor do we want to change the reverse mapping. Suppose we have
+ {-# Unf = Stable (\pq. build blah) #-}
+ foo = <expr>
+ bar = <expr>
+There could conceivably be merit in rewriting the RHS of bar:
+ bar = foo
+but now bar's inlining behaviour will change, and importing
+modules might see that. So it seems dodgy and we don't do it.
+Note [Corner case for case expressions]
+ case x |> co of (y::Array# Int) { ... }
+Is it ok to extend the substutition with (y -> x |> co)?
+Because y is of unlifted type, this is only OK if (x |> co) is
+ok-for-speculation, else we'll destroy the let/app invariant.
+But surely it is ok-for-speculation, becasue it's a trivial
+expression, and x's type is also unlifted, presumably.
+Well, maybe not if you are using unsafe casts. I actually found
+a case where we had
+ (x :: HValue) |> (UnsafeCo :: HValue ~ Array# Int)
+This is a vanishingly strange corner case, but we still have
+to check.
+We do the check in cseRhs, but it can't fire when cseRhs is called
+from a let-binding, becuase they are always ok-for-speculation. Never
* *
@@ -161,67 +243,62 @@ cseBind env (NonRec b e)
= (env2, NonRec b'' e')
(env1, b') = addBinder env b
- (env2, (b'', e')) = cseRhs env1 (b',e)
+ (env2, (b'', e')) = cseRhs env1 b b' e
cseBind env (Rec pairs)
= (env2, Rec pairs')
- (bs,es) = unzip pairs
- (env1, bs') = addRecBinders env bs
- (env2, pairs') = mapAccumL cseRhs env1 (bs' `zip` es)
-cseRhs :: CSEnv -> (OutBndr, InExpr) -> (CSEnv, (OutBndr, OutExpr))
-cseRhs env (id',rhs)
- = case lookupCSEnv env rhs'' of
- Nothing
- | always_active -> (extendCSEnv env rhs' id', (zapped_id, rhs'))
- | otherwise -> (env, (id', rhs'))
- Just id
- | always_active -> (extendCSSubst env id' id_expr, (id', mkTicks ticks id_expr))
- | otherwise -> (env, (id', mkTicks ticks id_expr))
- where
- id_expr = varToCoreExpr id -- Could be a CoVar
- -- In the Just case, we have
- -- x = rhs
- -- ...
- -- x' = rhs
- -- We are replacing the second binding with x'=x
- -- and so must record that in the substitution so
- -- that subsequent uses of x' are replaced with x,
- -- See Trac #5996
+ (env1, bs') = addRecBinders env (map fst pairs)
+ (env2, pairs') = mapAccumL cse_rhs env1 (bs' `zip` pairs)
+ cse_rhs env (b', (b,e)) = cseRhs env b b' e
+cseRhs :: CSEnv -> InId -> OutId -> InExpr -> (CSEnv, (OutId, OutExpr))
+cseRhs env in_id out_id rhs
+ | no_cse = (env, (out_id, rhs'))
+ | ok_to_subst = (extendCSSubst env in_id rhs', (out_id, rhs'))
+ | otherwise = (extendCSEnv env rhs' id_expr', (zapped_id, rhs'))
- zapped_id = zapIdUsageInfo id'
- -- Putting the Id into the environment makes it possible that
+ id_expr' = varToCoreExpr out_id
+ rhs' = tryForCSE env rhs
+ zapped_id = zapIdUsageInfo out_id
+ -- Putting the Id into the cs_map makes it possible that
-- it'll become shared more than it is now, which would
- -- invalidate (the usage part of) its demand info. This caused
- -- Trac #100218.
+ -- invalidate (the usage part of) its demand info.
+ -- This caused Trac #100218.
-- Easiest thing is to zap the usage info; subsequently
-- performing late demand-analysis will restore it. Don't zap
-- the strictness info; it's not necessary to do so, and losing
-- it is bad for performance if you don't do late demand
-- analysis
- rhs' = cseExpr env rhs
- ticks = stripTicksT tickishFloatable rhs'
- rhs'' = stripTicksE tickishFloatable rhs'
- -- We don't want to lose the source notes when a common sub
- -- expression gets eliminated. Hence we push all (!) of them on
- -- top of the replaced sub-expression. This is probably not too
- -- useful in practice, but upholds our semantics.
+ no_cse = not (isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation out_id))
+ -- See Note [CSE for INLINE and NOINLINE]
+ || isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding out_id)
+ -- See Note [CSE for stable unfoldings]
- always_active = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation id')
- -- See Note [CSE for INLINE and NOINLINE]
+ -- See Note [CSE for bindings]
+ ok_to_subst = exprIsTrivial rhs'
+ && (not (isUnliftedType (idType out_id))
+ || exprOkForSpeculation rhs')
+ -- See Note [Corner case for case expressions]
tryForCSE :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
tryForCSE env expr
- | exprIsTrivial expr' = expr' -- No point
- | Just smaller <- lookupCSEnv env expr'' = foldr mkTick (Var smaller) ticks
- | otherwise = expr'
+ | exprIsTrivial expr' = expr' -- No point
+ | Just e <- lookupCSEnv env expr'' = mkTicks ticks e
+ | otherwise = expr'
+ -- The varToCoreExpr is needed if we have
+ -- case e of xco { e of yco { ... } ... }
+ -- Then CSE will substitute yco -> xco;
+ -- but these are /coercion/ variables
- expr' = cseExpr env expr
+ expr' = cseExpr env expr
expr'' = stripTicksE tickishFloatable expr'
- ticks = stripTicksT tickishFloatable expr'
+ ticks = stripTicksT tickishFloatable expr'
+ -- We don't want to lose the source notes when a common sub
+ -- expression gets eliminated. Hence we push all (!) of them on
+ -- top of the replaced sub-expression. This is probably not too
+ -- useful in practice, but upholds our semantics.
cseExpr :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> OutExpr
cseExpr env (Type t) = Type (substTy (csEnvSubst env) t)
@@ -235,32 +312,25 @@ cseExpr env (Lam b e) = let (env', b') = addBinder env b
in Lam b' (cseExpr env' e)
cseExpr env (Let bind e) = let (env', bind') = cseBind env bind
in Let bind' (cseExpr env' e)
-cseExpr env (Case scrut bndr ty alts) = Case scrut' bndr''' ty alts'
- where
- alts' = cseAlts env2 scrut' bndr bndr'' alts
- (env1, bndr') = addBinder env bndr
- bndr'' = zapIdOccInfo bndr'
- -- The swizzling from Note [Case binders 2] may
- -- cause a dead case binder to be alive, so we
- -- play safe here and bring them all to life
- (env2, (bndr''', scrut')) = cseRhs env1 (bndr'', scrut)
- -- Note [CSE for case expressions]
-cseAlts :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> InBndr -> InBndr -> [InAlt] -> [OutAlt]
-cseAlts env scrut' bndr bndr' alts
- = map cse_alt alts
+cseExpr env (Case e bndr ty alts) = cseCase env e bndr ty alts
+cseCase :: CSEnv -> InExpr -> InId -> InType -> [InAlt] -> OutExpr
+cseCase env scrut bndr ty alts
+ = Case scrut' bndr3 ty (map cse_alt alts)
- scrut'' = stripTicksTopE tickishFloatable scrut'
- (con_target, alt_env)
- = case scrut'' of
- Var v' -> (v', extendCSSubst env bndr scrut'') -- See Note [Case binders 1]
- -- map: bndr -> v'
+ bndr1 = zapIdOccInfo bndr
+ -- Zapping the OccInfo is needed because the extendCSEnv
+ -- in cse_alt may mean that a dead case binder
+ -- becomes alive, and Lint rejects that
+ (env1, bndr2) = addBinder env bndr1
+ (alt_env, (bndr3, scrut')) = cseRhs env1 bndr bndr2 scrut
+ -- cseRhs: see Note [CSE for case expressions]
- _ -> (bndr', extendCSEnv env scrut' bndr') -- See Note [Case binders 2]
- -- map: scrut' -> bndr'
+ con_target :: OutExpr
+ con_target = lookupSubst alt_env bndr
- arg_tys = tyConAppArgs (idType bndr)
+ arg_tys :: [OutType]
+ arg_tys = tyConAppArgs (idType bndr3)
cse_alt (DataAlt con, args, rhs)
| not (null args)
@@ -289,29 +359,36 @@ cseAlts env scrut' bndr bndr' alts
type InExpr = CoreExpr -- Pre-cloning
-type InBndr = CoreBndr
+type InId = Id
type InAlt = CoreAlt
+type InType = Type
type OutExpr = CoreExpr -- Post-cloning
-type OutBndr = CoreBndr
-type OutAlt = CoreAlt
+type OutId = Id
+type OutType = Type
+data CSEnv
+ = CS { cs_subst :: Subst -- Maps InBndrs to OutExprs
+ -- The substitution variables to
+ -- /trivial/ OutExprs, not arbitrary expressions
-data CSEnv = CS { cs_map :: CoreMap (OutExpr, Id) -- Key, value
- , cs_subst :: Subst }
+ , cs_map :: CoreMap OutExpr -- The reverse mapping
+ -- Maps a OutExpr to a /trivial/ OutExpr
+ -- The key of cs_map is stripped of all Ticks
+ }
emptyCSEnv :: CSEnv
emptyCSEnv = CS { cs_map = emptyCoreMap, cs_subst = emptySubst }
-lookupCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> Maybe Id
+lookupCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
lookupCSEnv (CS { cs_map = csmap }) expr
- = case lookupCoreMap csmap expr of
- Just (_,e) -> Just e
- Nothing -> Nothing
-extendCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> Id -> CSEnv
-extendCSEnv cse expr id
- = cse { cs_map = extendCoreMap (cs_map cse) sexpr (sexpr,id) }
- where sexpr = stripTicksE tickishFloatable expr
+ = lookupCoreMap csmap expr
+extendCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
+extendCSEnv cse expr triv_expr
+ = cse { cs_map = extendCoreMap (cs_map cse) sexpr triv_expr }
+ where
+ sexpr = stripTicksE tickishFloatable expr
csEnvSubst :: CSEnv -> Subst
csEnvSubst = cs_subst
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/T7116.stdout b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/T7116.stdout
index 4bbd50e716..3f92b38386 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/T7116.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_compile/T7116.stdout
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ dr =
GHC.Types.D# (GHC.Prim.+## x1 x1)
--- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 8, types: 3, coercions: 0}
dl :: Double -> Double
@@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ dl :: Double -> Double
case x of _ [Occ=Dead] { GHC.Types.D# y ->
GHC.Types.D# (GHC.Prim.+## y y)
-dl = dr
+dl =
+ \ (x :: Double) ->
+ case x of _ [Occ=Dead] { GHC.Types.D# y ->
+ GHC.Types.D# (GHC.Prim.+## y y)
+ }
-- RHS size: {terms: 8, types: 3, coercions: 0}
fr :: Float -> Float
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ fr =
GHC.Types.F# (GHC.Prim.plusFloat# x1 x1)
--- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0}
+-- RHS size: {terms: 8, types: 3, coercions: 0}
fl :: Float -> Float
@@ -96,7 +100,11 @@ fl :: Float -> Float
case x of _ [Occ=Dead] { GHC.Types.F# y ->
GHC.Types.F# (GHC.Prim.plusFloat# y y)
-fl = fr
+fl =
+ \ (x :: Float) ->
+ case x of _ [Occ=Dead] { GHC.Types.F# y ->
+ GHC.Types.F# (GHC.Prim.plusFloat# y y)
+ }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
index 6b85b4ac13..6ed2221c8c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
@@ -610,13 +610,14 @@ test('T9020',
[(wordsize(32), 343005716, 10),
# Original: 381360728
# 2014-07-31: 343005716 (Windows) (general round of updates)
- (wordsize(64), 698401736, 10)])
+ (wordsize(64), 852298336, 10)])
# prev: 795469104
# 2014-07-17: 728263536 (general round of updates)
# 2014-09-10: 785871680 post-AMP-cleanup
# 2014-11-03: 680162056 Further Applicative and Monad adjustments
# 2015-10-21: 786189008 Make stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices deterministic
# 2016-01-26: 698401736 improvement from using ExpTypes instead of ReturnTvs
+ # 2016-04-06: 852298336 Refactoring of CSE #11781
@@ -678,12 +679,13 @@ test('T9872a',
[ only_ways(['normal']),
compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
- [(wordsize(64), 4918990352, 5),
+ [(wordsize(64), 4600233488, 5),
# 2014-12-10 6483306280 Initally created
# 2014-12-16 6892251912 Flattener parameterized over roles
# 2014-12-18 3480212048 Reduce type families even more eagerly
# 2015-12-11 5199926080 TypeInType (see #11196)
# 2016-02-08 4918990352 Improved a bit by tyConRolesRepresentational
+ # 2016-04-06: 4600233488 Refactoring of CSE #11781
(wordsize(32), 1700000000, 5)
@@ -692,12 +694,13 @@ test('T9872b',
[ only_ways(['normal']),
compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
- [(wordsize(64), 4454071184, 5),
+ [(wordsize(64), 4306667256, 5),
# 2014-12-10 5495850096 Initally created
# 2014-12-16 5842024784 Flattener parameterized over roles
# 2014-12-18 2963554096 Reduce type families even more eagerly
# 2015-12-11 4723613784 TypeInType (see #11196)
# 2016-02-08 4454071184 Improved a bit by tyConRolesRepresentational
+ # 2016-04-06: 4306667256 Refactoring of CSE #11781
(wordsize(32), 1500000000, 5)