diff options
authorSven Tennie <>2023-03-31 11:26:03 +0000
committerSven Tennie <>2023-05-05 19:59:52 +0000
commit80faa5b7628396f951f5205b3b0048c18233b398 (patch)
parenteccb5e421dda40f010d68db461c18a88bbf7bc27 (diff)
4 files changed, 33 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs
index 0c6384c3e7..10fe6bda44 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ module GHC.Exts.Heap (
, allClosures
, closureSize
#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
+ -- * Stack inspection
+ , decodeStack
, stackFrameSize
-- * Boxes
@@ -80,11 +82,8 @@ import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Int
import GHC.Word
#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
-import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
import GHC.Exts.Stack.Decode
import GHC.Exts.Stack.Constants
-import Data.Functor
-import Debug.Trace
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
index 1265d50d68..5ccd6b3892 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures (
-- * Closures
, GenClosure(..)
- , StackFrame(..)
, PrimType(..)
, WhatNext(..)
, WhyBlocked(..)
@@ -19,14 +18,14 @@ module GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures (
, RetFunType(..)
, allClosures
+ -- * Stack
+ , StgStackClosure(..)
+ , StackFrame(..)
-- * Boxes
, Box(..)
, areBoxesEqual
, asBox
- , StgStackClosure(..)
-#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
- , StackFrameIter(..)
) where
import Prelude -- See note [Why do we import Prelude here?]
@@ -52,10 +51,6 @@ import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Generics
import Numeric
-#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
-import GHC.Stack.CloneStack (StackSnapshot(..), stackSnapshotToString)
-import GHC.Exts.Stack.Constants
-- Boxes
@@ -65,50 +60,6 @@ foreign import prim "aToWordzh" aToWord# :: Any -> Word#
foreign import prim "reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag"
reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag# :: Any -> Any -> Int#
-#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
--- | Iterator state for stack decoding
-data StackFrameIter =
- -- | Represents a closure on the stack
- SfiClosure
- { stackSnapshot# :: !StackSnapshot#,
- index :: !WordOffset
- }
- -- | Represents a primitive word on the stack
- | SfiPrimitive
- { stackSnapshot# :: !StackSnapshot#,
- index :: !WordOffset
- }
-instance Eq StackFrameIter where
- (SfiClosure s1# i1) == (SfiClosure s2# i2) =
- (StackSnapshot s1#) == (StackSnapshot s2#)
- && i1 == i2
- (SfiPrimitive s1# i1) == (SfiPrimitive s2# i2) =
- (StackSnapshot s1#) == (StackSnapshot s2#)
- && i1 == i2
- _ == _ = False
-instance Show StackFrameIter where
- showsPrec _ (SfiClosure s# i ) rs =
- "SfiClosure { stackSnapshot# = " ++ stackSnapshotToString (StackSnapshot s#) ++ show i ++ ", " ++ "}" ++ rs
- showsPrec _ (SfiPrimitive s# i ) rs =
- "SfiPrimitive { stackSnapshot# = " ++ stackSnapshotToString (StackSnapshot s#) ++ show i ++ ", " ++ "}" ++ rs
--- | A value or reference to a value on the stack.
-newtype StackFrameBox = StackFrameBox StackFrameIter
- deriving (Eq)
-instance Show StackFrameBox where
- showsPrec _ (StackFrameBox sfi) rs =
- "(StackFrameBox " ++ show sfi ++ ")" ++ rs
-areStackFrameBoxesEqual :: StackFrameBox -> StackFrameBox -> Bool
-areStackFrameBoxesEqual (StackFrameBox sfi1) (StackFrameBox sfi2) =
- sfi1 == sfi2
-areStackFrameBoxesEqual _ _ = False
-- | An arbitrary Haskell value in a safe Box. The point is that even
-- unevaluated thunks can safely be moved around inside the Box, and when
-- required, e.g. in 'getBoxedClosureData', the function knows how far it has
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
index 9a51b43375..d775c369ce 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
@@ -212,6 +212,14 @@ getClosure stackSnapshot# index relativeOffset =
(# s1, ptr #) ->
(# s1, Box ptr #)
+-- TODO: Inline later
+-- | Iterator state for stack decoding
+data StackFrameIter =
+ -- | Represents a closure on the stack
+ SfiClosure !StackSnapshot# !WordOffset
+ -- | Represents a primitive word on the stack
+ | SfiPrimitive !StackSnapshot# !WordOffset
decodeLargeBitmap :: LargeBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [Closure]
decodeLargeBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset = do
(bitmapArray, size) <- IO $ \s ->
@@ -237,11 +245,10 @@ decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset bitmapWords size =
in mapM toBitmapPayload bes
toBitmapPayload :: StackFrameIter -> IO Closure
- toBitmapPayload sfi@SfiPrimitive {..} = do
- w <- getWord stackSnapshot# index 0
+ toBitmapPayload (SfiPrimitive stack# i) = do
+ w <- getWord stack# i 0
pure $ UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive w
- toBitmapPayload sfi@SfiClosure {..} = getBoxedClosureData =<< getClosure stackSnapshot# index 0
- toBitmapPayload sfi = error $ "Unexpected StackFrameIter type: " ++ show sfi
+ toBitmapPayload (SfiClosure stack# i) = getBoxedClosureData =<< getClosure stack# i 0
wordsToBitmapEntries :: WordOffset -> [Word] -> Word -> [StackFrameIter]
wordsToBitmapEntries _ [] 0 = []
@@ -279,7 +286,6 @@ decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset bitmapWords size =
getIndex :: StackFrameIter -> WordOffset
getIndex (SfiClosure _ i) = i
getIndex (SfiPrimitive _ i) = i
- getIndex sfi' = error $ "Has no index : " ++ show sfi'
decodeSmallBitmap :: SmallBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [Closure]
decodeSmallBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset =
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
index c261c80f00..cde889158d 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RecordWildCards, MagicHash, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP,
- UnboxedTuples, LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RecordWildCards, MagicHash, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP, UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-- |
@@ -94,10 +93,7 @@ run m = case m of
StartTH -> startTH
GetClosure ref -> do
clos <- Heap.getClosureData =<< localRef ref
- mapM (\case
- Heap.Box x -> mkRemoteRef (HValue x)
- r -> error $ "Unsupported Box: " ++ show r
- ) clos
+ mapM (\(Heap.Box x) -> mkRemoteRef (HValue x)) clos
Seq ref -> doSeq ref
ResumeSeq ref -> resumeSeq ref
_other -> error ""
@@ -376,21 +372,21 @@ mkString0 bs = B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(cstr,len) -> do
return (castRemotePtr (toRemotePtr ptr))
mkCostCentres :: String -> [(String,String)] -> IO [RemotePtr CostCentre]
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-mkCostCentres mod ccs = do
- c_module <- newCString mod
- mapM (mk_one c_module) ccs
- where
- mk_one c_module (decl_path,srcspan) = do
- c_name <- newCString decl_path
- c_srcspan <- newCString srcspan
- toRemotePtr <$> c_mkCostCentre c_name c_module c_srcspan
-foreign import ccall unsafe "mkCostCentre"
- c_mkCostCentre :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO (Ptr CostCentre)
mkCostCentres _ _ = return []
getIdValFromApStack :: HValue -> Int -> IO (Maybe HValue)
getIdValFromApStack apStack (I# stackDepth) = do