diff options
authorSven Tennie <>2023-04-15 14:50:33 +0000
committerSven Tennie <>2023-05-05 19:59:53 +0000
commitbc4da44de9e75a1be981be87884ab6781c3fdec1 (patch)
parentdbffeb4b855d1a7188fa5ae69d85c5a6657c7520 (diff)
Simpify bitmap decoding
3 files changed, 77 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
index 5e3644a361..5a7a4e7cda 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GHCForeignImportPrim #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ module GHC.Exts.Stack.Decode
-import Data.Array.Byte
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import GHC.IO (IO (..))
import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
import GHC.Word
import Prelude
+import Debug.Trace
{- Note [Decoding the stack]
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ getRetFunType stackSnapshot# index =
(# s1, rft# #) -> (# s1, W# rft# #)
-type LargeBitmapGetter = StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ByteArray#, Word# #)
+type LargeBitmapGetter = StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr#, Word# #)
foreign import prim "getLargeBitmapzh" getLargeBitmap# :: LargeBitmapGetter
@@ -229,29 +230,60 @@ data StackFrameIter
| -- | Represents a primitive word on the stack
SfiPrimitive !StackSnapshot# !WordOffset
+data LargeBitmap = LargeBitmap
+ { largeBitmapSize :: Word
+ , largebitmapWords :: Ptr Word
+ }
+-- | Is a bitmap entry a closure pointer or a primitive non-pointer?
+data Pointerness = Pointer | NonPointer
+ deriving Show
decodeLargeBitmap :: LargeBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [Closure]
decodeLargeBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset = do
- (bitmapArray, size) <- IO $ \s ->
+ largeBitmap <- IO $ \s ->
case getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index) s of
- (# s1, ba#, s# #) -> (# s1, (ByteArray ba#, W# s#) #)
- let bitmapWords :: [Word] = byteArrayToList bitmapArray
- decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# (index + relativePayloadOffset) bitmapWords size
+ (# s1, wordsAddr#, size# #) -> (# s1, LargeBitmap (W# size#) (Ptr wordsAddr#) #)
+ bitmapWords <-largeBitmapToList largeBitmap
+ decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot#
+ (index + relativePayloadOffset)
+ (bitmapWordsPointerness (largeBitmapSize largeBitmap) bitmapWords)
- byteArrayToList :: ByteArray -> [Word]
- byteArrayToList (ByteArray bArray) = go 0
- where
- go i
- | i < maxIndex = W# (indexWordArray# bArray (toInt# i)) : go (i + 1)
- | otherwise = []
- maxIndex = sizeofByteArray bArray `quot` sizeOf (undefined :: Word)
- sizeofByteArray :: ByteArray# -> Int
- sizeofByteArray arr# = I# (sizeofByteArray# arr#)
-decodeBitmaps :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> [Word] -> Word -> IO [Closure]
-decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# index bitmapWords size =
- let bes = wordsToBitmapEntries index bitmapWords size
- in mapM toBitmapPayload bes
+ largeBitmapToList :: LargeBitmap -> IO [Word]
+ largeBitmapToList LargeBitmap {..} = cWordArrayToList largebitmapWords $
+ (usedBitmapWords.fromIntegral) largeBitmapSize
+ cWordArrayToList :: Ptr Word -> Int -> IO [Word]
+ cWordArrayToList ptr size = mapM (peekElemOff ptr) [0..(size-1)]
+ usedBitmapWords :: Int -> Int
+ usedBitmapWords 0 = error "Invalid large bitmap size 0."
+ usedBitmapWords size = (size `div` (fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)) + 1
+ bitmapWordsPointerness :: Word -> [Word] -> [Pointerness]
+ bitmapWordsPointerness size _ | size <= 0 = []
+ bitmapWordsPointerness _ [] = []
+ bitmapWordsPointerness size (w:wds) =
+ bitmapWordPointerness (min size (fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)) w ++
+ bitmapWordsPointerness (size - (fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)) wds
+bitmapWordPointerness :: Word -> Word -> [Pointerness]
+bitmapWordPointerness 0 _ = []
+bitmapWordPointerness bSize bitmapWord =
+ ( if (bitmapWord .&. 1) /= 0
+ then NonPointer
+ else Pointer
+ )
+ : bitmapWordPointerness
+ (bSize - 1)
+ (bitmapWord `shiftR` 1)
+decodeBitmaps :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> [Pointerness] -> IO [Closure]
+decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# index bitmapWords =
+ let bes = toEntries index bitmapWords
+ in do
+ traceM $ "decodeBitmaps - index: " ++ show index ++ " words: " ++ show bitmapWords
+ mapM toBitmapPayload bes
toBitmapPayload :: StackFrameIter -> IO Closure
toBitmapPayload (SfiPrimitive stack# i) = do
@@ -259,42 +291,14 @@ decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# index bitmapWords size =
pure $ UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive w
toBitmapPayload (SfiClosure stack# i) = getClosure stack# i
- wordsToBitmapEntries :: WordOffset -> [Word] -> Word -> [StackFrameIter]
- wordsToBitmapEntries _ [] 0 = []
- wordsToBitmapEntries _ [] i = error $ "Invalid state: Empty list, size " ++ show i
- wordsToBitmapEntries _ l 0 = error $ "Invalid state: Size 0, list " ++ show l
- wordsToBitmapEntries index' (b : bs) bitmapSize =
- let entries = toBitmapEntries index' b (min bitmapSize (fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS))
- mbLastFrame = (listToMaybe . reverse) entries
- in case mbLastFrame of
- Just sfi' ->
- entries
- ++ wordsToBitmapEntries
- (getIndex sfi' + 1)
- bs
- subtractDecodedBitmapWord
- _ -> error "This should never happen! Recursion ended not in base case."
- where
- subtractDecodedBitmapWord :: Word
- subtractDecodedBitmapWord =
- fromIntegral $
- max 0 (fromIntegral bitmapSize - wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)
- toBitmapEntries :: WordOffset -> Word -> Word -> [StackFrameIter]
- toBitmapEntries _ _ 0 = []
- toBitmapEntries i bitmapWord bSize =
- ( if (bitmapWord .&. 1) /= 0
- then SfiPrimitive stackSnapshot# i
- else SfiClosure stackSnapshot# i
- )
- : toBitmapEntries
- (i + 1)
- (bitmapWord `shiftR` 1)
- (bSize - 1)
- getIndex :: StackFrameIter -> WordOffset
- getIndex (SfiClosure _ i) = i
- getIndex (SfiPrimitive _ i) = i
+ toEntries :: WordOffset -> [Pointerness] -> [StackFrameIter]
+ toEntries _ [] = []
+ toEntries i (p:ps) =
+ let sn = case p of
+ NonPointer -> SfiPrimitive stackSnapshot# i
+ Pointer -> SfiClosure stackSnapshot# i
+ in
+ sn : toEntries (i + 1) ps
decodeSmallBitmap :: SmallBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [Closure]
decodeSmallBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset =
@@ -302,8 +306,7 @@ decodeSmallBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset =
(bitmap, size) <- IO $ \s ->
case getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index) s of
(# s1, b#, s# #) -> (# s1, (W# b#, W# s#) #)
- let bitmapWords = [bitmap | size > 0]
- decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# (index + relativePayloadOffset) bitmapWords size
+ decodeBitmaps stackSnapshot# (index + relativePayloadOffset) (bitmapWordPointerness size bitmap)
unpackStackFrame :: StackFrameLocation -> IO StackFrame
unpackStackFrame (StackSnapshot stackSnapshot#, index) = do
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.c b/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.c
index 89f1e4e27a..a8a47605ff 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.c
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.c
@@ -110,52 +110,30 @@ StgWord getBCOLargeBitmapSize(StgClosure *c) {
return BCO_BITMAP_SIZE(bco);
-#define ROUNDUP_BITS_TO_WDS(n) \
-// Copied from Cmm.h
-#define WDS(n) ((n)*SIZEOF_W)
-static StgArrBytes *largeBitmapToStgArrBytes(Capability *cap,
- StgLargeBitmap *bitmap) {
- StgWord neededWords = ROUNDUP_BITS_TO_WDS(bitmap->size);
- StgArrBytes *array =
- (StgArrBytes *)allocate(cap, sizeofW(StgArrBytes) + neededWords);
- SET_HDR(array, &stg_ARR_WORDS_info, CCS_SYSTEM);
- array->bytes = WDS(ROUNDUP_BITS_TO_WDS(bitmap->size));
- for (int i = 0; i < neededWords; i++) {
- array->payload[i] = bitmap->bitmap[i];
- }
- return array;
-StgArrBytes *getLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgClosure *c) {
+StgWord *getLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgClosure *c) {
const StgInfoTable *info = get_itbl(c);
StgLargeBitmap *bitmap = GET_LARGE_BITMAP(info);
- return largeBitmapToStgArrBytes(cap, bitmap);
+ return bitmap->bitmap;
-StgArrBytes *getRetFunLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgRetFun *ret_fun) {
+StgWord *getRetFunLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgRetFun *ret_fun) {
const StgFunInfoTable *fun_info = get_fun_itbl(UNTAG_CLOSURE(ret_fun->fun));
StgLargeBitmap *bitmap = GET_FUN_LARGE_BITMAP(fun_info);
- return largeBitmapToStgArrBytes(cap, bitmap);
+ return bitmap->bitmap;
-StgArrBytes *getBCOLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgClosure *c) {
+StgWord *getBCOLargeBitmap(Capability *cap, StgClosure *c) {
StgBCO *bco = (StgBCO *)*c->payload;
StgLargeBitmap *bitmap = BCO_BITMAP(bco);
- return largeBitmapToStgArrBytes(cap, bitmap);
+ return bitmap->bitmap;
StgStack *getUnderflowFrameNextChunk(StgUnderflowFrame *frame) {
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm b/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm
index 88ae7d656e..16504c73b3 100644
--- a/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/cbits/Stack.cmm
@@ -77,41 +77,41 @@ getRetFunSmallBitmapzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords) {
// getLargeBitmapzh(StgStack* stack, StgWord offsetWords)
getLargeBitmapzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords) {
- P_ c, stgArrBytes;
+ P_ c, words;
W_ size;
c = StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords);
- (stgArrBytes) = ccall getLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
+ (words) = ccall getLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
(size) = ccall getLargeBitmapSize(c);
- return (stgArrBytes, size);
+ return (words, size);
// getBCOLargeBitmapzh(StgStack* stack, StgWord offsetWords)
getBCOLargeBitmapzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords) {
- P_ c, stgArrBytes;
+ P_ c, words;
W_ size;
c = StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords);
- (stgArrBytes) = ccall getBCOLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
+ (words) = ccall getBCOLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
(size) = ccall getBCOLargeBitmapSize(c);
- return (stgArrBytes, size);
+ return (words, size);
// getRetFunLargeBitmapzh(StgStack* stack, StgWord offsetWords)
getRetFunLargeBitmapzh(P_ stack, W_ offsetWords) {
- P_ c, stgArrBytes;
+ P_ c, words;
W_ size;
c = StgStack_sp(stack) + WDS(offsetWords);
- (stgArrBytes) = ccall getRetFunLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
+ (words) = ccall getRetFunLargeBitmap(MyCapability(), c);
(size) = ccall getRetFunSize(c);
- return (stgArrBytes, size);
+ return (words, size);
// getWordzh(StgStack* stack, StgWord offsetWords)