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authorsheaf <>2022-01-24 16:15:39 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-01-26 12:03:01 -0500
commitb55d7db321d78e11b45b5260f1aa46c046d1c05d (patch)
parent6e94ba54c55f947e9ba034d3b387ae94e240f253 (diff)
Ensure that order of instances doesn't matter
The insert_overlapping used in lookupInstEnv used to return different results depending on the order in which instances were processed. The problem was that we could end up discarding an overlapping instance in favour of a more specific non-overlapping instance. This is a problem because, even though we won't choose the less-specific instance for matching, it is still useful for pruning away other instances, because it has the overlapping flag set while the new instance doesn't. In insert_overlapping, we now keep a list of "guard" instances, which are instances which are less-specific that one that matches (and hence which we will discard in the end), but want to keep around solely for the purpose of eliminating other instances. Fixes #20946
3 files changed, 303 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
index b5688e3ab2..714eff5273 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ lookupInstEnv check_overlap_safe
(pkg_matches, pkg_unifs) = lookupInstEnv' pkg_ie vis_mods cls tys
all_matches = home_matches ++ pkg_matches
all_unifs = home_unifs ++ pkg_unifs
- final_matches = foldr insert_overlapping [] all_matches
+ final_matches = pruneOverlappedMatches all_matches
-- Even if the unifs is non-empty (an error situation)
-- we still prune the matches, so that the error message isn't
-- misleading (complaining of multiple matches when some should be
@@ -951,47 +951,252 @@ lookupInstEnv check_overlap_safe
(isOrphan (is_orphan inst) || classArity (is_cls inst) > 1)
-insert_overlapping :: InstMatch -> [InstMatch] -> [InstMatch]
--- ^ Add a new solution, knocking out strictly less specific ones
--- See Note [Rules for instance lookup]
-insert_overlapping new_item [] = [new_item]
-insert_overlapping new_item@(new_inst,_) (old_item@(old_inst,_) : old_items)
- | new_beats_old -- New strictly overrides old
- , not old_beats_new
- , new_inst `can_override` old_inst
- = insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- | old_beats_new -- Old strictly overrides new
- , not new_beats_old
- , old_inst `can_override` new_inst
- = old_item : old_items
- -- Discard incoherent instances; see Note [Incoherent instances]
- | isIncoherent old_inst -- Old is incoherent; discard it
- = insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- | isIncoherent new_inst -- New is incoherent; discard it
- = old_item : old_items
- -- Equal or incomparable, and neither is incoherent; keep both
- | otherwise
- = old_item : insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- where
- new_beats_old = new_inst `more_specific_than` old_inst
- old_beats_new = old_inst `more_specific_than` new_inst
- -- `instB` can be instantiated to match `instA`
- -- or the two are equal
- instA `more_specific_than` instB
- = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys instB) (is_tys instA))
+{- Note [Instance overlap and guards]
+The first step is to find all instances that /match/ the constraint
+we are trying to solve. Next, using pruneOverlapped Matches, we eliminate
+from that list of instances any instances that are overlapped. For example:
+(A) instance C [a] where ...
+(B) instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C [[a] where ...
+(C) instance C (Maybe a) where
+Suppose we are trying to solve C [[Bool]]. The lookup will return a list [A,B]
+of the first two instances, since both match. (The Maybe instance doesn't match,
+so the lookup won't return (C).) Then pruneOverlappedMatches removes (A),
+since (B) is more specific. So we end up with just one match, (B).
+However pruneOverlappedMatches is a bit more subtle than you might think (#20946).
+Recall how we go about eliminating redundant instances, as described in
+Note [Rules for instance lookup].
+ - When instance I1 is more specific than instance I2,
+ - and either I1 is overlapping or I2 is overlappable,
+then we can discard I2 in favour of I1. Note however that, as part of the instance
+resolution process, we don't want to immediately discard I2, as it can still be useful.
+For example, suppose we are trying to solve C [[Int]], and have instances:
+ I1: instance C [[Int]]
+ I2: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+Both instances match. I2 is both overlappable and overlapping (that's what `OVERLAPS`
+means). Now I1 is more specific than I2, and I2 is overlappable, so we can discard I2.
+However, we should still keep I2 around when looking up instances, because it is
+overlapping and `I1` isn't: this means it can be used to eliminate other instances
+that I1 can't, such as:
+ I3: instance C [a]
+I3 is more general than both I1 and I2, but it is not overlappable, and I1
+is not overlapping. This means that we must use I2 to discard I3.
+To do this, in 'insert_overlapping', on top of keeping track of matching
+instances, we also keep track of /guards/, which are instances like I2
+which we will discard in the end (because we have a more specific match
+that overrides it) but might still be useful for eliminating other instances
+(like I3 in this example).
+(A) Definition of guarding instances (guards).
+ To add a matching instance G as a guard, it must satisfy the following conditions:
+ A1. G is overlapped by a more specific match, M,
+ A2. M is not overlapping,
+ A3. G is overlapping.
+ This means that we eliminate G from the set of matches (it is overriden by M),
+ but we keep it around until we are done with instance resolution because
+ it might still be useful to eliminate other matches.
+(B) Guards eliminate matches.
+ There are two situations in which guards can eliminate a match:
+ B1. We want to add a new instance, but it is overriden by a guard.
+ We can immediately discard the instance.
+ Example for B1:
- instA `can_override` instB
- = isOverlapping instA || isOverlappable instB
+ Suppose we want to solve C [[Int]], with instances:
+ J1: instance C [[Int]]
+ J2: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+ J3: instance C [a]
+ Processing them in order: we add J1 as a match, then J2 as a guard.
+ Now, when we come across J3, we can immediately discard it because
+ it is overriden by the guard J2.
+ B2. We have found a new guard. We must use it to discard matches
+ we have already found. This is necessary because we must obtain
+ the same result whether we process the instance or the guard first.
+ Example for B2:
+ Suppose we want to solve C [[Int]], with instances:
+ K1: instance C [[Int]]
+ K2: instance C [a]
+ K3: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+ We start by considering K1 and K2. Neither has any overlapping flag set,
+ so we end up with two matches, {K1, K2}.
+ Next we look at K3: it is overriden by K1, but as K1 is not
+ overlapping this means K3 should function as a guard.
+ We must then ensure we eliminate K2 from the list of matches,
+ as K3 guards against it.
+(C) Adding guards.
+ When we already have collected some guards, and have come across a new
+ guard, we can simply add it to the existing list of guards.
+ We don't need to keep the set of guards minimal, as they will simply
+ be thrown away at the end: we are only interested in the matches.
+ Not having a minimal set of guards does not harm us, but it makes
+ the code simpler.
+-- | Collect class instance matches, including matches that we know
+-- are overridden but might still be useful to override other instances
+-- (which we call "guards").
+-- See Note [Instance overlap and guards].
+data InstMatches
+ = InstMatches
+ { -- | Minimal matches: we have knocked out all strictly more general
+ -- matches that are overlapped by a match in this list.
+ instMatches :: [InstMatch]
+ -- | Guards: matches that we know we won't pick in the end,
+ -- but might still be useful for ruling out other instances,
+ -- as per #20946. See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ , instGuards :: [ClsInst]
+ }
+instance Outputable InstMatches where
+ ppr (InstMatches { instMatches = matches, instGuards = guards })
+ = text "InstMatches" <+>
+ braces (vcat [ text "instMatches:" <+> ppr matches
+ , text "instGuards:" <+> ppr guards ])
+noMatches :: InstMatches
+noMatches = InstMatches { instMatches = [], instGuards = [] }
+pruneOverlappedMatches :: [InstMatch] -> [InstMatch]
+-- ^ Remove from the argument list any InstMatches for which another
+-- element of the list is more specific, and overlaps it, using the
+-- rules of Nove [Rules for instance lookup]
+pruneOverlappedMatches all_matches =
+ instMatches $ foldr insert_overlapping noMatches all_matches
+-- | Computes whether the first class instance overrides the second,
+-- i.e. the first is more specific and can overlap the second.
+-- More precisely, @instA `overrides` instB@ returns 'True' precisely when:
+-- - @instA@ is more specific than @instB@,
+-- - @instB@ is not more specific than @instA@,
+-- - @instA@ is overlapping OR @instB@ is overlappable.
+overrides :: ClsInst -> ClsInst -> Bool
+new_inst `overrides` old_inst
+ = (new_inst `more_specific_than` old_inst)
+ && (not $ old_inst `more_specific_than` new_inst)
+ && (isOverlapping new_inst || isOverlappable old_inst)
-- Overlap permitted if either the more specific instance
-- is marked as overlapping, or the more general one is
-- marked as overlappable.
-- Latest change described in: #9242.
-- Previous change: #3877, Dec 10.
+ where
+ -- `instB` can be instantiated to match `instA`
+ -- or the two are equal
+ instA `more_specific_than` instB
+ = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys instB) (is_tys instA))
+insert_overlapping :: InstMatch -> InstMatches -> InstMatches
+-- ^ Add a new solution, knocking out strictly less specific ones
+-- See Note [Rules for instance lookup] and Note [Instance overlap and guards].
+-- /Property/: the order of insertion doesn't matter, i.e.
+-- @insert_overlapping inst1 (insert_overlapping inst2 matches)@
+-- gives the same result as @insert_overlapping inst2 (insert_overlapping inst1 matches)@.
+ new_item@(new_inst,_)
+ old@(InstMatches { instMatches = old_items, instGuards = guards })
+ -- If any of the "guarding" instances override this item, discard it.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (B1).
+ | any (`overrides` new_inst) guards
+ = old
+ | otherwise
+ = insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ where
+ insert_overlapping_new_item :: [InstMatch] -> InstMatches
+ insert_overlapping_new_item []
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = [new_item], instGuards = guards }
+ insert_overlapping_new_item all_old_items@(old_item@(old_inst,_) : old_items)
+ -- New strictly overrides old: throw out the old from the list of matches,
+ -- but potentially keep it around as a guard if it can still be used
+ -- to eliminate other instances.
+ | new_inst `overrides` old_inst
+ , InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = prev_guards }
+ <- insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ = if isOverlapping new_inst || not (isOverlapping old_inst)
+ -- We're adding "new_inst" as a match.
+ -- If "new_inst" is not overlapping but "old_inst" is, we should
+ -- keep "old_inst" around as a guard.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ then InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = prev_guards }
+ else InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = old_inst : prev_guards }
+ -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (C).
+ -- Old strictly overrides new: throw it out from the list of matches,
+ -- but potentially keep it around as a guard if it can still be used
+ -- to eliminate other instances.
+ | old_inst `overrides` new_inst
+ = if isOverlapping old_inst || not (isOverlapping new_inst)
+ -- We're discarding "new_inst", as it is overridden by "old_inst".
+ -- However, it might still be useful as a guard if "old_inst" is not overlapping
+ -- but "new_inst" is.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ then InstMatches { instMatches = all_old_items
+ , instGuards = guards }
+ else InstMatches
+ -- We're adding "new_inst" as a guard, so we must prune out
+ -- any matches it overrides.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (B2)
+ { instMatches =
+ filter
+ (\(old_inst,_) -> not (new_inst `overrides` old_inst))
+ all_old_items
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (C)
+ , instGuards = new_inst : guards }
+ -- Discard incoherent instances; see Note [Incoherent instances]
+ | isIncoherent old_inst -- Old is incoherent; discard it
+ = insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ | isIncoherent new_inst -- New is incoherent; discard it
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = all_old_items
+ , instGuards = guards }
+ -- Equal or incomparable, and neither is incoherent; keep both
+ | otherwise
+ , InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = final_guards }
+ <- insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = old_item : final_matches
+ , instGuards = final_guards }
Note [Incoherent instances]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9a83b73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module T20946 where
+class C123 a where c123 :: a
+instance C123 [[Int]] where c123 = [[1]]
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C123 [[a]] where c123 = [[]]
+instance C123 [a] where c123 = []
+test123 :: [[Int]]
+test123 = c123
+class C132 a where c132 :: a
+instance C132 [[Int]] where c132 = [[1]]
+instance C132 [a] where c132 = []
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C132 [[a]] where c132 = [[]]
+test132 :: [[Int]]
+test132 = c132
+class C213 a where c213 :: a
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C213 [[a]] where c213 = [[]]
+instance C213 [[Int]] where c213 = [[1]]
+instance C213 [a] where c213 = []
+test213 :: [[Int]]
+test213 = c213
+class C231 a where c231 :: a
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C231 [[a]] where c231 = [[]]
+instance C231 [a] where c231 = []
+instance C231 [[Int]] where c231 = [[1]]
+test231 :: [[Int]]
+test231 = c231
+class C312 a where c312 :: a
+instance C312 [a] where c312 = []
+instance C312 [[Int]] where c312 = [[1]]
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C312 [[a]] where c312 = [[]]
+test312 :: [[Int]]
+test312 = c312
+class C321 a where c321 :: a
+instance C321 [a] where c321 = []
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C321 [[a]] where c321 = [[]]
+instance C321 [[Int]] where c321 = [[1]]
+test321 :: [[Int]]
+test321 = c321
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
index 4da7a858cb..f061d86fc4 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
@@ -807,3 +807,4 @@ test('T20661', [extra_files(['T20661.hs', 'T20661.hs-boot', 'T20661_aux.hs'])],
test('T20873', normal, compile, [''])
test('T20873b', [extra_files(['T20873b_aux.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T20873b', '-v0'])
test('StaticPtrTypeFamily', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T20946', normal, compile, [''])