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authorJohn Ericson <John.Ericson@Obsidian.Systems>2022-09-19 15:13:01 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2022-09-20 13:11:50 -0400
commit7beb356e944bf3415394fd6aeb7841aca5759020 (patch)
parentc4c2cca012c139259ab40e5b2e5f43aafc8f49c0 (diff)
Relax instances for Functor combinators; put superclass on Class1 and Class2 to make non-breaking
This change is approved by the Core Libraries commitee in The first change makes the `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show`, and `Read` instances for `Sum`, `Product`, and `Compose` match those for `:+:`, `:*:`, and `:.:`. These have the proper flexible contexts that are exactly what the instance needs: For example, instead of ```haskell instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Compose f g a) where (==) = eq1 ``` we do ```haskell deriving instance Eq (f (g a)) => Eq (Compose f g a) ``` But, that change alone is rather breaking, because until now `Eq (f a)` and `Eq1 f` (and respectively the other classes and their `*1` equivalents too) are *incomparable* constraints. This has always been an annoyance of working with the `*1` classes, and now it would rear it's head one last time as an pesky migration. Instead, we give the `*1` classes superclasses, like so: ```haskell (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq1 f ``` along with some laws that canonicity is preserved, like: ```haskell liftEq (==) = (==) ``` and likewise for `*2` classes: ```haskell (forall a. Eq a => Eq1 (f a)) => Eq2 f ``` and laws: ```haskell liftEq2 (==) = liftEq1 ``` The `*1` classes also have default methods using the `*2` classes where possible. What this means, as explained in the docs, is that `*1` classes really are generations of the regular classes, indicating that the methods can be split into a canonical lifting combined with a canonical inner, with the super class "witnessing" the laws[1] in a fashion. Circling back to the pragmatics of migrating, note that the superclass means evidence for the old `Sum`, `Product`, and `Compose` instances is (more than) sufficient, so breakage is less likely --- as long no instances are "missing", existing polymorphic code will continue to work. Breakage can occur when a datatype implements the `*1` class but not the corresponding regular class, but this is almost certainly an oversight. For example, containers made that mistake for `Tree` and `Ord`, which I fixed in, but fixing the issue by adding `Ord1` was extremely *un*controversial. `Generically1` was also missing `Eq`, `Ord`, `Read,` and `Show` instances. It is unlikely this would have been caught without implementing this change. ----- [1]: In fact, someday, when the laws are part of the language and not only documentation, we might be able to drop the superclass field of the dictionary by using the laws to recover the superclass in an instance-agnostic manner, e.g. with a *non*-overloaded function with type: ```haskell DictEq1 f -> DictEq a -> DictEq (f a) ``` But I don't wish to get into optomizations now, just demonstrate the close relationship between the law and the superclass. Bump haddock submodule because of test output changing.
6 files changed, 111 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Classes.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Classes.hs
index e547dd12ad..92f3f89e1e 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Classes.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Classes.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Functor.Classes
@@ -91,8 +94,18 @@ import Text.Show (showListWith)
-- | Lifting of the 'Eq' class to unary type constructors.
+-- Any instance should be subject to the following law that canonicity
+-- is preserved:
+-- @liftEq (==)@ = @(==)@
+-- This class therefore represents the generalization of 'Eq' by
+-- decomposing its main method into a canonical lifting on a canonical
+-- inner method, so that the lifting can be reused for other arguments
+-- than the canonical one.
-- @since
-class Eq1 f where
+class (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq1 f where
-- | Lift an equality test through the type constructor.
-- The function will usually be applied to an equality function,
@@ -102,6 +115,10 @@ class Eq1 f where
-- @since
liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
+ default liftEq
+ :: (f ~ f' c, Eq2 f', Eq c)
+ => (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
+ liftEq = liftEq2 (==)
-- | Lift the standard @('==')@ function through the type constructor.
@@ -111,8 +128,18 @@ eq1 = liftEq (==)
-- | Lifting of the 'Ord' class to unary type constructors.
+-- Any instance should be subject to the following law that canonicity
+-- is preserved:
+-- @liftCompare compare@ = 'compare'
+-- This class therefore represents the generalization of 'Ord' by
+-- decomposing its main method into a canonical lifting on a canonical
+-- inner method, so that the lifting can be reused for other arguments
+-- than the canonical one.
-- @since
-class (Eq1 f) => Ord1 f where
+class (Eq1 f, forall a. Ord a => Ord (f a)) => Ord1 f where
-- | Lift a 'compare' function through the type constructor.
-- The function will usually be applied to a comparison function,
@@ -122,6 +149,10 @@ class (Eq1 f) => Ord1 f where
-- @since
liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
+ default liftCompare
+ :: (f ~ f' c, Ord2 f', Ord c)
+ => (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
+ liftCompare = liftCompare2 compare
-- | Lift the standard 'compare' function through the type constructor.
@@ -131,6 +162,22 @@ compare1 = liftCompare compare
-- | Lifting of the 'Read' class to unary type constructors.
+-- Any instance should be subject to the following laws that canonicity
+-- is preserved:
+-- @liftReadsPrec readsPrec readList@ = 'readsPrec'
+-- @liftReadList readsPrec readList@ = 'readList'
+-- @liftReadPrec readPrec readListPrec@ = 'readPrec'
+-- @liftReadListPrec readPrec readListPrec@ = 'readListPrec'
+-- This class therefore represents the generalization of 'Read' by
+-- decomposing it's methods into a canonical lifting on a canonical
+-- inner method, so that the lifting can be reused for other arguments
+-- than the canonical one.
-- Both 'liftReadsPrec' and 'liftReadPrec' exist to match the interface
-- provided in the 'Read' type class, but it is recommended to implement
-- 'Read1' instances using 'liftReadPrec' as opposed to 'liftReadsPrec', since
@@ -145,7 +192,7 @@ compare1 = liftCompare compare
-- For more information, refer to the documentation for the 'Read' class.
-- @since
-class Read1 f where
+class (forall a. Read a => Read (f a)) => Read1 f where
{-# MINIMAL liftReadsPrec | liftReadPrec #-}
-- | 'readsPrec' function for an application of the type constructor
@@ -219,14 +266,30 @@ liftReadListPrecDefault rp rl = list (liftReadPrec rp rl)
-- | Lifting of the 'Show' class to unary type constructors.
+-- Any instance should be subject to the following laws that canonicity
+-- is preserved:
+-- @liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList@ = 'showsPrec'
+-- @liftShowList showsPrec showList@ = 'showList'
+-- This class therefore represents the generalization of 'Show' by
+-- decomposing it's methods into a canonical lifting on a canonical
+-- inner method, so that the lifting can be reused for other arguments
+-- than the canonical one.
-- @since
-class Show1 f where
+class (forall a. Show a => Show (f a)) => Show1 f where
-- | 'showsPrec' function for an application of the type constructor
-- based on 'showsPrec' and 'showList' functions for the argument type.
-- @since
liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) ->
Int -> f a -> ShowS
+ default liftShowsPrec
+ :: (f ~ f' b, Show2 f', Show b)
+ => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
+ liftShowsPrec = liftShowsPrec2 showsPrec showList
-- | 'showList' function for an application of the type constructor
-- based on 'showsPrec' and 'showList' functions for the argument type.
@@ -248,7 +311,7 @@ showsPrec1 = liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList
-- | Lifting of the 'Eq' class to binary type constructors.
-- @since
-class Eq2 f where
+class (forall a. Eq a => Eq1 (f a)) => Eq2 f where
-- | Lift equality tests through the type constructor.
-- The function will usually be applied to equality functions,
@@ -268,7 +331,7 @@ eq2 = liftEq2 (==) (==)
-- | Lifting of the 'Ord' class to binary type constructors.
-- @since
-class (Eq2 f) => Ord2 f where
+class (Eq2 f, forall a. Ord a => Ord1 (f a)) => Ord2 f where
-- | Lift 'compare' functions through the type constructor.
-- The function will usually be applied to comparison functions,
@@ -302,7 +365,7 @@ compare2 = liftCompare2 compare compare
-- For more information, refer to the documentation for the 'Read' class.
-- @since
-class Read2 f where
+class (forall a. Read a => Read1 (f a)) => Read2 f where
{-# MINIMAL liftReadsPrec2 | liftReadPrec2 #-}
-- | 'readsPrec' function for an application of the type constructor
@@ -385,7 +448,7 @@ liftReadListPrec2Default rp1 rl1 rp2 rl2 = list (liftReadPrec2 rp1 rl1 rp2 rl2)
-- | Lifting of the 'Show' class to binary type constructors.
-- @since
-class Show2 f where
+class (forall a. Show a => Show1 (f a)) => Show2 f where
-- | 'showsPrec' function for an application of the type constructor
-- based on 'showsPrec' and 'showList' functions for the argument types.
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Compose.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Compose.hs
index 813712f8dd..49955402a6 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Compose.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Compose.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- |
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(..), (:~:)(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
-import Text.Read (Read(..), readListDefault, readListPrecDefault)
+import Text.Read ()
infixr 9 `Compose`
@@ -47,6 +48,17 @@ newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }
, Monoid -- ^ @since
+-- Instances of Prelude classes
+-- | @since
+deriving instance Eq (f (g a)) => Eq (Compose f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance Ord (f (g a)) => Ord (Compose f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance Read (f (g a)) => Read (Compose f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance Show (f (g a)) => Show (Compose f g a)
-- Instances of lifted Prelude classes
-- | @since
@@ -77,27 +89,6 @@ instance (Show1 f, Show1 g) => Show1 (Compose f g) where
sp' = liftShowsPrec sp sl
sl' = liftShowList sp sl
--- Instances of Prelude classes
--- | @since
-instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Compose f g a) where
- (==) = eq1
--- | @since
-instance (Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Compose f g a) where
- compare = compare1
--- | @since
-instance (Read1 f, Read1 g, Read a) => Read (Compose f g a) where
- readPrec = readPrec1
- readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
- readList = readListDefault
--- | @since
-instance (Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Compose f g a) where
- showsPrec = showsPrec1
-- Functor instances
-- | @since
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Product.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Product.hs
index 114ad6a699..efa6b9977a 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Product.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Product.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Functor.Product
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip(mzipWith))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
-import Text.Read (Read(..), readListDefault, readListPrecDefault)
+import Text.Read ()
-- | Lifted product of functors.
data Product f g a = Pair (f a) (g a)
@@ -37,6 +38,15 @@ data Product f g a = Pair (f a) (g a)
, Generic1 -- ^ @since
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Eq (f a), Eq (g a)) => Eq (Product f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Ord (f a), Ord (g a)) => Ord (Product f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Read (f a), Read (g a)) => Read (Product f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Show (f a), Show (g a)) => Show (Product f g a)
-- | @since
instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g) => Eq1 (Product f g) where
liftEq eq (Pair x1 y1) (Pair x2 y2) = liftEq eq x1 x2 && liftEq eq y1 y2
@@ -60,25 +70,6 @@ instance (Show1 f, Show1 g) => Show1 (Product f g) where
showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Pair" d x y
-- | @since
-instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Product f g a)
- where (==) = eq1
--- | @since
-instance (Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Product f g a) where
- compare = compare1
--- | @since
-instance (Read1 f, Read1 g, Read a) => Read (Product f g a) where
- readPrec = readPrec1
- readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
- readList = readListDefault
--- | @since
-instance (Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Product f g a) where
- showsPrec = showsPrec1
--- | @since
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Product f g) where
fmap f (Pair x y) = Pair (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
a <$ (Pair x y) = Pair (a <$ x) (a <$ y)
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Sum.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Sum.hs
index affa4e5fc0..2ec25f5588 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Sum.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Sum.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Functor.Sum
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
-import Text.Read (Read(..), readListDefault, readListPrecDefault)
+import Text.Read ()
-- | Lifted sum of functors.
data Sum f g a = InL (f a) | InR (g a)
@@ -34,6 +35,15 @@ data Sum f g a = InL (f a) | InR (g a)
, Generic1 -- ^ @since
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Eq (f a), Eq (g a)) => Eq (Sum f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Ord (f a), Ord (g a)) => Ord (Sum f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Read (f a), Read (g a)) => Read (Sum f g a)
+-- | @since
+deriving instance (Show (f a), Show (g a)) => Show (Sum f g a)
-- | @since
instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g) => Eq1 (Sum f g) where
liftEq eq (InL x1) (InL x2) = liftEq eq x1 x2
@@ -65,22 +75,6 @@ instance (Show1 f, Show1 g) => Show1 (Sum f g) where
showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "InR" d y
-- | @since
-instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 g, Eq a) => Eq (Sum f g a) where
- (==) = eq1
--- | @since
-instance (Ord1 f, Ord1 g, Ord a) => Ord (Sum f g a) where
- compare = compare1
--- | @since
-instance (Read1 f, Read1 g, Read a) => Read (Sum f g a) where
- readPrec = readPrec1
- readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
- readList = readListDefault
--- | @since
-instance (Show1 f, Show1 g, Show a) => Show (Sum f g a) where
- showsPrec = showsPrec1
--- | @since
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Sum f g) where
fmap f (InL x) = InL (fmap f x)
fmap f (InR y) = InR (fmap f y)
diff --git a/libraries/base/ b/libraries/base/
index 515e398798..a11b059000 100644
--- a/libraries/base/
+++ b/libraries/base/
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
as well as [the migration guide](
* Update to Unicode 15.0.0.
* Add `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `Generically1`.
+ * Relax instances for Functor combinators; put superclass on Class1 and Class2
+ to make non-breaking. See [CLC
+ #10]( for the
+ related discussion, as well as [the migration
+ guide](
## *August 2022*
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject b5e40b15228fdca5ce7d4e2f2241156d0b08526
+Subproject 7e4326f999056fb7b0b955ccadf5eab86b755a0