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authorRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-01 03:41:19 +0000
committerRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-01 03:41:19 +0000
commit6326f92d3f33f1d40d2ffa66021197fd84960742 (patch)
parent76cec9c6231e5e73c5dd17e5c7111a79ffde0b03 (diff)
Improve closure generation for functions with multiple parameters
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/VectUtils.hs b/compiler/vectorise/VectUtils.hs
index 3abbe44b49..57571ab630 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/VectUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/VectUtils.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module VectUtils (
collectAnnTypeBinders, collectAnnTypeArgs, isAnnTypeArg,
+ collectAnnValBinders,
mkPADictType, mkPArrayType,
paDictArgType, paDictOfType,
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ module VectUtils (
polyAbstract, polyApply, polyVApply,
hoistExpr, hoistPolyVExpr, takeHoisted,
- buildClosure
+ buildClosure, buildClosures
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -46,6 +47,12 @@ collectAnnTypeBinders expr = go [] expr
go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isTyVar b = go (b:bs) e
go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+collectAnnValBinders :: AnnExpr Var ann -> ([Var], AnnExpr Var ann)
+collectAnnValBinders expr = go [] expr
+ where
+ go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isId b = go (b:bs) e
+ go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
isAnnTypeArg :: AnnExpr b ann -> Bool
isAnnTypeArg (_, AnnType t) = True
isAnnTypeArg _ = False
@@ -72,6 +79,20 @@ splitPArrayTy ty
| otherwise = pprPanic "splitPArrayTy" (ppr ty)
+mkClosureType :: Type -> Type -> VM Type
+mkClosureType arg_ty res_ty
+ = do
+ tc <- builtin closureTyCon
+ return $ mkTyConApp tc [arg_ty, res_ty]
+mkClosureTypes :: [Type] -> Type -> VM Type
+mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
+ = do
+ tc <- builtin closureTyCon
+ return $ foldr (mk tc) res_ty arg_tys
+ where
+ mk tc arg_ty res_ty = mkTyConApp tc [arg_ty, res_ty]
mkPADictType :: Type -> VM Type
mkPADictType ty
= do
@@ -227,11 +248,24 @@ mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty (vfn,lfn) (venv,lenv)
return (Var mkv `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, venv],
Var mkl `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, lenv])
+buildClosures :: [TyVar] -> Var -> [VVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> VM VExpr -> VM VExpr
+buildClosures tvs lc vars [arg_ty] res_ty mk_body
+ = buildClosure tvs lc vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
+buildClosures tvs lc vars (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
+ = do
+ res_ty' <- mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
+ arg <- newLocalVVar FSLIT("x") arg_ty
+ buildClosure tvs lc vars arg_ty res_ty'
+ . hoistPolyVExpr FSLIT("fn") tvs
+ $ do
+ clo <- buildClosures tvs lc (vars ++ [arg]) arg_tys res_ty mk_body
+ return $ vLams lc (vars ++ [arg]) clo
-- (clo <x1,...,xn> <f,f^>, aclo (Arr lc xs1 ... xsn) <f,f^>)
-- where
-- f = \env v -> case env of <x1,...,xn> -> e x1 ... xn v
-- f^ = \env v -> case env of Arr l xs1 ... xsn -> e^ l x1 ... xn v
buildClosure :: [TyVar] -> Var -> [VVar] -> Type -> Type -> VM VExpr -> VM VExpr
buildClosure tvs lv vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
= do
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index 055137abe4..89ee166dd4 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -242,26 +242,31 @@ vectExpr lc (_, AnnLet (AnnRec bs) body)
(bndrs, rhss) = unzip bs
-vectExpr lc e@(_, AnnLam bndr body)
- | isTyVar bndr = pprPanic "vectExpr" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
+vectExpr lc e@(fvs, AnnLam bndr _)
+ | not (isId bndr) = pprPanic "vectExpr" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
+ | otherwise = vectLam lc fvs bs body
+ where
+ (bs,body) = collectAnnValBinders e
-vectExpr lc (fvs, AnnLam bndr body)
+vectLam :: Var -> VarSet -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs -> VM VExpr
+vectLam lc fvs bs body
= do
tyvars <- localTyVars
(vs, vvs) <- readLEnv $ \env ->
unzip [(var, vv) | var <- varSetElems fvs
, Just vv <- [lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) var]]
- arg_ty <- vectType (idType bndr)
- res_ty <- vectType (exprType $ deAnnotate body)
- buildClosure tyvars lc vvs arg_ty res_ty
+ arg_tys <- mapM (vectType . idType) bs
+ res_ty <- vectType (exprType $ deAnnotate body)
+ buildClosures tyvars lc vvs arg_tys res_ty
. hoistPolyVExpr FSLIT("fn") tyvars
$ do
new_lc <- newLocalVar FSLIT("lc") intPrimTy
- (vbndrs, vbody) <- vectBndrsIn (vs ++ [bndr])
+ (vbndrs, vbody) <- vectBndrsIn (vs ++ bs)
(vectExpr new_lc body)
return $ vLams new_lc vbndrs vbody
vectTyAppExpr :: Var -> CoreExprWithFVs -> [Type] -> VM (CoreExpr, CoreExpr)
vectTyAppExpr lc (_, AnnVar v) tys = vectPolyVar lc v tys
vectTyAppExpr lc e tys = pprPanic "vectTyAppExpr" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)