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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2018-06-11 13:55:56 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2018-06-11 16:29:11 +0100
commita169149ce80de3676adb3ece43d5164b6a875b9c (patch)
parent25597a97174990b49b4005497473b417888a7a64 (diff)
Remove duplicate quantified constraints
This is an easy fix for Trac #15244: just avoid adding the same quantified Given constraint to the inert set twice. See TcSMonad Note [Do not add duplicate quantified instances].
4 files changed, 131 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
index 3e41c61264..f20a17bf8f 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
@@ -2341,8 +2341,9 @@ matchClassInst :: DynFlags -> InertSet
-> CtLoc -> TcS LookupInstResult
matchClassInst dflags inerts clas tys loc
-- First check whether there is an in-scope Given that could
--- match this constraint. In that case, do not use top-level
--- instances. See Note [Instance and Given overlap]
+-- match this constraint. In that case, do not use any instance
+-- whether top level, or local quantified constraints.
+-- ee Note [Instance and Given overlap]
| not (xopt LangExt.IncoherentInstances dflags)
, not (naturallyCoherentClass clas)
, let matchable_givens = matchableGivens loc pred inerts
@@ -2356,7 +2357,7 @@ matchClassInst dflags inerts clas tys loc
= do { traceTcS "matchClassInst" $ text "pred =" <+> ppr pred <+> char '{'
; local_res <- matchLocalInst pred loc
; case local_res of
- OneInst {} ->
+ OneInst {} -> -- See Note [Local instances and incoherence]
do { traceTcS "} matchClassInst local match" $ ppr local_res
; return local_res }
@@ -2399,6 +2400,7 @@ naturallyCoherentClass cls
|| cls `hasKey` eqTyConKey
|| cls `hasKey` coercibleTyConKey
{- Note [Instance and Given overlap]
Example, from the OutsideIn(X) paper:
@@ -2525,9 +2527,37 @@ Exammples: T5853, T10432, T5315, T9222, T2627b, T3028b
PS: the term "naturally coherent" doesn't really seem helpful.
Perhaps "invertible" or something? I left it for now though.
+Note [Local instances and incoherence]
+ f :: forall b c. (Eq b, forall a. Eq a => Eq (c a))
+ => c b -> Bool
+ f x = x==x
+We get [W] Eq (c b), and we must use the local instance to solve it.
+BUT that wanted also unifies with the top-level Eq [a] instance,
+and Eq (Maybe a) etc. We want the local instance to "win", otherwise
+we can't solve the wanted at all. So we mark it as Incohherent.
+According to Note [Rules for instance lookup] in InstEnv, that'll
+make it win even if there are other instances that unify.
+Moreover this is not a hack! The evidence for this local instance
+will be constructed by GHC at a call site... from the very instances
+that unify with it here. It is not like an incoherent user-written
+instance which might have utterly different behaviour.
+Consdider f :: Eq a => blah. If we have [W] Eq a, we certainly
+get it from the Eq a context, without worrying that there are
+lots of top-level instances that unify with [W] Eq a! We'll use
+those instances to build evidence to pass to f. That's just the
+nullary case of what's happening here.
matchLocalInst :: TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcS LookupInstResult
+-- Try any Given quantified constraints, which are
+-- effectively just local instance declarations.
matchLocalInst pred loc
= do { ics <- getInertCans
; case match_local_inst (inert_insts ics) of
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
index 9814358c74..b1865e829c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
@@ -1483,35 +1483,35 @@ equalities arising from injectivity.
addInertForAll :: QCInst -> TcS ()
-- Add a local Given instance, typically arising from a type signature
-addInertForAll qci
+addInertForAll new_qci
= updInertCans $ \ics ->
- ics { inert_insts = qci : inert_insts ics }
-{- Note [Local instances and incoherence]
- f :: forall b c. (Eq b, forall a. Eq a => Eq (c a))
- => c b -> Bool
- f x = x==x
-We get [W] Eq (c b), and we must use the local instance to solve it.
-BUT that wanted also unifies with the top-level Eq [a] instance,
-and Eq (Maybe a) etc. We want the local instance to "win", otherwise
-we can't solve the wanted at all. So we mark it as Incohherent.
-According to Note [Rules for instance lookup] in InstEnv, that'll
-make it win even if there are other instances that unify.
-Moreover this is not a hack! The evidence for this local instance
-will be constructed by GHC at a call site... from the very instances
-that unify with it here. It is not like an incoherent user-written
-instance which might have utterly different behaviour.
-Consdider f :: Eq a => blah. If we have [W] Eq a, we certainly
-get it from the Eq a context, without worrying that there are
-lots of top-level instances that unify with [W] Eq a! We'll use
-those instances to build evidence to pass to f. That's just the
-nullary case of what's happening here.
+ ics { inert_insts = add_qci (inert_insts ics) }
+ where
+ add_qci :: [QCInst] -> [QCInst]
+ -- See Note [Do not add duplicate quantified instances]
+ add_qci qcis | any same_qci qcis = qcis
+ | otherwise = new_qci : qcis
+ same_qci old_qci = tcEqType (ctEvPred (qci_ev old_qci))
+ (ctEvPred (qci_ev new_qci))
+{- Note [Do not add duplicate quantified instances]
+Consider this (Trac #15244):
+ f :: (C g, D g) => ....
+ class S g => C g where ...
+ class S g => D g where ...
+ class (forall a. Eq a => Eq (g a)) => S g where ...
+Then in f's RHS there are two identical quantified constraints
+available, one via the superclasses of C and one via the superclasses
+of D. The two are identical, and it seems wrong to reject the program
+because of that. But without doing duplicate-elimination we will have
+two matching QCInsts when we try to solve constraints arising from f's
+The simplest thing is simply to eliminate duplicattes, which we do here.
{- *********************************************************************
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/T15244.hs b/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/T15244.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16d2b65d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/T15244.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints, TypeFamilies #-}
+module T15244 where
+class (forall t . Eq (c t)) => Blah c
+-- Unquantified works
+foo :: (Eq (a t), Eq (b t), a ~ b) => a t -> b t -> Bool
+foo a b = a == b
+-- Works
+-- Two quantified instances fail with double ambiguity check errors
+bar :: (forall t . Eq (a t), forall t . Eq (b t), a ~ b) => a t -> b t -> Bool
+bar a b = a == b
+-- Minimal.hs:11:8: error:
+-- • Could not deduce (Eq (b t1))
+-- from the context: (forall t1. Eq (a t1), forall t1. Eq (b t1),
+-- a ~ b)
+-- bound by the type signature for:
+-- bar :: forall (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) t.
+-- (forall t1. Eq (a t1), forall t1. Eq (b t1), a ~ b) =>
+-- a t -> b t -> Bool
+-- at Minimal.hs:11:8-78
+-- • In the ambiguity check for ‘bar’
+-- To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
+-- In the type signature:
+-- bar :: (forall t. Eq (a t), forall t. Eq (b t), a ~ b) =>
+-- a t -> b t -> Bool
+-- |
+-- 11 | bar :: (forall t . Eq (a t), forall t . Eq (b t), a ~ b) => a t -> b t -> Bool
+-- |
+-- [And then another copy of the same error]
+-- Two copies from superclass instances fail
+baz :: (Blah a, Blah b, a ~ b) => a t -> b t -> Bool
+baz a b = a == b
+-- Minimal.hs:34:11: error:
+-- • Could not deduce (Eq (b t)) arising from a use of ‘==’
+-- from the context: (Blah a, Blah b, a ~ b)
+-- bound by the type signature for:
+-- baz :: forall (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) t.
+-- (Blah a, Blah b, a ~ b) =>
+-- a t -> b t -> Bool
+-- at Minimal.hs:33:1-52
+-- • In the expression: a == b
+-- In an equation for ‘baz’: baz a b = a == b
+-- |
+-- 34 | baz a b = a == b
+-- |
+-- Two copies from superclass from same declaration also fail
+mugga :: (Blah a, Blah a) => a t -> a t -> Bool
+mugga a b = a == b
+-- • Could not deduce (Eq (a t)) arising from a use of ‘==’
+-- from the context: (Blah a, Blah a)
+-- bound by the type signature for:
+-- mugga :: forall (a :: * -> *) t.
+-- (Blah a, Blah a) =>
+-- a t -> a t -> Bool
+-- at Minimal.hs:50:1-47
+-- • In the expression: a == b
+-- In an equation for ‘mugga’: mugga a b = a == b
+-- |
+-- 51 | mugga a b = a == b
+-- |
+-- One copy works
+quux :: (Blah a, a ~ b) => a t -> b t -> Bool
+quux a b = a == b
+-- Works
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/all.T b/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/all.T
index 71f5b9159a..e546a7c495 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/quantified-constraints/all.T
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ test('T9123', normal, compile, [''])
test('T14863', normal, compile, [''])
test('T14961', normal, compile, [''])
test('T9123a', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T15244', normal, compile, [''])