diff options
authornikshalark <>2022-02-11 09:50:03 -0600
committerMarge Bot <>2022-02-13 03:26:16 -0500
commitef5cf55d71e84a0a42596b4ec253ecb0d63f149b (patch)
parent95fab83f3af2e3b54fb59d761b38466344608ed8 (diff)
(#21044) Documented arithmetic functions in base.
Didn't get it right the ninth time. Now everything's formatted correctly.
4 files changed, 264 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
index 63d79237c5..307b31e9ff 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
@@ -231,7 +231,16 @@ lessSafeIndex :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Int -> i -> Int
lessSafeIndex (l,u) _ i = index (l,u) i
-- Don't inline this long error message everywhere!!
-badSafeIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int
+-- | Used to throw exceptions in array bounds-checking functions.
+-- ⚠ This function throws 'SomeException' in all cases.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> badSafeIndex 2 5
+-- *** Exception: Error in array index; 2 not in range [0..5)
+badSafeIndex :: Int -- ^ Index searched for.
+ -> Int -- ^ Max bound of the array.
+ -> Int -- ^ This isn't an Int. It's an exception.
badSafeIndex i' n = errorWithoutStackTrace ("Error in array index; " ++ show i' ++
" not in range [0.." ++ show n ++ ")")
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Base.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Base.hs
index bf1527076c..9463570d46 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Base.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Base.hs
@@ -1629,17 +1629,83 @@ getTag x = dataToTag# x
{-# INLINE quotRemInt #-}
{-# INLINE divModInt #-}
-quotInt, remInt, divInt, modInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
+-- | Used to implement `quot` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs integer division on its two parameters, truncated towards zero.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> quotInt 10 2
+-- 5
+-- >>> quot 10 2
+-- 5
+quotInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
(I# x) `quotInt` (I# y) = I# (x `quotInt#` y)
+-- | Used to implement `rem` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives the remainder after integer division of its two parameters, satisfying
+-- > ((x `quot` y) * y) + (x `rem` y) == x
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> remInt 3 2
+-- 1
+-- >>> rem 3 2
+-- 1
+remInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
(I# x) `remInt` (I# y) = I# (x `remInt#` y)
+-- | Used to implement `div` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs integer division on its two parameters, truncated towards negative infinity.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 10 `divInt` 2
+-- 5
+-- >>> 10 `div` 2
+-- 5
+divInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
(I# x) `divInt` (I# y) = I# (x `divInt#` y)
+-- | Used to implement `mod` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs the modulo operation, satisfying
+-- > ((x `div` y) * y) + (x `mod` y) == x
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 7 `modInt` 3
+-- 1
+-- >>> 7 `mod` 3
+-- 1
+modInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
(I# x) `modInt` (I# y) = I# (x `modInt#` y)
+-- | Used to implement `quotRem` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives a tuple equivalent to
+-- > (quot x y, mod x y)
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> quotRemInt 10 2
+-- (5,0)
+-- >>> quotRem 10 2
+-- (5,0)
quotRemInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
(I# x) `quotRemInt` (I# y) = case x `quotRemInt#` y of
(# q, r #) ->
(I# q, I# r)
+-- | Used to implement `divMod` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives a tuple equivalent to
+-- > (div x y, mod x y)
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> divModInt 10 2
+-- (5,0)
+-- >>> divMod 10 2
+-- (5,0)
divModInt :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
(I# x) `divModInt` (I# y) = case x `divModInt#` y of
(# q, r #) -> (I# q, I# r)
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
index b73a5994a5..ffe9fdc7b9 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs
@@ -1502,6 +1502,15 @@ called from scaleFloat, hence we clamp the scaling parameter.
We must have a large enough range to cover the maximum difference of
exponents returned by decodeFloat.
+-- | Used to prevent exponent over/underflow when encoding floating point numbers.
+-- This is also the same as
+-- > \(x,y) -> max (-x) (min x y)
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> clamp (-10) 5
+-- 10
clamp :: Int -> Int -> Int
clamp bd k = max (-bd) (min bd k)
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Integer.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Integer.hs
index 070bd8fb61..70784b98fa 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Integer.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Integer.hs
@@ -100,62 +100,238 @@ encodeDoubleInteger = I.integerEncodeDouble#
decodeDoubleInteger :: Double# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
decodeDoubleInteger = I.integerDecodeDouble#
+-- | Used to implement `(+)` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This gives the sum of two integers.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> plusInteger 3 2
+-- 5
+-- >>> (+) 3 2
+-- 5
plusInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
plusInteger = I.integerAdd
+-- | Used to implement `(-)` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This gives the difference of two integers.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> minusInteger 3 2
+-- 1
+-- >>> (-) 3 2
+-- 1
minusInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
minusInteger = I.integerSub
+-- | Used to implement `(*)` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This gives the product of two integers.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> timesInteger 3 2
+-- 6
+-- >>> (*) 3 2
+-- 6
timesInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
timesInteger = I.integerMul
+-- | Used to implement `negate` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This changes the sign of whatever integer is passed into it.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> negateInteger (-6)
+-- 6
+-- >>> negate (-6)
+-- 6
negateInteger :: Integer -> Integer
negateInteger = I.integerNegate
+-- | Used to implement `abs` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This gives the absolute value of whatever integer is passed into it.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> absInteger (-6)
+-- 6
+-- >>> abs (-6)
+-- 6
absInteger :: Integer -> Integer
absInteger = I.integerAbs
+-- | Used to implement `signum` for the `Num` typeclass.
+-- This gives 1 for a positive integer, and -1 for a negative integer.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> signumInteger 5
+-- 1
+-- >>> signum 5
+-- 1
signumInteger :: Integer -> Integer
signumInteger = I.integerSignum
+-- | Used to implement `divMod` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives a tuple equivalent to
+-- >(div x y, mod x y)
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> divModInteger 10 2
+-- (5,0)
+-- >>> divMod 10 2
+-- (5,0)
divModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #)
divModInteger = I.integerDivMod#
+-- | Used to implement `div` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs integer division on its two parameters, truncated towards negative infinity.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 10 `divInteger` 2
+-- 5
+-- >>> 10 `div` 2
divInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
divInteger = I.integerDiv
+-- | Used to implement `mod` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs the modulo operation, satisfying
+-- > ((x `div` y) * y) + (x `mod` y) == x
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 7 `modInteger` 3
+-- 1
+-- >>> 7 `mod` 3
+-- 1
modInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modInteger = I.integerMod
+-- | Used to implement `quotRem` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives a tuple equivalent to
+-- > (quot x y, mod x y)
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> quotRemInteger 10 2
+-- (5,0)
+-- >>> quotRem 10 2
+-- (5,0)
quotRemInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #)
quotRemInteger = I.integerQuotRem#
+-- | Used to implement `quot` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This performs integer division on its two parameters, truncated towards zero.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> quotInteger 10 2
+-- 5
+-- >>> quot 10 2
+-- 5
quotInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
quotInteger = I.integerQuot
+-- | Used to implement `rem` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This gives the remainder after integer division of its two parameters, satisfying
+-- > ((x `quot` y) * y) + (x `rem` y) == x
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> remInteger 3 2
+-- 1
+-- >>> rem 3 2
+-- 1
remInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
remInteger = I.integerRem
+-- | Used to implement `(==)` for the `Eq` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if two integers are equal to each other.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 6 `eqInteger` 6
+-- True
+-- >>> 6 == 6
+-- True
eqInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
eqInteger = I.integerEq
+-- | Used to implement `(/=)` for the `Eq` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if two integers are not equal to each other.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 6 `neqInteger` 7
+-- True
+-- >>> 6 /= 7
+-- True
neqInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
neqInteger = I.integerNe
+-- | Used to implement `(<=)` for the `Ord` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if the first argument is less than or equal to the second.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 3 `leInteger` 5
+-- True
+-- >>> 3 <= 5
+-- True
leInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
leInteger = I.integerLe
+-- | Used to implement `(>)` for the `Ord` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if the first argument is greater than the second.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 5 `gtInteger` 3
+-- True
+-- >>> 5 > 3
+-- True
gtInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
gtInteger = I.integerGt
+-- | Used to implement `(<)` for the `Ord` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if the first argument is less than the second.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 3 `ltInteger` 5
+-- True
+-- >>> 3 < 5
+-- True
ltInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
ltInteger = I.integerLt
+-- | Used to implement `(>=)` for the `Ord` typeclass.
+-- Outputs `True` if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> 5 `geInteger` 3
+-- True
+-- >>> 5 >= 3
+-- True
geInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
geInteger = I.integerGe
+-- | Used to implement `compare` for the `Integral` typeclass.
+-- This takes two integers, and outputs whether the first is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
+-- ==== __Example__
+-- >>> compareInteger 2 10
+-- LT
+-- >>> compare 2 10
+-- LT
compareInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Ordering
compareInteger = I.integerCompare