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mode: <unknown>2008-11-03 11:08:19 +0000 <unknown>2008-11-03 11:08:19 +0000
commit05dce654a3c65e1c7a68ca55f990eed8bd3ec700 (patch)
parent0f39a76981957c7120e42dda04c07f394692cfdb (diff)
Fix desugaring of record update (fixes Trac #2735)
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index 37129d8ee6..b91380dcbc 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -451,24 +451,32 @@ dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd record_expr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = fields })
do { record_expr' <- dsLExpr record_expr
; field_binds' <- mapM ds_field fields
+ ; let upd_fld_env :: NameEnv Id -- Maps field name to the LocalId of the field binding
+ upd_fld_env = mkNameEnv [(f,l) | (f,l,_) <- field_binds']
-- It's important to generate the match with matchWrapper,
-- and the right hand sides with applications of the wrapper Id
-- so that everything works when we are doing fancy unboxing on the
-- constructor aguments.
- ; alts <- mapM mk_alt cons_to_upd
+ ; alts <- mapM (mk_alt upd_fld_env) cons_to_upd
; ([discrim_var], matching_code)
<- matchWrapper RecUpd (MatchGroup alts in_out_ty)
; return (add_field_binds field_binds' $
bindNonRec discrim_var record_expr' matching_code) }
- ds_field :: HsRecField Id (LHsExpr Id) -> DsM (Id, CoreExpr)
+ ds_field :: HsRecField Id (LHsExpr Id) -> DsM (Name, Id, CoreExpr)
+ -- Clone the Id in the HsRecField, because its Name is that
+ -- of the record selector, and we must not make that a lcoal binder
+ -- else we shadow other uses of the record selector
+ -- Hence 'lcl_id'. Cf Trac #2735
ds_field rec_field = do { rhs <- dsLExpr (hsRecFieldArg rec_field)
- ; return (unLoc (hsRecFieldId rec_field), rhs) }
+ ; let fld_id = unLoc (hsRecFieldId rec_field)
+ ; lcl_id <- newSysLocalDs (idType fld_id)
+ ; return (idName fld_id, lcl_id, rhs) }
add_field_binds [] expr = expr
- add_field_binds ((b,r):bs) expr = bindNonRec b r (add_field_binds bs expr)
+ add_field_binds ((_,b,r):bs) expr = bindNonRec b r (add_field_binds bs expr)
-- Awkwardly, for families, the match goes
-- from instance type to family type
@@ -476,7 +484,7 @@ dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd record_expr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = fields })
in_ty = mkTyConApp tycon in_inst_tys
in_out_ty = mkFunTy in_ty (mkFamilyTyConApp tycon out_inst_tys)
- mk_alt con
+ mk_alt upd_fld_env con
= do { let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec,
eq_theta, dict_theta, arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig con
subst = mkTopTvSubst (univ_tvs `zip` in_inst_tys)
@@ -487,6 +495,8 @@ dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd record_expr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = fields })
; arg_ids <- newSysLocalsDs (substTys subst arg_tys)
; let val_args = zipWithEqual "dsExpr:RecordUpd" mk_val_arg
(dataConFieldLabels con) arg_ids
+ mk_val_arg field_name pat_arg_id
+ = nlHsVar (lookupNameEnv upd_fld_env field_name `orElse` pat_arg_id)
inst_con = noLoc $ HsWrap wrap (HsVar (dataConWrapId con))
-- Reconstruct with the WrapId so that unpacking happens
wrap = mkWpApps theta_vars `WpCompose`
@@ -514,11 +524,6 @@ dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd record_expr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = fields })
, pat_ty = in_ty }
; return (mkSimpleMatch [pat] wrapped_rhs) }
- upd_field_ids :: NameEnv Id -- Maps field name to the LocalId of the field binding
- upd_field_ids = mkNameEnv [ (idName field_id, field_id)
- | rec_fld <- fields, let field_id = unLoc (hsRecFieldId rec_fld) ]
- mk_val_arg field_name pat_arg_id
- = nlHsVar (lookupNameEnv upd_field_ids field_name `orElse` pat_arg_id)
Here is where we desugar the Template Haskell brackets and escapes
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 540292cbb4..51d6f4b603 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -1189,9 +1189,11 @@ tcRecordBinds data_con arg_tys (HsRecFields rbinds dd)
do { rhs' <- tcPolyExprNC rhs field_ty
; let field_id = mkUserLocal (nameOccName field_lbl)
(nameUnique field_lbl)
- field_ty loc
- -- The field_id has the *unique* of the selector Id
- -- but is a LocalId with the appropriate type of the RHS
+ field_ty loc
+ -- Yuk: the field_id has the *unique* of the selector Id
+ -- (so we can find it easily)
+ -- but is a LocalId with the appropriate type of the RHS
+ -- (so the desugarer knows the type of local binder to make)
; return (Just (fld { hsRecFieldId = L loc field_id, hsRecFieldArg = rhs' })) }
| otherwise
= do { addErrTc (badFieldCon data_con field_lbl)