diff options
authorDuncan Coutts <>2014-08-22 14:38:10 +0100
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2014-08-29 12:39:04 +0100
commit27d6c089549a2ee815940e6630a54cb372bbbcd2 (patch)
parent8d7a1dcdbee47a980d0ecc8fa8e9336866a75d1b (diff)
Use ghc-local types for packages, rather than Cabal types
Also start using the new package db file format properly, by using the ghc-specific section. This is the main patch in the series for removing the compiler's dep on the Cabal lib.
6 files changed, 360 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/Linker.lhs b/compiler/ghci/Linker.lhs
index 86d7b268d0..f581f9f59a 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/Linker.lhs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/Linker.lhs
@@ -65,8 +65,6 @@ import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Directory hiding (findFile)
-import Distribution.Package hiding (depends, mkPackageKey, PackageKey)
import Exception
@@ -1119,7 +1117,7 @@ linkPackage dflags pkg
objs = [ obj | Object obj <- classifieds ]
archs = [ arch | Archive arch <- classifieds ]
- maybePutStr dflags ("Loading package " ++ display (sourcePackageId pkg) ++ " ... ")
+ maybePutStr dflags ("Loading package " ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ " ... ")
-- See comments with partOfGHCi
when (packageName pkg `notElem` partOfGHCi) $ do
@@ -1135,7 +1133,7 @@ linkPackage dflags pkg
maybePutStr dflags "linking ... "
ok <- resolveObjs
if succeeded ok then maybePutStrLn dflags "done."
- else throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError ("unable to load package `" ++ display (sourcePackageId pkg) ++ "'"))
+ else throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError ("unable to load package `" ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ "'"))
-- we have already searched the filesystem; the strings passed to load_dyn
-- can be passed directly to loadDLL. They are either fully-qualified
@@ -1149,7 +1147,7 @@ load_dyn dll = do r <- loadDLL dll
Just err -> throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("can't load .so/.DLL for: "
++ dll ++ " (" ++ err ++ ")" ))
-loadFrameworks :: Platform -> InstalledPackageInfo_ ModuleName -> IO ()
+loadFrameworks :: Platform -> PackageConfig -> IO ()
loadFrameworks platform pkg
= if platformUsesFrameworks platform
then mapM_ load frameworks
diff --git a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
index f9c7e2eee0..8b9a5e9547 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import UniqFM
import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Exception ( evaluate )
-import Distribution.Text
import Data.IORef ( IORef, writeIORef, readIORef, atomicModifyIORef )
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
@@ -616,17 +615,17 @@ cantFindErr cannot_find _ dflags mod_name find_result
| otherwise =
hang (ptext (sLit "Locations searched:")) 2 $ vcat (map text files)
- pkg_hidden pkg =
- ptext (sLit "It is a member of the hidden package") <+> quotes (ppr pkg)
- <> dot $$ cabal_pkg_hidden_hint pkg
- cabal_pkg_hidden_hint pkg
+ pkg_hidden pkgid =
+ ptext (sLit "It is a member of the hidden package") <+> quotes (ppr pkgid)
+ --FIXME: we don't really want to show the package key here we should
+ -- show the source package id or installed package id if it's ambiguous
+ <> dot $$ cabal_pkg_hidden_hint pkgid
+ cabal_pkg_hidden_hint pkgid
| gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
- = case simpleParse (packageKeyString pkg) of
- Just pid ->
- ptext (sLit "Perhaps you need to add") <+>
- quotes (text (display (pkgName pid))) <+>
+ = let pkg = expectJust "cabal_pkg_hidden_hint" (lookupPackage dflags pkgid)
+ in ptext (sLit "Perhaps you need to add") <+>
+ quotes (ppr (packageName pkg)) <+>
ptext (sLit "to the build-depends in your .cabal file.")
- Nothing -> empty
| otherwise = empty
mod_hidden pkg =
diff --git a/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs b/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs
index 864980be9d..09ff0659b3 100644
--- a/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/PackageConfig.hs
@@ -10,39 +10,103 @@ module PackageConfig (
-- $package_naming
-- * PackageKey
- mkPackageKey, packageConfigId,
+ packageConfigId,
-- * The PackageConfig type: information about a package
- InstalledPackageInfo_(..), display,
+ InstalledPackageInfo(..),
+ InstalledPackageId(..),
+ SourcePackageId(..),
+ PackageName(..),
- PackageIdentifier(..),
- packageConfigToInstalledPackageInfo,
- installedPackageInfoToPackageConfig
+ installedPackageIdString,
+ sourcePackageIdString,
+ packageNameString,
+ showInstalledPackageInfo,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.ModuleName
-import Distribution.Package hiding (PackageKey, mkPackageKey)
-import qualified Distribution.Package as Cabal
-import Distribution.Text
-import Distribution.Version
+import GHC.PackageDb
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Data.Version
-import Maybes
+import Outputable
import Module
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Our PackageConfig type is just InstalledPackageInfo from Cabal. Later we
--- might need to extend it with some GHC-specific stuff, but for now it's fine.
+-- Our PackageConfig type is the InstalledPackageInfo from bin-package-db,
+-- which is similar to a subset of the InstalledPackageInfo type from Cabal.
-type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo_ Module.ModuleName
+type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo
+ InstalledPackageId
+ SourcePackageId
+ PackageName
+ Module.PackageKey
+ Module.ModuleName
+newtype InstalledPackageId = InstalledPackageId String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+newtype SourcePackageId = SourcePackageId String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+newtype PackageName = PackageName String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance BinaryStringRep InstalledPackageId where
+ fromStringRep = InstalledPackageId . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep (InstalledPackageId s) = BS.pack s
+instance BinaryStringRep SourcePackageId where
+ fromStringRep = SourcePackageId . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep (SourcePackageId s) = BS.pack s
+instance BinaryStringRep PackageName where
+ fromStringRep = PackageName . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep (PackageName s) = BS.pack s
+instance BinaryStringRep PackageKey where
+ fromStringRep = Module.stringToPackageKey . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep = BS.pack . Module.packageKeyString
+instance BinaryStringRep Module.ModuleName where
+ fromStringRep = Module.mkModuleName . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep = BS.pack . Module.moduleNameString
+instance Outputable InstalledPackageId where
+ ppr (InstalledPackageId str) = text str
+instance Outputable SourcePackageId where
+ ppr (SourcePackageId str) = text str
+instance Outputable PackageName where
+ ppr (PackageName str) = text str
defaultPackageConfig :: PackageConfig
defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
+installedPackageIdString :: PackageConfig -> String
+installedPackageIdString pkg = str
+ where
+ InstalledPackageId str = installedPackageId pkg
+sourcePackageIdString :: PackageConfig -> String
+sourcePackageIdString pkg = str
+ where
+ SourcePackageId str = sourcePackageId pkg
+packageNameString :: PackageConfig -> String
+packageNameString pkg = str
+ where
+ PackageName str = packageName pkg
+showInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageConfig -> String
+showInstalledPackageInfo = show
+instance Show ModuleName where
+ show = moduleNameString
+instance Show PackageKey where
+ show = packageKeyString
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PackageKey (package names, versions and dep hash)
@@ -54,35 +118,7 @@ defaultPackageConfig = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
-- wired-in packages like @base@ & @rts@, we don't necessarily know what the
-- version is, so these are handled specially; see #wired_in_packages#.
--- | Turn a Cabal 'PackageIdentifier' into a GHC 'PackageKey'
-mkPackageKey :: Cabal.PackageKey -> PackageKey
-mkPackageKey = stringToPackageKey . display
-- | Get the GHC 'PackageKey' right out of a Cabalish 'PackageConfig'
packageConfigId :: PackageConfig -> PackageKey
-packageConfigId = mkPackageKey . packageKey
--- | Turn a 'PackageConfig', which contains GHC 'Module.ModuleName's into a Cabal specific
--- 'InstalledPackageInfo' which contains Cabal 'Distribution.ModuleName.ModuleName's
-packageConfigToInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageConfig -> InstalledPackageInfo
- (pkgconf@(InstalledPackageInfo { exposedModules = e,
- reexportedModules = r,
- hiddenModules = h })) =
- pkgconf{ exposedModules = map convert e,
- reexportedModules = map (fmap convert) r,
- hiddenModules = map convert h }
- where convert :: Module.ModuleName -> Distribution.ModuleName.ModuleName
- convert = (expectJust "packageConfigToInstalledPackageInfo") . simpleParse . moduleNameString
--- | Turn an 'InstalledPackageInfo', which contains Cabal 'Distribution.ModuleName.ModuleName's
--- into a GHC specific 'PackageConfig' which contains GHC 'Module.ModuleName's
-installedPackageInfoToPackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo_ String -> PackageConfig
- (pkgconf@(InstalledPackageInfo { exposedModules = e,
- reexportedModules = r,
- hiddenModules = h })) =
- pkgconf{ exposedModules = map mkModuleName e,
- reexportedModules = map (fmap mkModuleName) r,
- hiddenModules = map mkModuleName h }
+packageConfigId = packageKey
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
index ae2669edcd..cf9ab09f67 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.lhs
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ where
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHC.PackageDb
import PackageConfig
import DynFlags
import Config ( cProjectVersion )
@@ -61,11 +62,6 @@ import Outputable
import Maybes
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
-import GHC.PackageDb (readPackageDbForGhcPkg)
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.Binary ()
-import Distribution.Package hiding (depends, PackageKey, mkPackageKey)
-import Distribution.ModuleExport
import FastString
import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, putMsg, MsgDoc )
import Exception
@@ -285,7 +281,7 @@ lookupPackage' :: PackageConfigMap -> PackageKey -> Maybe PackageConfig
lookupPackage' = lookupUFM
-- | Search for packages with a given package ID (e.g. \"foo-0.1\")
-searchPackageId :: DynFlags -> PackageId -> [PackageConfig]
+searchPackageId :: DynFlags -> SourcePackageId -> [PackageConfig]
searchPackageId dflags pid = filter ((pid ==) . sourcePackageId)
(listPackageConfigMap dflags)
@@ -386,10 +382,11 @@ readPackageConfig dflags conf_file = do
if isdir
then do let filename = conf_file </> "package.cache"
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Using binary package database:" <+> text filename)
- conf <- readPackageDbForGhcPkg filename
+ readPackageDbForGhc filename
-- TODO readPackageDbForGhc ^^ instead
return (map installedPackageInfoToPackageConfig conf)
else do
isfile <- doesFileExist conf_file
if isfile
@@ -478,7 +475,7 @@ mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
-- then we are no longer able to match against package keys e.g. from when
-- a user passes in a package flag.
calcKey :: PackageConfig -> PackageKey
-calcKey p | pk <- display (pkgName (sourcePackageId p))
+calcKey p | pk <- packageNameString p
, pk `elem` wired_in_pkgids
= stringToPackageKey pk
| otherwise = packageConfigId p
@@ -558,22 +555,22 @@ selectPackages matches pkgs unusable
-- version, or just the name if it is unambiguous.
matchingStr :: String -> PackageConfig -> Bool
matchingStr str p
- = str == display (sourcePackageId p)
- || str == display (pkgName (sourcePackageId p))
+ = str == sourcePackageIdString p
+ || str == packageNameString p
matchingId :: String -> PackageConfig -> Bool
-matchingId str p = InstalledPackageId str == installedPackageId p
+matchingId str p = str == installedPackageIdString p
matchingKey :: String -> PackageConfig -> Bool
-matchingKey str p = str == display (packageKey p)
+matchingKey str p = str == packageKeyString (packageConfigId p)
matching :: PackageArg -> PackageConfig -> Bool
matching (PackageArg str) = matchingStr str
matching (PackageIdArg str) = matchingId str
matching (PackageKeyArg str) = matchingKey str
-sortByVersion :: [InstalledPackageInfo_ m] -> [InstalledPackageInfo_ m]
-sortByVersion = sortBy (flip (comparing (pkgVersion.sourcePackageId)))
+sortByVersion :: [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+sortByVersion = sortBy (flip (comparing packageVersion))
comparing :: Ord a => (t -> a) -> t -> t -> Ordering
comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b
@@ -600,7 +597,7 @@ packageFlagErr dflags flag reasons
-- ToDo: this admonition seems a bit dodgy
text "(use -v for more information)")
ppr_reasons = vcat (map ppr_reason reasons)
- ppr_reason (p, reason) = pprReason (pprIPkg p <+> text "is") reason
+ ppr_reason (p, reason) = pprReason (ppr (installedPackageId p) <+> text "is") reason
pprFlag :: PackageFlag -> SDoc
pprFlag flag = case flag of
@@ -637,7 +634,7 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs = do
matches :: PackageConfig -> String -> Bool
- pc `matches` pid = display (pkgName (sourcePackageId pc)) == pid
+ pc `matches` pid = packageNameString pc == pid
-- find which package corresponds to each wired-in package
-- delete any other packages with the same name
@@ -664,14 +661,14 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs = do
<> text wired_pkg
<> ptext (sLit " not found.")
return Nothing
- pick :: InstalledPackageInfo_ ModuleName
+ pick :: PackageConfig
-> IO (Maybe InstalledPackageId)
pick pkg = do
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
ptext (sLit "wired-in package ")
<> text wired_pkg
<> ptext (sLit " mapped to ")
- <> pprIPkg pkg
+ <> ppr (installedPackageId pkg)
return (Just (installedPackageId pkg))
@@ -693,12 +690,11 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs = do
updateWiredInDependencies pkgs = map upd_pkg pkgs
- where upd_pkg p
- | installedPackageId p `elem` wired_in_ids
- = let pid = (sourcePackageId p) { pkgVersion = Version [] [] }
- in p { packageKey = OldPackageKey pid }
+ where upd_pkg pkg
+ | installedPackageId pkg `elem` wired_in_ids
+ = pkg { packageKey = stringToPackageKey (packageNameString pkg) }
| otherwise
- = p
+ = pkg
return $ updateWiredInDependencies pkgs
@@ -719,9 +715,9 @@ pprReason pref reason = case reason of
MissingDependencies deps ->
pref <+>
ptext (sLit "unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies:") $$
- nest 2 (hsep (map (text.display) deps))
+ nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
ShadowedBy ipid ->
- pref <+> ptext (sLit "shadowed by package ") <> text (display ipid)
+ pref <+> ptext (sLit "shadowed by package ") <> ppr ipid
reportUnusable :: DynFlags -> UnusablePackages -> IO ()
reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
@@ -730,7 +726,7 @@ reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
(ptext (sLit "package") <+>
- text (display ipid) <+> text "is") reason
+ ppr ipid <+> text "is") reason
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -787,7 +783,7 @@ shadowPackages pkgs preferred
| otherwise
= (shadowed, pkgmap')
- pkgid = mkFastString (display (sourcePackageId pkg))
+ pkgid = mkFastString (sourcePackageIdString pkg)
pkgmap' = addToUFM pkgmap pkgid pkg
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -920,7 +916,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags pkgs0 preload0 this_package = do
-- or is empty if we have -hide-all-packages
let preferLater pkg pkg' =
- case comparing (pkgVersion.sourcePackageId) pkg pkg' of
+ case comparing packageVersion pkg pkg' of
GT -> pkg
_ -> pkg'
calcInitial m pkg = addToUFM_C preferLater m (fsPackageName pkg) pkg
@@ -1048,8 +1044,11 @@ mkModuleToPkgConfGeneric emptyMap sing setOrigins addListTo
es e =
[(m, sing pk m pkg (fromExposedModules e)) | m <- exposed_mods] ++
[(m, sing pk' m' pkg' (fromReexportedModules e pkg))
- | ModuleExport{ exportName = m
- , exportCachedTrueOrig = Just (ipid', m')} <- reexported_mods
+ | ModuleExport {
+ exportModuleName = m,
+ exportOriginalPackageId = ipid',
+ exportOriginalModuleName = m'
+ } <- reexported_mods
, let pk' = expectJust "mkModuleToPkgConf" (Map.lookup ipid' ipid_map)
pkg' = pkg_lookup pk' ]
@@ -1105,9 +1104,6 @@ mkModuleToPkgConfAll =
merge m (k, v) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith mappend) k v m
setOrigins m os = fmap (const os) m
-pprIPkg :: PackageConfig -> SDoc
-pprIPkg p = text (display (installedPackageId p))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Extracting information from the packages in scope
@@ -1387,7 +1383,7 @@ packageKeyPackageIdString :: DynFlags -> PackageKey -> String
packageKeyPackageIdString dflags pkg_key
| pkg_key == mainPackageKey = "main"
| otherwise = maybe "(unknown)"
- (display . sourcePackageId)
+ sourcePackageIdString
(lookupPackage dflags pkg_key)
-- | Will the 'Name' come from a dynamically linked library?
@@ -1430,11 +1426,10 @@ isDllName dflags _this_pkg this_mod name
dumpPackages :: DynFlags -> IO ()
dumpPackages = dumpPackages' showInstalledPackageInfo
-dumpPackages' :: (InstalledPackageInfo -> String) -> DynFlags -> IO ()
+dumpPackages' :: (PackageConfig -> String) -> DynFlags -> IO ()
dumpPackages' showIPI dflags
= do putMsg dflags $
- vcat (map (text . showIPI
- . packageConfigToInstalledPackageInfo)
+ vcat (map (text . showIPI)
(listPackageConfigMap dflags))
-- | Show simplified package info on console, if verbosity == 4.
@@ -1458,7 +1453,6 @@ pprModuleMap dflags =
| otherwise = ppr m' <+> parens (ppr o)
fsPackageName :: PackageConfig -> FastString
-fsPackageName pkg = case packageName (sourcePackageId pkg) of
- PackageName n -> mkFastString n
+fsPackageName = mkFastString . packageNameString
diff --git a/libraries/bin-package-db/GHC/PackageDb.hs b/libraries/bin-package-db/GHC/PackageDb.hs
index 0ed508524b..08dabd2791 100644
--- a/libraries/bin-package-db/GHC/PackageDb.hs
+++ b/libraries/bin-package-db/GHC/PackageDb.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
-{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+-- This module deliberately defines orphan instances for now (Binary Version).
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module : GHC.PackageDb
@@ -38,12 +36,16 @@
-- this library avoids depending on Cabal.
module GHC.PackageDb (
- GhcPackageInfo(..),
+ InstalledPackageInfo(..),
+ ModuleExport(..),
+ BinaryStringRep(..),
+ emptyInstalledPackageInfo,
) where
+import Data.Version (Version(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.Lazy
@@ -63,22 +65,89 @@ import System.Directory
-- | This is a subset of Cabal's 'InstalledPackageInfo', with just the bits
-- that GHC is interested in.
-data GhcPackageInfo = GhcPackageInfo {
- --TODO
+data InstalledPackageInfo instpkgid srcpkgid srcpkgname pkgkey modulename
+ = InstalledPackageInfo {
+ installedPackageId :: instpkgid,
+ sourcePackageId :: srcpkgid,
+ packageName :: srcpkgname,
+ packageVersion :: Version,
+ packageKey :: pkgkey,
+ depends :: [instpkgid],
+ importDirs :: [FilePath],
+ hsLibraries :: [String],
+ extraLibraries :: [String],
+ extraGHCiLibraries :: [String],
+ libraryDirs :: [FilePath],
+ frameworks :: [String],
+ frameworkDirs :: [FilePath],
+ ldOptions :: [String],
+ ccOptions :: [String],
+ includes :: [String],
+ includeDirs :: [FilePath],
+ haddockInterfaces :: [FilePath],
+ haddockHTMLs :: [FilePath],
+ exposedModules :: [modulename],
+ hiddenModules :: [modulename],
+ reexportedModules :: [ModuleExport instpkgid modulename],
+ exposed :: Bool,
+ trusted :: Bool
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+class BinaryStringRep a where
+ fromStringRep :: BS.ByteString -> a
+ toStringRep :: a -> BS.ByteString
+data ModuleExport instpkgid modulename
+ = ModuleExport {
+ exportModuleName :: modulename,
+ exportOriginalPackageId :: instpkgid,
+ exportOriginalModuleName :: modulename
deriving (Eq, Show)
+emptyInstalledPackageInfo :: (BinaryStringRep a, BinaryStringRep b, BinaryStringRep c, BinaryStringRep d)
+ => InstalledPackageInfo a b c d e
+emptyInstalledPackageInfo =
+ InstalledPackageInfo {
+ installedPackageId = fromStringRep BS.empty,
+ sourcePackageId = fromStringRep BS.empty,
+ packageName = fromStringRep BS.empty,
+ packageVersion = Version [] [],
+ packageKey = fromStringRep BS.empty,
+ depends = [],
+ importDirs = [],
+ hsLibraries = [],
+ extraLibraries = [],
+ extraGHCiLibraries = [],
+ libraryDirs = [],
+ frameworks = [],
+ frameworkDirs = [],
+ ldOptions = [],
+ ccOptions = [],
+ includes = [],
+ includeDirs = [],
+ haddockInterfaces = [],
+ haddockHTMLs = [],
+ exposedModules = [],
+ hiddenModules = [],
+ reexportedModules = [],
+ exposed = False,
+ trusted = False
+ }
-- | Read the part of the package DB that GHC is interested in.
-readPackageDbForGhc :: FilePath -> IO [GhcPackageInfo]
+readPackageDbForGhc :: (BinaryStringRep a, BinaryStringRep b, BinaryStringRep c,
+ BinaryStringRep d, BinaryStringRep e) =>
+ FilePath -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo a b c d e]
readPackageDbForGhc file =
decodeFromFile file getDbForGhc
getDbForGhc = do
_version <- getHeader
_ghcPartLen <- get :: Get Word32
- ghcPart <- get :: Get [GhcPackageInfo]
+ ghcPart <- get
-- the next part is for ghc-pkg, but we stop here.
return ghcPart
@@ -99,7 +168,9 @@ readPackageDbForGhcPkg file =
-- | Write the whole of the package DB, both parts.
-writePackageDb :: Binary pkgs => FilePath -> [GhcPackageInfo] -> pkgs -> IO ()
+writePackageDb :: (Binary pkgs, BinaryStringRep a, BinaryStringRep b,
+ BinaryStringRep c, BinaryStringRep d, BinaryStringRep e) =>
+ FilePath -> [InstalledPackageInfo a b c d e] -> pkgs -> IO ()
writePackageDb file ghcPkgs ghcPkgPart =
writeFileAtomic file (runPut putDbForGhcPkg)
@@ -197,10 +268,104 @@ writeFileAtomic targetPath content = do
-instance Binary GhcPackageInfo where
- put (GhcPackageInfo {-TODO-}) = do
- return ()
+instance (BinaryStringRep a, BinaryStringRep b, BinaryStringRep c,
+ BinaryStringRep d, BinaryStringRep e) =>
+ Binary (InstalledPackageInfo a b c d e) where
+ put (InstalledPackageInfo
+ installedPackageId sourcePackageId packageName packageVersion packageKey
+ depends importDirs
+ hsLibraries extraLibraries extraGHCiLibraries libraryDirs
+ frameworks frameworkDirs
+ ldOptions ccOptions
+ includes includeDirs
+ haddockInterfaces haddockHTMLs
+ exposedModules hiddenModules reexportedModules
+ exposed trusted) = do
+ put (toStringRep installedPackageId)
+ put (toStringRep sourcePackageId)
+ put (toStringRep packageName)
+ put packageVersion
+ put (toStringRep packageKey)
+ put (map toStringRep depends)
+ put importDirs
+ put hsLibraries
+ put extraLibraries
+ put extraGHCiLibraries
+ put libraryDirs
+ put frameworks
+ put frameworkDirs
+ put ldOptions
+ put ccOptions
+ put includes
+ put includeDirs
+ put haddockInterfaces
+ put haddockHTMLs
+ put (map toStringRep exposedModules)
+ put (map toStringRep hiddenModules)
+ put reexportedModules
+ put exposed
+ put trusted
+ get = do
+ installedPackageId <- get
+ sourcePackageId <- get
+ packageName <- get
+ packageVersion <- get
+ packageKey <- get
+ depends <- get
+ importDirs <- get
+ hsLibraries <- get
+ extraLibraries <- get
+ extraGHCiLibraries <- get
+ libraryDirs <- get
+ frameworks <- get
+ frameworkDirs <- get
+ ldOptions <- get
+ ccOptions <- get
+ includes <- get
+ includeDirs <- get
+ haddockInterfaces <- get
+ haddockHTMLs <- get
+ exposedModules <- get
+ hiddenModules <- get
+ reexportedModules <- get
+ exposed <- get
+ trusted <- get
+ return (InstalledPackageInfo
+ (fromStringRep installedPackageId)
+ (fromStringRep sourcePackageId)
+ (fromStringRep packageName) packageVersion
+ (fromStringRep packageKey)
+ (map fromStringRep depends)
+ importDirs
+ hsLibraries extraLibraries extraGHCiLibraries libraryDirs
+ frameworks frameworkDirs
+ ldOptions ccOptions
+ includes includeDirs
+ haddockInterfaces haddockHTMLs
+ (map fromStringRep exposedModules)
+ (map fromStringRep hiddenModules)
+ reexportedModules
+ exposed trusted)
+instance Binary Version where
+ put (Version a b) = do
+ put a
+ put b
get = do
- return (GhcPackageInfo {-TODO-})
+ a <- get
+ b <- get
+ return (Version a b)
+instance (BinaryStringRep a, BinaryStringRep b) => Binary (ModuleExport a b) where
+ put (ModuleExport a b c) = do
+ put (toStringRep a)
+ put (toStringRep b)
+ put (toStringRep c)
+ get = do
+ a <- get
+ b <- get
+ c <- get
+ return (ModuleExport (fromStringRep a)
+ (fromStringRep b)
+ (fromStringRep c))
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index 06205e3349..05d448833b 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009.
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import Version ( version, targetOS, targetARCH )
import qualified GHC.PackageDb as GhcPkg
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.Binary()
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.ModuleName hiding (main)
+import qualified Distribution.Package as Cabal
+import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
+import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Cabal
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
import Distribution.ParseUtils
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Binary as Bin
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Bin
@@ -1008,8 +1011,8 @@ updateDBCache verbosity db = do
pkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
pkgsCabalFormat = packages db
- pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [GhcPkg.GhcPackageInfo]
- pkgsGhcCacheFormat = [] -- TODO: for the moment
+ pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [PackageCacheFormat]
+ pkgsGhcCacheFormat = map convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkgsCabalFormat
when (verbosity > Normal) $
infoLn ("writing cache " ++ filename)
@@ -1023,6 +1026,51 @@ updateDBCache verbosity db = do
setFileTimes (location db) (accessTime status) (modificationTime status)
+type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo String String String String ModuleName
+convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageCacheFormat
+convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg =
+ GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo {
+ GhcPkg.installedPackageId = display (installedPackageId pkg),
+ GhcPkg.sourcePackageId = display (sourcePackageId pkg),
+ GhcPkg.packageName = display (packageName pkg),
+ GhcPkg.packageVersion = packageVersion pkg,
+ GhcPkg.packageKey = display (packageKey pkg),
+ GhcPkg.depends = map display (depends pkg),
+ GhcPkg.importDirs = importDirs pkg,
+ GhcPkg.hsLibraries = hsLibraries pkg,
+ GhcPkg.extraLibraries = extraLibraries pkg,
+ GhcPkg.extraGHCiLibraries = extraGHCiLibraries pkg,
+ GhcPkg.libraryDirs = libraryDirs pkg,
+ GhcPkg.frameworks = frameworks pkg,
+ GhcPkg.frameworkDirs = frameworkDirs pkg,
+ GhcPkg.ldOptions = ldOptions pkg,
+ GhcPkg.ccOptions = ccOptions pkg,
+ GhcPkg.includes = includes pkg,
+ GhcPkg.includeDirs = includeDirs pkg,
+ GhcPkg.haddockInterfaces = haddockInterfaces pkg,
+ GhcPkg.haddockHTMLs = haddockHTMLs pkg,
+ GhcPkg.exposedModules = exposedModules pkg,
+ GhcPkg.hiddenModules = hiddenModules pkg,
+ GhcPkg.reexportedModules = [ GhcPkg.ModuleExport m ipid' m'
+ | ModuleExport {
+ exportName = m,
+ exportCachedTrueOrig = Just (InstalledPackageId ipid', m')
+ } <- reexportedModules pkg
+ ],
+ = exposed pkg,
+ GhcPkg.trusted = trusted pkg
+ }
+instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep ModuleName where
+ fromStringRep = ModuleName.fromString . BS.unpack
+ toStringRep = BS.pack . display
+instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep String where
+ fromStringRep = BS.unpack
+ toStringRep = BS.pack
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Exposing, Hiding, Trusting, Distrusting, Unregistering are all similar
@@ -1631,8 +1679,8 @@ checkModules pkg = do
findModule modl =
-- there's no interface file for GHC.Prim
- unless (modl == fromString "GHC.Prim") $ do
- let files = [ toFilePath modl <.> extension
+ unless (modl == ModuleName.fromString "GHC.Prim") $ do
+ let files = [ ModuleName.toFilePath modl <.> extension
| extension <- ["hi", "p_hi", "dyn_hi" ] ]
m <- liftIO $ doesFileExistOnPath files (importDirs pkg)
when (isNothing m) $