diff options
authorMatthew Pickering <>2022-11-29 12:52:26 +0000
committerMatthew Pickering <>2022-11-29 12:52:26 +0000
commit5d481666a1117c929a64eb79267d58e92998191f (patch)
parentf212f609f137c7f10455ee34cbd82f15843cb6de (diff)
refactor: Split up GHC.Driver.Make
This splits up GHC.Driver.Make into five new modules. * GHC.Driver.Make.Types - The types used by GHC.Driver.Make * GHC.Driver.Make.Analysis - The analysis scripts for computing longest path etc * GHC.Driver.Make.Downsweep - downsweep, dependency discovery * GHC.Driver.Make.BuildPlan - Constructing the build plan from the downsweep * GHC.Driver.Make.Upsweep - Compiling the build-plan No functionality changes.
8 files changed, 2880 insertions, 2724 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index 622c8fa7b4..b8408970d6 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -50,65 +50,42 @@ module GHC.Driver.Make (
IsBootInterface(..), mkNodeKey,
ModNodeKey, ModNodeKeyWithUid(..),
- ModNodeMap(..), emptyModNodeMap, modNodeMapElems, modNodeMapLookup, modNodeMapInsert, modNodeMapSingleton, modNodeMapUnionWith
) where
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad ( initIfaceCheck, concatMapM )
import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
import qualified GHC.Linker.Loader as Linker
-import GHC.Linker.Types
-import GHC.Platform.Ways
-import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts)
-import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser (initParserOpts)
import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
-import GHC.Driver.Phases
-import GHC.Driver.Pipeline
import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Driver.Backend
import GHC.Driver.Monad
import GHC.Driver.Env
-import GHC.Driver.Errors
import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
import GHC.Driver.Main
-import GHC.Parser.Header
import GHC.Iface.Load ( cannotFindModule )
-import GHC.IfaceToCore ( typecheckIface )
-import GHC.Iface.Recomp ( RecompileRequired(..), CompileReason(..) )
import GHC.Data.Bag ( listToBag )
import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed
-import GHC.Data.FastString
-import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
-import GHC.Data.StringBuffer
-import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import GHC.Utils.Exception ( throwIO, SomeAsyncException )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Logger
-import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
-import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Types.Error
-import GHC.Types.Target
import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SourceError
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
-import GHC.Types.PkgQual
import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Unit.Env
@@ -119,298 +96,20 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
import GHC.Unit.Module.ModDetails
-import Data.Either ( rights, partitionEithers, lefts )
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Control.Concurrent ( newQSem, waitQSem, signalQSem, ThreadId, killThread, forkIOWithUnmask )
-import qualified GHC.Conc as CC
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwE )
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC
import Data.IORef
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Time
-import Data.Bifunctor (first)
-import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
-import System.IO ( fixIO )
-import GHC.Conc ( getNumProcessors, getNumCapabilities, setNumCapabilities )
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
-import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.LogQueue
+import GHC.Conc ( getNumProcessors )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import GHC.Types.TypeEnv
-import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
-import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
-import GHC.Runtime.Loader
-import GHC.Rename.Names
-import GHC.Utils.Constants
-import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM (udfmRestrictKeysSet)
-import qualified Data.IntSet as I
-import GHC.Types.Unique
-import Debug.Trace
-import GHC.Utils.Json
-import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.Ord
-import Data.List (sortBy)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import Text.Printf
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Loading the program
--- | Perform a dependency analysis starting from the current targets
--- and update the session with the new module graph.
--- Dependency analysis entails parsing the @import@ directives and may
--- therefore require running certain preprocessors.
--- Note that each 'ModSummary' in the module graph caches its 'DynFlags'.
--- These 'DynFlags' are determined by the /current/ session 'DynFlags' and the
--- @OPTIONS@ and @LANGUAGE@ pragmas of the parsed module. Thus if you want
--- changes to the 'DynFlags' to take effect you need to call this function
--- again.
--- In case of errors, just throw them.
-depanal :: GhcMonad m =>
- [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
- -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
- -> m ModuleGraph
-depanal excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
- (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
- if isEmptyMessages errs
- then pure mod_graph
- else throwErrors (fmap GhcDriverMessage errs)
--- | Perform dependency analysis like in 'depanal'.
--- In case of errors, the errors and an empty module graph are returned.
-depanalE :: GhcMonad m => -- New for #17459
- [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
- -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
- -> m (DriverMessages, ModuleGraph)
-depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
- hsc_env <- getSession
- (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
- if isEmptyMessages errs
- then do
- hsc_env <- getSession
- let one_unit_messages get_mod_errs k hue = do
- errs <- get_mod_errs
- unknown_module_err <- warnUnknownModules (hscSetActiveUnitId k hsc_env) (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) mod_graph
- let unused_home_mod_err = warnMissingHomeModules (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) (hsc_targets hsc_env) mod_graph
- unused_pkg_err = warnUnusedPackages (homeUnitEnv_units hue) (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) mod_graph
- return $ errs `unionMessages` unused_home_mod_err
- `unionMessages` unused_pkg_err
- `unionMessages` unknown_module_err
- all_errs <- liftIO $ unitEnv_foldWithKey one_unit_messages (return emptyMessages) (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
- logDiagnostics (GhcDriverMessage <$> all_errs)
- setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
- pure (emptyMessages, mod_graph)
- else do
- -- We don't have a complete module dependency graph,
- -- The graph may be disconnected and is unusable.
- setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG }
- pure (errs, emptyMG)
--- | Perform dependency analysis like 'depanal' but return a partial module
--- graph even in the face of problems with some modules.
--- Modules which have parse errors in the module header, failing
--- preprocessors or other issues preventing them from being summarised will
--- simply be absent from the returned module graph.
--- Unlike 'depanal' this function will not update 'hsc_mod_graph' with the
--- new module graph.
- :: GhcMonad m
- => [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
- -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
- -> m (DriverMessages, ModuleGraph)
- -- ^ possibly empty 'Bag' of errors and a module graph.
-depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
- hsc_env <- getSession
- let
- targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
- old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
- logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- withTiming logger (text "Chasing dependencies") (const ()) $ do
- liftIO $ debugTraceMsg logger 2 (hcat [
- text "Chasing modules from: ",
- hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
- -- Home package modules may have been moved or deleted, and new
- -- source files may have appeared in the home package that shadow
- -- external package modules, so we have to discard the existing
- -- cached finder data.
- liftIO $ flushFinderCaches (hsc_FC hsc_env) (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- (errs, graph_nodes) <- liftIO $ downsweep
- hsc_env (mgModSummaries old_graph)
- excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
- let
- mod_graph = mkModuleGraph graph_nodes
- return (unionManyMessages errs, mod_graph)
--- | Collect the instantiations of dependencies to create 'InstantiationNode' work graph nodes.
--- These are used to represent the type checking that is done after
--- all the free holes (sigs in current package) relevant to that instantiation
--- are compiled. This is necessary to catch some instantiation errors.
--- In the future, perhaps more of the work of instantiation could be moved here,
--- instead of shoved in with the module compilation nodes. That could simplify
--- backpack, and maybe hs-boot too.
-instantiationNodes :: UnitId -> UnitState -> [ModuleGraphNode]
-instantiationNodes uid unit_state = InstantiationNode uid <$> iuids_to_check
- where
- iuids_to_check :: [InstantiatedUnit]
- iuids_to_check =
- nubSort $ concatMap (goUnitId . fst) (explicitUnits unit_state)
- where
- goUnitId uid =
- [ recur
- | VirtUnit indef <- [uid]
- , inst <- instUnitInsts indef
- , recur <- (indef :) $ goUnitId $ moduleUnit $ snd inst
- ]
--- The linking plan for each module. If we need to do linking for a home unit
--- then this function returns a graph node which depends on all the modules in the home unit.
--- At the moment nothing can depend on these LinkNodes.
-linkNodes :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> UnitId -> HomeUnitEnv -> Maybe (Either (Messages DriverMessage) ModuleGraphNode)
-linkNodes summaries uid hue =
- let dflags = homeUnitEnv_dflags hue
- ofile = outputFile_ dflags
- unit_nodes :: [NodeKey]
- unit_nodes = map mkNodeKey (filter ((== uid) . moduleGraphNodeUnitId) summaries)
- -- Issue a warning for the confusing case where the user
- -- said '-o foo' but we're not going to do any linking.
- -- We attempt linking if either (a) one of the modules is
- -- called Main, or (b) the user said -no-hs-main, indicating
- -- that main() is going to come from somewhere else.
- --
- no_hs_main = gopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
- main_sum = any (== NodeKey_Module (ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB (mainModuleNameIs dflags) NotBoot) uid)) unit_nodes
- do_linking = main_sum || no_hs_main || ghcLink dflags == LinkDynLib || ghcLink dflags == LinkStaticLib
- in if | ghcLink dflags == LinkBinary && isJust ofile && not do_linking ->
- Just (Left $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverRedirectedNoMain $ mainModuleNameIs dflags))
- -- This should be an error, not a warning (#10895).
- | ghcLink dflags /= NoLink, do_linking -> Just (Right (LinkNode unit_nodes uid))
- | otherwise -> Nothing
--- Note [Missing home modules]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- Sometimes user doesn't want GHC to pick up modules, not explicitly listed
--- in a command line. For example, cabal may want to enable this warning
--- when building a library, so that GHC warns user about modules, not listed
--- neither in `exposed-modules`, nor in `other-modules`.
--- Here "home module" means a module, that doesn't come from an other package.
--- For example, if GHC is invoked with modules "A" and "B" as targets,
--- but "A" imports some other module "C", then GHC will issue a warning
--- about module "C" not being listed in a command line.
--- The warning in enabled by `-Wmissing-home-modules`. See #13129
-warnMissingHomeModules :: DynFlags -> [Target] -> ModuleGraph -> DriverMessages
-warnMissingHomeModules dflags targets mod_graph =
- if null missing
- then emptyMessages
- else warn
- where
- diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
- is_known_module mod = any (is_my_target mod) targets
- -- We need to be careful to handle the case where (possibly
- -- path-qualified) filenames (aka 'TargetFile') rather than module
- -- names are being passed on the GHC command-line.
- --
- -- For instance, `ghc --make src-exe/Main.hs` and
- -- `ghc --make -isrc-exe Main` are supposed to be equivalent.
- -- Note also that we can't always infer the associated module name
- -- directly from the filename argument. See #13727.
- is_my_target mod target =
- let tuid = targetUnitId target
- in case targetId target of
- TargetModule name
- -> moduleName (ms_mod mod) == name
- && tuid == ms_unitid mod
- TargetFile target_file _
- | Just mod_file <- ml_hs_file (ms_location mod)
- ->
- target_file == mod_file ||
- -- Don't warn on B.hs-boot if B.hs is specified (#16551)
- addBootSuffix target_file == mod_file ||
- -- We can get a file target even if a module name was
- -- originally specified in a command line because it can
- -- be converted in guessTarget (by appending .hs/.lhs).
- -- So let's convert it back and compare with module name
- mkModuleName (fst $ splitExtension target_file)
- == moduleName (ms_mod mod)
- _ -> False
- missing = map (moduleName . ms_mod) $
- filter (not . is_known_module) $
- (filter (\ms -> ms_unitid ms == homeUnitId_ dflags)
- (mgModSummaries mod_graph))
- warn = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan
- $ DriverMissingHomeModules missing (checkBuildingCabalPackage dflags)
--- Check that any modules we want to reexport or hide are actually in the package.
-warnUnknownModules :: HscEnv -> DynFlags -> ModuleGraph -> IO DriverMessages
-warnUnknownModules hsc_env dflags mod_graph = do
- reexported_warns <- filterM check_reexport (Set.toList reexported_mods)
- return $ final_msgs hidden_warns reexported_warns
- where
- diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
- unit_mods = Set.fromList (map ms_mod_name
- (filter (\ms -> ms_unitid ms == homeUnitId_ dflags)
- (mgModSummaries mod_graph)))
- reexported_mods = reexportedModules dflags
- hidden_mods = hiddenModules dflags
- hidden_warns = hidden_mods `Set.difference` unit_mods
- lookupModule mn = findImportedModule hsc_env mn NoPkgQual
- check_reexport mn = do
- fr <- lookupModule mn
- case fr of
- Found _ m -> return (moduleUnitId m == homeUnitId_ dflags)
- _ -> return True
- warn flag mod = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan
- $ flag mod
- final_msgs hidden_warns reexported_warns
- =
- unionManyMessages $
- [warn DriverUnknownHiddenModules (Set.toList hidden_warns) | not (Set.null hidden_warns)]
- ++ [warn DriverUnknownReexportedModules reexported_warns | not (null reexported_warns)]
+import GHC.Driver.Make.ModIfaceCache
+import GHC.Driver.Make.Upsweep
+import GHC.Driver.Make.Downsweep
+import GHC.Driver.Make.BuildPlan (topSortModuleGraph, createBuildPlan)
-- | Describes which modules of the module graph need to be loaded.
data LoadHowMuch
@@ -447,32 +146,6 @@ soon as it is completed.
--- Abstract interface to a cache of HomeModInfo
--- See Note [Caching HomeModInfo]
-data ModIfaceCache = ModIfaceCache { iface_clearCache :: IO [CachedIface]
- , iface_addToCache :: CachedIface -> IO () }
-addHmiToCache :: ModIfaceCache -> HomeModInfo -> IO ()
-addHmiToCache c (HomeModInfo i _ l) = iface_addToCache c (CachedIface i l)
-data CachedIface = CachedIface { cached_modiface :: !ModIface
- , cached_linkable :: !HomeModLinkable }
-noIfaceCache :: Maybe ModIfaceCache
-noIfaceCache = Nothing
-newIfaceCache :: IO ModIfaceCache
-newIfaceCache = do
- ioref <- newIORef []
- return $
- ModIfaceCache
- { iface_clearCache = atomicModifyIORef' ioref (\c -> ([], c))
- , iface_addToCache = \hmi -> atomicModifyIORef' ioref (\c -> (hmi:c, ()))
- }
-- | Try to load the program. See 'LoadHowMuch' for the different modes.
-- This function implements the core of GHC's @--make@ mode. It preprocesses,
@@ -508,161 +181,6 @@ loadWithCache cache how_much = do
then pure success
else throwErrors (fmap GhcDriverMessage errs)
--- Note [Unused packages]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- Cabal passes `--package-id` flag for each direct dependency. But GHC
--- loads them lazily, so when compilation is done, we have a list of all
--- actually loaded packages. All the packages, specified on command line,
--- but never loaded, are probably unused dependencies.
-warnUnusedPackages :: UnitState -> DynFlags -> ModuleGraph -> DriverMessages
-warnUnusedPackages us dflags mod_graph =
- let diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
- -- Only need non-source imports here because SOURCE imports are always HPT
- loadedPackages = concat $
- mapMaybe (\(fs, mn) -> lookupModulePackage us (unLoc mn) fs)
- $ concatMap ms_imps (
- filter (\ms -> homeUnitId_ dflags == ms_unitid ms) (mgModSummaries mod_graph))
- used_args = Set.fromList $ map unitId loadedPackages
- resolve (u,mflag) = do
- -- The units which we depend on via the command line explicitly
- flag <- mflag
- -- Which we can find the UnitInfo for (should be all of them)
- ui <- lookupUnit us u
- -- Which are not explicitly used
- guard (Set.notMember (unitId ui) used_args)
- return (unitId ui, unitPackageName ui, unitPackageVersion ui, flag)
- unusedArgs = mapMaybe resolve (explicitUnits us)
- warn = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan (DriverUnusedPackages unusedArgs)
- in if null unusedArgs
- then emptyMessages
- else warn
--- | A ModuleGraphNode which also has a hs-boot file, and the list of nodes on any
--- path from module to its boot file.
-data ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
- = ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
- ModuleGraphNode
- -- ^ The module itself (not the hs-boot module)
- [NodeKey]
- -- ^ The modules in between the module and its hs-boot file,
- -- not including the hs-boot file itself.
-instance Outputable ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile where
- ppr (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mgn deps) = text "ModeGraphNodeWithBootFile: " <+> ppr mgn $$ ppr deps
--- | A 'BuildPlan' is the result of attempting to linearise a single strongly-connected
--- component of the module graph.
-data BuildPlan
- -- | A simple, single module all alone (which *might* have an hs-boot file, if it isn't part of a cycle)
- = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode
- -- | A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
- | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile]
- -- | An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
- | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode]
-instance Outputable BuildPlan where
- ppr (SingleModule mgn) = text "SingleModule" <> parens (ppr mgn)
- ppr (ResolvedCycle mgn) = text "ResolvedCycle:" <+> ppr mgn
- ppr (UnresolvedCycle mgn) = text "UnresolvedCycle:" <+> ppr mgn
--- Just used for an assertion
-countMods :: BuildPlan -> Int
-countMods (SingleModule _) = 1
-countMods (ResolvedCycle ns) = length ns
-countMods (UnresolvedCycle ns) = length ns
--- See Note [Upsweep] for a high-level description.
-createBuildPlan :: ModuleGraph -> Maybe HomeUnitModule -> [BuildPlan]
-createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
- let -- Step 1: Compute SCCs without .hi-boot files, to find the cycles
- cycle_mod_graph = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph maybe_top_mod
- -- Step 2: Reanalyse loops, with relevant boot modules, to solve the cycles.
- build_plan :: [BuildPlan]
- build_plan
- -- Fast path, if there are no boot modules just do a normal toposort
- | isEmptyModuleEnv boot_modules = collapseAcyclic $ topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
- | otherwise = toBuildPlan cycle_mod_graph []
- toBuildPlan :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> [ModuleGraphNode] -> [BuildPlan]
- toBuildPlan [] mgn = collapseAcyclic (topSortWithBoot mgn)
- toBuildPlan ((AcyclicSCC node):sccs) mgn = toBuildPlan sccs (node:mgn)
- -- Interesting case
- toBuildPlan ((CyclicSCC nodes):sccs) mgn =
- let acyclic = collapseAcyclic (topSortWithBoot mgn)
- -- Now perform another toposort but just with these nodes and relevant hs-boot files.
- -- The result should be acyclic, if it's not, then there's an unresolved cycle in the graph.
- mresolved_cycle = collapseSCC (topSortWithBoot nodes)
- in acyclic ++ [maybe (UnresolvedCycle nodes) ResolvedCycle mresolved_cycle] ++ toBuildPlan sccs []
- (mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False (mgModSummaries' mod_graph)
- trans_deps_map = allReachable mg (mkNodeKey . node_payload)
- -- Compute the intermediate modules between a file and its hs-boot file.
- -- See Step 2a in Note [Upsweep]
- boot_path mn uid =
- map (summaryNodeSummary . expectJust "toNode" . lookup_node) $ Set.toList $
- -- Don't include the boot module itself
- Set.delete (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) $
- -- Keep intermediate dependencies: as per Step 2a in Note [Upsweep], these are
- -- the transitive dependencies of the non-boot file which transitively depend
- -- on the boot file.
- Set.filter (\nk -> nodeKeyUnitId nk == uid -- Cheap test
- && (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) `Set.member` expectJust "dep_on_boot" (M.lookup nk trans_deps_map)) $
- expectJust "not_boot_dep" (M.lookup (NodeKey_Module (key NotBoot)) trans_deps_map)
- where
- key ib = ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB mn ib) uid
- -- An environment mapping a module to its hs-boot file and all nodes on the path between the two, if one exists
- boot_modules = mkModuleEnv
- [ (ms_mod ms, (m, boot_path (ms_mod_name ms) (ms_unitid ms))) | m@(ModuleNode _ ms) <- (mgModSummaries' mod_graph), isBootSummary ms == IsBoot]
- select_boot_modules :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> [ModuleGraphNode]
- select_boot_modules = mapMaybe (fmap fst . get_boot_module)
- get_boot_module :: ModuleGraphNode -> Maybe (ModuleGraphNode, [ModuleGraphNode])
- get_boot_module m = case m of ModuleNode _ ms | HsSrcFile <- ms_hsc_src ms -> lookupModuleEnv boot_modules (ms_mod ms); _ -> Nothing
- -- Any cycles should be resolved now
- collapseSCC :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> Maybe [(Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile)]
- -- Must be at least two nodes, as we were in a cycle
- collapseSCC [AcyclicSCC node1, AcyclicSCC node2] = Just [toNodeWithBoot node1, toNodeWithBoot node2]
- collapseSCC (AcyclicSCC node : nodes) = (toNodeWithBoot node :) <$> collapseSCC nodes
- -- Cyclic
- collapseSCC _ = Nothing
- toNodeWithBoot :: ModuleGraphNode -> Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
- toNodeWithBoot mn =
- case get_boot_module mn of
- -- The node doesn't have a boot file
- Nothing -> Left mn
- -- The node does have a boot file
- Just path -> Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn (map mkNodeKey (snd path)))
- -- The toposort and accumulation of acyclic modules is solely to pick-up
- -- hs-boot files which are **not** part of cycles.
- collapseAcyclic :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> [BuildPlan]
- collapseAcyclic (AcyclicSCC node : nodes) = SingleModule node : collapseAcyclic nodes
- collapseAcyclic (CyclicSCC cy_nodes : nodes) = (UnresolvedCycle cy_nodes) : collapseAcyclic nodes
- collapseAcyclic [] = []
- topSortWithBoot nodes = topSortModules False (select_boot_modules nodes ++ nodes) Nothing
- in
- assertPpr (sum (map countMods build_plan) == length (mgModSummaries' mod_graph))
- (vcat [text "Build plan missing nodes:", (text "PLAN:" <+> ppr (sum (map countMods build_plan))), (text "GRAPH:" <+> ppr (length (mgModSummaries' mod_graph )))])
- build_plan
-- | Generalized version of 'load' which also supports a custom
-- 'Messager' (for reporting progress) and 'ModuleGraph' (generally
@@ -761,8 +279,6 @@ load' mhmi_cache how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
liftIO $ cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe logger (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env1) dflags
loadFinish upsweep_ok
-- | Finish up after a load.
loadFinish :: GhcMonad m => SuccessFlag -> m SuccessFlag
-- Empty the interactive context and set the module context to the topmost
@@ -771,7 +287,6 @@ loadFinish all_ok
= do modifySession discardIC
return all_ok
-- | If there is no -o option, guess the name of target executable
-- by using top-level source file name as a base.
guessOutputFile :: GhcMonad m => m ()
@@ -857,35 +372,7 @@ unload interp hsc_env
_other -> return ()
-{- Parallel Upsweep
-The parallel upsweep attempts to concurrently compile the modules in the
-compilation graph using multiple Haskell threads.
-The Algorithm
-* The list of `MakeAction`s are created by `interpretBuildPlan`. A `MakeAction` is
-a pair of an `IO a` action and a `MVar a`, where to place the result.
- The list is sorted topologically, so can be executed in order without fear of
- blocking.
-* runPipelines takes this list and eventually passes it to runLoop which executes
- each action and places the result into the right MVar.
-* The amount of parallelism is controlled by a semaphore. This is just used around the
- module compilation step, so that only the right number of modules are compiled at
- the same time which reduces overall memory usage and allocations.
-* Each proper node has a LogQueue, which dictates where to send it's output.
-* The LogQueue is placed into the LogQueueQueue when the action starts and a worker
- thread processes the LogQueueQueue printing logs for each module in a stable order.
-* The result variable for an action producing `a` is of type `Maybe a`, therefore
- it is still filled on a failure. If a module fails to compile, the
- failure is propagated through the whole module graph and any modules which didn't
- depend on the failure can still be compiled. This behaviour also makes the code
- quite a bit cleaner.
Note [--make mode]
There are two main parts to `--make` mode.
@@ -895,384 +382,8 @@ There are two main parts to `--make` mode.
The result of the downsweep is a 'ModuleGraph', which is then passed to 'upsweep' which
computers how to build this ModuleGraph.
-Note [Upsweep]
-Upsweep takes a 'ModuleGraph' as input, computes a build plan and then executes
-the plan in order to compile the project.
-The first step is computing the build plan from a 'ModuleGraph'.
-The output of this step is a `[BuildPlan]`, which is a topologically sorted plan for
-how to build all the modules.
-data BuildPlan = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode -- A simple, single module all alone but *might* have an hs-boot file which isn't part of a cycle
- | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot] -- A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
- | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode] -- An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
-The plan is computed in two steps:
-Step 1: Topologically sort the module graph without hs-boot files. This returns a [SCC ModuleGraphNode] which contains
- cycles.
-Step 2: For each cycle, topologically sort the modules in the cycle *with* the relevant hs-boot files. This should
- result in an acyclic build plan if the hs-boot files are sufficient to resolve the cycle.
-Step 2a: For each module in the cycle, if the module has a boot file then compute the
- modules on the path between it and the hs-boot file.
- These are the intermediate modules which:
- (1) are (transitive) dependencies of the non-boot module, and
- (2) have the boot module as a (transitive) dependency.
- In particular, all such intermediate modules must appear in the same unit as
- the module under consideration, as module cycles cannot cross unit boundaries.
- This information is stored in ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot.
-The `[BuildPlan]` is then interpreted by the `interpretBuildPlan` function.
-* SingleModule nodes are compiled normally by either the upsweep_inst or upsweep_mod functions.
-* ResolvedCycles need to compiled "together" so that modules outside the cycle are presented
- with a consistent knot-tied version of modules at the end.
- - When the ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot nodes are compiled then suitable rehydration
- is performed both before and after the module in question is compiled.
- See Note [Hydrating Modules] for more information.
-* UnresolvedCycles are indicative of a proper cycle, unresolved by hs-boot files
- and are reported as an error to the user.
-The main trickiness of `interpretBuildPlan` is deciding which version of a dependency
-is visible from each module. For modules which are not in a cycle, there is just
-one version of a module, so that is always used. For modules in a cycle, there are two versions of
-1. Internal to loop: The version created whilst compiling the loop by upsweep_mod.
-2. External to loop: The knot-tied version created by typecheckLoop.
-Whilst compiling a module inside the loop, we need to use the (1). For a module which
-is outside of the loop which depends on something from in the loop, the (2) version
-is used.
-As the plan is interpreted, which version of a HomeModInfo is visible is updated
-by updating a map held in a state monad. So after a loop has finished being compiled,
-the visible module is the one created by typecheckLoop and the internal version is not
-used again.
-This plan also ensures the most important invariant to do with module loops:
-> If you depend on anything within a module loop, before you can use the dependency,
- the whole loop has to finish compiling.
-The end result of `interpretBuildPlan` is a `[MakeAction]`, which are pairs
-of `IO a` actions and a `MVar (Maybe a)`, somewhere to put the result of running
-the action. This list is topologically sorted, so can be run in order to compute
-the whole graph.
-As well as this `interpretBuildPlan` also outputs an `IO [Maybe (Maybe HomeModInfo)]` which
-can be queried at the end to get the result of all modules at the end, with their proper
-visibility. For example, if any module in a loop fails then all modules in that loop will
-report as failed because the visible node at the end will be the result of checking
-these modules together.
--- | Simple wrapper around MVar which allows a functor instance.
-data ResultVar b = forall a . ResultVar (a -> b) (MVar (Maybe a))
-deriving instance Functor ResultVar
-mkResultVar :: MVar (Maybe a) -> ResultVar a
-mkResultVar = ResultVar id
--- | Block until the result is ready.
-waitResult :: ResultVar a -> MaybeT IO a
-waitResult (ResultVar f var) = MaybeT (fmap f <$> readMVar var)
-data BuildResult = BuildResult { _resultOrigin :: ResultOrigin
- , resultMakeId :: MakeActionId -- ^ The corresponding Make action which are going to fill in
- , resultVar :: ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet)
- }
--- The origin of this result var, useful for debugging
-data ResultOrigin = NoLoop | Loop ResultLoopOrigin
-data ResultLoopOrigin = Initialise | Rehydrated | Finalised
-instance Outputable ResultLoopOrigin where
- ppr Initialise = text "Initialise"
- ppr Rehydrated = text "Rehydrated"
- ppr Finalised = text "Finalised"
-instance Outputable ResultOrigin where
- ppr (NoLoop) = text "NL"
- ppr (Loop ro) = text "L(" <> ppr ro <> text ")"
-mkBuildResult :: ResultOrigin -> MakeActionId -> ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet) -> BuildResult
-mkBuildResult = BuildResult
-data BuildLoopState = BuildLoopState { buildDep :: M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
- -- The current way to build a specific TNodeKey, without cycles this just points to
- -- the appropriate result of compiling a module but with
- -- cycles there can be additional indirection and can point to the result of typechecking a loop
- , nNODE :: Int
- , nMAKE :: Int
- , hug_var :: MVar HomeUnitGraph
- -- A global variable which is incrementally updated with the result
- -- of compiling modules.
- }
-nodeId :: BuildM Int
-nodeId = do
- n <- gets nNODE
- modify (\m -> m { nNODE = n + 1 })
- return n
-makeId :: BuildM MakeActionId
-makeId = do
- n <- gets nMAKE
- modify (\m -> m { nMAKE = n + 1 })
- return (MakeActionId n)
-setModulePipeline :: NodeKey -> BuildResult -> BuildM ()
-setModulePipeline mgn build_result = do
- modify (\m -> m { buildDep = M.insert mgn build_result (buildDep m) })
-type BuildMap = M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
-getBuildMap :: BuildM BuildMap
-getBuildMap = gets buildDep
-getDependencies :: [NodeKey] -> BuildMap -> [BuildResult]
-getDependencies direct_deps build_map =
- strictMap (expectJust "dep_map" . flip M.lookup build_map) direct_deps
-type BuildM a = StateT BuildLoopState IO a
--- | Abstraction over the operations of a semaphore which allows usage with the
--- -j1 case
-data AbstractSem = AbstractSem { acquireSem :: IO ()
- , releaseSem :: IO () }
-withAbstractSem :: (MonadIO m, MC.MonadMask m) => AbstractSem -> m b -> m b
-withAbstractSem sem = MC.bracket_ (liftIO $ acquireSem sem) (liftIO $ releaseSem sem)
--- | Environment used when compiling a module
-data MakeEnv = MakeEnv { hsc_env :: !HscEnv -- The basic HscEnv which will be augmented for each module
- , compile_sem :: !AbstractSem
- -- Modify the environment for module k, with the supplied logger modification function.
- -- For -j1, this wrapper doesn't do anything
- -- For -jn, the wrapper initialised a log queue and then modifies the logger to pipe its output
- -- into the log queue.
- , withLogger :: forall a . Int -> ((Logger -> Logger) -> IO a) -> IO a
- , env_messager :: !(Maybe Messager)
- }
-type RunMakeM a = ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) a
--- | Given the build plan, creates a graph which indicates where each NodeKey should
--- get its direct dependencies from. This might not be the corresponding build action
--- if the module participates in a loop. This step also labels each node with a number for the output.
--- See Note [Upsweep] for a high-level description.
-interpretBuildPlan :: HomeUnitGraph
- -> Maybe ModIfaceCache
- -> M.Map ModNodeKeyWithUid HomeModInfo
- -> [BuildPlan]
- -> IO ( Maybe [ModuleGraphNode] -- Is there an unresolved cycle
- , [MakeAction] -- Actions we need to run in order to build everything
- , IO [Maybe (Maybe HomeModInfo)]) -- An action to query to get all the built modules at the end.
-interpretBuildPlan hug mhmi_cache old_hpt plan = do
- hug_var <- newMVar hug
- ((mcycle, plans), build_map) <- runStateT (buildLoop plan) (BuildLoopState M.empty 1 0 hug_var)
- let wait = collect_results (buildDep build_map)
- return (mcycle, plans, wait)
- where
- collect_results build_map =
- sequence (map (\br -> collect_result (fst <$> resultVar br)) (M.elems build_map))
- where
- collect_result res_var = runMaybeT (waitResult res_var)
- n_mods = sum (map countMods plan)
- buildLoop :: [BuildPlan]
- -> BuildM (Maybe [ModuleGraphNode], [MakeAction])
- -- Build the abstract pipeline which we can execute
- -- Building finished
- buildLoop [] = return (Nothing, [])
- buildLoop (plan:plans) =
- case plan of
- -- If there was no cycle, then typecheckLoop is not necessary
- SingleModule m -> do
- one_plan <- buildSingleModule Nothing NoLoop m
- (cycle, all_plans) <- buildLoop plans
- return (cycle, one_plan : all_plans)
- -- For a resolved cycle, depend on everything in the loop, then update
- -- the cache to point to this node rather than directly to the module build
- -- nodes
- ResolvedCycle ms -> do
- pipes <- buildModuleLoop ms
- (cycle, graph) <- buildLoop plans
- return (cycle, pipes ++ graph)
- -- Can't continue past this point as the cycle is unresolved.
- UnresolvedCycle ns -> return (Just ns, [])
- buildSingleModule :: Maybe [NodeKey] -- Modules we need to rehydrate before compiling this module
- -> ResultOrigin
- -> ModuleGraphNode -- The node we are compiling
- -> BuildM MakeAction
- buildSingleModule rehydrate_nodes origin mod = do
- mod_idx <- nodeId
- !build_map <- getBuildMap
- hug_var <- gets hug_var
- -- 1. Get the direct dependencies of this module
- let direct_deps = nodeDependencies False mod
- -- It's really important to force build_deps, or the whole buildMap is retained,
- -- which would retain all the result variables, preventing us from collecting them
- -- after they are no longer used.
- !build_deps = getDependencies direct_deps build_map
- let build_action (hug, deps) =
- withCurrentUnit (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) $ do
- case mod of
- InstantiationNode uid iu -> do
- executeInstantiationNode mod_idx n_mods hug uid iu
- return (Nothing, deps)
- ModuleNode _build_deps ms -> do
- let !old_hmi = M.lookup (msKey ms) old_hpt
- rehydrate_mods = mapMaybe nodeKeyModName <$> rehydrate_nodes
- hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods old_hmi hug rehydrate_mods ms
- -- Write the HMI to an external cache (if one exists)
- -- See Note [Caching HomeModInfo]
- liftIO $ forM mhmi_cache $ \hmi_cache -> addHmiToCache hmi_cache hmi
- -- This global MVar is incrementally modified in order to avoid having to
- -- recreate the HPT before compiling each module which leads to a quadratic amount of work.
- liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (return . addHomeModInfoToHug hmi)
- return (Just hmi, addToModuleNameSet (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) (ms_mod_name ms) deps )
- LinkNode _nks uid -> do
- executeLinkNode hug (mod_idx, n_mods) uid direct_deps
- return (Nothing, deps)
- res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
- let result_var = mkResultVar res_var
- make_action <- makeAction (MakeModule (mkNodeKey mod)) build_deps (wait_deps_hug hug_var) build_action res_var
- setModulePipeline (mkNodeKey mod) (mkBuildResult origin (make_action_id make_action) result_var)
- return make_action
- buildOneLoopyModule :: ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile -> BuildM [MakeAction]
- buildOneLoopyModule (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn deps) = do
- ma <- buildSingleModule (Just deps) (Loop Initialise) mn
- -- Rehydration (1) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
- rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Rehydrated ((GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot) : (map (\d -> GWIB d NotBoot) deps))
- return $ [ma, rehydrate_action]
- buildModuleLoop :: [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile] -> BuildM [MakeAction]
- buildModuleLoop ms = do
- build_modules <- concatMapM (either (fmap (:[]) <$> buildSingleModule Nothing (Loop Initialise)) buildOneLoopyModule) ms
- let extract (Left mn) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) NotBoot
- extract (Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn _)) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot
- let loop_mods = map extract ms
- -- Rehydration (2) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
- -- Fixes the space leak described in that note.
- rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Finalised loop_mods
- return $ build_modules ++ [rehydrate_action]
- -- An action which rehydrates the given keys
- rehydrateAction :: ResultLoopOrigin -> [GenWithIsBoot NodeKey] -> BuildM MakeAction
- rehydrateAction origin deps = do
- hug_var <- gets hug_var
- !build_map <- getBuildMap
- res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
- let
- !build_deps = getDependencies (map gwib_mod deps) build_map
- let loop_action (hug, tdeps) = do
- hsc_env <- asks hsc_env
- let new_hsc = setHUG hug hsc_env
- mns :: [ModuleName]
- mns = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
- hmis' <- liftIO $ rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns
- checkRehydrationInvariant hmis' deps
- -- Add hydrated interfaces to global variable
- liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (\hug -> return $ foldr addHomeModInfoToHug hug hmis')
- return (hmis', tdeps)
- action <- makeAction LoopSync build_deps (wait_deps_hug hug_var) loop_action res_var
- let fanout i = first (Just . (!! i)) <$> mkResultVar res_var
- -- From outside the module loop, anyone must wait for the loop to finish and then
- -- use the result of the rehydrated iface. This makes sure that things not in the
- -- module loop will see the updated interfaces for all the identifiers in the loop.
- boot_key :: NodeKey -> NodeKey
- boot_key (NodeKey_Module m) = NodeKey_Module (m { mnkModuleName = (mnkModuleName m) { gwib_isBoot = IsBoot } } )
- boot_key k = pprPanic "boot_key" (ppr k)
- make_id = make_action_id action
- update_module_pipeline (m, i) =
- case gwib_isBoot m of
- NotBoot -> setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
- IsBoot -> do
- setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
- -- SPECIAL: Anything outside the loop needs to see A rather than A.hs-boot
- setModulePipeline (boot_key (gwib_mod m)) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
- let deps_i = zip deps [0..]
- mapM update_module_pipeline deps_i
- return action
- -- Checks that the interfaces returned from hydration match-up with the names of the
- -- modules which were fed into the function.
- checkRehydrationInvariant hmis deps =
- let hmi_names = map (moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface) hmis
- start = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
- in massertPpr (hmi_names == start) $ (ppr hmi_names $$ ppr start)
-withCurrentUnit :: UnitId -> RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
-withCurrentUnit uid = do
- local (\env -> env { hsc_env = hscSetActiveUnitId uid (hsc_env env)})
- :: Int -- ^ The number of workers we wish to run in parallel
- -> HscEnv -- ^ The base HscEnv, which is augmented for each module
- -> Maybe ModIfaceCache -- ^ A cache to incrementally write final interface files to
- -> Maybe Messager
- -> M.Map ModNodeKeyWithUid HomeModInfo
- -> [BuildPlan]
- -> IO (SuccessFlag, HscEnv)
-upsweep n_jobs hsc_env hmi_cache mHscMessage old_hpt build_plan = do
- (cycle, pipelines, collect_result) <- interpretBuildPlan (hsc_HUG hsc_env) hmi_cache old_hpt build_plan
- runPipelines n_jobs hsc_env mHscMessage pipelines
- res <-
- if dopt Opt_D_dump_make_stats (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
- then do
- let !meta = strictMap make_action_meta pipelines
- collect_result <* analyseBuildGraph (hsc_logger hsc_env) meta
- else
- collect_result
- let completed = [m | Just (Just m) <- res]
- let hsc_env' = addDepsToHscEnv completed hsc_env
- -- Handle any cycle in the original compilation graph and return the result
- -- of the upsweep.
- case cycle of
- Just mss -> do
- let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg logger (cyclicModuleErr mss)
- return (Failed, hsc_env)
- Nothing -> do
- let success_flag = successIf (all isJust res)
- return (success_flag, hsc_env')
toCache :: [HomeModInfo] -> M.Map (ModNodeKeyWithUid) HomeModInfo
toCache hmis = M.fromList ([(miKey $ hm_iface hmi, hmi) | hmi <- hmis])
@@ -1280,239 +391,6 @@ toCache hmis = M.fromList ([(miKey $ hm_iface hmi, hmi) | hmi <- hmis])
miKey :: ModIface -> ModNodeKeyWithUid
miKey hmi = ModNodeKeyWithUid (mi_mnwib hmi) ((toUnitId $ moduleUnit (mi_module hmi)))
-upsweep_inst :: HscEnv
- -> Maybe Messager
- -> Int -- index of module
- -> Int -- total number of modules
- -> UnitId
- -> InstantiatedUnit
- -> IO ()
-upsweep_inst hsc_env mHscMessage mod_index nmods uid iuid = do
- case mHscMessage of
- Just hscMessage -> hscMessage hsc_env (mod_index, nmods) (NeedsRecompile MustCompile) (InstantiationNode uid iuid)
- Nothing -> return ()
- runHsc hsc_env $ ioMsgMaybe $ hoistTcRnMessage $ tcRnCheckUnit hsc_env $ VirtUnit iuid
- pure ()
--- | Compile a single module. Always produce a Linkable for it if
--- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
-upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
- -> Maybe Messager
- -> Maybe HomeModInfo
- -> ModSummary
- -> Int -- index of module
- -> Int -- total number of modules
- -> IO HomeModInfo
-upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hmi summary mod_index nmods = do
- hmi <- compileOne' mHscMessage hsc_env summary
- mod_index nmods (hm_iface <$> old_hmi) (maybe emptyHomeModInfoLinkable hm_linkable old_hmi)
- -- MP: This is a bit janky, because before you add the entries you have to extend the HPT with the module
- -- you just compiled. Another option, would be delay adding anything until after upsweep has finished, but I
- -- am unsure if this is sound (wrt running TH splices for example).
- -- This function only does anything if the linkable produced is a BCO, which only happens with the
- -- bytecode backend, no need to guard against the backend type additionally.
- addSptEntries (hscUpdateHPT (\hpt -> addToHpt hpt (ms_mod_name summary) hmi) hsc_env)
- (homeModInfoByteCode hmi)
- return hmi
--- | Add the entries from a BCO linkable to the SPT table, see
--- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in GHC.Iface.Tidy.StaticPtrTable.
-addSptEntries :: HscEnv -> Maybe Linkable -> IO ()
-addSptEntries hsc_env mlinkable =
- hscAddSptEntries hsc_env
- [ spt
- | Just linkable <- [mlinkable]
- , unlinked <- linkableUnlinked linkable
- , BCOs _ spts <- pure unlinked
- , spt <- spts
- ]
-{- Note [-fno-code mode]
-GHC offers the flag -fno-code for the purpose of parsing and typechecking a
-program without generating object files. This is intended to be used by tooling
-and IDEs to provide quick feedback on any parser or type errors as cheaply as
-When GHC is invoked with -fno-code no object files or linked output will be
-generated. As many errors and warnings as possible will be generated, as if
--fno-code had not been passed. The session DynFlags will have
-backend == NoBackend.
-Whether interface files are generated in -fno-code mode is controlled by the
--fwrite-interface flag. The -fwrite-interface flag is a no-op if -fno-code is
-not also passed. Recompilation avoidance requires interface files, so passing
--fno-code without -fwrite-interface should be avoided. If -fno-code were
-re-implemented today, -fwrite-interface would be discarded and it would be
-considered always on; this behaviour is as it is for backwards compatibility.
-IN SUMMARY: ALWAYS PASS -fno-code AND -fwrite-interface TOGETHER
-Template Haskell
-A module using template haskell may invoke an imported function from inside a
-splice. This will cause the type-checker to attempt to execute that code, which
-would fail if no object files had been generated. See #8025. To rectify this,
-during the downsweep we patch the DynFlags in the ModSummary of any home module
-that is imported by a module that uses template haskell, to generate object
-The flavour of the generated code depends on whether `-fprefer-byte-code` is enabled
-or not in the module which needs the code generation. If the module requires byte-code then
-dependencies will generate byte-code, otherwise they will generate object files.
-In the case where some modules require byte-code and some object files, both are
-generated by enabling `-fbyte-code-and-object-code`, the test "fat015" tests these
-The object files (and interface files if -fwrite-interface is disabled) produced
-for template haskell are written to temporary files.
-Note that since template haskell can run arbitrary IO actions, -fno-code mode
-is no more secure than running without it.
-Potential TODOS:
-* Remove -fwrite-interface and have interface files always written in -fno-code
- mode
-* Both .o and .dyn_o files are generated for template haskell, but we only need
- .dyn_o. Fix it.
-* In make mode, a message like
- Compiling A (A.hs, /tmp/ghc_123.o)
- is shown if downsweep enabled object code generation for A. Perhaps we should
- show "nothing" or "temporary object file" instead. Note that one
- can currently use -keep-tmp-files and inspect the generated file with the
- current behaviour.
-* Offer a -no-codedir command line option, and write what were temporary
- object files there. This would speed up recompilation.
-* Use existing object files (if they are up to date) instead of always
- generating temporary ones.
--- Note [When source is considered modified]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- A number of functions in GHC.Driver accept a SourceModified argument, which
--- is part of how GHC determines whether recompilation may be avoided (see the
--- definition of the SourceModified data type for details).
--- Determining whether or not a source file is considered modified depends not
--- only on the source file itself, but also on the output files which compiling
--- that module would produce. This is done because GHC supports a number of
--- flags which control which output files should be produced, e.g. -fno-code
--- -fwrite-interface and -fwrite-ide-file; we must check not only whether the
--- source file has been modified since the last compile, but also whether the
--- source file has been modified since the last compile which produced all of
--- the output files which have been requested.
--- Specifically, a source file is considered unmodified if it is up-to-date
--- relative to all of the output files which have been requested. Whether or
--- not an output file is up-to-date depends on what kind of file it is:
--- * iface (.hi) files are considered up-to-date if (and only if) their
--- mi_src_hash field matches the hash of the source file,
--- * all other output files (.o, .dyn_o, .hie, etc) are considered up-to-date
--- if (and only if) their modification times on the filesystem are greater
--- than or equal to the modification time of the corresponding .hi file.
--- Why do we use '>=' rather than '>' for output files other than the .hi file?
--- If the filesystem has poor resolution for timestamps (e.g. FAT32 has a
--- resolution of 2 seconds), we may often find that the .hi and .o files have
--- the same modification time. Using >= is slightly unsafe, but it matches
--- make's behaviour.
--- This strategy allows us to do the minimum work necessary in order to ensure
--- that all the files the user cares about are up-to-date; e.g. we should not
--- worry about .o files if the user has indicated that they are not interested
--- in them via -fno-code. See also #9243.
--- Note that recompilation avoidance is dependent on .hi files being produced,
--- which does not happen if -fno-write-interface -fno-code is passed. That is,
--- passing -fno-write-interface -fno-code means that you cannot benefit from
--- recompilation avoidance. See also Note [-fno-code mode].
--- The correctness of this strategy depends on an assumption that whenever we
--- are producing multiple output files, the .hi file is always written first.
--- If this assumption is violated, we risk recompiling unnecessarily by
--- incorrectly regarding non-.hi files as outdated.
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Topological sort of the module graph
- :: Bool
- -- ^ Drop hi-boot nodes? (see below)
- -> ModuleGraph
- -> Maybe HomeUnitModule
- -- ^ Root module name. If @Nothing@, use the full graph.
- -> [SCC ModuleGraphNode]
--- ^ Calculate SCCs of the module graph, possibly dropping the hi-boot nodes
--- The resulting list of strongly-connected-components is in topologically
--- sorted order, starting with the module(s) at the bottom of the
--- dependency graph (ie compile them first) and ending with the ones at
--- the top.
--- Drop hi-boot nodes (first boolean arg)?
--- - @False@: treat the hi-boot summaries as nodes of the graph,
--- so the graph must be acyclic
--- - @True@: eliminate the hi-boot nodes, and instead pretend
--- the a source-import of Foo is an import of Foo
--- The resulting graph has no hi-boot nodes, but can be cyclic
-topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes module_graph mb_root_mod =
- -- stronglyConnCompG flips the original order, so if we reverse
- -- the summaries we get a stable topological sort.
- topSortModules drop_hs_boot_nodes (reverse $ mgModSummaries' module_graph) mb_root_mod
-topSortModules :: Bool -> [ModuleGraphNode] -> Maybe HomeUnitModule -> [SCC ModuleGraphNode]
-topSortModules drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries mb_root_mod
- = map (fmap summaryNodeSummary) $ stronglyConnCompG initial_graph
- where
- (graph, lookup_node) =
- moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries
- initial_graph = case mb_root_mod of
- Nothing -> graph
- Just (Module uid root_mod) ->
- -- restrict the graph to just those modules reachable from
- -- the specified module. We do this by building a graph with
- -- the full set of nodes, and determining the reachable set from
- -- the specified node.
- let root | Just node <- lookup_node $ NodeKey_Module $ ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB root_mod NotBoot) uid
- , graph `hasVertexG` node
- = node
- | otherwise
- = throwGhcException (ProgramError "module does not exist")
- in graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq (seq root (reachableG graph root))
-newtype ModNodeMap a = ModNodeMap { unModNodeMap :: Map.Map ModNodeKey a }
- deriving (Functor, Traversable, Foldable)
-emptyModNodeMap :: ModNodeMap a
-emptyModNodeMap = ModNodeMap Map.empty
-modNodeMapInsert :: ModNodeKey -> a -> ModNodeMap a -> ModNodeMap a
-modNodeMapInsert k v (ModNodeMap m) = ModNodeMap (Map.insert k v m)
-modNodeMapElems :: ModNodeMap a -> [a]
-modNodeMapElems (ModNodeMap m) = Map.elems m
-modNodeMapLookup :: ModNodeKey -> ModNodeMap a -> Maybe a
-modNodeMapLookup k (ModNodeMap m) = Map.lookup k m
-modNodeMapSingleton :: ModNodeKey -> a -> ModNodeMap a
-modNodeMapSingleton k v = ModNodeMap (M.singleton k v)
-modNodeMapUnionWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> ModNodeMap a -> ModNodeMap a -> ModNodeMap a
-modNodeMapUnionWith f (ModNodeMap m) (ModNodeMap n) = ModNodeMap (M.unionWith f m n)
-- | If there are {-# SOURCE #-} imports between strongly connected
-- components in the topological sort, then those imports can
-- definitely be replaced by ordinary non-SOURCE imports: if SOURCE
@@ -1531,788 +409,6 @@ warnUnnecessarySourceImports sccs = do
loc (DriverUnnecessarySourceImports mod)
logDiagnostics (mkMessages $ listToBag (concatMap (check . flattenSCC) sccs))
--- This caches the answer to the question, if we are in this unit, what does
--- an import of this module mean.
-type DownsweepCache = M.Map (UnitId, PkgQual, ModuleNameWithIsBoot) [Either DriverMessages ModSummary]
--- | Downsweep (dependency analysis)
--- Chase downwards from the specified root set, returning summaries
--- for all home modules encountered. Only follow source-import
--- links.
--- We pass in the previous collection of summaries, which is used as a
--- cache to avoid recalculating a module summary if the source is
--- unchanged.
--- The returned list of [ModSummary] nodes has one node for each home-package
--- module, plus one for any hs-boot files. The imports of these nodes
--- are all there, including the imports of non-home-package modules.
-downsweep :: HscEnv
- -> [ModSummary]
- -- ^ Old summaries
- -> [ModuleName] -- Ignore dependencies on these; treat
- -- them as if they were package modules
- -> Bool -- True <=> allow multiple targets to have
- -- the same module name; this is
- -- very useful for ghc -M
- -> IO ([DriverMessages], [ModuleGraphNode])
- -- The non-error elements of the returned list all have distinct
- -- (Modules, IsBoot) identifiers, unless the Bool is true in
- -- which case there can be repeats
-downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
- = do
- rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
- let (root_errs, rootSummariesOk) = partitionEithers rootSummaries -- #17549
- root_map = mkRootMap rootSummariesOk
- checkDuplicates root_map
- (deps, pkg_deps, map0) <- loopSummaries rootSummariesOk (M.empty, Set.empty, root_map)
- let closure_errs = checkHomeUnitsClosed (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) (hsc_all_home_unit_ids hsc_env) (Set.toList pkg_deps)
- let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
- let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
- let downsweep_errs = lefts $ concat $ M.elems map0
- downsweep_nodes = M.elems deps
- (other_errs, unit_nodes) = partitionEithers $ unitEnv_foldWithKey (\nodes uid hue -> nodes ++ unitModuleNodes downsweep_nodes uid hue) [] (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
- all_nodes = downsweep_nodes ++ unit_nodes
- all_errs = all_root_errs ++ downsweep_errs ++ other_errs
- all_root_errs = closure_errs ++ map snd root_errs
- -- if we have been passed -fno-code, we enable code generation
- -- for dependencies of modules that have -XTemplateHaskell,
- -- otherwise those modules will fail to compile.
- -- See Note [-fno-code mode] #8025
- th_enabled_nodes <- enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env all_nodes
- if null all_root_errs
- then return (all_errs, th_enabled_nodes)
- else pure $ (all_root_errs, [])
- where
- -- Dependencies arising on a unit (backpack and module linking deps)
- unitModuleNodes :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> UnitId -> HomeUnitEnv -> [Either (Messages DriverMessage) ModuleGraphNode]
- unitModuleNodes summaries uid hue =
- let instantiation_nodes = instantiationNodes uid (homeUnitEnv_units hue)
- in map Right instantiation_nodes
- ++ maybeToList (linkNodes (instantiation_nodes ++ summaries) uid hue)
- calcDeps ms =
- -- Add a dependency on the HsBoot file if it exists
- -- This gets passed to the loopImports function which just ignores it if it
- -- can't be found.
- [(ms_unitid ms, NoPkgQual, GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) IsBoot) | NotBoot <- [isBootSummary ms] ] ++
- [(ms_unitid ms, b, c) | (b, c) <- msDeps ms ]
- logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
- -- A cache from file paths to the already summarised modules.
- -- Reuse these if we can because the most expensive part of downsweep is
- -- reading the headers.
- old_summary_map :: M.Map FilePath ModSummary
- old_summary_map = M.fromList [(msHsFilePath ms, ms) | ms <- old_summaries]
- getRootSummary :: Target -> IO (Either (UnitId, DriverMessages) ModSummary)
- getRootSummary Target { targetId = TargetFile file mb_phase
- , targetContents = maybe_buf
- , targetUnitId = uid
- }
- = do let offset_file = augmentByWorkingDirectory dflags file
- exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist offset_file
- if exists || isJust maybe_buf
- then first (uid,) <$>
- summariseFile hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map offset_file mb_phase
- maybe_buf
- else return $ Left $ (uid,) $ singleMessage
- $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverFileNotFound offset_file)
- where
- dflags = homeUnitEnv_dflags (ue_findHomeUnitEnv uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env))
- home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- getRootSummary Target { targetId = TargetModule modl
- , targetContents = maybe_buf
- , targetUnitId = uid
- }
- = do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map NotBoot
- (L rootLoc modl) (ThisPkg (homeUnitId home_unit))
- maybe_buf excl_mods
- case maybe_summary of
- FoundHome s -> return (Right s)
- FoundHomeWithError err -> return (Left err)
- _ -> return $ Left $ (uid, moduleNotFoundErr modl)
- where
- home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
- -- In a root module, the filename is allowed to diverge from the module
- -- name, so we have to check that there aren't multiple root files
- -- defining the same module (otherwise the duplicates will be silently
- -- ignored, leading to confusing behaviour).
- checkDuplicates
- :: DownsweepCache
- -> IO ()
- checkDuplicates root_map
- | allow_dup_roots = return ()
- | null dup_roots = return ()
- | otherwise = liftIO $ multiRootsErr (head dup_roots)
- where
- dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]] -- Each at least of length 2
- dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton $ map rights (M.elems root_map)
- -- This loops over all the mod summaries in the dependency graph, accumulates the actual dependencies for each module/unit
- loopSummaries :: [ModSummary]
- -> (M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode, Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId),
- DownsweepCache)
- -> IO ((M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode), Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId), DownsweepCache)
- loopSummaries [] done = return done
- loopSummaries (ms:next) (done, pkgs, summarised)
- | Just {} <- M.lookup k done
- = loopSummaries next (done, pkgs, summarised)
- -- Didn't work out what the imports mean yet, now do that.
- | otherwise = do
- (final_deps, pkgs1, done', summarised') <- loopImports (calcDeps ms) done summarised
- -- This has the effect of finding a .hs file if we are looking at the .hs-boot file.
- (_, _, done'', summarised'') <- loopImports (maybeToList hs_file_for_boot) done' summarised'
- loopSummaries next (M.insert k (ModuleNode final_deps ms) done'', pkgs1 `Set.union` pkgs, summarised'')
- where
- k = NodeKey_Module (msKey ms)
- hs_file_for_boot
- | HsBootFile <- ms_hsc_src ms = Just $ ((ms_unitid ms), NoPkgQual, (GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) NotBoot))
- | otherwise = Nothing
- -- This loops over each import in each summary. It is mutually recursive with loopSummaries if we discover
- -- a new module by doing this.
- loopImports :: [(UnitId, PkgQual, GenWithIsBoot (Located ModuleName))]
- -- Work list: process these modules
- -> M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode
- -> DownsweepCache
- -- Visited set; the range is a list because
- -- the roots can have the same module names
- -- if allow_dup_roots is True
- -> IO ([NodeKey], Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId),
- M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode, DownsweepCache)
- -- The result is the completed NodeMap
- loopImports [] done summarised = return ([], Set.empty, done, summarised)
- loopImports ((home_uid,mb_pkg, gwib) : ss) done summarised
- | Just summs <- M.lookup cache_key summarised
- = case summs of
- [Right ms] -> do
- let nk = NodeKey_Module (msKey ms)
- (rest, pkgs, summarised', done') <- loopImports ss done summarised
- return (nk: rest, pkgs, summarised', done')
- [Left _err] ->
- loopImports ss done summarised
- _errs -> do
- loopImports ss done summarised
- | otherwise
- = do
- mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map
- is_boot wanted_mod mb_pkg
- Nothing excl_mods
- case mb_s of
- NotThere -> loopImports ss done summarised
- External uid -> do
- (other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised') <- loopImports ss done summarised
- return (other_deps, Set.insert (homeUnitId home_unit, uid) pkgs, done', summarised')
- FoundInstantiation iud -> do
- (other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised') <- loopImports ss done summarised
- return (NodeKey_Unit iud : other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised')
- FoundHomeWithError (_uid, e) -> loopImports ss done (Map.insert cache_key [(Left e)] summarised)
- FoundHome s -> do
- (done', pkgs1, summarised') <-
- loopSummaries [s] (done, Set.empty, Map.insert cache_key [Right s] summarised)
- (other_deps, pkgs2, final_done, final_summarised) <- loopImports ss done' summarised'
- -- MP: This assumes that we can only instantiate non home units, which is probably fair enough for now.
- return (NodeKey_Module (msKey s) : other_deps, pkgs1 `Set.union` pkgs2, final_done, final_summarised)
- where
- cache_key = (home_uid, mb_pkg, unLoc <$> gwib)
- home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit home_uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- GWIB { gwib_mod = L loc mod, gwib_isBoot = is_boot } = gwib
- wanted_mod = L loc mod
--- This function checks then important property that if both p and q are home units
--- then any dependency of p, which transitively depends on q is also a home unit.
-checkHomeUnitsClosed :: UnitEnv -> Set.Set UnitId -> [(UnitId, UnitId)] -> [DriverMessages]
--- Fast path, trivially closed.
-checkHomeUnitsClosed ue home_id_set home_imp_ids
- | Set.size home_id_set == 1 = []
- | otherwise =
- let res = foldMap loop home_imp_ids
- -- Now check whether everything which transitively depends on a home_unit is actually a home_unit
- -- These units are the ones which we need to load as home packages but failed to do for some reason,
- -- it's a bug in the tool invoking GHC.
- bad_unit_ids = Set.difference res home_id_set
- in if Set.null bad_unit_ids
- then []
- else [singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope rootLoc $ DriverHomePackagesNotClosed (Set.toList bad_unit_ids)]
- where
- rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
- -- TODO: This could repeat quite a bit of work but I struggled to write this function.
- -- Which units transitively depend on a home unit
- loop :: (UnitId, UnitId) -> Set.Set UnitId -- The units which transitively depend on a home unit
- loop (from_uid, uid) =
- let us = ue_findHomeUnitEnv from_uid ue in
- let um = unitInfoMap (homeUnitEnv_units us) in
- case Map.lookup uid um of
- Nothing -> pprPanic "uid not found" (ppr uid)
- Just ui ->
- let depends = unitDepends ui
- home_depends = Set.fromList depends `Set.intersection` home_id_set
- other_depends = Set.fromList depends `Set.difference` home_id_set
- in
- -- Case 1: The unit directly depends on a home_id
- if not (null home_depends)
- then
- let res = foldMap (loop . (from_uid,)) other_depends
- in Set.insert uid res
- -- Case 2: Check the rest of the dependencies, and then see if any of them depended on
- else
- let res = foldMap (loop . (from_uid,)) other_depends
- in
- if not (Set.null res)
- then Set.insert uid res
- else res
--- | Update the every ModSummary that is depended on
--- by a module that needs template haskell. We enable codegen to
--- the specified target, disable optimization and change the .hi
--- and .o file locations to be temporary files.
--- See Note [-fno-code mode]
- :: Logger
- -> TmpFs
- -> UnitEnv
- -> [ModuleGraphNode]
- -> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
-enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env =
- enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs TFL_CurrentModule TFL_GhcSession unit_env
-data CodeGenEnable = EnableByteCode | EnableObject | EnableByteCodeAndObject deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-instance Outputable CodeGenEnable where
- ppr = text . show
--- | Helper used to implement 'enableCodeGenForTH'.
--- In particular, this enables
--- unoptimized code generation for all modules that meet some
--- condition (first parameter), or are dependencies of those
--- modules. The second parameter is a condition to check before
--- marking modules for code generation.
- :: Logger
- -> TmpFs
- -> TempFileLifetime
- -> TempFileLifetime
- -> UnitEnv
- -> [ModuleGraphNode]
- -> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
-enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs staticLife dynLife unit_env mod_graph =
- mapM enable_code_gen mod_graph
- where
- defaultBackendOf ms = platformDefaultBackend (targetPlatform $ ue_unitFlags (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
- enable_code_gen :: ModuleGraphNode -> IO ModuleGraphNode
- enable_code_gen n@(ModuleNode deps ms)
- | ModSummary
- { ms_location = ms_location
- , ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile
- , ms_hspp_opts = dflags
- } <- ms
- , Just enable_spec <- mkNodeKey n `Map.lookup` needs_codegen_map =
- if | nocode_enable ms -> do
- let new_temp_file suf dynsuf = do
- tn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) staticLife suf
- let dyn_tn = tn -<.> dynsuf
- addFilesToClean tmpfs dynLife [dyn_tn]
- return (tn, dyn_tn)
- -- We don't want to create .o or .hi files unless we have been asked
- -- to by the user. But we need them, so we patch their locations in
- -- the ModSummary with temporary files.
- --
- ((hi_file, dyn_hi_file), (o_file, dyn_o_file)) <-
- -- If ``-fwrite-interface` is specified, then the .o and .hi files
- -- are written into `-odir` and `-hidir` respectively. #16670
- if gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
- then return ((ml_hi_file ms_location, ml_dyn_hi_file ms_location)
- , (ml_obj_file ms_location, ml_dyn_obj_file ms_location))
- else (,) <$> (new_temp_file (hiSuf_ dflags) (dynHiSuf_ dflags))
- <*> (new_temp_file (objectSuf_ dflags) (dynObjectSuf_ dflags))
- let new_dflags = case enable_spec of
- EnableByteCode -> dflags { backend = interpreterBackend }
- EnableObject -> dflags { backend = defaultBackendOf ms }
- EnableByteCodeAndObject -> (gopt_set dflags Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode) { backend = defaultBackendOf ms}
- let ms' = ms
- { ms_location =
- ms_location { ml_hi_file = hi_file
- , ml_obj_file = o_file
- , ml_dyn_hi_file = dyn_hi_file
- , ml_dyn_obj_file = dyn_o_file }
- , ms_hspp_opts = updOptLevel 0 $ new_dflags
- }
- -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
- enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
- -- If -fprefer-byte-code then satisfy dependency by enabling bytecode (if normal object not enough)
- -- we only get to this case if the default backend is already generating object files, but we need dynamic
- -- objects
- | bytecode_and_enable enable_spec ms -> do
- let ms' = ms
- { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode
- }
- -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
- enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
- | dynamic_too_enable enable_spec ms -> do
- let ms' = ms
- { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_BuildDynamicToo
- }
- -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
- enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
- | ext_interp_enable ms -> do
- let ms' = ms
- { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_ExternalInterpreter
- }
- -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
- enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
- | otherwise -> return n
- enable_code_gen ms = return ms
- nocode_enable ms@(ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
- not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags)) &&
- -- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
- -- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
- isHomeUnitDefinite (ue_unitHomeUnit (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
- bytecode_and_enable enable_spec ms =
- -- In the situation where we **would** need to enable dynamic-too
- -- IF we had decided we needed objects
- dynamic_too_enable EnableObject ms
- -- but we prefer to use bytecode rather than objects
- && prefer_bytecode
- -- and we haven't already turned it on
- && not generate_both
- where
- lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
- prefer_bytecode = case enable_spec of
- EnableByteCodeAndObject -> True
- EnableByteCode -> True
- EnableObject -> False
- generate_both = gopt Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode lcl_dflags
- -- #8180 - when using TemplateHaskell, switch on -dynamic-too so
- -- the linker can correctly load the object files. This isn't necessary
- -- when using -fexternal-interpreter.
- dynamic_too_enable enable_spec ms
- = hostIsDynamic && internalInterpreter &&
- not isDynWay && not isProfWay && not dyn_too_enabled
- && enable_object
- where
- lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
- internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
- dyn_too_enabled = gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo lcl_dflags
- isDynWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayDyn
- isProfWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayProf
- enable_object = case enable_spec of
- EnableByteCode -> False
- EnableByteCodeAndObject -> True
- EnableObject -> True
- -- #16331 - when no "internal interpreter" is available but we
- -- need to process some TemplateHaskell or QuasiQuotes, we automatically
- -- turn on -fexternal-interpreter.
- ext_interp_enable ms = not ghciSupported && internalInterpreter
- where
- lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
- internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
- (mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False mod_graph
- mk_needed_set roots = Set.fromList $ map (mkNodeKey . node_payload) $ reachablesG mg (map (expectJust "needs_th" . lookup_node) roots)
- needs_obj_set, needs_bc_set :: Set.Set NodeKey
- needs_obj_set = mk_needed_set need_obj_set
- needs_bc_set = mk_needed_set need_bc_set
- -- A map which tells us how to enable code generation for a NodeKey
- needs_codegen_map :: Map.Map NodeKey CodeGenEnable
- needs_codegen_map =
- -- Another option here would be to just produce object code, rather than both object and
- -- byte code
- Map.unionWith (\_ _ -> EnableByteCodeAndObject)
- (Map.fromList $ [(m, EnableObject) | m <- Set.toList needs_obj_set])
- (Map.fromList $ [(m, EnableByteCode) | m <- Set.toList needs_bc_set])
- -- The direct dependencies of modules which require object code
- need_obj_set =
- concat
- -- Note we don't need object code for a module if it uses TemplateHaskell itself. Only
- -- it's dependencies.
- [ deps
- | (ModuleNode deps ms) <- mod_graph
- , isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
- , not (gopt Opt_UseBytecodeRatherThanObjects (ms_hspp_opts ms))
- ]
- -- The direct dependencies of modules which require byte code
- need_bc_set =
- concat
- [ deps
- | (ModuleNode deps ms) <- mod_graph
- , isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
- , gopt Opt_UseBytecodeRatherThanObjects (ms_hspp_opts ms)
- ]
--- | Populate the Downsweep cache with the root modules.
- :: [ModSummary]
- -> DownsweepCache
-mkRootMap summaries = Map.fromListWith (flip (++))
- [ ((ms_unitid s, NoPkgQual, ms_mnwib s), [Right s]) | s <- summaries ]
--- Summarising modules
--- We have two types of summarisation:
--- * Summarise a file. This is used for the root module(s) passed to
--- cmLoadModules. The file is read, and used to determine the root
--- module name. The module name may differ from the filename.
--- * Summarise a module. We are given a module name, and must provide
--- a summary. The finder is used to locate the file in which the module
--- resides.
- :: HscEnv
- -> HomeUnit
- -> M.Map FilePath ModSummary -- old summaries
- -> FilePath -- source file name
- -> Maybe Phase -- start phase
- -> Maybe (StringBuffer,UTCTime)
- -> IO (Either DriverMessages ModSummary)
-summariseFile hsc_env' home_unit old_summaries src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf
- -- we can use a cached summary if one is available and the
- -- source file hasn't changed, But we have to look up the summary
- -- by source file, rather than module name as we do in summarise.
- | Just old_summary <- M.lookup src_fn old_summaries
- = do
- let location = ms_location $ old_summary
- src_hash <- get_src_hash
- -- The file exists; we checked in getRootSummary above.
- -- If it gets removed subsequently, then this
- -- getFileHash may fail, but that's the right
- -- behaviour.
- -- return the cached summary if the source didn't change
- checkSummaryHash
- hsc_env (new_summary src_fn)
- old_summary location src_hash
- | otherwise
- = do src_hash <- get_src_hash
- new_summary src_fn src_hash
- where
- -- change the main active unit so all operations happen relative to the given unit
- hsc_env = hscSetActiveHomeUnit home_unit hsc_env'
- -- src_fn does not necessarily exist on the filesystem, so we need to
- -- check what kind of target we are dealing with
- get_src_hash = case maybe_buf of
- Just (buf,_) -> return $ fingerprintStringBuffer buf
- Nothing -> liftIO $ getFileHash src_fn
- new_summary src_fn src_hash = runExceptT $ do
- preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
- <- getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf
- let fopts = initFinderOpts (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
- -- Make a ModLocation for this file
- let location = mkHomeModLocation fopts pi_mod_name src_fn
- -- Tell the Finder cache where it is, so that subsequent calls
- -- to findModule will find it, even if it's not on any search path
- mod <- liftIO $ do
- let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
- let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env
- addHomeModuleToFinder fc home_unit pi_mod_name location
- liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
- { nms_src_fn = src_fn
- , nms_src_hash = src_hash
- , nms_is_boot = NotBoot
- , nms_hsc_src =
- if isHaskellSigFilename src_fn
- then HsigFile
- else HsSrcFile
- , nms_location = location
- , nms_mod = mod
- , nms_preimps = preimps
- }
- :: HscEnv
- -> (Fingerprint -> IO (Either e ModSummary))
- -> ModSummary -> ModLocation -> Fingerprint
- -> IO (Either e ModSummary)
- hsc_env new_summary
- old_summary
- location src_hash
- | ms_hs_hash old_summary == src_hash &&
- not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) = do
- -- update the object-file timestamp
- obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
- -- We have to repopulate the Finder's cache for file targets
- -- because the file might not even be on the regular search path
- -- and it was likely flushed in depanal. This is not technically
- -- needed when we're called from sumariseModule but it shouldn't
- -- hurt.
- -- Also, only add to finder cache for non-boot modules as the finder cache
- -- makes sure to add a boot suffix for boot files.
- _ <- do
- let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env
- case ms_hsc_src old_summary of
- HsSrcFile -> addModuleToFinder fc (ms_mod old_summary) location
- _ -> return ()
- hi_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
- hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
- return $ Right
- ( old_summary
- { ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
- , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
- , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
- }
- )
- | otherwise =
- -- source changed: re-summarise.
- new_summary src_hash
-data SummariseResult =
- FoundInstantiation InstantiatedUnit
- | FoundHomeWithError (UnitId, DriverMessages)
- | FoundHome ModSummary
- | External UnitId
- | NotThere
--- Summarise a module, and pick up source and timestamp.
- :: HscEnv
- -> HomeUnit
- -> M.Map FilePath ModSummary
- -- ^ Map of old summaries
- -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> a {-# SOURCE #-} import
- -> Located ModuleName -- Imported module to be summarised
- -> PkgQual
- -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
- -> [ModuleName] -- Modules to exclude
- -> IO SummariseResult
-summariseModule hsc_env' home_unit old_summary_map is_boot (L _ wanted_mod) mb_pkg
- maybe_buf excl_mods
- | wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
- = return NotThere
- | otherwise = find_it
- where
- -- Temporarily change the currently active home unit so all operations
- -- happen relative to it
- hsc_env = hscSetActiveHomeUnit home_unit hsc_env'
- dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- find_it :: IO SummariseResult
- find_it = do
- found <- findImportedModule hsc_env wanted_mod mb_pkg
- case found of
- Found location mod
- | isJust (ml_hs_file location) ->
- -- Home package
- just_found location mod
- | VirtUnit iud <- moduleUnit mod
- , not (isHomeModule home_unit mod)
- -> return $ FoundInstantiation iud
- | otherwise -> return $ External (moduleUnitId mod)
- _ -> return NotThere
- -- Not found
- -- (If it is TRULY not found at all, we'll
- -- error when we actually try to compile)
- just_found location mod = do
- -- Adjust location to point to the hs-boot source file,
- -- hi file, object file, when is_boot says so
- let location' = case is_boot of
- IsBoot -> addBootSuffixLocn location
- NotBoot -> location
- src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
- -- Check that it exists
- -- It might have been deleted since the Finder last found it
- maybe_h <- fileHashIfExists src_fn
- case maybe_h of
- -- This situation can also happen if we have found the .hs file but the
- -- .hs-boot file doesn't exist.
- Nothing -> return NotThere
- Just h -> do
- fresult <- new_summary_cache_check location' mod src_fn h
- return $ case fresult of
- Left err -> FoundHomeWithError (moduleUnitId mod, err)
- Right ms -> FoundHome ms
- new_summary_cache_check loc mod src_fn h
- | Just old_summary <- Map.lookup src_fn old_summary_map =
- -- check the hash on the source file, and
- -- return the cached summary if it hasn't changed. If the
- -- file has changed then need to resummarise.
- case maybe_buf of
- Just (buf,_) ->
- checkSummaryHash hsc_env (new_summary loc mod src_fn) old_summary loc (fingerprintStringBuffer buf)
- Nothing ->
- checkSummaryHash hsc_env (new_summary loc mod src_fn) old_summary loc h
- | otherwise = new_summary loc mod src_fn h
- new_summary :: ModLocation
- -> Module
- -> FilePath
- -> Fingerprint
- -> IO (Either DriverMessages ModSummary)
- new_summary location mod src_fn src_hash
- = runExceptT $ do
- preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
- -- Remember to set the active unit here, otherwise the wrong include paths are passed to CPP
- -- See multiHomeUnits_cpp2 test
- <- getPreprocessedImports (hscSetActiveUnitId (moduleUnitId mod) hsc_env) src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
- -- NB: Despite the fact that is_boot is a top-level parameter, we
- -- don't actually know coming into this function what the HscSource
- -- of the module in question is. This is because we may be processing
- -- this module because another module in the graph imported it: in this
- -- case, we know if it's a boot or not because of the {-# SOURCE #-}
- -- annotation, but we don't know if it's a signature or a regular
- -- module until we actually look it up on the filesystem.
- let hsc_src
- | is_boot == IsBoot = HsBootFile
- | isHaskellSigFilename src_fn = HsigFile
- | otherwise = HsSrcFile
- when (pi_mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
- throwE $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope pi_mod_name_loc
- $ DriverFileModuleNameMismatch pi_mod_name wanted_mod
- let instantiations = homeUnitInstantiations home_unit
- when (hsc_src == HsigFile && isNothing (lookup pi_mod_name instantiations)) $
- throwE $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope pi_mod_name_loc
- $ DriverUnexpectedSignature pi_mod_name (checkBuildingCabalPackage dflags) instantiations
- liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
- { nms_src_fn = src_fn
- , nms_src_hash = src_hash
- , nms_is_boot = is_boot
- , nms_hsc_src = hsc_src
- , nms_location = location
- , nms_mod = mod
- , nms_preimps = preimps
- }
--- | Convenience named arguments for 'makeNewModSummary' only used to make
--- code more readable, not exported.
-data MakeNewModSummary
- = MakeNewModSummary
- { nms_src_fn :: FilePath
- , nms_src_hash :: Fingerprint
- , nms_is_boot :: IsBootInterface
- , nms_hsc_src :: HscSource
- , nms_location :: ModLocation
- , nms_mod :: Module
- , nms_preimps :: PreprocessedImports
- }
-makeNewModSummary :: HscEnv -> MakeNewModSummary -> IO ModSummary
-makeNewModSummary hsc_env MakeNewModSummary{..} = do
- let PreprocessedImports{..} = nms_preimps
- obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file nms_location)
- dyn_obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_dyn_obj_file nms_location)
- hi_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file nms_location)
- hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file nms_location)
- extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env nms_hsc_src pi_mod_name
- (implicit_sigs, _inst_deps) <- implicitRequirementsShallow (hscSetActiveUnitId (moduleUnitId nms_mod) hsc_env) pi_theimps
- return $
- ModSummary
- { ms_mod = nms_mod
- , ms_hsc_src = nms_hsc_src
- , ms_location = nms_location
- , ms_hspp_file = pi_hspp_fn
- , ms_hspp_opts = pi_local_dflags
- , ms_hspp_buf = Just pi_hspp_buf
- , ms_parsed_mod = Nothing
- , ms_srcimps = pi_srcimps
- , ms_ghc_prim_import = pi_ghc_prim_import
- , ms_textual_imps =
- ((,) NoPkgQual . noLoc <$> extra_sig_imports) ++
- ((,) NoPkgQual . noLoc <$> implicit_sigs) ++
- pi_theimps
- , ms_hs_hash = nms_src_hash
- , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
- , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
- , ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
- , ms_dyn_obj_date = dyn_obj_timestamp
- }
-data PreprocessedImports
- = PreprocessedImports
- { pi_local_dflags :: DynFlags
- , pi_srcimps :: [(PkgQual, Located ModuleName)]
- , pi_theimps :: [(PkgQual, Located ModuleName)]
- , pi_ghc_prim_import :: Bool
- , pi_hspp_fn :: FilePath
- , pi_hspp_buf :: StringBuffer
- , pi_mod_name_loc :: SrcSpan
- , pi_mod_name :: ModuleName
- }
--- Preprocess the source file and get its imports
--- The pi_local_dflags contains the OPTIONS pragmas
- :: HscEnv
- -> FilePath
- -> Maybe Phase
- -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
- -- ^ optional source code buffer and modification time
- -> ExceptT DriverMessages IO PreprocessedImports
-getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf = do
- (pi_local_dflags, pi_hspp_fn)
- <- ExceptT $ preprocess hsc_env src_fn (fst <$> maybe_buf) mb_phase
- pi_hspp_buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer pi_hspp_fn
- (pi_srcimps', pi_theimps', pi_ghc_prim_import, L pi_mod_name_loc pi_mod_name)
- <- ExceptT $ do
- let imp_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude pi_local_dflags
- popts = initParserOpts pi_local_dflags
- mimps <- getImports popts imp_prelude pi_hspp_buf pi_hspp_fn src_fn
- return (first (mkMessages . fmap mkDriverPsHeaderMessage . getMessages) mimps)
- let rn_pkg_qual = renameRawPkgQual (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
- let rn_imps = fmap (\(pk, lmn@(L _ mn)) -> (rn_pkg_qual mn pk, lmn))
- let pi_srcimps = rn_imps pi_srcimps'
- let pi_theimps = rn_imps pi_theimps'
- return PreprocessedImports {..}
-- Error messages
@@ -2360,821 +456,6 @@ noModError hsc_env loc wanted_mod err
DriverUnknownMessage $ UnknownDiagnostic $ mkPlainError noHints $
cannotFindModule hsc_env wanted_mod err
-noHsFileErr :: SrcSpan -> String -> DriverMessages
-noHsFileErr loc path
- = singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope loc (DriverFileNotFound path)
- -}
-moduleNotFoundErr :: ModuleName -> DriverMessages
-moduleNotFoundErr mod = singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverModuleNotFound mod)
-multiRootsErr :: [ModSummary] -> IO ()
-multiRootsErr [] = panic "multiRootsErr"
-multiRootsErr summs@(summ1:_)
- = throwOneError $ fmap GhcDriverMessage $
- mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan $ DriverDuplicatedModuleDeclaration mod files
- where
- mod = ms_mod summ1
- files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
-cyclicModuleErr :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> SDoc
--- From a strongly connected component we find
--- a single cycle to report
-cyclicModuleErr mss
- = assert (not (null mss)) $
- case findCycle graph of
- Nothing -> text "Unexpected non-cycle" <+> ppr mss
- Just path0 -> vcat
- [ text "Module graph contains a cycle:"
- , nest 2 (show_path path0)]
- where
- graph :: [Node NodeKey ModuleGraphNode]
- graph =
- [ DigraphNode
- { node_payload = ms
- , node_key = mkNodeKey ms
- , node_dependencies = nodeDependencies False ms
- }
- | ms <- mss
- ]
- show_path :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> SDoc
- show_path [] = panic "show_path"
- show_path [m] = ppr_node m <+> text "imports itself"
- show_path (m1:m2:ms) = vcat ( nest 6 (ppr_node m1)
- : nest 6 (text "imports" <+> ppr_node m2)
- : go ms )
- where
- go [] = [text "which imports" <+> ppr_node m1]
- go (m:ms) = (text "which imports" <+> ppr_node m) : go ms
- ppr_node :: ModuleGraphNode -> SDoc
- ppr_node (ModuleNode _deps m) = text "module" <+> ppr_ms m
- ppr_node (InstantiationNode _uid u) = text "instantiated unit" <+> ppr u
- ppr_node (LinkNode uid _) = pprPanic "LinkNode should not be in a cycle" (ppr uid)
- ppr_ms :: ModSummary -> SDoc
- ppr_ms ms = quotes (ppr (moduleName (ms_mod ms))) <+>
- (parens (text (msHsFilePath ms)))
-cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe :: MonadIO m => Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> m ()
-cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe logger tmpfs dflags =
- unless (gopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags) $
- liftIO $ cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles logger tmpfs
-addDepsToHscEnv :: [HomeModInfo] -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
-addDepsToHscEnv deps hsc_env =
- hscUpdateHUG (\hug -> foldr addHomeModInfoToHug hug deps) hsc_env
-setHPT :: HomePackageTable -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
-setHPT deps hsc_env =
- hscUpdateHPT (const $ deps) hsc_env
-setHUG :: HomeUnitGraph -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
-setHUG deps hsc_env =
- hscUpdateHUG (const $ deps) hsc_env
--- | Wrap an action to catch and handle exceptions.
-wrapAction :: HscEnv -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
-wrapAction hsc_env k = do
- let lcl_logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- lcl_dynflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- print_config = initPrintConfig lcl_dynflags
- let logg err = printMessages lcl_logger print_config (initDiagOpts lcl_dynflags) (srcErrorMessages err)
- -- MP: It is a bit strange how prettyPrintGhcErrors handles some errors but then we handle
- -- SourceError and ThreadKilled differently directly below. TODO: Refactor to use `catches`
- -- directly. MP should probably use safeTry here to not catch async exceptions but that will regress performance due to
- -- internally using forkIO.
- mres <- MC.try $ liftIO $ prettyPrintGhcErrors lcl_logger $ k
- case mres of
- Right res -> return $ Just res
- Left exc -> do
- case fromException exc of
- Just (err :: SourceError)
- -> logg err
- Nothing -> case fromException exc of
- -- ThreadKilled in particular needs to actually kill the thread.
- -- So rethrow that and the other async exceptions
- Just (err :: SomeAsyncException) -> throwIO err
- _ -> errorMsg lcl_logger (text (show exc))
- return Nothing
-withParLog :: TVar LogQueueQueue -> Int -> ((Logger -> Logger) -> IO b) -> IO b
-withParLog lqq_var k cont = do
- let init_log = do
- -- Make a new log queue
- lq <- newLogQueue k
- -- Add it into the LogQueueQueue
- atomically $ initLogQueue lqq_var lq
- return lq
- finish_log lq = liftIO (finishLogQueue lq)
- MC.bracket init_log finish_log $ \lq -> cont (pushLogHook (const (parLogAction lq)))
-withLoggerHsc :: Int -> MakeEnv -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO a
-withLoggerHsc k MakeEnv{withLogger, hsc_env} cont = do
- withLogger k $ \modifyLogger -> do
- let lcl_logger = modifyLogger (hsc_logger hsc_env)
- hsc_env' = hsc_env { hsc_logger = lcl_logger }
- -- Run continuation with modified logger
- cont hsc_env'
-executeInstantiationNode :: Int
- -> Int
- -> HomeUnitGraph
- -> UnitId
- -> InstantiatedUnit
- -> RunMakeM ()
-executeInstantiationNode k n deps uid iu = do
- env <- ask
- -- Output of the logger is mediated by a central worker to
- -- avoid output interleaving
- msg <- asks env_messager
- lift $ MaybeT $ withLoggerHsc k env $ \hsc_env ->
- let lcl_hsc_env = setHUG deps hsc_env
- in wrapAction lcl_hsc_env $ do
- res <- upsweep_inst lcl_hsc_env msg k n uid iu
- cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
- return res
-executeCompileNode :: Int
- -> Int
- -> Maybe HomeModInfo
- -> HomeUnitGraph
- -> Maybe [ModuleName] -- List of modules we need to rehydrate before compiling
- -> ModSummary
- -> RunMakeM HomeModInfo
-executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi hug mrehydrate_mods mod = do
- me@MakeEnv{..} <- ask
- -- Rehydrate any dependencies if this module had a boot file or is a signature file.
- lift $ MaybeT (withLoggerHsc k me $ \hsc_env -> do
- hydrated_hsc_env <- liftIO $ maybeRehydrateBefore (setHUG hug hsc_env) mod fixed_mrehydrate_mods
- let -- Use the cached DynFlags which includes OPTIONS_GHC pragmas
- lcl_dynflags = ms_hspp_opts mod
- let lcl_hsc_env =
- -- Localise the hsc_env to use the cached flags
- hscSetFlags lcl_dynflags $
- hydrated_hsc_env
- -- Compile the module, locking with a semaphore to avoid too many modules
- -- being compiled at the same time leading to high memory usage.
- wrapAction lcl_hsc_env $ do
- res <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env env_messager old_hmi mod k n
- cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) lcl_dynflags
- return res)
- where
- fixed_mrehydrate_mods =
- case ms_hsc_src mod of
- -- MP: It is probably a bit of a misimplementation in backpack that
- -- compiling a signature requires an knot_var for that unit.
- -- If you remove this then a lot of backpack tests fail.
- HsigFile -> Just []
- _ -> mrehydrate_mods
-{- Rehydration, see Note [Rehydrating Modules] -}
-rehydrate :: HscEnv -- ^ The HPT in this HscEnv needs rehydrating.
- -> [HomeModInfo] -- ^ These are the modules we want to rehydrate.
- -> IO HscEnv
-rehydrate hsc_env hmis = do
- debugTraceMsg logger 2 $ (
- text "Re-hydrating loop: " <+> (ppr (map (mi_module . hm_iface) hmis)))
- new_mods <- fixIO $ \new_mods -> do
- let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt new_mods
- let new_hsc_env = hscUpdateHPT_lazy (const new_hpt) hsc_env
- mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "rehydrate") new_hsc_env $
- mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
- let new_mods = [ (mn,hmi{ hm_details = details })
- | (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds
- , let mn = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi)) ]
- return new_mods
- return $ setHPT (foldl' (\old (mn, hmi) -> addToHpt old mn hmi) old_hpt new_mods) hsc_env
- where
- logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
- to_delete = (map (moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface) hmis)
- -- Filter out old modules before tying the knot, otherwise we can end
- -- up with a thunk which keeps reference to the old HomeModInfo.
- !old_hpt = foldl' delFromHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) to_delete
--- If needed, then rehydrate the necessary modules with a suitable KnotVars for the
--- module currently being compiled.
-maybeRehydrateBefore :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> Maybe [ModuleName] -> IO HscEnv
-maybeRehydrateBefore hsc_env _ Nothing = return hsc_env
-maybeRehydrateBefore hsc_env mod (Just mns) = do
- knot_var <- initialise_knot_var hsc_env
- let hmis = map (expectJust "mr" . lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)) mns
- rehydrate (hsc_env { hsc_type_env_vars = knotVarsFromModuleEnv knot_var }) hmis
- where
- initialise_knot_var hsc_env = liftIO $
- let mod_name = homeModuleInstantiation (hsc_home_unit_maybe hsc_env) (ms_mod mod)
- in mkModuleEnv . (:[]) . (mod_name,) <$> newIORef emptyTypeEnv
-rehydrateAfter :: HscEnv
- -> [ModuleName]
- -> IO [HomeModInfo]
-rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns = do
- let new_hpt = hsc_HPT new_hsc
- hmis = map (expectJust "mrAfter" . lookupHpt new_hpt) mns
- hsc_env <- rehydrate (new_hsc { hsc_type_env_vars = emptyKnotVars }) hmis
- return $ map (\mn -> expectJust "rehydrate" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mn) mns
-Note [Hydrating Modules]
-There are at least 4 different representations of an interface file as described
-by this diagram.
-| On-disk M.hi |
- | ^
- | Read file | Write file
- V |
-| ByteString |
- | ^
- | Binary.get | Binary.put
- V |
-| ModIface (an acyclic AST) |
- | ^
- | hydrate | mkIfaceTc
- V |
-| ModDetails (lots of cycles) |
-The last step, converting a ModIface into a ModDetails is known as "hydration".
-Hydration happens in three different places
-* When an interface file is initially loaded from disk, it has to be hydrated.
-* When a module is finished compiling, we hydrate the ModIface in order to generate
- the version of ModDetails which exists in memory (see Note [ModDetails and --make mode])
-* When dealing with boot files and module loops (see Note [Rehydrating Modules])
-Note [Rehydrating Modules]
-If a module has a boot file then it is critical to rehydrate the modules on
-the path between the two (see #20561).
-Suppose we have ("R" for "recursive"):
-R.hs-boot: module R where
- data T
- g :: T -> T
-A.hs: module A( f, T, g ) where
- import {-# SOURCE #-} R
- data S = MkS T
- f :: T -> S = ...g...
-R.hs: module R where
- import A
- data T = T1 | T2 S
- g = ...f...
-== Why we need to rehydrate A's ModIface before compiling R.hs
-After compiling A.hs we'll have a TypeEnv in which the Id for `f` has a type
-type uses the AbstractTyCon T; and a TyCon for `S` that also mentions that same
-AbstractTyCon. (Abstract because it came from R.hs-boot; we know nothing about
-When compiling R.hs, we build a TyCon for `T`. But that TyCon mentions `S`, and
-it currently has an AbstractTyCon for `T` inside it. But we want to build a
-fully cyclic structure, in which `S` refers to `T` and `T` refers to `S`.
-Solution: **rehydration**. *Before compiling `R.hs`*, rehydrate all the
-ModIfaces below it that depend on R.hs-boot. To rehydrate a ModIface, call
-`typecheckIface` to convert it to a ModDetails. It's just a de-serialisation
-step, no type inference, just lookups.
-Now `S` will be bound to a thunk that, when forced, will "see" the final binding
-for `T`; see [Tying the knot](
-But note that this must be done *before* compiling R.hs.
-== Why we need to rehydrate A's ModIface after compiling R.hs
-When compiling R.hs, the knot-tying stuff above will ensure that `f`'s unfolding
-mentions the `LocalId` for `g`. But when we finish R, we carefully ensure that
-all those `LocalIds` are turned into completed `GlobalIds`, replete with
-unfoldings etc. Alas, that will not apply to the occurrences of `g` in `f`'s
-unfolding. And if we leave matters like that, they will stay that way, and *all*
-subsequent modules that import A will see a crippled unfolding for `f`.
-Solution: rehydrate both R and A's ModIface together, right after completing R.hs.
-~~ Which modules to rehydrate
-We only need rehydrate modules that are
-* Below R.hs
-* Above R.hs-boot
-There might be many unrelated modules (in the home package) that don't need to be
-== Loops with multiple boot files
-It is possible for a module graph to have a loop (SCC, when ignoring boot files)
-which requires multiple boot files to break. In this case, we must perform
-several hydration steps:
- 1. The hydration steps described above, which are necessary for correctness.
- 2. An extra hydration step at the end of compiling the entire SCC, in order to
- remove space leaks, as we explain below.
-Consider the following example:
- ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
- │ A │ │ B │
- └──┬──┘ └──┬──┘
- │ │
- ┌───▼───────────▼───┐
- │ C │
- └───┬───────────┬───┘
- │ │
- ┌────▼───┐ ┌───▼────┐
- │ A-boot │ │ B-boot │
- └────────┘ └────────┘
-A, B and C live together in a SCC. Suppose that we compile the modules in the
- A-boot, B-boot, C, A, B.
-When we come to compile A, we will perform the necessary hydration steps,
-because A has a boot file. This means that C will be hydrated relative to A,
-and the ModDetails for A will reference C/A. Then, when B is compiled,
-C will be rehydrated again, and so B will reference C/A,B. At this point,
-its interface will be hydrated relative to both A and B.
-This causes a space leak: there are now two different copies of C's ModDetails,
-kept alive by modules A and B. This is especially problematic if C is large.
-The way to avoid this space leak is to rehydrate an entire SCC together at the
-end of compilation, so that all the ModDetails point to interfaces for .hs files.
-In this example, when we hydrate A, B and C together, then both A and B will refer to
-See #21900 for some more discussion.
-== Modules "above" the loop
-This dark corner is the subject of #14092.
-Suppose we add to our example
-X.hs module X where
- import A
- data XT = MkX T
- fx = ...g...
-If in `--make` we compile R.hs-boot, then A.hs, then X.hs, we'll get a `ModDetails` for `X` that has an AbstractTyCon for `T` in the argument type of `MkX`. So:
-* Either we should delay compiling X until after R has been compiled. (This is what we do)
-* Or we should rehydrate X after compiling R -- because it transitively depends on R.hs-boot.
-Ticket #20200 has exposed some issues to do with the knot-tying logic in GHC.Make, in `--make` mode.
-#20200 has lots of issues, many of them now fixed;
-this particular issue starts [here](
-The wiki page [Tying the knot]( is helpful.
-Also closely related are
- * #14092
- * #14103
-executeLinkNode :: HomeUnitGraph -> (Int, Int) -> UnitId -> [NodeKey] -> RunMakeM ()
-executeLinkNode hug kn uid deps = do
- withCurrentUnit uid $ do
- MakeEnv{..} <- ask
- let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- let hsc_env' = setHUG hug hsc_env
- msg' = (\messager -> \recomp -> messager hsc_env kn recomp (LinkNode deps uid)) <$> env_messager
- linkresult <- liftIO $
- link (ghcLink dflags)
- (hsc_logger hsc_env')
- (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env')
- (hsc_hooks hsc_env')
- dflags
- (hsc_unit_env hsc_env')
- True -- We already decided to link
- msg'
- (hsc_HPT hsc_env')
- case linkresult of
- Failed -> fail "Link Failed"
- Succeeded -> return ()
-Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
-During upsweep, the results of compiling modules are placed into a MVar. When we need
-to compute the right compilation environment for a module, we consult this MVar and
-set the HomeUnitGraph accordingly. This is done to avoid having to precisely track
-module dependencies and recreating the HUG from scratch each time, which is very expensive.
-In serial mode (-j1), this all works out fine: a module can only be compiled
-after its dependencies have finished compiling, and compilation can't be
-interleaved with the compilation of other module loops. This ensures that
-the HUG only ever contains finalised interfaces.
-In parallel mode, we have to be more careful: the HUG variable can contain non-finalised
-interfaces, which have been started by another thread. In order to avoid a space leak
-in which a finalised interface is compiled against a HPT which contains a non-finalised
-interface, we have to restrict the HUG to only contain the visible modules.
-The collection of visible modules explains which transitive modules are visible
-from a certain point. It is recorded in the ModuleNameSet.
-Before a module is compiled, we use this set to restrict the HUG to the visible
-modules only, avoiding this tricky space leak.
-Efficiency of the ModuleNameSet is of utmost importance, because a union occurs for
-each edge in the module graph. To achieve this, the set is represented directly as an IntSet,
-which provides suitable performance – even using a UniqSet (which is backed by an IntMap) is
-too slow. The crucial test of performance here is the time taken to a do a no-op build in --make mode.
-See test "jspace" for an example which used to trigger this problem.
--- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
-type ModuleNameSet = M.Map UnitId I.IntSet
-addToModuleNameSet :: UnitId -> ModuleName -> ModuleNameSet -> ModuleNameSet
-addToModuleNameSet uid mn s =
- let k = (getKey $ getUnique $ mn)
- in M.insertWith (I.union) uid (I.singleton k) s
--- | Wait for some dependencies to finish and then read from the given MVar.
-wait_deps_hug :: MVar HomeUnitGraph -> [BuildResult] -> ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) (HomeUnitGraph, ModuleNameSet)
-wait_deps_hug hug_var deps = do
- (_, module_deps) <- wait_deps deps
- hug <- liftIO $ readMVar hug_var
- let pruneHomeUnitEnv uid hme =
- let -- Restrict to things which are in the transitive closure to avoid retaining
- -- reference to loop modules which have already been compiled by other threads.
- -- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
- !new = udfmRestrictKeysSet (homeUnitEnv_hpt hme) (fromMaybe I.empty $ M.lookup uid module_deps)
- in hme { homeUnitEnv_hpt = new }
- return (unitEnv_mapWithKey pruneHomeUnitEnv hug, module_deps)
--- | Wait for dependencies to finish, and then return their results.
-wait_deps :: [BuildResult] -> RunMakeM ([HomeModInfo], ModuleNameSet)
-wait_deps [] = return ([], M.empty)
-wait_deps (x:xs) = do
- (res, deps) <- lift $ waitResult (resultVar x)
- (hmis, all_deps) <- wait_deps xs
- let !new_deps = deps `unionModuleNameSet` all_deps
- case res of
- Nothing -> return (hmis, new_deps)
- Just hmi -> return (hmi:hmis, new_deps)
- where
- unionModuleNameSet = M.unionWith I.union
--- Executing the pipelines
-label_self :: String -> IO ()
-label_self thread_name = do
- self_tid <- CC.myThreadId
- CC.labelThread self_tid thread_name
-runPipelines :: Int -> HscEnv -> Maybe Messager -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
--- Don't even initialise plugins if there are no pipelines
-runPipelines _ _ _ [] = return ()
-runPipelines n_job orig_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
- liftIO $ label_self "main --make thread"
- plugins_hsc_env <- initializePlugins orig_hsc_env
- case n_job of
- 1 -> runSeqPipelines plugins_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines
- _n -> runParPipelines n_job plugins_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines
-runSeqPipelines :: HscEnv -> Maybe Messager -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
-runSeqPipelines plugin_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines =
- let env = MakeEnv { hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env
- , withLogger = \_ k -> k id
- , compile_sem = AbstractSem (return ()) (return ())
- , env_messager = mHscMessager
- }
- in runAllPipelines 1 env all_pipelines
--- | Build and run a pipeline
-runParPipelines :: Int -- ^ How many capabilities to use
- -> HscEnv -- ^ The basic HscEnv which is augmented with specific info for each module
- -> Maybe Messager -- ^ Optional custom messager to use to report progress
- -> [MakeAction] -- ^ The build plan for all the module nodes
- -> IO ()
-runParPipelines n_jobs plugin_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
- -- A variable which we write to when an error has happened and we have to tell the
- -- logging thread to gracefully shut down.
- stopped_var <- newTVarIO False
- -- The queue of LogQueues which actions are able to write to. When an action starts it
- -- will add it's LogQueue into this queue.
- log_queue_queue_var <- newTVarIO newLogQueueQueue
- -- Thread which coordinates the printing of logs
- wait_log_thread <- logThread n_jobs (length all_pipelines) (hsc_logger plugin_hsc_env) stopped_var log_queue_queue_var
- -- Make the logger thread-safe, in case there is some output which isn't sent via the LogQueue.
- thread_safe_logger <- liftIO $ makeThreadSafe (hsc_logger plugin_hsc_env)
- let thread_safe_hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env { hsc_logger = thread_safe_logger }
- let updNumCapabilities = liftIO $ do
- n_capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
- n_cpus <- getNumProcessors
- -- Setting number of capabilities more than
- -- CPU count usually leads to high userspace
- -- lock contention. #9221
- let n_caps = min n_jobs n_cpus
- unless (n_capabilities /= 1) $ setNumCapabilities n_caps
- return n_capabilities
- let resetNumCapabilities orig_n = do
- liftIO $ setNumCapabilities orig_n
- atomically $ writeTVar stopped_var True
- wait_log_thread
- compile_sem <- newQSem n_jobs
- let abstract_sem = AbstractSem (waitQSem compile_sem) (signalQSem compile_sem)
- -- Reset the number of capabilities once the upsweep ends.
- let env = MakeEnv { hsc_env = thread_safe_hsc_env
- , withLogger = withParLog log_queue_queue_var
- , compile_sem = abstract_sem
- , env_messager = mHscMessager
- }
- MC.bracket updNumCapabilities resetNumCapabilities $ \_ ->
- runAllPipelines n_jobs env all_pipelines
-withLocalTmpFS :: RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
-withLocalTmpFS act = do
- let initialiser = do
- MakeEnv{..} <- ask
- lcl_tmpfs <- liftIO $ forkTmpFsFrom (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
- return $ hsc_env { hsc_tmpfs = lcl_tmpfs }
- finaliser lcl_env = do
- gbl_env <- ask
- liftIO $ mergeTmpFsInto (hsc_tmpfs lcl_env) (hsc_tmpfs (hsc_env gbl_env))
- -- Add remaining files which weren't cleaned up into local tmp fs for
- -- clean-up later.
- -- Clear the logQueue if this node had it's own log queue
- MC.bracket initialiser finaliser $ \lcl_hsc_env -> local (\env -> env { hsc_env = lcl_hsc_env}) act
--- | Run the given actions and then wait for them all to finish.
-runAllPipelines :: Int -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
-runAllPipelines n_jobs env acts = do
- let spawn_actions :: IO [ThreadId]
- spawn_actions = if n_jobs == 1
- then (:[]) <$> (forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> void $ runLoop (\io -> io unmask) env acts)
- else runLoop forkIOWithUnmask env acts
- kill_actions :: [ThreadId] -> IO ()
- kill_actions tids = mapM_ killThread tids
- MC.bracket spawn_actions kill_actions $ \_ -> do
- mapM_ waitMakeAction acts
--- | Execute each action in order, limiting the amount of parallelism by the given
--- semaphore.
-runLoop :: (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO [a]
-runLoop _ _env [] = return []
-runLoop fork_thread env (ma:acts) = do
- new_thread <- forkMakeAction fork_thread env ma
- threads <- runLoop fork_thread env acts
- return (new_thread : threads)
-forkMakeAction :: (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> MakeEnv -> MakeAction -> IO a
-forkMakeAction fork_thread env (MakeAction _deps wait act res_var (MakeActionMeta action_name id _ timing_var)) =
- fork_thread $ \unmask -> (do
- mres <- (unmask $ run_pipeline (withLocalTmpFS $ do
- wait >>= withAbstractSem (compile_sem env)
- . with_timing . act
- ))
- `MC.onException` (putMVar res_var Nothing) -- Defensive: If there's an unhandled exception then still signal the failure.
- putMVar res_var mres)
- where
- run_pipeline :: RunMakeM a -> IO (Maybe a)
- run_pipeline p = runMaybeT (runReaderT p env)
- with_timing = withTimingSilentX (hsc_logger $ hsc_env env)
- Opt_D_dump_make_stats
- action_herald
- (const ())
- write_timing_result
- action_herald = text "MAKE:" <> ppr id <+> ppr action_name
- write_timing_result = liftIO . writeIORef (getIORefMaybe timing_var) . Just
-data MakeActionOrigin = MakeModule NodeKey | LoopSync
-instance Outputable MakeActionOrigin where
- ppr (MakeModule nk) = text "M:" <+> ppr nk
- ppr LoopSync = text "LoopSync"
-newtype MakeActionId = MakeActionId { getMakeActionId :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-instance Outputable MakeActionId where
- ppr (MakeActionId n) = ppr n
-data MakeAction = forall a b . MakeAction { make_deps :: [BuildResult] -- Dependencies of this action
- , make_wait :: RunMakeM b -- The action to run to get the result of these deps
- , make_action :: (b -> RunMakeM a) -- How to build the action once the depenencies are ready
- , make_res_var :: (MVar (Maybe a)) -- Where to put the result of running the action
- , make_action_meta :: MakeActionMeta -- Meta information about the action
- }
-makeAction :: MakeActionOrigin -> [BuildResult] -> ([BuildResult] -> RunMakeM b) -> (b -> RunMakeM a) -> (MVar (Maybe a)) -> BuildM MakeAction
-makeAction make_action_meta_origin make_deps make_wait_deps make_action make_res_var = do
- make_action_meta_id <- makeId
- make_action_meta_timing <- IORefMaybe <$> liftIO (newIORef Nothing)
- let make_wait = make_wait_deps make_deps
- !make_action_meta_dep_ids = strictMap resultMakeId make_deps
- make_action_meta = MakeActionMeta{..}
- ma = MakeAction{..}
- reportNode ma
- return ma
--- | Record a new edge from the build graph
-reportNode :: MakeAction -> BuildM ()
-reportNode ma = do
- -- TODO: here we emit to eventlog and also store in memory?
- let mk_int = JSInt . getMakeActionId
- liftIO $ traceEventIO
- (showSDocUnsafe $ text "node:" <> renderJSON (JSObject [("node_id", mk_int (make_action_id ma))
- , ("node_deps", JSArray (map (mk_int . resultMakeId) (make_deps ma)))
- , ("node_desc", JSString (showSDocUnsafe (ppr (make_action_origin ma))))
- ]))
-waitMakeAction :: MakeAction -> IO ()
-waitMakeAction (MakeAction{make_res_var}) = () <$ readMVar make_res_var
-type MakeActionMeta = MakeActionMetaX IORefMaybe
--- | Separate data type as want to avoid retaining MVars pointing to the results.
-data MakeActionMetaX f = MakeActionMeta { make_action_meta_origin :: !MakeActionOrigin -- Where the action originated from
- , make_action_meta_dep_ids :: ![MakeActionId] -- Ids of the dependencies
- , make_action_meta_id :: !MakeActionId -- Id of the current action
- , make_action_meta_timing :: !(f TimingInfo) -- Information about how long the action took
- }
-instance Outputable (f TimingInfo) => Outputable (MakeActionMetaX f) where
- ppr (MakeActionMeta o deps id timing) =
- text "ActionMeta:" <+> vcat [ text "id:" <+> ppr id
- , text "deps:" <+> ppr deps
- , text "origin:" <+> ppr o
- , text "timing:" <+> ppr timing ]
-traverseMakeActionMetaX :: Monad m => (forall a . f a -> m (g a)) -> MakeActionMetaX f -> m (MakeActionMetaX g)
-traverseMakeActionMetaX nat (MakeActionMeta{..}) =
- nat make_action_meta_timing >>= \new -> return $ MakeActionMeta{make_action_meta_timing = new, ..}
-newtype IORefMaybe a = IORefMaybe { getIORefMaybe :: IORef (Maybe a)}
-make_action_id :: MakeAction -> MakeActionId
-make_action_id = make_action_meta_id . make_action_meta
-make_action_origin :: MakeAction -> MakeActionOrigin
-make_action_origin = make_action_meta_origin . make_action_meta
--- Analysis Scripts
-analyseBuildGraph :: Logger -> [MakeActionMeta] -> IO ()
-analyseBuildGraph logger metas_io = do
- new_metas <- mapM (traverseMakeActionMetaX (readIORef . getIORefMaybe)) metas_io
- let all_completed = all (isJust . make_action_meta_timing) new_metas
- when all_completed $ do
- let Identity new_metas_completed = mapM (traverseMakeActionMetaX (return . Identity . fromJust)) new_metas
- let -- Longest path to each node
- lp = longest_path (info_map new_metas_completed)
- earliest_complete = earliest_finish_time new_metas_completed lp
- -- Earliest we could possibly finish with infinite processors
- latest_finish = maximum earliest_complete
- -- Total time if we did -j1
- seq_time = sum (map (timingMillisecs . runIdentity . make_action_meta_timing) new_metas_completed)
- parrelism_score =
- seq_time
- / latest_finish
- im = info_map new_metas_completed
- max_flows = sortBy (comparing snd) $ M.assocs ( fst lp)
- timing_for_id mid = timingMillisecs $ runIdentity $ make_action_meta_timing (im M.! mid)
- flow_x_time :: MakeActionId -> (Flow, b) -> Double
- flow_x_time mid (flow, _) = realToFrac (getFlow flow) * timing_for_id mid
- max_flows_x_time = sortBy (comparing snd) $ M.assocs (M.mapWithKey flow_x_time lp)
- max_dur = sortBy (comparing (fmap timingMillisecs . make_action_meta_timing)) new_metas_completed
- -- Printing logic
- let print_id_pair :: (a -> SDoc) -> (MakeActionId, a) -> SDoc
- print_id_pair ppr_a (mid, dat) = ppr (make_action_meta_origin info) <+> parens (int (getMakeActionId mid)) <> colon <+> ppr_a dat
- where
- info = im M.! mid
- header s = text "=====" <+> text s <+> text "====="
- block s body = vcat [ header s, body ]
- vcat_numbered docs = vcat $ zipWith (\n doc -> text (printf "%0*d" padding n) <+> doc) [0 :: Int ..] docs
- where
- padding = ceiling @Double @Int (logBase 10 (fromIntegral $ length docs))
- logDumpFile logger (mkDumpStyle alwaysQualify) Opt_D_dump_make_stats "make" FormatText $ vcat [
- block "Maximum Duration" (
- vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair (ppr . runIdentity)) (map ((,) <$> make_action_meta_id <*> make_action_meta_timing) (reverse $ max_dur)))
- ),
- block "Maximum Flows"
- (vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair ppr) (reverse max_flows))),
- block "Flows x Time"
- (vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair (doublePrec 3)) (reverse max_flows_x_time))),
- block "Statistics"
- (vcat [ text "longest path" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 latest_finish <> text "s"
- , text "parallelism score" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 parrelism_score
- , text "sequential time" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 seq_time <> text "s"
- ]) ]
- where
- MakeActionId last_action_id = make_action_meta_id $ last (sortBy (comparing make_action_meta_id) metas_io)
- first_action_ids = map make_action_meta_id $ (filter (null . make_action_meta_dep_ids) metas_io)
- info_map :: [MakeActionMetaX f] -> M.Map MakeActionId (MakeActionMetaX f)
- info_map metas = M.fromList [(make_action_meta_id m, m) | m <- metas]
- earliest_finish_time :: [MakeActionMetaX Identity] -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double) -> M.Map MakeActionId Double
- earliest_finish_time meta_info m = Map.fromList
- [(make_action_meta_id, timingMillisecs t + (maybe 0 snd $ M.lookup make_action_meta_id m))
- | MakeActionMeta{..} <- meta_info
- , Identity t <- [make_action_meta_timing] ]
- -- Creates a map of "earliest start time"
- longest_path :: M.Map MakeActionId (MakeActionMetaX Identity) -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
- longest_path node_info = foldl' go M.empty (map MakeActionId [0..last_action_id])
- where
- reverse_deps :: M.Map MakeActionId (S.Set MakeActionId)
- reverse_deps = Map.fromListWith (S.union) [(dep, S.singleton make_action_meta_id) | MakeActionMeta{..} <- metas_io, dep <- make_action_meta_dep_ids]
- go :: M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
- -> MakeActionId
- -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
- go m cur_id =
- let
- (flow_to_me, time_to_me, m') = case M.lookup cur_id m of
- Just (flow, time) -> (flow, time, m)
- Nothing -> (initial_flow, 0, M.insert cur_id (initial_flow, 0) m)
- cur_info = node_info M.! cur_id
- rev_deps = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup cur_id reverse_deps
- Identity cur_time = make_action_meta_timing cur_info
- out_flow = splitFlow flow_to_me (length rev_deps)
- in foldl' (update_children out_flow (time_to_me + timingMillisecs cur_time)) m' rev_deps
- update_children new_f new_t m upd_id =
- M.insertWith comb upd_id (new_f, new_t) m
- comb (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (a1 `addFlow` a2, max b1 b2)
- initial_flow = splitFlow initialFlow (length first_action_ids)
-newtype Flow = Flow { getFlow :: Rational } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-instance Outputable Flow where
- ppr (Flow f) = doublePrec 3 (realToFrac f)
-initialFlow :: Flow
-initialFlow = Flow 1
-splitFlow :: Flow -> Int -> Flow
-splitFlow (Flow f) n = Flow (f / fromIntegral n)
-addFlow :: Flow -> Flow -> Flow
-addFlow (Flow f) (Flow g) = Flow (f + g)
{- Note [GHC Heap Invariants]
This note is a general place to explain some of the heap invariants which should
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Analysis.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Analysis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84052c8ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Analysis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Make.Analysis where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Text.Printf
+import GHC.Driver.Make.Types
+analyseBuildGraph :: Logger -> [MakeActionMeta] -> IO ()
+analyseBuildGraph logger metas_io = do
+ new_metas <- mapM (traverseMakeActionMetaX (readIORef . getIORefMaybe)) metas_io
+ let all_completed = all (isJust . make_action_meta_timing) new_metas
+ when all_completed $ do
+ let Identity new_metas_completed = mapM (traverseMakeActionMetaX (return . Identity . fromJust)) new_metas
+ let -- Longest path to each node
+ lp = longest_path (info_map new_metas_completed)
+ earliest_complete = earliest_finish_time new_metas_completed lp
+ -- Earliest we could possibly finish with infinite processors
+ latest_finish = maximum earliest_complete
+ -- Total time if we did -j1
+ seq_time = sum (map (timingMillisecs . runIdentity . make_action_meta_timing) new_metas_completed)
+ parrelism_score =
+ seq_time
+ / latest_finish
+ im = info_map new_metas_completed
+ max_flows = sortBy (comparing snd) $ M.assocs ( fst lp)
+ timing_for_id mid = timingMillisecs $ runIdentity $ make_action_meta_timing (im M.! mid)
+ flow_x_time :: MakeActionId -> (Flow, b) -> Double
+ flow_x_time mid (flow, _) = realToFrac (getFlow flow) * timing_for_id mid
+ max_flows_x_time = sortBy (comparing snd) $ M.assocs (M.mapWithKey flow_x_time lp)
+ max_dur = sortBy (comparing (fmap timingMillisecs . make_action_meta_timing)) new_metas_completed
+ -- Printing logic
+ let print_id_pair :: (a -> SDoc) -> (MakeActionId, a) -> SDoc
+ print_id_pair ppr_a (mid, dat) = ppr (make_action_meta_origin info) <+> parens (int (getMakeActionId mid)) <> colon <+> ppr_a dat
+ where
+ info = im M.! mid
+ header s = text "=====" <+> text s <+> text "====="
+ block s body = vcat [ header s, body ]
+ vcat_numbered docs = vcat $ zipWith (\n doc -> text (printf "%0*d" padding n) <+> doc) [0 :: Int ..] docs
+ where
+ padding = ceiling @Double @Int (logBase 10 (fromIntegral $ length docs))
+ logDumpFile logger (mkDumpStyle alwaysQualify) Opt_D_dump_make_stats "make" FormatText $ vcat [
+ block "Maximum Duration" (
+ vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair (ppr . runIdentity)) (map ((,) <$> make_action_meta_id <*> make_action_meta_timing) (reverse $ max_dur)))
+ ),
+ block "Maximum Flows"
+ (vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair ppr) (reverse max_flows))),
+ block "Flows x Time"
+ (vcat_numbered (map (print_id_pair (doublePrec 3)) (reverse max_flows_x_time))),
+ block "Statistics"
+ (vcat [ text "longest path" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 latest_finish <> text "s"
+ , text "parallelism score" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 parrelism_score
+ , text "sequential time" <> colon <+> doublePrec 3 seq_time <> text "s"
+ ]) ]
+ where
+ MakeActionId last_action_id = make_action_meta_id $ last (sortBy (comparing make_action_meta_id) metas_io)
+ first_action_ids = map make_action_meta_id $ (filter (null . make_action_meta_dep_ids) metas_io)
+ info_map :: [MakeActionMetaX f] -> M.Map MakeActionId (MakeActionMetaX f)
+ info_map metas = M.fromList [(make_action_meta_id m, m) | m <- metas]
+ earliest_finish_time :: [MakeActionMetaX Identity] -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double) -> M.Map MakeActionId Double
+ earliest_finish_time meta_info m = Map.fromList
+ [(make_action_meta_id, timingMillisecs t + (maybe 0 snd $ M.lookup make_action_meta_id m))
+ | MakeActionMeta{..} <- meta_info
+ , Identity t <- [make_action_meta_timing] ]
+ -- Creates a map of "earliest start time"
+ longest_path :: M.Map MakeActionId (MakeActionMetaX Identity) -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
+ longest_path node_info = foldl' go M.empty (map MakeActionId [0..last_action_id])
+ where
+ reverse_deps :: M.Map MakeActionId (S.Set MakeActionId)
+ reverse_deps = Map.fromListWith (S.union) [(dep, S.singleton make_action_meta_id) | MakeActionMeta{..} <- metas_io, dep <- make_action_meta_dep_ids]
+ go :: M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
+ -> MakeActionId
+ -> M.Map MakeActionId (Flow, Double)
+ go m cur_id =
+ let
+ (flow_to_me, time_to_me, m') = case M.lookup cur_id m of
+ Just (flow, time) -> (flow, time, m)
+ Nothing -> (initial_flow, 0, M.insert cur_id (initial_flow, 0) m)
+ cur_info = node_info M.! cur_id
+ rev_deps = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup cur_id reverse_deps
+ Identity cur_time = make_action_meta_timing cur_info
+ out_flow = splitFlow flow_to_me (length rev_deps)
+ in foldl' (update_children out_flow (time_to_me + timingMillisecs cur_time)) m' rev_deps
+ update_children new_f new_t m upd_id =
+ M.insertWith comb upd_id (new_f, new_t) m
+ comb (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (a1 `addFlow` a2, max b1 b2)
+ initial_flow = splitFlow initialFlow (length first_action_ids)
+newtype Flow = Flow { getFlow :: Rational } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+instance Outputable Flow where
+ ppr (Flow f) = doublePrec 3 (realToFrac f)
+initialFlow :: Flow
+initialFlow = Flow 1
+splitFlow :: Flow -> Int -> Flow
+splitFlow (Flow f) n = Flow (f / fromIntegral n)
+addFlow :: Flow -> Flow -> Flow
+addFlow (Flow f) (Flow g) = Flow (f + g) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/BuildPlan.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/BuildPlan.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..823d41020a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/BuildPlan.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Make.BuildPlan where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
+import GHC.Unit
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+-- | A ModuleGraphNode which also has a hs-boot file, and the list of nodes on any
+-- path from module to its boot file.
+data ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
+ = ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
+ ModuleGraphNode
+ -- ^ The module itself (not the hs-boot module)
+ [NodeKey]
+ -- ^ The modules in between the module and its hs-boot file,
+ -- not including the hs-boot file itself.
+instance Outputable ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile where
+ ppr (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mgn deps) = text "ModeGraphNodeWithBootFile: " <+> ppr mgn $$ ppr deps
+-- | A 'BuildPlan' is the result of attempting to linearise a single strongly-connected
+-- component of the module graph.
+data BuildPlan
+ -- | A simple, single module all alone (which *might* have an hs-boot file, if it isn't part of a cycle)
+ = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode
+ -- | A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
+ | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile]
+ -- | An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
+ | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode]
+instance Outputable BuildPlan where
+ ppr (SingleModule mgn) = text "SingleModule" <> parens (ppr mgn)
+ ppr (ResolvedCycle mgn) = text "ResolvedCycle:" <+> ppr mgn
+ ppr (UnresolvedCycle mgn) = text "UnresolvedCycle:" <+> ppr mgn
+-- Just used for an assertion
+countMods :: BuildPlan -> Int
+countMods (SingleModule _) = 1
+countMods (ResolvedCycle ns) = length ns
+countMods (UnresolvedCycle ns) = length ns
+-- See Note [Upsweep] for a high-level description.
+createBuildPlan :: ModuleGraph -> Maybe HomeUnitModule -> [BuildPlan]
+createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
+ let -- Step 1: Compute SCCs without .hi-boot files, to find the cycles
+ cycle_mod_graph = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph maybe_top_mod
+ -- Step 2: Reanalyse loops, with relevant boot modules, to solve the cycles.
+ build_plan :: [BuildPlan]
+ build_plan
+ -- Fast path, if there are no boot modules just do a normal toposort
+ | isEmptyModuleEnv boot_modules = collapseAcyclic $ topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
+ | otherwise = toBuildPlan cycle_mod_graph []
+ toBuildPlan :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> [ModuleGraphNode] -> [BuildPlan]
+ toBuildPlan [] mgn = collapseAcyclic (topSortWithBoot mgn)
+ toBuildPlan ((AcyclicSCC node):sccs) mgn = toBuildPlan sccs (node:mgn)
+ -- Interesting case
+ toBuildPlan ((CyclicSCC nodes):sccs) mgn =
+ let acyclic = collapseAcyclic (topSortWithBoot mgn)
+ -- Now perform another toposort but just with these nodes and relevant hs-boot files.
+ -- The result should be acyclic, if it's not, then there's an unresolved cycle in the graph.
+ mresolved_cycle = collapseSCC (topSortWithBoot nodes)
+ in acyclic ++ [maybe (UnresolvedCycle nodes) ResolvedCycle mresolved_cycle] ++ toBuildPlan sccs []
+ (mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False (mgModSummaries' mod_graph)
+ trans_deps_map = allReachable mg (mkNodeKey . node_payload)
+ -- Compute the intermediate modules between a file and its hs-boot file.
+ -- See Step 2a in Note [Upsweep]
+ boot_path mn uid =
+ map (summaryNodeSummary . expectJust "toNode" . lookup_node) $ Set.toList $
+ -- Don't include the boot module itself
+ Set.delete (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) $
+ -- Keep intermediate dependencies: as per Step 2a in Note [Upsweep], these are
+ -- the transitive dependencies of the non-boot file which transitively depend
+ -- on the boot file.
+ Set.filter (\nk -> nodeKeyUnitId nk == uid -- Cheap test
+ && (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) `Set.member` expectJust "dep_on_boot" (M.lookup nk trans_deps_map)) $
+ expectJust "not_boot_dep" (M.lookup (NodeKey_Module (key NotBoot)) trans_deps_map)
+ where
+ key ib = ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB mn ib) uid
+ -- An environment mapping a module to its hs-boot file and all nodes on the path between the two, if one exists
+ boot_modules = mkModuleEnv
+ [ (ms_mod ms, (m, boot_path (ms_mod_name ms) (ms_unitid ms))) | m@(ModuleNode _ ms) <- (mgModSummaries' mod_graph), isBootSummary ms == IsBoot]
+ select_boot_modules :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> [ModuleGraphNode]
+ select_boot_modules = mapMaybe (fmap fst . get_boot_module)
+ get_boot_module :: ModuleGraphNode -> Maybe (ModuleGraphNode, [ModuleGraphNode])
+ get_boot_module m = case m of ModuleNode _ ms | HsSrcFile <- ms_hsc_src ms -> lookupModuleEnv boot_modules (ms_mod ms); _ -> Nothing
+ -- Any cycles should be resolved now
+ collapseSCC :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> Maybe [(Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile)]
+ -- Must be at least two nodes, as we were in a cycle
+ collapseSCC [AcyclicSCC node1, AcyclicSCC node2] = Just [toNodeWithBoot node1, toNodeWithBoot node2]
+ collapseSCC (AcyclicSCC node : nodes) = (toNodeWithBoot node :) <$> collapseSCC nodes
+ -- Cyclic
+ collapseSCC _ = Nothing
+ toNodeWithBoot :: ModuleGraphNode -> Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
+ toNodeWithBoot mn =
+ case get_boot_module mn of
+ -- The node doesn't have a boot file
+ Nothing -> Left mn
+ -- The node does have a boot file
+ Just path -> Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn (map mkNodeKey (snd path)))
+ -- The toposort and accumulation of acyclic modules is solely to pick-up
+ -- hs-boot files which are **not** part of cycles.
+ collapseAcyclic :: [SCC ModuleGraphNode] -> [BuildPlan]
+ collapseAcyclic (AcyclicSCC node : nodes) = SingleModule node : collapseAcyclic nodes
+ collapseAcyclic (CyclicSCC cy_nodes : nodes) = (UnresolvedCycle cy_nodes) : collapseAcyclic nodes
+ collapseAcyclic [] = []
+ topSortWithBoot nodes = topSortModules False (select_boot_modules nodes ++ nodes) Nothing
+ in
+ assertPpr (sum (map countMods build_plan) == length (mgModSummaries' mod_graph))
+ (vcat [text "Build plan missing nodes:", (text "PLAN:" <+> ppr (sum (map countMods build_plan))), (text "GRAPH:" <+> ppr (length (mgModSummaries' mod_graph )))])
+ build_plan
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Topological sort of the module graph
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Drop hi-boot nodes? (see below)
+ -> ModuleGraph
+ -> Maybe HomeUnitModule
+ -- ^ Root module name. If @Nothing@, use the full graph.
+ -> [SCC ModuleGraphNode]
+-- ^ Calculate SCCs of the module graph, possibly dropping the hi-boot nodes
+-- The resulting list of strongly-connected-components is in topologically
+-- sorted order, starting with the module(s) at the bottom of the
+-- dependency graph (ie compile them first) and ending with the ones at
+-- the top.
+-- Drop hi-boot nodes (first boolean arg)?
+-- - @False@: treat the hi-boot summaries as nodes of the graph,
+-- so the graph must be acyclic
+-- - @True@: eliminate the hi-boot nodes, and instead pretend
+-- the a source-import of Foo is an import of Foo
+-- The resulting graph has no hi-boot nodes, but can be cyclic
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes module_graph mb_root_mod =
+ -- stronglyConnCompG flips the original order, so if we reverse
+ -- the summaries we get a stable topological sort.
+ topSortModules drop_hs_boot_nodes (reverse $ mgModSummaries' module_graph) mb_root_mod
+topSortModules :: Bool -> [ModuleGraphNode] -> Maybe HomeUnitModule -> [SCC ModuleGraphNode]
+topSortModules drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries mb_root_mod
+ = map (fmap summaryNodeSummary) $ stronglyConnCompG initial_graph
+ where
+ (graph, lookup_node) =
+ moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries
+ initial_graph = case mb_root_mod of
+ Nothing -> graph
+ Just (Module uid root_mod) ->
+ -- restrict the graph to just those modules reachable from
+ -- the specified module. We do this by building a graph with
+ -- the full set of nodes, and determining the reachable set from
+ -- the specified node.
+ let root | Just node <- lookup_node $ NodeKey_Module $ ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB root_mod NotBoot) uid
+ , graph `hasVertexG` node
+ = node
+ | otherwise
+ = throwGhcException (ProgramError "module does not exist")
+ in graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq (seq root (reachableG graph root)) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Downsweep.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Downsweep.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04c19bf3d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Downsweep.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Make.Downsweep where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
+import GHC.Platform.Ways
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts)
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser (initParserOpts)
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Backend
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Env
+import GHC.Driver.Errors
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Parser.Header
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+import GHC.Data.StringBuffer
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
+import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
+import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Types.Target
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
+import GHC.Types.SourceError
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.PkgQual
+import GHC.Unit
+import GHC.Unit.Env
+import GHC.Unit.Finder
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
+import Data.Either ( rights, partitionEithers, lefts )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwE )
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import GHC.Rename.Names
+import GHC.Utils.Constants
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the program
+-- | Perform a dependency analysis starting from the current targets
+-- and update the session with the new module graph.
+-- Dependency analysis entails parsing the @import@ directives and may
+-- therefore require running certain preprocessors.
+-- Note that each 'ModSummary' in the module graph caches its 'DynFlags'.
+-- These 'DynFlags' are determined by the /current/ session 'DynFlags' and the
+-- @OPTIONS@ and @LANGUAGE@ pragmas of the parsed module. Thus if you want
+-- changes to the 'DynFlags' to take effect you need to call this function
+-- again.
+-- In case of errors, just throw them.
+depanal :: GhcMonad m =>
+ [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m ModuleGraph
+depanal excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ if isEmptyMessages errs
+ then pure mod_graph
+ else throwErrors (fmap GhcDriverMessage errs)
+-- | Perform dependency analysis like in 'depanal'.
+-- In case of errors, the errors and an empty module graph are returned.
+depanalE :: GhcMonad m => -- New for #17459
+ [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m (DriverMessages, ModuleGraph)
+depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ if isEmptyMessages errs
+ then do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let one_unit_messages get_mod_errs k hue = do
+ errs <- get_mod_errs
+ unknown_module_err <- warnUnknownModules (hscSetActiveUnitId k hsc_env) (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) mod_graph
+ let unused_home_mod_err = warnMissingHomeModules (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) (hsc_targets hsc_env) mod_graph
+ unused_pkg_err = warnUnusedPackages (homeUnitEnv_units hue) (homeUnitEnv_dflags hue) mod_graph
+ return $ errs `unionMessages` unused_home_mod_err
+ `unionMessages` unused_pkg_err
+ `unionMessages` unknown_module_err
+ all_errs <- liftIO $ unitEnv_foldWithKey one_unit_messages (return emptyMessages) (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
+ logDiagnostics (GhcDriverMessage <$> all_errs)
+ setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
+ pure (emptyMessages, mod_graph)
+ else do
+ -- We don't have a complete module dependency graph,
+ -- The graph may be disconnected and is unusable.
+ setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG }
+ pure (errs, emptyMG)
+-- Note [Unused packages]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Cabal passes `--package-id` flag for each direct dependency. But GHC
+-- loads them lazily, so when compilation is done, we have a list of all
+-- actually loaded packages. All the packages, specified on command line,
+-- but never loaded, are probably unused dependencies.
+warnUnusedPackages :: UnitState -> DynFlags -> ModuleGraph -> DriverMessages
+warnUnusedPackages us dflags mod_graph =
+ let diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
+ -- Only need non-source imports here because SOURCE imports are always HPT
+ loadedPackages = concat $
+ mapMaybe (\(fs, mn) -> lookupModulePackage us (unLoc mn) fs)
+ $ concatMap ms_imps (
+ filter (\ms -> homeUnitId_ dflags == ms_unitid ms) (mgModSummaries mod_graph))
+ used_args = Set.fromList $ map unitId loadedPackages
+ resolve (u,mflag) = do
+ -- The units which we depend on via the command line explicitly
+ flag <- mflag
+ -- Which we can find the UnitInfo for (should be all of them)
+ ui <- lookupUnit us u
+ -- Which are not explicitly used
+ guard (Set.notMember (unitId ui) used_args)
+ return (unitId ui, unitPackageName ui, unitPackageVersion ui, flag)
+ unusedArgs = mapMaybe resolve (explicitUnits us)
+ warn = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan (DriverUnusedPackages unusedArgs)
+ in if null unusedArgs
+ then emptyMessages
+ else warn
+-- | Perform dependency analysis like 'depanal' but return a partial module
+-- graph even in the face of problems with some modules.
+-- Modules which have parse errors in the module header, failing
+-- preprocessors or other issues preventing them from being summarised will
+-- simply be absent from the returned module graph.
+-- Unlike 'depanal' this function will not update 'hsc_mod_graph' with the
+-- new module graph.
+ :: GhcMonad m
+ => [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m (DriverMessages, ModuleGraph)
+ -- ^ possibly empty 'Bag' of errors and a module graph.
+depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let
+ targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ withTiming logger (text "Chasing dependencies") (const ()) $ do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg logger 2 (hcat [
+ text "Chasing modules from: ",
+ hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
+ -- Home package modules may have been moved or deleted, and new
+ -- source files may have appeared in the home package that shadow
+ -- external package modules, so we have to discard the existing
+ -- cached finder data.
+ liftIO $ flushFinderCaches (hsc_FC hsc_env) (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ (errs, graph_nodes) <- liftIO $ downsweep
+ hsc_env (mgModSummaries old_graph)
+ excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ let
+ mod_graph = mkModuleGraph graph_nodes
+ return (unionManyMessages errs, mod_graph)
+-- | Collect the instantiations of dependencies to create 'InstantiationNode' work graph nodes.
+-- These are used to represent the type checking that is done after
+-- all the free holes (sigs in current package) relevant to that instantiation
+-- are compiled. This is necessary to catch some instantiation errors.
+-- In the future, perhaps more of the work of instantiation could be moved here,
+-- instead of shoved in with the module compilation nodes. That could simplify
+-- backpack, and maybe hs-boot too.
+instantiationNodes :: UnitId -> UnitState -> [ModuleGraphNode]
+instantiationNodes uid unit_state = InstantiationNode uid <$> iuids_to_check
+ where
+ iuids_to_check :: [InstantiatedUnit]
+ iuids_to_check =
+ nubSort $ concatMap (goUnitId . fst) (explicitUnits unit_state)
+ where
+ goUnitId uid =
+ [ recur
+ | VirtUnit indef <- [uid]
+ , inst <- instUnitInsts indef
+ , recur <- (indef :) $ goUnitId $ moduleUnit $ snd inst
+ ]
+-- The linking plan for each module. If we need to do linking for a home unit
+-- then this function returns a graph node which depends on all the modules in the home unit.
+-- At the moment nothing can depend on these LinkNodes.
+linkNodes :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> UnitId -> HomeUnitEnv -> Maybe (Either (Messages DriverMessage) ModuleGraphNode)
+linkNodes summaries uid hue =
+ let dflags = homeUnitEnv_dflags hue
+ ofile = outputFile_ dflags
+ unit_nodes :: [NodeKey]
+ unit_nodes = map mkNodeKey (filter ((== uid) . moduleGraphNodeUnitId) summaries)
+ -- Issue a warning for the confusing case where the user
+ -- said '-o foo' but we're not going to do any linking.
+ -- We attempt linking if either (a) one of the modules is
+ -- called Main, or (b) the user said -no-hs-main, indicating
+ -- that main() is going to come from somewhere else.
+ --
+ no_hs_main = gopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
+ main_sum = any (== NodeKey_Module (ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB (mainModuleNameIs dflags) NotBoot) uid)) unit_nodes
+ do_linking = main_sum || no_hs_main || ghcLink dflags == LinkDynLib || ghcLink dflags == LinkStaticLib
+ in if | ghcLink dflags == LinkBinary && isJust ofile && not do_linking ->
+ Just (Left $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverRedirectedNoMain $ mainModuleNameIs dflags))
+ -- This should be an error, not a warning (#10895).
+ | ghcLink dflags /= NoLink, do_linking -> Just (Right (LinkNode unit_nodes uid))
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+-- Note [Missing home modules]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Sometimes user doesn't want GHC to pick up modules, not explicitly listed
+-- in a command line. For example, cabal may want to enable this warning
+-- when building a library, so that GHC warns user about modules, not listed
+-- neither in `exposed-modules`, nor in `other-modules`.
+-- Here "home module" means a module, that doesn't come from an other package.
+-- For example, if GHC is invoked with modules "A" and "B" as targets,
+-- but "A" imports some other module "C", then GHC will issue a warning
+-- about module "C" not being listed in a command line.
+-- The warning in enabled by `-Wmissing-home-modules`. See #13129
+warnMissingHomeModules :: DynFlags -> [Target] -> ModuleGraph -> DriverMessages
+warnMissingHomeModules dflags targets mod_graph =
+ if null missing
+ then emptyMessages
+ else warn
+ where
+ diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
+ is_known_module mod = any (is_my_target mod) targets
+ -- We need to be careful to handle the case where (possibly
+ -- path-qualified) filenames (aka 'TargetFile') rather than module
+ -- names are being passed on the GHC command-line.
+ --
+ -- For instance, `ghc --make src-exe/Main.hs` and
+ -- `ghc --make -isrc-exe Main` are supposed to be equivalent.
+ -- Note also that we can't always infer the associated module name
+ -- directly from the filename argument. See #13727.
+ is_my_target mod target =
+ let tuid = targetUnitId target
+ in case targetId target of
+ TargetModule name
+ -> moduleName (ms_mod mod) == name
+ && tuid == ms_unitid mod
+ TargetFile target_file _
+ | Just mod_file <- ml_hs_file (ms_location mod)
+ ->
+ target_file == mod_file ||
+ -- Don't warn on B.hs-boot if B.hs is specified (#16551)
+ addBootSuffix target_file == mod_file ||
+ -- We can get a file target even if a module name was
+ -- originally specified in a command line because it can
+ -- be converted in guessTarget (by appending .hs/.lhs).
+ -- So let's convert it back and compare with module name
+ mkModuleName (fst $ splitExtension target_file)
+ == moduleName (ms_mod mod)
+ _ -> False
+ missing = map (moduleName . ms_mod) $
+ filter (not . is_known_module) $
+ (filter (\ms -> ms_unitid ms == homeUnitId_ dflags)
+ (mgModSummaries mod_graph))
+ warn = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan
+ $ DriverMissingHomeModules missing (checkBuildingCabalPackage dflags)
+-- Check that any modules we want to reexport or hide are actually in the package.
+warnUnknownModules :: HscEnv -> DynFlags -> ModuleGraph -> IO DriverMessages
+warnUnknownModules hsc_env dflags mod_graph = do
+ reexported_warns <- filterM check_reexport (Set.toList reexported_mods)
+ return $ final_msgs hidden_warns reexported_warns
+ where
+ diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags
+ unit_mods = Set.fromList (map ms_mod_name
+ (filter (\ms -> ms_unitid ms == homeUnitId_ dflags)
+ (mgModSummaries mod_graph)))
+ reexported_mods = reexportedModules dflags
+ hidden_mods = hiddenModules dflags
+ hidden_warns = hidden_mods `Set.difference` unit_mods
+ lookupModule mn = findImportedModule hsc_env mn NoPkgQual
+ check_reexport mn = do
+ fr <- lookupModule mn
+ case fr of
+ Found _ m -> return (moduleUnitId m == homeUnitId_ dflags)
+ _ -> return True
+ warn flag mod = singleMessage $ mkPlainMsgEnvelope diag_opts noSrcSpan
+ $ flag mod
+ final_msgs hidden_warns reexported_warns
+ =
+ unionManyMessages $
+ [warn DriverUnknownHiddenModules (Set.toList hidden_warns) | not (Set.null hidden_warns)]
+ ++ [warn DriverUnknownReexportedModules reexported_warns | not (null reexported_warns)]
+-- This caches the answer to the question, if we are in this unit, what does
+-- an import of this module mean.
+type DownsweepCache = M.Map (UnitId, PkgQual, ModuleNameWithIsBoot) [Either DriverMessages ModSummary]
+-- | Downsweep (dependency analysis)
+-- Chase downwards from the specified root set, returning summaries
+-- for all home modules encountered. Only follow source-import
+-- links.
+-- We pass in the previous collection of summaries, which is used as a
+-- cache to avoid recalculating a module summary if the source is
+-- unchanged.
+-- The returned list of [ModSummary] nodes has one node for each home-package
+-- module, plus one for any hs-boot files. The imports of these nodes
+-- are all there, including the imports of non-home-package modules.
+downsweep :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -- ^ Old summaries
+ -> [ModuleName] -- Ignore dependencies on these; treat
+ -- them as if they were package modules
+ -> Bool -- True <=> allow multiple targets to have
+ -- the same module name; this is
+ -- very useful for ghc -M
+ -> IO ([DriverMessages], [ModuleGraphNode])
+ -- The non-error elements of the returned list all have distinct
+ -- (Modules, IsBoot) identifiers, unless the Bool is true in
+ -- which case there can be repeats
+downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
+ = do
+ rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
+ let (root_errs, rootSummariesOk) = partitionEithers rootSummaries -- #17549
+ root_map = mkRootMap rootSummariesOk
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ (deps, pkg_deps, map0) <- loopSummaries rootSummariesOk (M.empty, Set.empty, root_map)
+ let closure_errs = checkHomeUnitsClosed (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) (hsc_all_home_unit_ids hsc_env) (Set.toList pkg_deps)
+ let unit_env = hsc_unit_env hsc_env
+ let tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env
+ let downsweep_errs = lefts $ concat $ M.elems map0
+ downsweep_nodes = M.elems deps
+ (other_errs, unit_nodes) = partitionEithers $ unitEnv_foldWithKey (\nodes uid hue -> nodes ++ unitModuleNodes downsweep_nodes uid hue) [] (hsc_HUG hsc_env)
+ all_nodes = downsweep_nodes ++ unit_nodes
+ all_errs = all_root_errs ++ downsweep_errs ++ other_errs
+ all_root_errs = closure_errs ++ map snd root_errs
+ -- if we have been passed -fno-code, we enable code generation
+ -- for dependencies of modules that have -XTemplateHaskell,
+ -- otherwise those modules will fail to compile.
+ -- See Note [-fno-code mode] #8025
+ th_enabled_nodes <- enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env all_nodes
+ if null all_root_errs
+ then return (all_errs, th_enabled_nodes)
+ else pure $ (all_root_errs, [])
+ where
+ -- Dependencies arising on a unit (backpack and module linking deps)
+ unitModuleNodes :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> UnitId -> HomeUnitEnv -> [Either (Messages DriverMessage) ModuleGraphNode]
+ unitModuleNodes summaries uid hue =
+ let instantiation_nodes = instantiationNodes uid (homeUnitEnv_units hue)
+ in map Right instantiation_nodes
+ ++ maybeToList (linkNodes (instantiation_nodes ++ summaries) uid hue)
+ calcDeps ms =
+ -- Add a dependency on the HsBoot file if it exists
+ -- This gets passed to the loopImports function which just ignores it if it
+ -- can't be found.
+ [(ms_unitid ms, NoPkgQual, GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) IsBoot) | NotBoot <- [isBootSummary ms] ] ++
+ [(ms_unitid ms, b, c) | (b, c) <- msDeps ms ]
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ -- A cache from file paths to the already summarised modules.
+ -- Reuse these if we can because the most expensive part of downsweep is
+ -- reading the headers.
+ old_summary_map :: M.Map FilePath ModSummary
+ old_summary_map = M.fromList [(msHsFilePath ms, ms) | ms <- old_summaries]
+ getRootSummary :: Target -> IO (Either (UnitId, DriverMessages) ModSummary)
+ getRootSummary Target { targetId = TargetFile file mb_phase
+ , targetContents = maybe_buf
+ , targetUnitId = uid
+ }
+ = do let offset_file = augmentByWorkingDirectory dflags file
+ exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist offset_file
+ if exists || isJust maybe_buf
+ then first (uid,) <$>
+ summariseFile hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map offset_file mb_phase
+ maybe_buf
+ else return $ Left $ (uid,) $ singleMessage
+ $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverFileNotFound offset_file)
+ where
+ dflags = homeUnitEnv_dflags (ue_findHomeUnitEnv uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env))
+ home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ getRootSummary Target { targetId = TargetModule modl
+ , targetContents = maybe_buf
+ , targetUnitId = uid
+ }
+ = do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map NotBoot
+ (L rootLoc modl) (ThisPkg (homeUnitId home_unit))
+ maybe_buf excl_mods
+ case maybe_summary of
+ FoundHome s -> return (Right s)
+ FoundHomeWithError err -> return (Left err)
+ _ -> return $ Left $ (uid, moduleNotFoundErr modl)
+ where
+ home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
+ -- In a root module, the filename is allowed to diverge from the module
+ -- name, so we have to check that there aren't multiple root files
+ -- defining the same module (otherwise the duplicates will be silently
+ -- ignored, leading to confusing behaviour).
+ checkDuplicates
+ :: DownsweepCache
+ -> IO ()
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ | allow_dup_roots = return ()
+ | null dup_roots = return ()
+ | otherwise = liftIO $ multiRootsErr (head dup_roots)
+ where
+ dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]] -- Each at least of length 2
+ dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton $ map rights (M.elems root_map)
+ -- This loops over all the mod summaries in the dependency graph, accumulates the actual dependencies for each module/unit
+ loopSummaries :: [ModSummary]
+ -> (M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode, Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId),
+ DownsweepCache)
+ -> IO ((M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode), Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId), DownsweepCache)
+ loopSummaries [] done = return done
+ loopSummaries (ms:next) (done, pkgs, summarised)
+ | Just {} <- M.lookup k done
+ = loopSummaries next (done, pkgs, summarised)
+ -- Didn't work out what the imports mean yet, now do that.
+ | otherwise = do
+ (final_deps, pkgs1, done', summarised') <- loopImports (calcDeps ms) done summarised
+ -- This has the effect of finding a .hs file if we are looking at the .hs-boot file.
+ (_, _, done'', summarised'') <- loopImports (maybeToList hs_file_for_boot) done' summarised'
+ loopSummaries next (M.insert k (ModuleNode final_deps ms) done'', pkgs1 `Set.union` pkgs, summarised'')
+ where
+ k = NodeKey_Module (msKey ms)
+ hs_file_for_boot
+ | HsBootFile <- ms_hsc_src ms = Just $ ((ms_unitid ms), NoPkgQual, (GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) NotBoot))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ -- This loops over each import in each summary. It is mutually recursive with loopSummaries if we discover
+ -- a new module by doing this.
+ loopImports :: [(UnitId, PkgQual, GenWithIsBoot (Located ModuleName))]
+ -- Work list: process these modules
+ -> M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode
+ -> DownsweepCache
+ -- Visited set; the range is a list because
+ -- the roots can have the same module names
+ -- if allow_dup_roots is True
+ -> IO ([NodeKey], Set.Set (UnitId, UnitId),
+ M.Map NodeKey ModuleGraphNode, DownsweepCache)
+ -- The result is the completed NodeMap
+ loopImports [] done summarised = return ([], Set.empty, done, summarised)
+ loopImports ((home_uid,mb_pkg, gwib) : ss) done summarised
+ | Just summs <- M.lookup cache_key summarised
+ = case summs of
+ [Right ms] -> do
+ let nk = NodeKey_Module (msKey ms)
+ (rest, pkgs, summarised', done') <- loopImports ss done summarised
+ return (nk: rest, pkgs, summarised', done')
+ [Left _err] ->
+ loopImports ss done summarised
+ _errs -> do
+ loopImports ss done summarised
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env home_unit old_summary_map
+ is_boot wanted_mod mb_pkg
+ Nothing excl_mods
+ case mb_s of
+ NotThere -> loopImports ss done summarised
+ External uid -> do
+ (other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised') <- loopImports ss done summarised
+ return (other_deps, Set.insert (homeUnitId home_unit, uid) pkgs, done', summarised')
+ FoundInstantiation iud -> do
+ (other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised') <- loopImports ss done summarised
+ return (NodeKey_Unit iud : other_deps, pkgs, done', summarised')
+ FoundHomeWithError (_uid, e) -> loopImports ss done (Map.insert cache_key [(Left e)] summarised)
+ FoundHome s -> do
+ (done', pkgs1, summarised') <-
+ loopSummaries [s] (done, Set.empty, Map.insert cache_key [Right s] summarised)
+ (other_deps, pkgs2, final_done, final_summarised) <- loopImports ss done' summarised'
+ -- MP: This assumes that we can only instantiate non home units, which is probably fair enough for now.
+ return (NodeKey_Module (msKey s) : other_deps, pkgs1 `Set.union` pkgs2, final_done, final_summarised)
+ where
+ cache_key = (home_uid, mb_pkg, unLoc <$> gwib)
+ home_unit = ue_unitHomeUnit home_uid (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ GWIB { gwib_mod = L loc mod, gwib_isBoot = is_boot } = gwib
+ wanted_mod = L loc mod
+-- This function checks then important property that if both p and q are home units
+-- then any dependency of p, which transitively depends on q is also a home unit.
+checkHomeUnitsClosed :: UnitEnv -> Set.Set UnitId -> [(UnitId, UnitId)] -> [DriverMessages]
+-- Fast path, trivially closed.
+checkHomeUnitsClosed ue home_id_set home_imp_ids
+ | Set.size home_id_set == 1 = []
+ | otherwise =
+ let res = foldMap loop home_imp_ids
+ -- Now check whether everything which transitively depends on a home_unit is actually a home_unit
+ -- These units are the ones which we need to load as home packages but failed to do for some reason,
+ -- it's a bug in the tool invoking GHC.
+ bad_unit_ids = Set.difference res home_id_set
+ in if Set.null bad_unit_ids
+ then []
+ else [singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope rootLoc $ DriverHomePackagesNotClosed (Set.toList bad_unit_ids)]
+ where
+ rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
+ -- TODO: This could repeat quite a bit of work but I struggled to write this function.
+ -- Which units transitively depend on a home unit
+ loop :: (UnitId, UnitId) -> Set.Set UnitId -- The units which transitively depend on a home unit
+ loop (from_uid, uid) =
+ let us = ue_findHomeUnitEnv from_uid ue in
+ let um = unitInfoMap (homeUnitEnv_units us) in
+ case Map.lookup uid um of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "uid not found" (ppr uid)
+ Just ui ->
+ let depends = unitDepends ui
+ home_depends = Set.fromList depends `Set.intersection` home_id_set
+ other_depends = Set.fromList depends `Set.difference` home_id_set
+ in
+ -- Case 1: The unit directly depends on a home_id
+ if not (null home_depends)
+ then
+ let res = foldMap (loop . (from_uid,)) other_depends
+ in Set.insert uid res
+ -- Case 2: Check the rest of the dependencies, and then see if any of them depended on
+ else
+ let res = foldMap (loop . (from_uid,)) other_depends
+ in
+ if not (Set.null res)
+ then Set.insert uid res
+ else res
+-- | Update the every ModSummary that is depended on
+-- by a module that needs template haskell. We enable codegen to
+-- the specified target, disable optimization and change the .hi
+-- and .o file locations to be temporary files.
+-- See Note [-fno-code mode]
+ :: Logger
+ -> TmpFs
+ -> UnitEnv
+ -> [ModuleGraphNode]
+ -> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
+enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env =
+ enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs TFL_CurrentModule TFL_GhcSession unit_env
+data CodeGenEnable = EnableByteCode | EnableObject | EnableByteCodeAndObject deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+instance Outputable CodeGenEnable where
+ ppr = text . show
+{- Note [-fno-code mode]
+GHC offers the flag -fno-code for the purpose of parsing and typechecking a
+program without generating object files. This is intended to be used by tooling
+and IDEs to provide quick feedback on any parser or type errors as cheaply as
+When GHC is invoked with -fno-code no object files or linked output will be
+generated. As many errors and warnings as possible will be generated, as if
+-fno-code had not been passed. The session DynFlags will have
+backend == NoBackend.
+Whether interface files are generated in -fno-code mode is controlled by the
+-fwrite-interface flag. The -fwrite-interface flag is a no-op if -fno-code is
+not also passed. Recompilation avoidance requires interface files, so passing
+-fno-code without -fwrite-interface should be avoided. If -fno-code were
+re-implemented today, -fwrite-interface would be discarded and it would be
+considered always on; this behaviour is as it is for backwards compatibility.
+IN SUMMARY: ALWAYS PASS -fno-code AND -fwrite-interface TOGETHER
+Template Haskell
+A module using template haskell may invoke an imported function from inside a
+splice. This will cause the type-checker to attempt to execute that code, which
+would fail if no object files had been generated. See #8025. To rectify this,
+during the downsweep we patch the DynFlags in the ModSummary of any home module
+that is imported by a module that uses template haskell, to generate object
+The flavour of the generated code depends on whether `-fprefer-byte-code` is enabled
+or not in the module which needs the code generation. If the module requires byte-code then
+dependencies will generate byte-code, otherwise they will generate object files.
+In the case where some modules require byte-code and some object files, both are
+generated by enabling `-fbyte-code-and-object-code`, the test "fat015" tests these
+The object files (and interface files if -fwrite-interface is disabled) produced
+for template haskell are written to temporary files.
+Note that since template haskell can run arbitrary IO actions, -fno-code mode
+is no more secure than running without it.
+Potential TODOS:
+* Remove -fwrite-interface and have interface files always written in -fno-code
+ mode
+* Both .o and .dyn_o files are generated for template haskell, but we only need
+ .dyn_o. Fix it.
+* In make mode, a message like
+ Compiling A (A.hs, /tmp/ghc_123.o)
+ is shown if downsweep enabled object code generation for A. Perhaps we should
+ show "nothing" or "temporary object file" instead. Note that one
+ can currently use -keep-tmp-files and inspect the generated file with the
+ current behaviour.
+* Offer a -no-codedir command line option, and write what were temporary
+ object files there. This would speed up recompilation.
+* Use existing object files (if they are up to date) instead of always
+ generating temporary ones.
+-- Note [When source is considered modified]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- A number of functions in GHC.Driver accept a SourceModified argument, which
+-- is part of how GHC determines whether recompilation may be avoided (see the
+-- definition of the SourceModified data type for details).
+-- Determining whether or not a source file is considered modified depends not
+-- only on the source file itself, but also on the output files which compiling
+-- that module would produce. This is done because GHC supports a number of
+-- flags which control which output files should be produced, e.g. -fno-code
+-- -fwrite-interface and -fwrite-ide-file; we must check not only whether the
+-- source file has been modified since the last compile, but also whether the
+-- source file has been modified since the last compile which produced all of
+-- the output files which have been requested.
+-- Specifically, a source file is considered unmodified if it is up-to-date
+-- relative to all of the output files which have been requested. Whether or
+-- not an output file is up-to-date depends on what kind of file it is:
+-- * iface (.hi) files are considered up-to-date if (and only if) their
+-- mi_src_hash field matches the hash of the source file,
+-- * all other output files (.o, .dyn_o, .hie, etc) are considered up-to-date
+-- if (and only if) their modification times on the filesystem are greater
+-- than or equal to the modification time of the corresponding .hi file.
+-- Why do we use '>=' rather than '>' for output files other than the .hi file?
+-- If the filesystem has poor resolution for timestamps (e.g. FAT32 has a
+-- resolution of 2 seconds), we may often find that the .hi and .o files have
+-- the same modification time. Using >= is slightly unsafe, but it matches
+-- make's behaviour.
+-- This strategy allows us to do the minimum work necessary in order to ensure
+-- that all the files the user cares about are up-to-date; e.g. we should not
+-- worry about .o files if the user has indicated that they are not interested
+-- in them via -fno-code. See also #9243.
+-- Note that recompilation avoidance is dependent on .hi files being produced,
+-- which does not happen if -fno-write-interface -fno-code is passed. That is,
+-- passing -fno-write-interface -fno-code means that you cannot benefit from
+-- recompilation avoidance. See also Note [-fno-code mode].
+-- The correctness of this strategy depends on an assumption that whenever we
+-- are producing multiple output files, the .hi file is always written first.
+-- If this assumption is violated, we risk recompiling unnecessarily by
+-- incorrectly regarding non-.hi files as outdated.
+-- | Helper used to implement 'enableCodeGenForTH'.
+-- In particular, this enables
+-- unoptimized code generation for all modules that meet some
+-- condition (first parameter), or are dependencies of those
+-- modules. The second parameter is a condition to check before
+-- marking modules for code generation.
+ :: Logger
+ -> TmpFs
+ -> TempFileLifetime
+ -> TempFileLifetime
+ -> UnitEnv
+ -> [ModuleGraphNode]
+ -> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
+enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs staticLife dynLife unit_env mod_graph =
+ mapM enable_code_gen mod_graph
+ where
+ defaultBackendOf ms = platformDefaultBackend (targetPlatform $ ue_unitFlags (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
+ enable_code_gen :: ModuleGraphNode -> IO ModuleGraphNode
+ enable_code_gen n@(ModuleNode deps ms)
+ | ModSummary
+ { ms_location = ms_location
+ , ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile
+ , ms_hspp_opts = dflags
+ } <- ms
+ , Just enable_spec <- mkNodeKey n `Map.lookup` needs_codegen_map =
+ if | nocode_enable ms -> do
+ let new_temp_file suf dynsuf = do
+ tn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) staticLife suf
+ let dyn_tn = tn -<.> dynsuf
+ addFilesToClean tmpfs dynLife [dyn_tn]
+ return (tn, dyn_tn)
+ -- We don't want to create .o or .hi files unless we have been asked
+ -- to by the user. But we need them, so we patch their locations in
+ -- the ModSummary with temporary files.
+ --
+ ((hi_file, dyn_hi_file), (o_file, dyn_o_file)) <-
+ -- If ``-fwrite-interface` is specified, then the .o and .hi files
+ -- are written into `-odir` and `-hidir` respectively. #16670
+ if gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
+ then return ((ml_hi_file ms_location, ml_dyn_hi_file ms_location)
+ , (ml_obj_file ms_location, ml_dyn_obj_file ms_location))
+ else (,) <$> (new_temp_file (hiSuf_ dflags) (dynHiSuf_ dflags))
+ <*> (new_temp_file (objectSuf_ dflags) (dynObjectSuf_ dflags))
+ let new_dflags = case enable_spec of
+ EnableByteCode -> dflags { backend = interpreterBackend }
+ EnableObject -> dflags { backend = defaultBackendOf ms }
+ EnableByteCodeAndObject -> (gopt_set dflags Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode) { backend = defaultBackendOf ms}
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_location =
+ ms_location { ml_hi_file = hi_file
+ , ml_obj_file = o_file
+ , ml_dyn_hi_file = dyn_hi_file
+ , ml_dyn_obj_file = dyn_o_file }
+ , ms_hspp_opts = updOptLevel 0 $ new_dflags
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ -- If -fprefer-byte-code then satisfy dependency by enabling bytecode (if normal object not enough)
+ -- we only get to this case if the default backend is already generating object files, but we need dynamic
+ -- objects
+ | bytecode_and_enable enable_spec ms -> do
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | dynamic_too_enable enable_spec ms -> do
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | ext_interp_enable ms -> do
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_ExternalInterpreter
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | otherwise -> return n
+ enable_code_gen ms = return ms
+ nocode_enable ms@(ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
+ not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags)) &&
+ -- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
+ -- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
+ isHomeUnitDefinite (ue_unitHomeUnit (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
+ bytecode_and_enable enable_spec ms =
+ -- In the situation where we **would** need to enable dynamic-too
+ -- IF we had decided we needed objects
+ dynamic_too_enable EnableObject ms
+ -- but we prefer to use bytecode rather than objects
+ && prefer_bytecode
+ -- and we haven't already turned it on
+ && not generate_both
+ where
+ lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
+ prefer_bytecode = case enable_spec of
+ EnableByteCodeAndObject -> True
+ EnableByteCode -> True
+ EnableObject -> False
+ generate_both = gopt Opt_ByteCodeAndObjectCode lcl_dflags
+ -- #8180 - when using TemplateHaskell, switch on -dynamic-too so
+ -- the linker can correctly load the object files. This isn't necessary
+ -- when using -fexternal-interpreter.
+ dynamic_too_enable enable_spec ms
+ = hostIsDynamic && internalInterpreter &&
+ not isDynWay && not isProfWay && not dyn_too_enabled
+ && enable_object
+ where
+ lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
+ internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
+ dyn_too_enabled = gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo lcl_dflags
+ isDynWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayDyn
+ isProfWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayProf
+ enable_object = case enable_spec of
+ EnableByteCode -> False
+ EnableByteCodeAndObject -> True
+ EnableObject -> True
+ -- #16331 - when no "internal interpreter" is available but we
+ -- need to process some TemplateHaskell or QuasiQuotes, we automatically
+ -- turn on -fexternal-interpreter.
+ ext_interp_enable ms = not ghciSupported && internalInterpreter
+ where
+ lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
+ internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
+ (mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False mod_graph
+ mk_needed_set roots = Set.fromList $ map (mkNodeKey . node_payload) $ reachablesG mg (map (expectJust "needs_th" . lookup_node) roots)
+ needs_obj_set, needs_bc_set :: Set.Set NodeKey
+ needs_obj_set = mk_needed_set need_obj_set
+ needs_bc_set = mk_needed_set need_bc_set
+ -- A map which tells us how to enable code generation for a NodeKey
+ needs_codegen_map :: Map.Map NodeKey CodeGenEnable
+ needs_codegen_map =
+ -- Another option here would be to just produce object code, rather than both object and
+ -- byte code
+ Map.unionWith (\_ _ -> EnableByteCodeAndObject)
+ (Map.fromList $ [(m, EnableObject) | m <- Set.toList needs_obj_set])
+ (Map.fromList $ [(m, EnableByteCode) | m <- Set.toList needs_bc_set])
+ -- The direct dependencies of modules which require object code
+ need_obj_set =
+ concat
+ -- Note we don't need object code for a module if it uses TemplateHaskell itself. Only
+ -- it's dependencies.
+ [ deps
+ | (ModuleNode deps ms) <- mod_graph
+ , isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
+ , not (gopt Opt_UseBytecodeRatherThanObjects (ms_hspp_opts ms))
+ ]
+ -- The direct dependencies of modules which require byte code
+ need_bc_set =
+ concat
+ [ deps
+ | (ModuleNode deps ms) <- mod_graph
+ , isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
+ , gopt Opt_UseBytecodeRatherThanObjects (ms_hspp_opts ms)
+ ]
+-- | Populate the Downsweep cache with the root modules.
+ :: [ModSummary]
+ -> DownsweepCache
+mkRootMap summaries = Map.fromListWith (flip (++))
+ [ ((ms_unitid s, NoPkgQual, ms_mnwib s), [Right s]) | s <- summaries ]
+-- Summarising modules
+-- We have two types of summarisation:
+-- * Summarise a file. This is used for the root module(s) passed to
+-- cmLoadModules. The file is read, and used to determine the root
+-- module name. The module name may differ from the filename.
+-- * Summarise a module. We are given a module name, and must provide
+-- a summary. The finder is used to locate the file in which the module
+-- resides.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> HomeUnit
+ -> M.Map FilePath ModSummary -- old summaries
+ -> FilePath -- source file name
+ -> Maybe Phase -- start phase
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer,UTCTime)
+ -> IO (Either DriverMessages ModSummary)
+summariseFile hsc_env' home_unit old_summaries src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf
+ -- we can use a cached summary if one is available and the
+ -- source file hasn't changed, But we have to look up the summary
+ -- by source file, rather than module name as we do in summarise.
+ | Just old_summary <- M.lookup src_fn old_summaries
+ = do
+ let location = ms_location $ old_summary
+ src_hash <- get_src_hash
+ -- The file exists; we checked in getRootSummary above.
+ -- If it gets removed subsequently, then this
+ -- getFileHash may fail, but that's the right
+ -- behaviour.
+ -- return the cached summary if the source didn't change
+ checkSummaryHash
+ hsc_env (new_summary src_fn)
+ old_summary location src_hash
+ | otherwise
+ = do src_hash <- get_src_hash
+ new_summary src_fn src_hash
+ where
+ -- change the main active unit so all operations happen relative to the given unit
+ hsc_env = hscSetActiveHomeUnit home_unit hsc_env'
+ -- src_fn does not necessarily exist on the filesystem, so we need to
+ -- check what kind of target we are dealing with
+ get_src_hash = case maybe_buf of
+ Just (buf,_) -> return $ fingerprintStringBuffer buf
+ Nothing -> liftIO $ getFileHash src_fn
+ new_summary src_fn src_hash = runExceptT $ do
+ preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
+ <- getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf
+ let fopts = initFinderOpts (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ -- Make a ModLocation for this file
+ let location = mkHomeModLocation fopts pi_mod_name src_fn
+ -- Tell the Finder cache where it is, so that subsequent calls
+ -- to findModule will find it, even if it's not on any search path
+ mod <- liftIO $ do
+ let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
+ let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ addHomeModuleToFinder fc home_unit pi_mod_name location
+ liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn = src_fn
+ , nms_src_hash = src_hash
+ , nms_is_boot = NotBoot
+ , nms_hsc_src =
+ if isHaskellSigFilename src_fn
+ then HsigFile
+ else HsSrcFile
+ , nms_location = location
+ , nms_mod = mod
+ , nms_preimps = preimps
+ }
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> (Fingerprint -> IO (Either e ModSummary))
+ -> ModSummary -> ModLocation -> Fingerprint
+ -> IO (Either e ModSummary)
+ hsc_env new_summary
+ old_summary
+ location src_hash
+ | ms_hs_hash old_summary == src_hash &&
+ not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) = do
+ -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+ -- We have to repopulate the Finder's cache for file targets
+ -- because the file might not even be on the regular search path
+ -- and it was likely flushed in depanal. This is not technically
+ -- needed when we're called from sumariseModule but it shouldn't
+ -- hurt.
+ -- Also, only add to finder cache for non-boot modules as the finder cache
+ -- makes sure to add a boot suffix for boot files.
+ _ <- do
+ let fc = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ case ms_hsc_src old_summary of
+ HsSrcFile -> addModuleToFinder fc (ms_mod old_summary) location
+ _ -> return ()
+ hi_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ return $ Right
+ ( old_summary
+ { ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ }
+ )
+ | otherwise =
+ -- source changed: re-summarise.
+ new_summary src_hash
+data SummariseResult =
+ FoundInstantiation InstantiatedUnit
+ | FoundHomeWithError (UnitId, DriverMessages)
+ | FoundHome ModSummary
+ | External UnitId
+ | NotThere
+-- Summarise a module, and pick up source and timestamp.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> HomeUnit
+ -> M.Map FilePath ModSummary
+ -- ^ Map of old summaries
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> a {-# SOURCE #-} import
+ -> Located ModuleName -- Imported module to be summarised
+ -> PkgQual
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
+ -> [ModuleName] -- Modules to exclude
+ -> IO SummariseResult
+summariseModule hsc_env' home_unit old_summary_map is_boot (L _ wanted_mod) mb_pkg
+ maybe_buf excl_mods
+ | wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
+ = return NotThere
+ | otherwise = find_it
+ where
+ -- Temporarily change the currently active home unit so all operations
+ -- happen relative to it
+ hsc_env = hscSetActiveHomeUnit home_unit hsc_env'
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ find_it :: IO SummariseResult
+ find_it = do
+ found <- findImportedModule hsc_env wanted_mod mb_pkg
+ case found of
+ Found location mod
+ | isJust (ml_hs_file location) ->
+ -- Home package
+ just_found location mod
+ | VirtUnit iud <- moduleUnit mod
+ , not (isHomeModule home_unit mod)
+ -> return $ FoundInstantiation iud
+ | otherwise -> return $ External (moduleUnitId mod)
+ _ -> return NotThere
+ -- Not found
+ -- (If it is TRULY not found at all, we'll
+ -- error when we actually try to compile)
+ just_found location mod = do
+ -- Adjust location to point to the hs-boot source file,
+ -- hi file, object file, when is_boot says so
+ let location' = case is_boot of
+ IsBoot -> addBootSuffixLocn location
+ NotBoot -> location
+ src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
+ -- Check that it exists
+ -- It might have been deleted since the Finder last found it
+ maybe_h <- fileHashIfExists src_fn
+ case maybe_h of
+ -- This situation can also happen if we have found the .hs file but the
+ -- .hs-boot file doesn't exist.
+ Nothing -> return NotThere
+ Just h -> do
+ fresult <- new_summary_cache_check location' mod src_fn h
+ return $ case fresult of
+ Left err -> FoundHomeWithError (moduleUnitId mod, err)
+ Right ms -> FoundHome ms
+ new_summary_cache_check loc mod src_fn h
+ | Just old_summary <- Map.lookup src_fn old_summary_map =
+ -- check the hash on the source file, and
+ -- return the cached summary if it hasn't changed. If the
+ -- file has changed then need to resummarise.
+ case maybe_buf of
+ Just (buf,_) ->
+ checkSummaryHash hsc_env (new_summary loc mod src_fn) old_summary loc (fingerprintStringBuffer buf)
+ Nothing ->
+ checkSummaryHash hsc_env (new_summary loc mod src_fn) old_summary loc h
+ | otherwise = new_summary loc mod src_fn h
+ new_summary :: ModLocation
+ -> Module
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Fingerprint
+ -> IO (Either DriverMessages ModSummary)
+ new_summary location mod src_fn src_hash
+ = runExceptT $ do
+ preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
+ -- Remember to set the active unit here, otherwise the wrong include paths are passed to CPP
+ -- See multiHomeUnits_cpp2 test
+ <- getPreprocessedImports (hscSetActiveUnitId (moduleUnitId mod) hsc_env) src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
+ -- NB: Despite the fact that is_boot is a top-level parameter, we
+ -- don't actually know coming into this function what the HscSource
+ -- of the module in question is. This is because we may be processing
+ -- this module because another module in the graph imported it: in this
+ -- case, we know if it's a boot or not because of the {-# SOURCE #-}
+ -- annotation, but we don't know if it's a signature or a regular
+ -- module until we actually look it up on the filesystem.
+ let hsc_src
+ | is_boot == IsBoot = HsBootFile
+ | isHaskellSigFilename src_fn = HsigFile
+ | otherwise = HsSrcFile
+ when (pi_mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
+ throwE $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope pi_mod_name_loc
+ $ DriverFileModuleNameMismatch pi_mod_name wanted_mod
+ let instantiations = homeUnitInstantiations home_unit
+ when (hsc_src == HsigFile && isNothing (lookup pi_mod_name instantiations)) $
+ throwE $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope pi_mod_name_loc
+ $ DriverUnexpectedSignature pi_mod_name (checkBuildingCabalPackage dflags) instantiations
+ liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn = src_fn
+ , nms_src_hash = src_hash
+ , nms_is_boot = is_boot
+ , nms_hsc_src = hsc_src
+ , nms_location = location
+ , nms_mod = mod
+ , nms_preimps = preimps
+ }
+-- | Convenience named arguments for 'makeNewModSummary' only used to make
+-- code more readable, not exported.
+data MakeNewModSummary
+ = MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn :: FilePath
+ , nms_src_hash :: Fingerprint
+ , nms_is_boot :: IsBootInterface
+ , nms_hsc_src :: HscSource
+ , nms_location :: ModLocation
+ , nms_mod :: Module
+ , nms_preimps :: PreprocessedImports
+ }
+makeNewModSummary :: HscEnv -> MakeNewModSummary -> IO ModSummary
+makeNewModSummary hsc_env MakeNewModSummary{..} = do
+ let PreprocessedImports{..} = nms_preimps
+ obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file nms_location)
+ dyn_obj_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_dyn_obj_file nms_location)
+ hi_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file nms_location)
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file nms_location)
+ extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env nms_hsc_src pi_mod_name
+ (implicit_sigs, _inst_deps) <- implicitRequirementsShallow (hscSetActiveUnitId (moduleUnitId nms_mod) hsc_env) pi_theimps
+ return $
+ ModSummary
+ { ms_mod = nms_mod
+ , ms_hsc_src = nms_hsc_src
+ , ms_location = nms_location
+ , ms_hspp_file = pi_hspp_fn
+ , ms_hspp_opts = pi_local_dflags
+ , ms_hspp_buf = Just pi_hspp_buf
+ , ms_parsed_mod = Nothing
+ , ms_srcimps = pi_srcimps
+ , ms_ghc_prim_import = pi_ghc_prim_import
+ , ms_textual_imps =
+ ((,) NoPkgQual . noLoc <$> extra_sig_imports) ++
+ ((,) NoPkgQual . noLoc <$> implicit_sigs) ++
+ pi_theimps
+ , ms_hs_hash = nms_src_hash
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ , ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
+ , ms_dyn_obj_date = dyn_obj_timestamp
+ }
+data PreprocessedImports
+ = PreprocessedImports
+ { pi_local_dflags :: DynFlags
+ , pi_srcimps :: [(PkgQual, Located ModuleName)]
+ , pi_theimps :: [(PkgQual, Located ModuleName)]
+ , pi_ghc_prim_import :: Bool
+ , pi_hspp_fn :: FilePath
+ , pi_hspp_buf :: StringBuffer
+ , pi_mod_name_loc :: SrcSpan
+ , pi_mod_name :: ModuleName
+ }
+-- Preprocess the source file and get its imports
+-- The pi_local_dflags contains the OPTIONS pragmas
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Maybe Phase
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
+ -- ^ optional source code buffer and modification time
+ -> ExceptT DriverMessages IO PreprocessedImports
+getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf = do
+ (pi_local_dflags, pi_hspp_fn)
+ <- ExceptT $ preprocess hsc_env src_fn (fst <$> maybe_buf) mb_phase
+ pi_hspp_buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer pi_hspp_fn
+ (pi_srcimps', pi_theimps', pi_ghc_prim_import, L pi_mod_name_loc pi_mod_name)
+ <- ExceptT $ do
+ let imp_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude pi_local_dflags
+ popts = initParserOpts pi_local_dflags
+ mimps <- getImports popts imp_prelude pi_hspp_buf pi_hspp_fn src_fn
+ return (first (mkMessages . fmap mkDriverPsHeaderMessage . getMessages) mimps)
+ let rn_pkg_qual = renameRawPkgQual (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ let rn_imps = fmap (\(pk, lmn@(L _ mn)) -> (rn_pkg_qual mn pk, lmn))
+ let pi_srcimps = rn_imps pi_srcimps'
+ let pi_theimps = rn_imps pi_theimps'
+ return PreprocessedImports {..}
+moduleNotFoundErr :: ModuleName -> DriverMessages
+moduleNotFoundErr mod = singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan (DriverModuleNotFound mod)
+multiRootsErr :: [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+multiRootsErr [] = panic "multiRootsErr"
+multiRootsErr summs@(summ1:_)
+ = throwOneError $ fmap GhcDriverMessage $
+ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope noSrcSpan $ DriverDuplicatedModuleDeclaration mod files
+ where
+ mod = ms_mod summ1
+ files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/ModIfaceCache.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/ModIfaceCache.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f82739b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/ModIfaceCache.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Make.ModIfaceCache where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
+import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
+import Data.IORef
+-- Abstract interface to a cache of HomeModInfo
+-- See Note [Caching HomeModInfo]
+data ModIfaceCache = ModIfaceCache { iface_clearCache :: IO [CachedIface]
+ , iface_addToCache :: CachedIface -> IO () }
+addHmiToCache :: ModIfaceCache -> HomeModInfo -> IO ()
+addHmiToCache c (HomeModInfo i _ l) = iface_addToCache c (CachedIface i l)
+data CachedIface = CachedIface { cached_modiface :: !ModIface
+ , cached_linkable :: !HomeModLinkable }
+noIfaceCache :: Maybe ModIfaceCache
+noIfaceCache = Nothing
+newIfaceCache :: IO ModIfaceCache
+newIfaceCache = do
+ ioref <- newIORef []
+ return $
+ ModIfaceCache
+ { iface_clearCache = atomicModifyIORef' ioref (\c -> ([], c))
+ , iface_addToCache = \hmi -> atomicModifyIORef' ioref (\c -> (hmi:c, ()))
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..601cad0a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Make.Types where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Unit
+import GHC.Unit.Env
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
+import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.IORef
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import qualified Data.IntSet as I
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import Debug.Trace
+import GHC.Utils.Json
+-- | Simple wrapper around MVar which allows a functor instance.
+data ResultVar b = forall a . ResultVar (a -> b) (MVar (Maybe a))
+deriving instance Functor ResultVar
+mkResultVar :: MVar (Maybe a) -> ResultVar a
+mkResultVar = ResultVar id
+-- | Block until the result is ready.
+waitResult :: ResultVar a -> MaybeT IO a
+waitResult (ResultVar f var) = MaybeT (fmap f <$> readMVar var)
+newtype MakeActionId = MakeActionId { getMakeActionId :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance Outputable MakeActionId where
+ ppr (MakeActionId n) = ppr n
+data BuildResult = BuildResult { _resultOrigin :: ResultOrigin
+ , resultMakeId :: MakeActionId -- ^ The corresponding Make action which are going to fill in
+ , resultVar :: ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet)
+ }
+-- The origin of this result var, useful for debugging
+data ResultOrigin = NoLoop | Loop ResultLoopOrigin
+data ResultLoopOrigin = Initialise | Rehydrated | Finalised
+instance Outputable ResultLoopOrigin where
+ ppr Initialise = text "Initialise"
+ ppr Rehydrated = text "Rehydrated"
+ ppr Finalised = text "Finalised"
+instance Outputable ResultOrigin where
+ ppr (NoLoop) = text "NL"
+ ppr (Loop ro) = text "L(" <> ppr ro <> text ")"
+mkBuildResult :: ResultOrigin -> MakeActionId -> ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet) -> BuildResult
+mkBuildResult = BuildResult
+data MakeActionT m = forall a b . MakeAction { make_deps :: [BuildResult] -- Dependencies of this action
+ , make_wait :: m b -- The action to run to get the result of these deps
+ , make_action :: (b -> m a) -- How to build the action once the depenencies are ready
+ , make_res_var :: (MVar (Maybe a)) -- Where to put the result of running the action
+ , make_action_meta :: MakeActionMeta -- Meta information about the action
+ }
+makeAction :: MakeActionOrigin -> [BuildResult] -> ([BuildResult] -> m b) -> (b -> m a) -> (MVar (Maybe a)) -> BuildM (MakeActionT m)
+makeAction make_action_meta_origin make_deps make_wait_deps make_action make_res_var = do
+ make_action_meta_id <- makeId
+ make_action_meta_timing <- IORefMaybe <$> liftIO (newIORef Nothing)
+ let make_wait = make_wait_deps make_deps
+ !make_action_meta_dep_ids = strictMap resultMakeId make_deps
+ make_action_meta = MakeActionMeta{..}
+ ma = MakeAction{..}
+ reportNode ma
+ return ma
+-- | Record a new edge from the build graph
+reportNode :: MakeActionT m -> BuildM ()
+reportNode ma = do
+ -- TODO: here we emit to eventlog and also store in memory?
+ let mk_int = JSInt . getMakeActionId
+ liftIO $ traceEventIO
+ (showSDocUnsafe $ text "node:" <> renderJSON (JSObject [("node_id", mk_int (make_action_id ma))
+ , ("node_deps", JSArray (map (mk_int . resultMakeId) (make_deps ma)))
+ , ("node_desc", JSString (showSDocUnsafe (ppr (make_action_origin ma))))
+ ]))
+data MakeActionOrigin = MakeModule NodeKey | LoopSync
+instance Outputable MakeActionOrigin where
+ ppr (MakeModule nk) = text "M:" <+> ppr nk
+ ppr LoopSync = text "LoopSync"
+type MakeActionMeta = MakeActionMetaX IORefMaybe
+-- | Separate data type as want to avoid retaining MVars pointing to the results.
+data MakeActionMetaX f = MakeActionMeta { make_action_meta_origin :: !MakeActionOrigin -- Where the action originated from
+ , make_action_meta_dep_ids :: ![MakeActionId] -- Ids of the dependencies
+ , make_action_meta_id :: !MakeActionId -- Id of the current action
+ , make_action_meta_timing :: !(f TimingInfo) -- Information about how long the action took
+ }
+instance Outputable (f TimingInfo) => Outputable (MakeActionMetaX f) where
+ ppr (MakeActionMeta o deps id timing) =
+ text "ActionMeta:" <+> vcat [ text "id:" <+> ppr id
+ , text "deps:" <+> ppr deps
+ , text "origin:" <+> ppr o
+ , text "timing:" <+> ppr timing ]
+traverseMakeActionMetaX :: Monad m => (forall a . f a -> m (g a)) -> MakeActionMetaX f -> m (MakeActionMetaX g)
+traverseMakeActionMetaX nat (MakeActionMeta{..}) =
+ nat make_action_meta_timing >>= \new -> return $ MakeActionMeta{make_action_meta_timing = new, ..}
+newtype IORefMaybe a = IORefMaybe { getIORefMaybe :: IORef (Maybe a)}
+make_action_id :: MakeActionT m -> MakeActionId
+make_action_id = make_action_meta_id . make_action_meta
+make_action_origin :: MakeActionT m -> MakeActionOrigin
+make_action_origin = make_action_meta_origin . make_action_meta
+data BuildLoopState = BuildLoopState { buildDep :: M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
+ -- The current way to build a specific TNodeKey, without cycles this just points to
+ -- the appropriate result of compiling a module but with
+ -- cycles there can be additional indirection and can point to the result of typechecking a loop
+ , nNODE :: Int
+ , nMAKE :: Int
+ , hug_var :: MVar HomeUnitGraph
+ -- A global variable which is incrementally updated with the result
+ -- of compiling modules.
+ }
+nodeId :: BuildM Int
+nodeId = do
+ n <- gets nNODE
+ modify (\m -> m { nNODE = n + 1 })
+ return n
+makeId :: BuildM MakeActionId
+makeId = do
+ n <- gets nMAKE
+ modify (\m -> m { nMAKE = n + 1 })
+ return (MakeActionId n)
+setModulePipeline :: NodeKey -> BuildResult -> BuildM ()
+setModulePipeline mgn build_result = do
+ modify (\m -> m { buildDep = M.insert mgn build_result (buildDep m) })
+type BuildMap = M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
+getBuildMap :: BuildM BuildMap
+getBuildMap = gets buildDep
+getDependencies :: [NodeKey] -> BuildMap -> [BuildResult]
+getDependencies direct_deps build_map =
+ strictMap (expectJust "dep_map" . flip M.lookup build_map) direct_deps
+type BuildM a = StateT BuildLoopState IO a
+Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+During upsweep, the results of compiling modules are placed into a MVar. When we need
+to compute the right compilation environment for a module, we consult this MVar and
+set the HomeUnitGraph accordingly. This is done to avoid having to precisely track
+module dependencies and recreating the HUG from scratch each time, which is very expensive.
+In serial mode (-j1), this all works out fine: a module can only be compiled
+after its dependencies have finished compiling, and compilation can't be
+interleaved with the compilation of other module loops. This ensures that
+the HUG only ever contains finalised interfaces.
+In parallel mode, we have to be more careful: the HUG variable can contain non-finalised
+interfaces, which have been started by another thread. In order to avoid a space leak
+in which a finalised interface is compiled against a HPT which contains a non-finalised
+interface, we have to restrict the HUG to only contain the visible modules.
+The collection of visible modules explains which transitive modules are visible
+from a certain point. It is recorded in the ModuleNameSet.
+Before a module is compiled, we use this set to restrict the HUG to the visible
+modules only, avoiding this tricky space leak.
+Efficiency of the ModuleNameSet is of utmost importance, because a union occurs for
+each edge in the module graph. To achieve this, the set is represented directly as an IntSet,
+which provides suitable performance – even using a UniqSet (which is backed by an IntMap) is
+too slow. The crucial test of performance here is the time taken to a do a no-op build in --make mode.
+See test "jspace" for an example which used to trigger this problem.
+-- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+type ModuleNameSet = M.Map UnitId I.IntSet
+addToModuleNameSet :: UnitId -> ModuleName -> ModuleNameSet -> ModuleNameSet
+addToModuleNameSet uid mn s =
+ let k = (getKey $ getUnique $ mn)
+ in M.insertWith (I.union) uid (I.singleton k) s \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Upsweep.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Upsweep.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49c9b3f8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make/Upsweep.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Make.Upsweep where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad ( initIfaceCheck, concatMapM )
+import GHC.Linker.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Env
+import GHC.Driver.Errors
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import GHC.IfaceToCore ( typecheckIface )
+import GHC.Iface.Recomp ( RecompileRequired(..), CompileReason(..) )
+import GHC.Data.Maybe ( expectJust )
+import GHC.Utils.Exception ( throwIO, SomeAsyncException )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Logger
+import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
+import GHC.Types.SourceError
+import GHC.Unit
+import GHC.Unit.Env
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
+import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
+import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
+import Control.Concurrent ( newQSem, waitQSem, signalQSem, ThreadId, killThread, forkIOWithUnmask )
+import qualified GHC.Conc as CC
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import System.IO ( fixIO )
+import GHC.Conc ( getNumProcessors, getNumCapabilities, setNumCapabilities )
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.LogQueue
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import GHC.Types.TypeEnv
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import GHC.Runtime.Loader
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM (udfmRestrictKeysSet)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as I
+import GHC.Driver.Make.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Make.ModIfaceCache
+import GHC.Driver.Make.BuildPlan
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Driver.Make.Analysis
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Directed
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
+Note [Upsweep]
+Upsweep takes a 'ModuleGraph' as input, computes a build plan and then executes
+the plan in order to compile the project.
+The first step is computing the build plan from a 'ModuleGraph'.
+The output of this step is a `[BuildPlan]`, which is a topologically sorted plan for
+how to build all the modules.
+data BuildPlan = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode -- A simple, single module all alone but *might* have an hs-boot file which isn't part of a cycle
+ | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot] -- A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
+ | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode] -- An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
+The plan is computed in two steps:
+Step 1: Topologically sort the module graph without hs-boot files. This returns a [SCC ModuleGraphNode] which contains
+ cycles.
+Step 2: For each cycle, topologically sort the modules in the cycle *with* the relevant hs-boot files. This should
+ result in an acyclic build plan if the hs-boot files are sufficient to resolve the cycle.
+Step 2a: For each module in the cycle, if the module has a boot file then compute the
+ modules on the path between it and the hs-boot file.
+ These are the intermediate modules which:
+ (1) are (transitive) dependencies of the non-boot module, and
+ (2) have the boot module as a (transitive) dependency.
+ In particular, all such intermediate modules must appear in the same unit as
+ the module under consideration, as module cycles cannot cross unit boundaries.
+ This information is stored in ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot.
+The `[BuildPlan]` is then interpreted by the `interpretBuildPlan` function.
+* SingleModule nodes are compiled normally by either the upsweep_inst or upsweep_mod functions.
+* ResolvedCycles need to compiled "together" so that modules outside the cycle are presented
+ with a consistent knot-tied version of modules at the end.
+ - When the ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot nodes are compiled then suitable rehydration
+ is performed both before and after the module in question is compiled.
+ See Note [Hydrating Modules] for more information.
+* UnresolvedCycles are indicative of a proper cycle, unresolved by hs-boot files
+ and are reported as an error to the user.
+The main trickiness of `interpretBuildPlan` is deciding which version of a dependency
+is visible from each module. For modules which are not in a cycle, there is just
+one version of a module, so that is always used. For modules in a cycle, there are two versions of
+1. Internal to loop: The version created whilst compiling the loop by upsweep_mod.
+2. External to loop: The knot-tied version created by typecheckLoop.
+Whilst compiling a module inside the loop, we need to use the (1). For a module which
+is outside of the loop which depends on something from in the loop, the (2) version
+is used.
+As the plan is interpreted, which version of a HomeModInfo is visible is updated
+by updating a map held in a state monad. So after a loop has finished being compiled,
+the visible module is the one created by typecheckLoop and the internal version is not
+used again.
+This plan also ensures the most important invariant to do with module loops:
+> If you depend on anything within a module loop, before you can use the dependency,
+ the whole loop has to finish compiling.
+The end result of `interpretBuildPlan` is a `[MakeAction]`, which are pairs
+of `IO a` actions and a `MVar (Maybe a)`, somewhere to put the result of running
+the action. This list is topologically sorted, so can be run in order to compute
+the whole graph.
+As well as this `interpretBuildPlan` also outputs an `IO [Maybe (Maybe HomeModInfo)]` which
+can be queried at the end to get the result of all modules at the end, with their proper
+visibility. For example, if any module in a loop fails then all modules in that loop will
+report as failed because the visible node at the end will be the result of checking
+these modules together.
+{- Parallel Upsweep
+The parallel upsweep attempts to concurrently compile the modules in the
+compilation graph using multiple Haskell threads.
+The Algorithm
+* The list of `MakeAction`s are created by `interpretBuildPlan`. A `MakeAction` is
+a pair of an `IO a` action and a `MVar a`, where to place the result.
+ The list is sorted topologically, so can be executed in order without fear of
+ blocking.
+* runPipelines takes this list and eventually passes it to runLoop which executes
+ each action and places the result into the right MVar.
+* The amount of parallelism is controlled by a semaphore. This is just used around the
+ module compilation step, so that only the right number of modules are compiled at
+ the same time which reduces overall memory usage and allocations.
+* Each proper node has a LogQueue, which dictates where to send it's output.
+* The LogQueue is placed into the LogQueueQueue when the action starts and a worker
+ thread processes the LogQueueQueue printing logs for each module in a stable order.
+* The result variable for an action producing `a` is of type `Maybe a`, therefore
+ it is still filled on a failure. If a module fails to compile, the
+ failure is propagated through the whole module graph and any modules which didn't
+ depend on the failure can still be compiled. This behaviour also makes the code
+ quite a bit cleaner.
+ :: Int -- ^ The number of workers we wish to run in parallel
+ -> HscEnv -- ^ The base HscEnv, which is augmented for each module
+ -> Maybe ModIfaceCache -- ^ A cache to incrementally write final interface files to
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> M.Map ModNodeKeyWithUid HomeModInfo
+ -> [BuildPlan]
+ -> IO (SuccessFlag, HscEnv)
+upsweep n_jobs hsc_env hmi_cache mHscMessage old_hpt build_plan = do
+ (cycle, pipelines, collect_result) <- interpretBuildPlan (hsc_HUG hsc_env) hmi_cache old_hpt build_plan
+ runPipelines n_jobs hsc_env mHscMessage pipelines
+ res <-
+ if dopt Opt_D_dump_make_stats (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ then do
+ let !meta = strictMap make_action_meta pipelines
+ collect_result <* analyseBuildGraph (hsc_logger hsc_env) meta
+ else
+ collect_result
+ let completed = [m | Just (Just m) <- res]
+ let hsc_env' = addDepsToHscEnv completed hsc_env
+ -- Handle any cycle in the original compilation graph and return the result
+ -- of the upsweep.
+ case cycle of
+ Just mss -> do
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg logger (cyclicModuleErr mss)
+ return (Failed, hsc_env)
+ Nothing -> do
+ let success_flag = successIf (all isJust res)
+ return (success_flag, hsc_env')
+-- | Given the build plan, creates a graph which indicates where each NodeKey should
+-- get its direct dependencies from. This might not be the corresponding build action
+-- if the module participates in a loop. This step also labels each node with a number for the output.
+-- See Note [Upsweep] for a high-level description.
+interpretBuildPlan :: HomeUnitGraph
+ -> Maybe ModIfaceCache
+ -> M.Map ModNodeKeyWithUid HomeModInfo
+ -> [BuildPlan]
+ -> IO ( Maybe [ModuleGraphNode] -- Is there an unresolved cycle
+ , [MakeAction] -- Actions we need to run in order to build everything
+ , IO [Maybe (Maybe HomeModInfo)]) -- An action to query to get all the built modules at the end.
+interpretBuildPlan hug mhmi_cache old_hpt plan = do
+ hug_var <- newMVar hug
+ ((mcycle, plans), build_map) <- runStateT (buildLoop plan) (BuildLoopState M.empty 1 0 hug_var)
+ let wait = collect_results (buildDep build_map)
+ return (mcycle, plans, wait)
+ where
+ collect_results build_map =
+ sequence (map (\br -> collect_result (fst <$> resultVar br)) (M.elems build_map))
+ where
+ collect_result res_var = runMaybeT (waitResult res_var)
+ n_mods = sum (map countMods plan)
+ buildLoop :: [BuildPlan]
+ -> BuildM (Maybe [ModuleGraphNode], [MakeAction])
+ -- Build the abstract pipeline which we can execute
+ -- Building finished
+ buildLoop [] = return (Nothing, [])
+ buildLoop (plan:plans) =
+ case plan of
+ -- If there was no cycle, then typecheckLoop is not necessary
+ SingleModule m -> do
+ one_plan <- buildSingleModule Nothing NoLoop m
+ (cycle, all_plans) <- buildLoop plans
+ return (cycle, one_plan : all_plans)
+ -- For a resolved cycle, depend on everything in the loop, then update
+ -- the cache to point to this node rather than directly to the module build
+ -- nodes
+ ResolvedCycle ms -> do
+ pipes <- buildModuleLoop ms
+ (cycle, graph) <- buildLoop plans
+ return (cycle, pipes ++ graph)
+ -- Can't continue past this point as the cycle is unresolved.
+ UnresolvedCycle ns -> return (Just ns, [])
+ buildSingleModule :: Maybe [NodeKey] -- Modules we need to rehydrate before compiling this module
+ -> ResultOrigin
+ -> ModuleGraphNode -- The node we are compiling
+ -> BuildM MakeAction
+ buildSingleModule rehydrate_nodes origin mod = do
+ mod_idx <- nodeId
+ !build_map <- getBuildMap
+ hug_var <- gets hug_var
+ -- 1. Get the direct dependencies of this module
+ let direct_deps = nodeDependencies False mod
+ -- It's really important to force build_deps, or the whole buildMap is retained,
+ -- which would retain all the result variables, preventing us from collecting them
+ -- after they are no longer used.
+ !build_deps = getDependencies direct_deps build_map
+ let build_action (hug, deps) =
+ withCurrentUnit (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) $ do
+ case mod of
+ InstantiationNode uid iu -> do
+ executeInstantiationNode mod_idx n_mods hug uid iu
+ return (Nothing, deps)
+ ModuleNode _build_deps ms -> do
+ let !old_hmi = M.lookup (msKey ms) old_hpt
+ rehydrate_mods = mapMaybe nodeKeyModName <$> rehydrate_nodes
+ hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods old_hmi hug rehydrate_mods ms
+ -- Write the HMI to an external cache (if one exists)
+ -- See Note [Caching HomeModInfo]
+ liftIO $ forM_ mhmi_cache $ \hmi_cache -> addHmiToCache hmi_cache hmi
+ -- This global MVar is incrementally modified in order to avoid having to
+ -- recreate the HPT before compiling each module which leads to a quadratic amount of work.
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (return . addHomeModInfoToHug hmi)
+ return (Just hmi, addToModuleNameSet (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) (ms_mod_name ms) deps )
+ LinkNode _nks uid -> do
+ executeLinkNode hug (mod_idx, n_mods) uid direct_deps
+ return (Nothing, deps)
+ res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+ let result_var = mkResultVar res_var
+ make_action <- makeAction (MakeModule (mkNodeKey mod)) build_deps (wait_deps_hug hug_var) build_action res_var
+ setModulePipeline (mkNodeKey mod) (mkBuildResult origin (make_action_id make_action) result_var)
+ return make_action
+ buildOneLoopyModule :: ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile -> BuildM [MakeAction]
+ buildOneLoopyModule (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn deps) = do
+ ma <- buildSingleModule (Just deps) (Loop Initialise) mn
+ -- Rehydration (1) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
+ rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Rehydrated ((GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot) : (map (\d -> GWIB d NotBoot) deps))
+ return $ [ma, rehydrate_action]
+ buildModuleLoop :: [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile] -> BuildM [MakeAction]
+ buildModuleLoop ms = do
+ build_modules <- concatMapM (either (fmap (:[]) <$> buildSingleModule Nothing (Loop Initialise)) buildOneLoopyModule) ms
+ let extract (Left mn) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) NotBoot
+ extract (Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn _)) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot
+ let loop_mods = map extract ms
+ -- Rehydration (2) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
+ -- Fixes the space leak described in that note.
+ rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Finalised loop_mods
+ return $ build_modules ++ [rehydrate_action]
+ -- An action which rehydrates the given keys
+ rehydrateAction :: ResultLoopOrigin -> [GenWithIsBoot NodeKey] -> BuildM MakeAction
+ rehydrateAction origin deps = do
+ hug_var <- gets hug_var
+ !build_map <- getBuildMap
+ res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+ let
+ !build_deps = getDependencies (map gwib_mod deps) build_map
+ let loop_action (hug, tdeps) = do
+ hsc_env <- asks hsc_env
+ let new_hsc = setHUG hug hsc_env
+ mns :: [ModuleName]
+ mns = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
+ hmis' <- liftIO $ rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns
+ checkRehydrationInvariant hmis' deps
+ -- Add hydrated interfaces to global variable
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (\hug -> return $ foldr addHomeModInfoToHug hug hmis')
+ return (hmis', tdeps)
+ action <- makeAction LoopSync build_deps (wait_deps_hug hug_var) loop_action res_var
+ let fanout i = first (Just . (!! i)) <$> mkResultVar res_var
+ -- From outside the module loop, anyone must wait for the loop to finish and then
+ -- use the result of the rehydrated iface. This makes sure that things not in the
+ -- module loop will see the updated interfaces for all the identifiers in the loop.
+ boot_key :: NodeKey -> NodeKey
+ boot_key (NodeKey_Module m) = NodeKey_Module (m { mnkModuleName = (mnkModuleName m) { gwib_isBoot = IsBoot } } )
+ boot_key k = pprPanic "boot_key" (ppr k)
+ make_id = make_action_id action
+ update_module_pipeline (m, i) =
+ case gwib_isBoot m of
+ NotBoot -> setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
+ IsBoot -> do
+ setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
+ -- SPECIAL: Anything outside the loop needs to see A rather than A.hs-boot
+ setModulePipeline (boot_key (gwib_mod m)) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) make_id (fanout i))
+ let deps_i = zip deps [0..]
+ mapM_ update_module_pipeline deps_i
+ return action
+ -- Checks that the interfaces returned from hydration match-up with the names of the
+ -- modules which were fed into the function.
+ checkRehydrationInvariant hmis deps =
+ let hmi_names = map (moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface) hmis
+ start = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
+ in massertPpr (hmi_names == start) $ (ppr hmi_names $$ ppr start)
+withCurrentUnit :: UnitId -> RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
+withCurrentUnit uid = do
+ local (\env -> env { hsc_env = hscSetActiveUnitId uid (hsc_env env)})
+addDepsToHscEnv :: [HomeModInfo] -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+addDepsToHscEnv deps hsc_env =
+ hscUpdateHUG (\hug -> foldr addHomeModInfoToHug hug deps) hsc_env
+setHPT :: HomePackageTable -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+setHPT deps hsc_env =
+ hscUpdateHPT (const $ deps) hsc_env
+setHUG :: HomeUnitGraph -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+setHUG deps hsc_env =
+ hscUpdateHUG (const $ deps) hsc_env
+-- | Wrap an action to catch and handle exceptions.
+wrapAction :: HscEnv -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
+wrapAction hsc_env k = do
+ let lcl_logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ lcl_dynflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ print_config = initPrintConfig lcl_dynflags
+ let logg err = printMessages lcl_logger print_config (initDiagOpts lcl_dynflags) (srcErrorMessages err)
+ -- MP: It is a bit strange how prettyPrintGhcErrors handles some errors but then we handle
+ -- SourceError and ThreadKilled differently directly below. TODO: Refactor to use `catches`
+ -- directly. MP should probably use safeTry here to not catch async exceptions but that will regress performance due to
+ -- internally using forkIO.
+ mres <- MC.try $ liftIO $ prettyPrintGhcErrors lcl_logger $ k
+ case mres of
+ Right res -> return $ Just res
+ Left exc -> do
+ case fromException exc of
+ Just (err :: SourceError)
+ -> logg err
+ Nothing -> case fromException exc of
+ -- ThreadKilled in particular needs to actually kill the thread.
+ -- So rethrow that and the other async exceptions
+ Just (err :: SomeAsyncException) -> throwIO err
+ _ -> errorMsg lcl_logger (text (show exc))
+ return Nothing
+withParLog :: TVar LogQueueQueue -> Int -> ((Logger -> Logger) -> IO b) -> IO b
+withParLog lqq_var k cont = do
+ let init_log = do
+ -- Make a new log queue
+ lq <- newLogQueue k
+ -- Add it into the LogQueueQueue
+ atomically $ initLogQueue lqq_var lq
+ return lq
+ finish_log lq = liftIO (finishLogQueue lq)
+ MC.bracket init_log finish_log $ \lq -> cont (pushLogHook (const (parLogAction lq)))
+withLoggerHsc :: Int -> MakeEnv -> (HscEnv -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLoggerHsc k MakeEnv{withLogger, hsc_env} cont = do
+ withLogger k $ \modifyLogger -> do
+ let lcl_logger = modifyLogger (hsc_logger hsc_env)
+ hsc_env' = hsc_env { hsc_logger = lcl_logger }
+ -- Run continuation with modified logger
+ cont hsc_env'
+-- | Abstraction over the operations of a semaphore which allows usage with the
+-- -j1 case
+data AbstractSem = AbstractSem { acquireSem :: IO ()
+ , releaseSem :: IO () }
+withAbstractSem :: (MonadIO m, MC.MonadMask m) => AbstractSem -> m b -> m b
+withAbstractSem sem = MC.bracket_ (liftIO $ acquireSem sem) (liftIO $ releaseSem sem)
+-- | Environment used when compiling a module
+data MakeEnv = MakeEnv { hsc_env :: !HscEnv -- The basic HscEnv which will be augmented for each module
+ , compile_sem :: !AbstractSem
+ -- Modify the environment for module k, with the supplied logger modification function.
+ -- For -j1, this wrapper doesn't do anything
+ -- For -jn, the wrapper initialised a log queue and then modifies the logger to pipe its output
+ -- into the log queue.
+ , withLogger :: forall a . Int -> ((Logger -> Logger) -> IO a) -> IO a
+ , env_messager :: !(Maybe Messager)
+ }
+type RunMakeM a = ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) a
+type MakeAction = MakeActionT (ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO))
+upsweep_inst :: HscEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> Int -- index of module
+ -> Int -- total number of modules
+ -> UnitId
+ -> InstantiatedUnit
+ -> IO ()
+upsweep_inst hsc_env mHscMessage mod_index nmods uid iuid = do
+ case mHscMessage of
+ Just hscMessage -> hscMessage hsc_env (mod_index, nmods) (NeedsRecompile MustCompile) (InstantiationNode uid iuid)
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ runHsc hsc_env $ ioMsgMaybe $ hoistTcRnMessage $ tcRnCheckUnit hsc_env $ VirtUnit iuid
+ pure ()
+-- | Compile a single module. Always produce a Linkable for it if
+-- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
+upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> Maybe HomeModInfo
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Int -- index of module
+ -> Int -- total number of modules
+ -> IO HomeModInfo
+upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hmi summary mod_index nmods = do
+ hmi <- compileOne' mHscMessage hsc_env summary
+ mod_index nmods (hm_iface <$> old_hmi) (maybe emptyHomeModInfoLinkable hm_linkable old_hmi)
+ -- MP: This is a bit janky, because before you add the entries you have to extend the HPT with the module
+ -- you just compiled. Another option, would be delay adding anything until after upsweep has finished, but I
+ -- am unsure if this is sound (wrt running TH splices for example).
+ -- This function only does anything if the linkable produced is a BCO, which only happens with the
+ -- bytecode backend, no need to guard against the backend type additionally.
+ addSptEntries (hscUpdateHPT (\hpt -> addToHpt hpt (ms_mod_name summary) hmi) hsc_env)
+ (homeModInfoByteCode hmi)
+ return hmi
+-- | Add the entries from a BCO linkable to the SPT table, see
+-- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in GHC.Iface.Tidy.StaticPtrTable.
+addSptEntries :: HscEnv -> Maybe Linkable -> IO ()
+addSptEntries hsc_env mlinkable =
+ hscAddSptEntries hsc_env
+ [ spt
+ | Just linkable <- [mlinkable]
+ , unlinked <- linkableUnlinked linkable
+ , BCOs _ spts <- pure unlinked
+ , spt <- spts
+ ]
+executeInstantiationNode :: Int
+ -> Int
+ -> HomeUnitGraph
+ -> UnitId
+ -> InstantiatedUnit
+ -> RunMakeM ()
+executeInstantiationNode k n deps uid iu = do
+ env <- ask
+ -- Output of the logger is mediated by a central worker to
+ -- avoid output interleaving
+ msg <- asks env_messager
+ lift $ MaybeT $ withLoggerHsc k env $ \hsc_env ->
+ let lcl_hsc_env = setHUG deps hsc_env
+ in wrapAction lcl_hsc_env $ do
+ res <- upsweep_inst lcl_hsc_env msg k n uid iu
+ cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ return res
+cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe :: MonadIO m => Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> m ()
+cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe logger tmpfs dflags =
+ unless (gopt Opt_KeepTmpFiles dflags) $
+ liftIO $ cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles logger tmpfs
+executeCompileNode :: Int
+ -> Int
+ -> Maybe HomeModInfo
+ -> HomeUnitGraph
+ -> Maybe [ModuleName] -- List of modules we need to rehydrate before compiling
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> RunMakeM HomeModInfo
+executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi hug mrehydrate_mods mod = do
+ me@MakeEnv{..} <- ask
+ -- Rehydrate any dependencies if this module had a boot file or is a signature file.
+ lift $ MaybeT (withLoggerHsc k me $ \hsc_env -> do
+ hydrated_hsc_env <- liftIO $ maybeRehydrateBefore (setHUG hug hsc_env) mod fixed_mrehydrate_mods
+ let -- Use the cached DynFlags which includes OPTIONS_GHC pragmas
+ lcl_dynflags = ms_hspp_opts mod
+ let lcl_hsc_env =
+ -- Localise the hsc_env to use the cached flags
+ hscSetFlags lcl_dynflags $
+ hydrated_hsc_env
+ -- Compile the module, locking with a semaphore to avoid too many modules
+ -- being compiled at the same time leading to high memory usage.
+ wrapAction lcl_hsc_env $ do
+ res <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env env_messager old_hmi mod k n
+ cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) lcl_dynflags
+ return res)
+ where
+ fixed_mrehydrate_mods =
+ case ms_hsc_src mod of
+ -- MP: It is probably a bit of a misimplementation in backpack that
+ -- compiling a signature requires an knot_var for that unit.
+ -- If you remove this then a lot of backpack tests fail.
+ HsigFile -> Just []
+ _ -> mrehydrate_mods
+{- Rehydration, see Note [Rehydrating Modules] -}
+rehydrate :: HscEnv -- ^ The HPT in this HscEnv needs rehydrating.
+ -> [HomeModInfo] -- ^ These are the modules we want to rehydrate.
+ -> IO HscEnv
+rehydrate hsc_env hmis = do
+ debugTraceMsg logger 2 $ (
+ text "Re-hydrating loop: " <+> (ppr (map (mi_module . hm_iface) hmis)))
+ new_mods <- fixIO $ \new_mods -> do
+ let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt new_mods
+ let new_hsc_env = hscUpdateHPT_lazy (const new_hpt) hsc_env
+ mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "rehydrate") new_hsc_env $
+ mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
+ let new_mods = [ (mn,hmi{ hm_details = details })
+ | (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds
+ , let mn = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi)) ]
+ return new_mods
+ return $ setHPT (foldl' (\old (mn, hmi) -> addToHpt old mn hmi) old_hpt new_mods) hsc_env
+ where
+ logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ to_delete = (map (moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface) hmis)
+ -- Filter out old modules before tying the knot, otherwise we can end
+ -- up with a thunk which keeps reference to the old HomeModInfo.
+ !old_hpt = foldl' delFromHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) to_delete
+-- If needed, then rehydrate the necessary modules with a suitable KnotVars for the
+-- module currently being compiled.
+maybeRehydrateBefore :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> Maybe [ModuleName] -> IO HscEnv
+maybeRehydrateBefore hsc_env _ Nothing = return hsc_env
+maybeRehydrateBefore hsc_env mod (Just mns) = do
+ knot_var <- initialise_knot_var hsc_env
+ let hmis = map (expectJust "mr" . lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)) mns
+ rehydrate (hsc_env { hsc_type_env_vars = knotVarsFromModuleEnv knot_var }) hmis
+ where
+ initialise_knot_var hsc_env = liftIO $
+ let mod_name = homeModuleInstantiation (hsc_home_unit_maybe hsc_env) (ms_mod mod)
+ in mkModuleEnv . (:[]) . (mod_name,) <$> newIORef emptyTypeEnv
+rehydrateAfter :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModuleName]
+ -> IO [HomeModInfo]
+rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns = do
+ let new_hpt = hsc_HPT new_hsc
+ hmis = map (expectJust "mrAfter" . lookupHpt new_hpt) mns
+ hsc_env <- rehydrate (new_hsc { hsc_type_env_vars = emptyKnotVars }) hmis
+ return $ map (\mn -> expectJust "rehydrate" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mn) mns
+Note [Hydrating Modules]
+There are at least 4 different representations of an interface file as described
+by this diagram.
+| On-disk M.hi |
+ | ^
+ | Read file | Write file
+ V |
+| ByteString |
+ | ^
+ | Binary.get | Binary.put
+ V |
+| ModIface (an acyclic AST) |
+ | ^
+ | hydrate | mkIfaceTc
+ V |
+| ModDetails (lots of cycles) |
+The last step, converting a ModIface into a ModDetails is known as "hydration".
+Hydration happens in three different places
+* When an interface file is initially loaded from disk, it has to be hydrated.
+* When a module is finished compiling, we hydrate the ModIface in order to generate
+ the version of ModDetails which exists in memory (see Note [ModDetails and --make mode])
+* When dealing with boot files and module loops (see Note [Rehydrating Modules])
+Note [Rehydrating Modules]
+If a module has a boot file then it is critical to rehydrate the modules on
+the path between the two (see #20561).
+Suppose we have ("R" for "recursive"):
+R.hs-boot: module R where
+ data T
+ g :: T -> T
+A.hs: module A( f, T, g ) where
+ import {-# SOURCE #-} R
+ data S = MkS T
+ f :: T -> S = ...g...
+R.hs: module R where
+ import A
+ data T = T1 | T2 S
+ g = ...f...
+== Why we need to rehydrate A's ModIface before compiling R.hs
+After compiling A.hs we'll have a TypeEnv in which the Id for `f` has a type
+type uses the AbstractTyCon T; and a TyCon for `S` that also mentions that same
+AbstractTyCon. (Abstract because it came from R.hs-boot; we know nothing about
+When compiling R.hs, we build a TyCon for `T`. But that TyCon mentions `S`, and
+it currently has an AbstractTyCon for `T` inside it. But we want to build a
+fully cyclic structure, in which `S` refers to `T` and `T` refers to `S`.
+Solution: **rehydration**. *Before compiling `R.hs`*, rehydrate all the
+ModIfaces below it that depend on R.hs-boot. To rehydrate a ModIface, call
+`typecheckIface` to convert it to a ModDetails. It's just a de-serialisation
+step, no type inference, just lookups.
+Now `S` will be bound to a thunk that, when forced, will "see" the final binding
+for `T`; see [Tying the knot](
+But note that this must be done *before* compiling R.hs.
+== Why we need to rehydrate A's ModIface after compiling R.hs
+When compiling R.hs, the knot-tying stuff above will ensure that `f`'s unfolding
+mentions the `LocalId` for `g`. But when we finish R, we carefully ensure that
+all those `LocalIds` are turned into completed `GlobalIds`, replete with
+unfoldings etc. Alas, that will not apply to the occurrences of `g` in `f`'s
+unfolding. And if we leave matters like that, they will stay that way, and *all*
+subsequent modules that import A will see a crippled unfolding for `f`.
+Solution: rehydrate both R and A's ModIface together, right after completing R.hs.
+~~ Which modules to rehydrate
+We only need rehydrate modules that are
+* Below R.hs
+* Above R.hs-boot
+There might be many unrelated modules (in the home package) that don't need to be
+== Loops with multiple boot files
+It is possible for a module graph to have a loop (SCC, when ignoring boot files)
+which requires multiple boot files to break. In this case, we must perform
+several hydration steps:
+ 1. The hydration steps described above, which are necessary for correctness.
+ 2. An extra hydration step at the end of compiling the entire SCC, in order to
+ remove space leaks, as we explain below.
+Consider the following example:
+ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
+ │ A │ │ B │
+ └──┬──┘ └──┬──┘
+ │ │
+ ┌───▼───────────▼───┐
+ │ C │
+ └───┬───────────┬───┘
+ │ │
+ ┌────▼───┐ ┌───▼────┐
+ │ A-boot │ │ B-boot │
+ └────────┘ └────────┘
+A, B and C live together in a SCC. Suppose that we compile the modules in the
+ A-boot, B-boot, C, A, B.
+When we come to compile A, we will perform the necessary hydration steps,
+because A has a boot file. This means that C will be hydrated relative to A,
+and the ModDetails for A will reference C/A. Then, when B is compiled,
+C will be rehydrated again, and so B will reference C/A,B. At this point,
+its interface will be hydrated relative to both A and B.
+This causes a space leak: there are now two different copies of C's ModDetails,
+kept alive by modules A and B. This is especially problematic if C is large.
+The way to avoid this space leak is to rehydrate an entire SCC together at the
+end of compilation, so that all the ModDetails point to interfaces for .hs files.
+In this example, when we hydrate A, B and C together, then both A and B will refer to
+See #21900 for some more discussion.
+== Modules "above" the loop
+This dark corner is the subject of #14092.
+Suppose we add to our example
+X.hs module X where
+ import A
+ data XT = MkX T
+ fx = ...g...
+If in `--make` we compile R.hs-boot, then A.hs, then X.hs, we'll get a `ModDetails` for `X` that has an AbstractTyCon for `T` in the argument type of `MkX`. So:
+* Either we should delay compiling X until after R has been compiled. (This is what we do)
+* Or we should rehydrate X after compiling R -- because it transitively depends on R.hs-boot.
+Ticket #20200 has exposed some issues to do with the knot-tying logic in GHC.Make, in `--make` mode.
+#20200 has lots of issues, many of them now fixed;
+this particular issue starts [here](
+The wiki page [Tying the knot]( is helpful.
+Also closely related are
+ * #14092
+ * #14103
+executeLinkNode :: HomeUnitGraph -> (Int, Int) -> UnitId -> [NodeKey] -> RunMakeM ()
+executeLinkNode hug kn uid deps = do
+ withCurrentUnit uid $ do
+ MakeEnv{..} <- ask
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let hsc_env' = setHUG hug hsc_env
+ msg' = (\messager -> \recomp -> messager hsc_env kn recomp (LinkNode deps uid)) <$> env_messager
+ linkresult <- liftIO $
+ link (ghcLink dflags)
+ (hsc_logger hsc_env')
+ (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env')
+ (hsc_hooks hsc_env')
+ dflags
+ (hsc_unit_env hsc_env')
+ True -- We already decided to link
+ msg'
+ (hsc_HPT hsc_env')
+ case linkresult of
+ Failed -> fail "Link Failed"
+ Succeeded -> return ()
+-- | Wait for some dependencies to finish and then read from the given MVar.
+wait_deps_hug :: MVar HomeUnitGraph -> [BuildResult] -> ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) (HomeUnitGraph, ModuleNameSet)
+wait_deps_hug hug_var deps = do
+ (_, module_deps) <- wait_deps deps
+ hug <- liftIO $ readMVar hug_var
+ let pruneHomeUnitEnv uid hme =
+ let -- Restrict to things which are in the transitive closure to avoid retaining
+ -- reference to loop modules which have already been compiled by other threads.
+ -- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+ !new = udfmRestrictKeysSet (homeUnitEnv_hpt hme) (fromMaybe I.empty $ M.lookup uid module_deps)
+ in hme { homeUnitEnv_hpt = new }
+ return (unitEnv_mapWithKey pruneHomeUnitEnv hug, module_deps)
+-- | Wait for dependencies to finish, and then return their results.
+wait_deps :: [BuildResult] -> RunMakeM ([HomeModInfo], ModuleNameSet)
+wait_deps [] = return ([], M.empty)
+wait_deps (x:xs) = do
+ (res, deps) <- lift $ waitResult (resultVar x)
+ (hmis, all_deps) <- wait_deps xs
+ let !new_deps = deps `unionModuleNameSet` all_deps
+ case res of
+ Nothing -> return (hmis, new_deps)
+ Just hmi -> return (hmi:hmis, new_deps)
+ where
+ unionModuleNameSet = M.unionWith I.union
+-- Executing the pipelines
+label_self :: String -> IO ()
+label_self thread_name = do
+ self_tid <- CC.myThreadId
+ CC.labelThread self_tid thread_name
+runPipelines :: Int -> HscEnv -> Maybe Messager -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
+-- Don't even initialise plugins if there are no pipelines
+runPipelines _ _ _ [] = return ()
+runPipelines n_job orig_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
+ liftIO $ label_self "main --make thread"
+ plugins_hsc_env <- initializePlugins orig_hsc_env
+ case n_job of
+ 1 -> runSeqPipelines plugins_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines
+ _n -> runParPipelines n_job plugins_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines
+runSeqPipelines :: HscEnv -> Maybe Messager -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
+runSeqPipelines plugin_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines =
+ let env = MakeEnv { hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env
+ , withLogger = \_ k -> k id
+ , compile_sem = AbstractSem (return ()) (return ())
+ , env_messager = mHscMessager
+ }
+ in runAllPipelines 1 env all_pipelines
+-- | Build and run a pipeline
+runParPipelines :: Int -- ^ How many capabilities to use
+ -> HscEnv -- ^ The basic HscEnv which is augmented with specific info for each module
+ -> Maybe Messager -- ^ Optional custom messager to use to report progress
+ -> [MakeAction] -- ^ The build plan for all the module nodes
+ -> IO ()
+runParPipelines n_jobs plugin_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
+ -- A variable which we write to when an error has happened and we have to tell the
+ -- logging thread to gracefully shut down.
+ stopped_var <- newTVarIO False
+ -- The queue of LogQueues which actions are able to write to. When an action starts it
+ -- will add it's LogQueue into this queue.
+ log_queue_queue_var <- newTVarIO newLogQueueQueue
+ -- Thread which coordinates the printing of logs
+ wait_log_thread <- logThread n_jobs (length all_pipelines) (hsc_logger plugin_hsc_env) stopped_var log_queue_queue_var
+ -- Make the logger thread-safe, in case there is some output which isn't sent via the LogQueue.
+ thread_safe_logger <- liftIO $ makeThreadSafe (hsc_logger plugin_hsc_env)
+ let thread_safe_hsc_env = plugin_hsc_env { hsc_logger = thread_safe_logger }
+ let updNumCapabilities = liftIO $ do
+ n_capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
+ n_cpus <- getNumProcessors
+ -- Setting number of capabilities more than
+ -- CPU count usually leads to high userspace
+ -- lock contention. #9221
+ let n_caps = min n_jobs n_cpus
+ unless (n_capabilities /= 1) $ setNumCapabilities n_caps
+ return n_capabilities
+ let resetNumCapabilities orig_n = do
+ liftIO $ setNumCapabilities orig_n
+ atomically $ writeTVar stopped_var True
+ wait_log_thread
+ compile_sem <- newQSem n_jobs
+ let abstract_sem = AbstractSem (waitQSem compile_sem) (signalQSem compile_sem)
+ -- Reset the number of capabilities once the upsweep ends.
+ let env = MakeEnv { hsc_env = thread_safe_hsc_env
+ , withLogger = withParLog log_queue_queue_var
+ , compile_sem = abstract_sem
+ , env_messager = mHscMessager
+ }
+ MC.bracket updNumCapabilities resetNumCapabilities $ \_ ->
+ runAllPipelines n_jobs env all_pipelines
+withLocalTmpFS :: RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
+withLocalTmpFS act = do
+ let initialiser = do
+ MakeEnv{..} <- ask
+ lcl_tmpfs <- liftIO $ forkTmpFsFrom (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env)
+ return $ hsc_env { hsc_tmpfs = lcl_tmpfs }
+ finaliser lcl_env = do
+ gbl_env <- ask
+ liftIO $ mergeTmpFsInto (hsc_tmpfs lcl_env) (hsc_tmpfs (hsc_env gbl_env))
+ -- Add remaining files which weren't cleaned up into local tmp fs for
+ -- clean-up later.
+ -- Clear the logQueue if this node had it's own log queue
+ MC.bracket initialiser finaliser $ \lcl_hsc_env -> local (\env -> env { hsc_env = lcl_hsc_env}) act
+-- | Run the given actions and then wait for them all to finish.
+runAllPipelines :: Int -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO ()
+runAllPipelines n_jobs env acts = do
+ let spawn_actions :: IO [ThreadId]
+ spawn_actions = if n_jobs == 1
+ then (:[]) <$> (forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> void $ runLoop (\io -> io unmask) env acts)
+ else runLoop forkIOWithUnmask env acts
+ kill_actions :: [ThreadId] -> IO ()
+ kill_actions tids = mapM_ killThread tids
+ MC.bracket spawn_actions kill_actions $ \_ -> do
+ mapM_ waitMakeAction acts
+-- | Execute each action in order, limiting the amount of parallelism by the given
+-- semaphore.
+runLoop :: (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> MakeEnv -> [MakeAction] -> IO [a]
+runLoop _ _env [] = return []
+runLoop fork_thread env (ma:acts) = do
+ new_thread <- forkMakeAction fork_thread env ma
+ threads <- runLoop fork_thread env acts
+ return (new_thread : threads)
+forkMakeAction :: (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> MakeEnv -> MakeAction -> IO a
+forkMakeAction fork_thread env (MakeAction _deps wait act res_var (MakeActionMeta action_name id _ timing_var)) =
+ fork_thread $ \unmask -> (do
+ mres <- (unmask $ run_pipeline (withLocalTmpFS $ do
+ wait >>= withAbstractSem (compile_sem env)
+ . with_timing . act
+ ))
+ `MC.onException` (putMVar res_var Nothing) -- Defensive: If there's an unhandled exception then still signal the failure.
+ putMVar res_var mres)
+ where
+ run_pipeline :: RunMakeM a -> IO (Maybe a)
+ run_pipeline p = runMaybeT (runReaderT p env)
+ with_timing = withTimingSilentX (hsc_logger $ hsc_env env)
+ Opt_D_dump_make_stats
+ action_herald
+ (const ())
+ write_timing_result
+ action_herald = text "MAKE:" <> ppr id <+> ppr action_name
+ write_timing_result = liftIO . writeIORef (getIORefMaybe timing_var) . Just
+waitMakeAction :: MakeAction -> IO ()
+waitMakeAction (MakeAction{make_res_var}) = () <$ readMVar make_res_var
+cyclicModuleErr :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> SDoc
+-- From a strongly connected component we find
+-- a single cycle to report
+cyclicModuleErr mss
+ = assert (not (null mss)) $
+ case findCycle graph of
+ Nothing -> text "Unexpected non-cycle" <+> ppr mss
+ Just path0 -> vcat
+ [ text "Module graph contains a cycle:"
+ , nest 2 (show_path path0)]
+ where
+ graph :: [Node NodeKey ModuleGraphNode]
+ graph =
+ [ DigraphNode
+ { node_payload = ms
+ , node_key = mkNodeKey ms
+ , node_dependencies = nodeDependencies False ms
+ }
+ | ms <- mss
+ ]
+ show_path :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> SDoc
+ show_path [] = panic "show_path"
+ show_path [m] = ppr_node m <+> text "imports itself"
+ show_path (m1:m2:ms) = vcat ( nest 6 (ppr_node m1)
+ : nest 6 (text "imports" <+> ppr_node m2)
+ : go ms )
+ where
+ go [] = [text "which imports" <+> ppr_node m1]
+ go (m:ms) = (text "which imports" <+> ppr_node m) : go ms
+ ppr_node :: ModuleGraphNode -> SDoc
+ ppr_node (ModuleNode _deps m) = text "module" <+> ppr_ms m
+ ppr_node (InstantiationNode _uid u) = text "instantiated unit" <+> ppr u
+ ppr_node (LinkNode uid _) = pprPanic "LinkNode should not be in a cycle" (ppr uid)
+ ppr_ms :: ModSummary -> SDoc
+ ppr_ms ms = quotes (ppr (moduleName (ms_mod ms))) <+>
+ (parens (text (msHsFilePath ms))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a867801951..52b89c9f59 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -440,6 +440,12 @@ Library
+ GHC.Driver.Make.Downsweep
+ GHC.Driver.Make.Upsweep
+ GHC.Driver.Make.Analysis
+ GHC.Driver.Make.ModIfaceCache
+ GHC.Driver.Make.BuildPlan
+ GHC.Driver.Make.Types