diff options
authorAndrey Mokhov <>2019-04-18 23:52:17 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2019-04-19 23:56:38 -0400
commit10776562d8b9c92f6dee0fec6294c07944b19442 (patch)
parent99dd5d6b8365ecc8748651395c503b2c0b82490e (diff)
Hadrian: Drop old/unused CI scripts
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/.travis.yml b/hadrian/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f670784cb5..0000000000
--- a/hadrian/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-sudo: true
- include:
- - os: linux
- env: MODE="selftest"
- compiler: "GHC 8.4.3"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.4.3
- - cabal-install-2.4
- - zlib1g-dev
- sources: hvr-ghc
- before_install:
- - PATH="/opt/ghc/8.4.3/bin:$PATH"
- - PATH="/opt/cabal/2.4/bin:$PATH"
- script:
- # Run internal Hadrian tests, after boot and configure.
- - hadrian/ -c selftest
- - os: linux
- env: MODE="--flavour=quickest"
- compiler: "GHC 8.4.3"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.4.3
- - cabal-install-2.4
- - zlib1g-dev
- sources: hvr-ghc
- before_install:
- - PATH="/opt/ghc/8.4.3/bin:$PATH"
- - PATH="/opt/cabal/2.4/bin:$PATH"
- script:
- # Build GHC, letting hadrian boot & configure the ghc source tree
- - hadrian/ -c -j $MODE --no-progress --progress-colour=never --profile=-
- - os: linux
- env: MODE="--flavour=quickest --integer-simple"
- compiler: "GHC 8.6.1"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.6.1
- - cabal-install-2.4
- - zlib1g-dev
- sources: hvr-ghc
- before_install:
- - PATH="/opt/ghc/8.6.1/bin:$PATH"
- - PATH="/opt/cabal/2.4/bin:$PATH"
- script:
- # boot, configure and build GHC
- - hadrian/ -c -j $MODE --no-progress --progress-colour=never --profile=-
- # Test GHC binary
- - _build/stage1/bin/ghc -e 1+2
- - os: osx
- osx_image: xcode8
- env: MODE="--flavour=quickest --integer-simple"
- before_install:
- - brew update
- - brew install ghc cabal-install
- - brew upgrade python
- script:
- # Due to timeout limit of OS X build on Travis CI,
- # we will ignore selftest
- - hadrian/ -j -c $MODE --no-progress --progress-colour=never --profile=-
- # Test GHC binary
- - _build/stage1/bin/ghc -e 1+2
- # Add Cabal to PATH
- - PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH"
- - export PATH
- - env
- # Fetch GHC sources into ./ghc
- - git --version
- - git config --global url."git://".insteadOf git://
- - git clone --depth 1 --recursive git://
- # --shallow-submodules is not supported on travis standard git 1.8 (linux), but it is supported
- # on Travis Mac OS X machines. But it does not work with github mirrors because it cannot
- # find commits.
- # Install all Hadrian and GHC build dependencies
- - cabal update
- - cabal install alex happy
- # GHC comes with an older version of Hadrian, so we delete it
- - rm -rf ghc/hadrian/.git
- # Travis has already cloned Hadrian into ./ and we need to move it
- # to ./ghc/hadrian -- one way to do it is to move the .git directory
- # and perform a hard reset in order to regenerate Hadrian files
- - mv .git ghc/hadrian
- - cd ghc/hadrian && git reset --hard HEAD && cd ..
- directories:
- - $HOME/.cabal
- - $HOME/.ghc
diff --git a/hadrian/appveyor.yml b/hadrian/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b3142bd4b9..0000000000
--- a/hadrian/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-clone_folder: "c:\\new-hadrian"
- global:
- STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr"
- - "c:\\sr -> appveyor.yml"
- # Get Stack
- - curl -LsS --insecure
- - 7z x stack.exe
- # Note: AppVeyor has already cloned Hadrian into c:\new-hadrian
- # Fetch GHC sources into c:\ghc
- - cd ..
- - git clone --recursive
- # GHC comes with an older version of Hadrian, so we delete it
- - rm -rf ghc\hadrian
- # Copy new Hadrian into ./ghc/hadrian
- - cp -r new-hadrian ghc\hadrian
- # Install Alex and Happy
- - set PATH=C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\local\bin;%PATH%
- - ghc\hadrian\stack install --install-ghc alex happy > nul
- # Install all Hadrian and GHC build dependencies
- - cd ghc\hadrian
- - stack setup > nul
- - appveyor-retry stack exec -- pacman -S autoconf automake-wrapper make patch python3 tar --noconfirm
- # Build GHC
- - cd ..
- - hadrian\build -c -j --flavour=quickest --integer-simple --no-progress --progress-colour=never --profile=-
- # Test GHC binary
- - _build\stage1\bin\ghc -e 1+2
diff --git a/hadrian/circle.yml b/hadrian/circle.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0d97340e..0000000000
--- a/hadrian/circle.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- xcode:
- version: 8.0
- environment:
- MODE: --flavour=quickest --integer-simple
- override:
- - brew update
- - brew install ghc cabal-install python3
- - brew link ghc cabal-install python3
- - cabal update
- - cabal install alex 'happy >= 1.19.4' mtl shake QuickCheck
- cache_directories:
- - ~/.cabal
- - ~/.ghc
- - /usr/local/Cellar
- override:
- # Fetch GHC sources into ./ghc
- - git --version
- - git config --global url."git://".insteadOf git://
- - git clone --depth 1 --recursive git://
- # GHC comes with an older version of Hadrian, so we delete it
- - rm -rf ghc/hadrian/.git
- # move hadrian's .git into ./ghc/hadrian and perform a hard reset in order to regenerate Hadrian files
- - mv .git ghc/hadrian
- # NOTE: we must write them in the same line because each line
- # in CircleCI is a separate process, thus you can't "cd" for the other lines
- - cd ghc/hadrian; git reset --hard HEAD
- - cd ghc; ./boot && PATH=~/.cabal/bin:$PATH ./configure
- # XXX: export PATH doesn't work well either, so we use inline env
- # Self test
- - cd ghc; PATH=~/.cabal/bin:$PATH hadrian/ selftest
- # Build GHC
- - cd ghc; PATH=~/.cabal/bin:$PATH hadrian/ -j $MODE --no-progress --progress-colour=never --profile=-
- override:
- # Test GHC binary
- - ghc/_build/stage1/bin/ghc -e 1+2