diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2013-06-06 17:55:35 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2013-06-06 17:55:35 +0100
commitcfe92a8f8482a3c863c3bddc4be894b09fb972ff (patch)
parentc0e4eefe6b3642b61b2d64467a68733ccbe55fe9 (diff)
Remove old representation of CSEnv; part of #5996
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index 3cdf2a6d5c..00f704f7c8 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ module CoreUtils (
coreBindsSize, exprSize,
CoreStats(..), coreBindsStats,
- -- * Hashing
- hashExpr,
-- * Equality
cheapEqExpr, eqExpr, eqExprX,
@@ -70,8 +67,6 @@ import Maybes
import Platform
import Util
import Pair
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Bits
import Data.List
@@ -1519,81 +1514,6 @@ altSize (c,bs,e) = c `seq` bndrsSize bs + exprSize e
%* *
-%* *
-hashExpr :: CoreExpr -> Int
--- ^ Two expressions that hash to the same @Int@ may be equal (but may not be)
--- Two expressions that hash to the different Ints are definitely unequal.
--- The emphasis is on a crude, fast hash, rather than on high precision.
--- But unequal here means \"not identical\"; two alpha-equivalent
--- expressions may hash to the different Ints.
--- We must be careful that @\\x.x@ and @\\y.y@ map to the same hash code,
--- (at least if we want the above invariant to be true).
-hashExpr e = fromIntegral (hash_expr (1,emptyVarEnv) e .&. 0x7fffffff)
- -- UniqFM doesn't like negative Ints
-type HashEnv = (Int, VarEnv Int) -- Hash code for bound variables
-hash_expr :: HashEnv -> CoreExpr -> Word32
--- Word32, because we're expecting overflows here, and overflowing
--- signed types just isn't cool. In C it's even undefined.
-hash_expr env (Tick _ e) = hash_expr env e
-hash_expr env (Cast e _) = hash_expr env e
-hash_expr env (Var v) = hashVar env v
-hash_expr _ (Lit lit) = fromIntegral (hashLiteral lit)
-hash_expr env (App f e) = hash_expr env f * fast_hash_expr env e
-hash_expr env (Let (NonRec b r) e) = hash_expr (extend_env env b) e * fast_hash_expr env r
-hash_expr env (Let (Rec ((b,_):_)) e) = hash_expr (extend_env env b) e
-hash_expr _ (Let (Rec []) _) = panic "hash_expr: Let (Rec []) _"
-hash_expr env (Case e _ _ _) = hash_expr env e
-hash_expr env (Lam b e) = hash_expr (extend_env env b) e
-hash_expr env (Coercion co) = fast_hash_co env co
-hash_expr _ (Type _) = WARN(True, text "hash_expr: type") 1
--- Shouldn't happen. Better to use WARN than trace, because trace
--- prevents the CPR optimisation kicking in for hash_expr.
-fast_hash_expr :: HashEnv -> CoreExpr -> Word32
-fast_hash_expr env (Var v) = hashVar env v
-fast_hash_expr env (Type t) = fast_hash_type env t
-fast_hash_expr env (Coercion co) = fast_hash_co env co
-fast_hash_expr _ (Lit lit) = fromIntegral (hashLiteral lit)
-fast_hash_expr env (Cast e _) = fast_hash_expr env e
-fast_hash_expr env (Tick _ e) = fast_hash_expr env e
-fast_hash_expr env (App _ a) = fast_hash_expr env a -- A bit idiosyncratic ('a' not 'f')!
-fast_hash_expr _ _ = 1
-fast_hash_type :: HashEnv -> Type -> Word32
-fast_hash_type env ty
- | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe ty = hashVar env tv
- | Just (tc,tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = let hash_tc = fromIntegral (hashName (tyConName tc))
- in foldr (\t n -> fast_hash_type env t + n) hash_tc tys
- | otherwise = 1
-fast_hash_co :: HashEnv -> Coercion -> Word32
-fast_hash_co env co
- | Just cv <- getCoVar_maybe co = hashVar env cv
- | Just (tc,cos) <- splitTyConAppCo_maybe co = let hash_tc = fromIntegral (hashName (tyConName tc))
- in foldr (\c n -> fast_hash_co env c + n) hash_tc cos
- | otherwise = 1
-extend_env :: HashEnv -> Var -> (Int, VarEnv Int)
-extend_env (n,env) b = (n+1, extendVarEnv env b n)
-hashVar :: HashEnv -> Var -> Word32
-hashVar (_,env) v
- = fromIntegral (lookupVarEnv env v `orElse` hashName (idName v))
-%* *
Eta reduction
%* *
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
index 2f92708de2..1d9ef45f7f 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
@@ -8,23 +8,6 @@ module CSE (cseProgram) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
--- Note [Keep old CSEnv rep]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- Temporarily retain code for the old representation for CSEnv
--- Keeping it only so that we can switch back if a bug shows up
--- or we want to do some performance comparisions
--- NB: when you remove this, also delete hashExpr from CoreUtils
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsBig, hashExpr, eqExpr )
-import StaticFlags ( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
-import Util ( lengthExceeds )
-import UniqFM
-import FastString
-import TrieMap
import CoreSubst
import Var ( Var )
import Id ( Id, idType, idInlineActivation, zapIdOccInfo )
@@ -34,6 +17,7 @@ import Type ( tyConAppArgs )
import CoreSyn
import Outputable
import BasicTypes ( isAlwaysActive )
+import TrieMap
import Data.List
@@ -290,59 +274,6 @@ type OutExpr = CoreExpr -- Post-cloning
type OutBndr = CoreBndr
type OutAlt = CoreAlt
--- See Note [Keep old CsEnv rep]
-data CSEnv = CS { cs_map :: CSEMap
- , cs_subst :: Subst }
-type CSEMap = UniqFM [(OutExpr, OutExpr)] -- This is the reverse mapping
- -- It maps the hash-code of an expression e to list of (e,e') pairs
- -- This means that it's good to replace e by e'
- -- INVARIANT: The expr in the range has already been CSE'd
-emptyCSEnv :: CSEnv
-emptyCSEnv = CS { cs_map = emptyUFM, cs_subst = emptySubst }
-lookupCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
-lookupCSEnv (CS { cs_map = oldmap, cs_subst = sub}) expr
- = case lookupUFM oldmap (hashExpr expr) of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just pairs -> lookup_list pairs
- where
- in_scope = substInScope sub
- -- In this lookup we use full expression equality
- -- Reason: when expressions differ we generally find out quickly
- -- but I found that cheapEqExpr was saying (\x.x) /= (\y.y),
- -- and this kind of thing happened in real programs
- lookup_list :: [(OutExpr,OutExpr)] -> Maybe OutExpr
- lookup_list ((e,e'):es)
- | eqExpr in_scope e expr = Just e'
- | otherwise = lookup_list es
- lookup_list [] = Nothing
-addCSEnvItem :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
-addCSEnvItem env expr expr' | exprIsBig expr = env
- | otherwise = extendCSEnv env expr expr'
- -- We don't try to CSE big expressions, because they are expensive to compare
- -- (and are unlikely to be the same anyway)
-extendCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
-extendCSEnv cse@(CS { cs_map = oldmap }) expr expr'
- = cse { cs_map = addToUFM_C combine oldmap hash [(expr, expr')] }
- where
- hash = hashExpr expr
- combine old new
- = WARN( result `lengthExceeds` 4, short_msg $$ nest 2 long_msg ) result
- where
- result = new ++ old
- short_msg = ptext (sLit "extendCSEnv: long list, length") <+> int (length result)
- long_msg | opt_PprStyle_Debug = (text "hash code" <+> text (show hash)) $$ ppr result
- | otherwise = empty
------------- NEW ----------------
data CSEnv = CS { cs_map :: CoreMap (OutExpr, OutExpr) -- Key, value
, cs_subst :: Subst }
@@ -366,7 +297,6 @@ addCSEnvItem = extendCSEnv
extendCSEnv :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr -> CSEnv
extendCSEnv cse expr expr'
= cse { cs_map = extendCoreMap (cs_map cse) expr (expr,expr') }
csEnvSubst :: CSEnv -> Subst
csEnvSubst = cs_subst