diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2008-01-30 14:40:14 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2008-01-30 14:40:14 +0000
commitee4d8e97cc9605ca7219ae3ab9830a694629f4f0 (patch)
parent2859b53114d1307e9306940d36fa1bae0ad4934c (diff)
Fix warnings in deSugar/DsBinds
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 691ac841a2..6f4b4bb216 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -10,13 +10,6 @@ in that the @Rec@/@NonRec@/etc structure is thrown away (whereas at
lower levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- for details
module DsBinds ( dsTopLHsBinds, dsLHsBinds, decomposeRuleLhs,
@@ -90,7 +83,7 @@ dsHsBind :: AutoScc
-> HsBind Id
-> DsM [(Id,CoreExpr)] -- Result
-dsHsBind auto_scc rest (VarBind var expr) = do
+dsHsBind _ rest (VarBind var expr) = do
core_expr <- dsLExpr expr
-- Dictionary bindings are always VarMonoBinds, so
@@ -98,14 +91,14 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc rest (VarBind var expr) = do
core_expr' <- addDictScc var core_expr
return ((var, core_expr') : rest)
-dsHsBind auto_scc rest (FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun, fun_matches = matches,
+dsHsBind _ rest (FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun, fun_matches = matches,
fun_co_fn = co_fn, fun_tick = tick, fun_infix = inf }) = do
(args, body) <- matchWrapper (FunRhs (idName fun) inf) matches
body' <- mkOptTickBox tick body
rhs <- dsCoercion co_fn (return (mkLams args body'))
return ((fun,rhs) : rest)
-dsHsBind auto_scc rest (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty }) = do
+dsHsBind _ rest (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty }) = do
body_expr <- dsGuarded grhss ty
sel_binds <- mkSelectorBinds pat body_expr
return (sel_binds ++ rest)
@@ -148,7 +141,7 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc rest (AbsBinds [] [] exports binds)
-- Another common case: one exported variable
-- Non-recursive bindings come through this way
dsHsBind auto_scc rest
- (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts exports@[(tyvars, global, local, prags)] binds)
+ (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts [(tyvars, global, local, prags)] binds)
= ASSERT( all (`elem` tyvars) all_tyvars ) do
core_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
@@ -249,7 +242,7 @@ dsSpec :: [TyVar] -> [DictId] -> [TyVar]
-- It is *possible* that 'es' does not mention all of the dictionaries 'ds'
-- (a bit silly, because then the
-dsSpec all_tvs dicts tvs poly_id mono_id mono_bind (L _ (InlinePrag {}))
+dsSpec _ _ _ _ _ _ (L _ (InlinePrag {}))
= return Nothing
dsSpec all_tvs dicts tvs poly_id mono_id mono_bind
@@ -273,7 +266,7 @@ dsSpec all_tvs dicts tvs poly_id mono_id mono_bind
case mb_lhs of
Nothing -> do { warnDs decomp_msg; return Nothing }
- Just (var, args) -> do
+ Just (_, args) -> do
{ f_body <- fix_up (Let mono_bind (Var mono_id))
@@ -311,6 +304,7 @@ dsSpec all_tvs dicts tvs poly_id mono_id mono_bind
decomp_msg = hang (ptext SLIT("Specialisation too complicated to desugar; ignored"))
2 (ppr spec_expr)
+dsMkArbitraryType :: TcTyVar -> DsM Type
dsMkArbitraryType tv = mkArbitraryType warn tv
warn span msg = putSrcSpanDs span (warnDs msg)
@@ -365,16 +359,16 @@ decomposeRuleLhs lhs
= go emptyVarEnv (occurAnalyseExpr lhs) -- Occurrence analysis sorts out the dict
-- bindings so we know if they are recursive
- -- Substitute dicts in the LHS args, so that there
- -- aren't any lets getting in the way
- -- Note that we substitute the function too; we might have this as
- -- a LHS: let f71 = M.f Int in f71
+ -- Substitute dicts in the LHS args, so that there
+ -- aren't any lets getting in the way
+ -- Note that we substitute the function too; we might have this as
+ -- a LHS: let f71 = M.f Int in f71
go env (Let (NonRec dict rhs) body)
- = go (extendVarEnv env dict (simpleSubst env rhs)) body
+ = go (extendVarEnv env dict (simpleSubst env rhs)) body
go env body
- = case collectArgs (simpleSubst env body) of
- (Var fn, args) -> Just (fn, args)
- other -> Nothing
+ = case collectArgs (simpleSubst env body) of
+ (Var fn, args) -> Just (fn, args)
+ _ -> Nothing
simpleSubst :: IdEnv CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- Similar to CoreSubst.substExpr, except that
@@ -445,7 +439,8 @@ If profiling and dealing with a dict binding,
wrap the dict in @_scc_ DICT <dict>@:
-addDictScc var rhs = return rhs
+addDictScc :: Id -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
+addDictScc _ rhs = return rhs
{- DISABLED for now (need to somehow make up a name for the scc) -- SDM
| not ( opt_SccProfilingOn && opt_AutoSccsOnDicts)