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authorAndreas Klebinger <>2021-01-01 19:08:46 +0100
committerAndreas Klebinger <>2021-01-01 19:08:46 +0100
commit75e718d25532ef12be1e6f2aef68363eb360b049 (patch)
parent7179774686be99e72757ce47cc016e9de077e486 (diff)
Remove field info from latticewip/inferTagsSimple
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Analysis.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Analysis.hs
index 0c4e8a797f..a7f3663175 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Analysis.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Analysis.hs
@@ -408,16 +408,7 @@ mkJoinNode inputs = {-# SCC joinNode #-} do
-- | Compute the taggedness result of applying a constructor to the given arguments
-- *and* applying the strict field invariant. Marking all strict fields as tagged.
mkOutConLattice :: DataCon -> EnterInfo -> [EnterLattice] -> EnterLattice
-mkOutConLattice con outer fields
- | null fields = EnterLattice outer $ FieldsNone
- | conCount == 1 = EnterLattice outer $ FieldsProd out_fields
- | conCount > 1 = EnterLattice outer $ FieldsSum (Just con) out_fields
- | otherwise = panic "mkOutConLattice"
- where
- out_fields = mapStrictConArgs con (`setEnterInfo` NeverEnter) fields
- conCount = length (tyConDataCons $ dataConTyCon con)
+mkOutConLattice con outer fields = EnterLattice outer
type NodeArray = IOArray Int FlowNode
type FlagArray = IOUArray Int Bool
@@ -1039,7 +1030,7 @@ nodeRhs :: HasDebugCallStack => Module -> ContextStack -> TopLevelFlag
nodeRhs this_mod ctxt topFlag binding (StgRhsCon _ ccs con args)
| null args = do
-- pprTraceM "RhsConNullary" (ppr con <+> ppr node_id <+> ppr ctxt)
- let node = mkConstNode node_id (EnterLattice NeverEnter FieldsNone)
+ let node = mkConstNode node_id (EnterLattice NeverEnter)
(ppr binding <-> text "rhsConNullary")
markDone $ node
return $! (StgRhsCon (node_id,RhsCon) ccs con args)
@@ -1190,7 +1181,7 @@ nodeRhs this_mod ctxt _topFlag binding (StgRhsClosure _ext _ccs _flag args body)
, node_inputs = [body_id]
-- ^ We might infer things about nested fields once evaluated.
-- , node_done = False
- , node_result = EnterLattice enterInfo FieldsUndet
+ , node_result = EnterLattice enterInfo
, node_update = node_update node_id body_id
addNode notDone node
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Types.hs
index d282a7631b..bc8f96711e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/InferTags/Types.hs
@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ undetLat :: EnterLattice
maybeLat :: EnterLattice
noValue :: EnterLattice
neverEnterLat :: EnterLattice
-undetLat = EnterLattice UndetEnterInfo FieldsUndet
-maybeLat = EnterLattice MaybeEnter FieldsUnknown
-noValue = EnterLattice NoValue FieldsNone
-neverEnterLat = EnterLattice NeverEnter FieldsUndet
+undetLat = EnterLattice UndetEnterInfo
+maybeLat = EnterLattice MaybeEnter
+noValue = EnterLattice NoValue
+neverEnterLat = EnterLattice NeverEnter
-- | Encode if a node needs to be entered or is already evaluated.
data EnterInfo
@@ -557,110 +557,17 @@ See Note [The lattice element combinators] for details.
data EnterLattice = EnterLattice
{ enterInfo :: !EnterInfo
- , fieldInfo :: !FieldInfo
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)
instance Binary EnterLattice where
- put_ bh (EnterLattice enterInfo fieldInfo) = put_ bh enterInfo >> put_ bh fieldInfo
- get h = pure EnterLattice <*> B.get h <*> B.get h
--- Side note: Nullary constructors are assigned FieldsNone.
-data FieldInfo
- -- | Direct tail recursion, "phantom" fields.
- = FieldsNone
- -- | The associated value has up to (length fields) fields we know something
- -- about. But the actual value at runtime can have less fields! Or more fields!
- -- See Note [Lattice for tag analysis].
- | FieldsUntyped [EnterLattice]
- -- Product result with up to (length fields) fields we know something about.
- | FieldsProd [EnterLattice]
- -- Sum with constructor the fields came out of
- | FieldsSum !(Maybe DataCon) [EnterLattice]
- -- | At most we can say something about the tag of the value.
- -- The fields are impossible to known.
- | FieldsUnknown
- -- | We might find out more about the fields
- | FieldsUndet
- deriving (Generic)
-instance Eq FieldInfo where
- -- x == y
- -- | maybeEq x y == True
- FieldsNone == FieldsNone = True
- FieldsUnknown == FieldsUnknown = True
- FieldsUndet == FieldsUndet = True
- (FieldsSum mb_con1 flds1) == (FieldsSum mb_con2 flds2)
- = mb_con1 == mb_con2 && eqEnterLattices flds1 flds2
- (FieldsUntyped flds1) == (FieldsUntyped flds2)
- = eqEnterLattices flds1 flds2
- (FieldsProd flds1) == (FieldsProd flds2)
- = eqEnterLattices flds1 flds2
- _ == _ = False
--- Relying on Eq [a] ends up not specializing which is quite
--- bad for performance :( So I handwrote this after the obvious
--- attempts failed.
-eqEnterLattices :: [EnterLattice] -> [EnterLattice] -> Bool
-eqEnterLattices [] [] = True
-eqEnterLattices (x:xs) (y:ys) =
- x == y && eqEnterLattices xs ys
-eqEnterLattices _ _ = False
-instance NFData FieldInfo where
- rnf x = seq x ()
+ put_ bh (EnterLattice enterInfo) = put_ bh enterInfo
+ get h = pure EnterLattice <*> B.get h
instance Outputable EnterLattice where
- ppr (EnterLattice enterInfo fieldInfo)
- = ppr enterInfo <> text " x " <> ppr fieldInfo
-instance Outputable FieldInfo where
- ppr FieldsUnknown = text "bot"
- ppr (FieldsUntyped fields) = text "any" <> ppr fields
- ppr (FieldsProd fields) = text "prod" <> ppr fields
- ppr (FieldsSum con fields) = text "sum" <> char '<' <> ppr con <> char '>' <> ppr fields
- ppr FieldsNone = text "none"
- ppr FieldsUndet = text "undet"
-Note [FieldInfo Binary instance]
-TODO: Either put this info into interface files, or remove the instances.
+ ppr (EnterLattice enterInfo)
+ = ppr enterInfo
-Putting a data con into a interface file can cause non-trivial overhead
-as it involves type checking at load time among other things.
-So we convert all Sum field infos to untyped ones when serializing.
-We currently do not take advantage of the con info so this does not
-weaken the strength of the analysis.
-instance Binary FieldInfo where
- put_ bh FieldsNone = putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (FieldsUntyped fields) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh fields
- put_ bh (FieldsProd fields) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh fields
- -- We turn FieldSum into FieldsUntyped here,
- -- While losing precision it means we don't have to save the con
- put_ bh (FieldsSum _con fields) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh fields
- put_ bh FieldsUnknown = putByte bh 4
- put_ bh FieldsUndet = putByte bh 5
- get bh = do
- con <- getByte bh
- case con of
- 0 -> pure FieldsNone
- 1 -> pure FieldsUntyped <*> B.get bh
- 2 -> pure FieldsProd <*> B.get bh
- 3 -> panic "get:FieldInfo - invalid byte"
- 4 -> pure FieldsUnknown
- 5 -> pure FieldsUndet
- _ -> panic "get:FieldInfo - invalid byte"
-- lub
combineEnterInfo :: EnterInfo -> EnterInfo -> EnterInfo
@@ -675,103 +582,30 @@ combineEnterInfo NeverEnter NeverEnter = NeverEnter
combineEnterInfo NoValue x = x
combineEnterInfo x NoValue = x
-combineFieldsUntyped :: [EnterLattice] -> [EnterLattice] -> [EnterLattice]
-combineFieldsUntyped fields1 fields2 =
- go fields1 fields2
- where
- go (x:xs) (y:ys) = combineLattices x y : go xs ys
- go [] ys = ys
- go xs [] = xs
combineLattices :: EnterLattice -> EnterLattice -> EnterLattice
combineLattices x1 x2 | maybeEq x1 x2 || x1 == x2 = x1
-combineLattices (EnterLattice ei1 fi1) (EnterLattice ei2 fi2)
- = EnterLattice (combineEnterInfo ei1 ei2) (combineFieldInfos fi1 fi2)
-combineFieldInfos :: FieldInfo -> FieldInfo -> FieldInfo
-combineFieldInfos FieldsUndet _ = FieldsUndet
-combineFieldInfos _ FieldsUndet = FieldsUndet
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsUnknown) _ = FieldsUnknown
-combineFieldInfos _ (FieldsUnknown) = FieldsUnknown
-combineFieldInfos FieldsNone x = x
-combineFieldInfos x FieldsNone = x
--- Combine results of different constructors
--- See Note [Combining Branches]
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsProd fs1) (FieldsSum _ fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsSum _ fs1) (FieldsProd fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsSum c1 fs1) (FieldsSum c2 fs2)
- | c1 /= c2 = FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
- | otherwise = FieldsSum c1 $
- zipWithEqual "SumInfo:combine" combineLattices fs1 fs2
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsProd fs1) (FieldsProd fs2)
- | l1 == l2 = FieldsProd $ combined
- -- We might combine different types. See Note [Combining Branches]
- | otherwise = FieldsProd $ combined ++ tail
- where
- combined = zipWith combineLattices fs1 fs2
- tail
- | l1 < l2 = drop l1 fs2
- | l1 > l2 = drop l2 fs1
- | otherwise = panic "combineFieldInfos: impossible"
- !l1 = length fs1
- !l2 = length fs2
--- untyped v untyped
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsUntyped fs1) (FieldsUntyped fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
--- untyped v sum
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsSum _ fs1) (FieldsUntyped fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsUntyped fs1) (FieldsSum _ fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
--- untyped v prod
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsProd fs1) (FieldsUntyped fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
-combineFieldInfos (FieldsUntyped fs1) (FieldsProd fs2) =
- FieldsUntyped $ combineFieldsUntyped fs1 fs2
+combineLattices (EnterLattice ei1) (EnterLattice ei2)
+ = EnterLattice (combineEnterInfo ei1 ei2)
-- Utility functions to deal with lattices --
-- Lattice of which we know, and can only know, the outer layer.
flatLattice :: EnterInfo -> EnterLattice
-flatLattice x = EnterLattice x FieldsUnknown
+flatLattice x = EnterLattice x
-- Lattice where we know there are no inner values.
nullaryLattice :: EnterInfo -> EnterLattice
-nullaryLattice enterInfo = EnterLattice enterInfo FieldsNone
+nullaryLattice enterInfo = EnterLattice enterInfo
-- Set (outermost) enterInfo
setEnterInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => EnterLattice -> EnterInfo -> EnterLattice
-setEnterInfo lat@(EnterLattice enter fields) newEnter
+setEnterInfo lat@(EnterLattice enter ) newEnter
| enter == newEnter
= lat
- | otherwise = EnterLattice newEnter fields
--- Lookup nth-field of the returned valued.
--- Defaulting towards undetLat
--- Zero indexed
-indexField :: EnterLattice -> Int -> EnterLattice
-indexField lat n =
- case fieldInfo lat of
- FieldsUndet -> undetLat
- FieldsUnknown -> maybeLat
- FieldsNone -> noValue
- FieldsSum _ fields -> getField fields
- FieldsProd fields -> getField fields
- FieldsUntyped fields -> getField fields
- where
- getField fields =
- case drop n fields of
- -- We treat [] equal to [undetLat, undetLat, undetLat, ...]
- [] -> undetLat
- (x:_xs) -> x
+ | otherwise = EnterLattice newEnter
-- Returns true if the lattice element represents a known-tagged value.
hasOuterTag :: EnterLattice -> Bool
@@ -780,50 +614,16 @@ hasOuterTag lat = enterInfo lat == NeverEnter
-- We use these to stop iterating on nodes which are already at the bot of the lattice.
hasFinalFields :: EnterLattice -> Bool
-hasFinalFields lat =
- case (fieldInfo lat) of
- (FieldsUnknown ) -> True
- (FieldsNone ) -> False
- (FieldsUndet) -> False
- (FieldsProd fields) -> all isFinalValue fields
- (FieldsSum _ fields) -> all isFinalValue fields
- (FieldsUntyped fields) -> all isFinalValue fields
+hasFinalFields lat = True
isFinalValue :: EnterLattice -> Bool
isFinalValue lat = enterInfo lat == MaybeEnter && hasFinalFields lat
nestingLevelOver :: EnterLattice -> Int -> Bool
-nestingLevelOver lat depth
- | depth <= 0 = True
- | otherwise = case lat of
- EnterLattice _ fieldLattice ->
- case fieldLattice of
- FieldsProd fields -> any (`nestingLevelOver` (depth-1)) fields
- FieldsSum _ fields -> any (`nestingLevelOver` (depth-1)) fields
- FieldsUntyped fields -> any (`nestingLevelOver` (depth-1)) fields
- FieldsNone -> False
- FieldsUndet -> False
- FieldsUnknown -> False
+nestingLevelOver lat depth = False
widenToNestingLevel :: Int -> EnterLattice -> EnterLattice
-widenToNestingLevel n l
- | nestingLevelOver l n = -- pprTrace "capping" (ppr l) $
- widenToNestingLevel' n l
- | otherwise = l
-widenToNestingLevel' :: Int -> EnterLattice -> EnterLattice
-widenToNestingLevel' _ l@(EnterLattice _ FieldsUnknown ) = l
-widenToNestingLevel' _ l@(EnterLattice _ FieldsNone ) = l
-widenToNestingLevel' _ l@(EnterLattice _ FieldsUndet ) = l
-widenToNestingLevel' 0 _ = maybeLat
-widenToNestingLevel' n (EnterLattice e (FieldsProd fields)) =
- EnterLattice e (FieldsProd $! (map (widenToNestingLevel' (n-1)) fields))
-widenToNestingLevel' n (EnterLattice e (FieldsSum c fields)) =
- EnterLattice e (FieldsSum c $! map (widenToNestingLevel' (n-1)) fields)
-widenToNestingLevel' n (EnterLattice e (FieldsUntyped fields)) =
- EnterLattice e (FieldsUntyped $! map (widenToNestingLevel' (n-1)) fields)
+widenToNestingLevel n l = l
-- Node IDs are generally *just* uniques created during the creation
-- of the data flow graph.