diff options
authorSylvain Henry <>2022-06-13 13:30:42 +0200
committerdoyougnu <>2022-06-13 13:50:45 -0400
commit99f67f9a27bfe09f7f566211208231f3be295325 (patch)
parentb07fd6f31bb572c71f5dfeb8418d1a6775b0b9bd (diff)
Enhance and fix LinkerStats
Document and refactor renderLinker Split collectDeps Fix collectDeps Fix linker stats rendering
2 files changed, 115 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs
index 497ccb966f..f85273de03 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Linker.hs
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Driver.Env.Types
import GHC.Data.ShortText (ShortText)
import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as T
+import GHC.Data.FastString (unpackFS)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@@ -122,8 +124,7 @@ import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
, listDirectory
-import GHC.Driver.Session (targetWays_, settings, DynFlags(..), addGlobalInclude)
-import GHC.Settings (sTopDir)
+import GHC.Driver.Session (targetWays_, DynFlags(..), addGlobalInclude)
import GHC.Unit.Module.Name
import GHC.Unit.Module (moduleStableString)
import GHC.Utils.Logger (Logger)
@@ -131,19 +132,20 @@ import GHC.Utils.TmpFs (TmpFs)
import GHC.Linker.Static.Utils (exeFileName)
--- number of bytes linked per module
-type LinkerStats = Map Module Int64
+newtype LinkerStats = LinkerStats
+ { bytesPerModule :: Map Module Word64 -- ^ number of bytes linked per module
+ }
-- | result of a link pass
data LinkResult = LinkResult
- { linkOut :: BL.ByteString -- ^ compiled Haskell code
- , linkOutStats :: LinkerStats -- ^ statistics about generated code
- , linkOutMetaSize :: Int64 -- ^ size of packed metadata in generated code
- , linkForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef] -- ^ foreign code references in compiled haskell code
- , linkLibRTS :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load with the RTS
- , linkLibA :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load after RTS
- , linkLibAArch :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load from archives after RTS
- , linkBase :: Base -- ^ base metadata to use if we want to link incrementally against this result
+ { linkOut :: B.ByteString -- ^ compiled Haskell code
+ , linkOutStats :: LinkerStats -- ^ statistics about generated code
+ , linkOutMetaSize :: Int64 -- ^ size of packed metadata in generated code
+ , linkForeignRefs :: [ForeignJSRef] -- ^ foreign code references in compiled haskell code
+ , linkLibRTS :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load with the RTS
+ , linkLibA :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load after RTS
+ , linkLibAArch :: [FilePath] -- ^ library code to load from archives after RTS
+ , linkBase :: Base -- ^ base metadata to use if we want to link incrementally against this result
} deriving (Generic)
newtype ArchiveState = ArchiveState { loadedArchives :: IORef (Map FilePath Ar.Archive) }
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ link env lc_cfg cfg logger tmpfs dflags unit_env out include pkgs objFiles jsFil
jsExt | genBase = "base.js"
| otherwise = "js"
createDirectoryIfMissing False out
- BL.writeFile (out </> "out" <.> jsExt) (linkOut link_res)
+ B.writeFile (out </> "out" <.> jsExt) (linkOut link_res)
unless (lcOnlyOut lc_cfg) $ do
let frefsFile = if genBase then "out.base.frefs" else "out.frefs"
-- FIXME: Jeff (2022,03): GHCJS used Aeson to encode Foreign
@@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ link env lc_cfg cfg logger tmpfs dflags unit_env out include pkgs objFiles jsFil
-- Remove when all files are located via Cabal's js-sources
let is_js_file f = "js" `isExtensionOf` f || "pp" `isExtensionOf` f
static_rts_dir <- lookupEnv "JS_RTS_PATH" >>= \case
- Nothing -> pure []
+ Nothing -> error "JS_RTS_PATH env var not set: can't link the RTS!"
Just dir -> pure dir
static_rts_files <- (fmap (static_rts_dir </>) . filter is_js_file) <$> listDirectory static_rts_dir
@@ -229,10 +231,9 @@ link env lc_cfg cfg logger tmpfs dflags unit_env out include pkgs objFiles jsFil
&& not (usingBase lc_cfg)
$ do
- let top = sTopDir . settings $ dflags
- _ <- combineFiles lc_cfg top out
- writeHtml top out
- writeRunMain top out
+ _ <- combineFiles lc_cfg out
+ writeHtml out
+ writeRunMain out
writeRunner lc_cfg out
-- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-05): disabled for now
-- writeWebAppManifest top out
@@ -297,17 +298,26 @@ link' env lc_cfg cfg dflags logger unit_env target _include pkgs objFiles _jsFil
logInfo logger $ hang (text "Linking with archives:") 2 (vcat (fmap text pkgArchs))
- (allDeps, code) <-
- collectDeps (objDepsMap `M.union` archsDepsMap)
- (pkgs' ++ [homeUnitId (ue_unsafeHomeUnit $ unit_env)]) -- FIXME: dont use unsafe
- (baseUnits base)
- (roots `S.union` rds `S.union` extraStaticDeps)
- (archsRequiredUnits ++ objRequiredUnits)
+ -- compute dependencies
+ let dep_units = pkgs' ++ [homeUnitId (ue_unsafeHomeUnit $ unit_env)] -- FIXME: dont use unsafe
+ dep_map = objDepsMap `M.union` archsDepsMap
+ excluded_units = baseUnits base -- already linked units
+ dep_fun_roots = roots `S.union` rds `S.union` extraStaticDeps
+ dep_unit_roots = archsRequiredUnits ++ objRequiredUnits
+ all_deps <- getDeps (fmap fst dep_map) excluded_units dep_fun_roots dep_unit_roots
+ logInfo logger $ hang (text "Units to link:") 2 (vcat (fmap ppr dep_units))
+ -- logInfo logger $ hang (text "Dependency map:") 2 (ppr dep_map)
+ -- logInfo logger $ hang (text "All deps:") 2 (vcat (fmap ppr (S.toList all_deps)))
+ -- retrieve code for dependencies
+ code <- collectDeps dep_map dep_units all_deps
let (outJs, metaSize, compactorState, stats) =
renderLinker lc_cfg cfg (baseCompactorState base) rds code
base' = Base compactorState (nub $ basePkgs base ++ pkgs'')
- (allDeps `S.union` baseUnits base)
+ (all_deps `S.union` baseUnits base)
-- FIXME: (Sylvain, 2022-05): disabled because it comes from shims.
-- Just delete?
@@ -350,52 +360,76 @@ renderLinker
-> CompactorState
-> Set ExportedFun
-> [ModuleCode] -- ^ linked code per module
- -> (BL.ByteString, Int64, CompactorState, LinkerStats)
-renderLinker settings cfg renamerState rtsDeps code =
- let
- code_to_linked_unit c = LinkedUnit
- { lu_js_code = mc_js_code c
- , lu_closures = mc_closures c
- , lu_statics = mc_statics c
- }
- (_renamerState', compacted, meta) = compact settings cfg renamerState (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map code_to_linked_unit code)
- pe = (<>"\n") . show . pretty
- rendered = fmap pe compacted
- renderedMeta = pe meta
- renderedExports = concatMap T.unpack . filter (not . T.null) $ map mc_exports code
- mkStat c b = (mc_module c, BL.length . BLC.pack $ b)
- in ( BL.fromStrict $ BC.pack $ mconcat [mconcat rendered, renderedMeta, renderedExports]
- , BL.length $ BL.fromStrict $ BC.pack renderedMeta
- , renamerState
- , M.fromList $ zipWith mkStat code rendered
- )
+ -> (B.ByteString, Int64, CompactorState, LinkerStats)
+renderLinker settings cfg renamer_state rtsDeps code =
+ ( rendered_all
+ , meta_length
+ , renamer_state'
+ , stats
+ )
+ where
+ -- extract ModuleCode fields required to make a LinkedUnit
+ code_to_linked_unit c = LinkedUnit
+ { lu_js_code = mc_js_code c
+ , lu_closures = mc_closures c
+ , lu_statics = mc_statics c
+ }
+ -- call the compactor
+ (renamer_state', compacted, meta) = compact settings cfg renamer_state
+ (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps)
+ (map code_to_linked_unit code)
+ -- render result into JS code
+ rendered_all = mconcat [mconcat rendered_mods, rendered_meta, rendered_exports]
+ rendered_mods = fmap render_js compacted
+ rendered_meta = render_js meta
+ render_js = BC.pack . (<>"\n") . show . pretty
+ -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-06): this must be utterly slow.
+ -- Replace with something faster.
+ rendered_exports = BC.pack . concatMap T.unpack . filter (not . T.null) $ map mc_exports code
+ -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-06): this must also be utterly slow.
+ -- Replace with something faster.
+ meta_length = fromIntegral (BC.length rendered_meta)
+ -- make LinkerStats entry for the given ModuleCode.
+ -- For now, only associate generated code size in bytes to each module
+ mk_stat c b = (mc_module c, fromIntegral . BC.length $ b)
+ stats = LinkerStats $ M.fromList $ zipWith mk_stat code rendered_mods
+-- | Render linker stats
linkerStats :: Int64 -- ^ code size of packed metadata
-> LinkerStats -- ^ code size per module
-> String
linkerStats meta s =
- intercalate "\n\n" [packageStats, moduleStats, metaStats] <> "\n\n"
+ -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-06): this function shouldn't use String. Use faster Doc
+ -- pretty-printing instead
+ intercalate "\n\n" [meta_stats, package_stats, module_stats] <> "\n\n"
- ps = M.fromListWith (+) . map (\(m,s) -> (moduleName m,s)) . M.toList $ s
+ meta_stats = "number of modules: " <> show (length bytes_per_mod)
+ <> "\npacked metadata: " <> show meta
+ bytes_per_mod = M.toList $ bytesPerModule s
+ show_unit (UnitId fs) = unpackFS fs
+ ps :: Map UnitId Word64
+ ps = M.fromListWith (+) . map (\(m,s) -> (moduleUnitId m,s)) $ bytes_per_mod
pad :: Int -> String -> String
pad n t = let l = length t
in if l < n then t <> replicate (n-l) ' ' else t
- pkgMods :: [[(Module,Int64)]]
- pkgMods = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) (M.toList s)
+ pkgMods :: [[(Module,Word64)]]
+ pkgMods = groupBy ((==) `on` (moduleUnitId . fst)) bytes_per_mod
- showMod :: (Module, Int64) -> String
- showMod (m,s) = pad 40 (" " <> moduleStableString m <> ":") <> show s
+ showMod :: (Module, Word64) -> String
+ showMod (m,s) = pad 40 (" " <> moduleStableString m <> ":") <> show s <> "\n"
- packageStats :: String
- packageStats = "code size summary per package:\n\n"
- <> concatMap (\(p,s) -> pad 25 (show p <> ":") <> show s) (M.toList ps)
+ package_stats :: String
+ package_stats = "code size summary per package (in bytes):\n\n"
+ <> concatMap (\(p,s) -> pad 25 (show_unit p <> ":") <> show s <> "\n") (M.toList ps)
- moduleStats :: String
- moduleStats = "code size per module:\n\n" <> unlines (map (concatMap showMod) pkgMods)
+ module_stats :: String
+ module_stats = "code size per module (in bytes):\n\n" <> unlines (map (concatMap showMod) pkgMods)
- metaStats :: String
- metaStats = "packed metadata: " <> show meta
splitPath' :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
splitPath' = map (filter (`notElem` ("/\\"::String))) . splitPath
@@ -422,10 +456,9 @@ getShims = panic "Panic from getShims: Shims not implemented! no to shims!"
directly with node.js or SpiderMonkey jsshell
combineFiles :: JSLinkConfig
- -> FilePath -- ^ top level dir
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
-combineFiles cfg top fp = do
+combineFiles cfg fp = do
files <- mapM (B.readFile.(fp</>)) ["rts.js", "lib.js", "out.js"]
let runMain
| lcNoHsMain cfg = mempty
@@ -433,15 +466,14 @@ combineFiles cfg top fp = do
writeBinaryFile (fp</>"all.js") (mconcat (files ++ [runMain]))
-- | write the index.html file that loads the program if it does not exit
-writeHtml :: FilePath -- ^ top level library directory
- -> FilePath -- ^ output directory
- -> IO ()
-writeHtml top out = do
+ :: FilePath -- ^ output directory
+ -> IO ()
+writeHtml out = do
+ let htmlFile = out </> "index.html"
e <- doesFileExist htmlFile
unless e $
B.writeFile htmlFile templateHtml
- where
- htmlFile = out </> "index.html"
templateHtml :: B.ByteString
@@ -460,15 +492,14 @@ templateHtml =
-- | write the runmain.js file that will be run with defer so that it runs after
-- index.html is loaded
-writeRunMain :: FilePath -- ^ top level library directory
- -> FilePath -- ^ output directory
- -> IO ()
-writeRunMain top out = do
+ :: FilePath -- ^ output directory
+ -> IO ()
+writeRunMain out = do
+ let runMainFile = out </> "runmain.js"
e <- doesFileExist runMainFile
unless e $
B.writeFile runMainFile runMainJS
- where
- runMainFile = out </> "runmain.js"
runMainJS :: B.ByteString
runMainJS = "h$main(h$mainZCZCMainzimain);\n"
@@ -587,31 +618,26 @@ getDeps loaded_deps base fun startlu = go' S.empty (S.fromList startlu) (S.toLis
-- | collect dependencies for a set of roots
collectDeps :: Map Module (Deps, DepsLocation) -- ^ Dependency map
-> [UnitId] -- ^ packages, code linked in this order
- -> Set LinkableUnit -- ^ do not include these
- -> Set ExportedFun -- ^ roots
- -> [LinkableUnit] -- ^ more roots
- -> IO ( Set LinkableUnit
- , [ModuleCode]
- )
-collectDeps mod_deps packages base roots units = do
- allDeps <- getDeps (fmap fst mod_deps) base roots units
+ -> Set LinkableUnit -- ^ All dependencides
+ -> IO [ModuleCode]
+collectDeps mod_deps packages all_deps = do
-- read ghc-prim first, since we depend on that for static initialization
let packages' = uncurry (++) $ partition (== primUnitId) (nub packages)
units_by_module :: Map Module IntSet
units_by_module = M.fromListWith IS.union $
- map (\(m,n) -> (m, IS.singleton n)) (S.toList allDeps)
+ map (\(m,n) -> (m, IS.singleton n)) (S.toList all_deps)
mod_deps_bypkg :: Map UnitId [(Deps, DepsLocation)]
- mod_deps_bypkg = M.mapKeys moduleUnitId
- $ M.fromListWith (++)
- (map (\(m,v) -> (m,[v])) (M.toList mod_deps))
+ mod_deps_bypkg = M.fromListWith (++)
+ (map (\(m,v) -> (moduleUnitId m,[v])) (M.toList mod_deps))
ar_state <- emptyArchiveState
code <- fmap (catMaybes . concat) . forM packages' $ \pkg ->
mapM (uncurry $ extractDeps ar_state units_by_module)
(fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup pkg mod_deps_bypkg)
- return (allDeps, code)
+ return code
extractDeps :: ArchiveState
-> Map Module IntSet
@@ -673,7 +699,7 @@ readArObject ar_state mod ar_file = do
= False
-- XXX this shouldn't be an exception probably
- pure $ maybe (error $ "could not find object for module "
+ pure $! maybe (error $ "could not find object for module "
++ moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
++ " in "
++ ar_file)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
index 6a9d2c8064..c599496381 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Object.hs
@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ data DepsLocation = ObjectFile FilePath -- ^ In an object file at pat
| InMemory String ByteString -- ^ In memory
deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable DepsLocation where
+ ppr x = text (show x)
data BlockDeps = BlockDeps
{ blockBlockDeps :: [Int] -- ^ dependencies on blocks in this object
, blockFunDeps :: [ExportedFun] -- ^ dependencies on exported symbols in other objects