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authorPepe Iborra <>2007-07-11 09:20:06 +0000
committerPepe Iborra <>2007-07-11 09:20:06 +0000
commit2bddda56b20a61bf6b75a7b5b0857adb7a207849 (patch)
parentbf2f000a552e025ec156010d52aee282bdfcf7a4 (diff)
Add a max depth bound to the bfs implementation in cvReconstructType,
to avoid looping when reconstructing insufficiently evaluated, circular structures
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index b28981da38..19403aeea2 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -539,14 +539,15 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
-- Fast, breadth-first Type reconstruction
+max_depth = 10 :: Int
cvReconstructType :: HscEnv -> Bool -> Maybe Type -> HValue -> IO Type
cvReconstructType hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
tv <- liftM mkTyVarTy (newVar argTypeKind)
case mb_ty of
- Nothing -> do search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType tv)
- (uncurry go)
- [(tv, hval)]
+ Nothing -> do search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType tv)
+ (uncurry go)
+ [(tv, hval)]
+ max_depth
zonkTcType tv -- TODO untested!
Just ty | isMonomorphic ty -> return ty
Just ty -> do
@@ -555,12 +556,16 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType tv)
(uncurry go)
[(tv, hval)]
+ max_depth
substTy rev_subst `fmap` zonkTcType tv
-- search :: m Bool -> ([a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> m ()
- search stop expand [] = return ()
- search stop expand (x:xx) = do new <- expand x
- unlessM stop $ search stop expand (xx ++ new)
+ search stop expand [] depth = return ()
+ search stop expand x 0 = fail$ "Failed to reconstruct a type after " ++
+ show max_depth ++ " steps"
+ search stop expand (x:xx) d = do
+ new <- expand x
+ unlessM stop $ search stop expand (xx ++ new) $! (pred d)
-- returns unification tasks,since we are going to want a breadth-first search
go :: Type -> HValue -> TR [(Type, HValue)]
@@ -583,10 +588,8 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
let myType = mkFunTys subTtypes tv
(signatureType,_) <- instScheme(dataConRepType dc)
addConstraint myType signatureType
- return $ map (\(I# i#,t) -> case ptrs clos of
- (Array _ _ ptrs#) -> case indexArray# ptrs# i# of
- (# e #) -> (t,e))
- (drop extra_args $ zip [0..] subTtypes)
+ return $ [ appArr (\e->(t,e)) (ptrs clos) i
+ | (i,t) <- drop extra_args $ zip [0..] subTtypes]
otherwise -> return []