diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2016-01-07 14:53:43 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2016-01-08 08:49:26 +0000
commit09425cbe4fb93ac3af4932937478d46972ecf91f (patch)
parent6be09e884730f19da6c24fc565980f515300e53c (diff)
Support for qRecover in TH with -fexternal-interpreter
Summary: This completes the support for TH with -fexternal-interpreter. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: bgamari, ezyang, austin, niteria, goldfire, erikd Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #11100
5 files changed, 92 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hs b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hs
index 0677240522..11b30fd13c 100644
--- a/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/ErrUtils.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module ErrUtils (
-- * Messages
MsgDoc, ErrMsg, ErrDoc, errDoc, WarnMsg,
Messages, ErrorMessages, WarningMessages,
+ unionMessages,
errMsgSpan, errMsgContext,
errorsFound, isEmptyMessages,
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ module ErrUtils (
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Bag ( Bag, bagToList, isEmptyBag, emptyBag )
+import Bag
import Exception
import Outputable
import Panic
@@ -100,6 +101,10 @@ type Messages = (WarningMessages, ErrorMessages)
type WarningMessages = Bag WarnMsg
type ErrorMessages = Bag ErrMsg
+unionMessages :: Messages -> Messages -> Messages
+unionMessages (warns1, errs1) (warns2, errs2) =
+ (warns1 `unionBags` warns2, errs1 `unionBags` errs2)
data ErrMsg = ErrMsg {
errMsgSpan :: SrcSpan,
errMsgContext :: PrintUnqualified,
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
index 7ce60bc852..f55f5dd548 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
@@ -722,18 +722,17 @@ warnIf True msg = addWarn msg
warnIf False _ = return ()
addMessages :: Messages -> TcRn ()
-addMessages (m_warns, m_errs)
+addMessages msgs1
= do { errs_var <- getErrsVar ;
- (warns, errs) <- readTcRef errs_var ;
- writeTcRef errs_var (warns `unionBags` m_warns,
- errs `unionBags` m_errs) }
+ msgs0 <- readTcRef errs_var ;
+ writeTcRef errs_var (unionMessages msgs0 msgs1) }
discardWarnings :: TcRn a -> TcRn a
-- Ignore warnings inside the thing inside;
-- used to ignore-unused-variable warnings inside derived code
discardWarnings thing_inside
= do { errs_var <- getErrsVar
- ; (old_warns, _) <- readTcRef errs_var ;
+ ; (old_warns, _) <- readTcRef errs_var
; result <- thing_inside
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
index cdb47901c0..d24de8bae0 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ finishTH = do
Just fhv -> do
liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \rhv ->
writeIServ i (putMessage (FinishTH rhv))
- () <- runRemoteTH i
+ () <- runRemoteTH i []
writeTcRef (tcg_th_remote_state tcg) Nothing
runTHExp :: ForeignHValue -> TcM TH.Exp
@@ -949,22 +949,68 @@ runTH ty fhv = do
withForeignRef rstate $ \state_hv ->
withForeignRef fhv $ \q_hv ->
writeIServ i (putMessage (RunTH state_hv q_hv ty (Just loc)))
- bs <- runRemoteTH i
+ bs <- runRemoteTH i []
return $! runGet get (LB.fromStrict bs)
-- | communicate with a remotely-running TH computation until it
-- finishes and returns a result.
-runRemoteTH :: Binary a => IServ -> TcM a
-runRemoteTH iserv = do
+ :: Binary a
+ => IServ
+ -> [Messages] -- saved from nested calls to qRecover
+ -> TcM a
+runRemoteTH iserv recovers = do
Msg msg <- liftIO $ readIServ iserv getMessage
case msg of
QDone -> liftIO $ readIServ iserv get
QException str -> liftIO $ throwIO (ErrorCall str)
QFail str -> fail str
+ StartRecover -> do -- Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ v <- getErrsVar
+ msgs <- readTcRef v
+ writeTcRef v emptyMessages
+ runRemoteTH iserv (msgs : recovers)
+ EndRecover caught_error -> do
+ v <- getErrsVar
+ let (prev_msgs, rest) = case recovers of
+ [] -> panic "EndRecover"
+ a : b -> (a,b)
+ if caught_error
+ then writeTcRef v prev_msgs
+ else updTcRef v (unionMessages prev_msgs)
+ runRemoteTH iserv rest
_other -> do
r <- handleTHMessage msg
liftIO $ writeIServ iserv (put r)
- runRemoteTH iserv
+ runRemoteTH iserv recovers
+{- Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+Recover is slightly tricky to implement.
+The meaning of "recover a b" is
+ - Do a
+ - If it finished successfully, then keep the messages it generated
+ - If it failed, discard any messages it generated, and do b
+The messages are managed by GHC in the TcM monad, whereas the
+exception-handling is done in the ghc-iserv process, so we have to
+coordinate between the two.
+On the server:
+ - emit a StartRecover message
+ - run "a" inside a catch
+ - if it finishes, emit EndRecover False
+ - if it fails, emit EndRecover True, then run "b"
+Back in GHC, when we receive:
+ StartRecover
+ save the current messages and start with an empty set.
+ EndRecover caught_error
+ Restore the previous messages,
+ and merge in the new messages if caught_error is false.
getTHState :: IServ -> TcM (ForeignRef (IORef QState))
getTHState i = do
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
index 59d6483089..4bc2d25b66 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ data Message a where
IsExtEnabled :: Extension -> Message (THResult Bool)
ExtsEnabled :: Message (THResult [Extension])
+ StartRecover :: Message ()
+ EndRecover :: Bool -> Message ()
-- Template Haskell return values
-- | RunTH finished successfully; return value follows
@@ -347,8 +350,10 @@ getMessage = do
43 -> Msg <$> AddTopDecls <$> get
44 -> Msg <$> (IsExtEnabled <$> get)
45 -> Msg <$> return ExtsEnabled
- 46 -> Msg <$> return QDone
- 47 -> Msg <$> QException <$> get
+ 46 -> Msg <$> return StartRecover
+ 47 -> Msg <$> EndRecover <$> get
+ 48 -> Msg <$> return QDone
+ 49 -> Msg <$> QException <$> get
_ -> Msg <$> QFail <$> get
putMessage :: Message a -> Put
@@ -399,9 +404,11 @@ putMessage m = case m of
AddTopDecls a -> putWord8 43 >> put a
IsExtEnabled a -> putWord8 44 >> put a
ExtsEnabled -> putWord8 45
- QDone -> putWord8 46
- QException a -> putWord8 47 >> put a
- QFail a -> putWord8 48 >> put a
+ StartRecover -> putWord8 46
+ EndRecover a -> putWord8 47 >> put a
+ QDone -> putWord8 48
+ QException a -> putWord8 49 >> put a
+ QFail a -> putWord8 50 >> put a
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reading/writing messages
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs
index 799bd6261b..2c7a50172c 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs
@@ -81,27 +81,28 @@ ghcCmd m = GHCiQ $ \s -> do
instance TH.Quasi GHCiQ where
qNewName str = ghcCmd (NewName str)
qReport isError msg = ghcCmd (Report isError msg)
- qRecover = undefined
- qRecover (GHCiQ h) (GHCiQ a) = GHCiQ $ \s -> do
- let r :: Bool -> IO ()
- r b = do EndRecover' <- sendRequest (EndRecover b)
- return ()
- StartRecover' <- sendRequest StartRecover
- (a s >>= \s' -> r False >> return s') `E.catch`
- \(GHCiQException s' _ _) -> r True >> h s
+ -- See Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter] in TcSplice
+ qRecover (GHCiQ h) (GHCiQ a) = GHCiQ $ \s -> (do
+ remoteCall (qsPipe s) StartRecover
+ (r, s') <- a s
+ remoteCall (qsPipe s) (EndRecover False)
+ return (r,s'))
+ `catch`
+ \GHCiQException{} -> remoteCall (qsPipe s) (EndRecover True) >> h s
qLookupName isType occ = ghcCmd (LookupName isType occ)
qReify name = ghcCmd (Reify name)
qReifyFixity name = ghcCmd (ReifyFixity name)
qReifyInstances name tys = ghcCmd (ReifyInstances name tys)
qReifyRoles name = ghcCmd (ReifyRoles name)
- -- To reify annotations, we send GHC the AnnLookup and also the TypeRep of the
- -- thing we're looking for, to avoid needing to serialize irrelevant annotations.
+ -- To reify annotations, we send GHC the AnnLookup and also the
+ -- TypeRep of the thing we're looking for, to avoid needing to
+ -- serialize irrelevant annotations.
qReifyAnnotations :: forall a . Data a => TH.AnnLookup -> GHCiQ [a]
qReifyAnnotations lookup =
- map (deserializeWithData . B.unpack) <$> ghcCmd (ReifyAnnotations lookup typerep)
+ map (deserializeWithData . B.unpack) <$>
+ ghcCmd (ReifyAnnotations lookup typerep)
where typerep = typeOf (undefined :: a)
qReifyModule m = ghcCmd (ReifyModule m)
@@ -149,11 +150,12 @@ runTH pipe rstate rhv ty mb_loc = do
THAnnWrapper -> do
hv <- unsafeCoerce <$> localRef rhv
case hv :: AnnotationWrapper of
- AnnotationWrapper thing ->
- return $! LB.toStrict (runPut (put (toSerialized serializeWithData thing)))
+ AnnotationWrapper thing -> return $!
+ LB.toStrict (runPut (put (toSerialized serializeWithData thing)))
-runTHQ :: Binary a => Pipe -> RemoteRef (IORef QState) -> Maybe TH.Loc -> TH.Q a
- -> IO ByteString
+ :: Binary a => Pipe -> RemoteRef (IORef QState) -> Maybe TH.Loc -> TH.Q a
+ -> IO ByteString
runTHQ pipe@Pipe{..} rstate mb_loc ghciq = do
qstateref <- localRef rstate
qstate <- readIORef qstateref