diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2022-01-30 08:16:32 -0500
committerMatthew Pickering <>2022-02-06 22:39:40 +0000
commitd7024035d3d3ed828b4db8733f36e20e33000ad1 (patch)
parentc9b26a341bc09a2e9fa93200b762755b0edaa9dc (diff)
notes-util: initial commit
6 files changed, 1144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/Main.hs b/utils/notes-util/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d685001d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Process
+import System.Environment
+import Notes
+usage :: IO a
+usage = do
+ putStrLn $ unlines
+ [ "usage:"
+ , " ghc-notes <mode>"
+ , " ghc-notes <mode> @<response-file>"
+ , " ghc-notes <mode> <file>"
+ , ""
+ , "valid modes:"
+ , " dump dump all Note definitions and references"
+ , " defs dump all Note definitions"
+ , " refs dump all Note references"
+ , " unreferenced dump all unreferenced Note definitions"
+ , " broken-refs dump all references to missing Notes"
+ ]
+ fail "invalid usage"
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs
+ let printNoteDefs = putStrLn . unlines . map showNoteDef
+ printNoteRefs = putStrLn . unlines . map showNoteRef
+ parseMode :: String -> Maybe (NoteDb -> IO ())
+ parseMode "dump" = Just $ putStrLn . showNoteDb
+ parseMode "unreferenced" = Just $ printNoteDefs . S.toList . unreferencedNotes
+ parseMode "defs" = Just $ printNoteDefs . allNoteDefs
+ parseMode "refs" = Just $ printNoteRefs . allNoteRefs
+ parseMode "broken-refs" = Just $ printNoteRefs . brokenNoteRefs
+ parseMode _ = Nothing
+ (mode, files) <- case args of
+ [mode, "@-"] -> do
+ files <- lines <$> getContents
+ return (parseMode mode, files)
+ [mode, '@':respFile] -> do
+ files <- lines <$> readFile respFile
+ return (parseMode mode, files)
+ [mode] -> do
+ files <- lines <$> readProcess "git" ["ls-tree", "--name-only", "-r", "HEAD"] ""
+ return (parseMode mode, files)
+ _ -> usage
+ case mode of
+ Just run -> filesNotes files >>= run
+ Nothing -> return ()
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/Notes.hs b/utils/notes-util/Notes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f27b483536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/Notes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Notes where
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Foldable
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+data SrcLoc = SrcLoc { fileName :: FilePath
+ , row :: !Int
+ , column :: !Int
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+showSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> String
+showSrcLoc loc =
+ concat [fileName loc, ":", show (row loc), ":", show (column loc), ":"]
+newtype NoteName = NoteName T.Text
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+showNoteName :: NoteName -> String
+showNoteName (NoteName x) = "Note [" <> T.unpack x <> "]"
+data NoteDef = NoteDef { noteDefSrcLoc :: !SrcLoc
+ , noteDefName :: !NoteName
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+showNoteDef :: NoteDef -> String
+showNoteDef (NoteDef{noteDefSrcLoc=loc, noteDefName=name}) =
+ "def " <> showSrcLoc loc <> " " <> showNoteName name
+data NoteRef = NoteRef { noteRefSrcLoc :: !SrcLoc
+ , noteRefName :: !NoteName
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+showNoteRef :: NoteRef -> String
+showNoteRef (NoteRef{noteRefSrcLoc=loc, noteRefName=name}) =
+ "ref " <> showSrcLoc loc <> " " <> showNoteName name
+findNotes :: FilePath -> T.Text -> [Either NoteRef NoteDef]
+findNotes fname t =
+ go 1 (T.lines t)
+ where
+ go :: Int -> [T.Text] -> [Either NoteRef NoteDef]
+ -- Note definitions:
+ -- We look for a "Note [" token with a "~~~" rule beneath it.
+ go !lineNo (l0 : l1 : ls)
+ | hasRule = Right (NoteDef srcLoc name) : go (lineNo+2) ls
+ where
+ (prefix, rest) = T.breakOn "Note [" l0
+ startCol = T.length prefix
+ hasRule = T.take 3 (T.drop startCol l1) == "~~~"
+ srcLoc = SrcLoc fname lineNo startCol
+ name = NoteName $ T.takeWhile (/= ']') $ T.drop 6 rest
+ -- Note references:
+ -- We look for a "Note [...]", strip away any beginning-of-line
+ -- comment symbols, and merge whitespace.
+ go lineNo (l0 : ls) =
+ [ Left (NoteRef srcLoc (NoteName name))
+ | (prefix, rest) <- T.breakOnAll "Note [" l0
+ , let startCol = T.length prefix
+ srcLoc = SrcLoc fname lineNo startCol
+ (name, suffix) = T.breakOn "]" (T.drop 6 rest<>" "<>T.concat (map stripBeginningOfLineComment $ take 1 ls))
+ , "]" `T.isPrefixOf` suffix
+ ] ++ go (lineNo+1) ls
+ go _lineNo [] = []
+stripBeginningOfLineComment :: T.Text -> T.Text
+stripBeginningOfLineComment = T.pack . go . T.unpack
+ where
+ -- This implements the following regular expression substitution:
+ --
+ -- s/$ *[(\-\- )\#( \* )] */ /
+ go :: String -> String
+ go ('#':rest) = finish rest
+ go ('-':'-':rest) = finish rest
+ go (' ':'*':rest) = finish rest
+ go ('/':'/':rest) = finish rest
+ go (' ':rest) = go rest
+ go xs = finish xs
+ finish :: String -> String
+ finish = dropWhile (==' ')
+data NoteDb = NoteDb { noteRefs :: M.Map FilePath (S.Set NoteRef)
+ , noteDefs :: M.Map NoteName (S.Set NoteDef)
+ }
+instance Monoid NoteDb where
+ mempty = NoteDb M.empty M.empty
+instance Semigroup NoteDb where
+ NoteDb a b <> NoteDb c d =
+ NoteDb (M.unionWith (<>) a c) (M.unionWith (<>) b d)
+allNoteDefs :: NoteDb -> [NoteDef]
+allNoteDefs db =
+ [ def
+ | defs <- M.elems (noteDefs db)
+ , def <- S.toList defs
+ ]
+allNoteRefs :: NoteDb -> [NoteRef]
+allNoteRefs db =
+ [ ref
+ | (_fname, refs) <- M.toList (noteRefs db)
+ , ref <- S.toList refs
+ ]
+showNoteDb :: NoteDb -> String
+showNoteDb db = unlines $
+ map showNoteRef (allNoteRefs db)
+ ++
+ map showNoteDef (allNoteDefs db)
+filesNotes :: [FilePath]
+ -> IO NoteDb
+filesNotes = fmap mconcat . mapM fileNotes
+fileNotes :: FilePath -> IO NoteDb
+fileNotes fname = do
+ is_file <- doesFileExist fname
+ if is_file
+ then do
+ bs <- BS.readFile fname
+ return $ case T.decodeUtf8' bs of
+ Left _ -> mempty
+ Right t ->
+ let (refs, defs) = partitionEithers (findNotes fname t)
+ in NoteDb
+ { noteRefs = M.singleton fname (S.fromList refs)
+ , noteDefs = M.fromList
+ [ (noteDefName def, S.singleton def)
+ | def <- defs
+ ]
+ }
+ else return mempty
+brokenNoteRefs :: NoteDb -> [NoteRef]
+brokenNoteRefs db =
+ [ ref
+ | (_fname, refs) <- M.toList (noteRefs db)
+ , ref <- S.toList refs
+ , Nothing <- pure $ M.lookup (noteRefName ref) (noteDefs db)
+ ]
+unreferencedNotes :: NoteDb -> S.Set NoteDef
+unreferencedNotes db =
+ fold $ noteDefs db `M.withoutKeys` referencedNotes
+ where
+ referencedNotes = S.fromList $ map noteRefName (allNoteRefs db)
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/ b/utils/notes-util/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..079eeec1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+set -e
+cd "$(dirname $0)"
+bin="$("$CABAL_INSTALL" list-bin ghc-notes)"
+cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+"$bin" broken-refs \
+ | grep -v "utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs:" \
+ | sed 's/:[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+:/:/' \
+ > broken-note-refs
+if diff -q utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs broken-note-refs; then
+ printf "No unexpected broken note references"
+ printf "Found unexpected broken note references:\n\n"
+ diff -u utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs broken-note-refs || true
+ if [[ "$1" == "-a" ]]; then
+ cp broken-note-refs utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "Accepted new broken note references."
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs b/utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0c291f06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/expected-broken-note-refs
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+ref .mailmap: Note [usrbincc]
+ref .mailmap: Note [geoffw]
+ref .mailmap: Note [zhuang]
+ref .mailmap: Note [uid245]
+ref .mailmap: Note [geoffw]
+ref .mailmap: Note [uid245]
+ref .mailmap: Note [usrbincc]
+ref .mailmap: Note [zhuang]
+ref Makefile: Note [install-strip]
+ref Makefile: Note [install-strip]
+ref Makefile: Note [install-strip]
+ref Makefile: Note [validate and testsuite speed]
+ref bindisttest/install: Note [Spaces in TEST_HC]
+ref compiler/CodeGen.Platform.h: Note [esi/edi/ebp not allocatable]
+ref compiler/CodeGen.Platform.h: Note [esi/edi/ebp not allocatable]
+ref compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs: Note [TyConRepNames for non-wired-in TyCons]
+ref compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs: Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs: Note [Syncing breakpoint info]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs: Note [Proc-point local block entry-point]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs: Note [Proc-point local block entry-point]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs: Note [Proc-point local block entry-point]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs: Note [.LCTOC1 in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dataflow.hs: Note [Backward vs forward analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dataflow.hs: Note [Backward vs forward analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dataflow.hs: Note [No old fact]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dataflow.hs: Note [No old fact]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/DebugBlock.hs: Note [Splitting DebugBlocks]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs: Note [Continuation BlockId]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs: Note [Continuation BlockId]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs: Note [Overlapping global registers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs: Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Graph.hs: Note [Width of parameters]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Graph.hs: Note [Width of parameters]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Graph.hs: Note [Width of parameters]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Graph.hs: Note [Width of parameters]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [recursive SRTs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [recursive SRTs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [recursive SRTs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs: Note [recursive SRTs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [Stack Layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [Two pass approach]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [Two pass approach]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [diamond proc point]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [diamond proc point]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [SP old/young offsets]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [SP old/young offsets]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [Lower safe foreign calls]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/LayoutStack.hs: Note [safe foreign call convention]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs: Note [CmmTick scoping details]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs: Note [Continuation BlockIds]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs: Note [CmmTick scoping details]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y: Note [Syntax of .cmm files]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs: Note [unreachable blocks]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs: Note [inconsistent-pic-reg]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs: Note [unreachable blocks]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/ProcPoint.hs: Note [No simple dataflow]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/ProcPoint.hs: Note [Continuation BlockIds]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/ProcPoint.hs: Note [Direct reachability]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/ProcPoint.hs: Note [No simple dataflow]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Sink.hs: Note [Keeping assignemnts mentioned in skipped RHSs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Sink.hs: Note [Keeping assignemnts mentioned in skipped RHSs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Sink.hs: Note [improveConditional]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Sink.hs: Note [Lower safe foreign calls]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Utils.hs: Note [Overlapping global registers]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs: Note [General layout of an NCG]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs: Note [CSET]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs: Note [CSET]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs: Note [Subsections Via Symbols]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs: Note [Always use objects for info tables]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/CFG.hs: Note [Inverting Conditional Branches]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/CFG.hs: Note [Updating the CFG during shortcutting]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs: Note [Splitting DebugBlocks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs: Note [Splitting DebugBlocks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf/Types.hs: Note [Info offset]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs: Note [.LCTOC1 in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs: Note [.LCTOC1 in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [Power instruction format]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [Power instruction format]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [Seemingly useless cmp and bne]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [Seemingly useless cmp and bne]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [implicit register in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [.LCTOC1 in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs: Note [implicit register in PPC PIC code]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs: Note [Subsections Via Symbols]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [SSE Parity Checks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [DIV/IDIV for bytes]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [SSE Parity Checks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [SSE Parity Checks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [DIV/IDIV for bytes]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [DIV/IDIV for bytes]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [rts/StgCRun.c : Stack Alignment on X86]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [rts/StgCRun.c : Stack Alignment on X86]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [SSE Parity Checks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs: Note [SSE Parity Checks]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Instr.hs: Note [x86 Floating point precision]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Instr.hs: Note [Windows stack layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Instr.hs: Note [Windows stack allocations]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Instr.hs: Note [Windows stack layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Instr.hs: Note [extra spill slots]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Ppr.hs: Note [Subsections Via Symbols]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Ppr.hs: Note [Subsections Via Symbols]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs: Note [StgWord alignment]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs: Note [StgWord alignment]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs: Note [Zero-extended sub-word signed results]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs: Note [Llvm Forward References]
+ref compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Config.hs: Note [LLVM Configuration]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core.hs: Note [Extra args in rule matching]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs: Note [liftCoSubstVarBndr]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs: Note [liftCoSubstVarBndr]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs: Note [Compatibility checking]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs: Note [Checking representation-polymorphic data constructors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs: Note [Rules and join points]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Make.hs: Note [Worker/wrapper for INLINEABLE functions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [Expanding newtypes]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [Exciting arity]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [Dealing with bottom (1)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [Dealing with bottom (2)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [Check for reflexive casts in eta-expansion]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs: Note [The EtaInfo mechansim]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CSE.hs: Note [Type-let]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysis I: The arity analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysing top-level-binds]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysis I: The arity analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CallArity.hs: Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs: Note [negative zero]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs: Note [negative zero]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs: Note [negative zero]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs: Note [dataToTag#]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs: Note [dataToTag#]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/FloatIn.hs: Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/FloatIn.hs: Note [extra_fvs (1,2)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/LiberateCase.hs: Note [Not bottoming ids]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs: Note [Rules for imported functions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs: Note [Self-recursive rules]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs: Note [Rules and loop breakers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs: Note [Loop breaking]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs: Note [Eta-expansion inside stable unfoldings]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Pipeline.hs: Note [Simplifying the left-hand side of a RULE]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Pipeline.hs: Note [Rules and indirect-zapping]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Pipeline.hs: Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Pipeline.hs: Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SetLevels.hs: Note [Top level scope]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [Wrapper NoUserInline]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [case-of-scc-of-case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [case-of-scc-of-case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [case-of-scc-of-case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [zapSubstEnv]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [RULEs apply to simplified arguments]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [zapSubstEnv]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [Case binder next]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [Suppressing binder-swaps on linear case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [Lambda-bound unfoldings]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs: Note [Do not eta-expand trivial expressions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy/Val]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy/Val]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [RHS of lets]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [The hole type in ApplyToTy/Val]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Gentle mode]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Simplfying rules]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Eta-expanding lambdas]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Nerge nested cases]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Eliminate identity case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs: Note [Scrutinee constant folding]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SpecConstr.hs: Note [ScrutOcc]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Specialise.hs: Note [Missed specialization for ClassOps]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Specialise.hs: Note [Inline specialisation]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Specialise.hs: Note [Arity decrease]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap.hs: Note [Demand on the Worker]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap.hs: Note [Wrapper NoUserInline]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs: Note [Boxity Analysis]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs: Note [Coercion argument]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs: Note [Eta reduction in the target]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs: Note [Eta reduction in the target]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs: Note [Apply once]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs: Note [Extending the TCvSubst]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs: Note [Free variables of Coercions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Ppr.hs: Note [IfaceType and pretty-printing]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs: Note [What prevents a constraint from floating]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs: Note [Extending the TCvSubst]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs: Note [Extending the TCvSubst]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs: Note [Promoted GADT data construtors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs: Note [Promoted GADT data construtors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs: Note [bad unsafe coercion]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs: Note [The Purely Kinded Invariant]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs: Note [Sharing nullary TyCons]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs: Note [RHS of lets]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs: Note [INLINE for small functions (3)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs: Note [Unfold info lazy contexts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold/Make.hs: Note [DFunUnfoldings]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs: Note [Unification result]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs: Note [INLINE pragmas and (>>)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [ _ -> [con1]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [Interaction of exprIsCheap and lone variables]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [exprIsHNF Tick]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [exprIsHNF Tick]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [Arity care]
+ref compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs: Note [Arity care]
+ref compiler/GHC/CoreToStg.hs: Note [Nullary unboxed tuple]
+ref compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs: Note [CorePrep Overview]
+ref compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs: Note [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+ref compiler/GHC/CoreToStg/Prep.hs: Note [Floating Ticks in CorePrep]
+ref compiler/GHC/Data/FastString.hs: Note [Updating the FastString table]
+ref compiler/GHC/Data/FastString.hs: Note [Updating the FastString table]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/CmdLine.hs: Note [Handling errors when parsing flags]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/CmdLine.hs: Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Flags.hs: Note [Valid hole fits include]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Flags.hs: Note [Print Hexadecimal Literals]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs: Note [simpleTidyPgm - mkBootModDetailsTc]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs: Note [Unused packages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs: Note [GHC Heap Invariants]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs: Note [GHC Heap Invariants]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs: Note [Clamping of llc optimizations]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs: Note [Don't normalise input filenames]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs: Note [Don't normalise input filenames]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [LLVM Configuration]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [LLVM Configuration]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [GHC.Driver.Main . Safe Haskell Inference]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [Eta-reduction in -O0]
+ref compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs: Note [No PIE when linking]
+ref compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs: Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ref compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs: Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ref compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs: Note [Strict argument type constraints]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [AbsBinds wrappers]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [Free dictionaries]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [Free tyvars in rule LHS]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [Free dictionaries in rule LHS]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [Free dictionaries]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs: Note [Dead spec binders]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs: Note [inline sccs]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs: Note [inline sccs]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs: Note [inline sccs]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs: Note [inline sccs]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs: Note [freevars]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs: Note [1]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Docs.hs: Note [1]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs: Note [Checking representation-polymorphic data constructors]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Match.hs: Note [Empty case expressions]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Match.hs: Note [Case elimination: lifted case]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Desugar.hs: Note [Order of guards matter]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver.hs: Note [COMPLETE sets on data families]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver.hs: Note [Pos/Neg invariant]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver.hs: Note [Soundness and Completeness]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc/Solver.hs: Note [Soundness and Completeness]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Types.hs: Note [Generating fresh names for FFI wrappers]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Types.hs: Note [Note [Long-distance information]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Utils.hs: Note [MatchIds]
+ref compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Utils.hs: Note [Don't CPR join points]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Updating HieAst for changes in the GHC AST]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Capturing Scopes and other non local information]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Name Remapping]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Name Remapping]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Capturing Scopes and other non local information]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [TyVar Scopes]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Scoping Rules for SigPat]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Updating HieAst for changes in the GHC AST]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Name Remapping]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs: Note [Scoping Rules for SigPat]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs: Note [GHC Heap Invariants]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs: Note [default method Name]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs: Note [default method Name]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs: Note [default method Name]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp/Flags.hs: Note [path flags and recompilation]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp/Flags.hs: Note [path flags and recompilation]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs: Note [Minimal complete definition]
+ref compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs: Note [Minimal complete definition]
+ref compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs: Note [preload packages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs: Note [preload packages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Linker/Static.hs: Note [No PIE when linking]
+ref compiler/GHC/Linker/Types.hs: Note [Grant plan for static forms]
+ref compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x: Note [Lexing NumericUnderscores extension]
+ref compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x: Note [Lexing NumericUnderscores extension]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs: Note [ Unbound vs Ambiguous Names ]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs: Note [ Unbound vs Ambiguous Names ]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs: Note [ Unbound vs Ambiguous Names ]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo and refutable patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo and strict patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo and refutable patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/HsType.hs: Note [CUSKs: Complete user-supplied kind signatures]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Pat.hs: Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Splice.hs: Note [RunSplice ThLevel]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Splice.hs: Note [Splices]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Unbound.hs: Note [Only-quals]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Unbound.hs: Note [Only-quals]
+ref compiler/GHC/Rename/Unbound.hs: Note [Related name spaces]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs: Note [Syncing breakpoint info]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs: Note [Syncing breakpoint info]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs: Note [Querying instances for a type]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [External GHCi pointers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [uninterruptibleMask_]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [uninterruptibleMask_ and interpCmd]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [loadObj and relative paths]
+ref compiler/GHC/Runtime/Interpreter.hs: Note [External GHCi pointers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [GHCi unboxed tuples stack spills]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [CASEFAIL]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [CASEFAIL]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs: Note [generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs: Note [codegen-split-init]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs: Note [pipeline-split-init]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs: Note [cgBind rec]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs: Note [Evaluating functions with profiling]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs: Note [CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures.]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/DataCon.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs: Note [case on bool]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs: Note [dataToTag#]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Expr.hs: Note [alg-alt heap check]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs: Note [safe foreign call convention]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs: Note [safe foreign call convention]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs: Note [lower safe foreign calls]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs: Note [safe foreign call convention]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs: Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs: Note [stg_gc arguments]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Heap.hs: Note [stg_gc arguments]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs: Note [avoid intermediate PAPs]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs: Note [diamond proc point]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs: Note [avoid intermediate PAPs]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs: Note [over-saturated calls]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Layout.hs: Note [over-saturated calls]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Monad.hs: Note [sharing continuations]
+ref compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Monad.hs: Note [sharing continuations]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools.hs: Note [Windows stack usage]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/BaseDir.hs: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/BaseDir.hs: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Run-time linker info]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [ELF needed shared libs]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Windows static libGCC]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Run-time linker info]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [ELF needed shared libs]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [ELF needed shared libs]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [ELF needed shared libs]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Windows stack usage]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Windows static libGCC]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Info.hs: Note [Run-time linker info]
+ref compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs: Note [Run-time linker info]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs: Note [Newtype deriving and unused constructors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs: Note [Fail fast on kind errors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs: Note [Highlighting ambiguous type variables]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Hole.hs: Note [Relevant Constraints]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Hole.hs: Note [Speeding up valid-hole fits]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs: Note [Highlighting ambiguous type variables]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs: Note [Migrating TcM messages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs: Note [Existentials in pattern bindings]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Export.hs: Note [Modules without a module header]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Export.hs: Note [Modules without a module header]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs: Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs: Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs: Note [Deprecating ambiguous fields]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs: Note [Expanding newtypes]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs: Note [Skolem escape prevention]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs: Note [Body kind of HsForAllTy]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs: Note [Matching a kind sigature with a declaration]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs: Note [Cloning for type variable binder]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs: Note [GroupStmt binder map]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs: Note [GroupStmt binder map]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs: Note [typechecking ApplicativeStmt]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs: Note [Typing patterns in pattern bindings]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs: Note [Pattern coercions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs: Note [Binding when lookup up instances]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs: Note [Matching polytyped patterns]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs: Note [Pattern coercions]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs: Note [Overview of type signatures]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs: Note [solveEqualities in tcPatSynSig]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs: Note [RunSplice ThLevel]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs: Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs: Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Family.hs: Note [Constrained family instances]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/FunDeps.hs: Note [Coverage Condition]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs: Note [Extra dependencies from .hs-boot files]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs: Note [Root-main id]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs: Note [Kind generalisation and SigTvs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs: Note [The superclasses story]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs: Note [Canonical LHS]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs: Note [Do not decompose given polytype equalities]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs: Note [No touchables as FunEq RHS]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs: Note [The improvement story]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Interact.hs: Note [The equality class story]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs: Note [Speeding up valid-hole fits]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Rewrite.hs: Note [Stability of rewriting]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs: Note [Single function non-recursive binding special-case]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs: Note [Unification variables need fresh Names]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs: Note [TyConBinders for the result kind signatures of a data type]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs: Note [rejigCon and c.f. Note [Check role annotations in a second pass]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs: Note [Generalising in tcFamTyPatsGuts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Generating fresh names for FFI wrappers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Extra dependencies from .hs-boot files]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [RunSplice ThLevel]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [RunSplice ThLevel]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Don't promote data constructors with non-equality contexts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Meaning of IdBindingInfo and ClosedTypeId]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Meaning of IdBindingInfo and ClosedTypeId]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Bindings with closed types]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs: Note [Care with plugin imports]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs: Note [NonCanonical Semantics]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs: Note [The improvement story]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Concrete.hs: Note [Concrete and Concrete#]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Env.hs: Note [Bindings with closed types]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Env.hs: Note [Generating fresh names for ccall wrapper]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Env.hs: Note [Generating fresh names for FFI wrappers]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Env.hs: Note [Placeholder PatSyn kinds]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcMType.hs: Note [Kind checking for GADTs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs: Note [TyVars and TcTyVars]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs: Note [Unification preconditions, (TYVAR-TV)]
+ref compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Zonk.hs: Note [Rebindable Syntax and HsExpansion]
+ref compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs: Note [Operator association]
+ref compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs: Note [Operator association]
+ref compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs: Note [Operator association]
+ref compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs: Note [Adding parens for splices]
+ref compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs: Note [Adding parens for splices]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Basic.hs: Note [Safe Haskell isSafeOverlap]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Basic.hs: Note [Activation competition]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs: Note [Preserving Boxity of results is rarely a win]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs: Note [Use one-shot information]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs: Note [Suppressing Messages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Error.hs: Note [Suppressing Messages]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Make.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Name.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Name.hs: Note [About the NameSorts]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs: Note [Data Constructors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs: Note [Unique OccNames from Template Haskell]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/SourceText.hs: Note [Fractional exponent bases]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Tickish.hs: Note [Tickish passes]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Tickish.hs: Note [Tickish passes]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Unique.hs: Note [Uniques-prelude - Uniques for wired-in Prelude things]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs: Note [Promoted GADT data construtors]
+ref compiler/GHC/Types/Var/Env.hs: Note [Rebinding]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/Info.hs: Note [About units]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Deps.hs: Note [Structure of dep_boot_mods]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs: Note [About units]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs: Note [About units]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs: Note [About units]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs: Note [Representation of module/name variable]
+ref compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs: Note [Representation of module/name variable]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad.hs: Note [multiShotIO]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Monad.hs: Note [inlineIdMagic]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs: Note [Print Hexadecimal Literals]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Ppr.hs: Note [Differences between libraries/pretty and compiler/GHC/Utils/Ppr.hs]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Ppr.hs: Note [Print Hexadecimal Literals]
+ref compiler/GHC/Utils/Ppr.hs: Note [Print Hexadecimal Literals]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Binds.hs: Note [fun_id in Match]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs: Note [TyVar binders for associated declarations]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs: Note [TyVar binders for associated declarations]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [Record Selectors in the AST]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [Record Selectors in the AST]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [ApplicativeDo]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [Applicative BodyStmt]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Expr.hs: Note [Quasi-quote overview]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Extension.hs: Note [Constructor cannot happen]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Pat.hs: Note [Disambiguating record fields]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Type.hs: Note [HsArgPar]
+ref compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Type.hs: Note [HsArgPar]
+ref compiler/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref Note [Linking ghc-bin against threaded stage0 RTS]
+ref Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref docs/core-spec/core-spec.mng: Note [TyBinders]
+ref docs/core-spec/core-spec.mng: Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+ref Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref Note [Dependencies between files]
+ref Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref Note [CrossCompiling vs Stage1Only]
+ref Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref ghc/GHCi/UI.hs: Note [Changing language extensions for interactive evaluation]
+ref ghc/GHCi/UI.hs: Note [ModBreaks.decls]
+ref ghc/Main.hs: Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
+ref ghc/ Note [Linking ghc-bin against threaded stage0 RTS]
+ref ghc/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref ghc/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref hadrian/cfg/ Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref hadrian/src/Expression.hs: Note [Linking ghc-bin against threaded stage0 RTS]
+ref hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref hadrian/src/Rules/Libffi.hs: Note [Libffi indicating inputs]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Concurrent/QSem.hs: Note [signal uninterruptible]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Concurrent/QSem.hs: Note [signal uninterruptible]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Concurrent/QSem.hs: Note [signal uninterruptible]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST: not producing lazy pairs]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST and multithreading]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST: not producing lazy pairs]
+ref libraries/base/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Imp.hs: Note [Lazy ST: not producing lazy pairs]
+ref libraries/base/Data/OldList.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/Data/OldList.hs: Note [INLINE unfoldr]
+ref libraries/base/Data/OldList.hs: Note [INLINE unfoldr]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Enum.hs: Note [Enum Integer rules for literal 1]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc: Note [Completion Ports]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc: Note [Completion Ports]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc: Note [Memory Management]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows.hsc: Note [Memory Management]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Event/Windows/FFI.hsc: Note [Completion Ports]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ForeignPtr.hs: Note [Why FinalPtr]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ForeignPtr.hs: Note [Why FinalPtr]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ForeignPtr.hs: Note [MallocPtr finalizers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ForeignPtr.hs: Note [MallocPtr finalizers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ForeignPtr.hs: Note [MallocPtr finalizers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/FD.hs: Note [nonblock]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Internals.hs: Note [async]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Internals.hs: Note [async]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Text.hs: Note [#5536]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc: Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc: Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc: Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc: Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc: Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left fold via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Left folds via right fold]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [scanrFB and evaluation]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [scanrFB and evaluation]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Fusion for foldr2]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/List.hs: Note [Fusion for foldr2]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Read.hs: Note [Why readField]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Read.hs: Note [Why readField]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Read.hs: Note [Why readField]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Read.hs: Note [Why readField]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs: Note [Numeric Stability of Enumerating Floating Numbers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs: Note [Numeric Stability of Enumerating Floating Numbers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs: Note [Numeric Stability of Enumerating Floating Numbers]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/ST.hs: Note [Definition of runRW#]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/TypeLits.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/TypeNats.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref libraries/base/GHC/TypeNats.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref libraries/base/Unsafe/Coerce.hs: Note [Implementing unsafeCorece]
+ref libraries/base/cbits/inputReady.c: Note [Guaranteed syscall time spent]
+ref libraries/base/cbits/inputReady.c: Note [Guaranteed syscall time spent]
+ref libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs: Note [Linear Types]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/RemoteTypes.hs: Note [External GHCi pointers]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/RemoteTypes.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs: Note [External GHCi pointers]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs: Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ref libraries/ghci/GHCi/TH.hs: Note [TH recover with -fexternal-interpreter]
+ref libraries/libiserv/src/IServ.hs: Note [Remote Template Haskell]
+ref m4/fp_settings.m4: Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref mk/ Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref mk/ Note [CrossCompiling vs Stage1Only]
+ref mk/ Note [CrossCompiling vs Stage1Only]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref mk/ Note [CrossCompiling vs Stage1Only]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref mk/ Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only]
+ref mk/ Note [Disable -O2 in unregisterised mode]
+ref mk/ Note [Disable -O2 in unregisterised mode]
+ref mk/ Note [Spaces in TEST_HC]
+ref mk/ Note [Order of warning flags]
+ref mk/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref mk/ Note [Order of warning flags]
+ref rts/Apply.cmm: Note [Evaluating functions with profiling]
+ref rts/Apply.cmm: Note [suspend duplicate work]
+ref rts/Capability.c: Note [GC livelock]
+ref rts/Capability.h: Note [allocation accounting]
+ref rts/Compact.cmm: Note [compactAddWorker result]
+ref rts/Compact.cmm: Note [compactAddWorker result]
+ref rts/Interpreter.c: Note [Not true: ASSERT(Sp > SpLim)]
+ref rts/Interpreter.c: Note [avoiding threadPaused]
+ref rts/Interpreter.c: Note [upd-black-hole]
+ref rts/Interpreter.c: Note [Evaluating functions with profiling]
+ref rts/Interpreter.c: Note [Evaluating functions with profiling]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [runtime-linker-support]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [runtime-linker-phases]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [weak-symbols-support]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [RTLD_LOCAL]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [RTLD_LOCAL]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [runtime-linker-phases]
+ref rts/Linker.c: Note [loadOc orderings]
+ref rts/LinkerInternals.h: Note [No typedefs for customizable types]
+ref rts/LinkerInternals.h: Note [No typedefs for customizable types]
+ref rts/LinkerInternals.h: Note [TLSGD relocation]
+ref rts/LinkerInternals.h: Note [No typedefs for customizable types]
+ref rts/Messages.c: Note [BLACKHOLE pointing to IND]
+ref rts/PrimOps.cmm: Note [Nonmoving write barrier in Perform{Put,Take}]
+ref rts/PrimOps.cmm: Note [Nonmoving write barrier in Perform{Put,Take}]
+ref rts/RaiseAsync.c: Note [Throw to self when masked]
+ref rts/RtsFlags.c: Note [OPTION_SAFE vs OPTION_UNSAFE]
+ref rts/RtsFlags.c: Note [OPTION_SAFE vs OPTION_UNSAFE]
+ref rts/Schedule.c: Note [shutdown]
+ref rts/Schedule.c: Note [GC livelock]
+ref rts/Schedule.c: Note [GC livelock]
+ref rts/Schedule.c: Note [avoiding threadPaused]
+ref rts/Schedule.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/Schedule.h: Note [shutdown]
+ref rts/Sparks.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/StablePtr.c: Note [Enlarging the stable pointer table]
+ref rts/StablePtr.c: Note [Enlarging the stable pointer table]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [n_gc_threads]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [RTS Stats Reporting]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [RTS Stats Reporting]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [Work Balance]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [Internal Counter Stats]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [RTS Stats Reporting]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [RTS Stats Reporting]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [Work Balance]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [Work Balance]
+ref rts/Stats.c: Note [Internal Counters Stats]
+ref rts/StgCRun.c: Note [Windows Stack allocations]
+ref rts/StgCRun.c: Note [Windows Stack allocations]
+ref rts/StgCRun.c: Note [Windows Stack allocations]
+ref rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm: Note [GHCi unboxed tuples stack spills]
+ref rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm: Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+ref rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm: Note [BLACKHOLE pointing to IND]
+ref rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm: Note [suspend duplicate work]
+ref rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm: Note [CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures.]
+ref rts/StgStartup.cmm: Note [avoiding threadPaused]
+ref rts/StgStdThunks.cmm: Note [untag for prof]
+ref rts/StgStdThunks.cmm: Note [untag for prof]
+ref rts/StgStdThunks.cmm: Note [untag for prof]
+ref rts/ThreadPaused.c: Note [upd-black-hole]
+ref rts/ThreadPaused.c: Note [suspend duplicate work]
+ref rts/Threads.c: Note [Throw to self when masked]
+ref rts/Timer.c: Note [GC During Idle Time]
+ref rts/Updates.cmm: Note [HpAlloc]
+ref rts/Updates.cmm: Note [HpAlloc]
+ref rts/Updates.cmm: Note [HpAlloc]
+ref rts/include/Cmm.h: Note [Evaluating functions with profiling]
+ref rts/include/Cmm.h: Note [Syntax of .cmm files]
+ref rts/include/Stg.h: Note [Windows Stack allocations]
+ref rts/include/ Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [MADV_FREE and MADV_DONTNEED]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Internal Counter Stats]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Flags.h: Note [Synchronization of flags and base APIs]
+ref rts/include/rts/Linker.h: Note [runtime-linker-phases]
+ref rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h: Note [SRW locks]
+ref rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h: Note [SRW locks]
+ref rts/include/rts/prof/CCS.h: Note [struct alignment]
+ref rts/include/rts/prof/CCS.h: Note [struct alignment]
+ref rts/include/rts/prof/CCS.h: Note [struct alignment]
+ref rts/include/rts/prof/CCS.h: Note [struct alignment]
+ref rts/include/rts/prof/CCS.h: Note [struct alignment]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/Block.h: Note [integer overflow]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/Block.h: Note [integer overflow]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/Block.h: Note [integer overflow]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/Closures.h: Note [CAF lists]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/Closures.h: Note [CAF lists]
+ref rts/include/rts/storage/GC.h: Note [allocation accounting]
+ref rts/include/stg/MachRegs.h: Note [Overlapping global registers]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [Many ELF Sections]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [Many ELF Sections]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [Many ELF Sections]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [PC bias]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [TLSGD relocation]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [Many ELF Sections]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [.LCTOC1 in PPC PIC code]
+ref rts/linker/Elf.c: Note [Many ELF Sections]
+ref rts/linker/LoadArchive.c: Note [MSVC import files (ext .lib)]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.c: Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.c: Note [ELF constant in PE file]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.c: Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.h: Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.h: Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
+ref rts/linker/PEi386.h: Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
+ref rts/linker/SymbolExtras.c: Note [TLSGD relocation]
+ref rts/linker/elf_reloc_aarch64.c: Note [PC bias aarch64]
+ref rts/linker/elf_tlsgd.c: Note [TLSGD relocation]
+ref rts/posix/OSMem.c: Note [MADV_FREE and MADV_DONTNEED]
+ref rts/posix/OSMem.c: Note [MADV_FREE and MADV_DONTNEED]
+ref rts/sm/Evac.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/Evac.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/Evac.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/Evac.c: Note [BLACKHOLE pointing to IND]
+ref rts/sm/Evac.c: Note [upd-black-hole]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [n_gc_threads]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [n_gc_threads]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Work Balance]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Scaling retained memory]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Synchronising work stealing]
+ref rts/sm/GC.c: Note [Scaling retained memory]
+ref rts/sm/GC.h: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/GCUtils.c: Note [big objects]
+ref rts/sm/GCUtils.c: Note [big objects]
+ref rts/sm/GCUtils.c: Note [big objects]
+ref rts/sm/GCUtils.c: Note [big objects]
+ref rts/sm/MarkWeak.c: Note [MallocPtr finalizers]
+ref rts/sm/NonMovingMark.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/NonMovingMark.c: Note [Update rememembered set]
+ref rts/sm/NonMovingMark.c: Note [upd-black-hole]
+ref rts/sm/Scav.c: Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]
+ref rts/sm/Scav.c: Note [upd-black-hole]
+ref rts/sm/Scav.c: Note [avoiding threadPaused]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.c: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.c: Note [dyn_caf_list]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.c: Note [allocation accounting]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.h: Note [STATIC_LINK fields]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.h: Note [CAF lists]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.h: Note [CAF lists]
+ref rts/sm/Storage.h: Note [dyn_caf_list]
+ref rts/win32/OSMem.c: Note [base memory]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [lib-depends]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [Stage number in build variables]
+ref rules/ Note [inconsistent distdirs]
+ref rules/ Note [Implicit rule search algorithm]
+ref testsuite/config/ghc: Note [WayFlags]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Mutating config.only]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Running tests in /tmp]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [validate and testsuite speed]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Haddock runtime stats files]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Running tests in /tmp]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Mutating config.only]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [validate and testsuite speed]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Universal newlines]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Universal newlines]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Universal newlines]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Universal newlines]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Output comparison]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Null device handling]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Output comparison]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Null device handling]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Output comparison]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Output comparison]
+ref testsuite/driver/ Note [Null device handling]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Communicating options and variables to a submake]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Spaces in TEST_HC]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Spaces in TEST_HC]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Spaces in TEST_HC]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [The TEST_HC variable]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [WayFlags]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Running tests in /tmp]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [validate and testsuite speed]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Communicating options and variables to a submake]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [validate and testsuite speed]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [Communicating options and variables to a submake]
+ref testsuite/mk/ Note [The TEST_HC variable]
+ref testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/T19667Ghci.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/T18875.hs: Note [Type variable cycles in Givens]
+ref testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs: Note [Extra TcS Untouchables]
+ref testsuite/tests/perf/haddock/all.T: Note [Haddock runtime stats files]
+ref testsuite/tests/perf/join_points/join005.hs: Note [Don't CPR join points]
+ref testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/all.T: Note [Solving from instances when interacting Dicts]
+ref testsuite/tests/polykinds/CuskFam.hs: Note [Unifying implicit CUSK variables]
+ref testsuite/tests/rts/linker/T11223/all.T: Note [weak-symbols-support]
+ref testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5776.hs: Note [Simplifying RULE lhs constraints]
+ref testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/simpl018.hs: Note [Float coercions (unlifted)]
+ref testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/T19871.hs: Note [Boxity Analysis]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/CbvOverlap.hs: Note [Type variable cycles in Givens]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/Improvement.hs: Note [No reduction for Derived class constraints]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/LocalGivenEqs.hs: Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/LocalGivenEqs.hs: Note [Type variable cycles in Givens]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/LocalGivenEqs2.hs: Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T9117.hs: Note [Order of Coercible Instances]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc200.hs: Note [Multiple instantiation]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc228.hs: Note [Inference and implication constraints]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc231.hs: Note [Important subtlety in oclose]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/UnliftedNewtypesMultiFieldGadt.hs: Note [Kind-checking the field type]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail093.hs: Note [Important subtlety in oclose]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_run/T16646.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_run/T19667.hs: Note [NOINLINE someNatVal]
+ref utils/genapply/Main.hs: Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
+ref utils/genapply/Main.hs: Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
+ref utils/genapply/Main.hs: Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
+ref utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs: Note [Msys2 path translation bug]
+ref utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs: Note [Msys2 path translation bug]
+ref utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs: Note [Settings File]
+ref utils/ghc-pkg/ Note [Why build certain utils twice?]
+ref utils/ghc-pkg/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref utils/ghc-pkg/ Note [Why build certain utils twice?]
+ref utils/ghc-pkg/ Note [Stage1Only vs stage=1]
+ref utils/iserv/src/Main.hs: Note [Remote GHCi]
+ref utils/llvm-targets/ Note [LLVM Configuration]
+ref utils/notes-util/Notes.hs: Note [" <> T.unpack x <> "]
+ref utils/notes-util/Notes.hs: Note [...]
+ref utils/notes-util/test: Note [This is a Note reference broken across lines]
+ref utils/notes-util/test: Note [Broken across a line in a C++ comment]
+ref utils/notes-util/test: Note [Broken across a line in a C comment]
+ref utils/notes-util/test: Note [Broken across a line in a Haskell comment]
+ref utils/notes-util/test: Note [Broken across a line in a Python comment]
+ref validate: Note [Default build system verbosity]
+ref validate: Note [Default build system verbosity]
+ref validate: Note [Default build system verbosity]
+ref validate: Note [Running tests in /tmp]
+ref validate: Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?]
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/notes-util.cabal b/utils/notes-util/notes-util.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..643fd163fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/notes-util.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+cabal-version: 2.4
+name: notes-util
+synopsis: A tool for querying and checking GHC Notes
+license: BSD-3-Clause
+author: Ben Gamari
+copyright: (c) 2022 Ben Gamari
+executable ghc-notes
+ main-is: Main.hs
+ other-modules: Notes
+ build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 ,
+ bytestring,
+ containers,
+ directory,
+ text,
+ process
+ default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/utils/notes-util/test b/utils/notes-util/test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3eb1e0466e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/notes-util/test
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Note [Turtles]
+This is note 1. See Note [Wombats are toes].
+/* Note [Wombats are toes]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ This is another Note.
+ */
+See Note [This is a
+Note reference broken across lines].
+ // This is another Note [Broken
+ // across a line in a C++ comment].
+ /*
+ * This is another Note [Broken
+ * across a line in a C comment].
+ */
+ -- This is another Note [Broken
+ -- across a line in a Haskell comment].
+ # This is another Note [Broken
+ # across a line in a Python comment].