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authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2012-12-09 17:24:05 +1100
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2012-12-09 17:24:05 +1100
commita33dddc9637007b05ecd7811fc157cd0add71e6b (patch)
parent895ff2133ef9dcb3db9fafdfff95ddd97752e52f (diff)
Vectoriser: distinguish vectorised from parallel types and functions
- We sometimes need to vectorise types and functions because they might be needed in a vectorised context, not because they do directly introduce parallelism.
3 files changed, 58 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index b300335b4f..5c20507ac7 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -243,20 +243,29 @@ liftSimpleAndCase aexpr@((fvs, _vi), AnnCase expr bndr t alts)
{ vi <- vectAvoidInfoTypeOf expr
; if (vi == VISimple)
- return $ liftSimple aexpr -- if the scrutinee is scalar, we need no special treatment
+ liftSimple aexpr -- if the scrutinee is scalar, we need no special treatment
else do
{ alts' <- mapM (\(ac, bndrs, aexpr) -> (ac, bndrs,) <$> liftSimpleAndCase aexpr) alts
; return ((fvs, vi), AnnCase expr bndr t alts')
-liftSimpleAndCase aexpr = return $ liftSimple aexpr
+liftSimpleAndCase aexpr = liftSimple aexpr
-liftSimple :: CoreExprWithVectInfo -> CoreExprWithVectInfo
-liftSimple ((fvs, vi), expr)
- = ASSERT(vi == VISimple)
- mkAnnApps (mkAnnLams vars fvs expr) vars
+liftSimple :: CoreExprWithVectInfo -> VM CoreExprWithVectInfo
+liftSimple aexpr@((fvs_orig, VISimple), expr)
+ = do
+ { let liftedExpr = mkAnnApps (mkAnnLams vars fvs expr) vars
+ ; traceVt "encapsulate:" $ ppr (deAnnotate aexpr) $$ text "==>" $$ ppr (deAnnotate liftedExpr)
+ ; return $ liftedExpr
+ }
vars = varSetElems fvs
+ fvs = filterVarSet isToplevel fvs_orig -- only include 'Id's that are not toplevel
+ isToplevel v | isId v = not . uf_is_top . realIdUnfolding $ v
+ | otherwise = False
mkAnnLams :: [Var] -> VarSet -> AnnExpr' Var (VarSet, VectAvoidInfo) -> CoreExprWithVectInfo
mkAnnLams [] fvs expr = ASSERT(isEmptyVarSet fvs)
@@ -270,23 +279,31 @@ liftSimple ((fvs, vi), expr)
mkAnnApp :: CoreExprWithVectInfo -> Var -> CoreExprWithVectInfo
mkAnnApp aexpr@((fvs, _vi), _expr) v
= ((fvs `extendVarSet` v, VISimple), AnnApp aexpr ((unitVarSet v, VISimple), AnnVar v))
+liftSimple aexpr
+ = pprPanic "Vectorise.Exp.liftSimple: not simple" $ ppr (deAnnotate aexpr)
-- |Vectorise an expression.
vectExpr :: CoreExprWithVectInfo -> VM VExpr
-vectExpr (_, AnnVar v)
+-- !!!FIXME: needs to check for VIEncaps regardless of syntactic form first; in case it is of functional type
+vectExpr aexpr@(_, AnnVar v)
+ | (isFunTy . varType $ v) && isVIEncaps aexpr
+ = vectFnExpr False False aexpr
+ | otherwise
= vectVar v
vectExpr (_, AnnLit lit)
= vectConst $ Lit lit
-vectExpr e@(_, AnnLam bndr _)
- | isId bndr = vectFnExpr True False e
+vectExpr aexpr@(_, AnnLam bndr _)
+ | isId bndr = vectFnExpr True False aexpr
| otherwise
= do
{ dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; cantVectorise dflags "Unexpected type lambda (vectExpr)" $ ppr (deAnnotate e)
+ ; cantVectorise dflags "Unexpected type lambda (vectExpr)" $ ppr (deAnnotate aexpr)
-- SPECIAL CASE: Vectorise/lift 'patError @ ty err' by only vectorising/lifting the type 'ty';
@@ -408,14 +425,18 @@ vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker expr@(_ann, AnnLam bndr body)
; vbody <- vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker body
; return $ mapVect (mkLams [vectorised vBndr]) vbody
- -- non-predicate abstraction: vectorise as a scalar computation
+ -- encapsulated non-predicate abstraction: vectorise as a scalar computation
| isId bndr && isVIEncaps expr
= vectScalarFun . deAnnotate $ expr
-- non-predicate abstraction: vectorise as a non-scalar computation
| isId bndr
= vectLam inline loop_breaker expr
-vectFnExpr _ _ expr
- -- not an abstraction: vectorise as a vanilla expression
+vectFnExpr _ _ expr
+ -- encapsulated function: vectorise as a scalar computation
+ | (isFunTy . annExprType $ expr) && isVIEncaps expr
+ = vectScalarFun . deAnnotate $ expr
+ | otherwise
+ -- not an abstraction: vectorise as a non-scalar vanilla expression
= vectExpr expr
-- |Vectorise type and dictionary applications.
@@ -543,7 +564,7 @@ vectDictExpr (Coercion coe)
vectScalarFun :: CoreExpr -> VM VExpr
vectScalarFun expr
= do
- { traceVt "vectScalarFun" (ppr expr)
+ { traceVt "vectorise scalar functions:" (ppr expr)
; let (arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
; mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Classify.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Classify.hs
index e1cd43ac3c..16325893bf 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Classify.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Classify.hs
@@ -42,37 +42,37 @@ import Digraph
-- * tycons which haven't been converted (because they can't or weren't vectorised) are not
-- elements of the map
-classifyTyCons :: UniqFM Bool -- ^type constructor vectorisation status
- -> NameSet -- ^tycons involving parallel arrays
- -> [TyCon] -- ^type constructors that need to be classified
- -> ( [TyCon] -- to be converted
- , [TyCon] -- need not be converted (but could be)
- , [TyCon] -- can't be converted, but involve parallel arrays
- , [TyCon] -- can't be converted and have no parallel arrays
+classifyTyCons :: UniqFM Bool -- ^type constructor vectorisation status
+ -> NameSet -- ^tycons involving parallel arrays
+ -> [TyCon] -- ^type constructors that need to be classified
+ -> ( [TyCon] -- to be converted
+ , [TyCon] -- need not be converted (but could be)
+ , [TyCon] -- involve parallel arrays (whether converted or not)
+ , [TyCon] -- can't be converted
classifyTyCons convStatus parTyCons tcs = classify [] [] [] [] convStatus parTyCons (tyConGroups tcs)
classify conv keep par novect _ _ [] = (conv, keep, par, novect)
classify conv keep par novect cs pts ((tcs, ds) : rs)
| can_convert && must_convert
- = classify (tcs ++ conv) keep par novect (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, True) | tc <- tcs]) pts' rs
+ = classify (tcs ++ conv) keep (par ++ tcs_par) novect (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, True) | tc <- tcs]) pts' rs
| can_convert
- = classify conv (tcs ++ keep) par novect (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, False) | tc <- tcs]) pts' rs
- | has_parr
- = classify conv keep (tcs ++ par) novect cs pts' rs
+ = classify conv (tcs ++ keep) (par ++ tcs_par) novect (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, False) | tc <- tcs]) pts' rs
| otherwise
- = classify conv keep par (tcs ++ novect) cs pts' rs
+ = classify conv keep (par ++ tcs_par) (tcs ++ novect) cs pts' rs
refs = ds `delListFromUniqSet` tcs
- pts' | has_parr = pts `addListToNameSet` map tyConName tcs
- | otherwise = pts
+ -- the tycons that directly or indirectly depend on parallel arrays
+ tcs_par | any ((`elemNameSet` parTyCons) . tyConName) . eltsUFM $ refs = tcs
+ | otherwise = []
+ pts' = pts `addListToNameSet` map tyConName tcs_par
can_convert = (isNullUFM (refs `minusUFM` cs) && all convertable tcs)
|| isShowClass tcs
must_convert = foldUFM (||) False (intersectUFM_C const cs refs)
&& (not . isShowClass $ tcs)
- has_parr = any ((`elemNameSet` parTyCons) . tyConName) . eltsUFM $ refs
-- We currently admit Haskell 2011-style data and newtype declarations as well as type
-- constructors representing classes.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
index faa80a8629..9553e5cc73 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
@@ -205,11 +205,13 @@ vectTypeEnv tycons vectTypeDecls vectClassDecls
-- these are being handled separately. NB: Some type constructors may be marked SCALAR
-- /and/ have an explicit right-hand side.)
- -- Furthermore, 'par_tcs' and 'drop_tcs' are those type constructors that we cannot
- -- vectorise, and of those, only the 'par_tcs' involve parallel arrays.
- ; parallelTyCons <- globalParallelTyCons
+ -- Furthermore, 'par_tcs' are those type constructors (converted or not) whose
+ -- definition, directly or indirectly, depends on parallel arrays. Finally, 'drop_tcs'
+ -- are all type constructors that cannot be vectorised.
+ ; parallelTyCons <- (`addListToNameSet` map (tyConName . fst3) vectTyConsWithRHS) <$>
+ globalParallelTyCons
; let maybeVectoriseTyCons = filter notVectSpecialTyCon tycons ++ impVectTyCons
- (conv_tcs, keep_tcs, par_tcs, drop_tcs)
+ (conv_tcs, keep_tcs, par_tcs, drop_tcs)
= classifyTyCons vectTyConFlavour parallelTyCons maybeVectoriseTyCons
; traceVt " VECT SCALAR : " $ ppr (scalarTyConsNoRHS ++
@@ -223,12 +225,12 @@ vectTypeEnv tycons vectTypeDecls vectClassDecls
-- warn the user about unvectorised type constructors
; let explanation = ptext (sLit "(They use unsupported language extensions") $$
ptext (sLit "or depend on type constructors that are not vectorised)")
- drop_tcs_nosyn = filter (not . isSynTyCon) (par_tcs ++ drop_tcs)
+ drop_tcs_nosyn = filter (not . isSynTyCon) drop_tcs
; unless (null drop_tcs_nosyn) $
emitVt "Warning: cannot vectorise these type constructors:" $
pprQuotedList drop_tcs_nosyn $$ explanation
- ; mapM_ addParallelTyConAndCons $ conv_tcs ++ par_tcs
+ ; mapM_ addParallelTyConAndCons $ par_tcs ++ [tc | (tc, _, False) <- vectTyConsWithRHS]
; let mapping =
-- Type constructors that we found we don't need to vectorise and those