diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2014-05-14 12:25:08 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2014-05-14 20:22:29 +0100
commitfc0ed8a7309e7cc863b8155fae6b57cb23331c44 (patch)
parent88c0870b44a3854bc6608055e7ef84da17324830 (diff)
Add missing stack checks to stg_ap_* functions (#9001)
4 files changed, 208 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fae93efa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+newtype FMList = FM {unFM :: forall m. m -> m}
+main = print (delete 2000 (FM id) :: Int)
+delete 0 _ = 0
+delete n (FM a) = a $ delete (n-1) $ FM $ \g -> a (const g) undefined
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.stdout b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.stdout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..573541ac97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T9001.stdout
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T
index 98328cfc63..2d66c42aa3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T
@@ -119,3 +119,4 @@ test('StaticByteArraySize', normal, compile_and_run, ['-O2'])
test('CopySmallArray', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
test('CopySmallArrayStressTest', reqlib('random'), compile_and_run, [''])
test('SizeOfSmallArray', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T9001', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
diff --git a/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs b/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
index dab6e91fde..7b84a27d64 100644
--- a/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
+++ b/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List ( intersperse, nub, sort )
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.IO
+import Control.Arrow ((***))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Argument kinds (rougly equivalent to PrimRep)
@@ -199,6 +200,45 @@ mb_tag_node arity | Just tag <- tagForArity arity = mkTagStmt tag <> semi
mkTagStmt tag = text ("R1 = R1 + "++ show tag)
+type StackUsage = (Int, Int) -- PROFILING, normal
+maxStack :: [StackUsage] -> StackUsage
+maxStack = (maximum *** maximum) . unzip
+ :: RegStatus -- Registerised status
+ -> [ArgRep]
+ -> Bool -- args in regs?
+ -> Doc -- fun_info_label
+ -> StackUsage
+ -> Doc
+stackCheck regstatus args args_in_regs fun_info_label (prof_sp, norm_sp) =
+ let
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
+ cmp_sp n
+ | n > 0 =
+ text "if (Sp - WDS(" <> int n <> text ") < SpLim) {" $$
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ if args_in_regs
+ then
+ text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi $$
+ saveRegOffs reg_locs
+ else
+ empty,
+ text "Sp(0) = " <> fun_info_label <> char ';',
+ mkJump regstatus (text "__stg_gc_enter_1") ["R1"] [] <> semi
+ ]) $$
+ char '}'
+ | otherwise = empty
+ in
+ vcat [ text "#ifdef PROFILING",
+ cmp_sp prof_sp,
+ text "#else",
+ cmp_sp norm_sp,
+ text "#endif"
+ ]
genMkPAP :: RegStatus -- Register status
-> String -- Macro
-> String -- Jump target
@@ -212,17 +252,19 @@ genMkPAP :: RegStatus -- Register status
-> Int -- Size of all arguments
-> Doc -- info label
-> Bool -- Is a function
- -> Doc
+ -> (Doc, StackUsage)
genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
no_load_regs -- don't load argument regs before jumping
args_in_regs -- arguments are already in regs
is_pap args all_args_size fun_info_label
- = smaller_arity_cases
- $$ exact_arity_case
- $$ larger_arity_case
+ = (doc, stack_usage)
+ doc = vcat smaller_arity_doc $$ exact_arity_case $$ larger_arity_doc
+ stack_usage = maxStack (larger_arity_stack : smaller_arity_stack)
n_args = length args
-- offset of arguments on the stack at slow apply calls.
@@ -237,10 +279,17 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
-- Sp[0] = Sp[1];
-- Sp[1] = (W_)&stg_ap_1_info;
- smaller_arity_cases = vcat [ smaller_arity i | i <- [1..n_args-1] ]
+ (smaller_arity_doc, smaller_arity_stack)
+ = unzip [ smaller_arity i | i <- [1..n_args-1] ]
+ smaller_arity arity = (doc, stack_usage)
+ where
+ (save_regs, stack_usage)
+ | overflow_regs = save_extra_regs
+ | otherwise = shuffle_extra_args
- smaller_arity arity
- = text "if (arity == " <> int arity <> text ") {" $$
+ doc =
+ text "if (arity == " <> int arity <> text ") {" $$
nest 4 (vcat [
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_TOO_MANY();",
@@ -253,9 +302,7 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
-- If the extra arguments are on the stack, then we must
-- instead shuffle them down to make room for the info
-- table for the follow-on call.
- if overflow_regs
- then save_extra_regs
- else shuffle_extra_args,
+ save_regs,
-- for a PAP, we have to arrange that the stack contains a
-- return address in the event that stg_PAP_entry fails its
@@ -271,81 +318,88 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
]) $$
text "}"
- where
- -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
- (reg_locs, _, _)
- = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset args
- -- register assignment for *this function call*
- (reg_locs', reg_call_leftovers, reg_call_sp_stk_args)
- = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset (take arity args)
- load_regs
- | no_load_regs || args_in_regs = empty
- | otherwise = loadRegOffs reg_locs'
- (this_call_args, rest_args) = splitAt arity args
- -- the offset of the stack args from initial Sp
- sp_stk_args
- | args_in_regs = stk_args_offset
- | no_load_regs = stk_args_offset
- | otherwise = reg_call_sp_stk_args
- -- the stack args themselves
- this_call_stack_args
- | args_in_regs = reg_call_leftovers -- sp offsets are wrong
- | no_load_regs = this_call_args
- | otherwise = reg_call_leftovers
- stack_args_size = sum (map argSize this_call_stack_args)
- overflow_regs = args_in_regs && length reg_locs > length reg_locs'
- save_extra_regs
- = -- we have extra arguments in registers to save
- let
- extra_reg_locs = drop (length reg_locs') (reverse reg_locs)
- adj_reg_locs = [ (reg, off - adj + 1) |
- (reg,off) <- extra_reg_locs ]
- adj = case extra_reg_locs of
- (reg, fst_off):_ -> fst_off
- size = snd (last adj_reg_locs)
- in
- text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-size - 1) <> text ");" $$
- saveRegOffs adj_reg_locs $$
- loadSpWordOff "W_" 0 <> text " = " <>
- mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi
- shuffle_extra_args
- = vcat [text "#ifdef PROFILING",
- shuffle True,
+ -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
+ (reg_locs, _, _)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset args
+ -- register assignment for *this function call*
+ (reg_locs', reg_call_leftovers, reg_call_sp_stk_args)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset (take arity args)
+ load_regs
+ | no_load_regs || args_in_regs = empty
+ | otherwise = loadRegOffs reg_locs'
+ (this_call_args, rest_args) = splitAt arity args
+ -- the offset of the stack args from initial Sp
+ sp_stk_args
+ | args_in_regs = stk_args_offset
+ | no_load_regs = stk_args_offset
+ | otherwise = reg_call_sp_stk_args
+ -- the stack args themselves
+ this_call_stack_args
+ | args_in_regs = reg_call_leftovers -- sp offsets are wrong
+ | no_load_regs = this_call_args
+ | otherwise = reg_call_leftovers
+ stack_args_size = sum (map argSize this_call_stack_args)
+ overflow_regs = args_in_regs && length reg_locs > length reg_locs'
+ save_extra_regs = (doc, (size,size))
+ where
+ -- we have extra arguments in registers to save
+ extra_reg_locs = drop (length reg_locs') (reverse reg_locs)
+ adj_reg_locs = [ (reg, off - adj + 1) |
+ (reg,off) <- extra_reg_locs ]
+ adj = case extra_reg_locs of
+ (reg, fst_off):_ -> fst_off
+ size = snd (last adj_reg_locs) + 1
+ doc =
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-size) <> text ");" $$
+ saveRegOffs adj_reg_locs $$
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" 0 <> text " = " <>
+ mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi
+ shuffle_extra_args = (doc, (shuffle_prof_stack, shuffle_norm_stack))
+ where
+ doc = vcat [ text "#ifdef PROFILING",
+ shuffle_prof_doc,
text "#else",
- shuffle False,
+ shuffle_norm_doc,
text "#endif"]
- where
- -- Sadly here we have to insert an stg_restore_cccs frame
- -- just underneath the stg_ap_*_info frame if we're
- -- profiling; see Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
- shuffle prof =
- let offset = if prof then 2 else 0 in
- vcat (map (shuffle_down (offset+1))
- [sp_stk_args .. sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1]) $$
- (if prof
- then
- loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-3)
- <> text " = stg_restore_cccs_info;" $$
- loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-2)
- <> text " = CCCS;"
- else empty) $$
- loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1)
- <> text " = "
- <> mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi $$
- text "Sp_adj(" <> int (sp_stk_args - 1 - offset) <> text ");"
- shuffle_down j i =
- loadSpWordOff "W_" (i-j) <> text " = " <>
- loadSpWordOff "W_" i <> semi
+ (shuffle_prof_doc, shuffle_prof_stack) = shuffle True
+ (shuffle_norm_doc, shuffle_norm_stack) = shuffle False
+ -- Sadly here we have to insert an stg_restore_cccs frame
+ -- just underneath the stg_ap_*_info frame if we're
+ -- profiling; see Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
+ shuffle prof = (doc, -sp_adj)
+ where
+ sp_adj = sp_stk_args - 1 - offset
+ offset = if prof then 2 else 0
+ doc =
+ vcat (map (shuffle_down (offset+1))
+ [sp_stk_args .. sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1]) $$
+ (if prof
+ then
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-3)
+ <> text " = stg_restore_cccs_info;" $$
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-2)
+ <> text " = CCCS;"
+ else empty) $$
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1)
+ <> text " = "
+ <> mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi $$
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp_adj <> text ");"
+ shuffle_down j i =
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (i-j) <> text " = " <>
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" i <> semi
-- The EXACT ARITY case
@@ -378,7 +432,17 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
-- BUILD_PAP(1,0,(W_)&stg_ap_v_info);
-- }
- larger_arity_case =
+ (larger_arity_doc, larger_arity_stack) = (doc, stack)
+ where
+ -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_slow_offset args
+ -- BUILD_PAP assumes args start at offset 1
+ stack | args_in_regs = (sp_offset, sp_offset)
+ | otherwise = (0,0)
+ doc =
text "} else {" $$
@@ -407,11 +471,7 @@ genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
text ");"
]) $$
char '}'
- where
- -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
- (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset)
- = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_slow_offset args
- -- BUILD_PAP assumes args start at offset 1
-- Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
@@ -453,13 +513,14 @@ enterFastPathHelper :: Int
-> [ArgRep]
-> Doc
enterFastPathHelper tag regstatus no_load_regs args_in_regs args =
- vcat [text "if (GETTAG(R1)==" <> int tag <> text ") {",
- reg_doc,
- text " Sp_adj(" <> int sp' <> text ");",
- -- enter, but adjust offset with tag
- text " " <> mkJump regstatus (text "%GET_ENTRY(R1-" <> int tag <> text ")") ["R1"] args <> semi,
- text "}"
- ]
+ text "if (GETTAG(R1)==" <> int tag <> text ") {" $$
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ reg_doc,
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp' <> text ");",
+ -- enter, but adjust offset with tag
+ mkJump regstatus (text "%GET_ENTRY(R1-" <> int tag <> text ")") ["R1"] args <> semi
+ ]) $$
+ text "}"
-- I don't totally understand this code, I copied it from
-- exact_arity_case
-- TODO: refactor
@@ -519,6 +580,23 @@ genApply regstatus args =
fun_ret_label = mkApplyRetName args
fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
+ (bco_doc, bco_stack) =
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "ENTRY_LBL(stg_BCO)" ["R1"] "FUN" "BCO"
+ True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
+ (fun_doc, fun_stack) =
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
+ False{-reg apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
+ (pap_doc, pap_stack) =
+ genMkPAP regstatus "NEW_PAP" "stg_PAP_apply" ["R1", "R2"] "PAP" "PAP"
+ True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} True{-is a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
+ stack_usage = maxStack [bco_stack, fun_stack, pap_stack]
vcat [
text "INFO_TABLE_RET(" <> mkApplyName args <> text ", " <>
@@ -579,6 +657,9 @@ genApply regstatus args =
-- if pointer is tagged enter it fast!
enterFastPath regstatus False False args,
+ stackCheck regstatus args False{-args on stack-}
+ fun_info_label stack_usage,
-- Functions can be tagged, so we untag them!
text "R1 = UNTAG(R1);",
text "info = %INFO_PTR(R1);",
@@ -596,9 +677,7 @@ genApply regstatus args =
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgBCO_arity(R1));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
- genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "ENTRY_LBL(stg_BCO)" ["R1"] "FUN" "BCO"
- True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
- args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
+ bco_doc
text "}",
@@ -615,9 +694,7 @@ genApply regstatus args =
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%FUN_INFO(info)));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
- genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
- False{-reg apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
- args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
+ fun_doc
text "}",
@@ -629,9 +706,7 @@ genApply regstatus args =
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgPAP_arity(R1));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
- genMkPAP regstatus "NEW_PAP" "stg_PAP_apply" ["R1", "R2"] "PAP" "PAP"
- True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} True{-is a PAP-}
- args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
+ pap_doc
text "}",
@@ -690,6 +765,7 @@ genApply regstatus args =
text "}"
text "}"
@@ -702,6 +778,15 @@ genApplyFast regstatus args =
fun_ret_label = text "RET_LBL" <> parens (mkApplyName args)
fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
+ (fun_doc, fun_stack) =
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
+ False{-reg apply-} True{-args in regs-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
+ stack_usage = maxStack [fun_stack, (sp_offset,sp_offset)]
vcat [
@@ -715,6 +800,9 @@ genApplyFast regstatus args =
-- if pointer is tagged enter it fast!
enterFastPath regstatus False True args,
+ stackCheck regstatus args True{-args in regs-}
+ fun_info_label stack_usage,
-- Functions can be tagged, so we untag them!
text "R1 = UNTAG(R1);",
text "info = %GET_STD_INFO(R1);",
@@ -730,18 +818,11 @@ genApplyFast regstatus args =
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%GET_FUN_INFO(R1)));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
- genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
- False{-reg apply-} True{-args in regs-} False{-not a PAP-}
- args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
+ fun_doc
char '}',
text "default: {",
- let
- (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
- -- leave a one-word space on the top of the stack when
- -- calling the slow version
- in
nest 4 (vcat [
text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi,
saveRegOffs reg_locs,
@@ -749,8 +830,9 @@ genApplyFast regstatus args =
char '}'
- char '}'
- ]),
+ char '}'
+ ]),
char '}'