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authorViktor Dukhovni <>2020-12-27 22:37:16 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2021-01-09 21:20:23 -0500
commit0670f387b5946b777f032fcb9b1b4fc4fd661bc0 (patch)
parentc8c63dde01686a96af4dabcced78110368efaec3 (diff)
New overview of Foldable class
Also updated stale external URL in Traversable
2 files changed, 750 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
index acd06c1382..48acbe2d14 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,51 @@ module Data.Foldable (
-- * Searches
+ -- * Overview
+ -- $overview
+ -- ** Recursive and corecursive reduction
+ -- $reduction
+ -- *** Strict recursive folds
+ -- $strict
+ -- **** List of strict functions
+ -- $strictlist
+ -- *** Lazy corecursive folds
+ -- $lazy
+ -- **** List of lazy functions
+ -- $lazylist
+ -- *** Short-circuit folds
+ -- $shortcircuit
+ -- **** List of short-circuit functions
+ -- $shortlist
+ -- *** Hybrid folds
+ -- $hybrid
+ -- ** Avoiding multi-pass algorithms
+ -- $multipass
+ -- * Defining instances
+ -- $instances
+ -- *** Being strict by being lazy
+ -- $strictlazy
+ -- * Laws
+ -- $laws
+ -- * Notes
+ -- $notes
+ -- * See also
+ -- $also
) where
import Data.Bool
@@ -70,52 +115,21 @@ import GHC.Num ( Num(..) )
infix 4 `elem`, `notElem`
--- | Data structures that can be folded.
--- For example, given a data type
--- > data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
--- a suitable instance would be
--- > instance Foldable Tree where
--- > foldMap f Empty = mempty
--- > foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
--- > foldMap f (Node l k r) = foldMap f l `mappend` f k `mappend` foldMap f r
--- This is suitable even for abstract types, as the monoid is assumed
--- to satisfy the monoid laws. Alternatively, one could define @foldr@:
--- > instance Foldable Tree where
--- > foldr f z Empty = z
--- > foldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
--- > foldr f z (Node l k r) = foldr f (f k (foldr f z r)) l
--- @Foldable@ instances are expected to satisfy the following laws:
--- > foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t ) z
--- > foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z
--- > fold = foldMap id
--- > length = getSum . foldMap (Sum . const 1)
--- @sum@, @product@, @maximum@, and @minimum@ should all be essentially
--- equivalent to @foldMap@ forms, such as
--- > sum = getSum . foldMap Sum
--- but may be less defined.
--- If the type is also a 'Functor' instance, it should satisfy
--- > foldMap f = fold . fmap f
+-- XXX: Missing haddock feature. Links to anchors in other modules
+-- don't have a sensible way to name the link within the module itself.
+-- Thus, the below "Data.Foldable#overview" works well when shown as
+-- @Data.Foldable@ from other modules, but in the home module it should
+-- be possible to specify alternative link text. :-(
+-- | The Foldable class represents data structures that can be reduced to a
+-- summary value one element at a time. Strict left-associative folds are a
+-- good fit for space-efficient reduction, while lazy right-associative folds
+-- are good fit for corecursive iteration or for folds that short-circuit after
+-- processing an initial subsequence of the structure's elements.
--- which implies that
+-- A more detailed description can be found in the overview section of
+-- "Data.Foldable#overview".
--- > foldMap f . fmap g = foldMap (f . g)
class Foldable t where
{-# MINIMAL foldMap | foldr #-}
@@ -250,11 +264,11 @@ class Foldable t where
-- > foldl f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == (...((z `f` x1) `f` x2) `f`...) `f` xn
-- Note that to produce the outermost application of the operator the
- -- entire input list must be traversed. This means that 'foldl'' will
+ -- entire input list must be traversed. This means that 'foldl' will
-- diverge if given an infinite list.
-- Also note that if you want an efficient left-fold, you probably want to
- -- use 'foldl'' instead of 'foldl'. The reason for this is that latter does
+ -- use `foldl'` instead of 'foldl'. The reason for this is that latter does
-- not force the "inner" results (e.g. @z \`f\` x1@ in the above example)
-- before applying them to the operator (e.g. to @(\`f\` x2)@). This results
-- in a thunk chain \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) elements long, which then must be
@@ -1283,5 +1297,675 @@ this could be particularly bad (see #10830).
For the common case of lists, switching the implementations of maximumBy and
minimumBy to foldl1 solves the issue, assuming GHC's strictness analysis can then
-make these functions only use O(1) stack space. As of base 4.16, we have switched to employing foldl' over foldl1, not relying on GHC's optimiser. See for more context.
+make these functions only use O(1) stack space. As of base 4.16, we have
+switched to employing foldl' over foldl1, not relying on GHC's optimiser. See
+ for more context.
+-- In order to avoid having actual Unicode glyphs in the module source,
+-- the below numeric HTML entity codes are used:
+-- * ellipsis = &#x2026;
+-- $overview
+-- #overview#
+-- Foldable structures are reduced to a summary value by accumulating
+-- contributions to the result one element at a time.
+-- == Left and right folds
+-- #leftright#
+-- Merging the contribution of the current element with an accumulator value
+-- from a partial result is performed by an /update function/, either
+-- explicitly provided by the caller as in `foldr`, implicit as in `length`, or
+-- partly implicit as in `foldMap` (where each element is mapped into a monoid,
+-- and the Monoid's `mappend` performs the merge).
+-- A key distinction is between left-associative and right-associative
+-- folds:
+-- * In left-associative folds the accumulator is a partial fold over the
+-- elements that __precede__ the current element, and is passed to the update
+-- function as its first (left) argument. The outer-most application of the
+-- update function merges the contribution of the last element of the
+-- structure with the contributions of all its predecessors.
+-- * In right-associative folds the accumulator is a partial fold over the
+-- elements that __follow__ the current element, and is passed to the update
+-- function as its second (right) argument. The outer-most application of
+-- the update function merges the contribution of the first element of the
+-- structure with the contributions of all its successors.
+-- These two types of folds are typified by the left-associative strict
+-- `foldl'` and the right-associative lazy `foldr`.
+-- @
+-- `foldl'` :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldr` :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- @
+-- Example usage:
+-- >>> foldl' (+) 0 [1..100]
+-- 5050
+-- >>> foldr (&&) True (repeat False)
+-- False
+-- The first argument of both is an explicit /update function/ that merges the
+-- contribution of an element of the structure with a partial fold over,
+-- respectively, either the preceding or following elements of the structure.
+-- The second argument of both is an initial accumulator value @z@ of type
+-- @b@. This is the result of the fold when the structure is empty.
+-- When the structure is non-empty, this is the accumulator value merged with
+-- the first element in left-associative folds, or with the last element in
+-- right-associative folds.
+-- The third and final argument is a @Foldable@ structure containing elements
+-- @(a, b, c, &#x2026;)@.
+-- * __`foldl'`__ takes an update function of the form:
+-- @
+-- f :: b -- accumulated fold of the initial elements
+-- -> a -- current element
+-- -> b -- updated fold, inclusive of current element
+-- @
+-- If the structure's last element is @y@, the result of the fold is:
+-- @
+-- g y . &#x2026; . g c . g b . g a $ z
+-- where g element !acc = f acc element
+-- @
+-- Since `foldl'` is strict in the accumulator, this is always
+-- a [strict](#strict) reduction with no opportunity for early return or
+-- intermediate results. The structure must be finite, since no result is
+-- returned until the last element is processed. The advantage of
+-- strictness is space efficiency: the final result can be computed without
+-- storing a potentially deep stack of lazy intermediate results.
+-- * __`foldr`__ takes an update function of the form:
+-- @
+-- f :: a -- current element
+-- -> b -- accumulated fold of the remaining elements
+-- -> b -- updated fold, inclusive of current element
+-- @
+-- the result of the fold is:
+-- @
+-- f a . f b . f c . &#x2026; $ z
+-- @
+-- If each call of @f@ on the current element @e@, (referenced as @(f e)@
+-- below) returns a structure in which its second argument is captured in a
+-- lazily-evaluated component, then the fold of the remaining elements is
+-- available to the caller of `foldr` as a pending computation (thunk) that
+-- is computed only when that component is evaluated.
+-- Alternatively, if any of the @(f e)@ ignore their second argument, the
+-- fold stops there, with the remaining elements unused. As a result,
+-- `foldr` is well suited to define both [corecursive](#corec)
+-- and [short-circuit](#short) reductions.
+-- When the update function is always strict in the second argument,
+-- `foldl'` is generally a better choice than `foldr`. When `foldr` is
+-- called with a strict update function, evaluation cannot begin until the
+-- last element is reached, by which point a deep stack of pending function
+-- applications may have been built up in memory.
+-- In finite structures for which right-to-left sequencing no less efficient as
+-- left-to-right sequencing, there is no inherent performance distinction
+-- between left-associative and right-associative folds. If the structure's
+-- @Foldable@ instance takes advantage of this symmetry to also make strict
+-- right folds space-efficient and lazy left folds corecursive, one need only
+-- take care to choose either a strict or lazy method for the task at hand.
+-- $reduction
+-- As observed in the [above description](#leftright) of left and right folds,
+-- there are three general ways in which a structure can be reduced to a
+-- summary value:
+-- * __Recursive__ reduction, which is strict in all the elements of the
+-- structure. This produces a single final result only after processing the
+-- entire input structure, and so the input must be finite.
+-- * __Corecursion__, which yields intermediate results as it encounters
+-- additional input elements. Lazy processing of the remaining elements
+-- makes the intermediate results available even before the rest of the
+-- input is processed. The input may be unbounded, and the caller can
+-- stop processing intermediate results early.
+-- * __Short-circuit__ reduction, which examines some initial sequence of the
+-- input elements, but stops once a termination condition is met, returning a
+-- final result based only on the elements considered up to that point. The
+-- remaining elements are not considered. The input should generally be
+-- finite, because the termination condition might otherwise never be met.
+-- Whether a fold is recursive, corecursive or short-circuiting can depend on
+-- both the method chosen to perform the fold and on the update function passed
+-- to that method (which may be implicit, as with the `mappend` method of a
+-- monoid instance).
+-- There are also hybrid cases, where the method and/or the update function are
+-- not well suited to the task at hand, resulting in a fold that fails to yield
+-- incremental results until the entire input is processed, or fails to
+-- strictly evaluate results as it goes, deferring all the work to the
+-- evaluation of a large final thunk. Such cases should be avoided, either by
+-- selecting a more appropriate @Foldable@ method, or by tailoring the update
+-- function to the chosen method.
+-- The distinction between these types of folds is critical, both in deciding
+-- which @Foldable@ method to use to perform the reduction efficiently, and in
+-- writing @Foldable@ instances for new structures. Below is a more detailed
+-- overview of each type.
+-- $strict
+-- #strict#
+-- Common examples of strict recursive reduction are the various /aggregate/
+-- functions, like 'sum', 'product', 'length', as well as more complex
+-- summaries such as frequency counts. These functions return only a single
+-- value after processing the entire input structure. In such cases, lazy
+-- processing of the tail of the input structure is generally not only
+-- unnecessary, but also inefficient. Thus, these and similar folds should be
+-- implemented in terms of strict left-associative @Foldable@ methods (typically
+-- `foldl'`) to perform an efficient reduction in constant space.
+-- Conversely, an implementation of @Foldable@ for a new structure should
+-- ensure that `foldl'` actually performs a strict left-associative reduction.
+-- The `foldMap'` method is a special case of `foldl'`, in which the initial
+-- accumulator is `mempty` and the update function is @mappend . f@, where
+-- @f@ maps each input element into the 'Monoid' in question. Therefore,
+-- `foldMap'` is an appropriate choice under essentially the same conditions
+-- as `foldl'`, and its implementation for a given @Foldable@ structure should
+-- also be a strict left-associative reduction.
+-- While the examples below are not necessarily the most optimal definitions of
+-- the intended functions, they are all cases in which `foldMap'` is far more
+-- appropriate (as well as more efficient) than the lazy `foldMap`.
+-- > length = getSum . foldMap' (const (Sum 1))
+-- > sum = getSum . foldMap' Sum
+-- > product = getProduct . foldMap' Product
+-- [ The actual default definitions employ coercions to optimise out
+-- 'getSum' and 'getProduct'. ]
+-- $strictlist
+-- The full list of strict recursive functions in this module is:
+-- * Provided the update function is strict in its left argument:
+-- @
+-- `foldl'` :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- @
+-- * Provided `mappend` is strict in its left argument:
+-- @
+-- `foldMap'` :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
+-- @
+-- * Provided the instance is correctly defined:
+-- @
+-- `length` :: Foldable t => t a -> Int
+-- `sum` :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
+-- `product` :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
+-- `maximum` :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a
+-- `minimum` :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a
+-- `maximumBy` :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
+-- `minimumBy` :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
+-- @
+-- $lazy
+-- #corec#
+-- Common examples of lazy corecursive reduction are functions that map and
+-- flatten a structure to a lazy stream of result values, i.e. an iterator
+-- over the transformed input elements. In such cases, it is important to
+-- choose a @Foldable@ method that is lazy in the tail of the structure, such
+-- as `foldr` (or `foldMap`, if the result @Monoid@ has a lazy `mappend` as
+-- with e.g. ByteString Builders).
+-- Conversely, an implementation of `foldr` for a structure that can
+-- accommodate a large (and possibly unbounded) number of elements is expected
+-- to be lazy in the tail of the input, allowing update functions that are lazy
+-- in the accumulator to yield intermediate results incrementally. Such folds
+-- are right-associative, with the tail of the stream returned as a lazily
+-- evaluated component of the result (an element of a tuple or some other
+-- non-strict constructor, e.g. the @(:)@ constructor for lists).
+-- The @toList@ function below lazily transforms a @Foldable@ structure to a
+-- List. Note that this transformation may be lossy, e.g. for a keyed
+-- container (@Map@, @HashMap@, &#x2026;) the output stream holds only the
+-- values, not the keys. Lossless transformations to\/from lists of @(key,
+-- value)@ pairs are typically available in the modules for the specific
+-- container types.
+-- > toList = foldr (:) []
+-- $lazylist
+-- The full list of lazy corecursive functions in this module is:
+-- * Provided the reduction function is lazy in its second argument,
+-- (otherwise best to use a strict recursive reduction):
+-- @
+-- `foldr` :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldr1` :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
+-- @
+-- * Provided the 'Monoid' `mappend` is lazy in its second argument
+-- (otherwise best to use a strict recursive reduction):
+-- @
+-- `fold` :: Foldable t => Monoid m => t m -> m
+-- `foldMap` :: Foldable t => Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
+-- @
+-- * Provided the instance is correctly defined:
+-- @
+-- `toList` :: Foldable t => t a -> [a]
+-- `concat` :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
+-- `concatMap` :: Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
+-- @
+-- $shortcircuit
+-- #short#
+-- Examples of short-cicuit reduction include various boolean predicates
+-- that test whether some or all the elements of a structure satisfy a
+-- given condition. Because these don't necessarily consume the entire
+-- list, they typically employ `foldr` with an update function that
+-- is conditionally strict in its second argument. Once the termination
+-- condition is met the second argument (tail of the input structure) is
+-- ignored. No result is returned until that happens.
+-- The key distinguishing feature of these folds is /conditional/ strictness
+-- in the second argument, it is sometimes evaluated and sometimes not.
+-- The simplest (degenerate case) of these is 'null', which determines whether
+-- a structure is empty or not. This only needs to look at the first element,
+-- and only to the extent of whether it exists or not, and not its value. In
+-- this case termination is guaranteed, and infinite input structures are fine.
+-- Its default definition is of course in terms of the lazy 'foldr':
+-- > null = foldr (\_ _ -> False) True
+-- A more general example is `any`, which applies a predicate to each input
+-- element in turn until it finds the first one for which the predicate is
+-- true, at which point it returns success. If, in an infinite input stream
+-- the predicate is false for all the elements, `any` will not terminate,
+-- but since it runs in constant space, it typically won't run out of memory,
+-- it'll just loop forever.
+-- $shortlist
+-- The full list of short-circuit folds in this module is:
+-- * Boolean predicate folds.
+-- These functions examine elements strictly until a condition is met,
+-- but then return a result ignoring the rest (lazy in the tail). These
+-- may loop forever given an unbounded input where no elements satisy the
+-- termination condition.
+-- @
+-- `null` :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool
+-- `elem` :: Foldable t => Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool
+-- `notElem` :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
+-- `and` :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
+-- `or` :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
+-- `find` :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Maybe a
+-- `any` :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
+-- `all` :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
+-- @
+-- * Many instances of '<|>' (e.g. the 'Maybe' instance) are conditionally
+-- lazy, and use or don't use their second argument depending on the value
+-- of the first. These are used with the folds below, which terminate as
+-- early as possible, but otherwise generally keep going. Some instances
+-- (e.g. for List) are always strict, but the result is lazy in the tail
+-- of the output, so that `asum` for a list of lists is in fact corecursive.
+-- These folds are defined in terms of `foldr`.
+-- @
+-- `asum` :: (Foldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a
+-- `msum` :: (Foldable t, MonadPlus m) => t (m a) -> m a
+-- @
+-- * Likewise, the '*>' operator in some `Applicative` functors, and '>>'
+-- in some monads are conditionally lazy and can /short-circuit/ a chain of
+-- computations. The below folds will terminate as early as possible, but
+-- even infinite loops can be productive here, when evaluated solely for
+-- their stream of IO side-effects. See "Data.Traversable#validation"
+-- for some additional discussion.
+-- @
+-- `traverse_` :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
+-- `for_` :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => t a -> (a -> f b) -> f ()
+-- `sequenceA_` :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f ()
+-- `mapM_` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
+-- `forM_` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
+-- `sequence_` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m ()
+-- @
+-- * Finally, there's one more special case, which can short-circuit when the
+-- monad @m@ is a 'MonadPlus', and the update function conditionally calls
+-- 'mzero'. The monadic result is a strict left fold of the inputs when the
+-- monad's bind operator is strict in its first argument. And yet the
+-- monadic actions of this ostensibly left fold are sequenced via the lazy
+-- `foldr`, which allows it to short-circuit early. The monadic side-effects
+-- are evaluated in left-to-right order.
+-- @
+-- `foldlM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
+-- @
+-- For a structure @xs@ with elements @(a, b, c, &#x2026;)@, the default
+-- definition of @(foldlM f xs z)@ expands (via `foldr`) to:
+-- @
+-- return z >>= (g a >>= (g b >>= (g c >>= ...)))
+-- where g element acc = f acc element -- i.e. g = flip f
+-- @
+-- The fold is not strict in the accumulator, unless @f@ is. But even when
+-- @f@ is strict, if the Monad's bind operator is not strict in its right
+-- argument the chain of monadic actions can short-circuit:
+-- >>> :set -XBangPatterns
+-- >>> import Control.Monad
+-- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans
+-- >>> import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+-- >>> import Data.Foldable
+-- >>> let f !_ e = when (e > 3) mzero >> lift (print e)
+-- >>> runMaybeT $ foldlM f () [0..]
+-- 0
+-- 1
+-- 2
+-- 3
+-- Nothing
+-- Contrast this with `foldrM`, which uses `foldl` to sequence the effects,
+-- and therefore diverges (running out of space) when given an unbounded
+-- input structure. The short-circuit condition is never reached
+-- >>> let f e _ = when (e > 3) mzero >> lift (print e)
+-- >>> runMaybeT $ foldrM f () [0..]
+-- ...hangs...
+-- If the update function is changed to short-circuit on the initial
+-- elements and the structure is finite, `foldrM` will run effects and
+-- produce results in reverse order:
+-- >>> let f e _ = when (e < 3) mzero >> lift (print e)
+-- >>> runMaybeT $ foldrM f () [0..5]
+-- 5
+-- 4
+-- 3
+-- Nothing
+-- $hybrid
+-- The below folds, are neither strict reductions that produce a final answer
+-- in constant space, nor lazy corecursions, and so have limited applicability.
+-- They do have specialised uses, but are best avoided when in doubt.
+-- @
+-- `foldr'` :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldl` :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
+-- `foldl1` :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
+-- `foldrM` :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
+-- @
+-- $instances
+-- For many structures reasonably efficient @Foldable@ instances can be derived
+-- automatically, by enabling the @DeriveFoldable@ GHC extension. When this
+-- works, it is generally not necessary to define a custom instance by hand.
+-- Though in some cases one may be able to get slightly faster hand-tuned code,
+-- care is required to avoid producing slower code, or code that is not
+-- sufficiently lazy, strict or /lawful/.
+-- The hand-crafted intances can get away with only defining one of 'foldr' or
+-- 'foldMap'. All the other methods have default definitions in terms of one
+-- of these. The default definitions have the expected strictness and the
+-- expected asymptotic runtime and space costs, modulo small constant factors.
+-- If you choose to hand-tune, benchmarking is advised to see whether you're
+-- doing better than the default derived implementations, plus careful tests to
+-- ensure that the custom methods are correct.
+-- For example, given a data type
+-- > data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
+-- a suitable instance would be:
+-- > instance Foldable Tree where
+-- > foldr f z Empty = z
+-- > foldr f z (Leaf x) = f x z
+-- > foldr f z (Node l k r) = foldr f (f k (foldr f z r)) l
+-- The 'Node' case is a right fold of the left subtree whose initial
+-- value is a right fold of the rest of the tree.
+-- For example, when `f` is '(:)', all three cases return an immediate
+-- value, respectively @z@ or a /cons cell/ holding @x@ or @l@, with the
+-- remainder the structure, if any, encapsulated in a lazy thunk.
+-- This meets the expected efficient [corecursive](#corec) behaviour
+-- of 'foldr'.
+-- Alternatively, one could define @foldMap@:
+-- > instance Foldable Tree where
+-- > foldMap f Empty = mempty
+-- > foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
+-- > foldMap f (Node l k r) = foldMap f l <> f k <> foldMap f r
+-- And indeed some efficiency may be gained by directly defining both,
+-- avoiding some indirection in the default definitions that express
+-- one in terms of the other. If you implement just one, likely 'foldr'
+-- is the better choice.
+-- The fact that `foldl'` can be reasonably efficiently defined in terms
+-- of 'foldr' is one of the more surprising features of @Foldable@. It
+-- may be instructive to take a look at how this works.
+-- $strictlazy
+-- #strictlazy#
+-- The left fold:
+-- @
+-- foldl' f z [a, b, &#x2026;, x, y]
+-- @
+-- can be expanded as:
+-- @
+-- id . g y . g x . &#x2026; . g b . g a $ z
+-- \ \ where g = flip f
+-- @
+-- In which to maintain the expected strictness we need to perform function
+-- application eagerly, and composition lazily. To that end we introduce a new
+-- function @f'@ which maps each element @x@ to an eager application of @g x@
+-- to its argument, followed by an application of a lazily computed composition
+-- (@k@) of the @g e@ functions for the remaining elements @e@:
+-- > f' x k z = k $! (g x) z = k $! f z x
+-- We see that a lazy 'foldr' of the @g e@ endomorphisms, with @f'@ as as the
+-- update function, in fact yields a strict left fold, that avoids building a
+-- deep chain of intermediate thunks:
+-- > foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
+-- > where f' x k z = k $! f z x
+-- The function applied to @z0@ is built corecursively, and its terms are
+-- applied eagerly to the accumulator before further terms are applied to
+-- the result. So, as promised, this will run in constant space, and GHC
+-- is able to optimise this to an efficient loop.
+-- $multipass
+-- In applications where you want to compute a composite function of a
+-- structure, which requires more than one aggregate as an input, it is
+-- generally best to compute all the aggregates in a single pass, rather
+-- than to traverse the same structure repeatedly.
+-- The [@foldl@]( package implements a
+-- robust general framework for dealing with this situation. If you choose to
+-- to do it yourself, with a bit of care, the simplest cases are not difficult
+-- to handle directly. You just need to accumulate the individual aggregates
+-- as __strict__ components of a single data type, and then apply a final
+-- transformation to it to extract the composite result. For example,
+-- computing an average requires computing both the 'sum' and the 'length' of a
+-- (non-empty) structure and dividing the sum by the length:
+-- > import Data.Foldable (foldl')
+-- >
+-- > data PairS a b = P !a !b -- strict pair
+-- >
+-- > -- | Compute sum and length in a single pass, then reduce to the average.
+-- > average :: (Foldable f, Fractional a) => f a -> a
+-- > average = pairToFrac . foldl' f z
+-- > where
+-- > z = P 0 (0 :: Int)
+-- > f (P s l) a = P (s+a) (l+1)
+-- > pairToFrac (P s l) = s / fromIntegral l
+-- The above example is somewhat contrived, some structures keep track of
+-- their length internally, and can return it in @O(1)@ time, so this
+-- particular recipe for averages is not always the most efficient.
+-- In general, composite aggregate functions of large structures benefit
+-- from single-pass reduction.
+-- $laws
+-- @Foldable@ instances are expected to satisfy the following laws:
+-- > foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t ) z
+-- > foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z
+-- > fold = foldMap id
+-- > length = getSum . foldMap (Sum . const 1)
+-- @sum@, @product@, @maximum@, and @minimum@ should all be essentially
+-- equivalent to @foldMap@ forms, such as
+-- > sum = getSum . foldMap' Sum
+-- > product = getProduct . foldMap' Product
+-- but are generally more efficient when defined more directly as:
+-- > sum = foldl' (+) 0
+-- > sum = foldl' (*) 1
+-- If the type is also a 'Functor' instance, it should satisfy
+-- > foldMap f = fold . fmap f
+-- which implies that
+-- > foldMap f . fmap g = foldMap (f . g)
+-- $notes
+-- #notes#
+-- The absence of a 'Functor' superclass allows
+-- @Foldable@ structures to impose constraints on their element types. Thus,
+-- Sets are @Foldable@, even though @Set@ imposes an 'Ord' constraint on its
+-- elements (this precludes defining a @Functor@ instance for @Set@).
+-- The @Foldable@ class makes it possible to use idioms familiar from the List
+-- type with container structures that are better suited to the task at hand.
+-- This allows a user to substitute more appropriate @Foldable@ data types
+-- for Lists without requiring new idioms (see [[1\]](#uselistsnot) for when
+-- not to use lists).
+-- The more general methods of the @Foldable@ class are now exported by the
+-- "Prelude" in place of the original List-specific methods (see the
+-- [FTP Proposal](
+-- The List-specific variants are for now still available in "GHC.OldList", but
+-- that module is intended only as a transitional aid, and may be removed in
+-- the future.
+-- Surprises can arise from the @Foldable@ instance of the 2-tuple @(a,)@ which
+-- now behaves as a 1-element @Foldable@ container in its second slot. In
+-- contexts where a specific monomorphic type is expected, and you want to be
+-- able to rely on type errors to guide refactoring, it may make sense to
+-- define and use less-polymorphic variants of some of the @Foldable@ methods.
+-- Below are two examples showing a definition of a reusable less-polymorphic
+-- 'sum' and a one-off in-line specialisation of 'length':
+-- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+-- >
+-- > mySum :: Num a => [a] -> a
+-- > mySum = sum
+-- >
+-- > type SlowVector a = [a]
+-- > slowLength :: SlowVector -> Int
+-- > slowLength v = length @[] v
+-- In both cases, if the data type to which the function is applied changes
+-- to something other than a list, the call-site will no longer compile until
+-- appropriate changes are made.
+-- $also
+-- * [1] #uselistsnot# \"When You Should Use Lists in Haskell (Mostly, You Should Not)\",
+-- by Johannes Waldmann,
+-- in, Programming Languages (cs.PL), at
+-- <>.
+-- * [2] \"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern\",
+-- by Jeremy Gibbons and Bruno Oliveira,
+-- in /Mathematically-Structured Functional Programming/, 2006, online at
+-- <>.
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Traversable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Traversable.hs
index b2cd20f0ac..152ddc31cc 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Traversable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Traversable.hs
@@ -82,8 +82,17 @@ import qualified GHC.List as List ( foldr )
-- $setup
-- >>> import Prelude
+-- XXX: Missing haddock feature. Links to anchors in other modules
+-- don't have a sensible way to name the link within the module itself.
+-- Thus, the below "Data.Traversable#overview" works well when shown as
+-- @Data.Traversable@ from other modules, but in the home module it should
+-- be possible to specify alternative link text. :-(
-- | Functors representing data structures that can be traversed from
--- left to right.
+-- left to right, performing an action on each element.
+-- A more detailed description can be found in the overview section of
+-- "Data.Traversable#overview".
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
{-# MINIMAL traverse | sequenceA #-}
@@ -461,7 +470,9 @@ foldMapDefault = coerce (traverse :: (a -> Const m ()) -> t a -> Const m (t ()))
-- $overview
--- @Traversable@ functors can be thought of as polymorphic containers that
+-- #overview#
+-- Traversable functors can be thought of as polymorphic containers that
-- support mapping of applicative (or monadic) effects over the container
-- (element-wise) to create a new container of __the same shape__, with the
-- effects sequenced in a natural order for the container type in question.
@@ -549,6 +560,8 @@ foldMapDefault = coerce (traverse :: (a -> Const m ()) -> t a -> Const m (t ()))
-- $validation
+-- #validation#
-- A hypothetical application of the above is to validate a structure:
-- >>> validate :: Int -> Either (String, Int) Int
@@ -581,9 +594,9 @@ foldMapDefault = coerce (traverse :: (a -> Const m ()) -> t a -> Const m (t ()))
-- The @Foldable@ instance should be defined in a manner that avoids
-- construction of an unnecesary copy of the container.
--- Perhaps the most widely used @Foldable@ methods are 'mapM_' and its flipped
--- version 'forM_'. Often, to sequence IO actions (that return no useful
--- results) over all the elements of a @Traversable@ container. One special
+-- The @Foldable@ method 'mapM_' and its flipped version 'forM_' can be used
+-- to sequence IO actions over all the elements of a @Traversable@ container
+-- (just for their side-effects, ignoring any results) . One special
-- case is a 'Maybe' container that optionally holds a value. Given:
-- > action :: a -> IO ()
@@ -838,7 +851,7 @@ foldMapDefault = coerce (traverse :: (a -> Const m ()) -> t a -> Const m (t ()))
-- * [1] \"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern\",
-- by Jeremy Gibbons and Bruno Oliveira,
-- in /Mathematically-Structured Functional Programming/, 2006, online at
--- <>.
+-- <>.
-- * \"Applicative Programming with Effects\",
-- by Conor McBride and Ross Paterson,