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authorZachary J. Sullivan <>2021-04-21 12:54:56 -0700
committerZachary J. Sullivan <>2021-04-21 12:54:56 -0700
commit1cb5536268fb27aff1350ee23935fdd91e3148db (patch)
parent7d8f28063201f209f2acad7e326ea503fa3d92b8 (diff)
add support for multiple analyses; add an analysis that creates a shared
environment when a subexpress binds a superset of that environment.
3 files changed, 235 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/ClosEnvShare.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/ClosEnvShare.hs
index fb73ff6543..7d1f893a8d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/ClosEnvShare.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/ClosEnvShare.hs
@@ -36,105 +36,75 @@ Transformation
--- | We are sneaky (and inefficient) by annotating with free variables,
+-- | Top-level entry point for our transformation
+stgClosEnvShare :: UniqSupply -> [StgTopBinding] -> ([StgTopBinding],CesLog)
+stgClosEnvShare us binds =
+ first unAnnTopBindingsFreeVars
+ (stgClosEnvShare' us (annTopBindingsFreeVars binds))
+-- We are sneaky (and inefficient) by annotating with free variables,
-- performing our transformation and then forgetting annotations here. This
-- means that we *must* completely traverse every expression to rebuild it
-- without the *Cg* part.
-stgClosEnvShare :: UniqSupply -> [StgTopBinding] -> ([StgTopBinding],CesLog)
-stgClosEnvShare us binds = stgClosEnvShare' us (annTopBindingsFreeVars binds)
-stgClosEnvShare' :: CesAble pass
- => UniqSupply
- -> [GenStgTopBinding pass]
- -> ([StgTopBinding],CesLog)
+stgClosEnvShare' :: UniqSupply
+ -> [CgStgTopBinding]
+ -> ([CesStgTopBinding],CesLog)
stgClosEnvShare' us binds = runCesM us $ mapM stgCesTopBinding binds
-stgCesTopBinding :: CesAble pass
- => GenStgTopBinding pass -> CesM StgTopBinding
+stgCesTopBinding :: CgStgTopBinding -> CesM CesStgTopBinding
stgCesTopBinding (StgTopLifted bind) = StgTopLifted <$> stgTopCesBinding' bind
stgCesTopBinding (StgTopStringLit i bs) = return (StgTopStringLit i bs)
-- | For now, do not mess with top level binders
-stgTopCesBinding' :: CesAble pass => GenStgBinding pass -> CesM StgBinding
+stgTopCesBinding' :: CgStgBinding -> CesM CesStgBinding
stgTopCesBinding' (StgNonRec x rhs) = StgNonRec x <$> stgCesRhs rhs
stgTopCesBinding' (StgRec bs)
= StgRec <$> mapM (\(x,rhs) -> stgCesRhs rhs >>= \rhs' -> return (x,rhs')) bs
-stgCesBinding :: CesAble pass => GenStgBinding pass -> CesM StgBinding
+stgCesBinding :: CgStgBinding -> CesM CesStgBinding
stgCesBinding (StgNonRec x rhs) = StgNonRec x <$> stgCesRhs rhs
stgCesBinding (StgRec bs) =
StgRec <$> mapM (\(x,rhs) -> (,) x <$> stgCesRhs rhs) bs
--- stgCesBinding (StgRec bs) =
--- do sharedEnvsData <- createSEDHorizontal bs
--- bs' <- forM bs $ \(x,rhs) ->
--- do rhs' <- stgCesRhs rhs
--- let rhs'' = unpackSharedEnvs x rhs' sharedEnvsData
--- return (x,rhs'')
--- return (StgRec bs', sharedEnvsData)
-stgCesRhs :: CesAble pass => GenStgRhs pass -> CesM StgRhs
-stgCesRhs (StgRhsClosure _ ccs u args body)
- = StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent ccs u args <$> stgCesExpr body
+stgCesRhs :: CgStgRhs -> CesM CesStgRhs
+stgCesRhs (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs u args body)
+ = StgRhsClosure fvs ccs u args <$> stgCesExpr body
stgCesRhs (StgRhsCon ccs dc args) = return (StgRhsCon ccs dc args)
stgCesRhs (StgRhsEnv fvs) = return (StgRhsEnv fvs)
--- stgCesExpr :: CesAble pass => GenStgExpr pass -> CesM StgExpr
--- stgCesExpr expr =
--- case collectBinderChain expr of
--- [] -> stgCesExpr' expr
--- bs -> do sharedEnvsData <- createSEDShallow (collectBinderChain expr)
--- bindSharedEnvs sharedEnvsData <$> stgCesExpr' expr
--- where collectBinderChain e =
--- case e of
--- (StgLet _ (StgNonRec x rhs) e) -> (x,rhs):collectBinderChain e
--- (StgLet _ (StgRec bs) e) -> bs ++ collectBinderChain e
--- _ -> []
-TODO: I think that it is better that shared environments are introduced here at
-the beginning of the expression; so an expression can be converted into one that
-introduces a binding. This is different than the way I have it now wherein
-shared environments are pulled out of let-expressions.
-stgCesExpr :: CesAble pass => GenStgExpr pass -> CesM StgExpr
-stgCesExpr (StgApp i args) = return (StgApp i args)
-stgCesExpr (StgLit l) = return (StgLit l)
-stgCesExpr (StgConApp dc args tys) = return (StgConApp dc args tys)
-stgCesExpr (StgOpApp op args ty) = return (StgOpApp op args ty)
+-- | In a bottom-up manner, we perform closure environment sharing analysis on
+-- binders and subexpressions and then add the new bindings recursively back
+-- down through the subexpressions. Naturally, all of the action is in the
+-- let-expression case.
+stgCesExpr :: CgStgExpr -> CesM CesStgExpr
stgCesExpr (StgCase e id alt_ty alts) =
do e' <- stgCesExpr e
alts' <- mapM stgCesAlt alts
return (StgCase e' id alt_ty alts')
-stgCesExpr (StgLet _ (StgNonRec x (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs u args body)) e) =
- do body' <- stgCesExpr body
- e' <- stgCesExpr e
- env_id <- mkEnvId
- let sed = SharedEnvData fvs env_id [x]
- let clos' = StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent ccs u args
- (unpackSharedEnv sed body')
- return (bindSharedEnv sed (StgLet noExtFieldSilent (StgNonRec x clos') e'))
-stgCesExpr (StgLet _ b e) =
- do b' <- stgCesBinding b
- e' <- stgCesExpr e
- return (StgLet noExtFieldSilent b' e')
-stgCesExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ b e) =
+stgCesExpr (StgLet x b e) =
+ do { b' <- stgCesBinding b
+ ; e' <- stgCesExpr e
+ ; case b' of
+ (StgNonRec _ (StgRhsEnv _)) -> return (StgLet x b' e')
+ _ -> do { seds <- closEnvShareAnalyze b' e'
+ ; let b'' = unpackSharedEnvsBind seds b'
+ e'' = unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds e'
+ ; return (bindSharedEnvs seds (StgLet x b'' e'')) }
+ }
+-- Since, non-escaping bindings are not going to return closures, we do not do
+-- any closure environment sharing here.
+stgCesExpr (StgLetNoEscape x b e) =
do b' <- stgCesBinding b
e' <- stgCesExpr e
- return (StgLetNoEscape noExtFieldSilent b' e')
+ return (StgLetNoEscape x b' e')
stgCesExpr (StgTick t e) = StgTick t <$> stgCesExpr e
stgCesExpr (StgCaseEnv x args e) = StgCaseEnv x args <$> stgCesExpr e
+stgCesExpr (StgApp i args) = return (StgApp i args)
+stgCesExpr (StgLit l) = return (StgLit l)
+stgCesExpr (StgConApp dc args tys) = return (StgConApp dc args tys)
+stgCesExpr (StgOpApp op args ty) = return (StgOpApp op args ty)
--- collectBinderChain :: CesAble pass
--- => GenStgExpr pass -> [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)]
--- collectBinderChain e =
--- case e of
--- (StgLet _ (StgNonRec x rhs) e) -> (x,rhs):collectBinderChain e
--- (StgLet _ (StgRec bs) e) -> bs ++ collectBinderChain e
--- _ -> []
-stgCesAlt :: CesAble pass => GenStgAlt pass -> CesM StgAlt
+stgCesAlt :: CgStgAlt -> CesM CesStgAlt
stgCesAlt (acon,args,e) = stgCesExpr e >>= \e' -> return (acon,args,e')
@@ -145,7 +115,17 @@ Data and Monad for transformation and analysis
-type CesAble pass = (XRhsClosure pass ~ DIdSet, BinderP pass ~ Id)
+newtype CesM a
+ = CesM { unwrapCesM :: WriterT CesLog UniqSM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance MonadUnique CesM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = CesM (lift getUniqueSupplyM)
+ getUniqueM = CesM (lift getUniqueM)
+ getUniquesM = CesM (lift getUniquesM)
+runCesM :: UniqSupply -> CesM a -> (a,CesLog)
+runCesM us = initUs_ us . runWriterT . unwrapCesM
data CesLog
= CesLog
@@ -179,18 +159,18 @@ instance Semigroup CesLog where
instance Monoid CesLog where
mempty = CesLog 0 0 0
-newtype CesM a
- = CesM { unwrapCesM :: WriterT CesLog UniqSM a }
- deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-instance MonadUnique CesM where
- getUniqueSupplyM = CesM (lift getUniqueSupplyM)
- getUniqueM = CesM (lift getUniqueM)
- getUniquesM = CesM (lift getUniquesM)
-runCesM :: UniqSupply -> CesM a -> (a,CesLog)
-runCesM us = initUs_ us . runWriterT . unwrapCesM
+-- | We lie here about the type of environments, since we don't really have a
+-- type in GHC to express them. Note that STG is untyped so we do not really
+-- *need* to have a type, what is important here is that environments have the
+-- same representation as the type given (i.e. a function type) which states
+-- that it is represented by a pointer to a heap object.
+mkEnvId :: CesM Id
+mkEnvId = mkSysLocalM (mkFastString "env")
+ Many
+ (mkVisFunTyMany (mkNumLitTy 0) (mkNumLitTy 0))
+-- | Closure environment sharing analyses will generate these data types which
+-- we can later decide to add to our program to share closures.
data SharedEnvData
= SharedEnvData
{ sed_se :: DIdSet
@@ -198,24 +178,63 @@ data SharedEnvData
, sed_binder :: Id
-- ^ name of the shared environment in the heap
, sed_rhs_ids :: [Id]
- -- ^ the list of identifiers is the list of bindings must unpack the new
- -- environment
+ -- ^ the list of identifiers is the list of bindings that must unpack the
+ -- new environment
-bindSharedEnv :: SharedEnvData -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
-bindSharedEnv sed e =
- StgLet noExtFieldSilent (StgNonRec (sed_binder sed) (StgRhsEnv (sed_se sed))) e
-bindSharedEnvs :: [SharedEnvData] -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
-bindSharedEnvs envs e = foldr bindSharedEnv e envs
+-- | Take some shared environments and add bindings to them; these are escaping,
+-- non-recursive let-bindings.
+bindSharedEnvs :: [SharedEnvData] -> CesStgExpr -> CesStgExpr
+bindSharedEnvs seds e = foldr bindSharedEnv e seds
-mkEnvId :: CesM Id
-mkEnvId = mkSysLocalM (mkFastString "env") Many (mkVisFunTyMany (mkNumLitTy 0) (mkNumLitTy 0))
- -- where s = "First class environments are untyped; this information should not be needed"
- -- m = pprPanic "mkEnvId" $ text s
-unpackSharedEnv :: SharedEnvData -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
-unpackSharedEnv sed = StgCaseEnv (sed_binder sed) (sed_se sed)
+bindSharedEnv :: SharedEnvData -> CesStgExpr -> CesStgExpr
+bindSharedEnv sed e =
+ StgLet noExtFieldSilent
+ (StgNonRec (sed_binder sed) (StgRhsEnv (sed_se sed)))
+ e
+-- | Take a list of SharedEnvData and traverse a binding which will introduce
+-- CaseEnv expressions wherever a closure's free variables have become part of a
+-- shared environment.
+unpackSharedEnvsBind :: [SharedEnvData] -> CesStgBinding -> CesStgBinding
+unpackSharedEnvsBind seds (StgNonRec id rhs)
+ = StgNonRec id (unpackSharedEnvsRhs seds id rhs)
+unpackSharedEnvsBind seds (StgRec bs)
+ = StgRec (map (\(id,rhs) -> (id,unpackSharedEnvsRhs seds id rhs)) bs)
+-- Note that introducing a shared env will change the free variables. This is
+-- important to change since the ClosEnvShare algorithm is bottom up thereby
+-- making the new free variable here exposed to later analysis.
+unpackSharedEnvsRhs :: [SharedEnvData] -> Id -> CesStgRhs -> CesStgRhs
+unpackSharedEnvsRhs seds id (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs u args e) =
+ let (fvs',e') = foldr go (fvs,e) seds in
+ StgRhsClosure fvs' ccs u args e'
+ where go sed (fvs,e) =
+ if elem id (sed_rhs_ids sed)
+ then (fvs `minusDVarSet` sed_se sed
+ ,StgCaseEnv (sed_binder sed) (sed_se sed) e)
+ else (fvs,e)
+unpackSharedEnvsRhs _ _ rhs = rhs
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr :: [SharedEnvData] -> CesStgExpr -> CesStgExpr
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds (StgLet x bind expr) =
+ StgLet x (unpackSharedEnvsBind seds bind) (unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds expr)
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds (StgLetNoEscape x bind expr) =
+ StgLetNoEscape x bind (unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds expr)
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds (StgCase scrut id ty alts) =
+ StgCase (unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds scrut)
+ id
+ ty
+ (map (unpackSharedEnvsAlt seds) alts)
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds (StgCaseEnv id fvs expr) =
+ StgCaseEnv id fvs (unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds expr)
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds (StgTick t expr) =
+ StgTick t (unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds expr)
+unpackSharedEnvsExpr _ expr = expr
+unpackSharedEnvsAlt :: [SharedEnvData] -> CesStgAlt -> CesStgAlt
+unpackSharedEnvsAlt seds (con,args,expr) =
+ (con,args,unpackSharedEnvsExpr seds expr)
@@ -225,6 +244,19 @@ Analyses
+type SharingCandidate = (Id, DIdSet)
+-- | This is the top level function which sharing analysis
+closEnvShareAnalyze :: CesStgBinding -> CesStgExpr -> CesM [SharedEnvData]
+closEnvShareAnalyze (StgNonRec id (StgRhsClosure fvs _ _ _ _)) expr
+ | sizeDVarSet fvs > 2
+ -- Because of the info pointer in the shared env and the pointer to the shared
+ -- env in the new closure, we do not even try to share an environment unless
+ -- it contains more than 2 free variables
+ = shareEnvSupersets id fvs expr
+closEnvShareAnalyze _ _
+ = return []
-- Note [let block environment sharing]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- $note
@@ -250,25 +282,44 @@ Analyses
-- ...
-- @
-type SharingCandidate = (Id, DIdSet)
--- | Shallow refers to creating shared environments of a block of bindings;
--- this is in contrast with a depth analysis which looks to shared environments
--- of closures to be bound within closures
-createSEDShallow :: CesAble pass
- => [(BinderP pass,GenStgRhs pass)] -> CesM [SharedEnvData]
-createSEDShallow bs =
- log_num_candidates (length sharingCandidates) >>
- -- shareMinimalFVSetCover sharingCandidates
- needlesslyShared sharingCandidates
- where sharingCandidates = filter (isEmptyDVarSet . snd)
- . map (second getRhsEnv)
- $ bs
-getRhsEnv :: CesAble pass => GenStgRhs pass -> DIdSet
-getRhsEnv (StgRhsClosure fvs _ _ _ _) = fvs
-getRhsEnv (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = emptyDVarSet
-getRhsEnv (StgRhsEnv _) = emptyDVarSet
+-- | We look for closures in the expression that are supersets of this
+-- identifier set because it will not create a space leak (subsets will) and we
+-- can avoid allocating the elements in the closure twice.
+shareEnvSupersets :: Id -> DIdSet -> CesStgExpr -> CesM [SharedEnvData]
+shareEnvSupersets id cl_env expr =
+ case supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr of
+ (x:xs) -> mkEnvId >>= \env_id ->
+ return [SharedEnvData cl_env env_id (id:x:xs)]
+ [] -> return []
+supersetEnvIdsExpr :: DIdSet -> CesStgExpr -> [Id]
+supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env (StgLet _ bind expr) =
+ supersetEnvIdsBind cl_env bind ++ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr
+supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env (StgLetNoEscape _ _ expr) =
+ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr
+supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env (StgCase scrut id ty alts) =
+ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env scrut ++ concatMap (supersetEnvIdsAlt cl_env) alts
+supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env (StgCaseEnv _ _ expr) =
+ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr
+supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env (StgTick _ expr) =
+ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr
+supersetEnvIdsExpr _ _ = []
+supersetEnvIdsBind :: DIdSet -> CesStgBinding -> [Id]
+supersetEnvIdsBind cl_env (StgNonRec id rhs) =
+ supersetEnvIdsRhs cl_env id rhs
+supersetEnvIdsBind cl_env (StgRec bs) =
+ concatMap (uncurry (supersetEnvIdsRhs cl_env)) bs
+supersetEnvIdsRhs :: DIdSet -> Id -> CesStgRhs -> [Id]
+supersetEnvIdsRhs cl_env id (StgRhsClosure l_env _ _ _ body) =
+ (if cl_env `subDVarSet` l_env then [id] else []) ++
+ supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env body
+supersetEnvIdsRhs _ _ _ = []
+supersetEnvIdsAlt :: DIdSet -> CesStgAlt -> [Id]
+supersetEnvIdsAlt cl_env (_,_,expr) = supersetEnvIdsExpr cl_env expr
-- | shareMinimalFVSetCover finds the minimal amount of shared environments that
-- cover all of the variables needed. Note that this produces a space
@@ -303,8 +354,12 @@ getRhsEnv (StgRhsEnv _) = emptyDVarSet
-- x3 = { d, e, f }
-- x4 = { z, a }
shareMinimalFVSetCover :: [SharingCandidate] -> CesM [SharedEnvData]
-shareMinimalFVSetCover cds | length cds < 2 = log_env_too_small >> return []
-shareMinimalFVSetCover cds | otherwise = concatMapM maybeMkSharedData covering
+shareMinimalFVSetCover cds
+ | length cds < 2
+ = log_env_too_small >> return []
+shareMinimalFVSetCover cds
+ | otherwise
+ = concatMapM maybeMkSharedData covering
where fvSets = map snd cds
totalFVs = unionDVarSets fvSets
covering = greedyCover totalFVs []
@@ -331,10 +386,12 @@ shareMinimalFVSetCover cds | otherwise = concatMapM maybeMkSharedData cover
in greedyCover (left_to_cover_set `minusDVarSet` s) (s:out_sets)
--- | This isn't really shared closure analysis, rather it always creates a first
--- class environment. It is here to test the code generator
+-- | This isn't really shared closure analysis; it always creates a first class
+-- environment which is not shared with any other closure. It is here to test
+-- the code generator or to be a baseline of how bad adding non-shared, yet
+-- separate environment to a closure may be.
needlesslyShared :: [SharingCandidate] -> CesM [SharedEnvData]
-needlesslyShared cds = mapM mkSed cds
+needlesslyShared = mapM mkSed . filter (not . isEmptyDVarSet . snd)
where mkSed (id,fvs) =
mkEnvId >>= \env_id ->
log_shared_env_created >>
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
index 973c0872c7..4a2d78ab03 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/FVs.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{- |
Non-global free variable analysis on STG terms. This pass annotates
non-top-level closure bindings with captured variables. Global variables are not
@@ -39,7 +42,12 @@ variables are global.
module GHC.Stg.FVs (
- annBindingFreeVars
+ annBindingFreeVars,
+ -- These are added in the case that a transformation needs to return to the
+ -- version of StgExpr used by the Stg Pipeline
+ unAnnTopBindingsFreeVars,
+ unAnnBindingFreeVars,
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -50,6 +58,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Core ( Tickish(Breakpoint) )
import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
newtype Env
@@ -169,3 +178,46 @@ alt env (con, bndrs, e) = ((con, bndrs, e'), fvs)
-- See Note [Tracking local binders]
(e', rhs_fvs) = expr (addLocals bndrs env) e
fvs = delDVarSetList rhs_fvs bndrs
+type RemovableFVs pass = (XRhsClosure pass ~ DIdSet, BinderP pass ~ Id)
+unAnnTopBindingsFreeVars :: RemovableFVs pass
+ => [GenStgTopBinding pass]
+ -> [StgTopBinding]
+unAnnTopBindingsFreeVars = map go
+ where
+ go (StgTopStringLit id bs) = StgTopStringLit id bs
+ go (StgTopLifted bind)
+ = StgTopLifted (unAnnBindingFreeVars bind)
+unAnnBindingFreeVars :: RemovableFVs pass
+ => GenStgBinding pass
+ -> StgBinding
+unAnnBindingFreeVars (StgNonRec id rhs) = StgNonRec id (unRhs rhs)
+unAnnBindingFreeVars (StgRec bs) = StgRec (map (second unRhs) bs)
+unRhs :: RemovableFVs pass => GenStgRhs pass -> StgRhs
+unRhs (StgRhsClosure _ ccs uf bndrs body)
+ = StgRhsClosure noExtFieldSilent ccs uf bndrs (unExpr body)
+unRhs (StgRhsCon ccs dc as) = StgRhsCon ccs dc as
+unRhs (StgRhsEnv vars) = StgRhsEnv vars
+unExpr :: RemovableFVs pass => GenStgExpr pass -> StgExpr
+unExpr (StgApp id args) = StgApp id args
+unExpr (StgLit l) = StgLit l
+unExpr (StgConApp dc args tys) = StgConApp dc args tys
+unExpr (StgOpApp op args ty) = StgOpApp op args ty
+unExpr (StgCase e id alt_ty alts) =
+ StgCase (unExpr e) id alt_ty (map unAlt alts)
+unExpr (StgLet _ bind e) =
+ StgLet noExtFieldSilent (unAnnBindingFreeVars bind) (unExpr e)
+unExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ bind e) =
+ StgLetNoEscape noExtFieldSilent (unAnnBindingFreeVars bind) (unExpr e)
+unExpr (StgCaseEnv id vars e) =
+ StgCaseEnv id vars (unExpr e)
+unExpr (StgTick t e) =
+ StgTick t (unExpr e)
+unAlt :: RemovableFVs pass => GenStgAlt pass -> StgAlt
+unAlt (ac,bs,e) = (ac,bs,unExpr e)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
index 8f51e5d2fe..ae9ac7bd03 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Syntax.hs
@@ -487,19 +487,23 @@ noExtFieldSilent = NoExtFieldSilent
type family BinderP (pass :: StgPass)
type instance BinderP 'Vanilla = Id
type instance BinderP 'CodeGen = Id
+type instance BinderP 'ClosEnvShare = Id
type family XRhsClosure (pass :: StgPass)
type instance XRhsClosure 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
--- | Code gen needs to track non-global free vars
+-- | Code gen and ClosEnvShare needs to track non-global free vars
type instance XRhsClosure 'CodeGen = DIdSet
+type instance XRhsClosure 'ClosEnvShare = DIdSet
type family XLet (pass :: StgPass)
type instance XLet 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
type instance XLet 'CodeGen = NoExtFieldSilent
+type instance XLet 'ClosEnvShare = NoExtFieldSilent
type family XLetNoEscape (pass :: StgPass)
type instance XLetNoEscape 'Vanilla = NoExtFieldSilent
type instance XLetNoEscape 'CodeGen = NoExtFieldSilent
+type instance XLetNoEscape 'ClosEnvShare = NoExtFieldSilent
stgRhsArity :: StgRhs -> Int
stgRhsArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ bndrs _)