diff options
authorJohan Tibell <>2014-03-30 15:12:01 +0200
committerJohan Tibell <>2014-03-30 15:33:01 +0200
commit1a11e9ba87469d19b8cc7da9c5f5ac043246b367 (patch)
parentc3108234cb1ce1842bcb288ab533315934524cff (diff)
Add inline versions of copy ops for small arrays
If the number of elements being copied is known statically this might lead to the copy loop being unrolled in the backend.
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
index 2c4ad4e3ce..5c75acba5a 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
@@ -189,6 +189,14 @@ shouldInlinePrimOp dflags NewSmallArrayOp [(CmmLit (CmmInt n _)), init]
(fromInteger n) init
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopySmallArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopySmallArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
+shouldInlinePrimOp _ CopySmallMutableArrayOp
+ [src, src_off, dst, dst_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))] =
+ Just $ \ [] -> doCopySmallMutableArrayOp src src_off dst dst_off (fromInteger n)
shouldInlinePrimOp dflags CloneSmallArrayOp [src, src_off, (CmmLit (CmmInt n _))]
| wordsToBytes dflags (fromInteger n) <= maxInlineAllocSize dflags =
Just $ \ [res] -> emitCloneSmallArray mkSMAP_FROZEN_infoLabel res src src_off (fromInteger n)
@@ -1747,6 +1755,61 @@ emitCopyArray copy src0 src_off dst0 dst_off0 n = do
emitSetCards dst_off dst_cards_p n
+doCopySmallArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopySmallArrayOp = emitCopySmallArray copy
+ where
+ -- Copy data (we assume the arrays aren't overlapping since
+ -- they're of different types)
+ copy _src _dst dst_p src_p bytes =
+ do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE dflags))
+doCopySmallMutableArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> WordOff
+ -> FCode ()
+doCopySmallMutableArrayOp = emitCopySmallArray copy
+ where
+ -- The only time the memory might overlap is when the two arrays
+ -- we were provided are the same array!
+ -- TODO: Optimize branch for common case of no aliasing.
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ [moveCall, cpyCall] <- forkAlts
+ [ getCode $ emitMemmoveCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE dflags))
+ , getCode $ emitMemcpyCall dst_p src_p (mkIntExpr dflags bytes)
+ (mkIntExpr dflags (wORD_SIZE dflags))
+ ]
+ emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (cmmEqWord dflags src dst) moveCall cpyCall
+emitCopySmallArray :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> ByteOff
+ -> FCode ()) -- ^ copy function
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in source array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ destination array
+ -> CmmExpr -- ^ offset in destination array
+ -> WordOff -- ^ number of elements to copy
+ -> FCode ()
+emitCopySmallArray copy src0 src_off dst0 dst_off n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Passed as arguments (be careful)
+ src <- assignTempE src0
+ dst <- assignTempE dst0
+ -- Set the dirty bit in the header.
+ emit (setInfo dst (CmmLit (CmmLabel mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel)))
+ dst_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags
+ (cmmOffsetB dflags dst (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) dst_off
+ src_p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExprW dflags
+ (cmmOffsetB dflags src (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) src_off
+ let bytes = wordsToBytes dflags n
+ copy src dst dst_p src_p bytes
-- | Takes an info table label, a register to return the newly
-- allocated array in, a source array, an offset in the source array,
-- and the number of elements to copy. Allocates a new array and