diff options
authorDouglas Wilson <>2022-08-04 14:09:55 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2022-09-14 17:18:21 -0400
commit534b39ee5c6d0c4f9dc279adcf5a11423279efb8 (patch)
parent43e574f04fc2b612356a9805abe60b708b0b32c9 (diff)
libraries: template-haskell: vendor filepath differently
Vendoring with ../ in hs-source-dirs prevents upload to hackage. (cherry picked from commit 1446be7586ba70f9136496f9b67f792955447842)
5 files changed, 2249 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/ b/libraries/template-haskell/
index efca1d96c8..9cff6411cb 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
is used as operator, it will be bound to a promoted data constructor rather
than a type constructor, if both are in scope.
+ * Add a `vendor-filepath` Cabal flag to the `template-haskell` package. If
+ this flag is set then `template-haskell` will not depend on the `filepath`
+ package and will instead use some modules from `filepath` that have been
+ copied into the `template-haskell` source tree.
* The types of `ConP` and `conP` have been changed to allow for an additional list
of type applications preceding the argument patterns.
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/ b/libraries/template-haskell/
index af678ceab6..a3cfb6d765 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Library
- hs-source-dirs: ../filepath .
+ hs-source-dirs: ./vendored-filepath .
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdbbca8f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+-- Vendored from filepath v1.4.2.2
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
+{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
+{- |
+Module : System.FilePath
+Copyright : (c) Neil Mitchell 2005-2014
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer :
+Stability : stable
+Portability : portable
+A library for 'FilePath' manipulations, using Posix or Windows filepaths
+depending on the platform.
+Both "System.FilePath.Posix" and "System.FilePath.Windows" provide the
+same interface.
+Given the example 'FilePath': @\/directory\/file.ext@
+We can use the following functions to extract pieces.
+* 'takeFileName' gives @\"file.ext\"@
+* 'takeDirectory' gives @\"\/directory\"@
+* 'takeExtension' gives @\".ext\"@
+* 'dropExtension' gives @\"\/directory\/file\"@
+* 'takeBaseName' gives @\"file\"@
+And we could have built an equivalent path with the following expressions:
+* @\"\/directory\" '</>' \"file.ext\"@.
+* @\"\/directory\/file" '<.>' \"ext\"@.
+* @\"\/directory\/file.txt" '-<.>' \"ext\"@.
+Each function in this module is documented with several examples,
+which are also used as tests.
+Here are a few examples of using the @filepath@ functions together:
+/Example 1:/ Find the possible locations of a Haskell module @Test@ imported from module @Main@:
+@['replaceFileName' path_to_main \"Test\" '<.>' ext | ext <- [\"hs\",\"lhs\"] ]@
+/Example 2:/ Download a file from @url@ and save it to disk:
+@do let file = 'makeValid' url
+ System.Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True ('takeDirectory' file)@
+/Example 3:/ Compile a Haskell file, putting the @.hi@ file under @interface@:
+@'takeDirectory' file '</>' \"interface\" '</>' ('takeFileName' file '-<.>' \"hi\")@
+[1] < Naming Files, Paths and Namespaces> (Microsoft MSDN)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+module System.FilePath(
+ -- * Separator predicates
+ FilePath,
+ pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator,
+ searchPathSeparator, isSearchPathSeparator,
+ extSeparator, isExtSeparator,
+ -- * @$PATH@ methods
+ splitSearchPath, getSearchPath,
+ -- * Extension functions
+ splitExtension,
+ takeExtension, replaceExtension, (-<.>), dropExtension, addExtension, hasExtension, (<.>),
+ splitExtensions, dropExtensions, takeExtensions, replaceExtensions, isExtensionOf,
+ stripExtension,
+ -- * Filename\/directory functions
+ splitFileName,
+ takeFileName, replaceFileName, dropFileName,
+ takeBaseName, replaceBaseName,
+ takeDirectory, replaceDirectory,
+ combine, (</>),
+ splitPath, joinPath, splitDirectories,
+ -- * Drive functions
+ splitDrive, joinDrive,
+ takeDrive, hasDrive, dropDrive, isDrive,
+ -- * Trailing slash functions
+ hasTrailingPathSeparator,
+ addTrailingPathSeparator,
+ dropTrailingPathSeparator,
+ -- * File name manipulations
+ normalise, equalFilePath,
+ makeRelative,
+ isRelative, isAbsolute,
+ isValid, makeValid
+) where
+import System.FilePath.Windows
+module System.FilePath(
+ -- * Separator predicates
+ FilePath,
+ pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator,
+ searchPathSeparator, isSearchPathSeparator,
+ extSeparator, isExtSeparator,
+ -- * @$PATH@ methods
+ splitSearchPath, getSearchPath,
+ -- * Extension functions
+ splitExtension,
+ takeExtension, replaceExtension, (-<.>), dropExtension, addExtension, hasExtension, (<.>),
+ splitExtensions, dropExtensions, takeExtensions, replaceExtensions, isExtensionOf,
+ stripExtension,
+ -- * Filename\/directory functions
+ splitFileName,
+ takeFileName, replaceFileName, dropFileName,
+ takeBaseName, replaceBaseName,
+ takeDirectory, replaceDirectory,
+ combine, (</>),
+ splitPath, joinPath, splitDirectories,
+ -- * Drive functions
+ splitDrive, joinDrive,
+ takeDrive, hasDrive, dropDrive, isDrive,
+ -- * Trailing slash functions
+ hasTrailingPathSeparator,
+ addTrailingPathSeparator,
+ dropTrailingPathSeparator,
+ -- * File name manipulations
+ normalise, equalFilePath,
+ makeRelative,
+ isRelative, isAbsolute,
+ isValid, makeValid
+) where
+import System.FilePath.Posix
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Posix.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Posix.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..368f081772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Posix.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+-- Vendored from filepath v1.4.2.2
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+-- This template expects CPP definitions for:
+-- MODULE_NAME = Posix | Windows
+-- IS_WINDOWS = False | True
+-- |
+-- Module : System.FilePath.MODULE_NAME
+-- Copyright : (c) Neil Mitchell 2005-2014
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : stable
+-- Portability : portable
+-- A library for 'FilePath' manipulations, using MODULE_NAME style paths on
+-- all platforms. Importing "System.FilePath" is usually better.
+-- Given the example 'FilePath': @\/directory\/file.ext@
+-- We can use the following functions to extract pieces.
+-- * 'takeFileName' gives @\"file.ext\"@
+-- * 'takeDirectory' gives @\"\/directory\"@
+-- * 'takeExtension' gives @\".ext\"@
+-- * 'dropExtension' gives @\"\/directory\/file\"@
+-- * 'takeBaseName' gives @\"file\"@
+-- And we could have built an equivalent path with the following expressions:
+-- * @\"\/directory\" '</>' \"file.ext\"@.
+-- * @\"\/directory\/file" '<.>' \"ext\"@.
+-- * @\"\/directory\/file.txt" '-<.>' \"ext\"@.
+-- Each function in this module is documented with several examples,
+-- which are also used as tests.
+-- Here are a few examples of using the @filepath@ functions together:
+-- /Example 1:/ Find the possible locations of a Haskell module @Test@ imported from module @Main@:
+-- @['replaceFileName' path_to_main \"Test\" '<.>' ext | ext <- [\"hs\",\"lhs\"] ]@
+-- /Example 2:/ Download a file from @url@ and save it to disk:
+-- @do let file = 'makeValid' url
+-- System.Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True ('takeDirectory' file)@
+-- /Example 3:/ Compile a Haskell file, putting the @.hi@ file under @interface@:
+-- @'takeDirectory' file '</>' \"interface\" '</>' ('takeFileName' file '-<.>' \"hi\")@
+-- References:
+-- [1] < Naming Files, Paths and Namespaces> (Microsoft MSDN)
+module System.FilePath.Posix
+ (
+ -- * Separator predicates
+ FilePath,
+ pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator,
+ searchPathSeparator, isSearchPathSeparator,
+ extSeparator, isExtSeparator,
+ -- * @$PATH@ methods
+ splitSearchPath, getSearchPath,
+ -- * Extension functions
+ splitExtension,
+ takeExtension, replaceExtension, (-<.>), dropExtension, addExtension, hasExtension, (<.>),
+ splitExtensions, dropExtensions, takeExtensions, replaceExtensions, isExtensionOf,
+ stripExtension,
+ -- * Filename\/directory functions
+ splitFileName,
+ takeFileName, replaceFileName, dropFileName,
+ takeBaseName, replaceBaseName,
+ takeDirectory, replaceDirectory,
+ combine, (</>),
+ splitPath, joinPath, splitDirectories,
+ -- * Drive functions
+ splitDrive, joinDrive,
+ takeDrive, hasDrive, dropDrive, isDrive,
+ -- * Trailing slash functions
+ hasTrailingPathSeparator,
+ addTrailingPathSeparator,
+ dropTrailingPathSeparator,
+ -- * File name manipulations
+ normalise, equalFilePath,
+ makeRelative,
+ isRelative, isAbsolute,
+ isValid, makeValid
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Char(toLower, toUpper, isAsciiLower, isAsciiUpper)
+import Data.Maybe(isJust)
+import Data.List(stripPrefix, isSuffixOf)
+import System.Environment(getEnv)
+infixr 7 <.>, -<.>
+infixr 5 </>
+-- Platform Abstraction Methods (private)
+-- | Is the operating system Unix or Linux like
+isPosix :: Bool
+isPosix = not isWindows
+-- | Is the operating system Windows like
+isWindows :: Bool
+isWindows = False
+-- The basic functions
+-- | The character that separates directories. In the case where more than
+-- one character is possible, 'pathSeparator' is the \'ideal\' one.
+-- > Windows: pathSeparator == '\\'
+-- > Posix: pathSeparator == '/'
+-- > isPathSeparator pathSeparator
+pathSeparator :: Char
+pathSeparator = if isWindows then '\\' else '/'
+-- | The list of all possible separators.
+-- > Windows: pathSeparators == ['\\', '/']
+-- > Posix: pathSeparators == ['/']
+-- > pathSeparator `elem` pathSeparators
+pathSeparators :: [Char]
+pathSeparators = if isWindows then "\\/" else "/"
+-- | Rather than using @(== 'pathSeparator')@, use this. Test if something
+-- is a path separator.
+-- > isPathSeparator a == (a `elem` pathSeparators)
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator '/' = True
+isPathSeparator '\\' = isWindows
+isPathSeparator _ = False
+-- | The character that is used to separate the entries in the $PATH environment variable.
+-- > Windows: searchPathSeparator == ';'
+-- > Posix: searchPathSeparator == ':'
+searchPathSeparator :: Char
+searchPathSeparator = if isWindows then ';' else ':'
+-- | Is the character a file separator?
+-- > isSearchPathSeparator a == (a == searchPathSeparator)
+isSearchPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isSearchPathSeparator = (== searchPathSeparator)
+-- | File extension character
+-- > extSeparator == '.'
+extSeparator :: Char
+extSeparator = '.'
+-- | Is the character an extension character?
+-- > isExtSeparator a == (a == extSeparator)
+isExtSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isExtSeparator = (== extSeparator)
+-- Path methods (environment $PATH)
+-- | Take a string, split it on the 'searchPathSeparator' character.
+-- Blank items are ignored on Windows, and converted to @.@ on Posix.
+-- On Windows path elements are stripped of quotes.
+-- Follows the recommendations in
+-- <>
+-- > Posix: splitSearchPath "File1:File2:File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Posix: splitSearchPath "File1::File2:File3" == ["File1",".","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;File2;File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;;File2;File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;\"File2\";File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+splitSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]
+splitSearchPath = f
+ where
+ f xs = case break isSearchPathSeparator xs of
+ (pre, [] ) -> g pre
+ (pre, _:post) -> g pre ++ f post
+ g "" = ["." | isPosix]
+ g ('\"':x@(_:_)) | isWindows && last x == '\"' = [init x]
+ g x = [x]
+-- | Get a list of 'FilePath's in the $PATH variable.
+getSearchPath :: IO [FilePath]
+getSearchPath = fmap splitSearchPath (getEnv "PATH")
+-- Extension methods
+-- | Split on the extension. 'addExtension' is the inverse.
+-- > splitExtension "/directory/path.ext" == ("/directory/path",".ext")
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitExtension x) == x
+-- > Valid x => uncurry addExtension (splitExtension x) == x
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt" == ("file",".txt")
+-- > splitExtension "file" == ("file","")
+-- > splitExtension "file/file.txt" == ("file/file",".txt")
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt/boris" == ("file.txt/boris","")
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt/boris.ext" == ("file.txt/boris",".ext")
+-- > splitExtension "file/path.txt.bob.fred" == ("file/path.txt.bob",".fred")
+-- > splitExtension "file/path.txt/" == ("file/path.txt/","")
+splitExtension :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitExtension x = case nameDot of
+ "" -> (x,"")
+ _ -> (dir ++ init nameDot, extSeparator : ext)
+ where
+ (dir,file) = splitFileName_ x
+ (nameDot,ext) = breakEnd isExtSeparator file
+-- | Get the extension of a file, returns @\"\"@ for no extension, @.ext@ otherwise.
+-- > takeExtension "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
+-- > takeExtension x == snd (splitExtension x)
+-- > Valid x => takeExtension (addExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
+-- > Valid x => takeExtension (replaceExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
+takeExtension :: FilePath -> String
+takeExtension = snd . splitExtension
+-- | Remove the current extension and add another, equivalent to 'replaceExtension'.
+-- > "/directory/path.txt" -<.> "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "/directory/path.txt" -<.> ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "foo.o" -<.> "c" == "foo.c"
+(-<.>) :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+(-<.>) = replaceExtension
+-- | Set the extension of a file, overwriting one if already present, equivalent to '-<.>'.
+-- > replaceExtension "/directory/path.txt" "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > replaceExtension "/directory/path.txt" ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" ".bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" "bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file" ".bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" "" == "file"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.fred.bob" "txt" == "file.fred.txt"
+-- > replaceExtension x y == addExtension (dropExtension x) y
+replaceExtension :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceExtension x y = dropExtension x <.> y
+-- | Add an extension, even if there is already one there, equivalent to 'addExtension'.
+-- > "/directory/path" <.> "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "/directory/path" <.> ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+(<.>) :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+(<.>) = addExtension
+-- | Remove last extension, and the \".\" preceding it.
+-- > dropExtension "/directory/path.ext" == "/directory/path"
+-- > dropExtension x == fst (splitExtension x)
+dropExtension :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropExtension = fst . splitExtension
+-- | Add an extension, even if there is already one there, equivalent to '<.>'.
+-- > addExtension "/directory/path" "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > addExtension "file.txt" "bib" == "file.txt.bib"
+-- > addExtension "file." ".bib" == "file..bib"
+-- > addExtension "file" ".bib" == "file.bib"
+-- > addExtension "/" "x" == "/.x"
+-- > addExtension x "" == x
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (addExtension (addTrailingPathSeparator x) "ext") == ".ext"
+-- > Windows: addExtension "\\\\share" ".txt" == "\\\\share\\.txt"
+addExtension :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+addExtension file "" = file
+addExtension file xs@(x:_) = joinDrive a res
+ where
+ res = if isExtSeparator x then b ++ xs
+ else b ++ [extSeparator] ++ xs
+ (a,b) = splitDrive file
+-- | Does the given filename have an extension?
+-- > hasExtension "/directory/path.ext" == True
+-- > hasExtension "/directory/path" == False
+-- > null (takeExtension x) == not (hasExtension x)
+hasExtension :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasExtension = any isExtSeparator . takeFileName
+-- | Does the given filename have the specified extension?
+-- > "png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png" == True
+-- > ".png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png" == True
+-- > ".tar.gz" `isExtensionOf` "bar/foo.tar.gz" == True
+-- > "ar.gz" `isExtensionOf` "bar/foo.tar.gz" == False
+-- > "png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png.jpg" == False
+-- > "csv/table.csv" `isExtensionOf` "/data/csv/table.csv" == False
+isExtensionOf :: String -> FilePath -> Bool
+isExtensionOf ext@('.':_) = isSuffixOf ext . takeExtensions
+isExtensionOf ext = isSuffixOf ('.':ext) . takeExtensions
+-- | Drop the given extension from a FilePath, and the @\".\"@ preceding it.
+-- Returns 'Nothing' if the FilePath does not have the given extension, or
+-- 'Just' and the part before the extension if it does.
+-- This function can be more predictable than 'dropExtensions', especially if the filename
+-- might itself contain @.@ characters.
+-- > stripExtension "hs.o" "foo.x.hs.o" == Just "foo.x"
+-- > stripExtension "hi.o" "foo.x.hs.o" == Nothing
+-- > dropExtension x == fromJust (stripExtension (takeExtension x) x)
+-- > dropExtensions x == fromJust (stripExtension (takeExtensions x) x)
+-- > stripExtension ".c.d" "a.b.c.d" == Just "a.b"
+-- > stripExtension ".c.d" "a.b..c.d" == Just "a.b."
+-- > stripExtension "baz" "" == Nothing
+-- > stripExtension "bar" "foobar" == Nothing
+-- > stripExtension "" x == Just x
+stripExtension :: String -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
+stripExtension [] path = Just path
+stripExtension ext@(x:_) path = stripSuffix dotExt path
+ where dotExt = if isExtSeparator x then ext else '.':ext
+-- | Split on all extensions.
+-- > splitExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == ("/directory/path",".ext")
+-- > splitExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ("file",".tar.gz")
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitExtensions x) == x
+-- > Valid x => uncurry addExtension (splitExtensions x) == x
+-- > splitExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ("file",".tar.gz")
+splitExtensions :: FilePath -> (FilePath, String)
+splitExtensions x = (a ++ c, d)
+ where
+ (a,b) = splitFileName_ x
+ (c,d) = break isExtSeparator b
+-- | Drop all extensions.
+-- > dropExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == "/directory/path"
+-- > dropExtensions "file.tar.gz" == "file"
+-- > not $ hasExtension $ dropExtensions x
+-- > not $ any isExtSeparator $ takeFileName $ dropExtensions x
+dropExtensions :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropExtensions = fst . splitExtensions
+-- | Get all extensions.
+-- > takeExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
+-- > takeExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ".tar.gz"
+takeExtensions :: FilePath -> String
+takeExtensions = snd . splitExtensions
+-- | Replace all extensions of a file with a new extension. Note
+-- that 'replaceExtension' and 'addExtension' both work for adding
+-- multiple extensions, so only required when you need to drop
+-- all extensions first.
+-- > replaceExtensions "file.fred.bob" "txt" == "file.txt"
+-- > replaceExtensions "file.fred.bob" "tar.gz" == "file.tar.gz"
+replaceExtensions :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceExtensions x y = dropExtensions x <.> y
+-- Drive methods
+-- | Is the given character a valid drive letter?
+-- only a-z and A-Z are letters, not isAlpha which is more unicodey
+isLetter :: Char -> Bool
+isLetter x = isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x
+-- | Split a path into a drive and a path.
+-- On Posix, \/ is a Drive.
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitDrive x) == x
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "file" == ("","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "c:/file" == ("c:/","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "c:\\file" == ("c:\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\shared\\test" == ("\\\\shared\\","test")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\shared" == ("\\\\shared","")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\UNC\\shared\\file" == ("\\\\?\\UNC\\shared\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\UNCshared\\file" == ("\\\\?\\","UNCshared\\file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\d:\\file" == ("\\\\?\\d:\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "/d" == ("","/d")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "/test" == ("/","test")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "//test" == ("//","test")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "test/file" == ("","test/file")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "file" == ("","file")
+splitDrive :: FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+splitDrive x | isPosix = span (== '/') x
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveLetter x = y
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveUNC x = y
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveShare x = y
+splitDrive x = ("",x)
+addSlash :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+addSlash a xs = (a++c,d)
+ where (c,d) = span isPathSeparator xs
+-- See [1].
+-- "\\?\D:\<path>" or "\\?\UNC\<server>\<share>"
+readDriveUNC :: FilePath -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveUNC (s1:s2:'?':s3:xs) | all isPathSeparator [s1,s2,s3] =
+ case map toUpper xs of
+ ('U':'N':'C':s4:_) | isPathSeparator s4 ->
+ let (a,b) = readDriveShareName (drop 4 xs)
+ in Just (s1:s2:'?':s3:take 4 xs ++ a, b)
+ _ -> case readDriveLetter xs of
+ -- Extended-length path.
+ Just (a,b) -> Just (s1:s2:'?':s3:a,b)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+readDriveUNC _ = Nothing
+{- c:\ -}
+readDriveLetter :: String -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveLetter (x:':':y:xs) | isLetter x && isPathSeparator y = Just $ addSlash [x,':'] (y:xs)
+readDriveLetter (x:':':xs) | isLetter x = Just ([x,':'], xs)
+readDriveLetter _ = Nothing
+{- \\sharename\ -}
+readDriveShare :: String -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveShare (s1:s2:xs) | isPathSeparator s1 && isPathSeparator s2 =
+ Just (s1:s2:a,b)
+ where (a,b) = readDriveShareName xs
+readDriveShare _ = Nothing
+{- assume you have already seen \\ -}
+{- share\bob -> "share\", "bob" -}
+readDriveShareName :: String -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveShareName name = addSlash a b
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator name
+-- | Join a drive and the rest of the path.
+-- > Valid x => uncurry joinDrive (splitDrive x) == x
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "C:" "foo" == "C:foo"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "C:\\" "bar" == "C:\\bar"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "\\\\share" "foo" == "\\\\share\\foo"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "/:" "foo" == "/:\\foo"
+joinDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+joinDrive = combineAlways
+-- | Get the drive from a filepath.
+-- > takeDrive x == fst (splitDrive x)
+takeDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeDrive = fst . splitDrive
+-- | Delete the drive, if it exists.
+-- > dropDrive x == snd (splitDrive x)
+dropDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropDrive = snd . splitDrive
+-- | Does a path have a drive.
+-- > not (hasDrive x) == null (takeDrive x)
+-- > Posix: hasDrive "/foo" == True
+-- > Windows: hasDrive "C:\\foo" == True
+-- > Windows: hasDrive "C:foo" == True
+-- > hasDrive "foo" == False
+-- > hasDrive "" == False
+hasDrive :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasDrive = not . null . takeDrive
+-- | Is an element a drive
+-- > Posix: isDrive "/" == True
+-- > Posix: isDrive "/foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isDrive "C:\\" == True
+-- > Windows: isDrive "C:\\foo" == False
+-- > isDrive "" == False
+isDrive :: FilePath -> Bool
+isDrive x = not (null x) && null (dropDrive x)
+-- Operations on a filepath, as a list of directories
+-- | Split a filename into directory and file. '</>' is the inverse.
+-- The first component will often end with a trailing slash.
+-- > splitFileName "/directory/file.ext" == ("/directory/","file.ext")
+-- > Valid x => uncurry (</>) (splitFileName x) == x || fst (splitFileName x) == "./"
+-- > Valid x => isValid (fst (splitFileName x))
+-- > splitFileName "file/bob.txt" == ("file/", "bob.txt")
+-- > splitFileName "file/" == ("file/", "")
+-- > splitFileName "bob" == ("./", "bob")
+-- > Posix: splitFileName "/" == ("/","")
+-- > Windows: splitFileName "c:" == ("c:","")
+splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileName x = (if null dir then "./" else dir, name)
+ where
+ (dir, name) = splitFileName_ x
+-- version of splitFileName where, if the FilePath has no directory
+-- component, the returned directory is "" rather than "./". This
+-- is used in cases where we are going to combine the returned
+-- directory to make a valid FilePath, and having a "./" appear would
+-- look strange and upset simple equality properties. See
+-- e.g. replaceFileName.
+splitFileName_ :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileName_ x = (drv ++ dir, file)
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive x
+ (dir,file) = breakEnd isPathSeparator pth
+-- | Set the filename.
+-- > replaceFileName "/directory/other.txt" "file.ext" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => replaceFileName x (takeFileName x) == x
+replaceFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceFileName x y = a </> y where (a,_) = splitFileName_ x
+-- | Drop the filename. Unlike 'takeDirectory', this function will leave
+-- a trailing path separator on the directory.
+-- > dropFileName "/directory/file.ext" == "/directory/"
+-- > dropFileName x == fst (splitFileName x)
+dropFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropFileName = fst . splitFileName
+-- | Get the file name.
+-- > takeFileName "/directory/file.ext" == "file.ext"
+-- > takeFileName "test/" == ""
+-- > takeFileName x `isSuffixOf` x
+-- > takeFileName x == snd (splitFileName x)
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (replaceFileName x "fred") == "fred"
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (x </> "fred") == "fred"
+-- > Valid x => isRelative (takeFileName x)
+takeFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeFileName = snd . splitFileName
+-- | Get the base name, without an extension or path.
+-- > takeBaseName "/directory/file.ext" == "file"
+-- > takeBaseName "file/test.txt" == "test"
+-- > takeBaseName "dave.ext" == "dave"
+-- > takeBaseName "" == ""
+-- > takeBaseName "test" == "test"
+-- > takeBaseName (addTrailingPathSeparator x) == ""
+-- > takeBaseName "file/file.tar.gz" == "file.tar"
+takeBaseName :: FilePath -> String
+takeBaseName = dropExtension . takeFileName
+-- | Set the base name.
+-- > replaceBaseName "/directory/other.ext" "file" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > replaceBaseName "file/test.txt" "bob" == "file/bob.txt"
+-- > replaceBaseName "fred" "bill" == "bill"
+-- > replaceBaseName "/dave/fred/bob.gz.tar" "new" == "/dave/fred/new.tar"
+-- > Valid x => replaceBaseName x (takeBaseName x) == x
+replaceBaseName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceBaseName pth nam = combineAlways a (nam <.> ext)
+ where
+ (a,b) = splitFileName_ pth
+ ext = takeExtension b
+-- | Is an item either a directory or the last character a path separator?
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator "test" == False
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator "test/" == True
+hasTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasTrailingPathSeparator "" = False
+hasTrailingPathSeparator x = isPathSeparator (last x)
+hasLeadingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasLeadingPathSeparator "" = False
+hasLeadingPathSeparator x = isPathSeparator (head x)
+-- | Add a trailing file path separator if one is not already present.
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator (addTrailingPathSeparator x)
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator x ==> addTrailingPathSeparator x == x
+-- > Posix: addTrailingPathSeparator "test/rest" == "test/rest/"
+addTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath
+addTrailingPathSeparator x = if hasTrailingPathSeparator x then x else x ++ [pathSeparator]
+-- | Remove any trailing path separators
+-- > dropTrailingPathSeparator "file/test/" == "file/test"
+-- > dropTrailingPathSeparator "/" == "/"
+-- > Windows: dropTrailingPathSeparator "\\" == "\\"
+-- > Posix: not (hasTrailingPathSeparator (dropTrailingPathSeparator x)) || isDrive x
+dropTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropTrailingPathSeparator x =
+ if hasTrailingPathSeparator x && not (isDrive x)
+ then let x' = dropWhileEnd isPathSeparator x
+ in if null x' then [last x] else x'
+ else x
+-- | Get the directory name, move up one level.
+-- > takeDirectory "/directory/other.ext" == "/directory"
+-- > takeDirectory x `isPrefixOf` x || takeDirectory x == "."
+-- > takeDirectory "foo" == "."
+-- > takeDirectory "/" == "/"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo" == "/"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo/bar/baz" == "/foo/bar"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo/bar/baz/" == "/foo/bar/baz"
+-- > takeDirectory "foo/bar/baz" == "foo/bar"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "foo\\bar" == "foo"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "foo\\bar\\\\" == "foo\\bar"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "C:\\" == "C:\\"
+takeDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeDirectory = dropTrailingPathSeparator . dropFileName
+-- | Set the directory, keeping the filename the same.
+-- > replaceDirectory "root/file.ext" "/directory/" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => replaceDirectory x (takeDirectory x) `equalFilePath` x
+replaceDirectory :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceDirectory x dir = combineAlways dir (takeFileName x)
+-- | An alias for '</>'.
+combine :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+combine a b | hasLeadingPathSeparator b || hasDrive b = b
+ | otherwise = combineAlways a b
+-- | Combine two paths, assuming rhs is NOT absolute.
+combineAlways :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+combineAlways a b | null a = b
+ | null b = a
+ | hasTrailingPathSeparator a = a ++ b
+ | otherwise = case a of
+ [a1,':'] | isWindows && isLetter a1 -> a ++ b
+ _ -> a ++ [pathSeparator] ++ b
+-- | Combine two paths with a path separator.
+-- If the second path starts with a path separator or a drive letter, then it returns the second.
+-- The intention is that @readFile (dir '</>' file)@ will access the same file as
+-- @setCurrentDirectory dir; readFile file@.
+-- > Posix: "/directory" </> "file.ext" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Windows: "/directory" </> "file.ext" == "/directory\\file.ext"
+-- > "directory" </> "/file.ext" == "/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => (takeDirectory x </> takeFileName x) `equalFilePath` x
+-- Combined:
+-- > Posix: "/" </> "test" == "/test"
+-- > Posix: "home" </> "bob" == "home/bob"
+-- > Posix: "x:" </> "foo" == "x:/foo"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\foo" </> "bar" == "C:\\foo\\bar"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "bob" == "home\\bob"
+-- Not combined:
+-- > Posix: "home" </> "/bob" == "/bob"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "C:\\bob" == "C:\\bob"
+-- Not combined (tricky):
+-- On Windows, if a filepath starts with a single slash, it is relative to the
+-- root of the current drive. In [1], this is (confusingly) referred to as an
+-- absolute path.
+-- The current behavior of '</>' is to never combine these forms.
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "/bob" == "/bob"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "\\bob" == "\\bob"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\home" </> "\\bob" == "\\bob"
+-- On Windows, from [1]: "If a file name begins with only a disk designator
+-- but not the backslash after the colon, it is interpreted as a relative path
+-- to the current directory on the drive with the specified letter."
+-- The current behavior of '</>' is to never combine these forms.
+-- > Windows: "D:\\foo" </> "C:bar" == "C:bar"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\foo" </> "C:bar" == "C:bar"
+(</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+(</>) = combine
+-- | Split a path by the directory separator.
+-- > splitPath "/directory/file.ext" == ["/","directory/","file.ext"]
+-- > concat (splitPath x) == x
+-- > splitPath "test//item/" == ["test//","item/"]
+-- > splitPath "test/item/file" == ["test/","item/","file"]
+-- > splitPath "" == []
+-- > Windows: splitPath "c:\\test\\path" == ["c:\\","test\\","path"]
+-- > Posix: splitPath "/file/test" == ["/","file/","test"]
+splitPath :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+splitPath x = [drive | drive /= ""] ++ f path
+ where
+ (drive,path) = splitDrive x
+ f "" = []
+ f y = (a++c) : f d
+ where
+ (a,b) = break isPathSeparator y
+ (c,d) = span isPathSeparator b
+-- | Just as 'splitPath', but don't add the trailing slashes to each element.
+-- > splitDirectories "/directory/file.ext" == ["/","directory","file.ext"]
+-- > splitDirectories "test/file" == ["test","file"]
+-- > splitDirectories "/test/file" == ["/","test","file"]
+-- > Windows: splitDirectories "C:\\test\\file" == ["C:\\", "test", "file"]
+-- > Valid x => joinPath (splitDirectories x) `equalFilePath` x
+-- > splitDirectories "" == []
+-- > Windows: splitDirectories "C:\\test\\\\\\file" == ["C:\\", "test", "file"]
+-- > splitDirectories "/test///file" == ["/","test","file"]
+splitDirectories :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+splitDirectories = map dropTrailingPathSeparator . splitPath
+-- | Join path elements back together.
+-- > joinPath a == foldr (</>) "" a
+-- > joinPath ["/","directory/","file.ext"] == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => joinPath (splitPath x) == x
+-- > joinPath [] == ""
+-- > Posix: joinPath ["test","file","path"] == "test/file/path"
+joinPath :: [FilePath] -> FilePath
+-- Note that this definition on c:\\c:\\, join then split will give c:\\.
+joinPath = foldr combine ""
+-- File name manipulators
+-- | Equality of two 'FilePath's.
+-- If you call @System.Directory.canonicalizePath@
+-- first this has a much better chance of working.
+-- Note that this doesn't follow symlinks or DOSNAM~1s.
+-- Similar to 'normalise', this does not expand @".."@, because of symlinks.
+-- > x == y ==> equalFilePath x y
+-- > normalise x == normalise y ==> equalFilePath x y
+-- > equalFilePath "foo" "foo/"
+-- > not (equalFilePath "/a/../c" "/c")
+-- > not (equalFilePath "foo" "/foo")
+-- > Posix: not (equalFilePath "foo" "FOO")
+-- > Windows: equalFilePath "foo" "FOO"
+-- > Windows: not (equalFilePath "C:" "C:/")
+equalFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
+equalFilePath a b = f a == f b
+ where
+ f x | isWindows = dropTrailingPathSeparator $ map toLower $ normalise x
+ | otherwise = dropTrailingPathSeparator $ normalise x
+-- | Contract a filename, based on a relative path. Note that the resulting path
+-- will never introduce @..@ paths, as the presence of symlinks means @..\/b@
+-- may not reach @a\/b@ if it starts from @a\/c@. For a worked example see
+-- < this blog post>.
+-- The corresponding @makeAbsolute@ function can be found in
+-- @System.Directory@.
+-- > makeRelative "/directory" "/directory/file.ext" == "file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => makeRelative (takeDirectory x) x `equalFilePath` takeFileName x
+-- > makeRelative x x == "."
+-- > Valid x y => equalFilePath x y || (isRelative x && makeRelative y x == x) || equalFilePath (y </> makeRelative y x) x
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:\\home\\bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:/home/bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "D:\\Home\\Bob" == "D:\\Home\\Bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "C:Home\\Bob" == "C:Home\\Bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "/" "//" == "//"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "/home/bob"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/home/" "/home/bob/foo/bar" == "bob/foo/bar"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/fred" "bob" == "bob"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred" == "fred"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred/" == "fred/"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "some/path" "some/path/a/b/c" == "a/b/c"
+makeRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+makeRelative root path
+ | equalFilePath root path = "."
+ | takeAbs root /= takeAbs path = path
+ | otherwise = f (dropAbs root) (dropAbs path)
+ where
+ f "" y = dropWhile isPathSeparator y
+ f x y = let (x1,x2) = g x
+ (y1,y2) = g y
+ in if equalFilePath x1 y1 then f x2 y2 else path
+ g x = (dropWhile isPathSeparator a, dropWhile isPathSeparator b)
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator $ dropWhile isPathSeparator x
+ -- on windows, need to drop '/' which is kind of absolute, but not a drive
+ dropAbs x | hasLeadingPathSeparator x && not (hasDrive x) = tail x
+ dropAbs x = dropDrive x
+ takeAbs x | hasLeadingPathSeparator x && not (hasDrive x) = [pathSeparator]
+ takeAbs x = map (\y -> if isPathSeparator y then pathSeparator else toLower y) $ takeDrive x
+-- | Normalise a file
+-- * \/\/ outside of the drive can be made blank
+-- * \/ -> 'pathSeparator'
+-- * .\/ -> \"\"
+-- Does not remove @".."@, because of symlinks.
+-- > Posix: normalise "/file/\\test////" == "/file/\\test/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/file/./test" == "/file/test"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/test/file/../bob/fred/" == "/test/file/../bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "../bob/fred/" == "../bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/a/../c" == "/a/../c"
+-- > Posix: normalise "./bob/fred/" == "bob/fred/"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:\\file/bob\\" == "C:\\file\\bob\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:\\" == "C:\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "C:.\\" == "C:"
+-- > Windows: normalise "\\\\server\\test" == "\\\\server\\test"
+-- > Windows: normalise "//server/test" == "\\\\server\\test"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:/file" == "C:\\file"
+-- > Windows: normalise "/file" == "\\file"
+-- > Windows: normalise "\\" == "\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "/./" == "\\"
+-- > normalise "." == "."
+-- > Posix: normalise "./" == "./"
+-- > Posix: normalise "./." == "./"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/./" == "/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/" == "/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "bob/fred/." == "bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "//home" == "/home"
+normalise :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normalise path = result ++ [pathSeparator | addPathSeparator]
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive path
+ result = joinDrive' (normaliseDrive drv) (f pth)
+ joinDrive' "" "" = "."
+ joinDrive' d p = joinDrive d p
+ addPathSeparator = isDirPath pth
+ && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator result)
+ && not (isRelativeDrive drv)
+ isDirPath xs = hasTrailingPathSeparator xs
+ || not (null xs) && last xs == '.' && hasTrailingPathSeparator (init xs)
+ f = joinPath . dropDots . propSep . splitDirectories
+ propSep (x:xs) | all isPathSeparator x = [pathSeparator] : xs
+ | otherwise = x : xs
+ propSep [] = []
+ dropDots = filter ("." /=)
+normaliseDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normaliseDrive "" = ""
+normaliseDrive _ | isPosix = [pathSeparator]
+normaliseDrive drive = if isJust $ readDriveLetter x2
+ then map toUpper x2
+ else x2
+ where
+ x2 = map repSlash drive
+ repSlash x = if isPathSeparator x then pathSeparator else x
+-- Information for validity functions on Windows. See [1].
+isBadCharacter :: Char -> Bool
+isBadCharacter x = x >= '\0' && x <= '\31' || x `elem` ":*?><|\""
+badElements :: [FilePath]
+badElements =
+ ["CON","PRN","AUX","NUL","CLOCK$"
+ ,"COM1","COM2","COM3","COM4","COM5","COM6","COM7","COM8","COM9"
+ ,"LPT1","LPT2","LPT3","LPT4","LPT5","LPT6","LPT7","LPT8","LPT9"]
+-- | Is a FilePath valid, i.e. could you create a file like it? This function checks for invalid names,
+-- and invalid characters, but does not check if length limits are exceeded, as these are typically
+-- filesystem dependent.
+-- > isValid "" == False
+-- > isValid "\0" == False
+-- > Posix: isValid "/random_ path:*" == True
+-- > Posix: isValid x == not (null x)
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test" == True
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test:of_test" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "test*" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\nul" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\nul\\file" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "foo\tbar" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "nul .txt" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid " nul.txt" == True
+isValid :: FilePath -> Bool
+isValid "" = False
+isValid x | '\0' `elem` x = False
+isValid _ | isPosix = True
+isValid path =
+ not (any isBadCharacter x2) &&
+ not (any f $ splitDirectories x2) &&
+ not (isJust (readDriveShare x1) && all isPathSeparator x1) &&
+ not (isJust (readDriveUNC x1) && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator x1))
+ where
+ (x1,x2) = splitDrive path
+ f x = map toUpper (dropWhileEnd (== ' ') $ dropExtensions x) `elem` badElements
+-- | Take a FilePath and make it valid; does not change already valid FilePaths.
+-- > isValid (makeValid x)
+-- > isValid x ==> makeValid x == x
+-- > makeValid "" == "_"
+-- > makeValid "file\0name" == "file_name"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\already\\/valid" == "c:\\already\\/valid"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test:of_test" == "c:\\test_of_test"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "test*" == "test_"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\nul" == "c:\\test\\nul_"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == "c:\\test\\prn_.txt"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test/prn.txt" == "c:\\test/prn_.txt"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\nul\\file" == "c:\\nul_\\file"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "\\\\\\foo" == "\\\\drive"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == "\\\\?\\D:\\file"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "nul .txt" == "nul _.txt"
+makeValid :: FilePath -> FilePath
+makeValid "" = "_"
+makeValid path
+ | isPosix = map (\x -> if x == '\0' then '_' else x) path
+ | isJust (readDriveShare drv) && all isPathSeparator drv = take 2 drv ++ "drive"
+ | isJust (readDriveUNC drv) && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator drv) =
+ makeValid (drv ++ [pathSeparator] ++ pth)
+ | otherwise = joinDrive drv $ validElements $ validChars pth
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive path
+ validChars = map f
+ f x = if isBadCharacter x then '_' else x
+ validElements x = joinPath $ map g $ splitPath x
+ g x = h a ++ b
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator x
+ h x = if map toUpper (dropWhileEnd (== ' ') a) `elem` badElements then a ++ "_" <.> b else x
+ where (a,b) = splitExtensions x
+-- | Is a path relative, or is it fixed to the root?
+-- > Windows: isRelative "path\\test" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:\\test" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:test" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:\\" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:/" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\?\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\?\\UNC\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "/foo" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\foo" == True
+-- > Posix: isRelative "test/path" == True
+-- > Posix: isRelative "/test" == False
+-- > Posix: isRelative "/" == False
+-- According to [1]:
+-- * "A UNC name of any format [is never relative]."
+-- * "You cannot use the "\\?\" prefix with a relative path."
+isRelative :: FilePath -> Bool
+isRelative x = null drive || isRelativeDrive drive
+ where drive = takeDrive x
+{- c:foo -}
+-- From [1]: "If a file name begins with only a disk designator but not the
+-- backslash after the colon, it is interpreted as a relative path to the
+-- current directory on the drive with the specified letter."
+isRelativeDrive :: String -> Bool
+isRelativeDrive x =
+ maybe False (not . hasTrailingPathSeparator . fst) (readDriveLetter x)
+-- | @not . 'isRelative'@
+-- > isAbsolute x == not (isRelative x)
+isAbsolute :: FilePath -> Bool
+isAbsolute = not . isRelative
+-- dropWhileEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4,1,2])
+-- Note that Data.List.dropWhileEnd is only available in base >= 4.5.
+dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+dropWhileEnd p = reverse . dropWhile p . reverse
+-- takeWhileEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == [3,4])
+takeWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+takeWhileEnd p = reverse . takeWhile p . reverse
+-- spanEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] = ([1,2,3,4,1,2], [3,4])
+spanEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+spanEnd p xs = (dropWhileEnd p xs, takeWhileEnd p xs)
+-- breakEnd (< 2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == ([1,2,3,4,1],[2,3,4])
+breakEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+breakEnd p = spanEnd (not . p)
+-- | The stripSuffix function drops the given suffix from a list. It returns
+-- Nothing if the list did not end with the suffix given, or Just the list
+-- before the suffix, if it does.
+stripSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
+stripSuffix xs ys = fmap reverse $ stripPrefix (reverse xs) (reverse ys)
diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Windows.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Windows.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52a0cd86c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/vendored-filepath/System/FilePath/Windows.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+-- Vendored from filepath v1.4.2.2
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+-- This template expects CPP definitions for:
+-- MODULE_NAME = Posix | Windows
+-- IS_WINDOWS = False | True
+-- |
+-- Module : System.FilePath.MODULE_NAME
+-- Copyright : (c) Neil Mitchell 2005-2014
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : stable
+-- Portability : portable
+-- A library for 'FilePath' manipulations, using MODULE_NAME style paths on
+-- all platforms. Importing "System.FilePath" is usually better.
+-- Given the example 'FilePath': @\/directory\/file.ext@
+-- We can use the following functions to extract pieces.
+-- * 'takeFileName' gives @\"file.ext\"@
+-- * 'takeDirectory' gives @\"\/directory\"@
+-- * 'takeExtension' gives @\".ext\"@
+-- * 'dropExtension' gives @\"\/directory\/file\"@
+-- * 'takeBaseName' gives @\"file\"@
+-- And we could have built an equivalent path with the following expressions:
+-- * @\"\/directory\" '</>' \"file.ext\"@.
+-- * @\"\/directory\/file" '<.>' \"ext\"@.
+-- * @\"\/directory\/file.txt" '-<.>' \"ext\"@.
+-- Each function in this module is documented with several examples,
+-- which are also used as tests.
+-- Here are a few examples of using the @filepath@ functions together:
+-- /Example 1:/ Find the possible locations of a Haskell module @Test@ imported from module @Main@:
+-- @['replaceFileName' path_to_main \"Test\" '<.>' ext | ext <- [\"hs\",\"lhs\"] ]@
+-- /Example 2:/ Download a file from @url@ and save it to disk:
+-- @do let file = 'makeValid' url
+-- System.Directory.createDirectoryIfMissing True ('takeDirectory' file)@
+-- /Example 3:/ Compile a Haskell file, putting the @.hi@ file under @interface@:
+-- @'takeDirectory' file '</>' \"interface\" '</>' ('takeFileName' file '-<.>' \"hi\")@
+-- References:
+-- [1] < Naming Files, Paths and Namespaces> (Microsoft MSDN)
+module System.FilePath.Windows
+ (
+ -- * Separator predicates
+ FilePath,
+ pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator,
+ searchPathSeparator, isSearchPathSeparator,
+ extSeparator, isExtSeparator,
+ -- * @$PATH@ methods
+ splitSearchPath, getSearchPath,
+ -- * Extension functions
+ splitExtension,
+ takeExtension, replaceExtension, (-<.>), dropExtension, addExtension, hasExtension, (<.>),
+ splitExtensions, dropExtensions, takeExtensions, replaceExtensions, isExtensionOf,
+ stripExtension,
+ -- * Filename\/directory functions
+ splitFileName,
+ takeFileName, replaceFileName, dropFileName,
+ takeBaseName, replaceBaseName,
+ takeDirectory, replaceDirectory,
+ combine, (</>),
+ splitPath, joinPath, splitDirectories,
+ -- * Drive functions
+ splitDrive, joinDrive,
+ takeDrive, hasDrive, dropDrive, isDrive,
+ -- * Trailing slash functions
+ hasTrailingPathSeparator,
+ addTrailingPathSeparator,
+ dropTrailingPathSeparator,
+ -- * File name manipulations
+ normalise, equalFilePath,
+ makeRelative,
+ isRelative, isAbsolute,
+ isValid, makeValid
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Char(toLower, toUpper, isAsciiLower, isAsciiUpper)
+import Data.Maybe(isJust)
+import Data.List(stripPrefix, isSuffixOf)
+import System.Environment(getEnv)
+infixr 7 <.>, -<.>
+infixr 5 </>
+-- Platform Abstraction Methods (private)
+-- | Is the operating system Unix or Linux like
+isPosix :: Bool
+isPosix = not isWindows
+-- | Is the operating system Windows like
+isWindows :: Bool
+isWindows = True
+-- The basic functions
+-- | The character that separates directories. In the case where more than
+-- one character is possible, 'pathSeparator' is the \'ideal\' one.
+-- > Windows: pathSeparator == '\\'
+-- > Posix: pathSeparator == '/'
+-- > isPathSeparator pathSeparator
+pathSeparator :: Char
+pathSeparator = if isWindows then '\\' else '/'
+-- | The list of all possible separators.
+-- > Windows: pathSeparators == ['\\', '/']
+-- > Posix: pathSeparators == ['/']
+-- > pathSeparator `elem` pathSeparators
+pathSeparators :: [Char]
+pathSeparators = if isWindows then "\\/" else "/"
+-- | Rather than using @(== 'pathSeparator')@, use this. Test if something
+-- is a path separator.
+-- > isPathSeparator a == (a `elem` pathSeparators)
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator '/' = True
+isPathSeparator '\\' = isWindows
+isPathSeparator _ = False
+-- | The character that is used to separate the entries in the $PATH environment variable.
+-- > Windows: searchPathSeparator == ';'
+-- > Posix: searchPathSeparator == ':'
+searchPathSeparator :: Char
+searchPathSeparator = if isWindows then ';' else ':'
+-- | Is the character a file separator?
+-- > isSearchPathSeparator a == (a == searchPathSeparator)
+isSearchPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isSearchPathSeparator = (== searchPathSeparator)
+-- | File extension character
+-- > extSeparator == '.'
+extSeparator :: Char
+extSeparator = '.'
+-- | Is the character an extension character?
+-- > isExtSeparator a == (a == extSeparator)
+isExtSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isExtSeparator = (== extSeparator)
+-- Path methods (environment $PATH)
+-- | Take a string, split it on the 'searchPathSeparator' character.
+-- Blank items are ignored on Windows, and converted to @.@ on Posix.
+-- On Windows path elements are stripped of quotes.
+-- Follows the recommendations in
+-- <>
+-- > Posix: splitSearchPath "File1:File2:File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Posix: splitSearchPath "File1::File2:File3" == ["File1",".","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;File2;File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;;File2;File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+-- > Windows: splitSearchPath "File1;\"File2\";File3" == ["File1","File2","File3"]
+splitSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]
+splitSearchPath = f
+ where
+ f xs = case break isSearchPathSeparator xs of
+ (pre, [] ) -> g pre
+ (pre, _:post) -> g pre ++ f post
+ g "" = ["." | isPosix]
+ g ('\"':x@(_:_)) | isWindows && last x == '\"' = [init x]
+ g x = [x]
+-- | Get a list of 'FilePath's in the $PATH variable.
+getSearchPath :: IO [FilePath]
+getSearchPath = fmap splitSearchPath (getEnv "PATH")
+-- Extension methods
+-- | Split on the extension. 'addExtension' is the inverse.
+-- > splitExtension "/directory/path.ext" == ("/directory/path",".ext")
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitExtension x) == x
+-- > Valid x => uncurry addExtension (splitExtension x) == x
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt" == ("file",".txt")
+-- > splitExtension "file" == ("file","")
+-- > splitExtension "file/file.txt" == ("file/file",".txt")
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt/boris" == ("file.txt/boris","")
+-- > splitExtension "file.txt/boris.ext" == ("file.txt/boris",".ext")
+-- > splitExtension "file/path.txt.bob.fred" == ("file/path.txt.bob",".fred")
+-- > splitExtension "file/path.txt/" == ("file/path.txt/","")
+splitExtension :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitExtension x = case nameDot of
+ "" -> (x,"")
+ _ -> (dir ++ init nameDot, extSeparator : ext)
+ where
+ (dir,file) = splitFileName_ x
+ (nameDot,ext) = breakEnd isExtSeparator file
+-- | Get the extension of a file, returns @\"\"@ for no extension, @.ext@ otherwise.
+-- > takeExtension "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
+-- > takeExtension x == snd (splitExtension x)
+-- > Valid x => takeExtension (addExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
+-- > Valid x => takeExtension (replaceExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
+takeExtension :: FilePath -> String
+takeExtension = snd . splitExtension
+-- | Remove the current extension and add another, equivalent to 'replaceExtension'.
+-- > "/directory/path.txt" -<.> "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "/directory/path.txt" -<.> ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "foo.o" -<.> "c" == "foo.c"
+(-<.>) :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+(-<.>) = replaceExtension
+-- | Set the extension of a file, overwriting one if already present, equivalent to '-<.>'.
+-- > replaceExtension "/directory/path.txt" "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > replaceExtension "/directory/path.txt" ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" ".bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" "bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file" ".bob" == "file.bob"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.txt" "" == "file"
+-- > replaceExtension "file.fred.bob" "txt" == "file.fred.txt"
+-- > replaceExtension x y == addExtension (dropExtension x) y
+replaceExtension :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceExtension x y = dropExtension x <.> y
+-- | Add an extension, even if there is already one there, equivalent to 'addExtension'.
+-- > "/directory/path" <.> "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > "/directory/path" <.> ".ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+(<.>) :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+(<.>) = addExtension
+-- | Remove last extension, and the \".\" preceding it.
+-- > dropExtension "/directory/path.ext" == "/directory/path"
+-- > dropExtension x == fst (splitExtension x)
+dropExtension :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropExtension = fst . splitExtension
+-- | Add an extension, even if there is already one there, equivalent to '<.>'.
+-- > addExtension "/directory/path" "ext" == "/directory/path.ext"
+-- > addExtension "file.txt" "bib" == "file.txt.bib"
+-- > addExtension "file." ".bib" == "file..bib"
+-- > addExtension "file" ".bib" == "file.bib"
+-- > addExtension "/" "x" == "/.x"
+-- > addExtension x "" == x
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (addExtension (addTrailingPathSeparator x) "ext") == ".ext"
+-- > Windows: addExtension "\\\\share" ".txt" == "\\\\share\\.txt"
+addExtension :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+addExtension file "" = file
+addExtension file xs@(x:_) = joinDrive a res
+ where
+ res = if isExtSeparator x then b ++ xs
+ else b ++ [extSeparator] ++ xs
+ (a,b) = splitDrive file
+-- | Does the given filename have an extension?
+-- > hasExtension "/directory/path.ext" == True
+-- > hasExtension "/directory/path" == False
+-- > null (takeExtension x) == not (hasExtension x)
+hasExtension :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasExtension = any isExtSeparator . takeFileName
+-- | Does the given filename have the specified extension?
+-- > "png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png" == True
+-- > ".png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png" == True
+-- > ".tar.gz" `isExtensionOf` "bar/foo.tar.gz" == True
+-- > "ar.gz" `isExtensionOf` "bar/foo.tar.gz" == False
+-- > "png" `isExtensionOf` "/directory/file.png.jpg" == False
+-- > "csv/table.csv" `isExtensionOf` "/data/csv/table.csv" == False
+isExtensionOf :: String -> FilePath -> Bool
+isExtensionOf ext@('.':_) = isSuffixOf ext . takeExtensions
+isExtensionOf ext = isSuffixOf ('.':ext) . takeExtensions
+-- | Drop the given extension from a FilePath, and the @\".\"@ preceding it.
+-- Returns 'Nothing' if the FilePath does not have the given extension, or
+-- 'Just' and the part before the extension if it does.
+-- This function can be more predictable than 'dropExtensions', especially if the filename
+-- might itself contain @.@ characters.
+-- > stripExtension "hs.o" "foo.x.hs.o" == Just "foo.x"
+-- > stripExtension "hi.o" "foo.x.hs.o" == Nothing
+-- > dropExtension x == fromJust (stripExtension (takeExtension x) x)
+-- > dropExtensions x == fromJust (stripExtension (takeExtensions x) x)
+-- > stripExtension ".c.d" "a.b.c.d" == Just "a.b"
+-- > stripExtension ".c.d" "a.b..c.d" == Just "a.b."
+-- > stripExtension "baz" "" == Nothing
+-- > stripExtension "bar" "foobar" == Nothing
+-- > stripExtension "" x == Just x
+stripExtension :: String -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
+stripExtension [] path = Just path
+stripExtension ext@(x:_) path = stripSuffix dotExt path
+ where dotExt = if isExtSeparator x then ext else '.':ext
+-- | Split on all extensions.
+-- > splitExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == ("/directory/path",".ext")
+-- > splitExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ("file",".tar.gz")
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitExtensions x) == x
+-- > Valid x => uncurry addExtension (splitExtensions x) == x
+-- > splitExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ("file",".tar.gz")
+splitExtensions :: FilePath -> (FilePath, String)
+splitExtensions x = (a ++ c, d)
+ where
+ (a,b) = splitFileName_ x
+ (c,d) = break isExtSeparator b
+-- | Drop all extensions.
+-- > dropExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == "/directory/path"
+-- > dropExtensions "file.tar.gz" == "file"
+-- > not $ hasExtension $ dropExtensions x
+-- > not $ any isExtSeparator $ takeFileName $ dropExtensions x
+dropExtensions :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropExtensions = fst . splitExtensions
+-- | Get all extensions.
+-- > takeExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
+-- > takeExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ".tar.gz"
+takeExtensions :: FilePath -> String
+takeExtensions = snd . splitExtensions
+-- | Replace all extensions of a file with a new extension. Note
+-- that 'replaceExtension' and 'addExtension' both work for adding
+-- multiple extensions, so only required when you need to drop
+-- all extensions first.
+-- > replaceExtensions "file.fred.bob" "txt" == "file.txt"
+-- > replaceExtensions "file.fred.bob" "tar.gz" == "file.tar.gz"
+replaceExtensions :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceExtensions x y = dropExtensions x <.> y
+-- Drive methods
+-- | Is the given character a valid drive letter?
+-- only a-z and A-Z are letters, not isAlpha which is more unicodey
+isLetter :: Char -> Bool
+isLetter x = isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x
+-- | Split a path into a drive and a path.
+-- On Posix, \/ is a Drive.
+-- > uncurry (++) (splitDrive x) == x
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "file" == ("","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "c:/file" == ("c:/","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "c:\\file" == ("c:\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\shared\\test" == ("\\\\shared\\","test")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\shared" == ("\\\\shared","")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\UNC\\shared\\file" == ("\\\\?\\UNC\\shared\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\UNCshared\\file" == ("\\\\?\\","UNCshared\\file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "\\\\?\\d:\\file" == ("\\\\?\\d:\\","file")
+-- > Windows: splitDrive "/d" == ("","/d")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "/test" == ("/","test")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "//test" == ("//","test")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "test/file" == ("","test/file")
+-- > Posix: splitDrive "file" == ("","file")
+splitDrive :: FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+splitDrive x | isPosix = span (== '/') x
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveLetter x = y
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveUNC x = y
+splitDrive x | Just y <- readDriveShare x = y
+splitDrive x = ("",x)
+addSlash :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+addSlash a xs = (a++c,d)
+ where (c,d) = span isPathSeparator xs
+-- See [1].
+-- "\\?\D:\<path>" or "\\?\UNC\<server>\<share>"
+readDriveUNC :: FilePath -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveUNC (s1:s2:'?':s3:xs) | all isPathSeparator [s1,s2,s3] =
+ case map toUpper xs of
+ ('U':'N':'C':s4:_) | isPathSeparator s4 ->
+ let (a,b) = readDriveShareName (drop 4 xs)
+ in Just (s1:s2:'?':s3:take 4 xs ++ a, b)
+ _ -> case readDriveLetter xs of
+ -- Extended-length path.
+ Just (a,b) -> Just (s1:s2:'?':s3:a,b)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+readDriveUNC _ = Nothing
+{- c:\ -}
+readDriveLetter :: String -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveLetter (x:':':y:xs) | isLetter x && isPathSeparator y = Just $ addSlash [x,':'] (y:xs)
+readDriveLetter (x:':':xs) | isLetter x = Just ([x,':'], xs)
+readDriveLetter _ = Nothing
+{- \\sharename\ -}
+readDriveShare :: String -> Maybe (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveShare (s1:s2:xs) | isPathSeparator s1 && isPathSeparator s2 =
+ Just (s1:s2:a,b)
+ where (a,b) = readDriveShareName xs
+readDriveShare _ = Nothing
+{- assume you have already seen \\ -}
+{- share\bob -> "share\", "bob" -}
+readDriveShareName :: String -> (FilePath, FilePath)
+readDriveShareName name = addSlash a b
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator name
+-- | Join a drive and the rest of the path.
+-- > Valid x => uncurry joinDrive (splitDrive x) == x
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "C:" "foo" == "C:foo"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "C:\\" "bar" == "C:\\bar"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "\\\\share" "foo" == "\\\\share\\foo"
+-- > Windows: joinDrive "/:" "foo" == "/:\\foo"
+joinDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+joinDrive = combineAlways
+-- | Get the drive from a filepath.
+-- > takeDrive x == fst (splitDrive x)
+takeDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeDrive = fst . splitDrive
+-- | Delete the drive, if it exists.
+-- > dropDrive x == snd (splitDrive x)
+dropDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropDrive = snd . splitDrive
+-- | Does a path have a drive.
+-- > not (hasDrive x) == null (takeDrive x)
+-- > Posix: hasDrive "/foo" == True
+-- > Windows: hasDrive "C:\\foo" == True
+-- > Windows: hasDrive "C:foo" == True
+-- > hasDrive "foo" == False
+-- > hasDrive "" == False
+hasDrive :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasDrive = not . null . takeDrive
+-- | Is an element a drive
+-- > Posix: isDrive "/" == True
+-- > Posix: isDrive "/foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isDrive "C:\\" == True
+-- > Windows: isDrive "C:\\foo" == False
+-- > isDrive "" == False
+isDrive :: FilePath -> Bool
+isDrive x = not (null x) && null (dropDrive x)
+-- Operations on a filepath, as a list of directories
+-- | Split a filename into directory and file. '</>' is the inverse.
+-- The first component will often end with a trailing slash.
+-- > splitFileName "/directory/file.ext" == ("/directory/","file.ext")
+-- > Valid x => uncurry (</>) (splitFileName x) == x || fst (splitFileName x) == "./"
+-- > Valid x => isValid (fst (splitFileName x))
+-- > splitFileName "file/bob.txt" == ("file/", "bob.txt")
+-- > splitFileName "file/" == ("file/", "")
+-- > splitFileName "bob" == ("./", "bob")
+-- > Posix: splitFileName "/" == ("/","")
+-- > Windows: splitFileName "c:" == ("c:","")
+splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileName x = (if null dir then "./" else dir, name)
+ where
+ (dir, name) = splitFileName_ x
+-- version of splitFileName where, if the FilePath has no directory
+-- component, the returned directory is "" rather than "./". This
+-- is used in cases where we are going to combine the returned
+-- directory to make a valid FilePath, and having a "./" appear would
+-- look strange and upset simple equality properties. See
+-- e.g. replaceFileName.
+splitFileName_ :: FilePath -> (String, String)
+splitFileName_ x = (drv ++ dir, file)
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive x
+ (dir,file) = breakEnd isPathSeparator pth
+-- | Set the filename.
+-- > replaceFileName "/directory/other.txt" "file.ext" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => replaceFileName x (takeFileName x) == x
+replaceFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceFileName x y = a </> y where (a,_) = splitFileName_ x
+-- | Drop the filename. Unlike 'takeDirectory', this function will leave
+-- a trailing path separator on the directory.
+-- > dropFileName "/directory/file.ext" == "/directory/"
+-- > dropFileName x == fst (splitFileName x)
+dropFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropFileName = fst . splitFileName
+-- | Get the file name.
+-- > takeFileName "/directory/file.ext" == "file.ext"
+-- > takeFileName "test/" == ""
+-- > takeFileName x `isSuffixOf` x
+-- > takeFileName x == snd (splitFileName x)
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (replaceFileName x "fred") == "fred"
+-- > Valid x => takeFileName (x </> "fred") == "fred"
+-- > Valid x => isRelative (takeFileName x)
+takeFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeFileName = snd . splitFileName
+-- | Get the base name, without an extension or path.
+-- > takeBaseName "/directory/file.ext" == "file"
+-- > takeBaseName "file/test.txt" == "test"
+-- > takeBaseName "dave.ext" == "dave"
+-- > takeBaseName "" == ""
+-- > takeBaseName "test" == "test"
+-- > takeBaseName (addTrailingPathSeparator x) == ""
+-- > takeBaseName "file/file.tar.gz" == "file.tar"
+takeBaseName :: FilePath -> String
+takeBaseName = dropExtension . takeFileName
+-- | Set the base name.
+-- > replaceBaseName "/directory/other.ext" "file" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > replaceBaseName "file/test.txt" "bob" == "file/bob.txt"
+-- > replaceBaseName "fred" "bill" == "bill"
+-- > replaceBaseName "/dave/fred/bob.gz.tar" "new" == "/dave/fred/new.tar"
+-- > Valid x => replaceBaseName x (takeBaseName x) == x
+replaceBaseName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceBaseName pth nam = combineAlways a (nam <.> ext)
+ where
+ (a,b) = splitFileName_ pth
+ ext = takeExtension b
+-- | Is an item either a directory or the last character a path separator?
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator "test" == False
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator "test/" == True
+hasTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasTrailingPathSeparator "" = False
+hasTrailingPathSeparator x = isPathSeparator (last x)
+hasLeadingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> Bool
+hasLeadingPathSeparator "" = False
+hasLeadingPathSeparator x = isPathSeparator (head x)
+-- | Add a trailing file path separator if one is not already present.
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator (addTrailingPathSeparator x)
+-- > hasTrailingPathSeparator x ==> addTrailingPathSeparator x == x
+-- > Posix: addTrailingPathSeparator "test/rest" == "test/rest/"
+addTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath
+addTrailingPathSeparator x = if hasTrailingPathSeparator x then x else x ++ [pathSeparator]
+-- | Remove any trailing path separators
+-- > dropTrailingPathSeparator "file/test/" == "file/test"
+-- > dropTrailingPathSeparator "/" == "/"
+-- > Windows: dropTrailingPathSeparator "\\" == "\\"
+-- > Posix: not (hasTrailingPathSeparator (dropTrailingPathSeparator x)) || isDrive x
+dropTrailingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropTrailingPathSeparator x =
+ if hasTrailingPathSeparator x && not (isDrive x)
+ then let x' = dropWhileEnd isPathSeparator x
+ in if null x' then [last x] else x'
+ else x
+-- | Get the directory name, move up one level.
+-- > takeDirectory "/directory/other.ext" == "/directory"
+-- > takeDirectory x `isPrefixOf` x || takeDirectory x == "."
+-- > takeDirectory "foo" == "."
+-- > takeDirectory "/" == "/"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo" == "/"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo/bar/baz" == "/foo/bar"
+-- > takeDirectory "/foo/bar/baz/" == "/foo/bar/baz"
+-- > takeDirectory "foo/bar/baz" == "foo/bar"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "foo\\bar" == "foo"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "foo\\bar\\\\" == "foo\\bar"
+-- > Windows: takeDirectory "C:\\" == "C:\\"
+takeDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath
+takeDirectory = dropTrailingPathSeparator . dropFileName
+-- | Set the directory, keeping the filename the same.
+-- > replaceDirectory "root/file.ext" "/directory/" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => replaceDirectory x (takeDirectory x) `equalFilePath` x
+replaceDirectory :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceDirectory x dir = combineAlways dir (takeFileName x)
+-- | An alias for '</>'.
+combine :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+combine a b | hasLeadingPathSeparator b || hasDrive b = b
+ | otherwise = combineAlways a b
+-- | Combine two paths, assuming rhs is NOT absolute.
+combineAlways :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+combineAlways a b | null a = b
+ | null b = a
+ | hasTrailingPathSeparator a = a ++ b
+ | otherwise = case a of
+ [a1,':'] | isWindows && isLetter a1 -> a ++ b
+ _ -> a ++ [pathSeparator] ++ b
+-- | Combine two paths with a path separator.
+-- If the second path starts with a path separator or a drive letter, then it returns the second.
+-- The intention is that @readFile (dir '</>' file)@ will access the same file as
+-- @setCurrentDirectory dir; readFile file@.
+-- > Posix: "/directory" </> "file.ext" == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Windows: "/directory" </> "file.ext" == "/directory\\file.ext"
+-- > "directory" </> "/file.ext" == "/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => (takeDirectory x </> takeFileName x) `equalFilePath` x
+-- Combined:
+-- > Posix: "/" </> "test" == "/test"
+-- > Posix: "home" </> "bob" == "home/bob"
+-- > Posix: "x:" </> "foo" == "x:/foo"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\foo" </> "bar" == "C:\\foo\\bar"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "bob" == "home\\bob"
+-- Not combined:
+-- > Posix: "home" </> "/bob" == "/bob"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "C:\\bob" == "C:\\bob"
+-- Not combined (tricky):
+-- On Windows, if a filepath starts with a single slash, it is relative to the
+-- root of the current drive. In [1], this is (confusingly) referred to as an
+-- absolute path.
+-- The current behavior of '</>' is to never combine these forms.
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "/bob" == "/bob"
+-- > Windows: "home" </> "\\bob" == "\\bob"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\home" </> "\\bob" == "\\bob"
+-- On Windows, from [1]: "If a file name begins with only a disk designator
+-- but not the backslash after the colon, it is interpreted as a relative path
+-- to the current directory on the drive with the specified letter."
+-- The current behavior of '</>' is to never combine these forms.
+-- > Windows: "D:\\foo" </> "C:bar" == "C:bar"
+-- > Windows: "C:\\foo" </> "C:bar" == "C:bar"
+(</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+(</>) = combine
+-- | Split a path by the directory separator.
+-- > splitPath "/directory/file.ext" == ["/","directory/","file.ext"]
+-- > concat (splitPath x) == x
+-- > splitPath "test//item/" == ["test//","item/"]
+-- > splitPath "test/item/file" == ["test/","item/","file"]
+-- > splitPath "" == []
+-- > Windows: splitPath "c:\\test\\path" == ["c:\\","test\\","path"]
+-- > Posix: splitPath "/file/test" == ["/","file/","test"]
+splitPath :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+splitPath x = [drive | drive /= ""] ++ f path
+ where
+ (drive,path) = splitDrive x
+ f "" = []
+ f y = (a++c) : f d
+ where
+ (a,b) = break isPathSeparator y
+ (c,d) = span isPathSeparator b
+-- | Just as 'splitPath', but don't add the trailing slashes to each element.
+-- > splitDirectories "/directory/file.ext" == ["/","directory","file.ext"]
+-- > splitDirectories "test/file" == ["test","file"]
+-- > splitDirectories "/test/file" == ["/","test","file"]
+-- > Windows: splitDirectories "C:\\test\\file" == ["C:\\", "test", "file"]
+-- > Valid x => joinPath (splitDirectories x) `equalFilePath` x
+-- > splitDirectories "" == []
+-- > Windows: splitDirectories "C:\\test\\\\\\file" == ["C:\\", "test", "file"]
+-- > splitDirectories "/test///file" == ["/","test","file"]
+splitDirectories :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
+splitDirectories = map dropTrailingPathSeparator . splitPath
+-- | Join path elements back together.
+-- > joinPath a == foldr (</>) "" a
+-- > joinPath ["/","directory/","file.ext"] == "/directory/file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => joinPath (splitPath x) == x
+-- > joinPath [] == ""
+-- > Posix: joinPath ["test","file","path"] == "test/file/path"
+joinPath :: [FilePath] -> FilePath
+-- Note that this definition on c:\\c:\\, join then split will give c:\\.
+joinPath = foldr combine ""
+-- File name manipulators
+-- | Equality of two 'FilePath's.
+-- If you call @System.Directory.canonicalizePath@
+-- first this has a much better chance of working.
+-- Note that this doesn't follow symlinks or DOSNAM~1s.
+-- Similar to 'normalise', this does not expand @".."@, because of symlinks.
+-- > x == y ==> equalFilePath x y
+-- > normalise x == normalise y ==> equalFilePath x y
+-- > equalFilePath "foo" "foo/"
+-- > not (equalFilePath "/a/../c" "/c")
+-- > not (equalFilePath "foo" "/foo")
+-- > Posix: not (equalFilePath "foo" "FOO")
+-- > Windows: equalFilePath "foo" "FOO"
+-- > Windows: not (equalFilePath "C:" "C:/")
+equalFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
+equalFilePath a b = f a == f b
+ where
+ f x | isWindows = dropTrailingPathSeparator $ map toLower $ normalise x
+ | otherwise = dropTrailingPathSeparator $ normalise x
+-- | Contract a filename, based on a relative path. Note that the resulting path
+-- will never introduce @..@ paths, as the presence of symlinks means @..\/b@
+-- may not reach @a\/b@ if it starts from @a\/c@. For a worked example see
+-- < this blog post>.
+-- The corresponding @makeAbsolute@ function can be found in
+-- @System.Directory@.
+-- > makeRelative "/directory" "/directory/file.ext" == "file.ext"
+-- > Valid x => makeRelative (takeDirectory x) x `equalFilePath` takeFileName x
+-- > makeRelative x x == "."
+-- > Valid x y => equalFilePath x y || (isRelative x && makeRelative y x == x) || equalFilePath (y </> makeRelative y x) x
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:\\home\\bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "c:/home/bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "D:\\Home\\Bob" == "D:\\Home\\Bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "C:\\Home" "C:Home\\Bob" == "C:Home\\Bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "bob"
+-- > Windows: makeRelative "/" "//" == "//"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/Home" "/home/bob" == "/home/bob"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/home/" "/home/bob/foo/bar" == "bob/foo/bar"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/fred" "bob" == "bob"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred" == "fred"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "/file/test" "/file/test/fred/" == "fred/"
+-- > Posix: makeRelative "some/path" "some/path/a/b/c" == "a/b/c"
+makeRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+makeRelative root path
+ | equalFilePath root path = "."
+ | takeAbs root /= takeAbs path = path
+ | otherwise = f (dropAbs root) (dropAbs path)
+ where
+ f "" y = dropWhile isPathSeparator y
+ f x y = let (x1,x2) = g x
+ (y1,y2) = g y
+ in if equalFilePath x1 y1 then f x2 y2 else path
+ g x = (dropWhile isPathSeparator a, dropWhile isPathSeparator b)
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator $ dropWhile isPathSeparator x
+ -- on windows, need to drop '/' which is kind of absolute, but not a drive
+ dropAbs x | hasLeadingPathSeparator x && not (hasDrive x) = tail x
+ dropAbs x = dropDrive x
+ takeAbs x | hasLeadingPathSeparator x && not (hasDrive x) = [pathSeparator]
+ takeAbs x = map (\y -> if isPathSeparator y then pathSeparator else toLower y) $ takeDrive x
+-- | Normalise a file
+-- * \/\/ outside of the drive can be made blank
+-- * \/ -> 'pathSeparator'
+-- * .\/ -> \"\"
+-- Does not remove @".."@, because of symlinks.
+-- > Posix: normalise "/file/\\test////" == "/file/\\test/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/file/./test" == "/file/test"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/test/file/../bob/fred/" == "/test/file/../bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "../bob/fred/" == "../bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/a/../c" == "/a/../c"
+-- > Posix: normalise "./bob/fred/" == "bob/fred/"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:\\file/bob\\" == "C:\\file\\bob\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:\\" == "C:\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "C:.\\" == "C:"
+-- > Windows: normalise "\\\\server\\test" == "\\\\server\\test"
+-- > Windows: normalise "//server/test" == "\\\\server\\test"
+-- > Windows: normalise "c:/file" == "C:\\file"
+-- > Windows: normalise "/file" == "\\file"
+-- > Windows: normalise "\\" == "\\"
+-- > Windows: normalise "/./" == "\\"
+-- > normalise "." == "."
+-- > Posix: normalise "./" == "./"
+-- > Posix: normalise "./." == "./"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/./" == "/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "/" == "/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "bob/fred/." == "bob/fred/"
+-- > Posix: normalise "//home" == "/home"
+normalise :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normalise path = result ++ [pathSeparator | addPathSeparator]
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive path
+ result = joinDrive' (normaliseDrive drv) (f pth)
+ joinDrive' "" "" = "."
+ joinDrive' d p = joinDrive d p
+ addPathSeparator = isDirPath pth
+ && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator result)
+ && not (isRelativeDrive drv)
+ isDirPath xs = hasTrailingPathSeparator xs
+ || not (null xs) && last xs == '.' && hasTrailingPathSeparator (init xs)
+ f = joinPath . dropDots . propSep . splitDirectories
+ propSep (x:xs) | all isPathSeparator x = [pathSeparator] : xs
+ | otherwise = x : xs
+ propSep [] = []
+ dropDots = filter ("." /=)
+normaliseDrive :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normaliseDrive "" = ""
+normaliseDrive _ | isPosix = [pathSeparator]
+normaliseDrive drive = if isJust $ readDriveLetter x2
+ then map toUpper x2
+ else x2
+ where
+ x2 = map repSlash drive
+ repSlash x = if isPathSeparator x then pathSeparator else x
+-- Information for validity functions on Windows. See [1].
+isBadCharacter :: Char -> Bool
+isBadCharacter x = x >= '\0' && x <= '\31' || x `elem` ":*?><|\""
+badElements :: [FilePath]
+badElements =
+ ["CON","PRN","AUX","NUL","CLOCK$"
+ ,"COM1","COM2","COM3","COM4","COM5","COM6","COM7","COM8","COM9"
+ ,"LPT1","LPT2","LPT3","LPT4","LPT5","LPT6","LPT7","LPT8","LPT9"]
+-- | Is a FilePath valid, i.e. could you create a file like it? This function checks for invalid names,
+-- and invalid characters, but does not check if length limits are exceeded, as these are typically
+-- filesystem dependent.
+-- > isValid "" == False
+-- > isValid "\0" == False
+-- > Posix: isValid "/random_ path:*" == True
+-- > Posix: isValid x == not (null x)
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test" == True
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test:of_test" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "test*" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\nul" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "c:\\nul\\file" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "foo\tbar" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid "nul .txt" == False
+-- > Windows: isValid " nul.txt" == True
+isValid :: FilePath -> Bool
+isValid "" = False
+isValid x | '\0' `elem` x = False
+isValid _ | isPosix = True
+isValid path =
+ not (any isBadCharacter x2) &&
+ not (any f $ splitDirectories x2) &&
+ not (isJust (readDriveShare x1) && all isPathSeparator x1) &&
+ not (isJust (readDriveUNC x1) && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator x1))
+ where
+ (x1,x2) = splitDrive path
+ f x = map toUpper (dropWhileEnd (== ' ') $ dropExtensions x) `elem` badElements
+-- | Take a FilePath and make it valid; does not change already valid FilePaths.
+-- > isValid (makeValid x)
+-- > isValid x ==> makeValid x == x
+-- > makeValid "" == "_"
+-- > makeValid "file\0name" == "file_name"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\already\\/valid" == "c:\\already\\/valid"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test:of_test" == "c:\\test_of_test"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "test*" == "test_"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\nul" == "c:\\test\\nul_"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == "c:\\test\\prn_.txt"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\test/prn.txt" == "c:\\test/prn_.txt"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "c:\\nul\\file" == "c:\\nul_\\file"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "\\\\\\foo" == "\\\\drive"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == "\\\\?\\D:\\file"
+-- > Windows: makeValid "nul .txt" == "nul _.txt"
+makeValid :: FilePath -> FilePath
+makeValid "" = "_"
+makeValid path
+ | isPosix = map (\x -> if x == '\0' then '_' else x) path
+ | isJust (readDriveShare drv) && all isPathSeparator drv = take 2 drv ++ "drive"
+ | isJust (readDriveUNC drv) && not (hasTrailingPathSeparator drv) =
+ makeValid (drv ++ [pathSeparator] ++ pth)
+ | otherwise = joinDrive drv $ validElements $ validChars pth
+ where
+ (drv,pth) = splitDrive path
+ validChars = map f
+ f x = if isBadCharacter x then '_' else x
+ validElements x = joinPath $ map g $ splitPath x
+ g x = h a ++ b
+ where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator x
+ h x = if map toUpper (dropWhileEnd (== ' ') a) `elem` badElements then a ++ "_" <.> b else x
+ where (a,b) = splitExtensions x
+-- | Is a path relative, or is it fixed to the root?
+-- > Windows: isRelative "path\\test" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:\\test" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:test" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:\\" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:/" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "c:" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\?\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\\\?\\UNC\\foo" == False
+-- > Windows: isRelative "/foo" == True
+-- > Windows: isRelative "\\foo" == True
+-- > Posix: isRelative "test/path" == True
+-- > Posix: isRelative "/test" == False
+-- > Posix: isRelative "/" == False
+-- According to [1]:
+-- * "A UNC name of any format [is never relative]."
+-- * "You cannot use the "\\?\" prefix with a relative path."
+isRelative :: FilePath -> Bool
+isRelative x = null drive || isRelativeDrive drive
+ where drive = takeDrive x
+{- c:foo -}
+-- From [1]: "If a file name begins with only a disk designator but not the
+-- backslash after the colon, it is interpreted as a relative path to the
+-- current directory on the drive with the specified letter."
+isRelativeDrive :: String -> Bool
+isRelativeDrive x =
+ maybe False (not . hasTrailingPathSeparator . fst) (readDriveLetter x)
+-- | @not . 'isRelative'@
+-- > isAbsolute x == not (isRelative x)
+isAbsolute :: FilePath -> Bool
+isAbsolute = not . isRelative
+-- dropWhileEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4,1,2])
+-- Note that Data.List.dropWhileEnd is only available in base >= 4.5.
+dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+dropWhileEnd p = reverse . dropWhile p . reverse
+-- takeWhileEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == [3,4])
+takeWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+takeWhileEnd p = reverse . takeWhile p . reverse
+-- spanEnd (>2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] = ([1,2,3,4,1,2], [3,4])
+spanEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+spanEnd p xs = (dropWhileEnd p xs, takeWhileEnd p xs)
+-- breakEnd (< 2) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] == ([1,2,3,4,1],[2,3,4])
+breakEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+breakEnd p = spanEnd (not . p)
+-- | The stripSuffix function drops the given suffix from a list. It returns
+-- Nothing if the list did not end with the suffix given, or Just the list
+-- before the suffix, if it does.
+stripSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
+stripSuffix xs ys = fmap reverse $ stripPrefix (reverse xs) (reverse ys)