diff options
authorDimitrios Vytiniotis <>2011-11-16 16:12:48 +0000
committerDimitrios Vytiniotis <>2011-11-16 16:12:48 +0000
commit0007c0ec9c0de68e3a348b8c4112ac48fd861b1e (patch)
parent1bbb89f3ab009367fcca84b73b351ddcf5be16a4 (diff)
GHC gets a new constraint solver. More efficient and smaller in size.
35 files changed, 3230 insertions, 2426 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
index 2e9125ba43..c2cf0bfcdd 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
@@ -858,16 +858,17 @@ dataConCannotMatch tys con
| all isTyVarTy tys = False -- Also common
| otherwise
= typesCantMatch [(Type.substTy subst ty1, Type.substTy subst ty2)
- | (ty1, ty2) <- concatMap (predEqs . predTypePredTree) theta ]
+ | (ty1, ty2) <- concatMap predEqs theta ]
dc_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars con
theta = dataConTheta con
subst = zipTopTvSubst dc_tvs tys
-- TODO: could gather equalities from superclasses too
- predEqs (EqPred ty1 ty2) = [(ty1, ty2)]
- predEqs (TuplePred ts) = concatMap predEqs ts
- predEqs _ = []
+ predEqs pred = case classifyPredType pred of
+ EqPred ty1 ty2 -> [(ty1, ty2)]
+ TuplePred ts -> concatMap predEqs ts
+ _ -> []
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
index c5f56d8712..a40d46f8a9 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Type
import Coercion
import TcType
import MkCore
-import CoreUtils ( exprType, mkCoerce )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType, mkCast )
import CoreUnfold
import Literal
import TyCon
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ wrapNewTypeBody :: TyCon -> [Type] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
wrapNewTypeBody tycon args result_expr
= ASSERT( isNewTyCon tycon )
wrapFamInstBody tycon args $
- mkCoerce (mkSymCo co) result_expr
+ mkCast result_expr (mkSymCo co)
co = mkAxInstCo (newTyConCo tycon) args
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ wrapNewTypeBody tycon args result_expr
unwrapNewTypeBody :: TyCon -> [Type] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
unwrapNewTypeBody tycon args result_expr
= ASSERT( isNewTyCon tycon )
- mkCoerce (mkAxInstCo (newTyConCo tycon) args) result_expr
+ mkCast result_expr (mkAxInstCo (newTyConCo tycon) args)
-- If the type constructor is a representation type of a data instance, wrap
-- the expression into a cast adjusting the expression type, which is an
@@ -705,14 +705,14 @@ unwrapNewTypeBody tycon args result_expr
wrapFamInstBody :: TyCon -> [Type] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
wrapFamInstBody tycon args body
| Just co_con <- tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tycon
- = mkCoerce (mkSymCo (mkAxInstCo co_con args)) body
+ = mkCast body (mkSymCo (mkAxInstCo co_con args))
| otherwise
= body
unwrapFamInstScrut :: TyCon -> [Type] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
unwrapFamInstScrut tycon args scrut
| Just co_con <- tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tycon
- = mkCoerce (mkAxInstCo co_con args) scrut
+ = mkCast scrut (mkAxInstCo co_con args)
| otherwise
= scrut
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index c3141f4fd7..e4fe386043 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Type
import TyCon
import Util
import Outputable
+import FastString
import Control.Monad (when)
@@ -127,6 +128,13 @@ allocating more heap than strictly necessary, but it will sometimes
eliminate a heap check altogether.
+cgCase (StgApp _v []) _live_in_whole_case _live_in_alts bndr
+ (PrimAlt _) [(DEFAULT,bndrs,_,rhs)]
+ | isVoidArg (idCgRep bndr)
+ = ASSERT( null bndrs )
+ WARN( True, ptext (sLit "Case of void constant; missing optimisation somewhere") <+> ppr bndr)
+ cgExpr rhs
cgCase (StgApp v []) _live_in_whole_case _live_in_alts bndr
alt_type@(PrimAlt _) alts
-- Note [ticket #3132]: we might be looking at a case of a lifted Id
@@ -147,17 +155,18 @@ cgCase (StgApp v []) _live_in_whole_case _live_in_alts bndr
-- the HValue really is a MutVar#. The types are compatible though,
-- so we can just generate an assignment.
|| reps_compatible
- =
- do { -- Careful! we can't just bind the default binder to the same thing
+ = do { when (not reps_compatible) $
+ panic "cgCase: reps do not match, perhaps a dodgy unsafeCoerce?"
+ -- Careful! we can't just bind the default binder to the same thing
-- as the scrutinee, since it might be a stack location, and having
-- two bindings pointing at the same stack locn doesn't work (it
-- confuses nukeDeadBindings). Hence, use a new temp.
- when (not reps_compatible) $
- panic "cgCase: reps do not match, perhaps a dodgy unsafeCoerce?"
; v_info <- getCgIdInfo v
; amode <- idInfoToAmode v_info
; tmp_reg <- bindNewToTemp bndr
; stmtC (CmmAssign (CmmLocal tmp_reg) amode)
; cgPrimAlts NoGC alt_type (CmmLocal tmp_reg) alts }
reps_compatible = idCgRep v == idCgRep bndr
@@ -327,6 +336,7 @@ cgInlinePrimOp primop args bndr (PrimAlt _) live_in_alts alts
= ASSERT( con == DEFAULT && isSingleton alts && null bs )
do { -- VOID RESULT; just sequencing,
-- so get in there and do it
+ -- The bndr should not occur, so no need to bind it
cgPrimOp [] primop args live_in_alts
; cgExpr rhs }
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index abefa45713..77747aabf3 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -297,6 +297,21 @@ lintCoreExpr (Let (Rec pairs) body)
(_, dups) = removeDups compare bndrs
lintCoreExpr e@(App _ _)
+{- DV: This grievous hack (from ghc-constraint-solver should not be needed:
+ | Var x <- fun -- Greivous hack for Eq# construction: Eq# may have type arguments
+ -- of kind (* -> *) but its type insists on *. When we have polymorphic kinds,
+ -- we should do this properly
+ , Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe x
+ , dc == eqBoxDataCon
+ , [Type arg_ty1, Type arg_ty2, co_e] <- args
+ = do arg_ty1' <- lintInTy arg_ty1
+ arg_ty2' <- lintInTy arg_ty2
+ unless (typeKind arg_ty1' `eqKind` typeKind arg_ty2')
+ (addErrL (mkEqBoxKindErrMsg arg_ty1 arg_ty2))
+ lintCoreArg (mkCoercionType arg_ty1' arg_ty2' `mkFunTy` mkEqPred (arg_ty1', arg_ty2')) co_e
+ | otherwise
= do { fun_ty <- lintCoreExpr fun
; addLoc (AnExpr e) $ foldM lintCoreArg fun_ty args }
@@ -460,13 +475,10 @@ checkTyKind tyvar arg_ty
checkTyCoKind :: TyVar -> OutCoercion -> LintM (OutType, OutType)
checkTyCoKind tv co
= do { (t1,t2) <- lintCoercion co
- ; k1 <- lintType t1
- ; k2 <- lintType t2
- ; unless ((k1 `isSubKind` tyvar_kind) && (k2 `isSubKind` tyvar_kind))
+ -- t1,t2 have the same kind
+ ; unless (typeKind t1 `isSubKind` tyVarKind tv)
(addErrL (mkTyCoAppErrMsg tv co))
; return (t1,t2) }
- where
- tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tv
checkTyCoKinds :: [TyVar] -> [OutCoercion] -> LintM [(OutType, OutType)]
checkTyCoKinds = zipWithM checkTyCoKind
@@ -688,6 +700,29 @@ lintTyBndrKind tv =
else lintKind ki -- type forall
+lint_prim_eq_co :: TyCon -> OutCoercion -> [OutCoercion] -> LintM (OutType,OutType)
+lint_prim_eq_co tc co arg_cos = case arg_cos of
+ [co1,co2] -> do { (t1,s1) <- lintCoercion co1
+ ; (t2,s2) <- lintCoercion co2
+ ; checkL (typeKind t1 `eqKind` typeKind t2) $
+ ptext (sLit "Mismatched arg kinds in coercion application:") <+> ppr co
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc [t1,t2], mkTyConApp tc [s1,s2]) }
+ _ -> failWithL (ptext (sLit "Unsaturated or oversaturated ~# coercion") <+> ppr co)
+lint_eq_co :: TyCon -> OutCoercion -> [OutCoercion] -> LintM (OutType,OutType)
+lint_eq_co tc co arg_cos = case arg_cos of
+ [co1,co2] -> do { (t1,s1) <- lintCoercion co1
+ ; (t2,s2) <- lintCoercion co2
+ ; checkL (typeKind t1 `eqKind` typeKind t2) $
+ ptext (sLit "Mismatched arg kinds in coercion application:") <+> ppr co
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc [t1,t2], mkTyConApp tc [s1,s2]) }
+ [co1] -> do { (t1,s1) <- lintCoercion co1
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc [t1], mkTyConApp tc [s1]) }
+ [] -> return (mkTyConApp tc [], mkTyConApp tc [])
+ _ -> failWithL (ptext (sLit "Oversaturated ~ coercion") <+> ppr co)
lintKindCoercion :: OutCoercion -> LintM OutKind
-- Kind coercions are only reflexivity because they mean kind
-- instantiation. See Note [Kind coercions] in Coercion
@@ -700,11 +735,28 @@ lintKindCoercion co
lintCoercion :: OutCoercion -> LintM (OutType, OutType)
-- Check the kind of a coercion term, returning the kind
+-- Post-condition: the returned OutTypes are lint-free
+-- and have the same kind as each other
lintCoercion (Refl ty)
- = do { _k <- lintType ty
+ = do { _ <- lintType ty
; return (ty, ty) }
lintCoercion co@(TyConAppCo tc cos)
+{- DV: This grievous hack (from ghc-constraint-solver) should not be needed any more:
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -- Just as in lintType, treat applications of (~) and (~#)
+ = lint_prim_eq_co tc co cos -- specially to allow for polymorphism. This hack will
+ -- hopefully go away when we merge in kind polymorphism.
+ | tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey
+ = lint_eq_co tc co cos
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (ss,ts) <- mapAndUnzipM lintCoercion cos
+ ; let kind_to_check = if (tc `hasKey` funTyConKey) && (length cos == 2)
+ then mkArrowKinds [argTypeKind,openTypeKind] liftedTypeKind
+ else tyConKind tc -- TODO: Fix this when kind polymorphism is in!
+ ; check_co_app co kind_to_check ss
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc ss, mkTyConApp tc ts) }
= do -- We use the kind of the type constructor to know how many
-- kind coercions we have (one kind coercion for one kind
-- instantiation).
@@ -721,6 +773,7 @@ lintCoercion co@(TyConAppCo tc cos)
; check_co_app co ki (kis ++ ss)
; return (mkTyConApp tc (kis ++ ss), mkTyConApp tc (kis ++ ts)) }
lintCoercion co@(AppCo co1 co2)
= do { (s1,t1) <- lintCoercion co1
; (s2,t2) <- lintCoercion co2
@@ -740,7 +793,8 @@ lintCoercion (CoVarCo cv)
2 (ptext (sLit "With offending type:") <+> ppr (varType cv)))
| otherwise
= do { checkTyCoVarInScope cv
- ; return (coVarKind cv) }
+ ; cv' <- lookupIdInScope cv
+ ; return (coVarKind cv') }
lintCoercion (AxiomInstCo (CoAxiom { co_ax_tvs = ktvs
, co_ax_lhs = lhs
@@ -759,8 +813,8 @@ lintCoercion (AxiomInstCo (CoAxiom { co_ax_tvs = ktvs
(kcos, tcos) = splitAt (length kvs) cos
lintCoercion (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2)
- = do { _k1 <- lintType ty1
- ; _k2 <- lintType ty2
+ = do { _ <- lintType ty1
+ ; _ <- lintType ty2
; return (ty1, ty2) }
lintCoercion (SymCo co)
@@ -794,7 +848,7 @@ lintCoercion (InstCo co arg_ty)
Nothing -> failWithL (ptext (sLit "Bad argument of inst")) }
-checkTcApp :: Coercion -> Int -> Type -> LintM Type
+checkTcApp :: OutCoercion -> Int -> Type -> LintM OutType
checkTcApp co n ty
| Just tys <- tyConAppArgs_maybe ty
, n < length tys
@@ -988,10 +1042,10 @@ updateTvSubst subst' m =
getTvSubst :: LintM TvSubst
getTvSubst = LintM (\ _ subst errs -> (Just subst, errs))
-applySubstTy :: Type -> LintM Type
+applySubstTy :: InType -> LintM OutType
applySubstTy ty = do { subst <- getTvSubst; return (Type.substTy subst ty) }
-applySubstCo :: Coercion -> LintM Coercion
+applySubstCo :: InCoercion -> LintM OutCoercion
applySubstCo co = do { subst <- getTvSubst; return (substCo (tvCvSubst subst) co) }
extendSubstL :: TyVar -> Type -> LintM a -> LintM a
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.lhs
index 728c4ec446..741c48eac9 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.lhs
@@ -949,7 +949,8 @@ simple_opt_expr' subst expr
= case altcon of
DEFAULT -> go rhs
_ -> mkLets (catMaybes mb_binds) $ simple_opt_expr subst' rhs
- where (subst', mb_binds) = mapAccumL simple_opt_out_bind subst (zipEqual "simpleOptExpr" bs es)
+ where (subst', mb_binds) = mapAccumL simple_opt_out_bind subst
+ (zipEqual "simpleOptExpr" bs es)
| otherwise
= Case e' b' (substTy subst ty)
@@ -1016,9 +1017,11 @@ simple_opt_bind' subst (NonRec b r)
simple_opt_out_bind :: Subst -> (InVar, OutExpr) -> (Subst, Maybe CoreBind)
-simple_opt_out_bind subst (b, r') = case maybe_substitute subst b r' of
- Just ext_subst -> (ext_subst, Nothing)
- Nothing -> (subst', Just (NonRec b2 r'))
+simple_opt_out_bind subst (b, r')
+ | Just ext_subst <- maybe_substitute subst b r'
+ = (ext_subst, Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = (subst', Just (NonRec b2 r'))
(subst', b') = subst_opt_bndr subst b
b2 = add_info subst' b b'
@@ -1038,6 +1041,8 @@ maybe_substitute subst b r
Just (extendCvSubst subst b co)
| isId b -- let x = e in <body>
+ , not (isCoVar b) -- See Note [Do not inline CoVars unconditionally]
+ -- in SimplUtils
, safe_to_inline (idOccInfo b)
, isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation b) -- Note [Inline prag in simplOpt]
, not (isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding b))
@@ -1257,7 +1262,7 @@ dealWithCoercion co stuff@(dc, _dc_univ_args, dc_args)
-- Cast the value arguments (which include dictionaries)
new_val_args = zipWith cast_arg arg_tys val_args
- cast_arg arg_ty arg = mkCoerce (theta_subst arg_ty) arg
+ cast_arg arg_ty arg = mkCast arg (theta_subst arg_ty)
dump_doc = vcat [ppr dc, ppr dc_univ_tyvars, ppr dc_ex_tyvars,
ppr arg_tys, ppr dc_args, ppr _dc_univ_args,
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index c06589860e..27026b2353 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ Utility functions on @Core@ syntax
-- | Commonly useful utilites for manipulating the Core language
module CoreUtils (
-- * Constructing expressions
- mkTick, mkTickNoHNF, mkCoerce,
+ mkCast,
+ mkTick, mkTickNoHNF,
bindNonRec, needsCaseBinding,
mkAltExpr, mkPiType, mkPiTypes,
@@ -190,15 +191,27 @@ panic_msg e op_ty = pprCoreExpr e $$ ppr op_ty
-- | Wrap the given expression in the coercion safely, dropping
-- identity coercions and coalescing nested coercions
-mkCoerce :: Coercion -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-mkCoerce co e | isReflCo co = e
-mkCoerce co (Cast expr co2)
+mkCast :: CoreExpr -> Coercion -> CoreExpr
+mkCast e co | isReflCo co = e
+mkCast (Coercion e_co) co
+ = Coercion new_co
+ where
+ -- g :: (s1 ~# s2) ~# (t1 ~# t2)
+ -- g1 :: s1 ~# t1
+ -- g2 :: s2 ~# t2
+ new_co = mkSymCo g1 `mkTransCo` e_co `mkTransCo` g2
+ [_reflk, g1, g2] = decomposeCo 3 co
+ -- Remember, (~#) :: forall k. k -> k -> *
+ -- so it takes *three* arguments, not two
+mkCast (Cast expr co2) co
= ASSERT(let { Pair from_ty _to_ty = coercionKind co;
Pair _from_ty2 to_ty2 = coercionKind co2} in
from_ty `eqType` to_ty2 )
- mkCoerce (mkTransCo co2 co) expr
+ mkCast expr (mkTransCo co2 co)
-mkCoerce co expr
+mkCast expr co
= let Pair from_ty _to_ty = coercionKind co in
-- if to_ty `eqType` from_ty
-- then expr
@@ -1504,7 +1517,7 @@ tryEtaReduce bndrs body
-- See Note [Eta reduction with casted arguments]
-- for why we have an accumulating coercion
go [] fun co
- | ok_fun fun = Just (mkCoerce co fun)
+ | ok_fun fun = Just (mkCast fun co)
go (b : bs) (App fun arg) co
| Just co' <- ok_arg b arg co
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
index a9701ff185..e88b57e835 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
@@ -153,16 +153,21 @@ deSugar hsc_env
-- things into the in-scope set before simplifying; so we get no unfolding for F#!
-- Lint result if necessary, and print
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_ds "Desugared, before opt" $
(vcat [ pprCoreBindings final_pgm
, pprRules rules_for_imps ])
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ; endPass dflags CoreDesugar final_pgm rules_for_imps
; (ds_binds, ds_rules_for_imps, ds_vects)
<- simpleOptPgm dflags mod final_pgm rules_for_imps vects0
-- The simpleOptPgm gets rid of type
-- bindings plus any stupid dead code
- ; endPass dflags CoreDesugar ds_binds ds_rules_for_imps
+ ; endPass dflags CoreDesugarOpt ds_binds ds_rules_for_imps
; let used_names = mkUsedNames tcg_env
; deps <- mkDependencies tcg_env
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index f3be1964a8..46c93781f2 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -186,10 +186,14 @@ dsHsBind (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
dsTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds -> DsM [CoreBind]
dsTcEvBinds (TcEvBinds {}) = panic "dsEvBinds" -- Zonker has got rid of this
-dsTcEvBinds (EvBinds bs) = dsEvBinds bs
+dsTcEvBinds (EvBinds bs) = -- pprTrace "EvBinds bs = " (ppr bs) $
+ dsEvBinds bs
dsEvBinds :: Bag EvBind -> DsM [CoreBind]
-dsEvBinds bs = return (map dsEvGroup sccs)
+dsEvBinds bs = do { let core_binds = map dsEvSCC sccs
+-- ; pprTrace "dsEvBinds, result = " (vcat (map ppr core_binds)) $
+ ; return core_binds }
+-- ; return (map dsEvGroup sccs)
sccs :: [SCC EvBind]
sccs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges
@@ -202,19 +206,19 @@ dsEvBinds bs = return (map dsEvGroup sccs)
free_vars_of :: EvTerm -> [EvVar]
free_vars_of (EvId v) = [v]
- free_vars_of (EvCast v co) = v : varSetElems (tyCoVarsOfCo co)
- free_vars_of (EvCoercionBox co) = varSetElems (tyCoVarsOfCo co)
+ free_vars_of (EvCast v co) = v : varSetElems (coVarsOfCo co)
+ free_vars_of (EvCoercionBox co) = varSetElems (coVarsOfCo co)
free_vars_of (EvDFunApp _ _ vs) = vs
free_vars_of (EvTupleSel v _) = [v]
free_vars_of (EvTupleMk vs) = vs
free_vars_of (EvSuperClass d _) = [d]
-dsEvGroup :: SCC EvBind -> CoreBind
+dsEvSCC :: SCC EvBind -> CoreBind
-dsEvGroup (AcyclicSCC (EvBind v r))
+dsEvSCC (AcyclicSCC (EvBind v r))
= NonRec v (dsEvTerm r)
-dsEvGroup (CyclicSCC bs)
+dsEvSCC (CyclicSCC bs)
= Rec (map ds_pair bs)
ds_pair (EvBind v r) = (v, dsEvTerm r)
@@ -251,8 +255,12 @@ dsLCoercion co k
dsEvTerm :: EvTerm -> CoreExpr
-dsEvTerm (EvId v) = Var v
-dsEvTerm (EvCast v co) = dsLCoercion co $ Cast (Var v)
+dsEvTerm (EvId v) = Var v
+dsEvTerm (EvCast v co)
+ = dsLCoercion co $ mkCast (Var v) -- 'v' is always a lifted evidence variable so it is
+ -- unnecessary to call varToCoreExpr v here.
dsEvTerm (EvDFunApp df tys vars) = Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkVarApps` vars
dsEvTerm (EvCoercionBox co) = dsLCoercion co mkEqBox
dsEvTerm (EvTupleSel v n)
@@ -686,12 +694,13 @@ dsHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> DsM (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
dsHsWrapper WpHole = return (\e -> e)
dsHsWrapper (WpTyApp ty) = return (\e -> App e (Type ty))
dsHsWrapper (WpLet ev_binds) = do { ds_ev_binds <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
+-- ; pprTrace "Desugared core bindings = " (vcat (map ppr ds_ev_binds)) $
; return (mkCoreLets ds_ev_binds) }
dsHsWrapper (WpCompose c1 c2) = do { k1 <- dsHsWrapper c1
; k2 <- dsHsWrapper c2
; return (k1 . k2) }
dsHsWrapper (WpCast co)
- = return (\e -> dsLCoercion co (Cast e))
+ = return (\e -> dsLCoercion co (mkCast e))
dsHsWrapper (WpEvLam ev) = return (\e -> Lam ev e)
dsHsWrapper (WpTyLam tv) = return (\e -> Lam tv e)
dsHsWrapper (WpEvApp evtrm)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
index 79412b576c..06a41bcd1a 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ unboxArg arg
-- Recursive newtypes
| Just(_rep_ty, co) <- splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe arg_ty
- = unboxArg (mkCoerce co arg)
+ = unboxArg (mkCast arg co)
-- Booleans
| Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe arg_ty,
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ resultWrapper result_ty
-- Recursive newtypes
| Just (rep_ty, co) <- splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe result_ty
= do (maybe_ty, wrapper) <- resultWrapper rep_ty
- return (maybe_ty, \e -> mkCoerce (mkSymCo co) (wrapper e))
+ return (maybe_ty, \e -> mkCast (wrapper e) (mkSymCo co))
-- The type might contain foralls (eg. for dummy type arguments,
-- referring to 'Ptr a' is legal).
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index a394a0f5de..626b6ee795 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
(Var bndr_var) error_expr
return (bndr_var, mkOptTickBox tick rhs_expr)
- error_expr = mkCoerce co (Var err_var)
+ error_expr = mkCast (Var err_var) co
co = mkUnsafeCo (exprType (Var err_var)) (idType bndr_var)
is_simple_lpat p = is_simple_pat (unLoc p)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
index c3728788f1..b6bc0c702b 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
@@ -486,19 +486,21 @@ data EvBindsVar = EvBindsVar (IORef EvBindMap) Unique
-- The Unique is only for debug printing
-type EvBindMap = VarEnv EvBind
+newtype EvBindMap = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv :: VarEnv EvBind } -- Map from evidence variables to evidence terms
emptyEvBindMap :: EvBindMap
-emptyEvBindMap = emptyVarEnv
+emptyEvBindMap = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = emptyVarEnv }
extendEvBinds :: EvBindMap -> EvVar -> EvTerm -> EvBindMap
-extendEvBinds bs v t = extendVarEnv bs v (EvBind v t)
+extendEvBinds bs v t
+ = EvBindMap { ev_bind_varenv = extendVarEnv (ev_bind_varenv bs) v (EvBind v t) }
lookupEvBind :: EvBindMap -> EvVar -> Maybe EvBind
-lookupEvBind = lookupVarEnv
+lookupEvBind bs = lookupVarEnv (ev_bind_varenv bs)
evBindMapBinds :: EvBindMap -> Bag EvBind
-evBindMapBinds = foldVarEnv consBag emptyBag
+evBindMapBinds bs
+ = foldVarEnv consBag emptyBag (ev_bind_varenv bs)
instance Data TcEvBinds where
@@ -551,6 +553,11 @@ Conclusion: a new wanted coercion variable should be made mutable.
+mkEvCast :: EvVar -> LCoercion -> EvTerm
+mkEvCast ev lco
+ | isReflCo lco = EvId ev
+ | otherwise = EvCast ev lco
emptyTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds
emptyTcEvBinds = EvBinds emptyBag
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index e97f462dcc..5cb07a14da 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -242,7 +242,17 @@ funTyConName :: Name
funTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "(->)") funTyConKey funTyCon
funTyCon :: TyCon
-funTyCon = mkFunTyCon funTyConName (mkArrowKinds [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] liftedTypeKind)
+funTyCon = mkFunTyCon funTyConName $
+ mkArrowKinds [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] liftedTypeKind
+ -- You might think that (->) should have type (?? -> ? -> *), and you'd be right
+ -- But if we do that we get kind errors when saying
+ -- instance Control.Arrow (->)
+ -- becuase the expected kind is (*->*->*). The trouble is that the
+ -- expected/actual stuff in the unifier does not go contra-variant, whereas
+ -- the kind sub-typing does. Sigh. It really only matters if you use (->) in
+ -- a prefix way, thus: (->) Int# Int#. And this is unusual.
+ -- because they are never in scope in the source
-- One step to remove subkinding.
-- (->) :: * -> * -> *
-- but we should have (and want) the following typing rule for fully applied arrows
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.lhs
index 950c6a9a75..1e4def3f14 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.lhs
@@ -251,8 +251,9 @@ data CoreToDo -- These are diff core-to-core passes,
| CoreDoNothing -- Useful when building up
| CoreDoPasses [CoreToDo] -- lists of these things
- | CoreDesugar -- Not strictly a core-to-core pass, but produces
- -- Core output, and hence useful to pass to endPass
+ | CoreDesugar -- Right after desugaring, no simple optimisation yet!
+ | CoreDesugarOpt -- CoreDesugarXXX: Not strictly a core-to-core pass, but produces
+ -- Core output, and hence useful to pass to endPass
| CoreTidy
| CorePrep
@@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ coreDumpFlag CoreDoSpecConstr = Just Opt_D_dump_spec
coreDumpFlag CoreCSE = Just Opt_D_dump_cse
coreDumpFlag CoreDoVectorisation = Just Opt_D_dump_vect
coreDumpFlag CoreDesugar = Just Opt_D_dump_ds
+coreDumpFlag CoreDesugarOpt = Just Opt_D_dump_ds
coreDumpFlag CoreTidy = Just Opt_D_dump_simpl
coreDumpFlag CorePrep = Just Opt_D_dump_prep
@@ -295,7 +297,8 @@ instance Outputable CoreToDo where
ppr CoreDoSpecConstr = ptext (sLit "SpecConstr")
ppr CoreCSE = ptext (sLit "Common sub-expression")
ppr CoreDoVectorisation = ptext (sLit "Vectorisation")
- ppr CoreDesugar = ptext (sLit "Desugar")
+ ppr CoreDesugar = ptext (sLit "Desugar (before optimization)")
+ ppr CoreDesugarOpt = ptext (sLit "Desugar (after optimization)")
ppr CoreTidy = ptext (sLit "Tidy Core")
ppr CorePrep = ptext (sLit "CorePrep")
ppr CoreDoPrintCore = ptext (sLit "Print core")
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 65a6927be7..8056c0eceb 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module OccurAnal (
import CoreSyn
import CoreFVs
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt, isExpandableApp, mkCoerce )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt, isExpandableApp, mkCast )
import Id
import Name( localiseName )
import BasicTypes
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ wrapProxy (bndr, rhs_var, co) (body_usg, body)
(body_usg', tagged_bndr) = tagBinder body_usg bndr
rhs_usg = unitVarEnv rhs_var NoOccInfo -- We don't need exact info
- rhs = mkCoerce co (Var (zapIdOccInfo rhs_var)) -- See Note [Zap case binders in proxy bindings]
+ rhs = mkCast (Var (zapIdOccInfo rhs_var)) co -- See Note [Zap case binders in proxy bindings]
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index 3c4091650c..86dc88ddd1 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ mkLam _env bndrs body
| not (any bad bndrs)
-- Note [Casts and lambdas]
= do { lam <- mkLam' dflags bndrs body
- ; return (mkCoerce (mkPiCos bndrs co) lam) }
+ ; return (mkCast lam (mkPiCos bndrs co)) }
co_vars = tyCoVarsOfCo co
bad bndr = isCoVar bndr && bndr `elemVarSet` co_vars
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 2e4227132f..a8f7761e61 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -983,26 +983,12 @@ simplCoercionF :: SimplEnv -> InCoercion -> SimplCont
-- = Coercion (syn (nth 0 g) ; co ; nth 1 g)
simplCoercionF env co cont
= do { co' <- simplCoercion env co
- ; simpl_co co' cont }
- where
- simpl_co co (CoerceIt g cont)
- = simpl_co new_co cont
- where
- -- g :: (s1 ~# s2) ~# (t1 ~# t2)
- -- g1 :: s1 ~# t1
- -- g2 :: s2 ~# t2
- new_co = mkSymCo g1 `mkTransCo` co `mkTransCo` g2
- [_reflk, g1, g2] = decomposeCo 3 g
- -- Remember, (~#) :: forall k. k -> k -> *
- -- so it takes *three* arguments, not two
- simpl_co co cont
- = seqCo co `seq` rebuild env (Coercion co) cont
+ ; rebuild env (Coercion co') cont }
simplCoercion :: SimplEnv -> InCoercion -> SimplM OutCoercion
simplCoercion env co
= let opt_co = optCoercion (getCvSubst env) co
- in opt_co `seq` return opt_co
+ in seqCo opt_co `seq` return opt_co
-- | Push a TickIt context outwards past applications and cases, as
@@ -1162,7 +1148,8 @@ rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
rebuild env expr cont
= case cont of
Stop {} -> return (env, expr)
- CoerceIt co cont -> rebuild env (Cast expr co) cont
+ CoerceIt co cont -> rebuild env (mkCast expr co) cont
+ -- NB: mkCast implements the (Coercion co |> g) optimisation
Select _ bndr alts se cont -> rebuildCase (se `setFloats` env) expr bndr alts cont
StrictArg info _ cont -> rebuildCall env (info `addArgTo` expr) cont
StrictBind b bs body se cont -> do { env' <- simplNonRecX (se `setFloats` env) b expr
@@ -1242,7 +1229,7 @@ simplCast env body co0 cont0
-- t2 ~ s2 with left and right on the curried form:
-- (->) t1 t2 ~ (->) s1 s2
[co1, co2] = decomposeCo 2 co
- new_arg = mkCoerce (mkSymCo co1) arg'
+ new_arg = mkCast arg' (mkSymCo co1)
arg' = substExpr (text "move-cast") arg_se' arg
arg_se' = arg_se `setInScope` env
@@ -1447,7 +1434,7 @@ rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args, ai_strs = [] }) con
cont_ty = contResultType env res_ty cont
co = mkUnsafeCo res_ty cont_ty
mk_coerce expr | cont_ty `eqType` res_ty = expr
- | otherwise = mkCoerce co expr
+ | otherwise = mkCast expr co
rebuildCall env info (ApplyTo dup_flag (Type arg_ty) se cont)
= do { arg_ty' <- if isSimplified dup_flag then return arg_ty
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index 5a59750167..40d0d2b3c5 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ module Inst (
tyVarsOfWC, tyVarsOfBag, tyVarsOfEvVarXs, tyVarsOfEvVarX,
tyVarsOfEvVar, tyVarsOfEvVars, tyVarsOfImplication,
+ tyVarsOfCt, tyVarsOfCts, tyVarsOfCDict, tyVarsOfCDicts,
tidyWantedEvVar, tidyWantedEvVars, tidyWC,
- tidyEvVar, tidyImplication, tidyFlavoredEvVar,
+ tidyEvVar, tidyImplication, tidyCt,
- substWantedEvVar, substWantedEvVars, substFlavoredEvVar,
- substEvVar, substImplication
+ substWantedEvVar, substWantedEvVars,
+ substEvVar, substImplication, substCt
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -512,20 +513,39 @@ hasEqualities :: [EvVar] -> Bool
-- Has a bunch of canonical constraints (all givens) got any equalities in it?
hasEqualities givens = any (has_eq . evVarPred) givens
- has_eq = has_eq' . predTypePredTree
+ has_eq = has_eq' . classifyPredType
has_eq' (EqPred {}) = True
has_eq' (IPPred {}) = False
has_eq' (ClassPred cls _tys) = any has_eq (classSCTheta cls)
- has_eq' (TuplePred ts) = any has_eq' ts
+ has_eq' (TuplePred ts) = any has_eq ts
has_eq' (IrredPred _) = True -- Might have equalities in it after reduction?
---------------- Getting free tyvars -------------------------
+tyVarsOfCt :: Ct -> TcTyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCt (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi }) = extendVarSet (tyVarsOfType xi) tv
+tyVarsOfCt (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = tys, cc_rhs = xi }) = tyVarsOfTypes (xi:tys)
+tyVarsOfCt (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
+tyVarsOfCt (CIPCan { cc_ip_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
+tyVarsOfCt (CIrredEvCan { cc_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
+tyVarsOfCt (CNonCanonical { cc_id = ev }) = tyVarsOfEvVar ev
+tyVarsOfCDict :: Ct -> TcTyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCDict (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
+tyVarsOfCDict _ct = emptyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCDicts :: Cts -> TcTyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCDicts = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCDict) emptyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCts :: Cts -> TcTyVarSet
+tyVarsOfCts = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCt) emptyVarSet
tyVarsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfWC (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic, wc_insol = insol })
- = tyVarsOfEvVarXs flat `unionVarSet`
+ = tyVarsOfCts flat `unionVarSet`
tyVarsOfBag tyVarsOfImplication implic `unionVarSet`
- tyVarsOfEvVarXs insol
+ tyVarsOfCts insol
tyVarsOfImplication :: Implication -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfImplication (Implic { ic_skols = skols, ic_wanted = wanted })
@@ -547,11 +567,19 @@ tyVarsOfBag :: (a -> TyVarSet) -> Bag a -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfBag tvs_of = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tvs_of) emptyVarSet
---------------- Tidying -------------------------
+tidyCt :: TidyEnv -> Ct -> Ct
+-- Also converts it to non-canonical
+tidyCt env ct
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_id = tidyEvVar env (cc_id ct)
+ , cc_flavor = tidyFlavor env (cc_flavor ct)
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth ct }
tidyWC :: TidyEnv -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
tidyWC env (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic, wc_insol = insol })
- = WC { wc_flat = tidyWantedEvVars env flat
+ = WC { wc_flat = mapBag (tidyCt env) flat
, wc_impl = mapBag (tidyImplication env) implic
- , wc_insol = mapBag (tidyFlavoredEvVar env) insol }
+ , wc_insol = mapBag (tidyCt env) insol }
tidyImplication :: TidyEnv -> Implication -> Implication
tidyImplication env implic@(Implic { ic_skols = tvs
@@ -574,9 +602,6 @@ tidyWantedEvVar env (EvVarX v l) = EvVarX (tidyEvVar env v) l
tidyWantedEvVars :: TidyEnv -> Bag WantedEvVar -> Bag WantedEvVar
tidyWantedEvVars env = mapBag (tidyWantedEvVar env)
-tidyFlavoredEvVar :: TidyEnv -> FlavoredEvVar -> FlavoredEvVar
-tidyFlavoredEvVar env (EvVarX v fl)
- = EvVarX (tidyEvVar env v) (tidyFlavor env fl)
tidyFlavor :: TidyEnv -> CtFlavor -> CtFlavor
tidyFlavor env (Given loc gk) = Given (tidyGivenLoc env loc) gk
@@ -591,11 +616,24 @@ tidySkolemInfo env (InferSkol ids) = InferSkol (mapSnd (tidyType env) ids)
tidySkolemInfo _ info = info
---------------- Substitution -------------------------
+substCt :: TvSubst -> Ct -> Ct
+-- Conservatively converts it to non-canonical:
+-- Postcondition: if the constraint does not get rewritten
+substCt subst ct
+ | ev <- cc_id ct, pty <- evVarPred (cc_id ct)
+ , sty <- substTy subst pty
+ = if sty `eqType` pty then
+ ct { cc_flavor = substFlavor subst (cc_flavor ct) }
+ else
+ CNonCanonical { cc_id = setVarType ev sty
+ , cc_flavor = substFlavor subst (cc_flavor ct)
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth ct }
substWC :: TvSubst -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
substWC subst (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic, wc_insol = insol })
- = WC { wc_flat = substWantedEvVars subst flat
- , wc_impl = mapBag (substImplication subst) implic
- , wc_insol = mapBag (substFlavoredEvVar subst) insol }
+ = WC { wc_flat = mapBag (substCt subst) flat
+ , wc_impl = mapBag (substImplication subst) implic
+ , wc_insol = mapBag (substCt subst) insol }
substImplication :: TvSubst -> Implication -> Implication
substImplication subst implic@(Implic { ic_skols = tvs
@@ -618,9 +656,6 @@ substWantedEvVars subst = mapBag (substWantedEvVar subst)
substWantedEvVar :: TvSubst -> WantedEvVar -> WantedEvVar
substWantedEvVar subst (EvVarX v l) = EvVarX (substEvVar subst v) l
-substFlavoredEvVar :: TvSubst -> FlavoredEvVar -> FlavoredEvVar
-substFlavoredEvVar subst (EvVarX v fl)
- = EvVarX (substEvVar subst v) (substFlavor subst fl)
substFlavor :: TvSubst -> CtFlavor -> CtFlavor
substFlavor subst (Given loc gk) = Given (substGivenLoc subst loc) gk
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
index dac7d8816f..d5e1f75b8d 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@
-- for details
module TcCanonical(
- mkCanonical, mkCanonicals, mkCanonicalFEV, mkCanonicalFEVs, canWanteds, canGivens,
- canOccursCheck, canEqToWorkList,
- rewriteWithFunDeps, mkCanonicalFDAsDerived, mkCanonicalFDAsWanted
+ canonicalize,
+ canOccursCheck, canEq, canEvVar,
+ rewriteWithFunDeps,
+ emitFDWorkAsWanted, emitFDWorkAsDerived,
+ StopOrContinue (..)
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BasicTypes
+import BasicTypes ( IPName )
import TcErrors
import TcRnTypes
import FunDeps
@@ -26,265 +28,289 @@ import Coercion
import Class
import TyCon
import TypeRep
-import Name
+import Name ( Name )
import Var
-import VarEnv ( TidyEnv )
+import VarEnv
import Outputable
-import Control.Monad ( unless, when, zipWithM, zipWithM_, foldM, liftM, forM )
+import Control.Monad ( when, unless, zipWithM, zipWithM_, foldM )
import MonadUtils
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
+import TrieMap
import VarSet
-import Bag
import HsBinds
import TcSMonad
import FastString
-Note [Canonicalisation]
-* Converts (Constraint f) _which_does_not_contain_proper_implications_ to CanonicalCts
-* Unary: treats individual constraints one at a time
-* Does not do any zonking
-* Lives in TcS monad so that it can create new skolem variables
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
+import Pair ( pSnd )
%* *
-%* Flattening (eliminating all function symbols) *
+%* The Canonicaliser *
%* *
-Note [Flattening]
- flatten ty ==> (xi, cc)
- where
- xi has no type functions
- cc = Auxiliary given (equality) constraints constraining
- the fresh type variables in xi. Evidence for these
- is always the identity coercion, because internally the
- fresh flattening skolem variables are actually identified
- with the types they have been generated to stand in for.
-Note that it is flatten's job to flatten *every type function it sees*.
-flatten is only called on *arguments* to type functions, by canEqGiven.
+Note [Canonicalization]
-Recall that in comments we use alpha[flat = ty] to represent a
-flattening skolem variable alpha which has been generated to stand in
-for ty.
+Canonicalization converts a flat constraint to a canonical form. It is
+unary (i.e. treats individual constraints one at a time), does not do
+any zonking, but lives in TcS monad because it needs to create fresh
+variables (for flattening) and consult the inerts (for efficiency).
------ Example of flattening a constraint: ------
- flatten (List (F (G Int))) ==> (xi, cc)
- where
- xi = List alpha
- cc = { G Int ~ beta[flat = G Int],
- F beta ~ alpha[flat = F beta] }
- * alpha and beta are 'flattening skolem variables'.
- * All the constraints in cc are 'given', and all their coercion terms
- are the identity.
+The execution plan for canonicalization is the following:
+ 1) Decomposition of equalities happens as necessary until we reach a
+ variable or type family in one side. There is no decomposition step
+ for other forms of constraints.
-NB: Flattening Skolems only occur in canonical constraints, which
-are never zonked, so we don't need to worry about zonking doing
-accidental unflattening.
+ 2) If, when we decompose, we discover a variable on the head then we
+ look at inert_eqs from the current inert for a substitution for this
+ variable and contine decomposing. Hence we lazily apply the inert
+ substitution if it is needed.
-Note that we prefer to leave type synonyms unexpanded when possible,
-so when the flattener encounters one, it first asks whether its
-transitive expansion contains any type function applications. If so,
-it expands the synonym and proceeds; if not, it simply returns the
-unexpanded synonym.
+ 3) If no more decomposition is possible, we deeply apply the substitution
+ from the inert_eqs and continue with flattening.
-TODO: caching the information about whether transitive synonym
-expansions contain any type function applications would speed things
-up a bit; right now we waste a lot of energy traversing the same types
-multiple times.
+ 4) During flattening, we examine whether we have already flattened some
+ function application by looking at all the CTyFunEqs with the same
+ function in the inert set. The reason for deeply applying the inert
+ substitution at step (3) is to maximise our chances of matching an
+ already flattened family application in the inert.
+The net result is that a constraint coming out of the canonicalization
+phase cannot be rewritten any further from the inerts (but maybe /it/ can
+rewrite an inert or still interact with an inert in a further phase in the
--- Flatten a bunch of types all at once.
-flattenMany :: CtFlavor -> [Type] -> TcS ([Xi], [LCoercion], CanonicalCts)
--- Coercions :: Xi ~ Type
-flattenMany ctxt tys
- = do { (xis, cos, cts_s) <- mapAndUnzip3M (flatten ctxt) tys
- ; return (xis, cos, andCCans cts_s) }
--- Flatten a type to get rid of type function applications, returning
--- the new type-function-free type, and a collection of new equality
--- constraints. See Note [Flattening] for more detail.
-flatten :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcS (Xi, LCoercion, CanonicalCts)
--- Postcondition: Coercion :: Xi ~ TcType
--- Postcondition: CanonicalCts are all CFunEqCan
-flatten ctxt ty
- | Just ty' <- tcView ty
- = do { (xi, co, ccs) <- flatten ctxt ty'
- -- Preserve type synonyms if possible
- -- We can tell if ty' is function-free by
- -- whether there are any floated constraints
- ; if isReflCo co then
- return (ty, mkReflCo ty, emptyCCan)
- else
- return (xi, co, ccs) }
-flatten _ v@(TyVarTy _)
- = return (v, mkReflCo v, emptyCCan)
+-- Informative results of canonicalization
+data StopOrContinue
+ = ContinueWith Ct -- Either no canonicalization happened, or if some did
+ -- happen, it is still safe to just keep going with this
+ -- work item.
+ | Stop -- Some canonicalization happened, extra work is now in
+ -- the TcS WorkList.
-flatten ctxt (AppTy ty1 ty2)
- = do { (xi1,co1,c1) <- flatten ctxt ty1
- ; (xi2,co2,c2) <- flatten ctxt ty2
- ; return (mkAppTy xi1 xi2, mkAppCo co1 co2, c1 `andCCan` c2) }
+instance Outputable StopOrContinue where
+ ppr Stop = ptext (sLit "Stop")
+ ppr (ContinueWith w) = ptext (sLit "ContinueWith") <+> ppr w
-flatten ctxt (FunTy ty1 ty2)
- = do { (xi1,co1,c1) <- flatten ctxt ty1
- ; (xi2,co2,c2) <- flatten ctxt ty2
- ; return (mkFunTy xi1 xi2, mkFunCo co1 co2, c1 `andCCan` c2) }
-flatten fl (TyConApp tc tys)
- -- For a normal type constructor or data family application, we just
- -- recursively flatten the arguments.
- | not (isSynFamilyTyCon tc)
- = do { (xis,cos,ccs) <- flattenMany fl tys
- ; return (mkTyConApp tc xis, mkTyConAppCo tc cos, ccs) }
+continueWith :: Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue
+continueWith = return . ContinueWith
- -- Otherwise, it's a type function application, and we have to
- -- flatten it away as well, and generate a new given equality constraint
- -- between the application and a newly generated flattening skolem variable.
- | otherwise
- = ASSERT( tyConArity tc <= length tys ) -- Type functions are saturated
- do { (xis, cos, ccs) <- flattenMany fl tys
- ; let (xi_args, xi_rest) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) xis
- -- The type function might be *over* saturated
- -- in which case the remaining arguments should
- -- be dealt with by AppTys
- fam_ty = mkTyConApp tc xi_args
- ; (ret_eqv, rhs_var, ct) <-
- do { is_cached <- lookupFlatCacheMap tc xi_args fl
- ; case is_cached of
- Just (rhs_var,ret_eqv,_fl) -> return (ret_eqv, rhs_var, emptyCCan)
- Nothing
- | isGivenOrSolved fl ->
- do { rhs_var <- newFlattenSkolemTy fam_ty
- ; eqv <- newGivenEqVar fam_ty rhs_var (mkReflCo fam_ty)
- ; let ct = CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv
- , cc_flavor = fl -- Given
- , cc_fun = tc
- , cc_tyargs = xi_args
- , cc_rhs = rhs_var }
- ; updateFlatCacheMap tc xi_args rhs_var fl eqv
- ; return (eqv, rhs_var, singleCCan ct) }
- | otherwise ->
- -- Derived or Wanted: make a new *unification* flatten variable
- do { rhs_var <- newFlexiTcSTy (typeKind fam_ty)
- ; eqv <- newEqVar fam_ty rhs_var
- ; let ct = CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv
- , cc_flavor = mkWantedFlavor fl
- -- Always Wanted, not Derived
- , cc_fun = tc
- , cc_tyargs = xi_args
- , cc_rhs = rhs_var }
- ; updateFlatCacheMap tc xi_args rhs_var fl eqv
- ; return (eqv, rhs_var, singleCCan ct) } }
- ; let ret_co = mkEqVarLCo ret_eqv
- (cos_args, cos_rest) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) cos
- ; return ( foldl AppTy rhs_var xi_rest
- , foldl AppCo (mkSymCo ret_co `mkTransCo` mkTyConAppCo tc cos_args)
- cos_rest
- , ccs `andCCan` ct) }
+andWhenContinue :: TcS StopOrContinue
+ -> (Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue)
+ -> TcS StopOrContinue
+andWhenContinue tcs1 tcs2
+ = do { r <- tcs1
+ ; case r of
+ Stop -> return Stop
+ ContinueWith ct -> tcs2 ct }
-flatten ctxt ty@(ForAllTy {})
--- We allow for-alls when, but only when, no type function
--- applications inside the forall involve the bound type variables
--- TODO: What if it is a (t1 ~ t2) => t3
--- Must revisit when the New Coercion API is here!
- = do { let (tvs, rho) = splitForAllTys ty
- ; (rho', co, ccs) <- flatten ctxt rho
- ; let bad_eqs = filterBag is_bad ccs
- is_bad c = tyVarsOfCanonical c `intersectsVarSet` tv_set
- tv_set = mkVarSet tvs
- ; unless (isEmptyBag bad_eqs)
- (flattenForAllErrorTcS ctxt ty bad_eqs)
- ; return (mkForAllTys tvs rho', foldr mkForAllCo co tvs, ccs) }
-%* *
-%* Canonicalising given constraints *
-%* *
+Note [Caching for canonicals]
+Our plan with pre-canonicalization is to be able to solve a constraint really fast from existing
+bindings in TcEvBinds. So one may think that the condition (isCNonCanonical) is not necessary.
+However consider the following setup:
-canWanteds :: [WantedEvVar] -> TcS WorkList
-canWanteds = fmap unionWorkLists . mapM (\(EvVarX ev loc) -> mkCanonical (Wanted loc) ev)
+InertSet = { [W] d1 : Num t }
+WorkList = { [W] d2 : Num t, [W] c : t ~ Int}
-canGivens :: GivenLoc -> [EvVar] -> TcS WorkList
-canGivens loc givens = do { ccs <- mapM (mkCanonical (Given loc GivenOrig)) givens
- ; return (unionWorkLists ccs) }
+Now, we prioritize equalities, but in our concrete example (should_run/mc17.hs) the first (d2) constraint
+is dealt with first, because (t ~ Int) is an equality that only later appears in the worklist since it is
+pulled out from a nested implication constraint. So, let's examine what happens:
+ - We encounter work item (d2 : Num t)
+ - Nothing is yet in EvBinds, so we reach the interaction with inerts
+ and set:
+ d2 := d1
+ and we discard d2 from the worklist. The inert set remains unaffected.
+ - Now the equation ([W] c : t ~ Int) is encountered and kicks-out (d1 : Num t) from the inerts.
+ Then that equation gets spontaneously solved, perhaps. We end up with:
+ InertSet : { [G] c : t ~ Int }
+ WorkList : { [W] d1 : Num t}
+ - Now we examine (d1), we observe that there is a binding for (Num t) in the evidence binds and
+ we set:
+ d1 := d2
+ and end up in a loop!
+Now, the constraints that get kicked out from the inert set are always Canonical, so by restricting
+the use of the pre-canonicalizer to NonCanonical constraints we eliminate this danger. Moreover, for
+canonical constraints we already have good caching mechanisms (effectively the interaction solver)
+and we are interested in reducing things like superclasses of the same non-canonical constraint being
+generated hence I don't expect us to lose a lot by introducing the (isCNonCanonical) restriction.
+A similar situation can arise in TcSimplify, at the end of the solve_wanteds function, where constraints
+from the inert set are returned as new work -- our substCt ensures however that if they are not rewritten
+by subst, they remain canonical and hence we will not attempt to solve them from the EvBinds. If on the
+other hand they did get rewritten and are now non-canonical they will still not match the EvBinds, so we
+are again good.
-mkCanonicals :: CtFlavor -> [EvVar] -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonicals fl vs = fmap unionWorkLists (mapM (mkCanonical fl) vs)
-mkCanonicalFEV :: FlavoredEvVar -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonicalFEV (EvVarX ev fl) = mkCanonical fl ev
+-- Top-level canonicalization
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canonicalize :: Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canonicalize ct@(CNonCanonical { cc_id = ev, cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = d })
+ = do { traceTcS "canonicalize (non-canonical)" (ppr ct)
+ ; canEvVar ev (classifyPredType (evVarPred ev)) d fl }
+canonicalize (CDictCan { cc_id = ev, cc_depth = d
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_class = cls
+ , cc_tyargs = xis })
+ = canClass d fl ev cls xis -- Do not add any superclasses
+canonicalize (CTyEqCan { cc_id = ev, cc_depth = d
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = xi })
+ = canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl ev tv xi
+canonicalize (CFunEqCan { cc_id = ev, cc_depth = d
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_fun = fn
+ , cc_tyargs = xis1
+ , cc_rhs = xi2 })
+ = canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl ev (fn,xis1) xi2
+canonicalize (CIPCan { cc_id = ev, cc_depth = d
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ip_nm = nm
+ , cc_ip_ty = xi })
+ = canIP d fl ev nm xi
+canonicalize (CIrredEvCan { cc_id = ev, cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_depth = d
+ , cc_ty = xi })
+ = canIrred d fl ev xi
+canEvVar :: EvVar -> PredTree
+ -> SubGoalDepth -> CtFlavor -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEvVar ev pred_classifier d fl
+ = case pred_classifier of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> canClass d fl ev cls tys
+ `andWhenContinue` emit_superclasses
+ EqPred ty1 ty2 -> canEq d fl ev ty1 ty2
+ IPPred nm ty -> canIP d fl ev nm ty
+ IrredPred ev_ty -> canIrred d fl ev ev_ty
+ TuplePred tys -> canTuple d fl ev tys
+ where emit_superclasses ct@(CDictCan {cc_id = v_new
+ , cc_tyargs = xis_new, cc_class = cls })
+ -- Add superclasses of this one here, See Note [Adding superclasses].
+ -- But only if we are not simplifying the LHS of a rule.
+ = do { sctxt <- getTcSContext
+ ; unless (simplEqsOnly sctxt) $
+ newSCWorkFromFlavored d v_new fl cls xis_new
+ ; continueWith ct }
+ emit_superclasses _ = panic "emit_superclasses of non-class!"
+-- Tuple canonicalisation
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canTuple :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EvVar -> [PredType] -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canTuple d fl ev tys
+ = do { traceTcS "can_pred" (text "TuplePred!")
+ ; evs <- zipWithM can_pred_tup_one tys [0..]
+ ; when (isWanted fl) $ setEvBind ev (EvTupleMk evs)
+ ; return Stop }
+ where
+ can_pred_tup_one ty n
+ = do { evc <- newEvVar fl ty
+ ; let ev' = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; when (isGivenOrSolved fl) $
+ setEvBind ev' (EvTupleSel ev n)
+ ; when (isNewEvVar evc) $
+ addToWork (canEvVar ev' (classifyPredType (evVarPred ev')) d fl)
+ ; return ev' }
+-- Implicit Parameter Canonicalization
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canIP :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EvVar
+ -> IPName Name -> Type -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition: EvVar is implicit parameter evidence
+canIP d fl v nm ty
+ = -- Note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints] explains why it's
+ -- possible in principle to not flatten, but since flattening applies
+ -- the inert substitution we choose to flatten anyway.
+ do { (xi,co) <- flatten d fl (mkIPPred nm ty)
+ ; if isReflCo co then
+ continueWith $ CIPCan { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = ty
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else do { evc <- newEvVar fl xi
+ ; let v_new = evc_the_evvar evc
+ IPPred _ ip_xi = classifyPredType xi
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEvBind v (EvCast v_new co)
+ Given {} -> setEvBind v_new (EvCast v (mkSymCo co))
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ continueWith $ CIPCan { cc_id = v_new
+ , cc_flavor = fl, cc_ip_nm = nm
+ , cc_ip_ty = ip_xi
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else return Stop } }
-mkCanonicalFEVs :: Bag FlavoredEvVar -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonicalFEVs = foldrBagM canon_one emptyWorkList
- where -- Preserves order (shouldn't be important, but curently
- -- is important for the vectoriser)
- canon_one fev wl = do { wl' <- mkCanonicalFEV fev
- ; return (unionWorkList wl' wl) }
+Note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints]
+The type in a canonical implicit parameter constraint doesn't need to
+be a xi (type-function-free type) since we can defer the flattening
+until checking this type for equality with another type. If we
+encounter two IP constraints with the same name, they MUST have the
+same type, and at that point we can generate a flattened equality
+constraint between the types. (On the other hand, the types in two
+class constraints for the same class MAY be equal, so they need to be
+flattened in the first place to facilitate comparing them.)
-mkCanonical :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonical fl ev = go ev (predTypePredTree (evVarPred ev))
- where
- go ev (ClassPred clas tys) = canClassToWorkList fl ev clas tys
- go ev (EqPred ty1 ty2) = canEqToWorkList fl ev ty1 ty2
- go ev (IPPred ip ty) = canIPToWorkList fl ev ip ty
- go ev (TuplePred tys) = do
- (mb_evs', wlists) <- liftM unzip $ forM (tys `zip` [0..]) $ \(ty, n) -> do
- ev' <- newEvVar (predTreePredType ty)
- mb_ev <- case fl of
- Wanted {} -> return (Just ev')
- Given {} -> setEvBind ev' (EvTupleSel ev n) >> return Nothing
- Derived {} -> return Nothing -- Derived ips: we don't set any evidence
- liftM ((,) mb_ev) $ go ev' ty
- -- If we Wanted this TuplePred we have to bind it from the newly Wanted components
- case sequence mb_evs' of
- Just evs' -> setEvBind ev (EvTupleMk evs')
- Nothing -> return ()
- return (unionWorkLists wlists)
- go ev (IrredPred ev_ty) = canIrredEvidence fl ev ev_ty
-canClassToWorkList :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> Class -> [TcType] -> TcS WorkList
-canClassToWorkList fl v cn tys
- = do { (xis,cos,ccs) <- flattenMany fl tys -- cos :: xis ~ tys
- ; let no_flattening_happened = all isReflCo cos
- dict_co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cn) cos
- ; v_new <- if no_flattening_happened then return v
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then return v
- -- The cos are all identities if fl=Given,
- -- hence nothing to do
- else do { v' <- newDictVar cn xis -- D xis
- ; when (isWanted fl) $ setEvBind v (EvCast v' dict_co)
- ; when (isGivenOrSolved fl) $ setEvBind v' (EvCast v (mkSymCo dict_co))
- -- NB: No more setting evidence for derived now
- ; return v' }
- -- Add the superclasses of this one here, See Note [Adding superclasses].
- -- But only if we are not simplifying the LHS of a rule.
- ; sctx <- getTcSContext
- ; sc_cts <- if simplEqsOnly sctx then return emptyWorkList
- else newSCWorkFromFlavored v_new fl cn xis
- ; return (sc_cts `unionWorkList`
- workListFromEqs ccs `unionWorkList`
- workListFromNonEq CDictCan { cc_id = v_new
- , cc_flavor = fl
- , cc_class = cn
- , cc_tyargs = xis }) }
+-- Class Canonicalization
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canClass :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EvVar
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition: EvVar is class evidence
+-- Note: Does NOT add superclasses, but the /caller/ is responsible for adding them!
+canClass d fl v cls tys
+ = do { -- sctx <- getTcSContext
+ ; (xis, cos) <- flattenMany d fl tys
+ ; let co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cls) cos
+ xi = mkClassPred cls xis
+ -- No flattening, continue with canonical
+ ; if isReflCo co then
+ continueWith $ CDictCan { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_tyargs = xis, cc_class = cls
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ -- Flattening happened
+ else do { evc <- newEvVar fl xi
+ ; let v_new = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEvBind v (EvCast v_new co)
+ Given {} -> setEvBind v_new (EvCast v (mkSymCo co))
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ -- Continue only if flat constraint is new
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ continueWith $ CDictCan { cc_id = v_new, cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_tyargs = xis, cc_class = cls
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else return Stop } }
Note [Adding superclasses]
@@ -352,130 +378,373 @@ happen.
-newSCWorkFromFlavored :: EvVar -> CtFlavor -> Class -> [Xi] -> TcS WorkList
+newSCWorkFromFlavored :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> EvVar -> CtFlavor -> Class -> [Xi] -> TcS ()
-- Returns superclasses, see Note [Adding superclasses]
-newSCWorkFromFlavored ev flavor cls xis
+newSCWorkFromFlavored d ev flavor cls xis
| isDerived flavor
- = return emptyWorkList -- Deriveds don't yield more superclasses because we will
- -- add them transitively in the case of wanteds.
+ = return () -- Deriveds don't yield more superclasses because we will
+ -- add them transitively in the case of wanteds.
| Just gk <- isGiven_maybe flavor
= case gk of
GivenOrig -> do { let sc_theta = immSuperClasses cls xis
- ; sc_vars <- mapM newEvVar sc_theta
- ; _ <- zipWithM_ setEvBind sc_vars [EvSuperClass ev n | n <- [0..]]
- ; mkCanonicals flavor sc_vars }
- GivenSolved -> return emptyWorkList
+ ; sc_vars <- mapM (newEvVar flavor) sc_theta
+ ; sc_cts <- zipWithM (\scv ev_trm ->
+ do { let sc_evvar = evc_the_evvar scv
+ ; setEvBind sc_evvar ev_trm
+ ; return $
+ CNonCanonical { cc_id = sc_evvar
+ , cc_flavor = flavor
+ , cc_depth = d }})
+ sc_vars [EvSuperClass ev n | n <- [0..]]
+ -- Emit now, canonicalize later in a lazier fashion
+ ; traceTcS "newSCWorkFromFlavored" $
+ text "Emitting superclass work:" <+> ppr sc_cts
+ ; updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListCt sc_cts }
+ GivenSolved -> return ()
-- Seems very dangerous to add the superclasses for dictionaries that may be
-- partially solved because we may end up with evidence loops.
| isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfTypes xis)
- = return emptyWorkList -- Wanteds with no variables yield no deriveds.
- -- See Note [Improvement from Ground Wanteds]
+ = return () -- Wanteds with no variables yield no deriveds.
+ -- See Note [Improvement from Ground Wanteds]
| otherwise -- Wanted case, just add those SC that can lead to improvement.
= do { let sc_rec_theta = transSuperClasses cls xis
impr_theta = filter is_improvement_pty sc_rec_theta
Wanted wloc = flavor
- ; der_ids <- mapM newDerivedId impr_theta
- ; mkCanonicals (Derived wloc) der_ids }
+ ; sc_cts <- mapM (\pty -> do { scv <- newEvVar (Derived wloc) pty
+ ; if isNewEvVar scv then
+ return [ CNonCanonical { cc_id = evc_the_evvar scv
+ , cc_flavor = Derived wloc
+ , cc_depth = d } ]
+ else return [] }
+ ) impr_theta
+ ; let sc_cts_flat = concat sc_cts
+ ; traceTcS "newSCWorkFromFlavored" (text "Emitting superclass work:" <+> ppr sc_cts_flat)
+ ; updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListCt sc_cts_flat }
is_improvement_pty :: PredType -> Bool
-- Either it's an equality, or has some functional dependency
-is_improvement_pty ty = go (predTypePredTree ty)
+is_improvement_pty ty = go (classifyPredType ty)
go (EqPred {}) = True
- go (ClassPred cls _ty) = not $ null fundeps
- where (_,fundeps,_,_,_,_) = classExtraBigSig cls
+ go (ClassPred cls _tys) = not $ null fundeps
+ where (_,fundeps) = classTvsFds cls
go (IPPred {}) = False
- go (TuplePred ts) = any go ts
+ go (TuplePred ts) = any is_improvement_pty ts
go (IrredPred {}) = True -- Might have equalities after reduction?
+-- Irreducibles canonicalization
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+canIrred :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EvVar -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition: ty not a tuple and no other evidence form
+canIrred d fl v ty
+ = do { traceTcS "can_pred" (text "IrredPred = " <+> ppr ty)
+ ; (xi,co) <- flatten d fl ty -- co :: xi ~ ty
+ ; let no_flattening = isReflCo co
+ ; if no_flattening then
+ continueWith $ CIrredEvCan { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ty = xi, cc_depth = d }
+ else do
+ { -- Flattening consults and applies family equations from the
+ -- inerts, so 'xi' may become reducible. So just recursively
+ -- canonicalise the resulting evidence variable
+ evc <- newEvVar fl xi
+ ; let v' = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEvBind v (EvCast v' co)
+ Given {} -> setEvBind v' (EvCast v (mkSymCo co))
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ canEvVar v' (classifyPredType (evVarPred v')) d fl
+ else
+ return Stop }
+ }
-canIPToWorkList :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> IPName Name -> TcType -> TcS WorkList
--- See Note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints] to see why we don't
--- immediately canonicalize (flatten) IP constraints.
-canIPToWorkList fl v nm ty
- = return $ workListFromNonEq (CIPCan { cc_id = v
- , cc_flavor = fl
- , cc_ip_nm = nm
- , cc_ip_ty = ty })
-canIrredEvidence :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> TcType -> TcS WorkList
-canIrredEvidence fl v ty = do
- (xi, co, ccs) <- flatten fl ty -- co :: xi ~ ty
- v' <- newEvVar xi
- case fl of
- Wanted {} -> setEvBind v (EvCast v' co)
- Given {} -> setEvBind v' (EvCast v (mkSymCo co))
- Derived {} -> return () -- Derived ips: we don't set any evidence
- return (workListFromEqs ccs `unionWorkList`
- workListFromNonEq (CIrredEvCan { cc_id = v'
- , cc_flavor = fl
- , cc_ty = xi }))
+%* *
+%* Flattening (eliminating all function symbols) *
+%* *
+Note [Flattening]
+ flatten ty ==> (xi, cc)
+ where
+ xi has no type functions
+ cc = Auxiliary given (equality) constraints constraining
+ the fresh type variables in xi. Evidence for these
+ is always the identity coercion, because internally the
+ fresh flattening skolem variables are actually identified
+ with the types they have been generated to stand in for.
+Note that it is flatten's job to flatten *every type function it sees*.
+flatten is only called on *arguments* to type functions, by canEqGiven.
+Recall that in comments we use alpha[flat = ty] to represent a
+flattening skolem variable alpha which has been generated to stand in
+for ty.
+----- Example of flattening a constraint: ------
+ flatten (List (F (G Int))) ==> (xi, cc)
+ where
+ xi = List alpha
+ cc = { G Int ~ beta[flat = G Int],
+ F beta ~ alpha[flat = F beta] }
+ * alpha and beta are 'flattening skolem variables'.
+ * All the constraints in cc are 'given', and all their coercion terms
+ are the identity.
+NB: Flattening Skolems only occur in canonical constraints, which
+are never zonked, so we don't need to worry about zonking doing
+accidental unflattening.
+Note that we prefer to leave type synonyms unexpanded when possible,
+so when the flattener encounters one, it first asks whether its
+transitive expansion contains any type function applications. If so,
+it expands the synonym and proceeds; if not, it simply returns the
+unexpanded synonym.
+TODO: caching the information about whether transitive synonym
+expansions contain any type function applications would speed things
+up a bit; right now we waste a lot of energy traversing the same types
+multiple times.
+-- Flatten a bunch of types all at once.
+flattenMany :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> [Type] -> TcS ([Xi], [LCoercion])
+-- Coercions :: Xi ~ Type
+flattenMany d ctxt tys
+ = do { (xis, cos) <- mapAndUnzipM (flatten d ctxt) tys
+ ; return (xis, cos) }
+-- Flatten a type to get rid of type function applications, returning
+-- the new type-function-free type, and a collection of new equality
+-- constraints. See Note [Flattening] for more detail.
+flatten :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcS (Xi, LCoercion)
+-- Postcondition: Coercion :: Xi ~ TcType
+flatten d ctxt ty
+ | Just ty' <- tcView ty
+ = do { (xi, co) <- flatten d ctxt ty'
+ -- Preserve type synonyms if possible
+ ; if isReflCo co
+ then return (ty, mkReflCo ty) -- Importantly, not xi!
+ else return (xi, co)
+ }
+flatten _d ctxt v@(TyVarTy _)
+ = do { ieqs <- getInertEqs
+ ; let co = liftInertEqsTy ieqs ctxt v -- co :: v ~ xi
+ ; return (pSnd (liftedCoercionKind co), mkSymCo co) } -- return xi ~ v
+flatten d ctxt (AppTy ty1 ty2)
+ = do { (xi1,co1) <- flatten d ctxt ty1
+ ; (xi2,co2) <- flatten d ctxt ty2
+ ; return (mkAppTy xi1 xi2, mkAppCo co1 co2) }
+flatten d ctxt (FunTy ty1 ty2)
+ = do { (xi1,co1) <- flatten d ctxt ty1
+ ; (xi2,co2) <- flatten d ctxt ty2
+ ; return (mkFunTy xi1 xi2, mkFunCo co1 co2) }
+flatten d fl (TyConApp tc tys)
+ -- For a normal type constructor or data family application, we just
+ -- recursively flatten the arguments.
+ | not (isSynFamilyTyCon tc)
+ = do { (xis,cos) <- flattenMany d fl tys
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc xis, mkTyConAppCo tc cos) }
+ -- Otherwise, it's a type function application, and we have to
+ -- flatten it away as well, and generate a new given equality constraint
+ -- between the application and a newly generated flattening skolem variable.
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT( tyConArity tc <= length tys ) -- Type functions are saturated
+ do { (xis, cos) <- flattenMany d fl tys
+ ; let (xi_args, xi_rest) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) xis
+ -- The type function might be *over* saturated
+ -- in which case the remaining arguments should
+ -- be dealt with by AppTys
+ fam_ty = mkTyConApp tc xi_args
+ ; (ret_co, rhs_var, ct) <-
+ do { is_cached <- getCachedFlatEq tc xi_args fl Any
+ ; case is_cached of
+ Just (rhs_var,ret_eq) ->
+ do { traceTcS "is_cached!" $ ppr ret_eq
+ ; return (ret_eq, rhs_var, []) }
+ Nothing
+ | isGivenOrSolved fl ->
+ do { rhs_var <- newFlattenSkolemTy fam_ty
+ ; eqv <- newGivenEqVar fl fam_ty rhs_var (mkReflCo fam_ty)
+ ; let ct = CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv
+ , cc_flavor = fl -- Given
+ , cc_fun = tc
+ , cc_tyargs = xi_args
+ , cc_rhs = rhs_var
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ -- Update the flat cache: just an optimisation!
+ ; updateFlatCache eqv fl tc xi_args rhs_var WhileFlattening
+ ; return (mkEqVarLCo eqv, rhs_var, [ct]) }
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- Derived or Wanted: make a new /unification/ flatten variable
+ do { rhs_var <- newFlexiTcSTy (typeKind fam_ty)
+ ; let wanted_flavor = mkWantedFlavor fl
+ ; evc <- newEqVar wanted_flavor fam_ty rhs_var
+ ; let eqv = evc_the_evvar evc -- Not going to be cached
+ ct = CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv
+ , cc_flavor = wanted_flavor
+ -- Always Wanted, not Derived
+ , cc_fun = tc
+ , cc_tyargs = xi_args
+ , cc_rhs = rhs_var
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ -- Update the flat cache: just an optimisation!
+ ; updateFlatCache eqv fl tc xi_args rhs_var WhileFlattening
+ ; return (mkEqVarLCo eqv, rhs_var, [ct]) } }
+ -- Emit the flat constraints
+ ; updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListEqs ct
+ ; let (cos_args, cos_rest) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) cos
+ ; return ( foldl AppTy rhs_var xi_rest
+ , foldl AppCo (mkSymCo ret_co `mkTransCo` mkTyConAppCo tc cos_args)
+ cos_rest) }
+flatten d ctxt ty@(ForAllTy {})
+-- We allow for-alls when, but only when, no type function
+-- applications inside the forall involve the bound type variables.
+ = do { let (tvs, rho) = splitForAllTys ty
+ ; when (under_families tvs rho) $ flattenForAllErrorTcS ctxt ty
+ ; (rho', co) <- flatten d ctxt rho
+ ; return (mkForAllTys tvs rho', foldr mkForAllCo co tvs) }
+ where under_families tvs rho
+ = go (mkVarSet tvs) rho
+ where go _bound (TyVarTy _tv) = False
+ go bound (TyConApp tc tys)
+ | isSynFamilyTyCon tc
+ , (args,rest) <- splitAt (tyConArity tc) tys
+ = (tyVarsOfTypes args `intersectsVarSet` bound) || any (go bound) rest
+ | otherwise = any (go bound) tys
+ go bound (FunTy arg res) = go bound arg || go bound res
+ go bound (AppTy fun arg) = go bound fun || go bound arg
+ go bound (ForAllTy tv ty) = go (bound `extendVarSet` tv) ty
+getCachedFlatEq :: TyCon -> [Xi] -> CtFlavor
+ -> FlatEqOrigin
+ -> TcS (Maybe (Xi,Coercion))
+-- Returns a coercion between (TyConApp tc xi_args ~ xi) if such an inert item exists
+-- But also applies the substitution to the item via calling flatten recursively
+getCachedFlatEq tc xi_args fl feq_origin
+ = do { let pty = mkTyConApp tc xi_args
+ ; traceTcS "getCachedFlatEq" $ ppr (mkTyConApp tc xi_args)
+ ; flat_cache <- getTcSEvVarFlatCache
+ ; inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; case lookupFunEq pty fl (inert_funeqs inerts) of
+ Nothing -> lookup_in_flat_cache pty flat_cache
+ res -> return res }
+ where lookup_in_flat_cache pty flat_cache
+ = case lookupTM pty flat_cache of
+ Just (co',(xi',fl',when_generated)) -- ev' :: (TyConApp tc xi_args) ~ xi'
+ | fl' `canRewrite` fl
+ , feq_origin `origin_matches` when_generated
+ -> do { traceTcS "getCachedFlatEq" $ text "success!"
+ ; (xi'',co) <- flatten 0 fl' xi' -- co :: xi'' ~ xi'
+ ; return $ Just (xi'', co' `mkTransCo` (mkSymCo co)) }
+ _ -> do { traceTcS "getCachedFlatEq" $ text "failure!" <+> pprEvVarCache flat_cache
+ ; return Nothing }
-canEqToWorkList :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> Type -> Type -> TcS WorkList
-canEqToWorkList fl eqv ty1 ty2 = do { cts <- canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2
- ; return $ workListFromEqs cts }
-canEq :: CtFlavor -> EqVar -> Type -> Type -> TcS CanonicalCts
-canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2
+addToWork :: TcS StopOrContinue -> TcS ()
+addToWork tcs_action = tcs_action >>= stop_or_emit
+ where stop_or_emit Stop = return ()
+ stop_or_emit (ContinueWith ct) = updWorkListTcS $
+ extendWorkListCt ct
+canEqEvVarsCreated :: SubGoalDepth -> CtFlavor
+ -> [EvVarCreated] -> [Type] -> [Type]
+ -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEqEvVarsCreated _d _fl [] _ _ = return Stop
+canEqEvVarsCreated d fl (evc:evcs) (ty1:tys1) (ty2:tys2)
+ | isNewEvVar evc
+ = let do_one evc0 sy1 sy2
+ | isNewEvVar evc0
+ = canEq_ d fl (evc_the_evvar evc0) sy1 sy2
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ in do { _unused <- zipWith3M do_one evcs tys1 tys2
+ ; canEq d fl (evc_the_evvar evc) ty1 ty2 }
+ | otherwise
+ = canEqEvVarsCreated d fl evcs tys1 tys2
+canEqEvVarsCreated _ _ _ _ _ = return Stop
+canEq_ :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar -> Type -> Type -> TcS ()
+canEq_ d fl eqv ty1 ty2 = addToWork (canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2)
+canEq :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar -> Type -> Type -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEq _d fl eqv ty1 ty2
| eqType ty1 ty2 -- Dealing with equality here avoids
-- later spurious occurs checks for a~a
= do { when (isWanted fl) (setEqBind eqv (mkReflCo ty1))
- ; return emptyCCan }
+ ; return Stop }
--- If one side is a variable, orient and flatten,
+-- Split up an equality between function types into two equalities.
+canEq d fl eqv (FunTy s1 t1) (FunTy s2 t2)
+ = do { argeqv <- newEqVar fl s1 s2
+ ; reseqv <- newEqVar fl t1 t2
+ ; let argeqv_v = evc_the_evvar argeqv
+ reseqv_v = evc_the_evvar reseqv
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} ->
+ setEqBind eqv (mkFunCo (mkEqVarLCo argeqv_v) (mkEqVarLCo reseqv_v))
+ Given {} ->
+ do { setEqBind argeqv_v (mkNthCo 0 (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
+ ; setEqBind reseqv_v (mkNthCo 1 (mkEqVarLCo eqv)) }
+ Derived {} ->
+ return ()
+ ; canEqEvVarsCreated d fl [reseqv,argeqv] [t1,s1] [t2,s2] }
+-- If one side is a variable, orient and flatten,
-- WITHOUT expanding type synonyms, so that we tend to
-- substitute a ~ Age rather than a ~ Int when @type Age = Int@
-canEq fl eqv ty1@(TyVarTy {}) ty2
- = do { untch <- getUntouchables
- ; canEqLeaf untch fl eqv (classify ty1) (classify ty2) }
-canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2@(TyVarTy {})
- = do { untch <- getUntouchables
- ; canEqLeaf untch fl eqv (classify ty1) (classify ty2) }
- -- NB: don't use VarCls directly because tv1 or tv2 may be scolems!
+canEq d fl eqv ty1@(TyVarTy {}) ty2
+ = canEqLeaf d fl eqv ty1 ty2
+canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2@(TyVarTy {})
+ = canEqLeaf d fl eqv ty1 ty2
--- Split up an equality between function types into two equalities.
-canEq fl eqv (FunTy s1 t1) (FunTy s2 t2)
- = do { (argeqv, reseqv) <-
- if isWanted fl then
- do { argeqv <- newEqVar s1 s2
- ; reseqv <- newEqVar t1 t2
- ; setEqBind eqv
- (mkFunCo (mkEqVarLCo argeqv) (mkEqVarLCo reseqv))
- ; return (argeqv,reseqv) }
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then
- do { argeqv <- newEqVar s1 s2
- ; setEqBind argeqv (mkNthCo 0 (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
- ; reseqv <- newEqVar t1 t2
- ; setEqBind reseqv (mkNthCo 1 (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
- ; return (argeqv,reseqv) }
- else -- Derived
- do { argeqv <- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (s1, s2))
- ; reseqv <- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (t1, t2))
- ; return (argeqv, reseqv) }
- ; cc1 <- canEq fl argeqv s1 s2 -- inherit original kinds and locations
- ; cc2 <- canEq fl reseqv t1 t2
- ; return (cc1 `andCCan` cc2) }
-canEq fl eqv (TyConApp fn tys) ty2
+canEq d fl eqv ty1@(TyConApp fn tys) ty2
| isSynFamilyTyCon fn, length tys == tyConArity fn
- = do { untch <- getUntouchables
- ; canEqLeaf untch fl eqv (FunCls fn tys) (classify ty2) }
-canEq fl eqv ty1 (TyConApp fn tys)
+ = canEqLeaf d fl eqv ty1 ty2
+canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2@(TyConApp fn tys)
| isSynFamilyTyCon fn, length tys == tyConArity fn
- = do { untch <- getUntouchables
- ; canEqLeaf untch fl eqv (classify ty1) (FunCls fn tys) }
+ = canEqLeaf d fl eqv ty1 ty2
-canEq fl eqv (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
+canEq d fl eqv (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
| isDecomposableTyCon tc1 && isDecomposableTyCon tc2
, tc1 == tc2
, length tys1 == length tys2
@@ -483,70 +752,63 @@ canEq fl eqv (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2)
do { let (kis1, tys1') = span isKind tys1
(_kis2, tys2') = span isKind tys2
; let kicos = map mkReflCo kis1
- ; argeqvs
- <- if isWanted fl then
- do { argeqvs <- zipWithM newEqVar tys1' tys2'
- ; setEqBind eqv
- (mkTyConAppCo tc1 (kicos ++ (map mkEqVarLCo argeqvs)))
- ; return argeqvs }
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then
- let go_one ty1 ty2 n = do
- argeqv <- newEqVar ty1 ty2
- setEqBind argeqv (mkNthCo n (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
- return argeqv
- in zipWith3M go_one tys1' tys2' [(length kicos)..]
- else -- Derived
- zipWithM (\t1 t2 -> newDerivedId (mkEqPred (t1, t2))) tys1' tys2'
- ; andCCans <$> zipWith3M (canEq fl) argeqvs tys1' tys2' }
+ ; argeqvs <- zipWithM (newEqVar fl) tys1' tys2'
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} ->
+ setEqBind eqv $
+ mkTyConAppCo tc1 (kicos ++ map (mkEqVarLCo . evc_the_evvar) argeqvs)
+ Given {} ->
+ let do_one argeqv n = setEqBind (evc_the_evvar argeqv)
+ (mkNthCo n (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
+ in zipWithM_ do_one argeqvs [(length kicos)..]
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; canEqEvVarsCreated d fl argeqvs tys1' tys2' }
-- See Note [Equality between type applications]
-- Note [Care with type applications] in TcUnify
-canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2
+canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2
| Nothing <- tcView ty1 -- Naked applications ONLY
, Nothing <- tcView ty2 -- See Note [Naked given applications]
, Just (s1,t1) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
, Just (s2,t2) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
- = ASSERT( not (isKind t1) && not (isKind t2) )
- if isWanted fl
- then do { eqv1 <- newEqVar s1 s2
- ; eqv2 <- newEqVar t1 t2
- ; setEqBind eqv
- (mkAppCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv1) (mkEqVarLCo eqv2))
- ; cc1 <- canEq fl eqv1 s1 s2
- ; cc2 <- canEq fl eqv2 t1 t2
- ; return (cc1 `andCCan` cc2) }
- else if isDerived fl
- then do { eqv1 <- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (s1, s2))
- ; eqv2 <- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (t1, t2))
- ; cc1 <- canEq fl eqv1 s1 s2
- ; cc2 <- canEq fl eqv2 t1 t2
- ; return (cc1 `andCCan` cc2) }
- else do { traceTcS "canEq/(app case)" $
+ = ASSERT( not (isKind t1) && not (isKind t2) )
+ if isGivenOrSolved fl then
+ do { traceTcS "canEq/(app case)" $
text "Ommitting decomposition of given equality between: "
- <+> ppr ty1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr ty2
- ; return emptyCCan -- We cannot decompose given applications
- -- because we no longer have 'left' and 'right'
- }
+ <+> ppr ty1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr ty2
+ -- We cannot decompose given applications
+ -- because we no longer have 'left' and 'right'
+ ; return Stop }
+ else
+ do { evc1 <- newEqVar fl s1 s2
+ ; evc2 <- newEqVar fl t1 t2
+ ; let eqv1 = evc_the_evvar evc1
+ eqv2 = evc_the_evvar evc2
+ ; when (isWanted fl) $
+ setEqBind eqv (mkAppCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv1) (mkEqVarLCo eqv2))
+ ; canEqEvVarsCreated d fl [evc1,evc2] [s1,t1] [s2,t2] }
-canEq fl eqv s1@(ForAllTy {}) s2@(ForAllTy {})
+canEq d fl eqv s1@(ForAllTy {}) s2@(ForAllTy {})
| tcIsForAllTy s1, tcIsForAllTy s2,
Wanted {} <- fl
- = canEqFailure fl eqv
+ = canEqFailure d fl eqv
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "Ommitting decomposition of given polytype equality" (pprEq s1 s2)
- ; return emptyCCan }
+ ; return Stop }
-- Finally expand any type synonym applications.
-canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = canEq fl eqv ty1' ty2
-canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2 | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = canEq fl eqv ty1 ty2'
-canEq fl eqv _ _ = canEqFailure fl eqv
+canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = canEq d fl eqv ty1' ty2
+canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2 | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = canEq d fl eqv ty1 ty2'
+canEq d fl eqv _ _ = canEqFailure d fl eqv
-canEqFailure :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> TcS CanonicalCts
-canEqFailure fl eqv = return (singleCCan (mkFrozenError fl eqv))
+canEqFailure :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EvVar -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEqFailure d fl eqv = do { emitFrozenError fl eqv d; return Stop }
Note [Naked given applications]
@@ -681,11 +943,13 @@ data TypeClassifier
| FunCls TyCon [Type] -- ^ Type function, exactly saturated
| OtherCls TcType -- ^ Neither of the above
+{- Useless these days!
unClassify :: TypeClassifier -> TcType
unClassify (VarCls tv) = TyVarTy tv
unClassify (FskCls tv) = TyVarTy tv
unClassify (FunCls fn tys) = TyConApp fn tys
unClassify (OtherCls ty) = ty
classify :: TcType -> TypeClassifier
@@ -739,131 +1003,265 @@ reOrient _fl (FskCls {}) (FunCls {}) = True
reOrient _fl (FskCls {}) (OtherCls {}) = False
-canEqLeaf :: TcsUntouchables
+canEqLeaf :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
-> CtFlavor -> EqVar
- -> TypeClassifier -> TypeClassifier -> TcS CanonicalCts
+ -> Type -> Type
+ -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Canonicalizing "leaf" equality constraints which cannot be
-- decomposed further (ie one of the types is a variable or
-- saturated type function application).
- -- Preconditions:
- -- * one of the two arguments is not OtherCls
- -- * the two types are not equal (looking through synonyms)
-canEqLeaf _untch fl eqv cls1 cls2
+-- Preconditions:
+-- * one of the two arguments is variable or family applications
+-- * the two types are not equal (looking through synonyms)
+canEqLeaf d fl eqv s1 s2
| cls1 `re_orient` cls2
- = do { eqv' <- if isWanted fl
- then do { eqv' <- newEqVar s2 s1
- ; setEqBind eqv (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv'))
- ; return eqv' }
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then
- do { eqv' <- newEqVar s2 s1
- ; setEqBind eqv' (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
- ; return eqv' }
- else -- Derived
- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (s2, s1))
- ; canEqLeafOriented fl eqv' cls2 s1 }
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeaf (reorienting)" $ ppr (evVarPred eqv)
+ ; delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl s2 s1
+ ; let eqv' = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv'))
+ Given {} -> setEqBind eqv' (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ do { canEqLeafOriented d fl eqv' s2 s1 }
+ else return Stop
+ }
| otherwise
- = do { traceTcS "canEqLeaf" (ppr (unClassify cls1) $$ ppr (unClassify cls2))
- ; canEqLeafOriented fl eqv cls1 s2 }
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeaf" $ ppr (mkEqPred (s1,s2))
+ ; canEqLeafOriented d fl eqv s1 s2 }
re_orient = reOrient fl
- s1 = unClassify cls1
- s2 = unClassify cls2
-canEqLeafOriented :: CtFlavor -> EqVar
- -> TypeClassifier -> TcType -> TcS CanonicalCts
--- First argument is not OtherCls
-canEqLeafOriented fl eqv cls1@(FunCls fn tys1) s2 -- cv : F tys1
- = ASSERT2( isSynFamilyTyCon fn, ppr (unClassify cls1) )
- do { are_compat <- compatKindTcS k1 k2 -- make sure that the kind are compatible
- ; can_unify <- if not are_compat
- then unifyKindTcS (unClassify cls1) s2 k1 k2
- else return False
- -- If the kinds cannot be unified or are not compatible, don't fail
- -- right away; instead, emit a frozen error
- ; if (not are_compat && not can_unify) then canEqFailure fl eqv else
- do {
- (xis1,cos1,ccs1) <- flattenMany fl tys1 -- Flatten type function arguments
- -- cos1 :: xis1 ~ tys1
- ; (xi2, co2, ccs2) <- flatten fl s2 -- Flatten entire RHS
- -- co2 :: xi2 ~ s2
- ; let ccs = ccs1 `andCCan` ccs2
- no_flattening_happened = all isReflCo (co2:cos1)
- ; eqv_new <- if no_flattening_happened then return eqv
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then return eqv
- else if isWanted fl then
- do { eqv' <- newEqVar (unClassify (FunCls fn xis1)) xi2
- ; let -- cv' : F xis ~ xi2
- cv' = mkEqVarLCo eqv'
- -- fun_co :: F xis1 ~ F tys1
- fun_co = mkTyConAppCo fn cos1
- -- want_co :: F tys1 ~ s2
- want_co = mkSymCo fun_co
- `mkTransCo` cv'
- `mkTransCo` co2
- ; setEqBind eqv want_co
- ; return eqv' }
- else -- Derived
- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (unClassify (FunCls fn xis1), xi2))
- ; let final_cc = CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv_new
- , cc_flavor = fl
- , cc_fun = fn
- , cc_tyargs = xis1
- , cc_rhs = xi2 }
- ; return $ ccs `extendCCans` final_cc } }
- where
- k1 = typeKind (unClassify cls1)
- k2 = typeKind s2
--- Otherwise, we have a variable on the left, so call canEqLeafTyVarLeft
-canEqLeafOriented fl eqv (FskCls tv) s2
- = canEqLeafTyVarLeft fl eqv tv s2
-canEqLeafOriented fl eqv (VarCls tv) s2
- = canEqLeafTyVarLeft fl eqv tv s2
-canEqLeafOriented _ eqv (OtherCls ty1) ty2
- = pprPanic "canEqLeaf" (ppr eqv $$ ppr ty1 $$ ppr ty2)
-canEqLeafTyVarLeft :: CtFlavor -> EqVar -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS CanonicalCts
--- Establish invariants of CTyEqCans
-canEqLeafTyVarLeft fl eqv tv s2 -- cv : tv ~ s2
+ cls1 = classify s1
+ cls2 = classify s2
+canEqLeafOriented :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar
+ -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- By now s1 will either be a variable or a type family application
+canEqLeafOriented d fl eqv s1 s2
+ | let k1 = typeKind s1
+ , let k2 = typeKind s2
+ -- Establish kind invariants for CFunEqCan and CTyEqCan
= do { are_compat <- compatKindTcS k1 k2
; can_unify <- if not are_compat
- then unifyKindTcS (mkTyVarTy tv) s2 k1 k2
+ then unifyKindTcS s1 s2 k1 k2
else return False
-- If the kinds cannot be unified or are not compatible, don't fail
-- right away; instead, emit a frozen error
- ; if (not are_compat && not can_unify) then canEqFailure fl eqv else
- do {
- (xi2, co, ccs2) <- flatten fl s2 -- Flatten RHS co : xi2 ~ s2
- ; mxi2' <- canOccursCheck fl tv xi2 -- Do an occurs check, and return a possibly
- -- unfolded version of the RHS, if we had to
- -- unfold any type synonyms to get rid of tv.
- ; case mxi2' of {
- Nothing -> canEqFailure fl eqv ;
- Just xi2' ->
- do { let no_flattening_happened = isReflCo co
- ; eqv_new <- if no_flattening_happened then return eqv
- else if isGivenOrSolved fl then return eqv
- else if isWanted fl then
- do { eqv' <- newEqVar (mkTyVarTy tv) xi2' -- cv' : tv ~ xi2
- ; setEqBind eqv $ mkTransCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv') co
- ; return eqv' }
- else -- Derived
- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (mkTyVarTy tv, xi2'))
- ; return $ ccs2 `extendCCans` CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv_new
- , cc_flavor = fl
- , cc_tyvar = tv
- , cc_rhs = xi2' } } } } }
- where
- k1 = tyVarKind tv
- k2 = typeKind s2
+ ; if (not are_compat && not can_unify) then
+ canEqFailure d fl eqv
+ else can_eq_kinds_ok d fl eqv s1 s2 }
+ where can_eq_kinds_ok d fl eqv s1 s2
+ | Just (fn,tys1) <- splitTyConApp_maybe s1
+ = canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl eqv (fn,tys1) s2
+ | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe s1
+ = canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl eqv tv s2
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "canEqLeafOriented" $
+ text "Non-variable or non-family equality LHS" <+> ppr eqv <+>
+ dcolon <+> ppr (evVarPred eqv)
+canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> CtFlavor
+ -> EqVar
+ -> (TyCon,[TcType]) -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl eqv (fn,tys1) ty2 -- eqv :: F tys1 ~ ty2
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec" $ ppr (evVarPred eqv)
+ ; (xis1,cos1) <- flattenMany d fl tys1 -- Flatten type function arguments
+ -- cos1 :: xis1 ~ tys1
+ ; let no_flattening = all isReflCo cos1
+ ; inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; let fam_eqs = inert_funeqs inerts
+ ; let is_cached = lookupFunEq (mkTyConApp fn xis1) fl fam_eqs
+ ; if no_flattening && isNothing is_cached then
+ canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl eqv (fn,xis1) ty2
+ else do
+ { let (final_co, final_ty)
+ | no_flattening -- Just in inerts
+ , Just (rhs_ty, ret_eq) <- is_cached
+ = (mkSymCo ret_eq, rhs_ty)
+ | Nothing <- is_cached -- Just flattening
+ = (mkTyConAppCo fn cos1, mkTyConApp fn xis1)
+ | Just (rhs_ty, ret_eq) <- is_cached -- Both
+ = (mkSymCo ret_eq `mkTransCo` mkTyConAppCo fn cos1, rhs_ty)
+ | otherwise = panic "No flattening and not cached!"
+ ; delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl final_ty ty2
+ ; let new_eqv = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv $
+ mkSymCo final_co `mkTransCo` (mkEqVarLCo new_eqv)
+ Given {} -> setEqBind new_eqv $ final_co `mkTransCo` (mkEqVarLCo eqv)
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ if isNothing is_cached then
+ canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl new_eqv (fn,xis1) ty2
+ else
+ canEq (d+1) fl new_eqv final_ty ty2
+ else return Stop
+ }
+ }
+lookupFunEq :: PredType -> CtFlavor -> TypeMap Ct -> Maybe (TcType,Coercion)
+lookupFunEq pty fl fam_eqs = lookup_funeq pty fam_eqs
+ where lookup_funeq pty fam_eqs
+ | Just ct <- lookupTM pty fam_eqs
+ , cc_flavor ct `canRewrite` fl
+ = Just (cc_rhs ct, mkEqVarLCo (cc_id ct))
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+{- Original, not using inert family equations:
+ ; if no_flattening then
+ canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl eqv (fn,xis1) ty2
+ else do -- There was flattening
+ { let (final_co, final_ty) = (mkTyConAppCo fn cos1, mkTyConApp fn xis1)
+ ; delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl final_ty ty2
+ ; let new_eqv = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv $ mkSymCo final_co `mkTransCo` (mkEqVarLCo new_eqv)
+ Given {} -> setEqBind new_eqv $ final_co `mkTransCo` (mkEqVarLCo eqv)
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl new_eqv (fn,xis1) ty2
+ else return Stop
+ }
+ }
+canEqLeafFunEqLeft :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar -> (TyCon,[Xi])
+ -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition: No more flattening is needed for the LHS
+canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl eqv (fn,xis1) s2
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeafFunEqLeft" $ ppr (evVarPred eqv)
+ ; (xi2,co2) <- flatten d fl s2 -- co2 :: xi2 ~ s2
+ ; let no_flattening_happened = isReflCo co2
+ ; if no_flattening_happened then
+ continueWith $ CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_fun = fn
+ , cc_tyargs = xis1
+ , cc_rhs = xi2
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else do { delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl (mkTyConApp fn xis1) xi2
+ ; let new_eqv = evc_the_evvar evc -- F xis1 ~ xi2
+ new_cv = mkEqVarLCo new_eqv
+ cv = mkEqVarLCo eqv -- F xis1 ~ s2
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv $ new_cv `mkTransCo` co2
+ Given {} -> setEqBind new_eqv $ cv `mkTransCo` mkSymCo co2
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ do { continueWith $
+ CFunEqCan { cc_id = new_eqv
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_fun = fn
+ , cc_tyargs = xis1
+ , cc_rhs = xi2
+ , cc_depth = d } }
+ else return Stop } }
+canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar
+ -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl eqv tv s2 -- eqv :: tv ~ s2
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec" $ ppr (evVarPred eqv)
+ ; (xi1,co1) <- flatten d fl (mkTyVarTy tv) -- co1 :: xi1 ~ tv
+ ; if isReflCo co1 then
+ canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl eqv tv s2
+ else do { delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl xi1 s2 -- new_ev :: xi1 ~ s2
+ ; let new_ev = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv $
+ mkSymCo co1 `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo new_ev
+ Given {} -> setEqBind new_ev $
+ co1 `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ do { canEq d fl new_ev xi1 s2 }
+ else return Stop
+ }
+ }
+canEqLeafTyVarLeft :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
+ -> CtFlavor -> EqVar
+ -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition LHS is fully rewritten from inerts (but not RHS)
+canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl eqv tv s2 -- eqv : tv ~ s2
+ = do { traceTcS "canEqLeafTyVarLeft" (ppr (evVarPred eqv))
+ ; (xi2, co) <- flatten d fl s2 -- Flatten RHS co : xi2 ~ s2
+ ; traceTcS "canEqLeafTyVarLeft" (nest 2 (vcat [ text "tv =" <+> ppr tv
+ , text "s2 =" <+> ppr s2
+ , text "xi2 =" <+> ppr xi2]))
+ -- Flattening the RHS may reveal an identity coercion, which should
+ -- not be reported as occurs check error!
+ ; let is_same_tv
+ | Just tv' <- getTyVar_maybe xi2, tv' == tv
+ = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ ; if is_same_tv then
+ do { delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; when (isWanted fl) $ setEqBind eqv co
+ ; return Stop }
+ else
+ do { -- Do an occurs check, and return a possibly
+ -- unfolded version of the RHS, if we had to
+ -- unfold any type synonyms to get rid of tv.
+ occ_check_result <- canOccursCheck fl tv xi2
+ ; let xi2'
+ | Just xi2_unfolded <- occ_check_result
+ = xi2_unfolded
+ | otherwise = xi2
+ ; let no_flattening_happened = isReflCo co
+ ; if no_flattening_happened then
+ if isNothing occ_check_result then
+ canEqFailure d fl eqv
+ else
+ continueWith $ CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = xi2'
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else -- Flattening happened, in any case we have to create new variable
+ -- even if we report an occurs check error
+ do { delCachedEvVar eqv
+ ; evc <- newEqVar fl (mkTyVarTy tv) xi2'
+ ; let eqv' = evc_the_evvar evc -- eqv' : tv ~ xi2'
+ cv = mkEqVarLCo eqv -- cv : tv ~ s2
+ cv' = mkEqVarLCo eqv' -- cv': tv ~ xi2'
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv (cv' `mkTransCo` co) -- tv ~ xi2' ~ s2
+ Given {} -> setEqBind eqv' (cv `mkTransCo` mkSymCo co) -- tv ~ s2 ~ xi2'
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; if isNewEvVar evc then
+ if isNothing occ_check_result then
+ canEqFailure d fl eqv'
+ else continueWith CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv'
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_rhs = xi2'
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ else
+ return Stop } } }
-- See Note [Type synonyms and canonicalization].
-- Check whether the given variable occurs in the given type. We may
@@ -898,7 +1296,7 @@ even though we could also expand F to get rid of b.
expandAway :: TcTyVar -> Xi -> Maybe Xi
-expandAway tv t@(TyVarTy tv')
+expandAway tv t@(TyVarTy tv')
| tv == tv' = Nothing
| otherwise = Just t
expandAway tv xi
@@ -1041,7 +1439,7 @@ rewriteWithFunDeps :: [Equation]
-- Because our intention could be to make
-- it derived at the end of the day
-- NB: The flavor of the returned EvVars will be decided by the caller
--- Post: returns no trivial equalities (identities)
+-- Post: returns no trivial equalities (identities) and all EvVars returned are fresh
rewriteWithFunDeps eqn_pred_locs xis wloc
= do { fd_ev_poss <- mapM (instFunDepEqn wloc) eqn_pred_locs
; let fd_ev_pos :: [(Int,(EqVar,WantedLoc))]
@@ -1063,9 +1461,14 @@ instFunDepEqn wl (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = eqs
= let sty1 = Type.substTy subst ty1
sty2 = Type.substTy subst ty2
in if eqType sty1 sty2 then return ievs -- Return no trivial equalities
- else do { eqv <- newEqVar sty1 sty2
+ else do { eqv <- newEqVar (Derived wl) sty1 sty2 -- Create derived or cached by deriveds
; let wl' = push_ctx wl
- ; return $ (i,(eqv,wl')):ievs }
+ ; if isNewEvVar eqv then
+ return $ (i,(evc_the_evvar eqv,wl')):ievs
+ else -- We are eventually going to emit FD work back in the work list so
+ -- it is important that we only return the /freshly created/ and not
+ -- some existing equality!
+ return ievs }
push_ctx :: WantedLoc -> WantedLoc
push_ctx loc = pushErrCtxt FunDepOrigin (False, mkEqnMsg d1 d2) loc
@@ -1099,18 +1502,22 @@ rewriteDictParams param_eqs tys
| otherwise
= panic "rewriteDictParams: non equality fundep!?"
-mkCanonicalFDAsWanted :: [(EvVar,WantedLoc)] -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonicalFDAsWanted evlocs
- = do { ws <- mapM can_as_wanted evlocs
- ; return (unionWorkLists ws) }
- where can_as_wanted (ev,loc) = mkCanonicalFEV (EvVarX ev (Wanted loc))
-mkCanonicalFDAsDerived :: [(EvVar,WantedLoc)] -> TcS WorkList
-mkCanonicalFDAsDerived evlocs
- = do { ws <- mapM can_as_derived evlocs
- ; return (unionWorkLists ws) }
- where can_as_derived (ev,loc) = mkCanonicalFEV (EvVarX ev (Derived loc))
+emitFDWork :: Bool
+ -> [(EvVar,WantedLoc)]
+ -> SubGoalDepth -> TcS ()
+emitFDWork as_wanted evlocs d
+ = updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListEqs fd_cts
+ where fd_cts = map mk_fd_ct evlocs
+ mk_fl wl = if as_wanted then (Wanted wl) else (Derived wl)
+ mk_fd_ct (v,wl) = CNonCanonical { cc_id = v
+ , cc_flavor = mk_fl wl
+ , cc_depth = d }
+emitFDWorkAsDerived, emitFDWorkAsWanted :: [(EvVar,WantedLoc)]
+ -> SubGoalDepth
+ -> TcS ()
+emitFDWorkAsDerived = emitFDWork False
+emitFDWorkAsWanted = emitFDWork True
\end{code} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
index b8acec65ba..893cd7a9ed 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ reportTidyWanteds ctxt (WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_insol = insols, wc_impl = impli
-- because they are unconditionally wrong
-- Moreover, if any of the insolubles are givens, stop right there
-- ignoring nested errors, because the code is inaccessible
- = do { let (given, other) = partitionBag (isGivenOrSolved . evVarX) insols
+ = do { let (given, other) = partitionBag (isGivenOrSolved . cc_flavor) insols
insol_implics = filterBag ic_insol implics
; if isEmptyBag given
then do { mapBagM_ (reportInsoluble ctxt) other
@@ -123,7 +123,10 @@ reportTidyWanteds ctxt (WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_insol = insols, wc_impl = impli
| otherwise -- No insoluble ones
= ASSERT( isEmptyBag insols )
- do { let (ambigs, non_ambigs) = partition is_ambiguous (bagToList flats)
+ do { let flat_evs = bagToList $ mapBag to_wev flats
+ to_wev ct | Wanted wl <- cc_flavor ct = mkEvVarX (cc_id ct) wl
+ | otherwise = panic "reportTidyWanteds: unsolved is not wanted!"
+ (ambigs, non_ambigs) = partition is_ambiguous flat_evs
(tv_eqs, others) = partitionWith is_tv_eq non_ambigs
; groupErrs (reportEqErrs ctxt) tv_eqs
@@ -153,16 +156,19 @@ reportTidyWanteds ctxt (WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_insol = insols, wc_impl = impli
pred = evVarOfPred d
-reportInsoluble :: ReportErrCtxt -> FlavoredEvVar -> TcM ()
-reportInsoluble ctxt (EvVarX ev flav)
- | Just (ty1, ty2) <- getEqPredTys_maybe (evVarPred ev)
+reportInsoluble :: ReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> TcM ()
+-- Precondition: insolubles are always NonCanonicals!
+reportInsoluble ctxt ct
+ | ev <- cc_id ct
+ , flav <- cc_flavor ct
+ , Just (ty1, ty2) <- getEqPredTys_maybe (evVarPred ev)
= setCtFlavorLoc flav $
do { let ctxt2 = ctxt { cec_extra = cec_extra ctxt $$ inaccessible_msg }
; reportEqErr ctxt2 ty1 ty2 }
| otherwise
- = pprPanic "reportInsoluble" (pprEvVarWithType ev)
+ = pprPanic "reportInsoluble" (pprEvVarWithType (cc_id ct))
- inaccessible_msg | Given loc GivenOrig <- flav
+ inaccessible_msg | Given loc GivenOrig <- (cc_flavor ct)
-- If a GivenSolved then we should not report inaccessible code
= hang (ptext (sLit "Inaccessible code in"))
2 (ppr (ctLocOrigin loc))
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ reportFlat ctxt flats origin
; unless (null ips) $ reportIPErrs ctxt ips origin
; unless (null irreds) $ reportIrredsErrs ctxt irreds origin }
- (dicts, eqs, ips, irreds) = go_many (map predTypePredTree flats)
+ (dicts, eqs, ips, irreds) = go_many (map classifyPredType flats)
go_many [] = ([], [], [], [])
go_many (t:ts) = (as ++ as', bs ++ bs', cs ++ cs', ds ++ ds')
@@ -318,7 +324,7 @@ getWantedEqExtra (TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act, uo_expected = exp
-- don't add the extra expected/actual message
| act `eqType` ty1 && exp `eqType` ty2 = empty
| exp `eqType` ty1 && act `eqType` ty2 = empty
- | otherwise = mkExpectedActualMsg act exp
+ | otherwise = mkExpectedActualMsg act exp
getWantedEqExtra orig _ _ = pprArising orig
@@ -842,22 +848,26 @@ find_thing tidy_env ignore_it (ATyVar tv ty)
find_thing _ _ thing = pprPanic "find_thing" (ppr thing)
-warnDefaulting :: [FlavoredEvVar] -> Type -> TcM ()
+warnDefaulting :: [Ct] -> Type -> TcM ()
warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty
= do { warn_default <- woptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let wanted_bag = listToBag wanteds
tidy_env = tidyFreeTyVars env0 $
- tyVarsOfEvVarXs wanted_bag
- tidy_wanteds = mapBag (tidyFlavoredEvVar tidy_env) wanted_bag
- (loc, ppr_wanteds) = pprWithArising (map get_wev (bagToList tidy_wanteds))
+ tyVarsOfCts wanted_bag
+ tidy_wanteds = mapBag (tidyCt tidy_env) wanted_bag
+ (loc, ppr_wanteds) = pprWithArising (map mk_wev (bagToList tidy_wanteds))
warn_msg = hang (ptext (sLit "Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type")
<+> quotes (ppr default_ty))
2 ppr_wanteds
; setCtLoc loc $ warnTc warn_default warn_msg }
- where
- get_wev (EvVarX ev (Wanted loc)) = EvVarX ev loc -- Yuk
- get_wev ev = pprPanic "warnDefaulting" (ppr ev)
+ where mk_wev :: Ct -> WantedEvVar
+ mk_wev ct
+ | ev <- cc_id ct
+ , Wanted wloc <- cc_flavor ct
+ = EvVarX ev wloc -- must return a WantedEvVar
+ mk_wev _ct = panic "warnDefaulting: encountered non-wanted for defaulting"
Note [Runtime skolems]
@@ -874,7 +884,7 @@ are created by in RtClosureInspect.zonkRTTIType.
-solverDepthErrorTcS :: Int -> [CanonicalCt] -> TcS a
+solverDepthErrorTcS :: Int -> [Ct] -> TcS a
solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
| null stack -- Shouldn't happen unless you say -fcontext-stack=0
= wrapErrTcS $ failWith msg
@@ -891,8 +901,8 @@ solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
msg = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Context reduction stack overflow; size =") <+> int depth
, ptext (sLit "Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N") ]
-flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> Bag CanonicalCt -> TcS a
-flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty _bad_eqs
+flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcS a
+flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty
= wrapErrTcS $
setCtFlavorLoc fl $
do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index e1ab27c3b2..ce6b48c7fa 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -206,6 +206,10 @@ data ZonkEnv
-- Only *type* abstraction is done by side effect
-- Is only consulted lazily; hence knot-tying
+instance Outputable ZonkEnv where
+ ppr (ZonkEnv _ _ty_env var_env) = vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts var_env))
emptyZonkEnv :: ZonkEnv
emptyZonkEnv = ZonkEnv zonkTypeZapping emptyVarEnv emptyVarEnv
@@ -1078,7 +1082,7 @@ zonkEvTerm env (EvCoercionBox co) = do { co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
; return (EvCoercionBox co') }
zonkEvTerm env (EvCast v co) = ASSERT( isId v)
do { co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
- ; return (EvCast (zonkIdOcc env v) co') }
+ ; return (mkEvCast (zonkIdOcc env v) co') }
zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleSel v n) = return (EvTupleSel (zonkIdOcc env v) n)
zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleMk vs) = return (EvTupleMk (map (zonkIdOcc env) vs))
zonkEvTerm env (EvSuperClass d n) = return (EvSuperClass (zonkIdOcc env d) n)
@@ -1225,10 +1229,14 @@ zonkTypeZapping tv
zonkTcLCoToLCo :: ZonkEnv -> LCoercion -> TcM LCoercion
+-- NB: zonking often reveals that the coercion is an identity
+-- in which case the Refl-ness can propagate up to the top
+-- which in turn gives more efficient desugaring. So it's
+-- worth using the 'mk' smart constructors on the RHS
zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
= go co
- go (CoVarCo cv) = return (CoVarCo (zonkEvVarOcc env cv))
+ go (CoVarCo cv) = return (mkEqVarLCo (zonkEvVarOcc env cv))
go (Refl ty) = do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeToType env ty
; return (Refl ty') }
go (TyConAppCo tc cos) = do { cos' <- mapM go cos; return (mkTyConAppCo tc cos') }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index a4e87345f4..62ad43d4e7 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
-- for details
module TcInteract (
- solveInteract, solveInteractGiven, solveInteractWanted,
- AtomicInert, tyVarsOfInert,
- InertSet, emptyInert, updInertSet, extractUnsolved, solveOne,
+ solveInteractWanted, -- Solves [WantedEvVar]
+ solveInteractGiven, -- Solves [EvVar],GivenLoc
+ solveInteractCts, -- Solves [Cts]
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BasicTypes
+import BasicTypes ()
import TcCanonical
import VarSet
import Type
@@ -23,14 +23,15 @@ import Unify
import Id
import Var
+import VarEnv ( ) -- unitVarEnv, mkInScopeSet
import TcType
import HsBinds
-import Inst( tyVarsOfEvVar )
import Class
import TyCon
import Name
+import IParam
import FunDeps
@@ -43,274 +44,175 @@ import TcSMonad
import Maybes( orElse )
import Bag
+import Control.Monad ( foldM )
+import TrieMap
import Control.Monad( when )
-import Unique
import UniqFM
import FastString ( sLit )
import DynFlags
-Note [InertSet invariants]
-An InertSet is a bag of canonical constraints, with the following invariants:
- 1 No two constraints react with each other.
- A tricky case is when there exists a given (solved) dictionary
- constraint and a wanted identical constraint in the inert set, but do
- not react because reaction would create loopy dictionary evidence for
- the wanted. See note [Recursive instances and superclases]
- 2 Given equalities form an idempotent substitution [none of the
- given LHS's occur in any of the given RHS's or reactant parts]
- 3 Wanted equalities also form an idempotent substitution
- 4 The entire set of equalities is acyclic.
- 5 Wanted dictionaries are inert with the top-level axiom set
- 6 Equalities of the form tv1 ~ tv2 always have a touchable variable
- on the left (if possible).
- 7 No wanted constraints tv1 ~ tv2 with tv1 touchable. Such constraints
- will be marked as solved right before being pushed into the inert set.
- See note [Touchables and givens].
- 8 No Given constraint mentions a touchable unification variable, but
- Given/Solved may do so.
- 9 Given constraints will also have their superclasses in the inert set,
- but Given/Solved will not.
-Note that 6 and 7 are /not/ enforced by canonicalization but rather by
-insertion in the inert list, ie by TcInteract.
-During the process of solving, the inert set will contain some
-previously given constraints, some wanted constraints, and some given
-constraints which have arisen from solving wanted constraints. For
-now we do not distinguish between given and solved constraints.
-Note that we must switch wanted inert items to given when going under an
-implication constraint (when in top-level inference mode).
-data CCanMap a = CCanMap { cts_given :: UniqFM CanonicalCts
- -- Invariant: all Given
- , cts_derived :: UniqFM CanonicalCts
- -- Invariant: all Derived
- , cts_wanted :: UniqFM CanonicalCts }
- -- Invariant: all Wanted
-cCanMapToBag :: CCanMap a -> CanonicalCts
-cCanMapToBag cmap = foldUFM unionBags rest_wder (cts_given cmap)
- where rest_wder = foldUFM unionBags rest_der (cts_wanted cmap)
- rest_der = foldUFM unionBags emptyCCan (cts_derived cmap)
-emptyCCanMap :: CCanMap a
-emptyCCanMap = CCanMap { cts_given = emptyUFM, cts_derived = emptyUFM, cts_wanted = emptyUFM }
-updCCanMap:: Uniquable a => (a,CanonicalCt) -> CCanMap a -> CCanMap a
-updCCanMap (a,ct) cmap
- = case cc_flavor ct of
- Wanted {} -> cmap { cts_wanted = insert_into (cts_wanted cmap) }
- Given {} -> cmap { cts_given = insert_into (cts_given cmap) }
- Derived {} -> cmap { cts_derived = insert_into (cts_derived cmap) }
- where
- insert_into m = addToUFM_C unionBags m a (singleCCan ct)
-getRelevantCts :: Uniquable a => a -> CCanMap a -> (CanonicalCts, CCanMap a)
--- Gets the relevant constraints and returns the rest of the CCanMap
-getRelevantCts a cmap
- = let relevant = lookup (cts_wanted cmap) `unionBags`
- lookup (cts_given cmap) `unionBags`
- lookup (cts_derived cmap)
- residual_map = cmap { cts_wanted = delFromUFM (cts_wanted cmap) a
- , cts_given = delFromUFM (cts_given cmap) a
- , cts_derived = delFromUFM (cts_derived cmap) a }
- in (relevant, residual_map)
- where
- lookup map = lookupUFM map a `orElse` emptyCCan
-extractUnsolvedCMap :: CCanMap a -> (CanonicalCts, CCanMap a)
--- Gets the wanted or derived constraints and returns a residual
--- CCanMap with only givens.
-extractUnsolvedCMap cmap =
- let wntd = foldUFM unionBags emptyCCan (cts_wanted cmap)
- derd = foldUFM unionBags emptyCCan (cts_derived cmap)
- in (wntd `unionBags` derd,
- cmap { cts_wanted = emptyUFM, cts_derived = emptyUFM })
--- See Note [InertSet invariants]
-data InertSet
- = IS { inert_eqs :: CanonicalCts -- Equalities only (CTyEqCan)
- , inert_dicts :: CCanMap Class -- Dictionaries only
- , inert_ips :: CCanMap (IPName Name) -- Implicit parameters
- , inert_irreds :: CanonicalCts -- Irreducible predicates
- , inert_frozen :: CanonicalCts
- , inert_funeqs :: CCanMap TyCon -- Type family equalities only
- -- This representation allows us to quickly get to the relevant
- -- inert constraints when interacting a work item with the inert set.
- }
-tyVarsOfInert :: InertSet -> TcTyVarSet
-tyVarsOfInert (IS { inert_eqs = eqs
- , inert_dicts = dictmap
- , inert_ips = ipmap
- , inert_irreds = irreds
- , inert_frozen = frozen
- , inert_funeqs = funeqmap }) = tyVarsOfCanonicals cts
- where
- cts = eqs `andCCan` frozen `andCCan` irreds `andCCan` cCanMapToBag dictmap
- `andCCan` cCanMapToBag ipmap `andCCan` cCanMapToBag funeqmap
-instance Outputable InertSet where
- ppr is = vcat [ vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_eqs is))
- , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_irreds is))
- , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts is)))
- , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_ips is)))
- , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs is)))
- , text "Frozen errors =" <+> -- Clearly print frozen errors
- vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_frozen is))
- ]
-emptyInert :: InertSet
-emptyInert = IS { inert_eqs = Bag.emptyBag
- , inert_frozen = Bag.emptyBag
- , inert_irreds = Bag.emptyBag
- , inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_funeqs = emptyCCanMap }
-updInertSet :: InertSet -> AtomicInert -> InertSet
-updInertSet is item
- | isCTyEqCan item -- Other equality
- = let eqs' = inert_eqs is `Bag.snocBag` item
- in is { inert_eqs = eqs' }
- | Just cls <- isCDictCan_Maybe item -- Dictionary
- = is { inert_dicts = updCCanMap (cls,item) (inert_dicts is) }
- | Just x <- isCIPCan_Maybe item -- IP
- = is { inert_ips = updCCanMap (x,item) (inert_ips is) }
- | isCIrredEvCan item -- Presently-irreducible evidence
- = is { inert_irreds = inert_irreds is `Bag.snocBag` item }
- | Just tc <- isCFunEqCan_Maybe item -- Function equality
- = is { inert_funeqs = updCCanMap (tc,item) (inert_funeqs is) }
- | otherwise
- = is { inert_frozen = inert_frozen is `Bag.snocBag` item }
-extractUnsolved :: InertSet -> (InertSet, CanonicalCts)
--- Postcondition: the returned canonical cts are either Derived, or Wanted.
-extractUnsolved is@(IS {inert_eqs = eqs, inert_irreds = irreds})
- = let is_solved = is { inert_eqs = solved_eqs
- , inert_dicts = solved_dicts
- , inert_ips = solved_ips
- , inert_irreds = solved_irreds
- , inert_frozen = emptyCCan
- , inert_funeqs = solved_funeqs }
- in (is_solved, unsolved)
- where (unsolved_eqs, solved_eqs) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenOrSolvedCt) eqs
- (unsolved_irreds, solved_irreds) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenOrSolvedCt) irreds
- (unsolved_ips, solved_ips) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_ips is)
- (unsolved_dicts, solved_dicts) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_dicts is)
- (unsolved_funeqs, solved_funeqs) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_funeqs is)
- unsolved = unsolved_eqs `unionBags` inert_frozen is `unionBags` unsolved_irreds `unionBags`
- unsolved_ips `unionBags` unsolved_dicts `unionBags` unsolved_funeqs
-%* *
+* *
* Main Interaction Solver *
* *
-Note [Basic plan]
-1. Canonicalise (unary)
-2. Pairwise interaction (binary)
- * Take one from work list
- * Try all pair-wise interactions with each constraint in inert
- As an optimisation, we prioritize the equalities both in the
- worklist and in the inerts.
+Note [Basic Simplifier Plan]
-3. Try to solve spontaneously for equalities involving touchables
-4. Top-level interaction (binary wrt top-level)
- Superclass decomposition belongs in (1), see note [Adding superclasses]
+1. Pick an element from the WorkList if there exists one with depth
+ less thanour context-stack depth.
+2. Run it down the 'stage' pipeline. Stages are:
+ - canonicalization
+ - inert reactions
+ - spontaneous reactions
+ - top-level intreactions
+ Each stage returns a StopOrContinue and may have sideffected
+ the inerts or worklist.
+ The threading of the stages is as follows:
+ - If (Stop) is returned by a stage then we start again from Step 1.
+ - If (ContinueWith ct) is returned by a stage, we feed 'ct' on to
+ the next stage in the pipeline.
+4. If the element has survived (i.e. ContinueWith x) the last stage
+ then we add him in the inerts and jump back to Step 1.
+If in Step 1 no such element exists, we have exceeded our context-stack
+depth and will simply fail.
-type AtomicInert = CanonicalCt -- constraint pulled from InertSet
-type WorkItem = CanonicalCt -- constraint pulled from WorkList
-data StopOrContinue
- = Stop -- Work item is consumed
- | ContinueWith WorkItem -- Not consumed
-instance Outputable StopOrContinue where
- ppr Stop = ptext (sLit "Stop")
- ppr (ContinueWith w) = ptext (sLit "ContinueWith") <+> ppr w
--- Results after interacting a WorkItem as far as possible with an InertSet
-data StageResult
- = SR { sr_inerts :: InertSet
- -- The new InertSet to use (REPLACES the old InertSet)
- , sr_new_work :: WorkList
- -- Any new work items generated (should be ADDED to the old WorkList)
- -- Invariant:
- -- sr_stop = Just workitem => workitem is *not* in sr_inerts and
- -- workitem is inert wrt to sr_inerts
- , sr_stop :: StopOrContinue
- }
-instance Outputable StageResult where
- ppr (SR { sr_inerts = inerts, sr_new_work = work, sr_stop = stop })
- = ptext (sLit "SR") <+>
- braces (sep [ ptext (sLit "inerts =") <+> ppr inerts <> comma
- , ptext (sLit "new work =") <+> ppr work <> comma
- , ptext (sLit "stop =") <+> ppr stop])
-type SubGoalDepth = Int -- Starts at zero; used to limit infinite
- -- recursion of sub-goals
-type SimplifierStage = SubGoalDepth -> WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS StageResult
--- Combine a sequence of simplifier 'stages' to create a pipeline
-runSolverPipeline :: SubGoalDepth
- -> [(String, SimplifierStage)]
- -> InertSet -> WorkItem
- -> TcS (InertSet, WorkList)
--- Precondition: non-empty list of stages
-runSolverPipeline depth pipeline inerts workItem
- = do { traceTcS "Start solver pipeline" $
- vcat [ ptext (sLit "work item =") <+> ppr workItem
- , ptext (sLit "inerts =") <+> ppr inerts]
- ; let itr_in = SR { sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
- ; itr_out <- run_pipeline pipeline itr_in
- ; let new_inert
- = case sr_stop itr_out of
- Stop -> sr_inerts itr_out
- ContinueWith item -> sr_inerts itr_out `updInertSet` item
- ; return (new_inert, sr_new_work itr_out) }
+solveInteractCts :: [Ct] -> TcS ()
+solveInteractCts cts
+ = do { evvar_cache <- getTcSEvVarCacheMap
+ ; (cts_thinner, new_evvar_cache) <- add_cts_in_cache evvar_cache cts
+ ; traceTcS "solveInteractCts" (vcat [ text "cts_original =" <+> ppr cts,
+ text "cts_thinner =" <+> ppr cts_thinner
+ ])
+ ; setTcSEvVarCacheMap new_evvar_cache
+ ; updWorkListTcS (appendWorkListCt cts_thinner) >> solveInteract }
+ where add_cts_in_cache evvar_cache = foldM solve_or_cache ([],evvar_cache)
+ solve_or_cache :: ([Ct],TypeMap (EvVar,CtFlavor))
+ -> Ct
+ -> TcS ([Ct],TypeMap (EvVar,CtFlavor))
+ solve_or_cache (acc_cts,acc_cache) ct
+ | isIPPred pty
+ = return (ct:acc_cts,acc_cache) -- Do not use the cache,
+ -- nor update it for IPPreds due to subtle shadowing
+ | Just (ev',fl') <- lookupTM pty acc_cache
+ , fl' `canSolve` fl
+ , isWanted fl
+ = do { setEvBind ev (EvId ev')
+ ; return (acc_cts,acc_cache) }
+ | otherwise -- If it's a given keep it in the work list, even if it exists in the cache!
+ = return (ct:acc_cts, alterTM pty (\_ -> Just (ev,fl)) acc_cache)
+ where fl = cc_flavor ct
+ ev = cc_id ct
+ pty = evVarPred ev
+solveInteractGiven :: GivenLoc -> [EvVar] -> TcS ()
+solveInteractGiven gloc evs
+ = solveInteractCts (map mk_noncan evs)
+ where mk_noncan ev = CNonCanonical { cc_id = ev
+ , cc_flavor = Given gloc GivenOrig
+ , cc_depth = 0 }
+solveInteractWanted :: [WantedEvVar] -> TcS ()
+-- Solve these wanteds along with current inerts and wanteds!
+solveInteractWanted wevs
+ = solveInteractCts (map mk_noncan wevs)
+ where mk_noncan (EvVarX v w)
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = Wanted w, cc_depth = 0 }
+-- The main solver loop implements Note [Basic Simplifier Plan]
+solveInteract :: TcS ()
+-- Returns the final InertSet in TcS, WorkList will be eventually empty.
+ = do { dyn_flags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let max_depth = ctxtStkDepth dyn_flags
+ solve_loop
+ = do { sel <- selectNextWorkItem max_depth
+ ; case sel of
+ NoWorkRemaining -- Done, successfuly (modulo frozen)
+ -> return ()
+ MaxDepthExceeded ct -- Failure, depth exceeded
+ -> solverDepthErrorTcS (cc_depth ct) [ct]
+ NextWorkItem ct -- More work, loop around!
+ -> runSolverPipeline thePipeline ct >> solve_loop }
+ ; solve_loop }
+type WorkItem = Ct
+type SimplifierStage = WorkItem -> TcS StopOrContinue
+continueWith :: WorkItem -> TcS StopOrContinue
+continueWith work_item = return (ContinueWith work_item)
+data SelectWorkItem
+ = NoWorkRemaining -- No more work left (effectively we're done!)
+ | MaxDepthExceeded Ct -- More work left to do but this constraint has exceeded
+ -- the max subgoal depth and we must stop
+ | NextWorkItem Ct -- More work left, here's the next item to look at
+selectNextWorkItem :: SubGoalDepth -- Max depth allowed
+ -> TcS SelectWorkItem
+selectNextWorkItem max_depth
+ = updWorkListTcS_return pick_next
- run_pipeline :: [(String, SimplifierStage)]
- -> StageResult -> TcS StageResult
- run_pipeline [] itr = return itr
- run_pipeline _ itr@(SR { sr_stop = Stop }) = return itr
- run_pipeline ((name,stage):stages)
- (SR { sr_new_work = accum_work
- , sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith work_item })
- = do { itr <- stage depth work_item inerts
- ; traceTcS ("Stage result (" ++ name ++ ")") (ppr itr)
- ; let itr' = itr { sr_new_work = accum_work `unionWorkList` sr_new_work itr }
- ; run_pipeline stages itr' }
+ pick_next :: WorkList -> (SelectWorkItem, WorkList)
+ -- A simple priorititization of equalities (for now)
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------
+ pick_next wl@(WorkList { wl_eqs = eqs, wl_rest = rest })
+ = case (eqs,rest) of
+ ([],[]) -- No more work
+ -> (NoWorkRemaining,wl)
+ ((ct:cts),_)
+ | cc_depth ct > max_depth -- Depth exceeded
+ -> (MaxDepthExceeded ct,wl)
+ | otherwise -- Equality work
+ -> (NextWorkItem ct, wl { wl_eqs = cts })
+ ([],(ct:cts))
+ | cc_depth ct > max_depth -- Depth exceeded
+ -> (MaxDepthExceeded ct,wl)
+ | otherwise -- Non-equality work
+ -> (NextWorkItem ct, wl {wl_rest = cts})
+runSolverPipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)] -- The pipeline
+ -> WorkItem -- The work item
+ -> TcS ()
+-- Run this item down the pipeline, leaving behind new work and inerts
+runSolverPipeline pipeline workItem
+ = do { initial_is <- getTcSInerts
+ ; traceTcS "Start solver pipeline {" $
+ vcat [ ptext (sLit "work item = ") <+> ppr workItem
+ , ptext (sLit "inerts = ") <+> ppr initial_is]
+ ; final_res <- run_pipeline pipeline (ContinueWith workItem)
+ ; final_is <- getTcSInerts
+ ; case final_res of
+ Stop -> do { traceTcS "End solver pipeline (discharged) }"
+ (ptext (sLit "inerts = ") <+> ppr final_is)
+ ; return () }
+ ContinueWith ct -> do { traceTcS "End solver pipeline (not discharged) }" $
+ vcat [ ptext (sLit "final_item = ") <+> ppr ct
+ , ptext (sLit "inerts = ") <+> ppr final_is]
+ ; updInertSetTcS ct }
+ }
+ where run_pipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)] -> StopOrContinue -> TcS StopOrContinue
+ run_pipeline [] res = return res
+ run_pipeline _ Stop = return Stop
+ run_pipeline ((stg_name,stg):stgs) (ContinueWith ct)
+ = do { traceTcS ("runStage " ++ stg_name ++ " {")
+ (text "workitem = " <+> ppr ct)
+ ; res <- stg ct
+ ; traceTcS ("end stage " ++ stg_name ++ " }") empty
+ ; run_pipeline stgs res
+ }
Example 1:
@@ -337,175 +239,26 @@ React with (a ~ Int) ==> IR (ContinueWith (F Int ~ b)) True []
React with (F Int ~ b) ==> IR Stop True [] -- after substituting we re-canonicalize and get nothing
--- Main interaction solver: we fully solve the worklist 'in one go',
--- returning an extended inert set.
--- See Note [Touchables and givens].
-solveInteractGiven :: InertSet -> GivenLoc -> [EvVar] -> TcS InertSet
-solveInteractGiven inert gloc evs
- = do { (_, inert_ret) <- solveInteract inert $ listToBag $
- map mk_given evs
- ; return inert_ret }
- where
- flav = Given gloc GivenOrig
- mk_given ev = mkEvVarX ev flav
-solveInteractWanted :: InertSet -> [WantedEvVar] -> TcS InertSet
-solveInteractWanted inert wvs
- = do { (_,inert_ret) <- solveInteract inert $ listToBag $
- map wantedToFlavored wvs
- ; return inert_ret }
-solveInteract :: InertSet -> Bag FlavoredEvVar -> TcS (Bool, InertSet)
--- Post: (True, inert_set) means we managed to discharge all constraints
--- without actually doing any interactions!
--- (False, inert_set) means some interactions occurred
-solveInteract inert ws
- = do { dyn_flags <- getDynFlags
- ; sctx <- getTcSContext
- ; traceTcS "solveInteract, before clever canonicalization:" $
- vcat [ text "ws = " <+> ppr (mapBag (\(EvVarX ev ct)
- -> (ct,evVarPred ev)) ws)
- , text "inert = " <+> ppr inert ]
- ; can_ws <- mkCanonicalFEVs ws
- ; (flag, inert_ret)
- <- foldrWorkListM (tryPreSolveAndInteract sctx dyn_flags) (True,inert) can_ws
- ; traceTcS "solveInteract, after clever canonicalization (and interaction):" $
- vcat [ text "No interaction happened = " <+> ppr flag
- , text "inert_ret = " <+> ppr inert_ret ]
- ; return (flag, inert_ret) }
-tryPreSolveAndInteract :: SimplContext
- -> DynFlags
- -> CanonicalCt
- -> (Bool, InertSet)
- -> TcS (Bool, InertSet)
--- Returns: True if it was able to discharge this constraint AND all previous ones
-tryPreSolveAndInteract sctx dyn_flags ct (all_previous_discharged, inert)
- = do { let inert_cts = get_inert_cts (predTypePredTree (evVarPred ev_var))
- ; this_one_discharged <-
- if isCFrozenErr ct then
- return False
- else
- dischargeFromCCans inert_cts ev_var fl
- ; if this_one_discharged
- then return (all_previous_discharged, inert)
- else do
- { inert_ret <- solveOneWithDepth (ctxtStkDepth dyn_flags,0,[]) ct inert
- ; return (False, inert_ret) } }
- where
- ev_var = cc_id ct
- fl = cc_flavor ct
- get_inert_cts (ClassPred clas _)
- | simplEqsOnly sctx = emptyCCan
- | otherwise = fst (getRelevantCts clas (inert_dicts inert))
- get_inert_cts (IPPred {})
- = emptyCCan -- We must not do the same thing for IParams, because (contrary
- -- to dictionaries), work items /must/ override inert items.
- -- See Note [Overriding implicit parameters] in TcInteract.
- get_inert_cts (EqPred {})
- = inert_eqs inert `unionBags` cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs inert)
- get_inert_cts (TuplePred ts)
- = andCCans $ map get_inert_cts ts
- get_inert_cts (IrredPred {})
- = inert_irreds inert
-dischargeFromCCans :: CanonicalCts -> EvVar -> CtFlavor -> TcS Bool
--- See if this (pre-canonicalised) work-item is identical to a
--- one already in the inert set. Reasons:
--- a) Avoid creating superclass constraints for millions of incoming (Num a) constraints
--- b) Termination for improve_eqs in TcSimplify.simpl_loop
-dischargeFromCCans cans ev fl
- = Bag.foldrBag discharge_ct (return False) cans
- where
- the_pred = evVarPred ev
- discharge_ct :: CanonicalCt -> TcS Bool -> TcS Bool
- discharge_ct ct _rest
- | evVarPred (cc_id ct) `eqPred` the_pred
- , cc_flavor ct `canSolve` fl
- = do { when (isWanted fl) $ setEvBind ev (EvId (cc_id ct))
- -- Deriveds need no evidence
- -- For Givens, we already have evidence, and we don't need it twice
- ; return True }
- discharge_ct _ct rest = rest
+thePipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)]
+thePipeline = [ ("canonicalization", canonicalizationStage)
+ -- If ContinueWith, will be canonical and fully rewritten wrt inert eqs
+ , ("interact the inert eqs", interactWithInertEqsStage)
+ -- If ContinueWith, will be wanted/derived eq or non-eq
+ -- but can't rewrite not can be rewritten by the inerts
+ , ("spontaneous solve", spontaneousSolveStage)
+ -- If ContinueWith its not spontaneously solved equality
+ , ("interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
+ , ("top-level reactions", topReactionsStage) ]
-Note [Avoiding the superclass explosion]
-This note now is not as significant as it used to be because we no
-longer add the superclasses of Wanted as Derived, except only if they
-have equality superclasses or superclasses with functional
-dependencies. The fear was that hundreds of identical wanteds would
-give rise each to the same superclass or equality Derived's which
-would lead to a blo-up in the number of interactions.
-Instead, what we do with tryPreSolveAndCanon, is when we encounter a
-new constraint, we very quickly see if it can be immediately
-discharged by a class constraint in our inert set or the previous
-canonicals. If so, we add nothing to the returned canonical
-solveOne :: WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
-solveOne workItem inerts
- = do { dyn_flags <- getDynFlags
- ; solveOneWithDepth (ctxtStkDepth dyn_flags,0,[]) workItem inerts
- }
-solveInteractWithDepth :: (Int, Int, [WorkItem])
- -> WorkList -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
-solveInteractWithDepth ctxt@(max_depth,n,stack) ws inert
- | isEmptyWorkList ws
- = return inert
- | n > max_depth
- = solverDepthErrorTcS n stack
- | otherwise
- = do { traceTcS "solveInteractWithDepth" $
- vcat [ text "Current depth =" <+> ppr n
- , text "Max depth =" <+> ppr max_depth
- , text "ws =" <+> ppr ws ]
+-- The canonicalization stage, see TcCanonical for details
+canonicalizationStage :: SimplifierStage
+canonicalizationStage = TcCanonical.canonicalize
- ; foldrWorkListM (solveOneWithDepth ctxt) inert ws }
- -- use foldr to preserve the order
--- Fully interact the given work item with an inert set, and return a
--- new inert set which has assimilated the new information.
-solveOneWithDepth :: (Int, Int, [WorkItem])
- -> WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
-solveOneWithDepth (max_depth, depth, stack) work inert
- = do { traceFireTcS depth (text "Solving {" <+> ppr work)
- ; (new_inert, new_work) <- runSolverPipeline depth thePipeline inert work
- -- Recursively solve the new work generated
- -- from workItem, with a greater depth
- ; res_inert <- solveInteractWithDepth (max_depth, depth+1, work:stack) new_work new_inert
- ; traceFireTcS depth (text "Done }" <+> ppr work)
- ; return res_inert }
-thePipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)]
-thePipeline = [ ("interact with inert eqs", interactWithInertEqsStage)
- , ("interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
- , ("spontaneous solve", spontaneousSolveStage)
- , ("top-level reactions", topReactionsStage) ]
@@ -541,72 +294,136 @@ Case 3: IP improvement work
spontaneousSolveStage :: SimplifierStage
-spontaneousSolveStage depth workItem inerts
+spontaneousSolveStage workItem
= do { mSolve <- trySpontaneousSolve workItem
+ ; spont_solve mSolve }
+ where spont_solve SPCantSolve = continueWith workItem
+ spont_solve (SPSolved workItem')
+ = do { bumpStepCountTcS
+ ; traceFireTcS (cc_depth workItem) $
+ ptext (sLit "Spontaneous")
+ <+> parens (ppr (cc_flavor workItem)) <+> ppr workItem
+ -- If original was /not/ given we may have to kick out now-rewritable inerts
+ ; when (not (isGivenOrSolvedCt workItem)) $
+ kickOutRewritableInerts workItem'
+ -- Add solved guy in inerts anyway
+ ; updInertSetTcS workItem'
+ -- .. and Stop
+ ; return Stop }
+kickOutRewritableInerts :: Ct -> TcS ()
+-- Pre: ct is a CTyEqCan
+-- Post: the TcS monad is left with the thinner non-rewritable inerts; the
+-- rewritable end up in the worklist
+kickOutRewritableInerts ct
+ = do { wl <- modifyInertTcS (kick_out_rewritable ct)
+ -- Rewrite the rewritable solved on the spot and stick them back in the inerts
+{- DV: I am commenting out the solved story altogether because I did not see any performance
+ improvement compared to just kicking out the solved ones any way. In fact there were
+ situations where performance got worse.
+ ; let subst = unitVarEnv (cc_tyvar ct) (ct, mkEqVarLCo (cc_id ct))
+ inscope = mkInScopeSet $ tyVarsOfCt ct
+ ; solved_rewritten <- mapBagM (rewrite_solved (subst,inscope)) solved_out
+ ; _unused <- modifyInertTcS (add_new_solveds solved_rewritten)
+ ; traceTcS "Kick out" (ppr ct $$ ppr wl)
+ ; updWorkListTcS (unionWorkList wl) }
+ where rewrite_solved inert_eqs solved_ct
+ = do { (new_ev,_) <- rewriteFromInertEqs inert_eqs fl ev
+ ; mk_canonical new_ev }
+ where fl = cc_flavor solved_ct
+ ev = cc_id solved_ct
+ d = cc_depth solved_ct
+ mk_canonical new_ev
+ -- A bit of an overkill to call the canonicalizer, but ok ...
+ = do { let new_pty = evVarPred new_ev
+ ; r <- canEvVar new_ev (classifyPredType new_pty) d fl
+ ; case r of
+ Stop -> pprPanic "kickOutRewritableInerts" $
+ vcat [ text "Should never Stop, solved constraint IS canonical!"
+ , text "Orig (solved) =" <+> ppr solved_ct
+ , text "Rewritten (solved)=" <+> ppr new_pty ]
+ ContinueWith ct -> return ct }
+ add_new_solveds cts is = ((), is { inert_solved = new_solved })
+ where orig_solveds = inert_solved is
+ do_one slvmap ct = let ct_key = mkPredKeyForTypeMap ct
+ in alterTM ct_key (\_ -> Just ct) slvmap
+ new_solved = foldlBag do_one orig_solveds cts
- ; case mSolve of
- SPCantSolve -> -- No spontaneous solution for him, keep going
- return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
- SPSolved workItem'
- | not (isGivenOrSolvedCt workItem)
- -- Original was wanted or derived but we have now made him
- -- given so we have to interact him with the inerts due to
- -- its status change. This in turn may produce more work.
- -- We do this *right now* (rather than just putting workItem'
- -- back into the work-list) because we've solved
- -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
- ; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Spontaneous (w/d)") <+> ppr workItem)
- ; (new_inert, new_work) <- runSolverPipeline depth
- [ ("recursive interact with inert eqs", interactWithInertEqsStage)
- , ("recursive interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
- ] inerts workItem'
- ; return $ SR { sr_new_work = new_work
- , sr_inerts = new_inert -- will include workItem'
- , sr_stop = Stop }
- }
- | otherwise
- -> -- Original was given; he must then be inert all right, and
- -- workList' are all givens from flattening
- do { bumpStepCountTcS
- ; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Spontaneous (g)") <+> ppr workItem)
- ; return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_inerts = inerts `updInertSet` workItem'
- , sr_stop = Stop } }
- SPError -> -- Return with no new work
- return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_stop = Stop }
- }
+kick_out_rewritable :: Ct -> InertSet -> (WorkList,InertSet)
+kick_out_rewritable ct (IS { inert_eqs = eqmap
+ , inert_eq_tvs = inscope
+ , inert_dicts = dictmap
+ , inert_ips = ipmap
+ , inert_funeqs = funeqmap
+ , inert_irreds = irreds
+ , inert_frozen = frozen
+ } )
+ = (kicked_out, remaining)
+ where
+ kicked_out = WorkList { wl_eqs = eqs_out ++ bagToList feqs_out
+ , wl_rest = bagToList (fro_out `andCts` dicts_out
+ `andCts` ips_out `andCts` irs_out) }
+ remaining = IS { inert_eqs = eqs_in
+ , inert_eq_tvs = inscope -- keep the same, safe and cheap
+ , inert_dicts = dicts_in
+ , inert_ips = ips_in
+ , inert_funeqs = feqs_in
+ , inert_irreds = irs_in
+ , inert_frozen = fro_in
+ }
+ fl = cc_flavor ct
+ tv = cc_tyvar ct
+ (eqs_out, eqs_in) = partitionEqMap rewritable eqmap
+ (ips_out, ips_in) = partitionCCanMap rewritable ipmap
+ (feqs_out, feqs_in) = partitionCtTypeMap rewritable funeqmap
+ (dicts_out, dicts_in) = partitionCCanMap rewritable dictmap
+ (irs_out, irs_in) = partitionBag rewritable irreds
+ (fro_out, fro_in) = partitionBag rewritable frozen
+ rewritable ct = (fl `canRewrite` cc_flavor ct) &&
+ (tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfCt ct)
+data SPSolveResult = SPCantSolve
+ | SPSolved WorkItem
-data SPSolveResult = SPCantSolve | SPSolved WorkItem | SPError
-- SPCantSolve means that we can't do the unification because e.g. the variable is untouchable
-- SPSolved workItem' gives us a new *given* to go on
--- SPError means that it's completely impossible to solve this equality, eg due to a kind error
-- @trySpontaneousSolve wi@ solves equalities where one side is a
-- touchable unification variable.
-- See Note [Touchables and givens]
trySpontaneousSolve :: WorkItem -> TcS SPSolveResult
-trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = gw, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi })
+trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = gw
+ , cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi, cc_depth = d })
| isGivenOrSolved gw
= return SPCantSolve
| Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi
= do { tch1 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv1
; tch2 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv2
; case (tch1, tch2) of
- (True, True) -> trySpontaneousEqTwoWay eqv gw tv1 tv2
- (True, False) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay eqv gw tv1 xi
- (False, True) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay eqv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
+ (True, True) -> trySpontaneousEqTwoWay d eqv gw tv1 tv2
+ (True, False) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay d eqv gw tv1 xi
+ (False, True) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay d eqv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
_ -> return SPCantSolve }
| otherwise
= do { tch1 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv1
- ; if tch1 then trySpontaneousEqOneWay eqv gw tv1 xi
- else do { traceTcS "Untouchable LHS, can't spontaneously solve workitem:"
- (ppr workItem)
+ ; if tch1 then trySpontaneousEqOneWay d eqv gw tv1 xi
+ else do { traceTcS "Untouchable LHS, can't spontaneously solve workitem:" $
+ ppr workItem
; return SPCantSolve }
@@ -616,40 +433,34 @@ trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = gw, cc_tyvar =
trySpontaneousSolve _ = return SPCantSolve
-trySpontaneousEqOneWay :: EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
+trySpontaneousEqOneWay :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- tv is a MetaTyVar, not untouchable
-trySpontaneousEqOneWay eqv gw tv xi
+trySpontaneousEqOneWay d eqv gw tv xi
| not (isSigTyVar tv) || isTyVarTy xi
= do { let kxi = typeKind xi -- NB: 'xi' is fully rewritten according to the inerts
-- so we have its more specific kind in our hands
; is_sub_kind <- kxi `isSubKindTcS` tyVarKind tv
; if is_sub_kind then
- solveWithIdentity eqv gw tv xi
+ solveWithIdentity d eqv gw tv xi
else return SPCantSolve
- else if tyVarKind tv `isSubKind` kxi then
- return SPCantSolve -- kinds are compatible but we can't solveWithIdentity this way
- -- This case covers the a_touchable :: * ~ b_untouchable :: ??
- -- which has to be deferred or floated out for someone else to solve
- -- it in a scope where 'b' is no longer untouchable.
- else do { addErrorTcS KindError gw (mkTyVarTy tv) xi -- See Note [Kind errors]
- ; return SPError }
| otherwise -- Still can't solve, sig tyvar and non-variable rhs
= return SPCantSolve
-trySpontaneousEqTwoWay :: EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcS SPSolveResult
+trySpontaneousEqTwoWay :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- Both tyvars are *touchable* MetaTyvars so there is only a chance for kind error here
-trySpontaneousEqTwoWay eqv gw tv1 tv2
+trySpontaneousEqTwoWay d eqv gw tv1 tv2
= do { k1_sub_k2 <- k1 `isSubKindTcS` k2
; if k1_sub_k2 && nicer_to_update_tv2
- then solveWithIdentity eqv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
+ then solveWithIdentity d eqv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
else do
{ k2_sub_k1 <- k2 `isSubKindTcS` k1
; MASSERT( k2_sub_k1 ) -- they were unified in TcCanonical
- ; solveWithIdentity eqv gw tv1 (mkTyVarTy tv2) } }
+ ; solveWithIdentity d eqv gw tv1 (mkTyVarTy tv2) } }
k1 = tyVarKind tv1
k2 = tyVarKind tv2
@@ -743,7 +554,8 @@ unification variables as RHS of type family equations: F xis ~ alpha.
-solveWithIdentity :: EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
+solveWithIdentity :: SubGoalDepth
+ -> EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- Solve with the identity coercion
-- Precondition: kind(xi) is a sub-kind of kind(tv)
-- Precondition: CtFlavor is Wanted or Derived
@@ -751,23 +563,45 @@ solveWithIdentity :: EqVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- must work for Derived as well as Wanted
-- Returns: workItem where
-- workItem = the new Given constraint
-solveWithIdentity eqv wd tv xi
+solveWithIdentity d eqv wd tv xi
= do { traceTcS "Sneaky unification:" $
vcat [text "Coercion variable: " <+> ppr wd,
text "Coercion: " <+> pprEq (mkTyVarTy tv) xi,
text "Left Kind is : " <+> ppr (typeKind (mkTyVarTy tv)),
text "Right Kind is : " <+> ppr (typeKind xi)
- ]
+ ]
; setWantedTyBind tv xi
; let refl_xi = mkReflCo xi
- ; eqv_given <- newGivenEqVar (mkTyVarTy tv) xi refl_xi
+ ; let solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor wd UnkSkol
+ ; eqv_given <- newGivenEqVar solved_fl (mkTyVarTy tv) xi refl_xi
; when (isWanted wd) (setEqBind eqv refl_xi)
-- We don't want to do this for Derived, that's why we use 'when (isWanted wd)'
- ; return $ SPSolved (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv_given
- , cc_flavor = mkSolvedFlavor wd UnkSkol
- , cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi }) }
+ ; return $ SPSolved (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv_given
+ , cc_flavor = solved_fl
+ , cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi, cc_depth = d }) }
+* *
+* Interact with inert equalities *
+* *
+interactWithInertEqsStage :: WorkItem -> TcS StopOrContinue
+interactWithInertEqsStage ct
+ | isCTyEqCan ct
+ = do { kickOutRewritableInerts ct
+ ; if isGivenOrSolved (cc_flavor ct) then updInertSetTcS ct >> return Stop
+ else continueWith ct } -- If wanted or derived we may spontaneously solve him
+ | isCNonCanonical ct
+ = pprPanic "Interact with inerts eqs stage met non-canonical constraint!" (ppr ct)
+ | otherwise
+ = continueWith ct
@@ -804,171 +638,68 @@ or, equivalently,
-- Interaction result of WorkItem <~> AtomicInert
-data InteractResult
- = IR { ir_stop :: StopOrContinue
- -- Stop
- -- => Reagent (work item) consumed.
- -- ContinueWith new_reagent
- -- => Reagent transformed but keep gathering interactions.
- -- The transformed item remains inert with respect
- -- to any previously encountered inerts.
- , ir_inert_action :: InertAction
- -- Whether the inert item should remain in the InertSet.
- , ir_new_work :: WorkList
- -- new work items to add to the WorkList
- , ir_fire :: Maybe String -- Tells whether a rule fired, and if so what
- }
--- What to do with the inert reactant.
-data InertAction = KeepInert | DropInert
-mkIRContinue :: String -> WorkItem -> InertAction -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
-mkIRContinue rule wi keep newWork
- = return $ IR { ir_stop = ContinueWith wi, ir_inert_action = keep
- , ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
-mkIRStopK :: String -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
-mkIRStopK rule newWork
- = return $ IR { ir_stop = Stop, ir_inert_action = KeepInert
- , ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
-mkIRStopD :: String -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
-mkIRStopD rule newWork
- = return $ IR { ir_stop = Stop, ir_inert_action = DropInert
- , ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
+data InteractResult
+ = IRWorkItemConsumed { ir_fire :: String }
+ | IRInertConsumed { ir_fire :: String }
+ | IRKeepGoing { ir_fire :: String }
-noInteraction :: Monad m => WorkItem -> m InteractResult
-noInteraction wi
- = return $ IR { ir_stop = ContinueWith wi, ir_inert_action = KeepInert
- , ir_new_work = emptyWorkList, ir_fire = Nothing }
+irWorkItemConsumed :: String -> TcS InteractResult
+irWorkItemConsumed str = return (IRWorkItemConsumed str)
-data WhichComesFromInert = LeftComesFromInert | RightComesFromInert
- -- See Note [Efficient Orientation]
+irInertConsumed :: String -> TcS InteractResult
+irInertConsumed str = return (IRInertConsumed str)
+irKeepGoing :: String -> TcS InteractResult
+irKeepGoing str = return (IRKeepGoing str)
+-- You can't discard neither workitem or inert, but you must keep
+-- going. It's possible that new work is waiting in the TcS worklist.
--- Interact a single WorkItem with the equalities of an inert set as
--- far as possible, i.e. until we get a Stop result from an individual
--- reaction (i.e. when the WorkItem is consumed), or until we've
--- interact the WorkItem with the entire equalities of the InertSet
-interactWithInertEqsStage :: SimplifierStage
-interactWithInertEqsStage depth workItem inert
- = Bag.foldrBagM (interactNext depth) initITR (inert_eqs inert)
- -- use foldr to preserve the order
- where
- initITR = SR { sr_inerts = inert { inert_eqs = emptyCCan }
- , sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
--- Interact a single WorkItem with *non-equality* constraints in the inert set.
--- Precondition: equality interactions must have already happened, hence we have
--- to pick up some information from the incoming inert, before folding over the
--- "Other" constraints it contains!
-interactWithInertsStage :: SimplifierStage
-interactWithInertsStage depth workItem inert
- = let (relevant, inert_residual) = getISRelevant workItem inert
- initITR = SR { sr_inerts = inert_residual
- , sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
- in Bag.foldrBagM (interactNext depth) initITR relevant
- -- use foldr to preserve the order
- where
- getISRelevant :: CanonicalCt -> InertSet -> (CanonicalCts, InertSet)
- getISRelevant (CFrozenErr {}) is = (emptyCCan, is)
- -- Nothing s relevant; we have alread interacted
- -- it with the equalities in the inert set
- getISRelevant (CDictCan { cc_class = cls } ) is
- = let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts cls (inert_dicts is)
- in (relevant, is { inert_dicts = residual_map })
- getISRelevant (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc } ) is
- = let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts tc (inert_funeqs is)
- in (relevant, is { inert_funeqs = residual_map })
- getISRelevant (CIPCan { cc_ip_nm = nm }) is
- = let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts nm (inert_ips is)
- in (relevant, is { inert_ips = residual_map })
- getISRelevant (CIrredEvCan {}) is
- = (inert_irreds is, is { inert_irreds = emptyCCan })
- -- An equality, finally, may kick everything except equalities out
- -- because we have already interacted the equalities in interactWithInertEqsStage
- getISRelevant _eq_ct is -- Equality, everything is relevant for this one
- -- TODO: if we were caching variables, we'd know that only
- -- some are relevant. Experiment with this for now.
- = let cts = cCanMapToBag (inert_ips is) `unionBags`
- cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts is) `unionBags`
- cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs is) `unionBags`
- inert_irreds is
- in (cts, is { inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_funeqs = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_irreds = emptyBag })
-interactNext :: SubGoalDepth -> AtomicInert -> StageResult -> TcS StageResult
-interactNext depth inert it
- | ContinueWith work_item <- sr_stop it
- = do { let inerts = sr_inerts it
- ; IR { ir_new_work = new_work, ir_inert_action = inert_action
- , ir_fire = fire_info, ir_stop = stop }
- <- interactWithInert inert work_item
- ; let mk_msg rule
- = text rule <+> keep_doc
- <+> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Inert =") <+> ppr inert
- , ptext (sLit "Work =") <+> ppr work_item
- , ppUnless (isEmptyWorkList new_work) $
- ptext (sLit "New =") <+> ppr new_work ]
- keep_doc = case inert_action of
- KeepInert -> ptext (sLit "[keep]")
- DropInert -> ptext (sLit "[drop]")
- ; case fire_info of
- Just rule -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
- ; traceFireTcS depth (mk_msg rule) }
- Nothing -> return ()
- -- New inerts depend on whether we KeepInert or not
- ; let inerts_new = case inert_action of
- KeepInert -> inerts `updInertSet` inert
- DropInert -> inerts
- ; return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts_new
- , sr_new_work = sr_new_work it `unionWorkList` new_work
- , sr_stop = stop } }
- | otherwise
- = return $ it { sr_inerts = (sr_inerts it) `updInertSet` inert }
--- Do a single interaction of two constraints.
-interactWithInert :: AtomicInert -> WorkItem -> TcS InteractResult
-interactWithInert inert workItem
+interactWithInertsStage :: WorkItem -> TcS StopOrContinue
+-- Precondition: if the workitem is a CTyEqCan then it will not be able to
+-- react with anything at this stage.
+interactWithInertsStage wi
= do { ctxt <- getTcSContext
- ; let is_allowed = allowedInteraction (simplEqsOnly ctxt) inert workItem
- ; if is_allowed then
- doInteractWithInert inert workItem
- else
- noInteraction workItem
- }
-allowedInteraction :: Bool -> AtomicInert -> WorkItem -> Bool
--- Allowed interactions
-allowedInteraction eqs_only (CDictCan {}) (CDictCan {}) = not eqs_only
-allowedInteraction eqs_only (CIPCan {}) (CIPCan {}) = not eqs_only
-allowedInteraction eqs_only (CIrredEvCan {}) (CIrredEvCan {}) = not eqs_only
-allowedInteraction _ _ _ = True
+ ; if simplEqsOnly ctxt then
+ return (ContinueWith wi)
+ else
+ extractRelevantInerts wi >>=
+ foldlBagM interact_next (ContinueWith wi) }
+ where interact_next Stop atomic_inert
+ = updInertSetTcS atomic_inert >> return Stop
+ interact_next (ContinueWith wi) atomic_inert
+ = do { ir <- doInteractWithInert atomic_inert wi
+ ; let mk_msg rule keep_doc
+ = text rule <+> keep_doc
+ <+> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Inert =") <+> ppr atomic_inert
+ , ptext (sLit "Work =") <+> ppr wi ]
+ ; case ir of
+ IRWorkItemConsumed { ir_fire = rule }
+ -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
+ ; traceFireTcS (cc_depth wi)
+ (mk_msg rule (text "WorkItemConsumed"))
+ ; updInertSetTcS atomic_inert
+ ; return Stop }
+ IRInertConsumed { ir_fire = rule }
+ -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
+ ; traceFireTcS (cc_depth atomic_inert)
+ (mk_msg rule (text "InertItemConsumed"))
+ ; return (ContinueWith wi) }
+ IRKeepGoing {} -- Should we do a bumpStepCountTcS? No for now.
+ -> do { updInertSetTcS atomic_inert
+ ; return (ContinueWith wi) }
+ }
-doInteractWithInert :: CanonicalCt -> CanonicalCt -> TcS InteractResult
--- Identical class constraints.
+data WhichComesFromInert = LeftComesFromInert | RightComesFromInert
+doInteractWithInert :: Ct -> Ct -> TcS InteractResult
+-- Identical class constraints.
inertItem@(CDictCan { cc_id = d1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_class = cls1, cc_tyargs = tys1 })
- workItem@(CDictCan { cc_id = d2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_class = cls2, cc_tyargs = tys2 })
+ workItem@(CDictCan { cc_id = _d2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_class = cls2, cc_tyargs = tys2 })
| cls1 == cls2
= do { let pty1 = mkClassPred cls1 tys1
@@ -976,6 +707,9 @@ doInteractWithInert
inert_pred_loc = (pty1, pprFlavorArising fl1)
work_item_pred_loc = (pty2, pprFlavorArising fl2)
+ ; traceTcS "doInteractWithInert" (vcat [ text "inertItem = " <+> ppr inertItem
+ , text "workItem = " <+> ppr workItem ])
; any_fundeps
<- if isGivenOrSolved fl1 && isGivenOrSolved fl2 then return Nothing
-- NB: We don't create fds for given (and even solved), have not seen a useful
@@ -991,90 +725,20 @@ doInteractWithInert
-- No Functional Dependencies
| eqTypes tys1 tys2 -> solveOneFromTheOther "Cls/Cls" (EvId d1,fl1) workItem
- | otherwise -> noInteraction workItem
+ | otherwise -> irKeepGoing "NOP"
-- Actual Functional Dependencies
- Just (rewritten_tys2,cos2,fd_work)
- | not (eqTypes tys1 rewritten_tys2)
- -- Standard thing: create derived fds and keep on going. Importantly we don't
+ Just (_rewritten_tys2,_cos2,fd_work)
+ -- Standard thing: create derived fds and keep on going. Importantly we don't
-- throw workitem back in the worklist because this can cause loops. See #5236.
- -> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
- ; mkIRContinue "Cls/Cls fundep (not solved)" workItem KeepInert fd_cans }
- -- This WHOLE otherwise branch is an optimization where the fd made the things match
- | otherwise
- , let dict_co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cls1) cos2
- -> case fl2 of
- Given {}
- -> pprPanic "Unexpected given!" (ppr inertItem $$ ppr workItem)
- -- The only way to have created a fundep is if the inert was
- -- wanted or derived, in which case the workitem can't be given!
- Derived {}
- -- The types were made to exactly match so we don't need
- -- the workitem any longer.
- -> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
- -- No rewriting really, so let's create deriveds fds
- ; mkIRStopK "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" fd_cans }
- Wanted {}
- | isDerived fl1
- -> do { setEvBind d2 (EvCast d1 dict_co)
- ; let inert_w = inertItem { cc_flavor = fl2 }
- -- A bit naughty: we take the inert Derived,
- -- turn it into a Wanted, use it to solve the work-item
- -- and put it back into the work-list
- -- Maybe rather than starting again, we could keep going
- -- with the rewritten workitem, having dropped the inert, but its
- -- safe to restart.
- -- Also: we have rewriting so lets create wanted fds
- ; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
- ; mkIRStopD "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" $
- workListFromNonEq inert_w `unionWorkList` fd_cans }
- | otherwise
- -> do { setEvBind d2 (EvCast d1 dict_co)
- -- Rewriting is happening, so we have to create wanted fds
- ; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
- ; mkIRStopK "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" fd_cans }
+ -> do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
+ ; irKeepGoing "Cls/Cls (new fundeps)" } -- Just keep going without droping the inert
where get_workitem_wloc (Wanted wl) = wl
get_workitem_wloc (Derived wl) = wl
get_workitem_wloc (Given {}) = panic "Unexpected given!"
--- Class constraint and given equality: use the equality to rewrite
--- the class constraint.
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- (CDictCan { cc_id = dv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_class = cl, cc_tyargs = xis })
- | ifl `canRewrite` wfl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes xis
- = do { rewritten_dict <- rewriteDict (eqv,tv,xi) (dv,wfl,cl,xis)
- -- Continue with rewritten Dictionary because we can only be in the
- -- interactWithEqsStage, so the dictionary is inert.
- ; mkIRContinue "Eq/Cls" rewritten_dict KeepInert emptyWorkList }
-doInteractWithInert (CDictCan { cc_id = dv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_class = cl, cc_tyargs = xis })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- | wfl `canRewrite` ifl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes xis
- = do { rewritten_dict <- rewriteDict (eqv,tv,xi) (dv,ifl,cl,xis)
- ; mkIRContinue "Cls/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromNonEq rewritten_dict) }
--- Irreducible evidence and given equality: use the equality to rewrite
--- the irreducible evidence.
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- (CIrredEvCan { cc_id = id, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_ty = ty })
- | ifl `canRewrite` wfl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
- = do { rewritten_irred <- rewriteIrred (eqv,tv,xi) (id,wfl,ty)
- ; mkIRStopK "Eq/Irred" rewritten_irred }
-doInteractWithInert (CIrredEvCan { cc_id = id, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ty = ty })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- | wfl `canRewrite` ifl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
- = do { rewritten_irred <- rewriteIrred (eqv,tv,xi) (id,ifl,ty)
- ; mkIRContinue "Irred/Eq" workItem DropInert rewritten_irred }
-- Two pieces of irreducible evidence: if their types are *exactly identical* we can
-- rewrite them. We can never improve using this: if we want ty1 :: Constraint and have
-- ty2 :: Constraint it clearly does not mean that (ty1 ~ ty2)
@@ -1083,22 +747,6 @@ doInteractWithInert (CIrredEvCan { cc_id = id1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ty = ty1 })
| ty1 `eqType` ty2
= solveOneFromTheOther "Irred/Irred" (EvId id1,ifl) workItem
--- Implicit param and given equality: use the equality to rewrite
--- the implicit param.
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- (CIPCan { cc_id = ipid, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = ty })
- | ifl `canRewrite` wfl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
- = do { rewritten_ip <- rewriteIP (eqv,tv,xi) (ipid,wfl,nm,ty)
- ; mkIRContinue "Eq/IP" rewritten_ip KeepInert emptyWorkList }
-doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_id = ipid, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = ty })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
- | wfl `canRewrite` ifl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
- = do { rewritten_ip <- rewriteIP (eqv,tv,xi) (ipid,ifl,nm,ty)
- ; mkIRContinue "IP/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromNonEq rewritten_ip) }
-- Two implicit parameter constraints. If the names are the same,
-- but their types are not, we generate a wanted type equality
-- that equates the type (this is "improvement").
@@ -1112,290 +760,121 @@ doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_id = id1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm1, cc_i
-- Do not require type equality
-- For example, given let ?x::Int = 3 in let ?x::Bool = True in ...
-- we must *override* the outer one with the inner one
- mkIRContinue "IP/IP override" workItem DropInert emptyWorkList
+ irInertConsumed "IP/IP (override inert)"
| nm1 == nm2 && ty1 `eqType` ty2
= solveOneFromTheOther "IP/IP" (EvId id1,ifl) workItem
| nm1 == nm2
= -- See Note [When improvement happens]
- do { eqv <- newEqVar ty2 ty1 -- See Note [Efficient Orientation]
- ; let flav = Wanted (combineCtLoc ifl wfl)
- ; cans <- mkCanonical flav eqv
+ do { let flav = Wanted (combineCtLoc ifl wfl)
+ ; eqv <- newEqVar flav ty2 ty1 -- See Note [Efficient Orientation]
+ ; when (isNewEvVar eqv) $
+ (let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_id = evc_the_evvar eqv
+ , cc_flavor = flav
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth workItem }
+ in updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq ct))
; case wfl of
Given {} -> pprPanic "Unexpected given IP" (ppr workItem)
Derived {} -> pprPanic "Unexpected derived IP" (ppr workItem)
Wanted {} ->
- do { setEvBind (cc_id workItem)
- (EvCast id1 (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv)))
- ; mkIRStopK "IP/IP interaction (solved)" cans }
- }
--- Never rewrite a given with a wanted equality, and a type function
--- equality can never rewrite an equality. We rewrite LHS *and* RHS
--- of function equalities so that our inert set exposes everything that
--- we know about equalities.
--- Inert: equality, work item: function equality
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- (CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_fun = tc
- , cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi2 })
- | ifl `canRewrite` wfl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes (xi2:args) -- Rewrite RHS as well
- = do { rewritten_funeq <- rewriteFunEq (eqv1,tv,xi1) (eqv2,wfl,tc,args,xi2)
- ; mkIRStopK "Eq/FunEq" (workListFromEq rewritten_funeq) }
- -- Must Stop here, because we may no longer be inert after the rewritting.
--- Inert: function equality, work item: equality
-doInteractWithInert (CFunEqCan {cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_fun = tc
- , cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi2 })
- | wfl `canRewrite` ifl
- , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes (xi1:args) -- Rewrite RHS as well
- = do { rewritten_funeq <- rewriteFunEq (eqv2,tv,xi2) (eqv1,ifl,tc,args,xi1)
- ; mkIRContinue "FunEq/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromEq rewritten_funeq) }
- -- One may think that we could (KeepTransformedInert rewritten_funeq)
- -- but that is wrong, because it may end up not being inert with respect
- -- to future inerts. Example:
- -- Original inert = { F xis ~ [a], b ~ Maybe Int }
- -- Work item comes along = a ~ [b]
- -- If we keep { F xis ~ [b] } in the inert set we will end up with:
- -- { F xis ~ [b], b ~ Maybe Int, a ~ [Maybe Int] }
- -- At the end, which is *not* inert. So we should unfortunately DropInert here.
+ do { setEvBind (cc_id workItem) $
+ mkEvCast id1 (mkSymCo (mkTyConAppCo (ipTyCon nm1) [mkEqVarLCo (evc_the_evvar eqv)]))
+ -- DV: Changing: used to be (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv))
+ ; irWorkItemConsumed "IP/IP (solved by rewriting)" } }
doInteractWithInert (CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
- , cc_tyargs = args1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_fun = tc2
- , cc_tyargs = args2, cc_rhs = xi2 })
- | tc1 == tc2 && and (zipWith eqType args1 args2)
- , Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl1
- = mkIRContinue "Funeq/Funeq" workItem DropInert emptyWorkList
- | tc1 == tc2 && and (zipWith eqType args1 args2)
- , Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl2
- = mkIRStopK "Funeq/Funeq" emptyWorkList
+ , cc_tyargs = args1, cc_rhs = xi1, cc_depth = d1 })
+ (CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_fun = tc2
+ , cc_tyargs = args2, cc_rhs = xi2, cc_depth = d2 })
+ | lhss_match
+ , Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl1 -- Inert is solved and we can simply ignore it
+ -- when workitem is given/solved
+ , isGivenOrSolved fl2
+ = irInertConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"
+ | lhss_match
+ , Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl2 -- Workitem is solved and we can ignore it when
+ -- the inert is given/solved
+ , isGivenOrSolved fl1
+ = irWorkItemConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"
| fl1 `canSolve` fl2 && lhss_match
- = do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,fl2,xi2)
- ; mkIRStopK "FunEq/FunEq" cans }
+ = do { rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,d2,fl2,xi2)
+ ; irWorkItemConsumed "FunEq/FunEq" }
| fl2 `canSolve` fl1 && lhss_match
- = do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (eqv2,xi2) (eqv1,fl1,xi1)
- ; mkIRContinue "FunEq/FunEq" workItem DropInert cans }
+ = do { rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (eqv2,xi2) (eqv1,d1,fl1,xi1)
+ ; irInertConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"}
lhss_match = tc1 == tc2 && eqTypes args1 args2
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_tyvar = tv2, cc_rhs = xi2 })
--- Check for matching LHS
- | fl1 `canSolve` fl2 && tv1 == tv2
- = do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,fl2,xi2)
- ; mkIRStopK "Eq/Eq lhs" cans }
- | fl2 `canSolve` fl1 && tv1 == tv2
- = do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (eqv2,xi2) (eqv1,fl1,xi1)
- ; mkIRContinue "Eq/Eq lhs" workItem DropInert cans }
--- Check for rewriting RHS
- | fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType xi2
- = do { rewritten_eq <- rewriteEqRHS (eqv1,tv1,xi1) (eqv2,fl2,tv2,xi2)
- ; mkIRStopK "Eq/Eq rhs" rewritten_eq }
- | fl2 `canRewrite` fl1 && tv2 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType xi1
- = do { rewritten_eq <- rewriteEqRHS (eqv2,tv2,xi2) (eqv1,fl1,tv1,xi1)
- ; mkIRContinue "Eq/Eq rhs" workItem DropInert rewritten_eq }
-doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- (CFrozenErr { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = fl2 })
- | fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfEvVar eqv2
- = do { rewritten_frozen <- rewriteFrozen (eqv1, tv1, xi1) (eqv2, fl2)
- ; mkIRStopK "Frozen/Eq" rewritten_frozen }
-doInteractWithInert (CFrozenErr { cc_id = eqv2, cc_flavor = fl2 })
- workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = eqv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
- | fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfEvVar eqv2
- = do { rewritten_frozen <- rewriteFrozen (eqv1, tv1, xi1) (eqv2, fl2)
- ; mkIRContinue "Frozen/Eq" workItem DropInert rewritten_frozen }
--- Fall-through case for all other situations
-doInteractWithInert _ workItem = noInteraction workItem
--- Equational Rewriting
-rewriteDict :: (EqVar, TcTyVar, Xi) -> (DictId, CtFlavor, Class, [Xi]) -> TcS CanonicalCt
-rewriteDict (eqv,tv,xi) (dv,gw,cl,xis)
- = do { let args = substTysWith [tv] [xi] xis
- dict_co = mkTyConAppCo con cos
- where cos = map (liftCoSubstWith [tv] [cv]) xis -- xis[tv] ~ xis[xi]
- con = classTyCon cl
- cv = mkEqVarLCo eqv
- ; dv' <- newDictVar cl args
- ; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEvBind dv (EvCast dv' (mkSymCo dict_co))
- Given {} -> setEvBind dv' (EvCast dv dict_co)
- Derived {} -> return () -- Derived dicts we don't set any evidence
- ; return (CDictCan { cc_id = dv'
- , cc_flavor = gw
- , cc_class = cl
- , cc_tyargs = args }) }
-rewriteIrred :: (EqVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EvVar,CtFlavor,TcType) -> TcS WorkList
-rewriteIrred (eqv,tv,xi) (id,gw,ty)
- = do { let ty' = substTyWith [tv] [xi] ty
- co = liftCoSubstWith [tv] [cv] ty -- ty[tv] ~ ty[xi]
- where cv = mkEqVarLCo eqv
- ; id' <- newEvVar ty'
- ; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEvBind id (EvCast id' (mkSymCo co))
- Given {} -> setEvBind id' (EvCast id co)
- Derived {} -> return () -- Derived ips: we don't set any evidence
- ; mkCanonical gw id' }
-rewriteIP :: (EqVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EvVar,CtFlavor, IPName Name, TcType) -> TcS CanonicalCt
-rewriteIP (eqv,tv,xi) (ipid,gw,nm,ty)
- = do { let ty' = substTyWith [tv] [xi] ty
- ip_co = liftCoSubstWith [tv] [cv] ty -- ty[tv] ~ ty[xi]
- where cv = mkEqVarLCo eqv
- ; ipid' <- newIPVar nm ty'
- ; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEvBind ipid (EvCast ipid' (mkSymCo ip_co))
- Given {} -> setEvBind ipid' (EvCast ipid ip_co)
- Derived {} -> return () -- Derived ips: we don't set any evidence
- ; return (CIPCan { cc_id = ipid'
- , cc_flavor = gw
- , cc_ip_nm = nm
- , cc_ip_ty = ty' }) }
-rewriteFunEq :: (EqVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EqVar,CtFlavor,TyCon, [Xi], Xi) -> TcS CanonicalCt
-rewriteFunEq (eqv1,tv,xi1) (eqv2,gw, tc,args,xi2) -- cv2 :: F args ~ xi2
- = do { let args' = substTysWith [tv] [xi1] args
- xi2' = substTyWith [tv] [xi1] xi2
- (fun_co, xi2_co) = (fun_co, xi2_co)
- where cv1 = mkEqVarLCo eqv1
- co_subst = liftCoSubstWith [tv] [cv1]
- arg_cos = map co_subst args
- fun_co = mkTyConAppCo tc arg_cos -- fun_co :: F args ~ F args'
- xi2_co = co_subst xi2 -- xi2_co :: xi2 ~ xi2'
- ; eqv2' <- newEqVar (mkTyConApp tc args') xi2'
- ; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv2
- (fun_co `mkTransCo`
- mkEqVarLCo eqv2' `mkTransCo`
- mkSymCo xi2_co)
- Given {} -> setEqBind eqv2'
- (mkSymCo fun_co `mkTransCo`
- mkEqVarLCo eqv2 `mkTransCo`
- xi2_co)
- Derived {} -> return ()
- ; return (CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv2'
- , cc_flavor = gw
- , cc_tyargs = args'
- , cc_fun = tc
- , cc_rhs = xi2' }) }
-rewriteEqRHS :: (EqVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EqVar,CtFlavor,TcTyVar,Xi) -> TcS WorkList
--- Use the first equality to rewrite the second, flavors already checked.
--- E.g. c1 : tv1 ~ xi1 c2 : tv2 ~ xi2
--- rewrites c2 to give
--- c2' : tv2 ~ xi2[xi1/tv1]
--- We must do an occurs check to sure the new constraint is canonical
--- So we might return an empty bag
-rewriteEqRHS (eqv1,tv1,xi1) (eqv2,gw,tv2,xi2)
- | Just tv2' <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi2'
- , tv2 == tv2' -- In this case xi2[xi1/tv1] = tv2, so we have tv2~tv2
- = do { when (isWanted gw) $ setEqBind eqv2 (mkSymCo co2')
- ; return emptyWorkList }
- | otherwise
- = do { eqv2' <- newEqVar (mkTyVarTy tv2) xi2'
- ; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv2 (mkEqVarLCo eqv2' `mkTransCo` mkSymCo co2')
- Given {} -> setEqBind eqv2' (mkEqVarLCo eqv2 `mkTransCo` co2')
- Derived {} -> return ()
- ; canEqToWorkList gw eqv2' (mkTyVarTy tv2) xi2' }
- where
- xi2' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] xi2
- co2' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [cv1] xi2 -- xi2 ~ xi2[xi1/tv1]
- where cv1 = mkEqVarLCo eqv1
-rewriteEqLHS :: WhichComesFromInert -> (EqVar,Xi) -> (EqVar,CtFlavor,Xi) -> TcS WorkList
+doInteractWithInert _ _ = irKeepGoing "NOP"
+rewriteEqLHS :: WhichComesFromInert -> (EqVar,Xi) -> (EqVar,SubGoalDepth,CtFlavor,Xi) -> TcS ()
-- Used to ineract two equalities of the following form:
-- First Equality: co1: (XXX ~ xi1)
-- Second Equality: cv2: (XXX ~ xi2)
-- Where the cv1 `canRewrite` cv2 equality
-- We have an option of creating new work (xi1 ~ xi2) OR (xi2 ~ xi1),
-- See Note [Efficient Orientation] for that
-rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,gw,xi2)
- = do { eqv2' <- newEqVar xi2 xi1
+rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,d,gw,xi2)
+ = do { delCachedEvVar eqv2 -- Similarly to canonicalization!
+ ; evc <- newEqVar gw xi2 xi1
+ ; let eqv2' = evc_the_evvar evc
; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv2
- (mkEqVarLCo eqv1 `mkTransCo` mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv2'))
- Given {} -> setEqBind eqv2'
- (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv2) `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv1)
- Derived {} -> return ()
- ; mkCanonical gw eqv2' }
-rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,gw,xi2)
- = do { eqv2' <- newEqVar xi1 xi2
+ Wanted {}
+ -> setEqBind eqv2 $
+ mkEqVarLCo eqv1 `mkTransCo` mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv2')
+ Given {}
+ -> setEqBind eqv2' $
+ mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv2) `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv1
+ Derived {}
+ -> return ()
+ ; when (isNewEvVar evc) $
+ updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq (CNonCanonical { cc_id = eqv2'
+ , cc_flavor = gw
+ , cc_depth = d } ) ) }
+rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (eqv1,xi1) (eqv2,d,gw,xi2)
+ = do { delCachedEvVar eqv2 -- Similarly to canonicalization!
+ ; evc <- newEqVar gw xi1 xi2
+ ; let eqv2' = evc_the_evvar evc
; case gw of
- Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv2
- (mkTransCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv1) (mkEqVarLCo eqv2'))
- Given {} -> setEqBind eqv2'
- (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv1) `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv2)
- Derived {} -> return ()
- ; mkCanonical gw eqv2' }
-rewriteFrozen :: (EqVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EqVar,CtFlavor) -> TcS WorkList
-rewriteFrozen (eqv1, tv1, xi1) (eqv2, fl2)
- = do { eqv2' <- newEqVar ty2a' ty2b' -- ty2a[xi1/tv1] ~ ty2b[xi1/tv1]
- ; case fl2 of
- Wanted {} -> setEqBind eqv2
- (co2a' `mkTransCo`
- mkEqVarLCo eqv2' `mkTransCo`
- mkSymCo co2b')
- Given {} -> setEqBind eqv2'
- (mkSymCo co2a' `mkTransCo`
- mkEqVarLCo eqv2 `mkTransCo`
- co2b')
- Derived {} -> return ()
- ; return (workListFromNonEq $ CFrozenErr { cc_id = eqv2', cc_flavor = fl2 }) }
- where
- (ty2a, ty2b) = getEqPredTys (evVarPred eqv2) -- cv2 : ty2a ~ ty2b
- ty2a' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] ty2a
- ty2b' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] ty2b
- cv1 = mkEqVarLCo eqv1
- co2a' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [cv1] ty2a -- ty2a ~ ty2a[xi1/tv1]
- co2b' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [cv1] ty2b -- ty2b ~ ty2b[xi1/tv1]
-solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork :: String -> (EvTerm, CtFlavor)
- -> CanonicalCt -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
--- First argument inert, second argument work-item. They both represent
--- wanted/given/derived evidence for the *same* predicate so
--- we can discharge one directly from the other.
--- Precondition: value evidence only (implicit parameters, classes)
--- not coercion
-solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork info (ev_term,ifl) workItem extra_work
+ Wanted {}
+ -> setEqBind eqv2 $
+ mkEqVarLCo eqv1 `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv2'
+ Given {}
+ -> setEqBind eqv2' $
+ mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv1) `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv2
+ Derived {}
+ -> return ()
+ ; when (isNewEvVar evc) $
+ updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq (CNonCanonical { cc_id = eqv2'
+ , cc_flavor = gw
+ , cc_depth = d } ) ) }
+solveOneFromTheOther :: String -- Info
+ -> (EvTerm, CtFlavor) -- Inert
+ -> Ct -- WorkItem
+ -> TcS InteractResult
+-- Preconditions:
+-- 1) inert and work item represent evidence for the /same/ predicate
+-- 2) ip/class/irred evidence (no coercions) only
+solveOneFromTheOther info (ev_term,ifl) workItem
| isDerived wfl
- = mkIRStopK ("Solved[DW] " ++ info) extra_work
+ = irWorkItemConsumed ("Solved[DW] " ++ info)
| isDerived ifl -- The inert item is Derived, we can just throw it away,
-- The workItem is inert wrt earlier inert-set items,
-- so it's safe to continue on from this point
- = mkIRContinue ("Solved[DI] " ++ info) workItem DropInert extra_work
+ = irInertConsumed ("Solved[DI] " ++ info)
| Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe ifl, isGivenOrSolved wfl
-- Same if the inert is a GivenSolved -- just get rid of it
- = mkIRContinue ("Solved[SI] " ++ info) workItem DropInert extra_work
+ = irInertConsumed ("Solved[SI] " ++ info)
| otherwise
= ASSERT( ifl `canSolve` wfl )
@@ -1403,16 +882,11 @@ solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork info (ev_term,ifl) workItem extra_work
do { when (isWanted wfl) $ setEvBind wid ev_term
-- Overwrite the binding, if one exists
-- If both are Given, we already have evidence; no need to duplicate
- ; mkIRStopK ("Solved " ++ info) extra_work }
+ ; irWorkItemConsumed ("Solved " ++ info) }
wfl = cc_flavor workItem
wid = cc_id workItem
-solveOneFromTheOther :: String -> (EvTerm, CtFlavor) -> CanonicalCt -> TcS InteractResult
-solveOneFromTheOther str evfl ct
- = solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork str evfl ct emptyWorkList -- extra work is empty
Note [Superclasses and recursive dictionaries]
@@ -1763,60 +1237,42 @@ we keep the synonym-using RHS without expansion.
--- If a work item has any form of interaction with top-level we get this
+topReactionsStage :: SimplifierStage
+topReactionsStage workItem
+ = tryTopReact workItem
+tryTopReact :: WorkItem -> TcS StopOrContinue
+tryTopReact wi
+ = do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; ctxt <- getTcSContext
+ ; if simplEqsOnly ctxt then return (ContinueWith wi) -- or Stop?
+ else
+ do { tir <- doTopReact inerts wi
+ ; case tir of
+ NoTopInt
+ -> return (ContinueWith wi)
+ SomeTopInt rule what_next
+ -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
+ ; traceFireTcS (cc_depth wi) $
+ ptext (sLit "Top react:") <+> text rule
+ ; return what_next }
+ } }
data TopInteractResult
- = NoTopInt -- No top-level interaction
- -- Equivalent to (SomeTopInt emptyWorkList (ContinueWith work_item))
- | SomeTopInt
- { tir_new_work :: WorkList -- Sub-goals or new work (could be given,
- -- for superclasses)
- , tir_new_inert :: StopOrContinue -- The input work item, ready to become *inert* now:
- } -- NB: in ``given'' (solved) form if the
- -- original was wanted or given and instance match
- -- was found, but may also be in wanted form if we
- -- only reacted with functional dependencies
- -- arising from top-level instances.
-topReactionsStage :: SimplifierStage
-topReactionsStage depth workItem inerts
- = do { tir <- tryTopReact inerts workItem
- -- NB: we pass the inerts as well. See Note [Instance and Given overlap]
- ; case tir of
- NoTopInt ->
- return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
- , sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
- SomeTopInt tir_new_work tir_new_inert ->
- do { bumpStepCountTcS
- ; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Top react")
- <+> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Work =") <+> ppr workItem
- , ptext (sLit "New =") <+> ppr tir_new_work ])
- ; return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts
- , sr_new_work = tir_new_work
- , sr_stop = tir_new_inert
- } }
- }
+ = NoTopInt
+ | SomeTopInt { tir_rule :: String, tir_new_item :: StopOrContinue }
-tryTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS TopInteractResult
-tryTopReact inerts workitem
- = do { -- A flag controls the amount of interaction allowed
- -- See Note [Simplifying RULE lhs constraints]
- ctxt <- getTcSContext
- ; if allowedTopReaction (simplEqsOnly ctxt) workitem
- then do { traceTcS "tryTopReact / calling doTopReact" (ppr workitem)
- ; doTopReact inerts workitem }
- else return NoTopInt
- }
-allowedTopReaction :: Bool -> WorkItem -> Bool
-allowedTopReaction eqs_only (CDictCan {}) = not eqs_only
-allowedTopReaction _ _ = True
doTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS TopInteractResult
--- The work item does not react with the inert set, so try interaction with top-level instances
--- NB: The place to add superclasses in *not* in doTopReact stage. Instead superclasses are
--- added in the worklist as part of the canonicalisation process.
--- See Note [Adding superclasses] in TcCanonical.
+-- The work item does not react with the inert set, so try interaction
+-- with top-level instances
+-- NB: The place to add superclasses in *not*
+-- in doTopReact stage. Instead superclasses are added in the worklist
+-- as part of the canonicalisation process. See Note [Adding superclasses].
-- Given dictionary
-- See Note [Given constraint that matches an instance declaration]
@@ -1828,27 +1284,27 @@ doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = Derived loc
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= do { instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs
- (mkClassPred cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
+ (mkClassPred cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
; m <- rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns xis loc
; case m of
Nothing -> return NoTopInt
Just (xis',_,fd_work) ->
let workItem' = workItem { cc_tyargs = xis' }
-- Deriveds are not supposed to have identity (cc_id is unused!)
- in do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
- ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = fd_cans
- , tir_new_inert = ContinueWith workItem' }
- }
+ in do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Derived Cls fundeps"
+ , tir_new_item = ContinueWith workItem' } }
-- Wanted dictionary
doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl@(Wanted loc)
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact" (ppr workItem)
; instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
- ; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs $ (mkClassPred cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
+ ; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs
+ (mkClassPred cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
; any_fundeps <- rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns xis loc
; case any_fundeps of
@@ -1857,50 +1313,44 @@ doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl@(Wanted loc)
do { lkup_inst_res <- matchClassInst inerts cls xis loc
; case lkup_inst_res of
GenInst wtvs ev_term
- -> doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem emptyWorkList
+ -> doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem
-> return NoTopInt
-- Actual Functional Dependencies
- Just (xis',cos,fd_work) ->
- do { lkup_inst_res <- matchClassInst inerts cls xis' loc
- ; case lkup_inst_res of
- NoInstance
- -> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
- ; return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = fd_cans
- , tir_new_inert = ContinueWith workItem } }
- -- This WHOLE branch is an optimization: we can immediately discharge the dictionary
- GenInst wtvs ev_term
- -> do { let dict_co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cls) cos
- ; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
- ; dv' <- newDictVar cls xis'
- ; setDictBind dv' ev_term
- ; doSolveFromInstance wtvs (EvCast dv' dict_co) workItem fd_cans }
- } }
+ Just (_xis',_cos,fd_work) ->
+ do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
+ ; return SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (fundeps)"
+ , tir_new_item = ContinueWith workItem } } }
where doSolveFromInstance :: [WantedEvVar]
-> EvTerm
- -> CanonicalCt
- -> WorkList -> TcS TopInteractResult
+ -> Ct
+ -> TcS TopInteractResult
-- Precondition: evidence term matches the predicate of cc_id of workItem
- doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem extra_work
+ doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem
| null wtvs
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found nullary instance for" (ppr (cc_id workItem))
; setEvBind (cc_id workItem) ev_term
- ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = extra_work
- , tir_new_inert = Stop } }
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, no new work)"
+ , tir_new_item = Stop } } -- Don't put him in the inerts
| otherwise
- = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found non-nullary instance for" (ppr (cc_id workItem))
+ = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found non-nullary instance for" $
+ ppr (cc_id workItem)
; setEvBind (cc_id workItem) ev_term
-- Solved and new wanted work produced, you may cache the
-- (tentatively solved) dictionary as Solved given.
- ; let solved = workItem { cc_flavor = solved_fl }
- solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor fl UnkSkol
- ; inst_work <- canWanteds wtvs
- ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = inst_work `unionWorkList` extra_work
- , tir_new_inert = ContinueWith solved } }
+ ; let solved = workItem { cc_flavor = solved_fl }
+ solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor fl UnkSkol
+ ; let ct_from_wev (EvVarX v fl)
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = Wanted fl
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth workItem + 1 }
+ wtvs_cts = map ct_from_wev wtvs
+ ; updWorkListTcS (appendWorkListCt wtvs_cts)
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, more work)"
+ , tir_new_item = ContinueWith solved } } -- Cache in inerts the Solved item
-- Type functions
doTopReact _inerts (CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl })
@@ -1923,30 +1373,43 @@ doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_id = eqv, cc_flavor = fl
-- See Note [Type synonym families] in TyCon
coe = mkAxInstCo coe_tc rep_tys
; case fl of
- Wanted {} -> do { eqv' <- newEqVar rhs_ty xi
+ Wanted {} -> do { evc <- newEqVar fl rhs_ty xi -- Wanted version
+ ; let eqv' = evc_the_evvar evc
; setEqBind eqv (coe `mkTransCo` mkEqVarLCo eqv')
- ; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl eqv'
+ ; when (isNewEvVar evc) $
+ (let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_id = eqv'
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth workItem + 1}
+ in updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq ct))
; let solved = workItem { cc_flavor = solved_fl }
solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor fl UnkSkol
- ; if isEmptyWorkList can_cts then
- return (SomeTopInt can_cts Stop) -- No point in caching
- else return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
- , tir_new_inert = ContinueWith solved }
- }
- Given {} -> do { eqv' <- newEqVar xi rhs_ty
- ; setEqBind eqv' (mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv) `mkTransCo` coe)
- ; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl eqv'
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top (solved, more work)"
+ , tir_new_item = ContinueWith solved } }
+ -- Cache in inerts the Solved item
+ Given {} -> do { eqv' <- newGivenEqVar fl xi rhs_ty $
+ mkSymCo (mkEqVarLCo eqv) `mkTransCo` coe
+ ; let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_id = eqv'
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth workItem + 1}
+ ; updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq ct)
; return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
- , tir_new_inert = Stop }
- }
- Derived {} -> do { eqv' <- newDerivedId (mkEqPred (xi, rhs_ty))
- ; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl eqv'
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top (given)"
+ , tir_new_item = ContinueWith workItem } }
+ Derived {} -> do { evc <- newEvVar fl (mkEqPred (xi, rhs_ty))
+ ; let eqv' = evc_the_evvar evc
+ ; when (isNewEvVar evc) $
+ (let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_id = eqv'
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth workItem + 1 }
+ in updWorkListTcS (extendWorkListEq ct))
; return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
- , tir_new_inert = Stop }
- }
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top (derived)"
+ , tir_new_item = Stop } }
@@ -2187,15 +1650,18 @@ matchClassInst inerts clas tys loc
; if null theta then
return (GenInst [] (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys []))
else do
- { ev_vars <- instDFunConstraints theta
- ; let wevs = [EvVarX w loc | w <- ev_vars]
+ { evc_vars <- instDFunConstraints theta (Wanted loc)
+ ; let ev_vars = map evc_the_evvar evc_vars
+ new_evc_vars = filter isNewEvVar evc_vars
+ wevs = map (\v -> EvVarX (evc_the_evvar v) loc) new_evc_vars
+ -- wevs are only the real new variables that can be emitted
; return $ GenInst wevs (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys ev_vars) }
- givens_for_this_clas :: CanonicalCts
- givens_for_this_clas = lookupUFM (cts_given (inert_dicts inerts)) clas
- `orElse` emptyCCan
+ givens_for_this_clas :: Cts
+ givens_for_this_clas
+ = lookupUFM (cts_given (inert_dicts inerts)) clas `orElse` emptyCts
given_overlap :: TcsUntouchables -> Bool
given_overlap untch = anyBag (matchable untch) givens_for_this_clas
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
index 29ec51c7cb..6ae5be7811 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ module TcMType (
zonkTcTyVar, zonkTcTyVars, zonkTcTyVarsAndFV, zonkSigTyVar,
zonkQuantifiedTyVar, zonkQuantifiedTyVars,
zonkTcType, zonkTcTypes, zonkTcThetaType,
- zonkTcKind, defaultKindVarToStar,
- zonkImplication, zonkEvVar, zonkWantedEvVar, zonkFlavoredEvVar,
+ zonkTcKind, defaultKindVarToStar, zonkCt, zonkCts,
+ zonkImplication, zonkEvVar, zonkWantedEvVar,
zonkWC, zonkWantedEvVars,
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ newDict cls tys
; return (mkLocalId name (mkClassPred cls tys)) }
predTypeOccName :: PredType -> OccName
-predTypeOccName ty = case predTypePredTree ty of
+predTypeOccName ty = case classifyPredType ty of
ClassPred cls _ -> mkDictOcc (getOccName cls)
IPPred ip _ -> mkVarOccFS (ipFastString ip)
EqPred _ _ -> mkVarOccFS (fsLit "cobox")
@@ -670,19 +672,26 @@ zonkEvVar :: EvVar -> TcM EvVar
zonkEvVar var = do { ty' <- zonkTcType (varType var)
; return (setVarType var ty') }
-zonkFlavoredEvVar :: FlavoredEvVar -> TcM FlavoredEvVar
-zonkFlavoredEvVar (EvVarX ev fl)
- = do { ev' <- zonkEvVar ev
- ; fl' <- zonkFlavor fl
- ; return (EvVarX ev' fl') }
zonkWC :: WantedConstraints -> TcM WantedConstraints
zonkWC (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic, wc_insol = insol })
- = do { flat' <- zonkWantedEvVars flat
+ = do { flat' <- mapBagM zonkCt flat
; implic' <- mapBagM zonkImplication implic
- ; insol' <- mapBagM zonkFlavoredEvVar insol
+ ; insol' <- mapBagM zonkCt insol
; return (WC { wc_flat = flat', wc_impl = implic', wc_insol = insol' }) }
+zonkCt :: Ct -> TcM Ct
+-- Zonking a Ct conservatively gives back a CNonCanonical
+zonkCt ct
+ = do { v' <- zonkEvVar (cc_id ct)
+ ; fl' <- zonkFlavor (cc_flavor ct)
+ ; return $
+ CNonCanonical { cc_id = v'
+ , cc_flavor = fl'
+ , cc_depth = cc_depth ct } }
+zonkCts :: Cts -> TcM Cts
+zonkCts = mapBagM zonkCt
zonkWantedEvVars :: Bag WantedEvVar -> TcM (Bag WantedEvVar)
zonkWantedEvVars = mapBagM zonkWantedEvVar
@@ -1217,7 +1226,7 @@ check_pred_ty' _ _ctxt (IPPred _ ty) = checkValidMonoType ty
check_pred_ty' dflags ctxt t@(TuplePred ts)
= do { checkTc (xopt Opt_ConstraintKinds dflags)
(predTupleErr (predTreePredType t))
- ; mapM_ (check_pred_ty' dflags ctxt) ts }
+ ; mapM_ (check_pred_ty dflags ctxt) ts }
-- This case will not normally be executed because without -XConstraintKinds
-- tuple types are only kind-checked as *
@@ -1386,7 +1395,7 @@ growPredTyVars :: TcPredType
-> TyVarSet -- The set to extend
-> TyVarSet -- TyVars of the predicate if it intersects
-- the set, or is implicit parameter
-growPredTyVars pred tvs = go (predTypePredTree pred)
+growPredTyVars pred tvs = go (classifyPredType pred)
grow pred_tvs | pred_tvs `intersectsVarSet` tvs = pred_tvs
| otherwise = emptyVarSet
@@ -1394,7 +1403,7 @@ growPredTyVars pred tvs = go (predTypePredTree pred)
go (IPPred _ ty) = tyVarsOfType ty -- See Note [Implicit parameters and ambiguity]
go (ClassPred _ tys) = grow (tyVarsOfTypes tys)
go (EqPred ty1 ty2) = grow (tyVarsOfType ty1 `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty2)
- go (TuplePred ts) = unionVarSets (map go ts)
+ go (TuplePred ts) = unionVarSets (map (go . classifyPredType) ts)
go (IrredPred ty) = grow (tyVarsOfType ty)
@@ -1727,7 +1736,6 @@ fvType (ForAllTy tyvar ty) = filter (/= tyvar) (fvType ty)
fvTypes :: [Type] -> [TyVar]
fvTypes tys = concat (map fvType tys)
sizeType :: Type -> Int
-- Size of a type: the number of variables and constructors
sizeType ty | Just exp_ty <- tcView ty = sizeType exp_ty
@@ -1749,12 +1757,12 @@ sizeTypes xs = sum (map sizeType tys)
-- can't get back to a class constraint, so it's safe
-- to say "size 0". See Trac #4200.
sizePred :: PredType -> Int
-sizePred ty = go (predTypePredTree ty)
+sizePred ty = go (classifyPredType ty)
go (ClassPred _ tys') = sizeTypes tys'
go (IPPred {}) = 0
go (EqPred {}) = 0
- go (TuplePred ts) = sum (map go ts)
+ go (TuplePred ts) = sum (map (go . classifyPredType) ts)
go (IrredPred ty) = sizeType ty
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
index 48f3cf8fd7..5312e681c6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ tcRnModule hsc_env hsc_src save_rn_syntax
ifWOptM Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude $
when (notNull prel_imports) $ addWarn (implicitPreludeWarn) ;
- tcg_env <- tcRnImports hsc_env this_mod (prel_imports ++ import_decls) ;
+ tcg_env <- {-# SCC "tcRnImports" #-}
+ tcRnImports hsc_env this_mod (prel_imports ++ import_decls) ;
setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
-- Load the hi-boot interface for this module, if any
@@ -168,7 +169,8 @@ tcRnModule hsc_env hsc_src save_rn_syntax
tcg_env <- if isHsBoot hsc_src then
tcRnHsBootDecls local_decls
- tcRnSrcDecls boot_iface local_decls ;
+ {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
+ tcRnSrcDecls boot_iface local_decls ;
setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
-- Report the use of any deprecated things
@@ -420,7 +422,8 @@ tcRnSrcDecls boot_iface decls
-- * the global env exposes the instances to simplifyTop
-- * the local env exposes the local Ids to simplifyTop,
-- so that we get better error messages (monomorphism restriction)
- new_ev_binds <- simplifyTop lie ;
+ new_ev_binds <- {-# SCC "simplifyTop" #-}
+ simplifyTop lie ;
traceTc "Tc9" empty ;
failIfErrsM ; -- Don't zonk if there have been errors
@@ -441,7 +444,8 @@ tcRnSrcDecls boot_iface decls
; all_ev_binds = cur_ev_binds `unionBags` new_ev_binds } ;
(bind_ids, ev_binds', binds', fords', imp_specs', rules', vects')
- <- zonkTopDecls all_ev_binds binds sig_ns rules vects imp_specs fords ;
+ <- {-# SCC "zonkTopDecls" #-}
+ zonkTopDecls all_ev_binds binds sig_ns rules vects imp_specs fords ;
let { final_type_env = extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env bind_ids
; tcg_env' = tcg_env { tcg_binds = binds',
@@ -460,7 +464,8 @@ tc_rn_src_decls :: ModDetails
-- Loops around dealing with each top level inter-splice group
-- in turn, until it's dealt with the entire module
tc_rn_src_decls boot_details ds
- = do { (first_group, group_tail) <- findSplice ds ;
+ = {-# SCC "tc_rn_src_decls" #-}
+ do { (first_group, group_tail) <- findSplice ds ;
-- If ds is [] we get ([], Nothing)
-- Deal with decls up to, but not including, the first splice
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
index d10d451642..75a80c3222 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.lhs
@@ -998,6 +998,15 @@ emitFlats ct
= do { lie_var <- getConstraintVar ;
updTcRef lie_var (`addFlats` ct) }
+emitWantedCts :: Cts -> TcM ()
+-- Precondition: all wanted
+emitWantedCts = mapBagM_ emit_wanted_ct
+ where emit_wanted_ct ct
+ | v <- cc_id ct
+ , Wanted loc <- cc_flavor ct
+ = emitFlat (EvVarX v loc)
+ | otherwise = panic "emitWantecCts: can't emit non-wanted!"
emitImplication :: Implication -> TcM ()
emitImplication ct
= do { lie_var <- getConstraintVar ;
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
index dc2e55ff8b..1640edc2df 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
@@ -50,12 +50,18 @@ module TcRnTypes(
-- Constraints
Untouchables(..), inTouchableRange, isNoUntouchables,
+ -- Canonical constraints
+ Xi, Ct(..), Cts, emptyCts, andCts, andManyCts,
+ singleCt, extendCts, isEmptyCts, isCTyEqCan,
+ isCDictCan_Maybe, isCIPCan_Maybe, isCFunEqCan_Maybe,
+ isCIrredEvCan, isCNonCanonical,
+ SubGoalDepth,
WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC,
andWC, addFlats, addImplics, mkFlatWC,
EvVarX(..), mkEvVarX, evVarOf, evVarX, evVarOfPred,
- WantedEvVar, wantedToFlavored,
- keepWanted,
+ WantedEvVar,
CtLoc(..), ctLocSpan, ctLocOrigin, setCtLocOrigin,
@@ -67,11 +73,10 @@ module TcRnTypes(
CtFlavor(..), pprFlavorArising, isWanted,
isGivenOrSolved, isGiven_maybe,
- FlavoredEvVar,
-- Pretty printing
pprEvVarTheta, pprWantedEvVar, pprWantedsWithLocs,
- pprEvVars, pprEvVarWithType,
+ pprEvVars, pprEvVarWithType, pprWantedEvVarWithLoc,
pprArising, pprArisingAt,
-- Misc other types
@@ -113,6 +118,7 @@ import ListSetOps
import FastString
import Data.Set (Set)
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ The monad itself has to be defined here, because it is mentioned by ErrCtxt
type TcRef a = IORef a
-type TcId = Id -- Type may be a TcType DV: WHAT??????????
+type TcId = Id
type TcIdSet = IdSet
@@ -806,6 +812,151 @@ instance Outputable WhereFrom where
ppr ImportBySystem = ptext (sLit "{- SYSTEM -}")
+%* *
+%* Canonical constraints *
+%* *
+%* These are the constraints the low-level simplifier works with *
+%* *
+-- Types without any type functions inside. However, note that xi
+-- types CAN contain unexpanded type synonyms; however, the
+-- (transitive) expansions of those type synonyms will not contain any
+-- type functions.
+type Xi = Type -- In many comments, "xi" ranges over Xi
+type Cts = Bag Ct
+type SubGoalDepth = Int -- An ever increasing number used to restrict
+ -- simplifier iterations. Bounded by -fcontext-stack.
+data Ct
+ -- Atomic canonical constraints
+ = CDictCan { -- e.g. Num xi
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_class :: Class,
+ cc_tyargs :: [Xi],
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- Simplification depth of this constraint
+ -- See Note [WorkList]
+ }
+ | CIPCan { -- ?x::tau
+ -- See note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints].
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ip_nm :: IPName Name,
+ cc_ip_ty :: TcTauType, -- Not a Xi! See same not as above
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- See Note [WorkList]
+ }
+ | CIrredEvCan { -- These stand for yet-unknown predicates
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ty :: Xi, -- cc_ty is flat hence it may only be of the form (tv xi1 xi2 ... xin)
+ -- Since, if it were a type constructor application, that'd make the
+ -- whole constraint a CDictCan, CIPCan, or CTyEqCan. And it can't be
+ -- a type family application either because it's a Xi type.
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- See Note [WorkList]
+ }
+ | CTyEqCan { -- tv ~ xi (recall xi means function free)
+ -- Invariant:
+ -- * tv not in tvs(xi) (occurs check)
+ -- * typeKind xi `compatKind` typeKind tv
+ -- See Note [Spontaneous solving and kind compatibility]
+ -- * We prefer unification variables on the left *JUST* for efficiency
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_tyvar :: TcTyVar,
+ cc_rhs :: Xi,
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- See Note [WorkList]
+ }
+ | CFunEqCan { -- F xis ~ xi
+ -- Invariant: * isSynFamilyTyCon cc_fun
+ -- * typeKind (F xis) `compatKind` typeKind xi
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_fun :: TyCon, -- A type function
+ cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- Either under-saturated or exactly saturated
+ cc_rhs :: Xi, -- *never* over-saturated (because if so
+ -- we should have decomposed)
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- See Note [WorkList]
+ }
+ | CNonCanonical { -- See Note [NonCanonical Semantics]
+ cc_id :: EvVar,
+ cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth
+ }
+instance Outputable Ct where
+ ppr ct = ppr (cc_flavor ct) <> braces (ppr (cc_depth ct))
+ <+> ppr ev_var <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType ev_var)
+ <+> parens (text ct_sort)
+ where ev_var = cc_id ct
+ ct_sort = case ct of
+ CTyEqCan {} -> "CTyEqCan"
+ CFunEqCan {} -> "CFunEqCan"
+ CNonCanonical {} -> "CNonCanonical"
+ CDictCan {} -> "CDictCan"
+ CIPCan {} -> "CIPCan"
+ CIrredEvCan {} -> "CIrredEvCan"
+singleCt :: Ct -> Cts
+singleCt = unitBag
+andCts :: Cts -> Cts -> Cts
+andCts = unionBags
+extendCts :: Cts -> Ct -> Cts
+extendCts = snocBag
+andManyCts :: [Cts] -> Cts
+andManyCts = unionManyBags
+emptyCts :: Cts
+emptyCts = emptyBag
+isEmptyCts :: Cts -> Bool
+isEmptyCts = isEmptyBag
+isCTyEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
+isCTyEqCan (CTyEqCan {}) = True
+isCTyEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = False
+isCTyEqCan _ = False
+isCDictCan_Maybe :: Ct -> Maybe Class
+isCDictCan_Maybe (CDictCan {cc_class = cls }) = Just cls
+isCDictCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+isCIPCan_Maybe :: Ct -> Maybe (IPName Name)
+isCIPCan_Maybe (CIPCan {cc_ip_nm = nm }) = Just nm
+isCIPCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+isCIrredEvCan :: Ct -> Bool
+isCIrredEvCan (CIrredEvCan {}) = True
+isCIrredEvCan _ = False
+isCFunEqCan_Maybe :: Ct -> Maybe TyCon
+isCFunEqCan_Maybe (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc }) = Just tc
+isCFunEqCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+isCNonCanonical :: Ct -> Bool
+isCNonCanonical (CNonCanonical {}) = True
+isCNonCanonical _ = False
%* *
@@ -819,10 +970,11 @@ instance Outputable WhereFrom where
data WantedConstraints
- = WC { wc_flat :: Bag WantedEvVar -- Unsolved constraints, all wanted
+ = WC { wc_flat :: Cts -- Unsolved constraints, all wanted
, wc_impl :: Bag Implication
- , wc_insol :: Bag FlavoredEvVar -- Insoluble constraints, can be
+ , wc_insol :: Cts -- Insoluble constraints, can be
-- wanted, given, or derived
-- See Note [Insoluble constraints]
@@ -830,8 +982,9 @@ data WantedConstraints
emptyWC :: WantedConstraints
emptyWC = WC { wc_flat = emptyBag, wc_impl = emptyBag, wc_insol = emptyBag }
-mkFlatWC :: Bag WantedEvVar -> WantedConstraints
-mkFlatWC wevs = WC { wc_flat = wevs, wc_impl = emptyBag, wc_insol = emptyBag }
+mkFlatWC :: [Ct] -> WantedConstraints
+mkFlatWC cts
+ = WC { wc_flat = listToBag cts, wc_impl = emptyBag, wc_insol = emptyBag }
isEmptyWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool
isEmptyWC (WC { wc_flat = f, wc_impl = i, wc_insol = n })
@@ -850,7 +1003,11 @@ andWC (WC { wc_flat = f1, wc_impl = i1, wc_insol = n1 })
, wc_insol = n1 `unionBags` n2 }
addFlats :: WantedConstraints -> Bag WantedEvVar -> WantedConstraints
-addFlats wc wevs = wc { wc_flat = wc_flat wc `unionBags` wevs }
+addFlats wc wevs
+ = wc { wc_flat = wc_flat wc `unionBags` cts }
+ where cts = mapBag mk_noncan wevs
+ mk_noncan (EvVarX v wl)
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_id = v, cc_flavor = Wanted wl, cc_depth = 0}
addImplics :: WantedConstraints -> Bag Implication -> WantedConstraints
addImplics wc implic = wc { wc_impl = wc_impl wc `unionBags` implic }
@@ -859,7 +1016,7 @@ instance Outputable WantedConstraints where
ppr (WC {wc_flat = f, wc_impl = i, wc_insol = n})
= ptext (sLit "WC") <+> braces (vcat
[ if isEmptyBag f then empty else
- ptext (sLit "wc_flat =") <+> pprBag pprWantedEvVar f
+ ptext (sLit "wc_flat =") <+> pprBag ppr f
, if isEmptyBag i then empty else
ptext (sLit "wc_impl =") <+> pprBag ppr i
, if isEmptyBag n then empty else
@@ -995,7 +1152,7 @@ data EvVarX a = EvVarX EvVar a
-- An evidence variable with accompanying info
type WantedEvVar = EvVarX WantedLoc -- The location where it arose
-type FlavoredEvVar = EvVarX CtFlavor
instance Outputable (EvVarX a) where
ppr (EvVarX ev _) = pprEvVarWithType ev
@@ -1014,17 +1171,6 @@ evVarX (EvVarX _ a) = a
evVarOfPred :: EvVarX a -> PredType
evVarOfPred wev = evVarPred (evVarOf wev)
-wantedToFlavored :: WantedEvVar -> FlavoredEvVar
-wantedToFlavored (EvVarX v wl) = EvVarX v (Wanted wl)
-keepWanted :: Bag FlavoredEvVar -> Bag WantedEvVar
-keepWanted flevs
- = foldrBag keep_wanted emptyBag flevs
- -- Important: use fold*r*Bag to preserve the order of the evidence variables.
- where
- keep_wanted :: FlavoredEvVar -> Bag WantedEvVar -> Bag WantedEvVar
- keep_wanted (EvVarX ev (Wanted wloc)) r = consBag (EvVarX ev wloc) r
- keep_wanted _ r = r
@@ -1040,7 +1186,7 @@ pprEvVarWithType v = ppr v <+> dcolon <+> pprType (evVarPred v)
pprWantedsWithLocs :: WantedConstraints -> SDoc
pprWantedsWithLocs wcs
- = vcat [ pprBag pprWantedEvVarWithLoc (wc_flat wcs)
+ = vcat [ pprBag ppr (wc_flat wcs)
, pprBag ppr (wc_impl wcs)
, pprBag ppr (wc_insol wcs) ]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
index 553d4613c6..7d3ee73f6b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
@@ -9,18 +9,17 @@
-- Type definitions for the constraint solver
module TcSMonad (
- -- Canonical constraints
- CanonicalCts, emptyCCan, andCCan, andCCans,
- singleCCan, extendCCans, isEmptyCCan, isCTyEqCan,
- isCDictCan_Maybe, isCIPCan_Maybe, isCFunEqCan_Maybe,
- isCIrredEvCan, isCFrozenErr,
+ -- Canonical constraints, definition is now in TcRnTypes
- WorkList, unionWorkList, unionWorkLists, isEmptyWorkList, emptyWorkList,
- workListFromEq, workListFromNonEq,
- workListFromEqs, workListFromNonEqs, foldrWorkListM,
+ WorkList(..), isEmptyWorkList, emptyWorkList,
+ workListFromEq, workListFromNonEq, workListFromCt,
+ extendWorkListEq, extendWorkListNonEq, extendWorkListCt,
+ appendWorkListCt, appendWorkListEqs, unionWorkList,
- CanonicalCt(..), Xi, tyVarsOfCanonical, tyVarsOfCanonicals, tyVarsOfCDicts,
- deCanonicalise, mkFrozenError,
+ getTcSWorkList, updWorkListTcS, updWorkListTcS_return, keepWanted,
+ Ct(..), Xi, tyVarsOfCt, tyVarsOfCts, tyVarsOfCDicts,
+ emitFrozenError,
isWanted, isGivenOrSolved, isDerived,
isGivenOrSolvedCt, isGivenCt_maybe,
@@ -34,14 +33,17 @@ module TcSMonad (
TcS, runTcS, failTcS, panicTcS, traceTcS, -- Basic functionality
- traceFireTcS, bumpStepCountTcS,
- tryTcS, nestImplicTcS, recoverTcS, wrapErrTcS, wrapWarnTcS,
+ traceFireTcS, bumpStepCountTcS, doWithInert,
+ tryTcS, nestImplicTcS, recoverTcS,
+ wrapErrTcS, wrapWarnTcS,
SimplContext(..), isInteractive, simplEqsOnly, performDefaulting,
-- Creation of evidence variables
- newEvVar,
- newDerivedId, newGivenEqVar,
- newEqVar, newIPVar, newDictVar, newKindConstraint,
+ newEvVar, forceNewEvVar, delCachedEvVar, updateFlatCache, flushFlatCache,
+ newGivenEqVar,
+ newEqVar, newKindConstraint,
+ EvVarCreated (..), isNewEvVar, FlatEqOrigin ( .. ), origin_matches,
-- Setting evidence variables
@@ -51,14 +53,22 @@ module TcSMonad (
- lookupFlatCacheMap, updateFlatCacheMap,
getInstEnvs, getFamInstEnvs, -- Getting the environments
getTopEnv, getGblEnv, getTcEvBinds, getUntouchables,
- getTcEvBindsBag, getTcSContext, getTcSTyBinds, getTcSTyBindsMap,
+ getTcEvBindsMap, getTcSContext, getTcSTyBinds, getTcSTyBindsMap,
+ getTcSEvVarCacheMap, getTcSEvVarFlatCache, setTcSEvVarCacheMap, pprEvVarCache,
newFlattenSkolemTy, -- Flatten skolems
+ -- Inerts
+ InertSet(..),
+ getInertEqs, rewriteFromInertEqs, liftInertEqsTy,
+ emptyInert, getTcSInerts, updInertSet, extractUnsolved,
+ extractUnsolvedTcS, modifyInertTcS,
+ updInertSetTcS, partitionCCanMap, partitionEqMap,
+ getRelevantCts, extractRelevantInerts,
+ CCanMap (..), CtTypeMap, pprCtTypeMap, mkPredKeyForTypeMap, partitionCtTypeMap,
instDFunTypes, -- Instantiation
@@ -75,7 +85,7 @@ module TcSMonad (
matchClass, matchFam, MatchInstResult (..),
- pprEq -- Smaller utils, re-exported from TcM
+ pprEq -- Smaller utils, re-exported from TcM
-- TODO (DV): these are only really used in the
-- instance matcher in TcSimplify. I am wondering
-- if the whole instance matcher simply belongs
@@ -100,6 +110,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified TcUnify as TcM ( unifyKindEq, mkKindErrorCtxt )
import Kind
import TcType
import DynFlags
+import Type
import Coercion
import Class
@@ -113,94 +124,28 @@ import Outputable
import Bag
import MonadUtils
import VarSet
-import Pair
+import Pair ( pSnd )
import FastString
-import StaticFlags
import Util
import HsBinds -- for TcEvBinds stuff
import Id
import TcRnTypes
-import Control.Monad
+import Unique
+import UniqFM
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Control.Monad( when )
+import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import TrieMap
-%* *
-%* Canonical constraints *
-%* *
-%* These are the constraints the low-level simplifier works with *
-%* *
--- Types without any type functions inside. However, note that xi
--- types CAN contain unexpanded type synonyms; however, the
--- (transitive) expansions of those type synonyms will not contain any
--- type functions.
-type Xi = Type -- In many comments, "xi" ranges over Xi
-type CanonicalCts = Bag CanonicalCt
-data CanonicalCt
- -- Atomic canonical constraints
- = CDictCan { -- e.g. Num xi
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
- cc_class :: Class,
- cc_tyargs :: [Xi]
- }
- | CIPCan { -- ?x::tau
- -- See note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints].
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
- cc_ip_nm :: IPName Name,
- cc_ip_ty :: TcTauType
- }
- | CIrredEvCan {
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
- cc_ty :: Xi
- }
- | CTyEqCan { -- tv ~ xi (recall xi means function free)
- -- Invariant:
- -- * tv not in tvs(xi) (occurs check)
- -- * typeKind xi `compatKind` typeKind tv
- -- See Note [Spontaneous solving and kind compatibility]
- -- * We prefer unification variables on the left *JUST* for efficiency
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
- cc_tyvar :: TcTyVar,
- cc_rhs :: Xi
- }
- | CFunEqCan { -- F xis ~ xi
- -- Invariant: * isSynFamilyTyCon cc_fun
- -- * typeKind (F xis) `compatKind` typeKind xi
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
- cc_fun :: TyCon, -- A type function
- cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- Either under-saturated or exactly saturated
- cc_rhs :: Xi -- *never* over-saturated (because if so
- -- we should have decomposed)
- }
- | CFrozenErr { -- A "frozen error" does not interact with anything
- -- See Note [Frozen Errors]
- cc_id :: EvVar,
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor
- }
-mkFrozenError :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> CanonicalCt
-mkFrozenError fl ev = CFrozenErr { cc_id = ev, cc_flavor = fl }
compatKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
compatKind k1 k2 = k1 `isSubKind` k2 || k2 `isSubKind` k1
@@ -221,148 +166,443 @@ unifyKindTcS ty1 ty2 ki1 ki2
return (maybe False (const True) mb_r)
where ctxt = TcM.mkKindErrorCtxt ty1 ki1 ty2 ki2
-deCanonicalise :: CanonicalCt -> FlavoredEvVar
-deCanonicalise ct = mkEvVarX (cc_id ct) (cc_flavor ct)
-tyVarsOfCanonical :: CanonicalCt -> TcTyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi }) = extendVarSet (tyVarsOfType xi) tv
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = tys, cc_rhs = xi }) = tyVarsOfTypes (xi:tys)
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CIPCan { cc_ip_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CIrredEvCan { cc_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
-tyVarsOfCanonical (CFrozenErr { cc_id = ev }) = tyVarsOfEvVar ev
-tyVarsOfCDict :: CanonicalCt -> TcTyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCDict (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
-tyVarsOfCDict _ct = emptyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCDicts :: CanonicalCts -> TcTyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCDicts = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCDict) emptyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCanonicals :: CanonicalCts -> TcTyVarSet
-tyVarsOfCanonicals = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCanonical) emptyVarSet
-instance Outputable CanonicalCt where
- ppr (CDictCan d fl cls tys)
- = ppr fl <+> ppr d <+> dcolon <+> pprClassPred cls tys
- ppr (CIPCan ip fl ip_nm ty)
- = ppr fl <+> ppr ip <+> dcolon <+> parens (ppr ip_nm <> dcolon <> ppr ty)
- ppr (CIrredEvCan v fl ty)
- = ppr fl <+> ppr v <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
- ppr (CTyEqCan co fl tv ty)
- = ppr fl <+> ppr co <+> dcolon <+> pprEqPred (Pair (mkTyVarTy tv) ty)
- ppr (CFunEqCan co fl tc tys ty)
- = ppr fl <+> ppr co <+> dcolon <+> pprEqPred (Pair (mkTyConApp tc tys) ty)
- ppr (CFrozenErr co fl)
- = ppr fl <+> pprEvVarWithType co
-Note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints]
-The type in a canonical implicit parameter constraint doesn't need to
-be a xi (type-function-free type) since we can defer the flattening
-until checking this type for equality with another type. If we
-encounter two IP constraints with the same name, they MUST have the
-same type, and at that point we can generate a flattened equality
-constraint between the types. (On the other hand, the types in two
-class constraints for the same class MAY be equal, so they need to be
-flattened in the first place to facilitate comparing them.)
-singleCCan :: CanonicalCt -> CanonicalCts
-singleCCan = unitBag
+%* *
+%* Worklists *
+%* Canonical and non-canonical constraints that the simplifier has to *
+%* work on. Including their simplification depths. *
+%* *
+%* *
-andCCan :: CanonicalCts -> CanonicalCts -> CanonicalCts
-andCCan = unionBags
+Note [WorkList]
-extendCCans :: CanonicalCts -> CanonicalCt -> CanonicalCts
-extendCCans = snocBag
+A WorkList contains canonical and non-canonical items (of all flavors).
+Notice that each Ct now has a simplification depth. We may
+consider using this depth for prioritization as well in the future.
-andCCans :: [CanonicalCts] -> CanonicalCts
-andCCans = unionManyBags
+As a simple form of priority queue, our worklist separates out
+equalities (wl_eqs) from the rest of the canonical constraints,
+so that it's easier to deal with them first, but the separation
+is not strictly necessary. Notice that non-canonical constraints
+are also parts of the worklist.
-emptyCCan :: CanonicalCts
-emptyCCan = emptyBag
+Note [NonCanonical Semantics]
+Note that canonical constraints involve a CNonCanonical constructor. In the worklist
+we use this constructor for constraints that have not yet been canonicalized such as
+ [Int] ~ [a]
+In other words, all constraints start life as NonCanonicals.
-isEmptyCCan :: CanonicalCts -> Bool
-isEmptyCCan = isEmptyBag
+On the other hand, in the Inert Set (see below) the presence of a NonCanonical somewhere
+means that we have a ``frozen error''.
-isCTyEqCan :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
-isCTyEqCan (CTyEqCan {}) = True
-isCTyEqCan (CFunEqCan {}) = False
-isCTyEqCan _ = False
+NonCanonical constraints never interact directly with other constraints -- but they can
+be rewritten by equalities (for instance if a non canonical exists in the inert, we'd
+better rewrite it as much as possible before reporting it as an error to the user)
-isCDictCan_Maybe :: CanonicalCt -> Maybe Class
-isCDictCan_Maybe (CDictCan {cc_class = cls }) = Just cls
-isCDictCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
-isCIPCan_Maybe :: CanonicalCt -> Maybe (IPName Name)
-isCIPCan_Maybe (CIPCan {cc_ip_nm = nm }) = Just nm
-isCIPCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+-- See Note [WorkList]
+data WorkList = WorkList { wl_eqs :: [Ct], wl_rest :: [Ct] }
-isCIrredEvCan :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
-isCIrredEvCan (CIrredEvCan {}) = True
-isCIrredEvCan _ = False
-isCFunEqCan_Maybe :: CanonicalCt -> Maybe TyCon
-isCFunEqCan_Maybe (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc }) = Just tc
-isCFunEqCan_Maybe _ = Nothing
+unionWorkList :: WorkList -> WorkList -> WorkList
+unionWorkList new_wl orig_wl =
+ WorkList { wl_eqs = wl_eqs new_wl ++ wl_eqs orig_wl
+ , wl_rest = wl_rest new_wl ++ wl_rest orig_wl }
-isCFrozenErr :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
-isCFrozenErr (CFrozenErr {}) = True
-isCFrozenErr _ = False
+extendWorkListEq :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
+-- Extension by equality
+extendWorkListEq ct wl = wl { wl_eqs = ct : wl_eqs wl }
+extendWorkListNonEq :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
+-- Extension by non equality
+extendWorkListNonEq ct wl = wl { wl_rest = ct : wl_rest wl }
--- A mixture of Given, Wanted, and Derived constraints.
--- We split between equalities and the rest to process equalities first.
-data WorkList = WorkList { weqs :: CanonicalCts
- -- NB: weqs includes equalities /and/ family equalities
- , wrest :: CanonicalCts }
+extendWorkListCt :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
+-- Agnostic
+extendWorkListCt ct wl
+ | isLCoVar (cc_id ct) = extendWorkListEq ct wl
+ | otherwise = extendWorkListNonEq ct wl
-unionWorkList :: WorkList -> WorkList -> WorkList
-unionWorkList wl1 wl2
- = WorkList { weqs = weqs wl1 `andCCan` weqs wl2
- , wrest = wrest wl1 `andCCan` wrest wl2 }
+appendWorkListCt :: [Ct] -> WorkList -> WorkList
+-- Agnostic
+appendWorkListCt cts wl = foldr extendWorkListCt wl cts
-unionWorkLists :: [WorkList] -> WorkList
-unionWorkLists = foldr unionWorkList emptyWorkList
+appendWorkListEqs :: [Ct] -> WorkList -> WorkList
+-- Append a list of equalities
+appendWorkListEqs cts wl = foldr extendWorkListEq wl cts
isEmptyWorkList :: WorkList -> Bool
-isEmptyWorkList wl = isEmptyCCan (weqs wl) && isEmptyCCan (wrest wl)
+isEmptyWorkList wl = null (wl_eqs wl) && null (wl_rest wl)
emptyWorkList :: WorkList
- = WorkList { weqs = emptyBag, wrest = emptyBag }
+emptyWorkList = WorkList { wl_eqs = [], wl_rest = [] }
-workListFromEq :: CanonicalCt -> WorkList
-workListFromEq = workListFromEqs . singleCCan
+workListFromEq :: Ct -> WorkList
+workListFromEq ct = WorkList { wl_eqs = [ct], wl_rest = [] }
-workListFromNonEq :: CanonicalCt -> WorkList
-workListFromNonEq = workListFromNonEqs . singleCCan
+workListFromNonEq :: Ct -> WorkList
+workListFromNonEq ct = WorkList { wl_eqs = [], wl_rest = [ct] }
-workListFromNonEqs :: CanonicalCts -> WorkList
-workListFromNonEqs cts
- = WorkList { weqs = emptyCCan, wrest = cts }
+workListFromCt :: Ct -> WorkList
+-- Agnostic
+workListFromCt ct | isLCoVar (cc_id ct) = workListFromEq ct
+ | otherwise = workListFromNonEq ct
-workListFromEqs :: CanonicalCts -> WorkList
-workListFromEqs cts
- = WorkList { weqs = cts, wrest = emptyCCan }
+-- Pretty printing
+instance Outputable WorkList where
+ ppr wl = vcat [ text "WorkList (eqs) = " <+> ppr (wl_eqs wl)
+ , text "WorkList (rest) = " <+> ppr (wl_rest wl)
+ ]
-foldrWorkListM :: (Monad m) => (CanonicalCt -> r -> m r)
- -> r -> WorkList -> m r
--- Prioritizes equalities
-foldrWorkListM on_ct r (WorkList {weqs = eqs, wrest = rest })
- = do { r1 <- foldrBagM on_ct r eqs
- ; foldrBagM on_ct r1 rest }
+keepWanted :: Cts -> Cts
+keepWanted = filterBag isWantedCt
+ -- DV: there used to be a note here that read:
+ -- ``Important: use fold*r*Bag to preserve the order of the evidence variables''
+ -- DV: Is this still relevant?
-instance Outputable WorkList where
- ppr wl = vcat [ text "WorkList (Equalities) = " <+> ppr (weqs wl)
- , text "WorkList (Other) = " <+> ppr (wrest wl) ]
+%* *
+%* Inert sets *
+%* *
+%* *
+Note [InertSet invariants]
+An InertSet is a bag of canonical constraints, with the following invariants:
+ 1 No two constraints react with each other.
+ A tricky case is when there exists a given (solved) dictionary
+ constraint and a wanted identical constraint in the inert set, but do
+ not react because reaction would create loopy dictionary evidence for
+ the wanted. See note [Recursive dictionaries]
+ 2 Given equalities form an idempotent substitution [none of the
+ given LHS's occur in any of the given RHS's or reactant parts]
+ 3 Wanted equalities also form an idempotent substitution
+ 4 The entire set of equalities is acyclic.
+ 5 Wanted dictionaries are inert with the top-level axiom set
+ 6 Equalities of the form tv1 ~ tv2 always have a touchable variable
+ on the left (if possible).
+ 7 No wanted constraints tv1 ~ tv2 with tv1 touchable. Such constraints
+ will be marked as solved right before being pushed into the inert set.
+ See note [Touchables and givens].
+ 8 No Given constraint mentions a touchable unification variable, but
+ Given/Solved may do so.
+ 9 Given constraints will also have their superclasses in the inert set,
+ but Given/Solved will not.
+Note that 6 and 7 are /not/ enforced by canonicalization but rather by
+insertion in the inert list, ie by TcInteract.
+During the process of solving, the inert set will contain some
+previously given constraints, some wanted constraints, and some given
+constraints which have arisen from solving wanted constraints. For
+now we do not distinguish between given and solved constraints.
+Note that we must switch wanted inert items to given when going under an
+implication constraint (when in top-level inference mode).
+data CCanMap a = CCanMap { cts_given :: UniqFM Cts
+ -- Invariant: all Given
+ , cts_derived :: UniqFM Cts
+ -- Invariant: all Derived
+ , cts_wanted :: UniqFM Cts }
+ -- Invariant: all Wanted
+cCanMapToBag :: CCanMap a -> Cts
+cCanMapToBag cmap = foldUFM unionBags rest_wder (cts_given cmap)
+ where rest_wder = foldUFM unionBags rest_der (cts_wanted cmap)
+ rest_der = foldUFM unionBags emptyCts (cts_derived cmap)
+emptyCCanMap :: CCanMap a
+emptyCCanMap = CCanMap { cts_given = emptyUFM, cts_derived = emptyUFM, cts_wanted = emptyUFM }
+updCCanMap:: Uniquable a => (a,Ct) -> CCanMap a -> CCanMap a
+updCCanMap (a,ct) cmap
+ = case cc_flavor ct of
+ Wanted {} -> cmap { cts_wanted = insert_into (cts_wanted cmap) }
+ Given {} -> cmap { cts_given = insert_into (cts_given cmap) }
+ Derived {} -> cmap { cts_derived = insert_into (cts_derived cmap) }
+ where
+ insert_into m = addToUFM_C unionBags m a (singleCt ct)
+getRelevantCts :: Uniquable a => a -> CCanMap a -> (Cts, CCanMap a)
+-- Gets the relevant constraints and returns the rest of the CCanMap
+getRelevantCts a cmap
+ = let relevant = lookup (cts_wanted cmap) `unionBags`
+ lookup (cts_given cmap) `unionBags`
+ lookup (cts_derived cmap)
+ residual_map = cmap { cts_wanted = delFromUFM (cts_wanted cmap) a
+ , cts_given = delFromUFM (cts_given cmap) a
+ , cts_derived = delFromUFM (cts_derived cmap) a }
+ in (relevant, residual_map)
+ where
+ lookup map = lookupUFM map a `orElse` emptyCts
+getCtTypeMapRelevants :: PredType -> TypeMap Ct -> (Cts, TypeMap Ct)
+getCtTypeMapRelevants key_pty tmap
+ = partitionCtTypeMap (\ct -> mkPredKeyForTypeMap ct `eqType` key_pty) tmap
+partitionCCanMap :: (Ct -> Bool) -> CCanMap a -> (Cts,CCanMap a)
+-- All constraints that /match/ the predicate go in the bag, the rest remain in the map
+partitionCCanMap pred cmap
+ = let (ws_map,ws) = foldUFM_Directly aux (emptyUFM,emptyCts) (cts_wanted cmap)
+ (ds_map,ds) = foldUFM_Directly aux (emptyUFM,emptyCts) (cts_derived cmap)
+ (gs_map,gs) = foldUFM_Directly aux (emptyUFM,emptyCts) (cts_given cmap)
+ in (ws `andCts` ds `andCts` gs, cmap { cts_wanted = ws_map
+ , cts_given = gs_map
+ , cts_derived = ds_map })
+ where aux k this_cts (mp,acc_cts) = (new_mp, new_acc_cts)
+ where new_mp = addToUFM mp k cts_keep
+ new_acc_cts = acc_cts `andCts` cts_out
+ (cts_out, cts_keep) = partitionBag pred this_cts
+partitionEqMap :: (Ct -> Bool) -> TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion) -> ([Ct], TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion))
+partitionEqMap pred isubst
+ = let eqs_out = foldVarEnv extend_if_pred [] isubst
+ eqs_in = filterVarEnv_Directly (\_ (ct,_) -> not (pred ct)) isubst
+ in (eqs_out, eqs_in)
+ where extend_if_pred (ct,_) cts = if pred ct then ct : cts else cts
+extractUnsolvedCMap :: CCanMap a -> (Cts, CCanMap a)
+-- Gets the wanted or derived constraints and returns a residual
+-- CCanMap with only givens.
+extractUnsolvedCMap cmap =
+ let wntd = foldUFM unionBags emptyCts (cts_wanted cmap)
+ derd = foldUFM unionBags emptyCts (cts_derived cmap)
+ in (wntd `unionBags` derd,
+ cmap { cts_wanted = emptyUFM, cts_derived = emptyUFM })
+-- See Note [InertSet invariants]
+data InertSet
+ = IS { inert_eqs :: TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion)
+ -- Must all be CTyEqCans! If an entry exists of the form:
+ -- a |-> ct,co
+ -- Then ct = CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = a, cc_rhs = xi }
+ -- And co : a ~ xi
+ , inert_eq_tvs :: InScopeSet -- Invariant: superset of inert_eqs tvs
+ , inert_dicts :: CCanMap Class -- Dictionaries only, index is the class
+ , inert_ips :: CCanMap (IPName Name) -- Implicit parameters
+ -- NB: We do not want to use TypeMaps here because functional dependencies
+ -- will only match on the class but not the type. Similarly IPs match on the
+ -- name but not on the whole datatype
+ , inert_funeqs :: CtTypeMap -- Map from family heads to CFunEqCan constraints
+ , inert_irreds :: Cts -- Irreducible predicates
+ , inert_frozen :: Cts -- All non-canonicals are kept here (as frozen errors)
+ }
+type CtTypeMap = TypeMap Ct
+pprCtTypeMap :: TypeMap Ct -> SDoc
+pprCtTypeMap ctmap = ppr (foldTM (:) ctmap [])
+ctTypeMapCts :: TypeMap Ct -> Cts
+ctTypeMapCts ctmap = foldTM (\ct cts -> extendCts cts ct) ctmap emptyCts
+mkPredKeyForTypeMap :: Ct -> PredType
+-- Create a key from a constraint to use in the inert CtTypeMap.
+-- The only interesting case is for family applications, where the
+-- key is not the whole PredType of cc_id, but rather the family
+-- equality left hand side (head)
+mkPredKeyForTypeMap (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = fn, cc_tyargs = xis })
+ = mkTyConApp fn xis
+mkPredKeyForTypeMap ct
+ = evVarPred (cc_id ct)
+partitionCtTypeMap :: (Ct -> Bool)
+ -> TypeMap Ct -> (Cts, TypeMap Ct)
+-- Kick out the ones that match the predicate and keep the rest in the typemap
+partitionCtTypeMap f ctmap
+ = foldTM upd_acc ctmap (emptyBag,ctmap)
+ where upd_acc ct (cts,acc_map)
+ | f ct = (extendCts cts ct, alterTM ct_key (\_ -> Nothing) acc_map)
+ | otherwise = (cts,acc_map)
+ where ct_key = mkPredKeyForTypeMap ct
+instance Outputable InertSet where
+ ppr is = vcat [ vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts (inert_eqs is)))
+ , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_irreds is))
+ , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts is)))
+ , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_ips is)))
+ , vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ ctTypeMapCts (inert_funeqs is)))
+ , text "Frozen errors =" <+> -- Clearly print frozen errors
+ braces (vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_frozen is)))
+ , text "Warning: Not displaying cached (solved) constraints"
+ ]
+emptyInert :: InertSet
+emptyInert = IS { inert_eqs = emptyVarEnv
+ , inert_eq_tvs = emptyInScopeSet
+ , inert_frozen = emptyCts
+ , inert_irreds = emptyCts
+ , inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
+ , inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
+ , inert_funeqs = emptyTM
+ }
+type AtomicInert = Ct
+updInertSet :: InertSet -> AtomicInert -> InertSet
+-- Add a new inert element to the inert set.
+updInertSet is item
+ | isCTyEqCan item
+ = let upd_err a b = pprPanic "updInertSet" $
+ vcat [text "Multiple inert equalities:", ppr a, ppr b]
+ eqs' = extendVarEnv_C upd_err (inert_eqs is)
+ (cc_tyvar item)
+ (item, mkEqVarLCo (cc_id item))
+ inscope' = extendInScopeSetSet (inert_eq_tvs is) (tyVarsOfCt item)
+ in is { inert_eqs = eqs', inert_eq_tvs = inscope' }
+ -- /Solved/ non-equalities go to the solved map
+ | Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe (cc_flavor item)
+ = let pty = mkPredKeyForTypeMap item
+ solved_orig = inert_solved is
+ in is { inert_solved = alterTM pty (\_ -> Just item) solved_orig }
+ | Just x <- isCIPCan_Maybe item -- IP
+ = is { inert_ips = updCCanMap (x,item) (inert_ips is) }
+ | isCIrredEvCan item -- Presently-irreducible evidence
+ = is { inert_irreds = inert_irreds is `Bag.snocBag` item }
+ | Just cls <- isCDictCan_Maybe item -- Dictionary
+ = is { inert_dicts = updCCanMap (cls,item) (inert_dicts is) }
+ | Just _tc <- isCFunEqCan_Maybe item -- Function equality
+ = let pty = mkPredKeyForTypeMap item
+ upd_funeqs Nothing = Just item
+ upd_funeqs (Just _alredy_there) = panic "updInertSet: item already there!"
+ in is { inert_funeqs = alterTM pty upd_funeqs (inert_funeqs is) }
+ | otherwise
+ = is { inert_frozen = inert_frozen is `Bag.snocBag` item }
+updInertSetTcS :: AtomicInert -> TcS ()
+-- Add a new item in the inerts of the monad
+updInertSetTcS item
+ = do { traceTcS "updInertSetTcs {" $
+ text "Trying to insert new inert item:" <+> ppr item
+ ; modifyInertTcS (\is -> ((), updInertSet is item))
+ ; traceTcS "updInertSetTcs }" $ empty }
+modifyInertTcS :: (InertSet -> (a,InertSet)) -> TcS a
+-- Modify the inert set with the supplied function
+modifyInertTcS upd
+ = do { is_var <- getTcSInertsRef
+ ; curr_inert <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef is_var)
+ ; let (a, new_inert) = upd curr_inert
+ ; wrapTcS (TcM.writeTcRef is_var new_inert)
+ ; return a }
+extractUnsolvedTcS :: TcS (Cts,Cts)
+-- Extracts frozen errors and remaining unsolved and sets the
+-- inert set to be the remaining!
+extractUnsolvedTcS =
+ modifyInertTcS extractUnsolved
+extractUnsolved :: InertSet -> ((Cts,Cts), InertSet)
+-- Postcondition
+-- -------------
+-- When:
+-- ((frozen,cts),is_solved) <- extractUnsolved inert
+-- Then:
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- cts | The unsolved (Derived or Wanted only) residual
+-- | canonical constraints, that is, no CNonCanonicals.
+-- -----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- frozen | The CNonCanonicals of the original inert (frozen errors),
+-- | of all flavors
+-- -----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- is_solved | Whatever remains from the inert after removing the previous two.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extractUnsolved is@(IS {inert_eqs = eqs, inert_irreds = irreds})
+ = let is_solved = is { inert_eqs = solved_eqs
+ , inert_eq_tvs = inert_eq_tvs is
+ , inert_dicts = solved_dicts
+ , inert_ips = solved_ips
+ , inert_irreds = solved_irreds
+ , inert_frozen = emptyCts
+ , inert_funeqs = solved_funeqs
+ }
+ in ((inert_frozen is, unsolved), is_solved)
+ where solved_eqs = filterVarEnv_Directly (\_ (ct,_) -> isGivenOrSolvedCt ct) eqs
+ unsolved_eqs = foldVarEnv (\(ct,_co) cts -> cts `extendCts` ct) emptyCts $
+ eqs `minusVarEnv` solved_eqs
+ (unsolved_irreds, solved_irreds) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenOrSolvedCt) irreds
+ (unsolved_ips, solved_ips) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_ips is)
+ (unsolved_dicts, solved_dicts) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_dicts is)
+ (unsolved_funeqs, solved_funeqs) = extractUnsolvedCtTypeMap (inert_funeqs is)
+ unsolved = unsolved_eqs `unionBags` unsolved_irreds `unionBags`
+ unsolved_ips `unionBags` unsolved_dicts `unionBags` unsolved_funeqs
+extractUnsolvedCtTypeMap :: TypeMap Ct -> (Cts,TypeMap Ct)
+ = partitionCtTypeMap (not . isGivenOrSolved . cc_flavor)
+extractRelevantInerts :: Ct -> TcS Cts
+-- Returns the constraints from the inert set that are 'relevant' to react with
+-- this constraint. The monad is left with the 'thinner' inerts.
+-- NB: This function contains logic specific to the constraint solver, maybe move there?
+extractRelevantInerts wi
+ = modifyInertTcS (extract_inert_relevants wi)
+ where extract_inert_relevants (CDictCan {cc_class = cl}) is =
+ let (cts,dict_map) = getRelevantCts cl (inert_dicts is)
+ in (cts, is { inert_dicts = dict_map })
+ extract_inert_relevants (CFunEqCan {cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis}) is =
+ let (cts,feqs_map) = getCtTypeMapRelevants (mkTyConApp tc xis) (inert_funeqs is)
+ in (cts, is { inert_funeqs = feqs_map })
+ extract_inert_relevants (CIPCan { cc_ip_nm = nm } ) is =
+ let (cts, ips_map) = getRelevantCts nm (inert_ips is)
+ in (cts, is { inert_ips = ips_map })
+ extract_inert_relevants (CIrredEvCan { }) is =
+ let cts = inert_irreds is
+ in (cts, is { inert_irreds = emptyCts })
+ extract_inert_relevants _ is = (emptyCts,is)
%* *
@@ -371,22 +611,22 @@ instance Outputable WorkList where
-getWantedLoc :: CanonicalCt -> WantedLoc
+getWantedLoc :: Ct -> WantedLoc
getWantedLoc ct
= ASSERT (isWanted (cc_flavor ct))
case cc_flavor ct of
Wanted wl -> wl
_ -> pprPanic "Can't get WantedLoc of non-wanted constraint!" empty
-isWantedCt :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
+isWantedCt :: Ct -> Bool
isWantedCt ct = isWanted (cc_flavor ct)
-isDerivedCt :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
+isDerivedCt :: Ct -> Bool
isDerivedCt ct = isDerived (cc_flavor ct)
-isGivenCt_maybe :: CanonicalCt -> Maybe GivenKind
+isGivenCt_maybe :: Ct -> Maybe GivenKind
isGivenCt_maybe ct = isGiven_maybe (cc_flavor ct)
-isGivenOrSolvedCt :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
+isGivenOrSolvedCt :: Ct -> Bool
isGivenOrSolvedCt ct = isGivenOrSolved (cc_flavor ct)
@@ -459,8 +699,10 @@ added. This is initialised from the innermost implication constraint.
data TcSEnv
= TcSEnv {
- tcs_ev_binds :: EvBindsVar,
- -- Evidence bindings
+ tcs_ev_binds :: EvBindsVar,
+ tcs_evvar_cache :: IORef EvVarCache,
+ -- Evidence bindings and a cache from predicate types to the created evidence
+ -- variables. The scope of the cache will be the same as the scope of tcs_ev_binds
tcs_ty_binds :: IORef (TyVarEnv (TcTyVar, TcType)),
-- Global type bindings
@@ -472,29 +714,36 @@ data TcSEnv
tcs_ic_depth :: Int, -- Implication nesting depth
tcs_count :: IORef Int, -- Global step count
- tcs_flat_map :: IORef FlatCache
- }
-data FlatCache
- = FlatCache { givenFlatCache :: Map.Map FunEqHead (TcType,EqVar,CtFlavor)
- -- Invariant: all CtFlavors here satisfy isGiven
- , wantedFlatCache :: Map.Map FunEqHead (TcType,EqVar,CtFlavor) }
- -- Invariant: all CtFlavors here satisfy isWanted
+ tcs_inerts :: IORef InertSet, -- Current inert set
+ tcs_worklist :: IORef WorkList -- Current worklist
-emptyFlatCache :: FlatCache
- = FlatCache { givenFlatCache = Map.empty, wantedFlatCache = Map.empty }
-newtype FunEqHead = FunEqHead (TyCon,[Xi])
+ -- TcSEnv invariant: the tcs_evvar_cache is a superset of tcs_inerts, tcs_worklist, tcs_ev_binds which must
+ -- all be disjoint with each other.
+ }
-instance Eq FunEqHead where
- FunEqHead (tc1,xis1) == FunEqHead (tc2,xis2) = tc1 == tc2 && eqTypes xis1 xis2
+data EvVarCache
+ = EvVarCache { evc_cache :: TypeMap (EvVar,CtFlavor)
+ -- Map from PredTys to Evidence variables
+ -- used to avoid creating new goals
+ , evc_flat_cache :: TypeMap (Coercion,(Xi,CtFlavor,FlatEqOrigin))
+ -- Map from family-free heads (F xi) to family-free types.
+ -- Useful during flattening to share flatten skolem generation
+ -- The boolean flag:
+ -- True <-> This equation was generated originally during flattening
+ -- False <-> This equation was generated by having solved a goal
+ }
+data FlatEqOrigin = WhileFlattening -- Was it generated during flattening?
+ | WhenSolved -- Was it generated when a family equation was solved?
+ | Any
+origin_matches :: FlatEqOrigin -> FlatEqOrigin -> Bool
+origin_matches Any _ = True
+origin_matches WhenSolved WhenSolved = True
+origin_matches WhileFlattening WhileFlattening = True
+origin_matches _ _ = False
-instance Ord FunEqHead where
- FunEqHead (tc1,xis1) `compare` FunEqHead (tc2,xis2)
- = case compare tc1 tc2 of
- EQ -> cmpTypes xis1 xis2
- other -> other
type TcsUntouchables = (Untouchables,TcTyVarSet)
-- Like the TcM Untouchables,
@@ -566,14 +815,14 @@ failTcS = wrapTcS . TcM.failWith
panicTcS doc = pprPanic "TcCanonical" doc
traceTcS :: String -> SDoc -> TcS ()
-traceTcS herald doc = TcS $ \_env -> TcM.traceTc herald doc
+traceTcS herald doc = wrapTcS (TcM.traceTc herald doc)
bumpStepCountTcS :: TcS ()
bumpStepCountTcS = TcS $ \env -> do { let ref = tcs_count env
; n <- TcM.readTcRef ref
; TcM.writeTcRef ref (n+1) }
-traceFireTcS :: Int -> SDoc -> TcS ()
+traceFireTcS :: SubGoalDepth -> SDoc -> TcS ()
-- Dump a rule-firing trace
traceFireTcS depth doc
= TcS $ \env ->
@@ -586,21 +835,29 @@ traceFireTcS depth doc
runTcS :: SimplContext
-> Untouchables -- Untouchables
+ -> InertSet -- Initial inert set
+ -> WorkList -- Initial work list
-> TcS a -- What to run
-> TcM (a, Bag EvBind)
-runTcS context untouch tcs
+runTcS context untouch is wl tcs
= do { ty_binds_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyVarEnv
+ ; ev_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef $
+ EvVarCache { evc_cache = emptyTM, evc_flat_cache = emptyTM }
; ev_binds_var@(EvBindsVar evb_ref _) <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
; step_count <- TcM.newTcRef 0
- ; flat_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyFlatCache
+ ; inert_var <- TcM.newTcRef is
+ ; wl_var <- TcM.newTcRef wl
; let env = TcSEnv { tcs_ev_binds = ev_binds_var
+ , tcs_evvar_cache = ev_cache_var
, tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds_var
, tcs_context = context
, tcs_untch = (untouch, emptyVarSet) -- No Tcs untouchables yet
, tcs_count = step_count
, tcs_ic_depth = 0
- , tcs_flat_map = flat_cache_var
- }
+ , tcs_inerts = inert_var
+ , tcs_worklist = wl_var }
-- Run the computation
; res <- unTcS tcs env
@@ -620,37 +877,53 @@ runTcS context untouch tcs
do_unification (tv,ty) = TcM.writeMetaTyVar tv ty
-nestImplicTcS :: EvBindsVar -> TcsUntouchables -> TcS a -> TcS a
-nestImplicTcS ref (inner_range, inner_tcs) (TcS thing_inside)
- = TcS $ \ TcSEnv { tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds
- , tcs_untch = (_outer_range, outer_tcs)
- , tcs_count = count
- , tcs_ic_depth = idepth
- , tcs_context = ctxt
- , tcs_flat_map = orig_flat_cache_var
- } ->
+doWithInert :: InertSet -> TcS a -> TcS a
+doWithInert inert (TcS action)
+ = TcS $ \env -> do { new_inert_var <- TcM.newTcRef inert
+ ; orig_cache_var <- TcM.readTcRef (tcs_evvar_cache env)
+ ; new_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef orig_cache_var
+ ; action (env { tcs_inerts = new_inert_var
+ , tcs_evvar_cache = new_cache_var }) }
+nestImplicTcS :: EvBindsVar -> TcsUntouchables -> TcS a -> TcS a
+nestImplicTcS ref (inner_range, inner_tcs) (TcS thing_inside)
+ = TcS $ \ TcSEnv { tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds
+ , tcs_evvar_cache = orig_evvar_cache_var
+ , tcs_untch = (_outer_range, outer_tcs)
+ , tcs_count = count
+ , tcs_ic_depth = idepth
+ , tcs_context = ctxt
+ , tcs_inerts = inert_var
+ , tcs_worklist = wl_var } ->
do { let inner_untch = (inner_range, outer_tcs `unionVarSet` inner_tcs)
-- The inner_range should be narrower than the outer one
-- (thus increasing the set of untouchables) but
-- the inner Tcs-untouchables must be unioned with the
-- outer ones!
- ; orig_flat_cache <- TcM.readTcRef orig_flat_cache_var
- ; flat_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef orig_flat_cache
- -- One could be more conservative as well:
- -- ; flat_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyFlatCache
- -- Consider copying the results the tcs_flat_map of the
- -- incomping constraint, but we must make sure that we
- -- have pushed everything in, which seems somewhat fragile
- ; let nest_env = TcSEnv { tcs_ev_binds = ref
- , tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds
- , tcs_untch = inner_untch
- , tcs_count = count
- , tcs_ic_depth = idepth+1
- , tcs_context = ctxtUnderImplic ctxt
- , tcs_flat_map = flat_cache_var }
- ; thing_inside nest_env }
+ -- Inherit the inerts from the outer scope
+ ; orig_inerts <- TcM.readTcRef inert_var
+ ; new_inert_var <- TcM.newTcRef orig_inerts
+ -- Inherit EvVar cache
+ ; orig_evvar_cache <- TcM.readTcRef orig_evvar_cache_var
+ ; evvar_cache <- TcM.newTcRef orig_evvar_cache
+ ; let nest_env = TcSEnv { tcs_ev_binds = ref
+ , tcs_evvar_cache = evvar_cache
+ , tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds
+ , tcs_untch = inner_untch
+ , tcs_count = count
+ , tcs_ic_depth = idepth+1
+ , tcs_context = ctxtUnderImplic ctxt
+ , tcs_inerts = new_inert_var
+ , tcs_worklist = wl_var
+ -- NB: worklist is going to be empty anyway,
+ -- so reuse the same ref cell
+ }
+ ; thing_inside nest_env }
recoverTcS :: TcS a -> TcS a -> TcS a
recoverTcS (TcS recovery_code) (TcS thing_inside)
@@ -664,20 +937,68 @@ ctxtUnderImplic (SimplRuleLhs n) = SimplCheck (ptext (sLit "lhs of rule")
ctxtUnderImplic ctxt = ctxt
tryTcS :: TcS a -> TcS a
--- Like runTcS, but from within the TcS monad
--- Ignore all the evidence generated, and do not affect caller's evidence!
+-- Like runTcS, but from within the TcS monad
+-- Completely afresh inerts and worklist, be careful!
+-- Moreover, we will simply throw away all the evidence generated.
tryTcS tcs
- = TcS (\env -> do { ty_binds_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyVarEnv
- ; ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
- ; flat_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyFlatCache
- ; let env1 = env { tcs_ev_binds = ev_binds_var
- , tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds_var
- , tcs_flat_map = flat_cache_var }
- ; unTcS tcs env1 })
--- Update TcEvBinds
+ = TcS (\env ->
+ do { wl_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyWorkList
+ ; is_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyInert
+ ; ty_binds_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyVarEnv
+ ; ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
+ ; ev_binds_cache_var <- TcM.newTcRef (EvVarCache emptyTM emptyTM)
+ -- Empty cache: Don't inherit cache from above, see
+ -- Note [tryTcS for defaulting] in TcSimplify
+ ; let env1 = env { tcs_ev_binds = ev_binds_var
+ , tcs_evvar_cache = ev_binds_cache_var
+ , tcs_ty_binds = ty_binds_var
+ , tcs_inerts = is_var
+ , tcs_worklist = wl_var }
+ ; unTcS tcs env1 })
+-- Getters and setters of TcEnv fields
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Getter of inerts and worklist
+getTcSInertsRef :: TcS (IORef InertSet)
+getTcSInertsRef = TcS (return . tcs_inerts)
+getTcSWorkListRef :: TcS (IORef WorkList)
+getTcSWorkListRef = TcS (return . tcs_worklist)
+getTcSInerts :: TcS InertSet
+getTcSInerts = getTcSInertsRef >>= wrapTcS . (TcM.readTcRef)
+getTcSWorkList :: TcS WorkList
+getTcSWorkList = getTcSWorkListRef >>= wrapTcS . (TcM.readTcRef)
+updWorkListTcS :: (WorkList -> WorkList) -> TcS ()
+updWorkListTcS f
+ = updWorkListTcS_return (\w -> ((),f w))
+updWorkListTcS_return :: (WorkList -> (a,WorkList)) -> TcS a
+updWorkListTcS_return f
+ = do { wl_var <- getTcSWorkListRef
+ ; wl_curr <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef wl_var)
+ ; let (res,new_work) = f wl_curr
+ ; wrapTcS (TcM.writeTcRef wl_var new_work)
+ ; return res }
+emitFrozenError :: CtFlavor -> EvVar -> SubGoalDepth -> TcS ()
+-- Emits a non-canonical constraint that will stand for a frozen error in the inerts.
+emitFrozenError fl ev depth
+ = do { traceTcS "Emit frozen error" (ppr ev <+> dcolon <+> ppr (evVarPred ev))
+ ; inert_ref <- getTcSInertsRef
+ ; inerts <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef inert_ref)
+ ; let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_id = ev
+ , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_depth = depth }
+ inerts_new = inerts { inert_frozen = extendCts (inert_frozen inerts) ct }
+ ; wrapTcS (TcM.writeTcRef inert_ref inerts_new) }
getDynFlags :: TcS DynFlags
getDynFlags = wrapTcS TcM.getDOpts
@@ -687,6 +1008,32 @@ getTcSContext = TcS (return . tcs_context)
getTcEvBinds :: TcS EvBindsVar
getTcEvBinds = TcS (return . tcs_ev_binds)
+getTcSEvVarCache :: TcS (IORef EvVarCache)
+getTcSEvVarCache = TcS (return . tcs_evvar_cache)
+flushFlatCache :: TcS ()
+ = do { cache_var <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; the_cache <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_var
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.writeTcRef cache_var (the_cache { evc_flat_cache = emptyTM }) }
+getTcSEvVarCacheMap :: TcS (TypeMap (EvVar,CtFlavor))
+getTcSEvVarCacheMap = do { cache_var <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; the_cache <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_var
+ ; return (evc_cache the_cache) }
+getTcSEvVarFlatCache :: TcS (TypeMap (Coercion,(Type,CtFlavor,FlatEqOrigin)))
+getTcSEvVarFlatCache = do { cache_var <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; the_cache <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_var
+ ; return (evc_flat_cache the_cache) }
+setTcSEvVarCacheMap :: TypeMap (EvVar,CtFlavor) -> TcS ()
+setTcSEvVarCacheMap cache = do { cache_var <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; orig_cache <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_var
+ ; let new_cache = orig_cache { evc_cache = cache }
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.writeTcRef cache_var new_cache }
getUntouchables :: TcS TcsUntouchables
getUntouchables = TcS (return . tcs_untch)
@@ -696,50 +1043,13 @@ getTcSTyBinds = TcS (return . tcs_ty_binds)
getTcSTyBindsMap :: TcS (TyVarEnv (TcTyVar, TcType))
getTcSTyBindsMap = getTcSTyBinds >>= wrapTcS . (TcM.readTcRef)
-getFlatCacheMapVar :: TcS (IORef FlatCache)
- = TcS (return . tcs_flat_map)
-lookupFlatCacheMap :: TyCon -> [Xi] -> CtFlavor
- -> TcS (Maybe (TcType,EqVar,CtFlavor))
--- For givens, we lookup in given flat cache
-lookupFlatCacheMap tc xis (Given {})
- = do { cache_ref <- getFlatCacheMapVar
- ; cache_map <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_ref
- ; return $ Map.lookup (FunEqHead (tc,xis)) (givenFlatCache cache_map) }
--- For wanteds, we first lookup in givenFlatCache.
--- If we get nothing back then we lookup in wantedFlatCache.
-lookupFlatCacheMap tc xis (Wanted {})
- = do { cache_ref <- getFlatCacheMapVar
- ; cache_map <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_ref
- ; case Map.lookup (FunEqHead (tc,xis)) (givenFlatCache cache_map) of
- Nothing -> return $ Map.lookup (FunEqHead (tc,xis)) (wantedFlatCache cache_map)
- other -> return other }
-lookupFlatCacheMap _tc _xis (Derived {}) = return Nothing
-updateFlatCacheMap :: TyCon -> [Xi]
- -> TcType -> CtFlavor -> EqVar -> TcS ()
-updateFlatCacheMap _tc _xis _tv (Derived {}) _eqv
- = return () -- Not caching deriveds
-updateFlatCacheMap tc xis ty fl eqv
- = do { cache_ref <- getFlatCacheMapVar
- ; cache_map <- wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef cache_ref
- ; let new_cache_map
- | isGivenOrSolved fl
- = cache_map { givenFlatCache = Map.insert (FunEqHead (tc,xis)) (ty,eqv,fl) $
- givenFlatCache cache_map }
- | isWanted fl
- = cache_map { wantedFlatCache = Map.insert (FunEqHead (tc,xis)) (ty,eqv,fl) $
- wantedFlatCache cache_map }
- | otherwise = pprPanic "updateFlatCacheMap, met Derived!" $ empty
- ; wrapTcS $ TcM.writeTcRef cache_ref new_cache_map }
-getTcEvBindsBag :: TcS EvBindMap
+getTcEvBindsMap :: TcS EvBindMap
= do { EvBindsVar ev_ref _ <- getTcEvBinds
; wrapTcS $ TcM.readTcRef ev_ref }
setEqBind :: EqVar -> LCoercion -> TcS ()
setEqBind eqv co = setEvBind eqv (EvCoercionBox co)
@@ -767,7 +1077,40 @@ setEvBind :: EvVar -> EvTerm -> TcS ()
-- Internal
setEvBind ev t
= do { tc_evbinds <- getTcEvBinds
- ; wrapTcS $ TcM.addTcEvBind tc_evbinds ev t }
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.addTcEvBind tc_evbinds ev t
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ; binds <- getTcEvBindsMap
+ ; let cycle = any (reaches binds) (evterm_evs t)
+ ; when cycle (fail_if_co_loop binds)
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ where fail_if_co_loop binds
+ = pprTrace "setEvBind" (vcat [ text "Cycle in evidence binds, evvar =" <+> ppr ev
+ , ppr (evBindMapBinds binds) ]) $
+ when (isLCoVar ev) (pprPanic "setEvBind" (text "BUG: Coercion loop!"))
+ reaches :: EvBindMap -> Var -> Bool
+ -- Does this evvar reach ev?
+ reaches ebm ev0 = go ev0
+ where go ev0
+ | ev0 == ev = True
+ | Just (EvBind _ evtrm) <- lookupEvBind ebm ev0
+ = any go (evterm_evs evtrm)
+ | otherwise = False
+ evterm_evs (EvId v) = [v]
+ evterm_evs (EvCoercionBox lco) = varSetElems $ coVarsOfCo lco
+ evterm_evs (EvDFunApp _ _ evs) = evs
+ evterm_evs (EvTupleSel v _) = [v]
+ evterm_evs (EvSuperClass v _) = [v]
+ evterm_evs (EvCast v co) = v : varSetElems (coVarsOfCo co)
+ evterm_evs (EvTupleMk evs) = evs
warnTcS :: CtLoc orig -> Bool -> SDoc -> TcS ()
warnTcS loc warn_if doc
@@ -866,9 +1209,9 @@ instDFunTypes mb_inst_tys
inst_tv (Left tv) = mkTyVarTy <$> instFlexiTcS tv
inst_tv (Right ty) = return ty
-instDFunConstraints :: TcThetaType -> TcS [EvVar]
-instDFunConstraints preds = wrapTcS $ TcM.newWantedEvVars preds
+instDFunConstraints :: TcThetaType -> CtFlavor -> TcS [EvVarCreated]
+instDFunConstraints preds fl
+ = mapM (newEvVar fl) preds
instFlexiTcS :: TyVar -> TcS TcTyVar
-- Like TcM.instMetaTyVar but the variable that is created is always
@@ -890,12 +1233,12 @@ isFlexiTcsTv tv
| MetaTv TcsTv _ <- tcTyVarDetails tv = True
| otherwise = False
-newKindConstraint :: TcTyVar -> Kind -> TcS CoVar
+newKindConstraint :: TcTyVar -> Kind -> CtFlavor -> TcS EvVarCreated
-- Create new wanted CoVar that constrains the type to have the specified kind.
-newKindConstraint tv knd
+newKindConstraint tv knd fl
= do { tv_k <- instFlexiTcSHelper (tyVarName tv) knd
; let ty_k = mkTyVarTy tv_k
- ; eqv <- newEqVar (mkTyVarTy tv) ty_k
+ ; eqv <- newEqVar fl (mkTyVarTy tv) ty_k
; return eqv }
instFlexiTcSHelper :: Name -> Kind -> TcS TcTyVar
@@ -910,30 +1253,127 @@ instFlexiTcSHelper tvname tvkind
-- Superclasses and recursive dictionaries
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-newEvVar :: TcPredType -> TcS EvVar
-newEvVar pty = wrapTcS $ TcM.newEvVar pty
-newDerivedId :: TcPredType -> TcS EvVar
-newDerivedId pty = wrapTcS $ TcM.newEvVar pty
-newGivenEqVar :: TcType -> TcType -> Coercion -> TcS EvVar
--- Note we create immutable variables for given or derived, since we
--- must bind them to TcEvBinds (because their evidence may involve
--- superclasses). However we should be able to override existing
--- 'derived' evidence, even in TcEvBinds
-newGivenEqVar ty1 ty2 co
- = do { cv <- newEqVar ty1 ty2
- ; setEvBind cv (EvCoercionBox co)
- ; return cv }
-newEqVar :: TcType -> TcType -> TcS EvVar
-newEqVar ty1 ty2 = wrapTcS $ TcM.newEq ty1 ty2
+data EvVarCreated
+ = EvVarCreated { evc_is_new :: Bool -- True iff the variable was just created
+ , evc_the_evvar :: EvVar } -- The actual evidence variable could be cached or new
+isNewEvVar :: EvVarCreated -> Bool
+isNewEvVar = evc_is_new
+newEvVar :: CtFlavor -> TcPredType -> TcS EvVarCreated
+-- Post: If Given then evc_is_new is True
+-- Hence it is safe to do a setEvBind right after a newEvVar with a Given flavor
+-- NB: newEvVar may temporarily break the TcSEnv invariant but it is expected in
+-- the call sites for this invariant to be quickly restored.
+newEvVar fl pty
+ | isGivenOrSolved fl -- Create new variable and update the cache
+ = do { new <- forceNewEvVar fl pty
+ ; return (EvVarCreated True new) }
+ | otherwise -- Otherwise lookup first
+ = do { eref <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; ecache <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef eref)
+ ; case lookupTM pty (evc_cache ecache) of
+ Just (cached_evvar, cached_flavor)
+ | cached_flavor `canSolve` fl -- NB:
+ -- We want to use the cache /only/ if he can solve
+ -- the workitem. If cached_flavor is Derived
+ -- but we have a real Wanted, we want to create
+ -- new evidence, otherwise we are in danger to
+ -- have unsolved goals in the end.
+ -- (Remember: Derived's are just unification hints
+ -- but they don't come with guarantees
+ -- that they can be solved and we don't
+ -- quantify over them.
+ -> do { traceTcS "newEvVar" $ text "already cached, doing nothing"
+ ; return (EvVarCreated False cached_evvar) }
+ _ -- Not cached or cached with worse flavor
+ -> do { new <- force_new_ev_var eref ecache fl pty
+ ; return (EvVarCreated True new) } }
+forceNewEvVar :: CtFlavor -> TcPredType -> TcS EvVar
+-- Create a new EvVar, regardless of whether or not the
+-- cache already contains one like it, and update the cache
+forceNewEvVar fl pty
+ = do { eref <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; ecache <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef eref)
+ ; force_new_ev_var eref ecache fl pty }
+force_new_ev_var :: IORef EvVarCache -> EvVarCache -> CtFlavor -> TcPredType -> TcS EvVar
+-- Create a new EvVar, and update the cache with it
+force_new_ev_var eref ecache fl pty
+ = wrapTcS $
+ do { TcM.traceTc "newEvVar" $ text "updating cache"
+ ; new_evvar <-TcM.newEvVar pty
+ -- This is THE PLACE where we finally call TcM.newEvVar
+ ; let new_cache = updateCache ecache (new_evvar,fl,pty)
+ ; TcM.writeTcRef eref new_cache
+ ; return new_evvar }
+updateCache :: EvVarCache -> (EvVar,CtFlavor,Type) -> EvVarCache
+updateCache ecache (ev,fl,pty)
+ | IPPred {} <- classifier
+ = ecache
+ | otherwise
+ = ecache { evc_cache = ecache' }
+ where classifier = classifyPredType pty
+ ecache' = alterTM pty (\_ -> Just (ev,fl)) $
+ evc_cache ecache
+delCachedEvVar :: EvVar -> TcS ()
+delCachedEvVar ev
+ = do { eref <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; ecache <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef eref)
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.writeTcRef eref (delFromCache ecache ev) }
+delFromCache :: EvVarCache -> EvVar -> EvVarCache
+delFromCache (EvVarCache { evc_cache = ecache
+ , evc_flat_cache = flat_cache }) ev
+ = EvVarCache { evc_cache = ecache', evc_flat_cache = flat_cache }
+ where ecache' = alterTM pty x_del ecache
+ x_del Nothing = Nothing
+ x_del r@(Just (ev0,_))
+ | ev0 == ev = Nothing
+ | otherwise = r
+ pty = evVarPred ev
+updateFlatCache :: EvVar -> CtFlavor
+ -> TyCon -> [Xi] -> TcType
+ -> FlatEqOrigin
+ -> TcS ()
+updateFlatCache ev fl fn xis rhs_ty feq_origin
+ = do { eref <- getTcSEvVarCache
+ ; ecache <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef eref)
+ ; let flat_cache = evc_flat_cache ecache
+ new_flat_cache = alterTM fun_ty x_flat_cache flat_cache
+ new_evc = ecache { evc_flat_cache = new_flat_cache }
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.writeTcRef eref new_evc }
+ where x_flat_cache _ = Just (mkEqVarLCo ev,(rhs_ty,fl,feq_origin))
+ fun_ty = mkTyConApp fn xis
+pprEvVarCache :: TypeMap (Coercion,a) -> SDoc
+pprEvVarCache tm = ppr (foldTM mk_pair tm [])
+ where mk_pair (co,_) cos = (co, liftedCoercionKind co) : cos
+newGivenEqVar :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcType -> Coercion -> TcS EvVar
+-- Pre: fl is Given
+newGivenEqVar fl ty1 ty2 co
+ = do { ecv <- newEqVar fl ty1 ty2
+ ; let v = evc_the_evvar ecv -- Will be a new EvVar by post of newEvVar
+ ; setEvBind v (EvCoercionBox co)
+ ; return v }
+newEqVar :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcType -> TcS EvVarCreated
+newEqVar fl ty1 ty2
+ = newEvVar fl (mkEqPred (ty1,ty2))
-newIPVar :: IPName Name -> TcType -> TcS EvVar
-newIPVar nm ty = wrapTcS $ TcM.newIP nm ty
-newDictVar :: Class -> [TcType] -> TcS EvVar
-newDictVar cl tys = wrapTcS $ TcM.newDict cl tys
@@ -981,3 +1421,98 @@ matchClass clas tys
matchFam :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TcS (Maybe (TyCon, [Type]))
matchFam tycon args = wrapTcS $ tcLookupFamInst tycon args
+-- Rewriting with respect to the inert equalities
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+getInertEqs :: TcS (TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion), InScopeSet)
+getInertEqs = do { inert <- getTcSInerts
+ ; return (inert_eqs inert, inert_eq_tvs inert) }
+rewriteFromInertEqs :: (TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion), InScopeSet)
+ -- Precondition: Ct are CTyEqCans only!
+ -> CtFlavor
+ -> EvVar
+ -> TcS (EvVar,Bool)
+-- Boolean flag returned: True <-> no rewriting happened
+rewriteFromInertEqs (subst,inscope) fl v
+ = do { let co = liftInertEqsTy (subst,inscope) fl (evVarPred v)
+ ; if isReflCo co then return (v,True)
+ else do { traceTcS "rewriteFromInertEqs" $
+ text "Original item =" <+> ppr v <+> dcolon <+> ppr (evVarPred v)
+ ; v' <- forceNewEvVar fl (pSnd (liftedCoercionKind co))
+ ; case fl of
+ Wanted {} -> setEvBind v (EvCast v' (mkSymCo co))
+ Given {} -> setEvBind v' (EvCast v co)
+ Derived {} -> return ()
+ ; traceTcS "rewriteFromInertEqs" $
+ text "Rewritten item =" <+> ppr v' <+> dcolon <+> ppr (evVarPred v')
+ ; return (v',False) } }
+-- See Note [LiftInertEqs]
+liftInertEqsTy :: (TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion),InScopeSet)
+ -> CtFlavor
+ -> PredType -> Coercion
+liftInertEqsTy (subst,inscope) fl pty
+ = ty_cts_subst subst inscope fl pty
+ty_cts_subst :: TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion)
+ -> InScopeSet -> CtFlavor -> Type -> Coercion
+ty_cts_subst subst inscope fl ty
+ = go ty
+ where
+ go ty = go' ty
+ go' (TyVarTy tv) = tyvar_cts_subst tv `orElse` Refl (TyVarTy tv)
+ go' (AppTy ty1 ty2) = mkAppCo (go ty1) (go ty2)
+ go' (TyConApp tc tys) = mkTyConAppCo tc (map go tys)
+ go' (ForAllTy v ty) = mkForAllCo v' $! co
+ where
+ (subst',inscope',v') = upd_tyvar_bndr subst inscope v
+ co = ty_cts_subst subst' inscope' fl ty
+ go' (FunTy ty1 ty2) = mkFunCo (go ty1) (go ty2)
+ tyvar_cts_subst tv
+ | Just (ct,co) <- lookupVarEnv subst tv, cc_flavor ct `canRewrite` fl
+ = Just co -- Warn: use cached, not cc_id directly, because of alpha-renamings!
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ upd_tyvar_bndr subst inscope v
+ = (new_subst, (inscope `extendInScopeSet` new_v), new_v)
+ where new_subst
+ | no_change = delVarEnv subst v
+ -- Otherwise we have to extend the environment with /something/.
+ -- But we do not want to monadically create a new EvVar. So, we
+ -- create an 'unused_ct' but we cache reflexivity as the
+ -- associated coercion.
+ | otherwise = extendVarEnv subst v (unused_ct, Refl (TyVarTy new_v))
+ no_change = new_v == v
+ new_v = uniqAway inscope v
+ unused_ct = CTyEqCan { cc_id = unused_evvar
+ , cc_flavor = fl -- canRewrite is reflexive.
+ , cc_tyvar = v
+ , cc_rhs = mkTyVarTy new_v
+ , cc_depth = unused_depth }
+ unused_depth = panic "ty_cts_subst: This depth should not be accessed!"
+ unused_evvar = panic "ty_cts_subst: This var is just an alpha-renaming!"
+Note [LiftInertEqsPred]
+The function liftInertEqPred behaves almost like liftCoSubst (in
+Coercion), but accepts a map TyVarEnv (Ct,Coercion) instead of a
+LiftCoSubst. This data structure is more convenient to use since we
+must apply the inert substitution /only/ if the inert equality
+`canRewrite` the work item. There's admittedly some duplication of
+functionality but it would be more tedious to cache and maintain
+different flavors of LiftCoSubst structures in the inerts.
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index bd558829d6..be29e38772 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import TcErrors
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcSMonad
-import TcInteract
+import TcInteract
import Inst
import Unify ( niFixTvSubst, niSubstTvSet )
import Var
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import BasicTypes ( RuleName )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Outputable
import FastString
+import TrieMap
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ simplifyTop wanteds
simplifyAmbiguityCheck :: Name -> WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyAmbiguityCheck name wanteds
= simplifyCheck (SimplCheck (ptext (sLit "ambiguity check for") <+> ppr name)) wanteds
simplifyInteractive :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyInteractive wanteds
@@ -79,10 +81,9 @@ simplifyDefault theta
* *
-* Deriving
+* Deriving *
* *
@@ -111,15 +112,15 @@ simplifyDeriv orig pred tvs theta
; traceTc "simplifyDeriv" (ppr tvs $$ ppr theta $$ ppr wanted)
; (residual_wanted, _binds)
- <- runTcS (SimplInfer doc) NoUntouchables $
- solveWanteds emptyInert (mkFlatWC wanted)
+ <- solveWanteds (SimplInfer doc) NoUntouchables $
+ mkFlatWC wanted
; let (good, bad) = partitionBagWith get_good (wc_flat residual_wanted)
-- See Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
- get_good :: WantedEvVar -> Either PredType WantedEvVar
- get_good wev | validDerivPred skol_set p = Left p
- | otherwise = Right wev
- where p = evVarOfPred wev
+ get_good :: Ct -> Either PredType Ct
+ get_good ct | validDerivPred skol_set p = Left p
+ | otherwise = Right ct
+ where p = evVarPred (cc_id ct)
; reportUnsolved (residual_wanted { wc_flat = bad })
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ simplifyInfer _top_lvl apply_mr name_taus wanteds
, ptext (sLit "surely_fref =") <+> ppr surely_free
- ; emitFlats surely_free
+ ; emitWantedCts surely_free
; traceTc "sinf" $ vcat
[ ptext (sLit "perhaps_bound =") <+> ppr perhaps_bound
, ptext (sLit "surely_free =") <+> ppr surely_free
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ simplifyInfer _top_lvl apply_mr name_taus wanteds
-- Step 2
-- Now simplify the possibly-bound constraints
; (simpl_results, tc_binds0)
- <- runTcS (SimplInfer (ppr (map fst name_taus))) NoUntouchables $
+ <- runTcS (SimplInfer (ppr (map fst name_taus))) NoUntouchables emptyInert emptyWorkList $
simplifyWithApprox (zonked_wanteds { wc_flat = perhaps_bound })
; when (insolubleWC simpl_results) -- Fail fast if there is an insoluble constraint
@@ -294,20 +295,20 @@ simplifyInfer _top_lvl apply_mr name_taus wanteds
-- may have happened, and emit the free constraints.
; gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
; zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTcTyVarsAndFV zonked_tau_tvs
- ; zonked_simples <- zonkWantedEvVars (wc_flat simpl_results)
+ ; zonked_simples <- zonkCts (wc_flat simpl_results)
; let init_tvs = zonked_tau_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
poly_qtvs = growWantedEVs gbl_tvs zonked_simples init_tvs
(pbound, pfree) = partitionBag (quantifyMe poly_qtvs) zonked_simples
-- Monomorphism restriction
mr_qtvs = init_tvs `minusVarSet` constrained_tvs
- constrained_tvs = tyVarsOfEvVarXs zonked_simples
+ constrained_tvs = tyVarsOfCts zonked_simples
mr_bites = apply_mr && not (isEmptyBag pbound)
(qtvs, (bound, free))
| mr_bites = (mr_qtvs, (emptyBag, zonked_simples))
| otherwise = (poly_qtvs, (pbound, pfree))
- ; emitFlats free
+ ; emitWantedCts free
; if isEmptyVarSet qtvs && isEmptyBag bound
then ASSERT( isEmptyBag (wc_insol simpl_results) )
@@ -317,7 +318,8 @@ simplifyInfer _top_lvl apply_mr name_taus wanteds
else do
-- Step 4, zonk quantified variables
- { let minimal_flat_preds = mkMinimalBySCs $ map evVarOfPred $ bagToList bound
+ { let minimal_flat_preds = mkMinimalBySCs $
+ map (evVarPred . cc_id) $ bagToList bound
skol_info = InferSkol [ (name, mkSigmaTy [] minimal_flat_preds ty)
| (name, ty) <- name_taus ]
-- Don't add the quantified variables here, because
@@ -368,24 +370,41 @@ mkMinimalBySCs does. Then, simplifyInfer uses the minimal constraint
to check the original wanted.
simplifyWithApprox :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
simplifyWithApprox wanted
= do { traceTcS "simplifyApproxLoop" (ppr wanted)
- ; results <- solveWanteds emptyInert wanted
+ ; let all_flats = wc_flat wanted `unionBags` keepWanted (wc_insol wanted)
+ ; solveInteractCts $ bagToList all_flats
+ ; unsolved_implics <- simpl_loop 1 (wc_impl wanted)
+ ; let (residual_implics,floats) = approximateImplications unsolved_implics
+ -- Solve extra stuff for real: notice that all the extra unsolved constraints will
+ -- be in the inerts of the monad, so we are OK
+ ; traceTcS "simplifyApproxLoop" $ text "Calling solve_wanteds!"
+ ; solve_wanteds (WC { wc_flat = floats -- They are floated so they are not in the evvar cache
+ , wc_impl = residual_implics
+ , wc_insol = emptyBag })
+ }
+{- OLD:
+ ; results <- solve_wanteds wanted
; let (residual_implics, floats) = approximateImplications (wc_impl results)
-- If no new work was produced then we are done with simplifyApproxLoop
; if insolubleWC results || isEmptyBag floats
then return results
- else solveWanteds emptyInert
+ else solve_wanteds
(WC { wc_flat = floats `unionBags` wc_flat results
, wc_impl = residual_implics
, wc_insol = emptyBag }) }
-approximateImplications :: Bag Implication -> (Bag Implication, Bag WantedEvVar)
+approximateImplications :: Bag Implication -> (Bag Implication, Cts)
-- Extracts any nested constraints that don't mention the skolems
approximateImplications impls
= do_bag (float_implic emptyVarSet) impls
@@ -395,7 +414,7 @@ approximateImplications impls
plus :: forall b c. (Bag b, Bag c) -> (Bag b, Bag c) -> (Bag b, Bag c)
plus (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = (a1 `unionBags` a2, b1 `unionBags` b2)
- float_implic :: TyVarSet -> Implication -> (Bag Implication, Bag WantedEvVar)
+ float_implic :: TyVarSet -> Implication -> (Bag Implication, Cts)
float_implic skols imp
= (unitBag (imp { ic_wanted = wanted' }), floats)
@@ -407,10 +426,10 @@ approximateImplications impls
(flat', floats1) = do_bag (float_flat skols) flat
(implic', floats2) = do_bag (float_implic skols) implic
- float_flat :: TcTyVarSet -> WantedEvVar -> (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag WantedEvVar)
- float_flat skols wev
- | tyVarsOfEvVarX wev `disjointVarSet` skols = (emptyBag, unitBag wev)
- | otherwise = (unitBag wev, emptyBag)
+ float_flat :: TcTyVarSet -> Ct -> (Cts, Cts)
+ float_flat skols ct
+ | tyVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skols = (emptyBag, unitBag ct)
+ | otherwise = (unitBag ct, emptyBag)
@@ -422,16 +441,16 @@ approximateImplications impls
growWanteds :: TyVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWanteds gbl_tvs wc = fixVarSet (growWC gbl_tvs wc)
-growWantedEVs :: TyVarSet -> Bag WantedEvVar -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
+growWantedEVs :: TyVarSet -> Cts -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWantedEVs gbl_tvs ws tvs
| isEmptyBag ws = tvs
- | otherwise = fixVarSet (growPreds gbl_tvs evVarOfPred ws) tvs
+ | otherwise = fixVarSet (growPreds gbl_tvs (evVarPred . cc_id) ws) tvs
-------- Helper functions, do not do fixpoint ------------------------
growWC :: TyVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWC gbl_tvs wc = growImplics gbl_tvs (wc_impl wc) .
- growPreds gbl_tvs evVarOfPred (wc_flat wc) .
- growPreds gbl_tvs evVarOfPred (wc_insol wc)
+ growPreds gbl_tvs (evVarPred . cc_id) (wc_flat wc) .
+ growPreds gbl_tvs (evVarPred . cc_id) (wc_insol wc)
growImplics :: TyVarSet -> Bag Implication -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growImplics gbl_tvs implics tvs
@@ -453,13 +472,13 @@ growPreds gbl_tvs get_pred items tvs
quantifyMe :: TyVarSet -- Quantifying over these
- -> WantedEvVar
+ -> Ct
-> Bool -- True <=> quantify over this wanted
-quantifyMe qtvs wev
+quantifyMe qtvs ct
| isIPPred pred = True -- Note [Inheriting implicit parameters]
| otherwise = tyVarsOfType pred `intersectsVarSet` qtvs
- pred = evVarOfPred wev
+ pred = evVarPred (cc_id ct)
Note [Avoid unecessary constraint simplification]
@@ -584,8 +603,7 @@ simplifyRule name tv_bndrs lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
-- variables; hence *no untouchables*
; (lhs_results, lhs_binds)
- <- runTcS (SimplRuleLhs name) untch $
- solveWanteds emptyInert zonked_lhs
+ <- solveWanteds (SimplRuleLhs name) untch zonked_lhs
; traceTc "simplifyRule" $
vcat [ text "zonked_lhs" <+> ppr zonked_lhs
@@ -595,9 +613,9 @@ simplifyRule name tv_bndrs lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
-- Don't quantify over equalities (judgement call here)
- ; let (eqs, dicts) = partitionBag (isEqPred . evVarOfPred)
+ ; let (eqs, dicts) = partitionBag (isEqPred . evVarPred . cc_id)
(wc_flat lhs_results)
- lhs_dicts = map evVarOf (bagToList dicts)
+ lhs_dicts = map cc_id (bagToList dicts)
-- Dicts and implicit parameters
-- Fail if we have not got down to unsolved flats
@@ -675,8 +693,8 @@ simplifyCheck ctxt wanteds
; traceTc "simplifyCheck {" (vcat
[ ptext (sLit "wanted =") <+> ppr wanteds ])
- ; (unsolved, ev_binds) <- runTcS ctxt NoUntouchables $
- solveWanteds emptyInert wanteds
+ ; (unsolved, ev_binds) <-
+ solveWanteds ctxt NoUntouchables wanteds
; traceTc "simplifyCheck }" $
ptext (sLit "unsolved =") <+> ppr unsolved
@@ -686,22 +704,22 @@ simplifyCheck ctxt wanteds
; return ev_binds }
-solveWanteds :: InertSet -- Given
+solveWanteds :: SimplContext
+ -> Untouchables
-> WantedConstraints
- -> TcS WantedConstraints
-solveWanteds inert wanted
- = do { (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics, insols)
- <- solve_wanteds inert wanted
- ; return (WC { wc_flat = keepWanted unsolved_flats -- Discard Derived
- , wc_impl = unsolved_implics
- , wc_insol = insols }) }
-solve_wanteds :: InertSet -- Given
- -> WantedConstraints
- -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar, Bag Implication, Bag FlavoredEvVar)
--- solve_wanteds iterates when it is able to float equalities
--- out of one or more of the implications
-solve_wanteds inert wanted@(WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_impl = implics, wc_insol = insols })
+ -> TcM (WantedConstraints, Bag EvBind)
+-- Returns: residual constraints, plus evidence bindings
+-- NB: When we are called from TcM there are no inerts to pass down to TcS
+solveWanteds ctxt untch wanted
+ = do { (wc_out, ev_binds) <- runTcS ctxt untch emptyInert emptyWorkList $
+ solve_wanteds wanted
+ ; let wc_ret = wc_out { wc_flat = keepWanted (wc_flat wc_out) }
+ -- Discard Derived
+ ; return (wc_ret, ev_binds) }
+solve_wanteds :: WantedConstraints
+ -> TcS WantedConstraints -- NB: wc_flats may be wanted *or* derived now
+solve_wanteds wanted@(WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_impl = implics, wc_insol = insols })
= do { traceTcS "solveWanteds {" (ppr wanted)
-- Try the flat bit
@@ -710,146 +728,123 @@ solve_wanteds inert wanted@(WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_impl = implics, wc_insol =
-- everything else. Solving them a second time is a bit
-- of a waste, but the code is simple, and the program is
-- wrong anyway!
; let all_flats = flats `unionBags` keepWanted insols
- ; inert1 <- solveInteractWanted inert (bagToList all_flats)
+ ; solveInteractCts $ bagToList all_flats
- ; (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) <- simpl_loop 1 inert1 implics
+ -- solve_wanteds iterates when it is able to float equalities
+ -- out of one or more of the implications.
+ ; unsolved_implics <- simpl_loop 1 implics
- ; bb <- getTcEvBindsBag
+ ; (insoluble_flats,unsolved_flats) <- extractUnsolvedTcS
+ ; bb <- getTcEvBindsMap
; tb <- getTcSTyBindsMap
; traceTcS "solveWanteds }" $
vcat [ text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
, text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics
- , text "current evbinds =" <+> vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts bb))
+ , text "current evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds bb)
, text "current tybinds =" <+> vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts tb))
- ; (subst, remaining_flats) <- solveCTyFunEqs unsolved_flats
+ ; (subst, remaining_unsolved_flats) <- solveCTyFunEqs unsolved_flats
-- See Note [Solving Family Equations]
-- NB: remaining_flats has already had subst applied
- ; let (insoluble_flats, unsolved_flats) = partitionBag isCFrozenErr remaining_flats
+ ; return $
+ WC { wc_flat = mapBag (substCt subst) remaining_unsolved_flats
+ , wc_impl = mapBag (substImplication subst) unsolved_implics
+ , wc_insol = mapBag (substCt subst) insoluble_flats }
+ }
+simpl_loop :: Int
+ -> Bag Implication
+ -> TcS (Bag Implication)
+simpl_loop n implics
+ | n > 10
+ = traceTcS "solveWanteds: loop!" empty >> return implics
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics) <- solveNestedImplications implics
- ; return ( mapBag (substFlavoredEvVar subst . deCanonicalise) unsolved_flats
- , mapBag (substImplication subst) unsolved_implics
- , mapBag (substFlavoredEvVar subst . deCanonicalise) insoluble_flats ) }
+ ; inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; let ((_,unsolved_flats),_) = extractUnsolved inerts
- where
- simpl_loop :: Int
- -> InertSet
- -> Bag Implication
- -> TcS (CanonicalCts, Bag Implication) -- CanonicalCts are Wanted or Derived
- simpl_loop n inert implics
- | n>10
- = trace "solveWanteds: loop" $ -- Always bleat
- do { traceTcS "solveWanteds: loop" (ppr inert) -- Bleat more informatively
- ; let (_, unsolved_cans) = extractUnsolved inert
- ; return (unsolved_cans, implics) }
- | otherwise
- = do { traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop start {" $
- vcat [ text "n =" <+> ppr n
- , text "implics =" <+> ppr implics
- , text "inert =" <+> ppr inert ]
- ; let (just_given_inert, unsolved_cans) = extractUnsolved inert
- -- unsolved_cans contains either Wanted or Derived!
- ; (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics)
- <- solveNestedImplications just_given_inert unsolved_cans implics
- -- Apply defaulting rules if and only if there
- -- no floated equalities. If there are, they may
- -- solve the remaining wanteds, so don't do defaulting.
- ; improve_eqs <- if not (isEmptyBag implic_eqs)
- then return implic_eqs
- else applyDefaultingRules just_given_inert unsolved_cans
- ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop end }" $
- vcat [ text "improve_eqs =" <+> ppr improve_eqs
- , text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_cans
- , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
- ; (improve_eqs_already_in_inert, inert_with_improvement)
- <- solveInteract inert improve_eqs
- ; if improve_eqs_already_in_inert then
- return (unsolved_cans, unsolved_implics)
- else
- simpl_loop (n+1) inert_with_improvement
- -- Contain unsolved_cans and the improve_eqs
- unsolved_implics
- }
-givensFromWanteds :: SimplContext -> CanonicalCts -> Bag FlavoredEvVar
--- Extract the Wanted ones from CanonicalCts and conver to
--- Givens; not Given/Solved, see Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
-givensFromWanteds _ctxt = foldrBag getWanted emptyBag
- where
- getWanted :: CanonicalCt -> Bag FlavoredEvVar -> Bag FlavoredEvVar
- getWanted cc givens
- | pushable_wanted cc
- = let given = mkEvVarX (cc_id cc) (mkGivenFlavor (cc_flavor cc) UnkSkol)
- in given `consBag` givens -- and not mkSolvedFlavor,
- -- see Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
- | otherwise = givens
- pushable_wanted :: CanonicalCt -> Bool
- pushable_wanted cc
- | not (isCFrozenErr cc)
- , isWantedCt cc
- = isEqPred (evVarPred (cc_id cc)) -- see Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
- | otherwise = False
-solveNestedImplications :: InertSet -> CanonicalCts
- -> Bag Implication
- -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar, Bag Implication)
-solveNestedImplications just_given_inert unsolved_cans implics
- | isEmptyBag implics
- = return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
- | otherwise
- = do { -- See Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
- -- Push the unsolved wanteds inwards, but as givens
- ; simpl_ctx <- getTcSContext
+ ; ecache_pre <- getTcSEvVarCacheMap
+ ; let pr = ppr ((\k z m -> foldTM k m z) (:) [] ecache_pre)
+ ; traceTcS "ecache_pre" $ pr
- ; let pushed_givens = givensFromWanteds simpl_ctx unsolved_cans
- tcs_untouchables = filterVarSet isFlexiTcsTv $
- tyVarsOfEvVarXs pushed_givens
- -- See Note [Extra TcsTv untouchables]
+ ; improve_eqs <- if not (isEmptyBag implic_eqs)
+ then return implic_eqs
+ else applyDefaultingRules unsolved_flats
- ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: preparing inerts for implications {"
- (vcat [ppr tcs_untouchables, ppr pushed_givens])
+ ; ecache_post <- getTcSEvVarCacheMap
+ ; let po = ppr ((\k z m -> foldTM k m z) (:) [] ecache_post)
+ ; traceTcS "ecache_po" $ po
- ; (_, inert_for_implics) <- solveInteract just_given_inert pushed_givens
+ ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop end" $
+ vcat [ text "improve_eqs =" <+> ppr improve_eqs
+ , text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
+ , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
- ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: } now doing nested implications {" $
- vcat [ text "inerts_for_implics =" <+> ppr inert_for_implics
- , text "implics =" <+> ppr implics ]
+ ; if isEmptyBag improve_eqs then return unsolved_implics
+ else do { solveInteractCts $ bagToList improve_eqs
+ ; simpl_loop (n+1) unsolved_implics } }
- ; (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics)
- <- flatMapBagPairM (solveImplication tcs_untouchables inert_for_implics) implics
+solveNestedImplications :: Bag Implication
+ -> TcS (Cts, Bag Implication)
+-- Precondition: the TcS inerts may contain unsolved flats which have
+-- to be converted to givens before we go inside a nested implication.
+solveNestedImplications implics
+ | isEmptyBag implics
+ = return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
+ ; let ((_insoluble_flats, unsolved_flats),thinner_inerts) = extractUnsolved inerts
+ ; (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics)
+ <- doWithInert thinner_inerts $
+ do { let pushed_givens = givens_from_wanteds unsolved_flats
+ tcs_untouchables = filterVarSet isFlexiTcsTv $
+ tyVarsOfCts unsolved_flats
+ -- See Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
+ -- Push the unsolved wanteds inwards, but as givens
+ ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: preparing inerts for implications {" $
+ vcat [ppr tcs_untouchables, ppr pushed_givens]
+ ; solveInteractCts pushed_givens
+ ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: } now doing nested implications {" empty
+ ; flatMapBagPairM (solveImplication tcs_untouchables) implics }
+ -- ... and we are back in the original TcS inerts
+ -- Notice that the original includes the _insoluble_flats so it was safe to ignore
+ -- them in the beginning of this function.
; traceTcS "solveWanteds: done nested implications }" $
vcat [ text "implic_eqs =" <+> ppr implic_eqs
, text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
; return (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics) }
-solveImplication :: TcTyVarSet -- Untouchable TcS unification variables
- -> InertSet -- Given
- -> Implication -- Wanted
- -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar, -- All wanted or derived unifications: var = type
- Bag Implication) -- Unsolved rest (always empty or singleton)
--- Returns:
--- 1. A bag of floatable wanted constraints, not mentioning any skolems,
--- that are of the form unification var = type
--- 2. Maybe a unsolved implication, empty if entirely solved!
--- Precondition: everything is zonked by now
-solveImplication tcs_untouchables inert
- imp@(Implic { ic_untch = untch
+ where givens_from_wanteds = foldrBag get_wanted []
+ get_wanted cc rest_givens
+ | pushable_wanted cc
+ = let this_given = cc { cc_flavor = mkGivenFlavor (cc_flavor cc) UnkSkol }
+ in this_given : rest_givens
+ | otherwise = rest_givens
+ pushable_wanted :: Ct -> Bool
+ pushable_wanted cc
+ | isWantedCt cc
+ = isEqPred (evVarPred (cc_id cc)) -- see Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
+ | otherwise = False
+solveImplication :: TcTyVarSet -- Untouchable TcS unification variables
+ -> Implication -- Wanted
+ -> TcS (Cts, -- All wanted or derived floated equalities: var = type
+ Bag Implication) -- Unsolved rest (always empty or singleton)
+-- Precondition: The TcS monad contains an empty worklist and given-only inerts
+-- which after trying to solve this implication we must restore to their original value
+solveImplication tcs_untouchables
+ imp@(Implic { ic_untch = untch
, ic_binds = ev_binds
, ic_skols = skols
, ic_given = givens
@@ -858,37 +853,41 @@ solveImplication tcs_untouchables inert
= nestImplicTcS ev_binds (untch, tcs_untouchables) $
recoverTcS (return (emptyBag, emptyBag)) $
-- Recover from nested failures. Even the top level is
- -- just a bunch of implications, so failing at the first
- -- one is bad
+ -- just a bunch of implications, so failing at the first one is bad
do { traceTcS "solveImplication {" (ppr imp)
-- Solve flat givens
- ; given_inert <- solveInteractGiven inert loc givens
+ ; solveInteractGiven loc givens
-- Simplify the wanteds
- ; (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics, insols)
- <- solve_wanteds given_inert wanteds
+ ; WC { wc_flat = unsolved_flats
+ , wc_impl = unsolved_implics
+ , wc_insol = insols } <- solve_wanteds wanteds
; let (res_flat_free, res_flat_bound)
= floatEqualities skols givens unsolved_flats
final_flat = keepWanted res_flat_bound
- ; let res_wanted = WC { wc_flat = final_flat
- , wc_impl = unsolved_implics
+ ; let res_wanted = WC { wc_flat = final_flat
+ , wc_impl = unsolved_implics
, wc_insol = insols }
res_implic = unitImplication $
imp { ic_wanted = res_wanted
, ic_insol = insolubleWC res_wanted }
+ ; evbinds <- getTcEvBindsMap
; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat
[ text "res_flat_free =" <+> ppr res_flat_free
+ , text "implication evbinds = " <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds evbinds)
, text "res_implic =" <+> ppr res_implic ]
; return (res_flat_free, res_implic) }
+ -- and we are back to the original inerts
-floatEqualities :: TcTyVarSet -> [EvVar]
- -> Bag FlavoredEvVar -> (Bag FlavoredEvVar, Bag FlavoredEvVar)
+floatEqualities :: TcTyVarSet -> [EvVar] -> Cts -> (Cts, Cts)
-- Post: The returned FlavoredEvVar's are only Wanted or Derived
-- and come from the input wanted ev vars or deriveds
floatEqualities skols can_given wantders
@@ -896,11 +895,12 @@ floatEqualities skols can_given wantders
-- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
| otherwise = partitionBag is_floatable wantders
- where is_floatable :: FlavoredEvVar -> Bool
- is_floatable (EvVarX eqv _fl)
- | isEqPred (evVarPred eqv) = skols `disjointVarSet` tvs_under_fsks (evVarPred eqv)
- is_floatable _flev = False
+ where is_floatable :: Ct -> Bool
+ is_floatable ct
+ | ct_predty <- evVarPred (cc_id ct)
+ , isEqPred ct_predty
+ = skols `disjointVarSet` tvs_under_fsks ct_predty
+ is_floatable _ct = False
tvs_under_fsks :: Type -> TyVarSet
-- ^ NB: for type synonyms tvs_under_fsks does /not/ expand the synonym
@@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ floatEqualities skols can_given wantders
tvs_under_fsks (FunTy arg res) = tvs_under_fsks arg `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks res
tvs_under_fsks (AppTy fun arg) = tvs_under_fsks fun `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks arg
tvs_under_fsks (ForAllTy tv ty) -- The kind of a coercion binder
- -- can mention type variables!
+ -- can mention type variables!
| isTyVar tv = inner_tvs `delVarSet` tv
| otherwise {- Coercion -} = -- ASSERT( not (tv `elemVarSet` inner_tvs) )
inner_tvs `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks (tyVarKind tv)
@@ -1041,10 +1041,10 @@ of GADT pattern matches.
-solveCTyFunEqs :: CanonicalCts -> TcS (TvSubst, CanonicalCts)
+solveCTyFunEqs :: Cts -> TcS (TvSubst, Cts)
-- Default equalities (F xi ~ alpha) by setting (alpha := F xi), whenever possible
-- See Note [Solving Family Equations]
--- Returns: a bunch of unsolved constraints from the original CanonicalCts and implications
+-- Returns: a bunch of unsolved constraints from the original Cts and implications
-- where the newly generated equalities (alpha := F xi) have been substituted through.
solveCTyFunEqs cts
= do { untch <- getUntouchables
@@ -1073,13 +1073,13 @@ extendFunEqBinds (tv_subst, cv_binds) cv tv ty
getSolvableCTyFunEqs :: TcsUntouchables
- -> CanonicalCts -- Precondition: all Wanteds or Derived!
- -> (CanonicalCts, FunEqBinds) -- Postcondition: returns the unsolvables
+ -> Cts -- Precondition: all Wanteds or Derived!
+ -> (Cts, FunEqBinds) -- Postcondition: returns the unsolvables
getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
- = Bag.foldlBag dflt_funeq (emptyCCan, emptyFunEqBinds) cts
+ = Bag.foldlBag dflt_funeq (emptyCts, emptyFunEqBinds) cts
- dflt_funeq :: (CanonicalCts, FunEqBinds) -> CanonicalCt
- -> (CanonicalCts, FunEqBinds)
+ dflt_funeq :: (Cts, FunEqBinds) -> Ct
+ -> (Cts, FunEqBinds)
dflt_funeq (cts_in, feb@(tv_subst, _))
(CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv
, cc_flavor = fl
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
(cts_in, extendFunEqBinds feb cv tv (mkTyConApp tc xis))
dflt_funeq (cts_in, fun_eq_binds) ct
- = (cts_in `extendCCans` ct, fun_eq_binds)
+ = (cts_in `extendCts` ct, fun_eq_binds)
Note [Solving Family Equations]
@@ -1166,31 +1166,61 @@ Basic plan behind applyDefaulting rules:
-applyDefaultingRules :: InertSet
- -> CanonicalCts -- All wanteds
- -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar) -- All wanteds again!
+applyDefaultingRules :: Cts -- All wanteds
+ -> TcS Cts -- All wanteds again!
-- Return some *extra* givens, which express the
-- type-class-default choice
-applyDefaultingRules inert wanteds
+applyDefaultingRules wanteds
| isEmptyBag wanteds
= return emptyBag
| otherwise
- = do { untch <- getUntouchables
+ = do { traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules { " $
+ text "wanteds =" <+> ppr wanteds
+ ; untch <- getUntouchables
; tv_cts <- mapM (defaultTyVar untch) $
- varSetElems (tyVarsOfCDicts wanteds)
+ varSetElems (tyVarsOfCDicts wanteds)
; info@(_, default_tys, _) <- getDefaultInfo
; let groups = findDefaultableGroups info untch wanteds
- ; deflt_cts <- mapM (disambigGroup default_tys inert) groups
+ ; traceTcS "findDefaultableGroups" $ vcat [ text "groups=" <+> ppr groups
+ , text "untouchables=" <+> ppr untch
+ , text "info=" <+> ppr info ]
+ ; deflt_cts <- mapM (disambigGroup default_tys) groups
- ; traceTcS "deflt2" (vcat [ text "Tyvar defaults =" <+> ppr tv_cts
- , text "Type defaults =" <+> ppr deflt_cts])
+ ; traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules }" $
+ vcat [ text "Tyvar defaults =" <+> ppr tv_cts
+ , text "Type defaults =" <+> ppr deflt_cts]
; return (unionManyBags deflt_cts `unionBags` unionManyBags tv_cts) }
+Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
+defaultTyVar and disambigGroup create new evidence variables for
+default equations, and hence update the EvVar cache. However, after
+applyDefaultingRules we will try to solve these default equations
+using solveInteractCts, which will consult the cache and solve those
+EvVars from themselves! That's wrong.
+To avoid this problem we guard defaulting under a @tryTcS@ which leaves
+the original cache unmodified.
+There is a second reason for @tryTcS@ in defaulting: disambGroup does
+some constraint solving to determine if a default equation is
+``useful'' in solving some wanted constraints, but we want to
+discharge all evidence and unifications that may have happened during
+this constraint solving.
+Finally, @tryTcS@ importantly does not inherit the original cache from
+the higher level but makes up a new cache, the reason is that disambigGroup
+will call solveInteractCts so the new derived and the wanteds must not be
+in the cache!
-defaultTyVar :: TcsUntouchables -> TcTyVar -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar)
+defaultTyVar :: TcsUntouchables -> TcTyVar -> TcS Cts
-- defaultTyVar is used on any un-instantiated meta type variables to
-- default the kind of ? and ?? etc to *. This is important to ensure
-- that instance declarations match. For example consider
@@ -1208,9 +1238,14 @@ defaultTyVar :: TcsUntouchables -> TcTyVar -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar)
defaultTyVar untch the_tv
| isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch the_tv
, not (k `eqKind` default_k)
- = do { eqv <- TcSMonad.newKindConstraint the_tv default_k
- ; let loc = CtLoc DefaultOrigin (getSrcSpan the_tv) [] -- Yuk
- ; return (unitBag (mkEvVarX eqv (Wanted loc))) }
+ = tryTcS $ -- Why tryTcS? See Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
+ do { let loc = CtLoc DefaultOrigin (getSrcSpan the_tv) [] -- Yuk
+ fl = Wanted loc
+ ; eqv <- TcSMonad.newKindConstraint the_tv default_k fl
+ ; if isNewEvVar eqv then
+ return $ unitBag (CNonCanonical { cc_id = evc_the_evvar eqv
+ , cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = 0 })
+ else return emptyBag }
| otherwise
= return emptyBag -- The common case
@@ -1224,16 +1259,16 @@ findDefaultableGroups
, [Type]
, (Bool,Bool) ) -- (Overloaded strings, extended default rules)
-> TcsUntouchables -- Untouchable
- -> CanonicalCts -- Unsolved
- -> [[(CanonicalCt,TcTyVar)]]
+ -> Cts -- Unsolved
+ -> [[(Ct,TcTyVar)]]
findDefaultableGroups (ctxt, default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults))
untch wanteds
| not (performDefaulting ctxt) = []
| null default_tys = []
| otherwise = filter is_defaultable_group (equivClasses cmp_tv unaries)
- unaries :: [(CanonicalCt, TcTyVar)] -- (C tv) constraints
- non_unaries :: [CanonicalCt] -- and *other* constraints
+ unaries :: [(Ct, TcTyVar)] -- (C tv) constraints
+ non_unaries :: [Ct] -- and *other* constraints
(unaries, non_unaries) = partitionWith find_unary (bagToList wanteds)
-- Finds unary type-class constraints
@@ -1243,15 +1278,20 @@ findDefaultableGroups (ctxt, default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults))
find_unary cc = Right cc -- Non unary or non dictionary
bad_tvs :: TcTyVarSet -- TyVars mentioned by non-unaries
- bad_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCanonical) emptyVarSet non_unaries
+ bad_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCt) emptyVarSet non_unaries
cmp_tv (_,tv1) (_,tv2) = tv1 `compare` tv2
is_defaultable_group ds@((_,tv):_)
- = isTyConableTyVar tv -- Note [Avoiding spurious errors]
- && not (tv `elemVarSet` bad_tvs)
- && isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv
- && defaultable_classes [cc_class cc | (cc,_) <- ds]
+ = let b1 = isTyConableTyVar tv -- Note [Avoiding spurious errors]
+ b2 = not (tv `elemVarSet` bad_tvs)
+ b3 = isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv
+ b4 = defaultable_classes [cc_class cc | (cc,_) <- ds]
+ in (b1 && b2 && b3 && b4)
+ {- pprTrace "is_defaultable_group" (vcat [ text "isTyConable " <+> ppr tv <+> ppr b1
+ , text "is not in bad " <+> ppr tv <+> ppr b2
+ , text "is touchable " <+> ppr tv <+> ppr b3
+ , text "is defaultable" <+> ppr tv <+> ppr b4 ]) -}
is_defaultable_group [] = panic "defaultable_group"
defaultable_classes clss
@@ -1271,42 +1311,45 @@ findDefaultableGroups (ctxt, default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults))
-- Similarly is_std_class
-disambigGroup :: [Type] -- The default types
- -> InertSet -- Given inert
- -> [(CanonicalCt, TcTyVar)] -- All classes of the form (C a)
- -- sharing same type variable
- -> TcS (Bag FlavoredEvVar)
+disambigGroup :: [Type] -- The default types
+ -> [(Ct, TcTyVar)] -- All classes of the form (C a)
+ -- sharing same type variable
+ -> TcS Cts
-disambigGroup [] _inert _grp
+disambigGroup [] _grp
= return emptyBag
-disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) inert group
+disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) group
= do { traceTcS "disambigGroup" (ppr group $$ ppr default_ty)
- ; eqv <- TcSMonad.newEqVar (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty
- ; let der_flav = mk_derived_flavor (cc_flavor the_ct)
- derived_eq = mkEvVarX eqv der_flav
- ; success <- tryTcS $
- do { (_,final_inert) <- solveInteract inert $ listToBag $
- derived_eq : wanted_ev_vars
- ; let (_, unsolved) = extractUnsolved final_inert
- ; let wanted_unsolved = filterBag isWantedCt unsolved
- -- Don't care about Derived's
- ; return (isEmptyBag wanted_unsolved) }
+ ; success <- tryTcS $ -- Why tryTcS? See Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
+ do { let der_flav = mk_derived_flavor (cc_flavor the_ct)
+ ; derived_eq <- tryTcS $
+ -- I need a new tryTcS because we will call solveInteractCts below!
+ do { eqv <- TcSMonad.newEqVar der_flav (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty
+ ; return [ CNonCanonical { cc_id = evc_the_evvar eqv
+ , cc_flavor = der_flav, cc_depth = 0 } ] }
+ ; traceTcS "disambigGroup (solving) {"
+ (text "trying to solve constraints along with default equations ...")
+ ; solveInteractCts (derived_eq ++ wanteds)
+ ; (_,unsolved) <- extractUnsolvedTcS
+ ; traceTcS "disambigGroup (solving) }"
+ (text "disambigGroup unsolved =" <+> ppr (keepWanted unsolved))
+ ; if isEmptyBag (keepWanted unsolved) then -- Don't care about Derived's
+ return (Just $ listToBag derived_eq)
+ else
+ return Nothing
+ }
; case success of
- True -> -- Success: record the type variable binding, and return
- do { wrapWarnTcS $ warnDefaulting wanted_ev_vars default_ty
+ Just cts -> -- Success: record the type variable binding, and return
+ do { wrapWarnTcS $ warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty
; traceTcS "disambigGroup succeeded" (ppr default_ty)
- ; return (unitBag derived_eq) }
- False -> -- Failure: try with the next type
+ ; return cts }
+ Nothing -> -- Failure: try with the next type
do { traceTcS "disambigGroup failed, will try other default types"
(ppr default_ty)
- ; disambigGroup default_tys inert group } }
+ ; disambigGroup default_tys group } }
((the_ct,the_tv):_) = group
wanteds = map fst group
- wanted_ev_vars :: [FlavoredEvVar]
- wanted_ev_vars = map deCanonicalise wanteds
mk_derived_flavor :: CtFlavor -> CtFlavor
mk_derived_flavor (Wanted loc) = Derived loc
mk_derived_flavor _ = panic "Asked to disambiguate given or derived!"
@@ -1334,9 +1377,14 @@ already been unified with the rigid variable from g's type sig
-newFlatWanteds :: CtOrigin -> ThetaType -> TcM (Bag WantedEvVar)
+newFlatWanteds :: CtOrigin -> ThetaType -> TcM [Ct]
newFlatWanteds orig theta
= do { loc <- getCtLoc orig
- ; evs <- newWantedEvVars theta
- ; return (listToBag [EvVarX w loc | w <- evs]) }
+ ; mapM (inst_to_wanted loc) theta }
+ where inst_to_wanted loc pty
+ = do { v <- newWantedEvVar pty
+ ; return $
+ CNonCanonical { cc_id = v
+ , cc_flavor = Wanted loc
+ , cc_depth = 0 } }
\end{code} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.lhs
index 0b9c7bf81c..54bc0cd6e2 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.lhs
@@ -1356,8 +1356,8 @@ reify_tc_app tc tys
| otherwise = TH.ConT (reifyName tc)
reifyPred :: TypeRep.PredType -> TcM TH.Pred
-reifyPred ty = case predTypePredTree ty of
- ClassPred cls tys -> do { tys' <- reifyTypes tys
+reifyPred ty = case classifyPredType ty of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> do { tys' <- reifyTypes tys
; return $ TH.ClassP (reifyName cls) tys' }
IPPred _ _ -> noTH (sLit "implicit parameters") (ppr ty)
EqPred ty1 ty2 -> do { ty1' <- reifyType ty1
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index a81a909dd0..018655b04d 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ tcInstHeadTyAppAllTyVars ty
Deconstructors and tests on predicate types
--- | Like 'predTypePredTree' but doesn't look through type synonyms.
+-- | Like 'classifyPredType' but doesn't look through type synonyms.
-- Used to check that programs only use "simple" contexts without any
-- synonyms in them.
shallowPredTypePredTree :: PredType -> PredTree
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ shallowPredTypePredTree ev_ty
, let [ty] = tys
-> IPPred ip ty
() | isTupleTyCon tc
- -> TuplePred (map shallowPredTypePredTree tys)
+ -> TuplePred tys
_ -> IrredPred ev_ty
| otherwise
= IrredPred ev_ty
@@ -1061,31 +1061,32 @@ mkMinimalBySCs :: [PredType] -> [PredType]
mkMinimalBySCs ptys = [ ploc | ploc <- ptys
, ploc `not_in_preds` rec_scs ]
- rec_scs = concatMap (trans_super_classes . predTypePredTree) ptys
+ rec_scs = concatMap trans_super_classes ptys
not_in_preds p ps = null (filter (eqPred p) ps)
- trans_super_classes (ClassPred cls tys) = transSuperClasses cls tys
- trans_super_classes (TuplePred ts) = concatMap trans_super_classes ts
- trans_super_classes _other_pty = []
+ trans_super_classes pred -- Superclasses of pred, excluding pred itself
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> transSuperClasses cls tys
+ TuplePred ts -> concatMap trans_super_classes ts
+ _ -> []
transSuperClasses :: Class -> [Type] -> [PredType]
-transSuperClasses cls tys
- = foldl (\pts p -> trans_sc p ++ pts) [] $
- immSuperClasses cls tys
- where trans_sc :: PredType -> [PredType]
- trans_sc = trans_sc' . predTypePredTree
- trans_sc' :: PredTree -> [PredType]
- trans_sc' ptree@(ClassPred cls tys)
- = foldl (\pts p -> trans_sc p ++ pts) [predTreePredType ptree] $
- immSuperClasses cls tys
- trans_sc' ptree@(TuplePred ts)
- = foldl (\pts t -> trans_sc' t ++ pts) [predTreePredType ptree] ts
- trans_sc' ptree = [predTreePredType ptree]
+transSuperClasses cls tys -- Superclasses of (cls tys),
+ -- excluding (cls tys) itself
+ = concatMap trans_sc (immSuperClasses cls tys)
+ where
+ trans_sc :: PredType -> [PredType]
+ -- (trans_sc p) returns (p : p's superclasses)
+ trans_sc p = case classifyPredType p of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> p : transSuperClasses cls tys
+ TuplePred ps -> concatMap trans_sc ps
+ _ -> [p]
immSuperClasses :: Class -> [Type] -> [PredType]
immSuperClasses cls tys
= substTheta (zipTopTvSubst tyvars tys) sc_theta
- where (tyvars,sc_theta,_,_) = classBigSig cls
+ where
+ (tyvars,sc_theta,_,_) = classBigSig cls
diff --git a/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs b/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
index 44854fdf94..0717b0150f 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ module Coercion (
-- ** Functions over coercions
- coVarKind, coVarKind_maybe,
- coercionType, coercionKind, coercionKinds, isReflCo,
+ coVarKind,
+ coercionType, coercionKind, coercionKinds, isReflCo, liftedCoercionKind,
-- ** Constructing coercions
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module Coercion (
-- ** Coercion variables
- mkCoVar, isCoVar, isCoVarType, coVarName, setCoVarName, setCoVarUnique,
+ mkCoVar, isCoVar, isCoVarType, isLCoVar, coVarName, setCoVarName, setCoVarUnique,
-- ** Free variables
tyCoVarsOfCo, tyCoVarsOfCos, coVarsOfCo, coercionSize,
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import BasicTypes
import Outputable
import Unique
import Pair
-import PrelNames ( funTyConKey, eqPrimTyConKey )
+import PrelNames ( funTyConKey, eqPrimTyConKey, eqTyConKey )
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable (traverse, sequenceA)
import Control.Arrow (second)
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ data Coercion
| TyConAppCo TyCon [Coercion] -- lift TyConApp
-- The TyCon is never a synonym;
-- we expand synonyms eagerly
+ -- But it can be a type function
| AppCo Coercion Coercion -- lift AppTy
@@ -312,6 +313,14 @@ setCoVarName = setVarName
isCoVar :: Var -> Bool
isCoVar v = isCoVarType (varType v)
+isLCoVar :: Var -> Bool
+-- Is lifted coercion variable (only!)
+isLCoVar v
+ | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (varType v)
+ , tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey
+ = True
+ | otherwise = False
isCoVarType :: Type -> Bool
isCoVarType ty -- Tests for t1 ~# t2, the unboxed equality
| Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty = tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey
@@ -391,20 +400,16 @@ pprParendCo co = ppr_co TyConPrec co
ppr_co :: Prec -> Coercion -> SDoc
ppr_co _ (Refl ty) = angles (ppr ty)
-ppr_co p co@(TyConAppCo tc cos)
+ppr_co p co@(TyConAppCo tc [_,_])
| tc `hasKey` funTyConKey = ppr_fun_co p co
- | otherwise = pprTcApp p ppr_co tc cos
-ppr_co p (AppCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
- pprCo co1 <+> ppr_co TyConPrec co2
-ppr_co p co@(ForAllCo {}) = ppr_forall_co p co
-ppr_co _ (CoVarCo cv) = parenSymOcc (getOccName cv) (ppr cv)
+ppr_co p (TyConAppCo tc cos) = pprTcApp p ppr_co tc cos
+ppr_co p (AppCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
+ pprCo co1 <+> ppr_co TyConPrec co2
+ppr_co p co@(ForAllCo {}) = ppr_forall_co p co
+ppr_co _ (CoVarCo cv) = parenSymOcc (getOccName cv) (ppr cv)
ppr_co p (AxiomInstCo con cos) = pprTypeNameApp p ppr_co (getName con) cos
ppr_co p (TransCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p FunPrec $
ppr_co FunPrec co1
<+> ptext (sLit ";")
@@ -412,7 +417,8 @@ ppr_co p (TransCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p FunPrec $
ppr_co p (InstCo co ty) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
pprParendCo co <> ptext (sLit "@") <> pprType ty
-ppr_co p (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2) = pprPrefixApp p (ptext (sLit "UnsafeCo")) [pprParendType ty1, pprParendType ty2]
+ppr_co p (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2) = pprPrefixApp p (ptext (sLit "UnsafeCo"))
+ [pprParendType ty1, pprParendType ty2]
ppr_co p (SymCo co) = pprPrefixApp p (ptext (sLit "Sym")) [pprParendCo co]
ppr_co p (NthCo n co) = pprPrefixApp p (ptext (sLit "Nth:") <+> int n) [pprParendCo co]
@@ -423,6 +429,7 @@ angles p = char '<' <> p <> char '>'
ppr_fun_co :: Prec -> Coercion -> SDoc
ppr_fun_co p co = pprArrowChain p (split co)
+ split :: Coercion -> [SDoc]
split (TyConAppCo f [arg,res])
| f `hasKey` funTyConKey
= ppr_co FunPrec arg : split res
@@ -494,15 +501,19 @@ splitForAllCo_maybe _ = Nothing
-- and some coercion kind stuff
coVarKind :: CoVar -> (Type,Type)
--- c :: t1 ~ t2
-coVarKind cv = case coVarKind_maybe cv of
- Just ts -> ts
- Nothing -> pprPanic "coVarKind" (ppr cv $$ ppr (tyVarKind cv))
+coVarKind cv
+ | Just (tc, [_kind,ty1,ty2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (varType cv)
+ = ASSERT (tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey)
+ (ty1,ty2)
+ | otherwise = panic "coVarKind, non coercion variable"
+liftedCoVarKind :: EqVar -> (Type,Type)
+liftedCoVarKind cv
+ | Just (tc, [_kind,ty1,ty2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (varType cv)
+ = ASSERT (tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey)
+ (ty1,ty2)
+ | otherwise = panic "liftedCoVarKind, non coercion variable"
-coVarKind_maybe :: CoVar -> Maybe (Type,Type)
-coVarKind_maybe cv = case splitTyConApp_maybe (varType cv) of
- Just (tc, [_, ty1, ty2]) | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey -> Just (ty1, ty2)
- _ -> Nothing
-- | Makes a coercion type from two types: the types whose equality
-- is proven by the relevant 'Coercion'
@@ -526,6 +537,7 @@ isReflCo_maybe _ = Nothing
mkCoVarCo :: CoVar -> Coercion
+-- cv :: s ~# t
mkCoVarCo cv
| ty1 `eqType` ty2 = Refl ty1
| otherwise = CoVarCo cv
@@ -533,6 +545,7 @@ mkCoVarCo cv
(ty1, ty2) = ASSERT( isCoVar cv ) coVarKind cv
mkEqVarLCo :: EqVar -> LCoercion
+-- ipv :: s ~ t (the boxed equality type)
mkEqVarLCo ipv
| ty1 `eqType` ty2 = Refl ty1
| otherwise = CoVarCo ipv
@@ -1077,22 +1090,32 @@ coercionType co = case coercionKind co of
-- > c :: (t1 ~ t2)
-- i.e. the kind of @c@ relates @t1@ and @t2@, then @coercionKind c = Pair t1 t2@.
-coercionKind :: Coercion -> Pair Type
-coercionKind (Refl ty) = Pair ty ty
-coercionKind (TyConAppCo tc cos) = mkTyConApp tc <$> (sequenceA $ map coercionKind cos)
-coercionKind (AppCo co1 co2) = mkAppTy <$> coercionKind co1 <*> coercionKind co2
-coercionKind (ForAllCo tv co) = mkForAllTy tv <$> coercionKind co
-coercionKind (CoVarCo cv) = ASSERT( isCoVar cv ) toPair $ coVarKind cv
-coercionKind (AxiomInstCo ax cos) = let Pair tys1 tys2 = coercionKinds cos
- in Pair (substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys1 (co_ax_lhs ax))
- (substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys2 (co_ax_rhs ax))
-coercionKind (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2) = Pair ty1 ty2
-coercionKind (SymCo co) = swap $ coercionKind co
-coercionKind (TransCo co1 co2) = Pair (pFst $ coercionKind co1) (pSnd $ coercionKind co2)
-coercionKind (NthCo d co) = getNth d <$> coercionKind co
-coercionKind co@(InstCo aco ty) | Just ks <- splitForAllTy_maybe `traverse` coercionKind aco
- = (\(tv, body) -> substTyWith [tv] [ty] body) <$> ks
- | otherwise = pprPanic "coercionKind" (ppr co)
+liftedCoercionKind :: LCoercion -> Pair Type
+liftedCoercionKind = coercion_kind liftedCoVarKind
+coercionKind :: Coercion -> Pair Type
+coercionKind = coercion_kind coVarKind
+coercion_kind :: (CoVar -> (Type,Type)) -> Coercion -> Pair Type
+-- Works for Coercions and LCoercions but you have to pass in what to do
+-- at the (unlifted or lifted) coercion variable.
+coercion_kind f co = go co
+ where go (Refl ty) = Pair ty ty
+ go (TyConAppCo tc cos) = mkTyConApp tc <$> (sequenceA $ map go cos)
+ go (AppCo co1 co2) = mkAppTy <$> go co1 <*> go co2
+ go (ForAllCo tv co) = mkForAllTy tv <$> go co
+ go (CoVarCo cv) = toPair $ f cv
+ go (AxiomInstCo ax cos) = let Pair tys1 tys2 = (sequenceA $ map go cos)
+ in Pair (substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys1 (co_ax_lhs ax))
+ (substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys2 (co_ax_rhs ax))
+ go (UnsafeCo ty1 ty2) = Pair ty1 ty2
+ go (SymCo co) = swap $ go co
+ go (TransCo co1 co2) = Pair (pFst $ go co1) (pSnd $ go co2)
+ go (NthCo d co) = getNth d <$> go co
+ go co@(InstCo aco ty) | Just ks <- splitForAllTy_maybe `traverse` go aco
+ = (\(tv, body) -> substTyWith [tv] [ty] body) <$> ks
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "coercionKind" (ppr co)
-- | Apply 'coercionKind' to multiple 'Coercion's
coercionKinds :: [Coercion] -> Pair [Type]
diff --git a/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs b/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
index 03b4b0a55e..70eabb441a 100644
--- a/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ oclose preds fixed_tvs
classesOfPredTy :: PredType -> [(Class, [Type])]
- classesOfPredTy = go . predTypePredTree
- where
- go (ClassPred cls tys) = [(cls, tys)]
- go (TuplePred ts) = concatMap go ts
- go _ = []
+ classesOfPredTy pred
+ = case classifyPredType pred of
+ ClassPred cls tys -> [(cls, tys)]
+ TuplePred ts -> concatMap classesOfPredTy ts
+ _ -> []
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index 0557ab60bd..cb253d82fc 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Type (
-- Deconstructing predicate types
- PredTree(..), predTreePredType, predTypePredTree,
+ PredTree(..), predTreePredType, classifyPredType,
getClassPredTys, getClassPredTys_maybe,
getEqPredTys, getEqPredTys_maybe,
@@ -881,18 +881,18 @@ Decomposing PredType
data PredTree = ClassPred Class [Type]
| EqPred Type Type
| IPPred (IPName Name) Type
- | TuplePred [PredTree]
+ | TuplePred [PredType]
| IrredPred PredType
predTreePredType :: PredTree -> PredType
predTreePredType (ClassPred clas tys) = mkClassPred clas tys
predTreePredType (EqPred ty1 ty2) = mkEqPred (ty1, ty2)
predTreePredType (IPPred ip ty) = mkIPPred ip ty
-predTreePredType (TuplePred tys) = mkBoxedTupleTy (map predTreePredType tys)
+predTreePredType (TuplePred tys) = mkBoxedTupleTy tys
predTreePredType (IrredPred ty) = ty
-predTypePredTree :: PredType -> PredTree
-predTypePredTree ev_ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ev_ty of
+classifyPredType :: PredType -> PredTree
+classifyPredType ev_ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ev_ty of
Just (tc, tys) | Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tc
-> ClassPred clas tys
Just (tc, tys) | tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ predTypePredTree ev_ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ev_ty of
, let [ty] = tys
-> IPPred ip ty
Just (tc, tys) | isTupleTyCon tc
- -> TuplePred (map predTypePredTree tys)
+ -> TuplePred tys
_ -> IrredPred ev_ty
diff --git a/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs b/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
index ced5e961d7..ea95c606ae 100644
--- a/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ | %
% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
@@ -477,16 +477,15 @@ pprParendKind = pprParendType
pprEqPred :: Pair Type -> SDoc
-pprEqPred = ppr_eq_pred ppr_type
-ppr_eq_pred :: (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> Pair a -> SDoc
-ppr_eq_pred pp (Pair ty1 ty2) = sep [ pp FunPrec ty1
- , nest 2 (ptext (sLit "~"))
- , pp FunPrec ty2]
- -- Precedence looks like (->) so that we get
- -- Maybe a ~ Bool
- -- (a->a) ~ Bool
- -- Note parens on the latter!
+-- NB: Maybe move to Coercion? It's only called after coercionKind anyway.
+pprEqPred (Pair ty1 ty2)
+ = sep [ ppr_type FunPrec ty1
+ , nest 2 (ptext (sLit "~#"))
+ , ppr_type FunPrec ty2]
+ -- Precedence looks like (->) so that we get
+ -- Maybe a ~ Bool
+ -- (a->a) ~ Bool
+ -- Note parens on the latter!
pprClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
index 18191ca732..977815f51f 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ buildToArrPRepr vect_tc prepr_tc pdata_tc r
return . Lam arg
$ mkWildCase scrut (mkTyConApp pdata_tc ty_args) res_ty
- [(DataAlt pdata_dc, vars, mkCoerce co result)]
+ [(DataAlt pdata_dc, vars, mkCast result co)]
ty_args = mkTyVarTys $ tyConTyVars vect_tc
el_ty = mkTyConApp vect_tc ty_args
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ buildFromArrPRepr vect_tc prepr_tc pdata_tc r
co = mkAppCo pdata_co
$ mkAxInstCo repr_co var_tys
- scrut = mkCoerce co (Var arg)
+ scrut = mkCast (Var arg) co
mk_result args = wrapFamInstBody pdata_tc var_tys
$ mkConApp pdata_con
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
index 836a363b78..5a38ecd557 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ prDictOfPReprInstTyCon ty prepr_tc prepr_args
let co = mkAppCo pr_co
$ mkSymCo
$ mkAxInstCo arg_co prepr_args
- return $ mkCoerce co dict
+ return $ mkCast dict co
| otherwise = cantVectorise "Invalid PRepr type instance" (ppr ty)