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authorEdward Z. Yang <>2014-09-25 02:39:12 -0700
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2014-09-25 02:39:12 -0700
commit46a5b7cc64c971102cd3b56e6a2d6e993bd8c576 (patch)
parent55e04cb9cb78951cbcc2a30cccb965124b1a283d (diff)
Detab DataCon
Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
index 771aa303a1..fa9e2e9a97 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
@@ -6,45 +6,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--- for details
module DataCon (
-- * Main data types
- DataCon, DataConRep(..), HsBang(..), StrictnessMark(..),
- ConTag,
- -- ** Type construction
- mkDataCon, fIRST_TAG,
- buildAlgTyCon,
- -- ** Type deconstruction
- dataConRepType, dataConSig, dataConFullSig,
- dataConName, dataConIdentity, dataConTag, dataConTyCon,
+ DataCon, DataConRep(..), HsBang(..), StrictnessMark(..),
+ ConTag,
+ -- ** Type construction
+ mkDataCon, fIRST_TAG,
+ buildAlgTyCon,
+ -- ** Type deconstruction
+ dataConRepType, dataConSig, dataConFullSig,
+ dataConName, dataConIdentity, dataConTag, dataConTyCon,
dataConOrigTyCon, dataConUserType,
- dataConUnivTyVars, dataConExTyVars, dataConAllTyVars,
- dataConEqSpec, eqSpecPreds, dataConTheta,
- dataConStupidTheta,
- dataConInstArgTys, dataConOrigArgTys, dataConOrigResTy,
- dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
- dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType,
- dataConStrictMarks,
- dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity, dataConRepRepArity,
- dataConIsInfix,
- dataConWorkId, dataConWrapId, dataConWrapId_maybe, dataConImplicitIds,
- dataConRepStrictness, dataConRepBangs, dataConBoxer,
- splitDataProductType_maybe,
+ dataConUnivTyVars, dataConExTyVars, dataConAllTyVars,
+ dataConEqSpec, eqSpecPreds, dataConTheta,
+ dataConStupidTheta,
+ dataConInstArgTys, dataConOrigArgTys, dataConOrigResTy,
+ dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
+ dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType,
+ dataConStrictMarks,
+ dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity, dataConRepRepArity,
+ dataConIsInfix,
+ dataConWorkId, dataConWrapId, dataConWrapId_maybe, dataConImplicitIds,
+ dataConRepStrictness, dataConRepBangs, dataConBoxer,
+ splitDataProductType_maybe,
- -- ** Predicates on DataCons
- isNullarySrcDataCon, isNullaryRepDataCon, isTupleDataCon, isUnboxedTupleCon,
- isVanillaDataCon, classDataCon, dataConCannotMatch,
+ -- ** Predicates on DataCons
+ isNullarySrcDataCon, isNullaryRepDataCon, isTupleDataCon, isUnboxedTupleCon,
+ isVanillaDataCon, classDataCon, dataConCannotMatch,
isBanged, isMarkedStrict, eqHsBang,
-- ** Promotion related functions
@@ -87,30 +81,30 @@ Data constructor representation
Consider the following Haskell data type declaration
- data T = T !Int ![Int]
+ data T = T !Int ![Int]
Using the strictness annotations, GHC will represent this as
- data T = T Int# [Int]
+ data T = T Int# [Int]
That is, the Int has been unboxed. Furthermore, the Haskell source construction
- T e1 e2
+ T e1 e2
is translated to
- case e1 of { I# x ->
- case e2 of { r ->
- T x r }}
+ case e1 of { I# x ->
+ case e2 of { r ->
+ T x r }}
That is, the first argument is unboxed, and the second is evaluated. Finally,
pattern matching is translated too:
- case e of { T a b -> ... }
+ case e of { T a b -> ... }
- case e of { T a' b -> let a = I# a' in ... }
+ case e of { T a' b -> let a = I# a' in ... }
To keep ourselves sane, we name the different versions of the data constructor
differently, as follows.
@@ -120,13 +114,13 @@ Note [Data Constructor Naming]
Each data constructor C has two, and possibly up to four, Names associated with it:
- OccName Name space Name of Notes
+ OccName Name space Name of Notes
- The "data con itself" C DataName DataCon In dom( GlobalRdrEnv )
- The "worker data con" C VarName Id The worker
- The "wrapper data con" $WC VarName Id The wrapper
+ The "data con itself" C DataName DataCon In dom( GlobalRdrEnv )
+ The "worker data con" C VarName Id The worker
+ The "wrapper data con" $WC VarName Id The wrapper
The "newtype coercion" :CoT TcClsName TyCon
EVERY data constructor (incl for newtypes) has the former two (the
data con itself, and its worker. But only some data constructors have a
wrapper (see Note [The need for a wrapper]).
@@ -146,272 +140,272 @@ The "worker Id", is the actual data constructor.
* For a *data* type, the worker *is* the data constructor;
it has no unfolding
-* For a *newtype*, the worker has a compulsory unfolding which
+* For a *newtype*, the worker has a compulsory unfolding which
does a cast, e.g.
- newtype T = MkT Int
- The worker for MkT has unfolding
- \\(x:Int). x `cast` sym CoT
+ newtype T = MkT Int
+ The worker for MkT has unfolding
+ \\(x:Int). x `cast` sym CoT
Here CoT is the type constructor, witnessing the FC axiom
- axiom CoT : T = Int
+ axiom CoT : T = Int
The "wrapper Id", \$WC, goes as follows
-* Its type is exactly what it looks like in the source program.
+* Its type is exactly what it looks like in the source program.
-* It is an ordinary function, and it gets a top-level binding
+* It is an ordinary function, and it gets a top-level binding
like any other function.
* The wrapper Id isn't generated for a data type if there is
nothing for the wrapper to do. That is, if its defn would be
- \$wC = C
+ \$wC = C
Note [The need for a wrapper]
Why might the wrapper have anything to do? Two reasons:
* Unboxing strict fields (with -funbox-strict-fields)
- data T = MkT !(Int,Int)
- \$wMkT :: (Int,Int) -> T
- \$wMkT (x,y) = MkT x y
- Notice that the worker has two fields where the wapper has
+ data T = MkT !(Int,Int)
+ \$wMkT :: (Int,Int) -> T
+ \$wMkT (x,y) = MkT x y
+ Notice that the worker has two fields where the wapper has
just one. That is, the worker has type
- MkT :: Int -> Int -> T
+ MkT :: Int -> Int -> T
* Equality constraints for GADTs
- data T a where { MkT :: a -> T [a] }
+ data T a where { MkT :: a -> T [a] }
The worker gets a type with explicit equality
constraints, thus:
- MkT :: forall a b. (a=[b]) => b -> T a
+ MkT :: forall a b. (a=[b]) => b -> T a
The wrapper has the programmer-specified type:
- \$wMkT :: a -> T [a]
- \$wMkT a x = MkT [a] a [a] x
+ \$wMkT :: a -> T [a]
+ \$wMkT a x = MkT [a] a [a] x
The third argument is a coerion
- [a] :: [a]~[a]
+ [a] :: [a]~[a]
INVARIANT: the dictionary constructor for a class
- never has a wrapper.
+ never has a wrapper.
A note about the stupid context
Data types can have a context:
- data (Eq a, Ord b) => T a b = T1 a b | T2 a
+ data (Eq a, Ord b) => T a b = T1 a b | T2 a
and that makes the constructors have a context too
(notice that T2's context is "thinned"):
- T1 :: (Eq a, Ord b) => a -> b -> T a b
- T2 :: (Eq a) => a -> T a b
+ T1 :: (Eq a, Ord b) => a -> b -> T a b
+ T2 :: (Eq a) => a -> T a b
Furthermore, this context pops up when pattern matching
(though GHC hasn't implemented this, but it is in H98, and
I've fixed GHC so that it now does):
- f (T2 x) = x
+ f (T2 x) = x
gets inferred type
- f :: Eq a => T a b -> a
+ f :: Eq a => T a b -> a
I say the context is "stupid" because the dictionaries passed
are immediately discarded -- they do nothing and have no benefit.
It's a flaw in the language.
- Up to now [March 2002] I have put this stupid context into the
- type of the "wrapper" constructors functions, T1 and T2, but
- that turned out to be jolly inconvenient for generics, and
- record update, and other functions that build values of type T
- (because they don't have suitable dictionaries available).
+ Up to now [March 2002] I have put this stupid context into the
+ type of the "wrapper" constructors functions, T1 and T2, but
+ that turned out to be jolly inconvenient for generics, and
+ record update, and other functions that build values of type T
+ (because they don't have suitable dictionaries available).
- So now I've taken the stupid context out. I simply deal with
- it separately in the type checker on occurrences of a
- constructor, either in an expression or in a pattern.
+ So now I've taken the stupid context out. I simply deal with
+ it separately in the type checker on occurrences of a
+ constructor, either in an expression or in a pattern.
- [May 2003: actually I think this decision could evasily be
- reversed now, and probably should be. Generics could be
- disabled for types with a stupid context; record updates now
- (H98) needs the context too; etc. It's an unforced change, so
- I'm leaving it for now --- but it does seem odd that the
- wrapper doesn't include the stupid context.]
+ [May 2003: actually I think this decision could evasily be
+ reversed now, and probably should be. Generics could be
+ disabled for types with a stupid context; record updates now
+ (H98) needs the context too; etc. It's an unforced change, so
+ I'm leaving it for now --- but it does seem odd that the
+ wrapper doesn't include the stupid context.]
[July 04] With the advent of generalised data types, it's less obvious
what the "stupid context" is. Consider
- C :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> T (Foo a)
+ C :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> T (Foo a)
Does the C constructor in Core contain the Ord dictionary? Yes, it must:
- f :: T b -> Ordering
- f = /\b. \x:T b.
- case x of
- C a (d:Ord a) (p:a) (q:a) -> compare d p q
+ f :: T b -> Ordering
+ f = /\b. \x:T b.
+ case x of
+ C a (d:Ord a) (p:a) (q:a) -> compare d p q
Note that (Foo a) might not be an instance of Ord.
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{Data constructors}
-%* *
+%* *
-- | A data constructor
data DataCon
= MkData {
- dcName :: Name, -- This is the name of the *source data con*
- -- (see "Note [Data Constructor Naming]" above)
- dcUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
- dcTag :: ConTag, -- ^ Tag, used for ordering 'DataCon's
- -- Running example:
- --
- -- *** As declared by the user
- -- data T a where
- -- MkT :: forall x y. (x~y,Ord x) => x -> y -> T (x,y)
- -- *** As represented internally
- -- data T a where
- -- MkT :: forall a. forall x y. (a~(x,y),x~y,Ord x) => x -> y -> T a
- --
- -- The next six fields express the type of the constructor, in pieces
- -- e.g.
- --
- -- dcUnivTyVars = [a]
- -- dcExTyVars = [x,y]
- -- dcEqSpec = [a~(x,y)]
- -- dcOtherTheta = [x~y, Ord x]
- -- dcOrigArgTys = [x,y]
- -- dcRepTyCon = T
- dcVanilla :: Bool, -- True <=> This is a vanilla Haskell 98 data constructor
- -- Its type is of form
- -- forall . t1 -> ... tm -> T
- -- No existentials, no coercions, nothing.
- -- That is: dcExTyVars = dcEqSpec = dcOtherTheta = []
- -- NB 1: newtypes always have a vanilla data con
- -- NB 2: a vanilla constructor can still be declared in GADT-style
- -- syntax, provided its type looks like the above.
- -- The declaration format is held in the TyCon (algTcGadtSyntax)
- dcUnivTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Universally-quantified type vars [a,b,c]
- -- INVARIANT: length matches arity of the dcRepTyCon
- --- result type of (rep) data con is exactly (T a b c)
- dcExTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Existentially-quantified type vars
- -- In general, the dcUnivTyVars are NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME AS THE TYVARS
- -- FOR THE PARENT TyCon. With GADTs the data con might not even have
- -- the same number of type variables.
- -- [This is a change (Oct05): previously, vanilla datacons guaranteed to
- -- have the same type variables as their parent TyCon, but that seems ugly.]
- -- INVARIANT: the UnivTyVars and ExTyVars all have distinct OccNames
- -- Reason: less confusing, and easier to generate IfaceSyn
- dcEqSpec :: [(TyVar,Type)], -- Equalities derived from the result type,
- -- _as written by the programmer_
- -- This field allows us to move conveniently between the two ways
- -- of representing a GADT constructor's type:
- -- MkT :: forall a b. (a ~ [b]) => b -> T a
- -- MkT :: forall b. b -> T [b]
- -- Each equality is of the form (a ~ ty), where 'a' is one of
- -- the universally quantified type variables
- -- The next two fields give the type context of the data constructor
- -- (aside from the GADT constraints,
- -- which are given by the dcExpSpec)
- -- In GADT form, this is *exactly* what the programmer writes, even if
- -- the context constrains only universally quantified variables
- -- MkT :: forall a b. (a ~ b, Ord b) => a -> T a b
- dcOtherTheta :: ThetaType, -- The other constraints in the data con's type
- -- other than those in the dcEqSpec
- dcStupidTheta :: ThetaType, -- The context of the data type declaration
- -- data Eq a => T a = ...
- -- or, rather, a "thinned" version thereof
- -- "Thinned", because the Report says
- -- to eliminate any constraints that don't mention
- -- tyvars free in the arg types for this constructor
- --
- -- INVARIANT: the free tyvars of dcStupidTheta are a subset of dcUnivTyVars
- -- Reason: dcStupidTeta is gotten by thinning the stupid theta from the tycon
- --
- -- "Stupid", because the dictionaries aren't used for anything.
- -- Indeed, [as of March 02] they are no longer in the type of
- -- the wrapper Id, because that makes it harder to use the wrap-id
- -- to rebuild values after record selection or in generics.
- dcOrigArgTys :: [Type], -- Original argument types
- -- (before unboxing and flattening of strict fields)
- dcOrigResTy :: Type, -- Original result type, as seen by the user
- -- NB: for a data instance, the original user result type may
- -- differ from the DataCon's representation TyCon. Example
- -- data instance T [a] where MkT :: a -> T [a]
- -- The OrigResTy is T [a], but the dcRepTyCon might be :T123
- -- Now the strictness annotations and field labels of the constructor
+ dcName :: Name, -- This is the name of the *source data con*
+ -- (see "Note [Data Constructor Naming]" above)
+ dcUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
+ dcTag :: ConTag, -- ^ Tag, used for ordering 'DataCon's
+ -- Running example:
+ --
+ -- *** As declared by the user
+ -- data T a where
+ -- MkT :: forall x y. (x~y,Ord x) => x -> y -> T (x,y)
+ -- *** As represented internally
+ -- data T a where
+ -- MkT :: forall a. forall x y. (a~(x,y),x~y,Ord x) => x -> y -> T a
+ --
+ -- The next six fields express the type of the constructor, in pieces
+ -- e.g.
+ --
+ -- dcUnivTyVars = [a]
+ -- dcExTyVars = [x,y]
+ -- dcEqSpec = [a~(x,y)]
+ -- dcOtherTheta = [x~y, Ord x]
+ -- dcOrigArgTys = [x,y]
+ -- dcRepTyCon = T
+ dcVanilla :: Bool, -- True <=> This is a vanilla Haskell 98 data constructor
+ -- Its type is of form
+ -- forall . t1 -> ... tm -> T
+ -- No existentials, no coercions, nothing.
+ -- That is: dcExTyVars = dcEqSpec = dcOtherTheta = []
+ -- NB 1: newtypes always have a vanilla data con
+ -- NB 2: a vanilla constructor can still be declared in GADT-style
+ -- syntax, provided its type looks like the above.
+ -- The declaration format is held in the TyCon (algTcGadtSyntax)
+ dcUnivTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Universally-quantified type vars [a,b,c]
+ -- INVARIANT: length matches arity of the dcRepTyCon
+ --- result type of (rep) data con is exactly (T a b c)
+ dcExTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Existentially-quantified type vars
+ -- In general, the dcUnivTyVars are NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME AS THE TYVARS
+ -- FOR THE PARENT TyCon. With GADTs the data con might not even have
+ -- the same number of type variables.
+ -- [This is a change (Oct05): previously, vanilla datacons guaranteed to
+ -- have the same type variables as their parent TyCon, but that seems ugly.]
+ -- INVARIANT: the UnivTyVars and ExTyVars all have distinct OccNames
+ -- Reason: less confusing, and easier to generate IfaceSyn
+ dcEqSpec :: [(TyVar,Type)], -- Equalities derived from the result type,
+ -- _as written by the programmer_
+ -- This field allows us to move conveniently between the two ways
+ -- of representing a GADT constructor's type:
+ -- MkT :: forall a b. (a ~ [b]) => b -> T a
+ -- MkT :: forall b. b -> T [b]
+ -- Each equality is of the form (a ~ ty), where 'a' is one of
+ -- the universally quantified type variables
+ -- The next two fields give the type context of the data constructor
+ -- (aside from the GADT constraints,
+ -- which are given by the dcExpSpec)
+ -- In GADT form, this is *exactly* what the programmer writes, even if
+ -- the context constrains only universally quantified variables
+ -- MkT :: forall a b. (a ~ b, Ord b) => a -> T a b
+ dcOtherTheta :: ThetaType, -- The other constraints in the data con's type
+ -- other than those in the dcEqSpec
+ dcStupidTheta :: ThetaType, -- The context of the data type declaration
+ -- data Eq a => T a = ...
+ -- or, rather, a "thinned" version thereof
+ -- "Thinned", because the Report says
+ -- to eliminate any constraints that don't mention
+ -- tyvars free in the arg types for this constructor
+ --
+ -- INVARIANT: the free tyvars of dcStupidTheta are a subset of dcUnivTyVars
+ -- Reason: dcStupidTeta is gotten by thinning the stupid theta from the tycon
+ --
+ -- "Stupid", because the dictionaries aren't used for anything.
+ -- Indeed, [as of March 02] they are no longer in the type of
+ -- the wrapper Id, because that makes it harder to use the wrap-id
+ -- to rebuild values after record selection or in generics.
+ dcOrigArgTys :: [Type], -- Original argument types
+ -- (before unboxing and flattening of strict fields)
+ dcOrigResTy :: Type, -- Original result type, as seen by the user
+ -- NB: for a data instance, the original user result type may
+ -- differ from the DataCon's representation TyCon. Example
+ -- data instance T [a] where MkT :: a -> T [a]
+ -- The OrigResTy is T [a], but the dcRepTyCon might be :T123
+ -- Now the strictness annotations and field labels of the constructor
-- See Note [Bangs on data constructor arguments]
- dcArgBangs :: [HsBang],
- -- Strictness annotations as decided by the compiler.
- -- Matches 1-1 with dcOrigArgTys
- -- Hence length = dataConSourceArity dataCon
- dcFields :: [FieldLabel],
- -- Field labels for this constructor, in the
- -- same order as the dcOrigArgTys;
- -- length = 0 (if not a record) or dataConSourceArity.
- -- The curried worker function that corresponds to the constructor:
- -- It doesn't have an unfolding; the code generator saturates these Ids
- -- and allocates a real constructor when it finds one.
- dcWorkId :: Id,
- -- Constructor representation
+ dcArgBangs :: [HsBang],
+ -- Strictness annotations as decided by the compiler.
+ -- Matches 1-1 with dcOrigArgTys
+ -- Hence length = dataConSourceArity dataCon
+ dcFields :: [FieldLabel],
+ -- Field labels for this constructor, in the
+ -- same order as the dcOrigArgTys;
+ -- length = 0 (if not a record) or dataConSourceArity.
+ -- The curried worker function that corresponds to the constructor:
+ -- It doesn't have an unfolding; the code generator saturates these Ids
+ -- and allocates a real constructor when it finds one.
+ dcWorkId :: Id,
+ -- Constructor representation
dcRep :: DataConRep,
-- Cached
dcRepArity :: Arity, -- == length dataConRepArgTys
dcSourceArity :: Arity, -- == length dcOrigArgTys
- -- Result type of constructor is T
- dcRepTyCon :: TyCon, -- Result tycon, T
+ -- Result type of constructor is T
+ dcRepTyCon :: TyCon, -- Result tycon, T
- dcRepType :: Type, -- Type of the constructor
- -- forall a x y. (a~(x,y), x~y, Ord x) =>
+ dcRepType :: Type, -- Type of the constructor
+ -- forall a x y. (a~(x,y), x~y, Ord x) =>
-- x -> y -> T a
- -- (this is *not* of the constructor wrapper Id:
- -- see Note [Data con representation] below)
- -- Notice that the existential type parameters come *second*.
- -- Reason: in a case expression we may find:
- -- case (e :: T t) of
+ -- (this is *not* of the constructor wrapper Id:
+ -- see Note [Data con representation] below)
+ -- Notice that the existential type parameters come *second*.
+ -- Reason: in a case expression we may find:
+ -- case (e :: T t) of
-- MkT x y co1 co2 (d:Ord x) (v:r) (w:F s) -> ...
- -- It's convenient to apply the rep-type of MkT to 't', to get
- -- forall x y. (t~(x,y), x~y, Ord x) => x -> y -> T t
- -- and use that to check the pattern. Mind you, this is really only
- -- used in CoreLint.
+ -- It's convenient to apply the rep-type of MkT to 't', to get
+ -- forall x y. (t~(x,y), x~y, Ord x) => x -> y -> T t
+ -- and use that to check the pattern. Mind you, this is really only
+ -- used in CoreLint.
- dcInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
- -- Used for Template Haskell and 'deriving' only
- -- The actual fixity is stored elsewhere
+ dcInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
+ -- Used for Template Haskell and 'deriving' only
+ -- The actual fixity is stored elsewhere
dcPromoted :: Maybe TyCon -- The promoted TyCon if this DataCon is promotable
-- See Note [Promoted data constructors] in TyCon
deriving Data.Typeable.Typeable
-data DataConRep
+data DataConRep
= NoDataConRep -- No wrapper
- | DCR { dcr_wrap_id :: Id -- Takes src args, unboxes/flattens,
+ | DCR { dcr_wrap_id :: Id -- Takes src args, unboxes/flattens,
-- and constructs the representation
, dcr_boxer :: DataConBoxer
- , dcr_arg_tys :: [Type] -- Final, representation argument types,
+ , dcr_arg_tys :: [Type] -- Final, representation argument types,
-- after unboxing and flattening,
-- and *including* all evidence args
, dcr_stricts :: [StrictnessMark] -- 1-1 with dcr_arg_tys
- -- See also Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.lhs
+ -- See also Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.lhs
, dcr_bangs :: [HsBang] -- The actual decisions made (including failures)
-- 1-1 with orig_arg_tys
@@ -420,7 +414,7 @@ data DataConRep
-- Algebraic data types always have a worker, and
-- may or may not have a wrapper, depending on whether
--- the wrapper does anything.
+-- the wrapper does anything.
-- Data types have a worker with no unfolding
-- Newtypes just have a worker, which has a compulsory unfolding (just a cast)
@@ -436,7 +430,7 @@ data DataConRep
-- but it also ensures that the wrapper is replaced
-- by the worker (because it *is* the worker)
-- even when there are no args. E.g. in
--- f (:) x
+-- f (:) x
-- the (:) *is* the worker.
-- This is really important in rule matching,
-- (We could match on the wrappers,
@@ -446,14 +440,14 @@ data DataConRep
-- HsBang describes what the *programmer* wrote
-- This info is retained in the DataCon.dcStrictMarks field
-data HsBang
+data HsBang
= HsUserBang -- The user's source-code request
(Maybe Bool) -- Just True {-# UNPACK #-}
-- Just False {-# NOUNPACK #-}
-- Nothing no pragma
Bool -- True <=> '!' specified
- | HsNoBang -- Lazy field
+ | HsNoBang -- Lazy field
-- HsUserBang Nothing False means the same as HsNoBang
| HsUnpack -- Definite commitment: this field is strict and unboxed
@@ -463,9 +457,9 @@ data HsBang
deriving (Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
--- StrictnessMark is internal only, used to indicate strictness
+-- StrictnessMark is internal only, used to indicate strictness
-- of the DataCon *worker* fields
-data StrictnessMark = MarkedStrict | NotMarkedStrict
+data StrictnessMark = MarkedStrict | NotMarkedStrict
Note [Data con representation]
@@ -473,17 +467,17 @@ Note [Data con representation]
The dcRepType field contains the type of the representation of a contructor
This may differ from the type of the contructor *Id* (built
by MkId.mkDataConId) for two reasons:
- a) the constructor Id may be overloaded, but the dictionary isn't stored
- e.g. data Eq a => T a = MkT a a
+ a) the constructor Id may be overloaded, but the dictionary isn't stored
+ e.g. data Eq a => T a = MkT a a
- b) the constructor may store an unboxed version of a strict field.
+ b) the constructor may store an unboxed version of a strict field.
Here's an example illustrating both:
- data Ord a => T a = MkT Int! a
+ data Ord a => T a = MkT Int! a
- T :: Ord a => Int -> a -> T a
+ T :: Ord a => Int -> a -> T a
but the rep type is
- Trep :: Int# -> a -> T a
+ Trep :: Int# -> a -> T a
Actually, the unboxed part isn't implemented yet!
Note [Bangs on data constructor arguments]
@@ -509,9 +503,9 @@ dcr_bangs field; we don't know what the user originally said.
-%* *
+%* *
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+%* *
@@ -521,9 +515,9 @@ instance Eq DataCon where
instance Ord DataCon where
a <= b = getUnique a <= getUnique b
- a < b = getUnique a < getUnique b
+ a < b = getUnique a < getUnique b
a >= b = getUnique a >= getUnique b
- a > b = getUnique a > getUnique b
+ a > b = getUnique a > getUnique b
compare a b = getUnique a `compare` getUnique b
instance Uniquable DataCon where
@@ -582,42 +576,42 @@ isMarkedStrict _ = True -- All others are strict
-%* *
+%* *
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+%* *
-- | Build a new data constructor
-mkDataCon :: Name
- -> Bool -- ^ Is the constructor declared infix?
- -> [HsBang] -- ^ Strictness annotations written in the source file
- -> [FieldLabel] -- ^ Field labels for the constructor, if it is a record,
- -- otherwise empty
- -> [TyVar] -- ^ Universally quantified type variables
- -> [TyVar] -- ^ Existentially quantified type variables
- -> [(TyVar,Type)] -- ^ GADT equalities
- -> ThetaType -- ^ Theta-type occuring before the arguments proper
- -> [Type] -- ^ Original argument types
- -> Type -- ^ Original result type
- -> TyCon -- ^ Representation type constructor
- -> ThetaType -- ^ The "stupid theta", context of the data declaration
- -- e.g. @data Eq a => T a ...@
+mkDataCon :: Name
+ -> Bool -- ^ Is the constructor declared infix?
+ -> [HsBang] -- ^ Strictness annotations written in the source file
+ -> [FieldLabel] -- ^ Field labels for the constructor, if it is a record,
+ -- otherwise empty
+ -> [TyVar] -- ^ Universally quantified type variables
+ -> [TyVar] -- ^ Existentially quantified type variables
+ -> [(TyVar,Type)] -- ^ GADT equalities
+ -> ThetaType -- ^ Theta-type occuring before the arguments proper
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Original argument types
+ -> Type -- ^ Original result type
+ -> TyCon -- ^ Representation type constructor
+ -> ThetaType -- ^ The "stupid theta", context of the data declaration
+ -- e.g. @data Eq a => T a ...@
-> Id -- ^ Worker Id
- -> DataConRep -- ^ Representation
- -> DataCon
+ -> DataConRep -- ^ Representation
+ -> DataCon
-- Can get the tag from the TyCon
mkDataCon name declared_infix
- arg_stricts -- Must match orig_arg_tys 1-1
- fields
- univ_tvs ex_tvs
- eq_spec theta
- orig_arg_tys orig_res_ty rep_tycon
- stupid_theta work_id rep
--- Warning: mkDataCon is not a good place to check invariants.
+ arg_stricts -- Must match orig_arg_tys 1-1
+ fields
+ univ_tvs ex_tvs
+ eq_spec theta
+ orig_arg_tys orig_res_ty rep_tycon
+ stupid_theta work_id rep
+-- Warning: mkDataCon is not a good place to check invariants.
-- If the programmer writes the wrong result type in the decl, thus:
--- data T a where { MkT :: S }
+-- data T a where { MkT :: S }
-- then it's possible that the univ_tvs may hit an assertion failure
-- if you pull on univ_tvs. This case is checked by checkValidDataCon,
-- so the error is detected properly... it's just that asaertions here
@@ -626,39 +620,39 @@ mkDataCon name declared_infix
= con
is_vanilla = null ex_tvs && null eq_spec && null theta
- con = MkData {dcName = name, dcUnique = nameUnique name,
- dcVanilla = is_vanilla, dcInfix = declared_infix,
- dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
- dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
- dcOtherTheta = theta,
- dcStupidTheta = stupid_theta,
- dcOrigArgTys = orig_arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = orig_res_ty,
- dcRepTyCon = rep_tycon,
- dcArgBangs = arg_stricts,
- dcFields = fields, dcTag = tag, dcRepType = rep_ty,
- dcWorkId = work_id,
- dcRep = rep,
+ con = MkData {dcName = name, dcUnique = nameUnique name,
+ dcVanilla = is_vanilla, dcInfix = declared_infix,
+ dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
+ dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
+ dcOtherTheta = theta,
+ dcStupidTheta = stupid_theta,
+ dcOrigArgTys = orig_arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = orig_res_ty,
+ dcRepTyCon = rep_tycon,
+ dcArgBangs = arg_stricts,
+ dcFields = fields, dcTag = tag, dcRepType = rep_ty,
+ dcWorkId = work_id,
+ dcRep = rep,
dcSourceArity = length orig_arg_tys,
dcRepArity = length rep_arg_tys,
dcPromoted = mb_promoted }
- -- The 'arg_stricts' passed to mkDataCon are simply those for the
- -- source-language arguments. We add extra ones for the
- -- dictionary arguments right here.
+ -- The 'arg_stricts' passed to mkDataCon are simply those for the
+ -- source-language arguments. We add extra ones for the
+ -- dictionary arguments right here.
tag = assoc "mkDataCon" (tyConDataCons rep_tycon `zip` [fIRST_TAG..]) con
rep_arg_tys = dataConRepArgTys con
- rep_ty = mkForAllTys univ_tvs $ mkForAllTys ex_tvs $
- mkFunTys rep_arg_tys $
- mkTyConApp rep_tycon (mkTyVarTys univ_tvs)
+ rep_ty = mkForAllTys univ_tvs $ mkForAllTys ex_tvs $
+ mkFunTys rep_arg_tys $
+ mkTyConApp rep_tycon (mkTyVarTys univ_tvs)
mb_promoted -- See Note [Promoted data constructors] in TyCon
| isJust (promotableTyCon_maybe rep_tycon)
-- The TyCon is promotable only if all its datacons
-- are, so the promoteType for prom_kind should succeed
= Just (mkPromotedDataCon con name (getUnique name) prom_kind roles)
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
prom_kind = promoteType (dataConUserType con)
roles = map (const Nominal) (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) ++
map (const Representational) orig_arg_tys
@@ -693,7 +687,7 @@ dataConTyCon = dcRepTyCon
-- constructor. In case of a data family instance, that will be the family
-- type constructor.
dataConOrigTyCon :: DataCon -> TyCon
-dataConOrigTyCon dc
+dataConOrigTyCon dc
| Just (tc, _) <- tyConFamInst_maybe (dcRepTyCon dc) = tc
| otherwise = dcRepTyCon dc
@@ -726,7 +720,7 @@ dataConEqSpec = dcEqSpec
-- | The *full* constraints on the constructor type
dataConTheta :: DataCon -> ThetaType
-dataConTheta (MkData { dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta })
+dataConTheta (MkData { dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta })
= eqSpecPreds eq_spec ++ theta
-- | Get the Id of the 'DataCon' worker: a function that is the "actual"
@@ -738,7 +732,7 @@ dataConWorkId dc = dcWorkId dc
-- | Get the Id of the 'DataCon' wrapper: a function that wraps the "actual"
-- constructor so it has the type visible in the source program: c.f. 'dataConWorkId'.
--- Returns Nothing if there is no wrapper, which occurs for an algebraic data constructor
+-- Returns Nothing if there is no wrapper, which occurs for an algebraic data constructor
-- and also for a newtype (whose constructor is inlined compulsorily)
dataConWrapId_maybe :: DataCon -> Maybe Id
dataConWrapId_maybe dc = case dcRep dc of
@@ -781,7 +775,7 @@ dataConStrictMarks = dcArgBangs
dataConSourceArity :: DataCon -> Arity
dataConSourceArity (MkData { dcSourceArity = arity }) = arity
--- | Gives the number of actual fields in the /representation/ of the
+-- | Gives the number of actual fields in the /representation/ of the
-- data constructor. This may be more than appear in the source code;
-- the extra ones are the existentially quantified dictionaries
dataConRepArity :: DataCon -> Arity
@@ -815,7 +809,7 @@ dataConRepBangs dc = case dcRep dc of
dataConBoxer :: DataCon -> Maybe DataConBoxer
dataConBoxer (MkData { dcRep = DCR { dcr_boxer = boxer } }) = Just boxer
-dataConBoxer _ = Nothing
+dataConBoxer _ = Nothing
-- | The \"signature\" of the 'DataCon' returns, in order:
@@ -828,9 +822,9 @@ dataConBoxer _ = Nothing
-- 4) The /original/ result type of the 'DataCon'
dataConSig :: DataCon -> ([TyVar], ThetaType, [Type], Type)
-dataConSig (MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
- dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta,
- dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = res_ty})
+dataConSig (MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
+ dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta,
+ dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = res_ty})
= (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs, eqSpecPreds eq_spec ++ theta, arg_tys, res_ty)
-- | The \"full signature\" of the 'DataCon' returns, in order:
@@ -843,15 +837,15 @@ dataConSig (MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
-- 4) The result of 'dataConDictTheta'
--- 5) The original argument types to the 'DataCon' (i.e. before
+-- 5) The original argument types to the 'DataCon' (i.e. before
-- any change of the representation of the type)
-- 6) The original result type of the 'DataCon'
-dataConFullSig :: DataCon
- -> ([TyVar], [TyVar], [(TyVar,Type)], ThetaType, [Type], Type)
-dataConFullSig (MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
- dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta,
- dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = res_ty})
+dataConFullSig :: DataCon
+ -> ([TyVar], [TyVar], [(TyVar,Type)], ThetaType, [Type], Type)
+dataConFullSig (MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcExTyVars = ex_tvs,
+ dcEqSpec = eq_spec, dcOtherTheta = theta,
+ dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys, dcOrigResTy = res_ty})
= (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, res_ty)
dataConOrigResTy :: DataCon -> Type
@@ -875,10 +869,10 @@ dataConUserType :: DataCon -> Type
-- NB: If the constructor is part of a data instance, the result type
-- mentions the family tycon, not the internal one.
-dataConUserType (MkData { dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
- dcExTyVars = ex_tvs, dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
- dcOtherTheta = theta, dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys,
- dcOrigResTy = res_ty })
+dataConUserType (MkData { dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
+ dcExTyVars = ex_tvs, dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
+ dcOtherTheta = theta, dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys,
+ dcOrigResTy = res_ty })
= mkForAllTys ((univ_tvs `minusList` map fst eq_spec) ++ ex_tvs) $
mkFunTys theta $
mkFunTys arg_tys $
@@ -888,13 +882,13 @@ dataConUserType (MkData { dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
-- NB: these INCLUDE any dictionary args
-- but EXCLUDE the data-declaration context, which is discarded
-- It's all post-flattening etc; this is a representation type
-dataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -- ^ A datacon with no existentials or equality constraints
- -- However, it can have a dcTheta (notably it can be a
- -- class dictionary, with superclasses)
- -> [Type] -- ^ Instantiated at these types
- -> [Type]
+dataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -- ^ A datacon with no existentials or equality constraints
+ -- However, it can have a dcTheta (notably it can be a
+ -- class dictionary, with superclasses)
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Instantiated at these types
+ -> [Type]
dataConInstArgTys dc@(MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
- dcExTyVars = ex_tvs}) inst_tys
+ dcExTyVars = ex_tvs}) inst_tys
= ASSERT2( length univ_tvs == length inst_tys
, ptext (sLit "dataConInstArgTys") <+> ppr dc $$ ppr univ_tvs $$ ppr inst_tys)
ASSERT2( null ex_tvs && null eq_spec, ppr dc )
@@ -902,16 +896,16 @@ dataConInstArgTys dc@(MkData {dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, dcEqSpec = eq_spec,
-- | Returns just the instantiated /value/ argument types of a 'DataCon',
-- (excluding dictionary args)
- :: DataCon -- Works for any DataCon
- -> [Type] -- Includes existential tyvar args, but NOT
- -- equality constraints or dicts
- -> [Type]
+ :: DataCon -- Works for any DataCon
+ -> [Type] -- Includes existential tyvar args, but NOT
+ -- equality constraints or dicts
+ -> [Type]
-- For vanilla datacons, it's all quite straightforward
-- But for the call in MatchCon, we really do want just the value args
dataConInstOrigArgTys dc@(MkData {dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys,
- dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
- dcExTyVars = ex_tvs}) inst_tys
+ dcUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
+ dcExTyVars = ex_tvs}) inst_tys
= ASSERT2( length tyvars == length inst_tys
, ptext (sLit "dataConInstOrigArgTys") <+> ppr dc $$ ppr tyvars $$ ppr inst_tys )
map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) arg_tys
@@ -925,13 +919,13 @@ dataConInstOrigArgTys dc@(MkData {dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys,
dataConOrigArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type]
dataConOrigArgTys dc = dcOrigArgTys dc
--- | Returns the arg types of the worker, including *all* evidence, after any
+-- | Returns the arg types of the worker, including *all* evidence, after any
-- flattening has been done and without substituting for any type variables
dataConRepArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type]
-dataConRepArgTys (MkData { dcRep = rep
+dataConRepArgTys (MkData { dcRep = rep
, dcEqSpec = eq_spec
, dcOtherTheta = theta
- , dcOrigArgTys = orig_arg_tys })
+ , dcOrigArgTys = orig_arg_tys })
= case rep of
NoDataConRep -> ASSERT( null eq_spec ) theta ++ orig_arg_tys
DCR { dcr_arg_tys = arg_tys } -> arg_tys
@@ -952,7 +946,7 @@ dataConIdentity dc = bytesFS (packageKeyFS (modulePackageKey mod)) ++
isTupleDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isTupleDataCon (MkData {dcRepTyCon = tc}) = isTupleTyCon tc
isUnboxedTupleCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isUnboxedTupleCon (MkData {dcRepTyCon = tc}) = isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
@@ -964,27 +958,27 @@ isVanillaDataCon dc = dcVanilla dc
classDataCon :: Class -> DataCon
classDataCon clas = case tyConDataCons (classTyCon clas) of
- (dict_constr:no_more) -> ASSERT( null no_more ) dict_constr
- [] -> panic "classDataCon"
+ (dict_constr:no_more) -> ASSERT( null no_more ) dict_constr
+ [] -> panic "classDataCon"
dataConCannotMatch :: [Type] -> DataCon -> Bool
--- Returns True iff the data con *definitely cannot* match a
--- scrutinee of type (T tys)
--- where T is the dcRepTyCon for the data con
+-- Returns True iff the data con *definitely cannot* match a
+-- scrutinee of type (T tys)
+-- where T is the dcRepTyCon for the data con
-- NB: look at *all* equality constraints, not only those
-- in dataConEqSpec; see Trac #5168
dataConCannotMatch tys con
- | null theta = False -- Common
- | all isTyVarTy tys = False -- Also common
+ | null theta = False -- Common
+ | all isTyVarTy tys = False -- Also common
| otherwise
= typesCantMatch [(Type.substTy subst ty1, Type.substTy subst ty2)
| (ty1, ty2) <- concatMap predEqs theta ]
dc_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars con
theta = dataConTheta con
- subst = ASSERT2( length dc_tvs == length tys, ppr con $$ ppr dc_tvs $$ ppr tys )
+ subst = ASSERT2( length dc_tvs == length tys, ppr con $$ ppr dc_tvs $$ ppr tys )
zipTopTvSubst dc_tvs tys
-- TODO: could gather equalities from superclasses too
@@ -995,36 +989,36 @@ dataConCannotMatch tys con
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Building an algebraic data type
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+%* *
buildAlgTyCon is here because it is called from TysWiredIn, which in turn
depends on DataCon, but not on BuildTyCl.
-buildAlgTyCon :: Name
+buildAlgTyCon :: Name
-> [TyVar] -- ^ Kind variables and type variables
-> [Role]
- -> Maybe CType
- -> ThetaType -- ^ Stupid theta
- -> AlgTyConRhs
- -> RecFlag
- -> Bool -- ^ True <=> this TyCon is promotable
- -> Bool -- ^ True <=> was declared in GADT syntax
+ -> Maybe CType
+ -> ThetaType -- ^ Stupid theta
+ -> AlgTyConRhs
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Bool -- ^ True <=> this TyCon is promotable
+ -> Bool -- ^ True <=> was declared in GADT syntax
-> TyConParent
- -> TyCon
+ -> TyCon
-buildAlgTyCon tc_name ktvs roles cType stupid_theta rhs
+buildAlgTyCon tc_name ktvs roles cType stupid_theta rhs
is_rec is_promotable gadt_syn parent
= tc
- where
+ where
kind = mkPiKinds ktvs liftedTypeKind
-- tc and mb_promoted_tc are mutually recursive
- tc = mkAlgTyCon tc_name kind ktvs roles cType stupid_theta
- rhs parent is_rec gadt_syn
+ tc = mkAlgTyCon tc_name kind ktvs roles cType stupid_theta
+ rhs parent is_rec gadt_syn
@@ -1066,11 +1060,11 @@ The transformation from type to kind is done by promoteType
* Ensure all foralls are at the top (no higher rank stuff)
* Ensure that all type constructors mentioned (Maybe and T
- in the example) are promotable; that is, they have kind
+ in the example) are promotable; that is, they have kind
* -> ... -> * -> *
--- | Promotes a type to a kind.
+-- | Promotes a type to a kind.
-- Assumes the argument satisfies 'isPromotableType'
promoteType :: Type -> Kind
promoteType ty
@@ -1083,23 +1077,23 @@ promoteType ty
go (TyConApp tc tys) | Just prom_tc <- promotableTyCon_maybe tc
= mkTyConApp prom_tc (map go tys)
go (FunTy arg res) = mkArrowKind (go arg) (go res)
- go (TyVarTy tv) | Just kv <- lookupVarEnv env tv
+ go (TyVarTy tv) | Just kv <- lookupVarEnv env tv
= TyVarTy kv
go _ = panic "promoteType" -- Argument did not satisfy isPromotableType
promoteKind :: Kind -> SuperKind
-- Promote the kind of a type constructor
--- from (* -> * -> *) to (BOX -> BOX -> BOX)
-promoteKind (TyConApp tc [])
+-- from (* -> * -> *) to (BOX -> BOX -> BOX)
+promoteKind (TyConApp tc [])
| tc `hasKey` liftedTypeKindTyConKey = superKind
promoteKind (FunTy arg res) = FunTy (promoteKind arg) (promoteKind res)
promoteKind k = pprPanic "promoteKind" (ppr k)
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\subsection{Splitting products}
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+%* *
@@ -1116,15 +1110,15 @@ promoteKind k = pprPanic "promoteKind" (ppr k)
-- Whether the type is a @data@ type or a @newtype@
- :: Type -- ^ A product type, perhaps
- -> Maybe (TyCon, -- The type constructor
- [Type], -- Type args of the tycon
- DataCon, -- The data constructor
- [Type]) -- Its /representation/ arg types
- -- Rejecing existentials is conservative. Maybe some things
- -- could be made to work with them, but I'm not going to sweat
- -- it through till someone finds it's important.
+ :: Type -- ^ A product type, perhaps
+ -> Maybe (TyCon, -- The type constructor
+ [Type], -- Type args of the tycon
+ DataCon, -- The data constructor
+ [Type]) -- Its /representation/ arg types
+ -- Rejecting existentials is conservative. Maybe some things
+ -- could be made to work with them, but I'm not going to sweat
+ -- it through till someone finds it's important.
splitDataProductType_maybe ty
| Just (tycon, ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty