path: root/compat
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2007-07-05 19:46:47 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2007-07-05 19:46:47 +0000
commite552cfc427d2734b9a9629f2ab1d22f493e775f6 (patch)
tree78cbfc20af8a703dd7d509b8c31145d80d163b5c /compat
parent33918805ffc2e2a6fc9ff74ae4ce55052151ba90 (diff)
FIX BUILD (with GHC 6.2.x): System.Directory.Internals is no more
Update functions in Compat.Directory from originals in System.Directory
Diffstat (limited to 'compat')
3 files changed, 50 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/compat/Compat/Directory.hs b/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
index e6e4cd4a2c..fcbe6db188 100644
--- a/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
+++ b/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Compat.Directory (
#include "../../includes/ghcconfig.h"
import System.Environment (getEnv)
-import System.Directory.Internals
+import System.FilePath
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 600
import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Control.Monad ( when )
@@ -99,33 +99,69 @@ copyFile fromFPath toFPath =
copyContents hFrom hTo buffer
+-- | Given an executable file name, searches for such file
+-- in the directories listed in system PATH. The returned value
+-- is the path to the found executable or Nothing if there isn't
+-- such executable. For example (findExecutable \"ghc\")
+-- gives you the path to GHC.
findExecutable :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-findExecutable binary = do
+findExecutable binary =
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ withCString binary $ \c_binary ->
+ withCString ('.':exeExtension) $ \c_ext ->
+ allocaBytes long_path_size $ \pOutPath ->
+ alloca $ \ppFilePart -> do
+ res <- c_SearchPath nullPtr c_binary c_ext (fromIntegral long_path_size) pOutPath ppFilePart
+ if res > 0 && res < fromIntegral long_path_size
+ then do fpath <- peekCString pOutPath
+ return (Just fpath)
+ else return Nothing
+foreign import stdcall unsafe "SearchPathA"
+ c_SearchPath :: CString
+ -> CString
+ -> CString
+ -> CInt
+ -> CString
+ -> Ptr CString
+ -> IO CInt
+ do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
- search (parseSearchPath path)
+ search (splitSearchPath path)
-#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
- fileName = binary `joinFileExt` "exe"
- fileName = binary
+ fileName = binary <.> exeExtension
search :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
search [] = return Nothing
search (d:ds) = do
- let path = d `joinFileName` fileName
- b <- doesFileExist path
- if b then return (Just path)
+ let path = d </> fileName
+ b <- doesFileExist path
+ if b then return (Just path)
else search ds
+-- ToDo: This should be determined via autoconf (AC_EXEEXT)
+-- | Extension for executable files
+-- (typically @\"\"@ on Unix and @\"exe\"@ on Windows or OS\/2)
+exeExtension :: String
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+exeExtension = "exe"
+exeExtension = ""
+-- | @'createDirectoryIfMissing' parents dir@ creates a new directory
+-- @dir@ if it doesn\'t exist. If the first argument is 'True'
+-- the function will also create all parent directories if they are missing.
createDirectoryIfMissing :: Bool -- ^ Create its parents too?
-> FilePath -- ^ The path to the directory you want to make
-> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing parents file = do
b <- doesDirectoryExist file
- case (b,parents, file) of
+ case (b,parents, file) of
(_, _, "") -> return ()
(True, _, _) -> return ()
- (_, True, _) -> mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing False) (tail (pathParents file))
+ (_, True, _) -> mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing False) $ mkParents file
(_, False, _) -> createDirectory file
+ where mkParents = scanl1 (</>) . splitDirectories . normalise
diff --git a/compat/Makefile b/compat/Makefile
index 4dc05f8da4..31d998e0f2 100644
--- a/compat/Makefile
+++ b/compat/Makefile
@@ -54,13 +54,6 @@ SRC_CC_OPTS += -D__GHC_PATCHLEVEL__=$(GhcPatchLevel)
EXCLUDED_SRCS += System/FilePath/Internal.hs
ifeq "$(ghc_ge_603)" "YES"
-# These modules are provided in GHC 6.3+
- System/Directory/Internals.hs
- -optdep--exclude-module=System.Directory.Internals
# GHC 6.3+ has Cabal, but we're replacing it:
SRC_HC_OPTS += -ignore-package Cabal
diff --git a/compat/System/Directory/Internals.hs b/compat/System/Directory/Internals.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 009b08d6f4..0000000000
--- a/compat/System/Directory/Internals.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
-#include "../../includes/ghcplatform.h"
-#include "directory/System/Directory/Internals.hs"
--- dummy comment