path: root/compiler/GHC/Cmm
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authorNorman Ramsey <>2022-03-18 15:46:53 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2022-05-20 05:32:32 -0400
commit0ccca94bc0110a2ee7f79382cb0e6831e79a3176 (patch)
treea1eb80d95d0fed80df62ddd911d6e7c19be61656 /compiler/GHC/Cmm
parent35bdab1cb97f0be0ebea7cc93b977759f51d976c (diff)
add dominator analysis of `CmmGraph`
This commit adds module `GHC.Cmm.Dominators`, which provides a wrapper around two existing algorithms in GHC: the Lengauer-Tarjan dominator analysis from the X86 back end and the reverse postorder ordering from the Cmm Dataflow framework. Issue #20726 proposes that we evaluate some alternatives for dominator analysis, but for the time being, the best path forward is simply to use the existing analysis on `CmmGraph`s. This commit addresses a bullet in #21200.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Cmm')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dominators.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dominators.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ca5bba134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dominators.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module GHC.Cmm.Dominators
+ (
+ -- * Dominator analysis and representation of results
+ DominatorSet(..)
+ , GraphWithDominators(..)
+ , RPNum
+ , graphWithDominators
+ -- * Utility functions on graphs or graphs-with-dominators
+ , graphMap
+ , gwdRPNumber
+ , gwdDominatorsOf
+ -- * Utility functions on dominator sets
+ , dominatorsMember
+ , intersectDominators
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Array.IArray
+import Data.Foldable()
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Dominators as LT
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable(Outputable(..), text, int, hcat, (<+>))
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+-- | =Dominator sets
+-- Node X dominates node Y if and only if every path from the entry to
+-- Y includes X. Node Y technically dominates itself, but it is
+-- never included in the *representation* of its dominator set.
+-- A dominator set is represented as a linked list in which each node
+-- points to its *immediate* dominator, which is its parent in the
+-- dominator tree. In many circumstances the immediate dominator
+-- will be the only dominator of interest.
+data DominatorSet = ImmediateDominator { ds_label :: Label
+ , ds_parent :: DominatorSet
+ }
+ | EntryNode
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable DominatorSet where
+ ppr EntryNode = text "entry"
+ ppr (ImmediateDominator l parent) = ppr l <+> text "->" <+> ppr parent
+-- | Reverse postorder number of a node in a CFG
+newtype RPNum = RPNum Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+-- in reverse postorder, nodes closer to the entry have smaller numbers
+instance Show RPNum where
+ show (RPNum i) = "RP" ++ show i
+instance Outputable RPNum where
+ ppr (RPNum i) = hcat [text "RP", int i]
+ -- using `(<>)` would conflict with Semigroup
+dominatorsMember :: Label -> DominatorSet -> Bool
+-- ^ Use to tell if the given label is in the given
+-- dominator set. Which is to say, does the bloc
+-- with with given label _properly_ and _non-vacuously_
+-- dominate the node whose dominator set this is?
+-- Takes linear time in the height of the dominator tree,
+-- but uses space efficiently.
+dominatorsMember lbl (ImmediateDominator l p) = l == lbl || dominatorsMember lbl p
+dominatorsMember _ EntryNode = False
+-- | Intersect two dominator sets to produce a third dominator set.
+-- This function takes time linear in the size of the sets.
+-- As such it is inefficient and should be used only for things
+-- like visualizations or linters.
+intersectDominators :: DominatorSet -> DominatorSet -> DominatorSet
+intersectDominators ds ds' = commonPrefix (revDoms ds []) (revDoms ds' []) EntryNode
+ where revDoms EntryNode prev = prev
+ revDoms (ImmediateDominator lbl doms) prev = revDoms doms (lbl:prev)
+ commonPrefix (a:as) (b:bs) doms
+ | a == b = commonPrefix as bs (ImmediateDominator a doms)
+ commonPrefix _ _ doms = doms
+-- | The result of dominator analysis. Also includes a reverse
+-- postorder numbering, which is needed for dominator analysis
+-- and for other (downstream) analyses.
+-- Invariant: Dominators, graph, and RP numberings include only *reachable* blocks.
+data GraphWithDominators node =
+ GraphWithDominators { gwd_graph :: GenCmmGraph node
+ , gwd_dominators :: LabelMap DominatorSet
+ , gwd_rpnumbering :: LabelMap RPNum
+ }
+-- | Call this function with a `CmmGraph` to get back the results of a
+-- dominator analysis of that graph (as well as a reverse postorder
+-- numbering). The result also includes the subgraph of the original
+-- graph that contains only the reachable blocks.
+graphWithDominators :: forall node .
+ (NonLocal node)
+ => GenCmmGraph node
+ -> GraphWithDominators node
+-- The implementation uses the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm from the x86
+-- back end.
+graphWithDominators g = GraphWithDominators (reachable rpblocks g) dmap rpmap
+ where rpblocks = revPostorderFrom (graphMap g) (g_entry g)
+ rplabels' = map entryLabel rpblocks
+ rplabels :: Array Int Label
+ rplabels = listArray bounds rplabels'
+ rpmap :: LabelMap RPNum
+ rpmap = mapFromList $ zipWith kvpair rpblocks [0..]
+ where kvpair block i = (entryLabel block, RPNum i)
+ labelIndex :: Label -> Int
+ labelIndex = flip (mapFindWithDefault undefined) imap
+ where imap :: LabelMap Int
+ imap = mapFromList $ zip rplabels' [0..]
+ blockIndex = labelIndex . entryLabel
+ bounds = (0, length rpblocks - 1)
+ ltGraph :: [Block node C C] -> LT.Graph
+ ltGraph [] = IM.empty
+ ltGraph (block:blocks) =
+ IM.insert
+ (blockIndex block)
+ (IS.fromList $ map labelIndex $ successors block)
+ (ltGraph blocks)
+ idom_array :: Array Int LT.Node
+ idom_array = array bounds $ LT.idom (0, ltGraph rpblocks)
+ domSet 0 = EntryNode
+ domSet i = ImmediateDominator (rplabels ! d) (doms ! d)
+ where d = idom_array ! i
+ doms = tabulate bounds domSet
+ dmap = mapFromList $ zipWith (\lbl i -> (lbl, domSet i)) rplabels' [0..]
+reachable :: NonLocal node => [Block node C C] -> GenCmmGraph node -> GenCmmGraph node
+reachable blocks g = g { g_graph = GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO }
+ where blockmap = mapFromList [(entryLabel b, b) | b <- blocks]
+-- | =Utility functions
+-- | Call `graphMap` to get the mapping from `Label` to `Block` that
+-- is embedded in every `CmmGraph`.
+graphMap :: GenCmmGraph n -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
+graphMap (CmmGraph { g_graph = GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO }) = blockmap
+-- | Use `gwdRPNumber` on the result of the dominator analysis to get
+-- a mapping from the `Label` of each reachable block to the reverse
+-- postorder number of that block.
+gwdRPNumber :: GraphWithDominators node -> Label -> RPNum
+gwdRPNumber g l = mapFindWithDefault unreachable l (gwd_rpnumbering g)
+-- | Use `gwdDominatorsOf` on the result of the dominator analysis to get
+-- a mapping from the `Label` of each reachable block to the dominator
+-- set (and the immediate dominator) of that block. The
+-- implementation is space-efficient: intersecting dominator
+-- sets share the representation of their intersection.
+gwdDominatorsOf :: GraphWithDominators node -> Label -> DominatorSet
+gwdDominatorsOf g lbl = mapFindWithDefault unreachable lbl (gwd_dominators g)
+-- | Turn a function into an array. Inspired by SML's `Array.tabulate`
+tabulate :: (Ix i) => (i, i) -> (i -> e) -> Array i e
+tabulate b f = listArray b $ map f $ range b
+unreachable :: a
+unreachable = panic "unreachable node in GraphWithDominators"