path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-02-22 15:05:20 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-02-24 20:55:25 -0500
commit1b1067d14b656bbbfa7c47f156ec2700c9751549 (patch)
tree32346e3c4c3f89117190b36364144d85dc260e05 /compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs
parent354e2787be08fb6d973de1a39e58080ff8e107f8 (diff)
Modules: CmmToAsm (#13009)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cacd19023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf (
+ dwarfGen
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Expr ( GlobalReg(..) )
+import Config ( cProjectName, cProjectVersion )
+import CoreSyn ( Tickish(..) )
+import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import Unique
+import UniqSupply
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Constants
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Types
+import Control.Arrow ( first )
+import Control.Monad ( mfilter )
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List ( sortBy )
+import Data.Ord ( comparing )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory )
+import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label as H
+import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections as H
+-- | Generate DWARF/debug information
+dwarfGen :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> UniqSupply -> [DebugBlock]
+ -> IO (SDoc, UniqSupply)
+dwarfGen _ _ us [] = return (empty, us)
+dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
+ -- Convert debug data structures to DWARF info records
+ -- We strip out block information when running with -g0 or -g1.
+ let procs = debugSplitProcs blocks
+ stripBlocks dbg
+ | debugLevel df < 2 = dbg { dblBlocks = [] }
+ | otherwise = dbg
+ compPath <- getCurrentDirectory
+ let lowLabel = dblCLabel $ head procs
+ highLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ dblCLabel $ last procs
+ dwarfUnit = DwarfCompileUnit
+ { dwChildren = map (procToDwarf df) (map stripBlocks procs)
+ , dwName = fromMaybe "" (ml_hs_file modLoc)
+ , dwCompDir = addTrailingPathSeparator compPath
+ , dwProducer = cProjectName ++ " " ++ cProjectVersion
+ , dwLowLabel = lowLabel
+ , dwHighLabel = highLabel
+ , dwLineLabel = dwarfLineLabel
+ }
+ -- Check whether we have any source code information, so we do not
+ -- end up writing a pointer to an empty .debug_line section
+ -- (dsymutil on Mac Os gets confused by this).
+ let haveSrcIn blk = isJust (dblSourceTick blk) && isJust (dblPosition blk)
+ || any haveSrcIn (dblBlocks blk)
+ haveSrc = any haveSrcIn procs
+ -- .debug_abbrev section: Declare the format we're using
+ let abbrevSct = pprAbbrevDecls haveSrc
+ -- .debug_info section: Information records on procedures and blocks
+ let -- unique to identify start and end compilation unit .debug_inf
+ (unitU, us') = takeUniqFromSupply us
+ infoSct = vcat [ ptext dwarfInfoLabel <> colon
+ , dwarfInfoSection
+ , compileUnitHeader unitU
+ , pprDwarfInfo haveSrc dwarfUnit
+ , compileUnitFooter unitU
+ ]
+ -- .debug_line section: Generated mainly by the assembler, but we
+ -- need to label it
+ let lineSct = dwarfLineSection $$
+ ptext dwarfLineLabel <> colon
+ -- .debug_frame section: Information about the layout of the GHC stack
+ let (framesU, us'') = takeUniqFromSupply us'
+ frameSct = dwarfFrameSection $$
+ ptext dwarfFrameLabel <> colon $$
+ pprDwarfFrame (debugFrame framesU procs)
+ -- .aranges section: Information about the bounds of compilation units
+ let aranges' | gopt Opt_SplitSections df = map mkDwarfARange procs
+ | otherwise = [DwarfARange lowLabel highLabel]
+ let aranges = dwarfARangesSection $$ pprDwarfARanges aranges' unitU
+ return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct $$ aranges, us'')
+-- | Build an address range entry for one proc.
+-- With split sections, each proc needs its own entry, since they may get
+-- scattered in the final binary. Without split sections, we could make a
+-- single arange based on the first/last proc.
+mkDwarfARange :: DebugBlock -> DwarfARange
+mkDwarfARange proc = DwarfARange start end
+ where
+ start = dblCLabel proc
+ end = mkAsmTempEndLabel start
+-- | Header for a compilation unit, establishing global format
+-- parameters
+compileUnitHeader :: Unique -> SDoc
+compileUnitHeader unitU = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ let cuLabel = mkAsmTempLabel unitU -- sits right before initialLength field
+ length = ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel cuLabel) <> char '-' <> ppr cuLabel
+ <> text "-4" -- length of initialLength field
+ in vcat [ ppr cuLabel <> colon
+ , text "\t.long " <> length -- compilation unit size
+ , pprHalf 3 -- DWARF version
+ , sectionOffset (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel) (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel)
+ -- abbrevs offset
+ , text "\t.byte " <> ppr (platformWordSizeInBytes plat) -- word size
+ ]
+-- | Compilation unit footer, mainly establishing size of debug sections
+compileUnitFooter :: Unique -> SDoc
+compileUnitFooter unitU =
+ let cuEndLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ mkAsmTempLabel unitU
+ in ppr cuEndLabel <> colon
+-- | Splits the blocks by procedures. In the result all nested blocks
+-- will come from the same procedure as the top-level block. See
+-- Note [Splitting DebugBlocks] for details.
+debugSplitProcs :: [DebugBlock] -> [DebugBlock]
+debugSplitProcs b = concat $ H.mapElems $ mergeMaps $ map (split Nothing) b
+ where mergeMaps = foldr (H.mapUnionWithKey (const (++))) H.mapEmpty
+ split :: Maybe DebugBlock -> DebugBlock -> H.LabelMap [DebugBlock]
+ split parent blk = H.mapInsert prc [blk'] nested
+ where prc = dblProcedure blk
+ blk' = blk { dblBlocks = own_blks
+ , dblParent = parent
+ }
+ own_blks = fromMaybe [] $ H.mapLookup prc nested
+ nested = mergeMaps $ map (split parent') $ dblBlocks blk
+ -- Figure out who should be the parent of nested blocks.
+ -- If @blk@ is optimized out then it isn't a good choice
+ -- and we just use its parent.
+ parent'
+ | Nothing <- dblPosition blk = parent
+ | otherwise = Just blk
+Note [Splitting DebugBlocks]
+DWARF requires that we break up the nested DebugBlocks produced from
+the C-- AST. For instance, we begin with tick trees containing nested procs.
+For example,
+ proc A [tick1, tick2]
+ block B [tick3]
+ proc C [tick4]
+when producing DWARF we need to procs (which are represented in DWARF as
+TAG_subprogram DIEs) to be top-level DIEs. debugSplitProcs is responsible for
+this transform, pulling out the nested procs into top-level procs.
+However, in doing this we need to be careful to preserve the parentage of the
+nested procs. This is the reason DebugBlocks carry the dblParent field, allowing
+us to reorganize the above tree as,
+ proc A [tick1, tick2]
+ block B [tick3]
+ proc C [tick4] parent=B
+Here we have annotated the new proc C with an attribute giving its original
+parent, B.
+-- | Generate DWARF info for a procedure debug block
+procToDwarf :: DynFlags -> DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo
+procToDwarf df prc
+ = DwarfSubprogram { dwChildren = map (blockToDwarf df) (dblBlocks prc)
+ , dwName = case dblSourceTick prc of
+ Just s@SourceNote{} -> sourceName s
+ _otherwise -> showSDocDump df $ ppr $ dblLabel prc
+ , dwLabel = dblCLabel prc
+ , dwParent = fmap mkAsmTempDieLabel
+ $ mfilter goodParent
+ $ fmap dblCLabel (dblParent prc)
+ }
+ where
+ goodParent a | a == dblCLabel prc = False
+ -- Omit parent if it would be self-referential
+ goodParent a | not (externallyVisibleCLabel a)
+ , debugLevel df < 2 = False
+ -- We strip block information when running -g0 or -g1, don't
+ -- refer to blocks in that case. Fixes #14894.
+ goodParent _ = True
+-- | Generate DWARF info for a block
+blockToDwarf :: DynFlags -> DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo
+blockToDwarf df blk
+ = DwarfBlock { dwChildren = concatMap (tickToDwarf df) (dblTicks blk)
+ ++ map (blockToDwarf df) (dblBlocks blk)
+ , dwLabel = dblCLabel blk
+ , dwMarker = marker
+ }
+ where
+ marker
+ | Just _ <- dblPosition blk = Just $ mkAsmTempLabel $ dblLabel blk
+ | otherwise = Nothing -- block was optimized out
+tickToDwarf :: DynFlags -> Tickish () -> [DwarfInfo]
+tickToDwarf _ (SourceNote ss _) = [DwarfSrcNote ss]
+tickToDwarf _ _ = []
+-- | Generates the data for the debug frame section, which encodes the
+-- desired stack unwind behaviour for the debugger
+debugFrame :: Unique -> [DebugBlock] -> DwarfFrame
+debugFrame u procs
+ = DwarfFrame { dwCieLabel = mkAsmTempLabel u
+ , dwCieInit = initUws
+ , dwCieProcs = map (procToFrame initUws) procs
+ }
+ where
+ initUws :: UnwindTable
+ initUws = Map.fromList [(Sp, Just (UwReg Sp 0))]
+-- | Generates unwind information for a procedure debug block
+procToFrame :: UnwindTable -> DebugBlock -> DwarfFrameProc
+procToFrame initUws blk
+ = DwarfFrameProc { dwFdeProc = dblCLabel blk
+ , dwFdeHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk
+ , dwFdeBlocks = map (uncurry blockToFrame)
+ (setHasInfo blockUws)
+ }
+ where blockUws :: [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])]
+ blockUws = map snd $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ flatten blk
+ flatten :: DebugBlock
+ -> [(Int, (DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint]))]
+ flatten b@DebugBlock{ dblPosition=pos, dblUnwind=uws, dblBlocks=blocks }
+ | Just p <- pos = (p, (b, uws')):nested
+ | otherwise = nested -- block was optimized out
+ where uws' = addDefaultUnwindings initUws uws
+ nested = concatMap flatten blocks
+ -- | If the current procedure has an info table, then we also say that
+ -- its first block has one to ensure that it gets the necessary -1
+ -- offset applied to its start address.
+ -- See Note [Info Offset] in Dwarf.Types.
+ setHasInfo :: [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])]
+ -> [(DebugBlock, [UnwindPoint])]
+ setHasInfo [] = []
+ setHasInfo (c0:cs) = first setIt c0 : cs
+ where
+ setIt child =
+ child { dblHasInfoTbl = dblHasInfoTbl child
+ || dblHasInfoTbl blk }
+blockToFrame :: DebugBlock -> [UnwindPoint] -> DwarfFrameBlock
+blockToFrame blk uws
+ = DwarfFrameBlock { dwFdeBlkHasInfo = dblHasInfoTbl blk
+ , dwFdeUnwind = uws
+ }
+addDefaultUnwindings :: UnwindTable -> [UnwindPoint] -> [UnwindPoint]
+addDefaultUnwindings tbl pts =
+ [ UnwindPoint lbl (tbl' `mappend` tbl)
+ -- mappend is left-biased
+ | UnwindPoint lbl tbl' <- pts
+ ]