path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
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authorMoritz Angermann <>2020-10-22 12:08:34 +0800
committerMarge Bot <>2020-11-26 16:00:32 -0500
commitbe5d74caab64abf9d986fc7290f62731db7e73e7 (patch)
tree7b1f374333ff0fb0449e9c6834c2a8210cfba7c5 /compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
parent2ed3e6c0f179c06828712832d1176519cdfa82a6 (diff)
[Sized Cmm] properly retain sizes.
This replaces all Word<N> = W<N># Word# and Int<N> = I<N># Int# with Word<N> = W<N># Word<N># and Int<N> = I<N># Int<N>#, thus providing us with properly sized primitives in the codegenerator instead of pretending they are all full machine words. This came up when implementing darwinpcs for arm64. The darwinpcs reqires us to pack function argugments in excess of registers on the stack. While most procedure call standards (pcs) assume arguments are just passed in 8 byte slots; and thus the caller does not know the exact signature to make the call, darwinpcs requires us to adhere to the prototype, and thus have the correct sizes. If we specify CInt in the FFI call, it should correspond to the C int, and not just be Word sized, when it's only half the size. This does change the expected output of T16402 but the new result is no less correct as it eliminates the narrowing (instead of the `and` as was previously done). Bumps the array, bytestring, text, and binary submodules. Co-Authored-By: Ben Gamari <> Metric Increase: T13701 T14697
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
index d1f722febd..0733369679 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
@@ -159,8 +159,14 @@ pprWordArray platform is_ro lbl ds
-- See Note [StgWord alignment]
, pprAlignment (wordWidth platform)
, text "= {" ]
- $$ nest 8 (commafy (pprStatics platform ds))
+ $$ nest 8 (commafy (staticLitsToWords platform $ toLits ds))
$$ text "};"
+ where
+ toLits :: [CmmStatic] -> [CmmLit]
+ toLits = map f
+ where
+ f (CmmStaticLit lit) = lit
+ f static = pprPanic "pprWordArray: Unexpected literal" (pprStatic platform static)
pprAlignment :: Width -> SDoc
pprAlignment words =
@@ -501,59 +507,69 @@ pprLit1 platform lit = case lit of
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Static data
-pprStatics :: Platform -> [CmmStatic] -> [SDoc]
-pprStatics platform = pprStatics'
+-- | Produce a list of word sized literals encoding the given list of 'CmmLit's.
+staticLitsToWords :: Platform -> [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+staticLitsToWords platform = go . foldMap decomposeMultiWord
- pprStatics' = \case
- [] -> []
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32) : rest)
- -- odd numbers of floats are padded to a word by mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding
- | wordWidth platform == W64, CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 W32) : rest' <- rest
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatToWord platform f) : pprStatics' rest'
- -- adjacent floats aren't padded but combined into a single word
- | wordWidth platform == W64, CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat g W32) : rest' <- rest
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatPairToWord platform f g) : pprStatics' rest'
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatToWord platform f) : pprStatics' rest
- | otherwise
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: float" (vcat (map ppr' rest))
- where ppr' (CmmStaticLit l) = ppr (cmmLitType platform l)
- ppr' _other = text "bad static!"
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W64) : rest)
- -> map (pprLit1 platform) (doubleToWords platform f) ++ pprStatics' rest
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W64) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) :
- CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) :
- CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) : rest)
- where r = i .&. 0xffffffff
- q = i `shiftR` 32
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W32) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W32) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W64
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 32) .|. b) W64) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 32) .|. a) W64) : rest)
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W16) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W16) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 16) .|. b) W32) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 16) .|. a) W32) : rest)
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt _ w) : _)
- | w /= wordWidth platform
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: cannot emit a non-word-sized static literal" (ppr w)
- (CmmStaticLit lit : rest)
- -> pprLit1 platform lit : pprStatics' rest
- (other : _)
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: other" (pprStatic platform other)
+ -- rem_bytes is how many bytes remain in the word we are currently filling.
+ -- accum is the word we are filling.
+ go :: [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+ go [] = []
+ go lits@(lit : _)
+ | Just _ <- isSubWordLit lit
+ = goSubWord wordWidthBytes 0 lits
+ go (lit : rest)
+ = pprLit1 platform lit : go rest
+ goSubWord :: Int -> Integer -> [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+ goSubWord rem_bytes accum (lit : rest)
+ | Just (bytes, w) <- isSubWordLit lit
+ , rem_bytes >= widthInBytes w
+ = let accum' =
+ case platformByteOrder platform of
+ BigEndian -> (accum `shiftL` widthInBits w) .|. bytes
+ LittleEndian -> (accum `shiftL` widthInBits w) .|. byteSwap w bytes
+ in goSubWord (rem_bytes - widthInBytes w) accum' rest
+ goSubWord rem_bytes accum rest
+ = pprWord (byteSwap (wordWidth platform) $ accum `shiftL` (8*rem_bytes)) : go rest
+ -- Decompose multi-word or floating-point literals into multiple
+ -- single-word (or smaller) literals.
+ decomposeMultiWord :: CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmFloat n W64)
+ -- This will produce a W64 integer, which will then be broken up further
+ -- on the next iteration on 32-bit platforms.
+ = [doubleToWord64 n]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmFloat n W32)
+ = [floatToWord32 n]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmInt n W64)
+ | W32 <- wordWidth platform
+ = [CmmInt hi W32, CmmInt lo W32]
+ where
+ hi = n `shiftR` 32
+ lo = n .&. 0xffffffff
+ decomposeMultiWord lit = [lit]
+ -- Decompose a sub-word-sized literal into the integer value and its
+ -- (sub-word-sized) width.
+ isSubWordLit :: CmmLit -> Maybe (Integer, Width)
+ isSubWordLit lit =
+ case lit of
+ CmmInt n w
+ | w < wordWidth platform -> Just (n, w)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ wordWidthBytes = widthInBytes $ wordWidth platform
+ pprWord :: Integer -> SDoc
+ pprWord n = pprHexVal platform n (wordWidth platform)
+byteSwap :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+byteSwap width n = foldl' f 0 bytes
+ where
+ f acc m = (acc `shiftL` 8) .|. m
+ bytes = [ byte i | i <- [0..widthInBytes width - 1] ]
+ byte i = (n `shiftR` (i*8)) .&. 0xff
pprStatic :: Platform -> CmmStatic -> SDoc
pprStatic platform s = case s of
@@ -1252,69 +1268,30 @@ pprStringInCStyle s = doubleQuotes (text (concatMap charToC (BS.unpack s)))
-- This is a hack to turn the floating point numbers into ints that we
-- can safely initialise to static locations.
-castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32)
-castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray
-castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64)
-castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray
-floatToWord :: Platform -> Rational -> CmmLit
-floatToWord platform r
- = runST (do
+floatToWord32 :: Rational -> CmmLit
+floatToWord32 r
+ = runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
w32 <- readArray arr' 0
- return (CmmInt (toInteger w32 `shiftL` wo) (wordWidth platform))
- )
- where wo | wordWidth platform == W64
- , BigEndian <- platformByteOrder platform
- = 32
- | otherwise
- = 0
-floatPairToWord :: Platform -> Rational -> Rational -> CmmLit
-floatPairToWord platform r1 r2
- = runST (do
- arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
- writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r1)
- writeArray arr 1 (fromRational r2)
- arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
- w32_1 <- readArray arr' 0
- w32_2 <- readArray arr' 1
- return (pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2)
- )
- where pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2
- | BigEndian <- platformByteOrder platform =
- CmmInt ((shiftL i1 32) .|. i2) W64
- | otherwise =
- CmmInt ((shiftL i2 32) .|. i1) W64
- where i1 = toInteger w32_1
- i2 = toInteger w32_2
-doubleToWords :: Platform -> Rational -> [CmmLit]
-doubleToWords platform r
- = runST (do
+ return (CmmInt (toInteger w32) W32)
+ where
+ castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32)
+ castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray
+doubleToWord64 :: Rational -> CmmLit
+doubleToWord64 r
+ = runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castDoubleToWord64Array arr
w64 <- readArray arr' 0
- return (pprWord64 w64)
- )
- where targetWidth = wordWidth platform
- pprWord64 w64
- | targetWidth == W64 =
- [ CmmInt (toInteger w64) targetWidth ]
- | targetWidth == W32 =
- [ CmmInt (toInteger targetW1) targetWidth
- , CmmInt (toInteger targetW2) targetWidth
- ]
- | otherwise = panic "doubleToWords.pprWord64"
- where (targetW1, targetW2) = case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> (wHi, wLo)
- LittleEndian -> (wLo, wHi)
- wHi = w64 `shiftR` 32
- wLo = w64 .&. 0xFFFFffff
+ return $ CmmInt (toInteger w64) W64
+ where
+ castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64)
+ castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Utils